onsdag 10. februar 2016

Og enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Last chance to join "Exercise Champion hosting"
Erik Ribsskog     Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:25 AM
To: juridisk
Cc: team@tilt-mail.com

dette er trakassering som følge av ID-tyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om ID-tyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tilt
Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Last chance to join "Exercise Champion hosting"
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

    Exercise Champion hosting ends in the next 24 hours. Join Terje Pedersen and the 5 others who have already chipped in before it's too late.

Check it out

Tilt is the easiest way to collect money from a group for FREE. Invite your friends to chip in, track who has paid, and make something happen without having to front the cost yourself.

To stop receiving invitations from Terje Pedersen
for "Exercise Champion hosting", you can easily opt out here.

Tilt.com, Inc. 370 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94107