torsdag 20. oktober 2016

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Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: How to Survive on Mars - we start on Monday (24 October)
Erik Ribsskog     Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:53 AM
To: juridisk

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Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FutureLearn
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 11:00 AM
Subject: How to Survive on Mars - we start on Monday (24 October)


Hello Erik Monica,

With less than a week to go, we look forward to welcoming you to How to Survive on Mars: the Science Behind the Human Exploration of Mars, which starts on Monday 24 October.
What can you do before the course starts?

It’s not necessary to do any pre-reading for the course, but in the first week we’ll be asking you to start planning how you might survive in a harsh Martian environment, and then explore ways of extracting water on Mars.

We’ve written a blog post for FutureLearn titled ‘Is getting to Mars in 10 years possible?’, where we discuss some of the challenges faced by entrepreneur Elon Musk in making his vision of travelling to Mars in the next 10 years a reality. If you can, please take some time to read what we’ve written.

If you haven’t already done so, consider introducing yourself to other learners in the Welcome area. While you’re there, you might also like to share your thoughts on how you might survive on Mars or let us know what you think of our blog post.
Follow the course mentors

The course mentors are Kate Henkel and Ish Kumar. Consider following them to make sure you’re aware of the comments they make throughout the course. You can follow them by selecting the links to their FutureLearn profile pages and then selecting Follow.
Get ready for online study

Studying online offers you flexibility in terms of where and when you study, and the opportunity to interact with learners from around the world. However, being a successful online learner does require its own set of skills. Here at Monash we’ve developed a skills self-assessment questionnaire that will take you ten minutes to complete. It encourages you to reflect on the skills and strategies you will need to develop to get the most out of How to Survive on Mars, and includes a list of useful resources to help you build your skills and confidence in learning online.
Join the conversation

There will be plenty of opportunity to interact with other learners throughout the course, but in the meantime, consider following @FLSurviveMars on Twitter and use the hashtag #FLSurviveMars to stay informed of related news and events, and to keep in touch with other learners.

We look forward to meeting you next week.

Best wishes,

Tina Overton and Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway
Lead Educators for How to Survive on Mars: the Science Behind the Human Exploration of Mars
Monash University


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