fredag 2. juni 2017

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Erik Ribsskog

Regarding your Complaint to The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (Our Ref:- C2013179) PHSO:0578000138

Erik Ribsskog 2. juni 2017 kl. 22:44

Til: Armstrong Stephen
Kopi: Angela , Rosemary , Andre ,, "" , Phso Enquiries


jeg har ikke bedt om å diskutere dette, på telefon.

Jeg har vært aktiv, på debattforum, som VGD, så jeg vet, hva et tema er.

Og her har dere bare vært usaklige, og begynte å avspore dette, ved å 'bable', om mitt telefonnummer, osv.

Jeg har også bedt dere, om å eskalere dette, til en overordnet.

Det 'driter' dere i, og durer videre, med tullet deres.

Dette må jeg klage på.

Er det for mye forlangt, å be om, at en overordnet ser på dette.

Det synes jeg isåfall, at høres rart ut.

Erik Ribsskog


Det gir ikke noe mening, at dette, er noe, med the Legal Ombudsman.

Financial Ombudsman ble opprettet av det britiske parlamentet, (har jeg lest, på deres nettsted), og at man da sender om dette, til det samme parlamentet sin ombudsmann, (the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman).

Det er vel da, som noe normalt, vil jeg si, (at det virker som).

Så dette vil jeg også ha en kommentar om, fra den nevnte overordnede.

PS 2.

Det ser kanskje dumt ut, at jeg skriver til dere, i England, på norsk.

Men det var the Financial Ombudsbudman Service, som bare begynte, å skrive til meg, på norsk, (som svar på en e-post på engelsk, som jeg sendte de), forleden dag.

Så dere savner visst vikingtida, 'borti der', som jeg skrev til de.

Lykke til videre med norsk-kurs, osv.

2017-06-02 12:23 GMT+02:00 Armstrong Stephen <>:
Good Morning,

Please accept my apology for any confusion. We are happy to discuss this matter through email. We do not require a telephone number, simply that we would be happy to discuss this with you in any way you prefer.

Our response was in relation to your email regarding The Financial Ombudsman, which is not covered by our remit, this would be a matter for the Legal Ombudsman, who can be contacted at

Should you wish to raise an issue with my decision, or our contact please email us at   

Should you require any further advice, I would be happy to provide this by email.


Stephen Armstrong
Customer Service Officers
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
T: 0300 061 4555

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From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 01 June 2017 13:57
To: Armstrong Stephen <>
Cc: Wallis, Angela <>; Cox, Rosemary <>; Reyneke, Andre <>;; Phso Enquiries <>
Subject: Re: Regarding your Complaint to The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (Our Ref:- C2013179) PHSO:0578000138


dette er en avsporing, å hive inn, en telefonsamtale, i dette, mener jeg.

Det blir også som noe klamt.

Jeg mener at det er mitt privilegium, som borger, å velge, kommunikasjons-form.

Jeg har også lært, på handel og kontor, at om en borger skriver til staten, så skal staten svare borgeren, på samme vis, (altså om borgeren ringer så skal staten ringe, osv.).

Så dette blir som noe irriterende avsporing, synes jeg.

Vennligst eskaler til en linjeleder.

Erik Ribsskog

2017-06-01 12:28 GMT+02:00 Stephen Armstrong <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Your complaint about The Financial Ombudsman

Thank you for your complaint about Financial Ombudsman

I would have liked to have been able to discuss this with you. However, we currently have no telephone number for you.

Unfortunately we cannot look at your complaint, which means we will not be taking any further action.

Why are you unable to look at my complaint?
We only have the legal power to investigate complaints about certain organisations. We can investigate complaints about the NHS in England and certain government departments and other public organisations in the UK. As your complaint is not about an organisation that we can investigate, we are unable to help you.

What can I do next?
I am sorry that we could not help you this time. If you have any questions about our decision then please contact me using the details given in this letter. 

How we handle your information
Please note that we will keep all information about you and your complaint for one year after we have taken our last action on your case.  At that point, we will delete most of your information, except for your name, your address, the name of the organisations you complained about, what you complained about, and the outcome.

To find out more about what happens to the information you give us, please visit If you would like us to send you further details, please let us know. 

Help us improve our service
You can also give us feedback on our service or decision by talking to our Customer Care Team.  Please contact the Team on 0345 015 4033 and select option 3 or email us at   

Our independent research company may also invite you to take part in a survey to help us improve our services.  We survey people at different points throughout our process.  Any feedback you give within these surveys will remain completely confidential, and your responses would only be shared in an anonymous format, unless you tell us otherwise.

If you would prefer not to take part please call us on 0300 061 4222, or email

Yours sincerely

Stephen Armstrong
Customer Service Officer

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