søndag 25. oktober 2020

Og enda enda enda enda enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Klage/Fwd: Alhamdulillah, welcome :)

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 25. oktober 2020 kl. 13:17

Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>

Kopi: hello@quranacademy.io, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>


dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke

virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes


---------- Forwarded message ---------

Fra: Quran Academy <hello@quranacademy.io>

Date: fre. 25. sep. 2020 kl. 13:08

Subject: Alhamdulillah, welcome :)

To: Erik Lillepikk Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Salaam Alaykum Erik,

Alhamdulillah, you're now part of the Quran Academy community. Thank you for joining us!

We are so excited to have you with us, and we promise to do our best in delivering quality Quran memorization tools, resources and tips. 

To begin your Quran memorization journey, please explore below all the things you can enjoy with us.

Download our app: 'Quran Companion', the most fun, easy & social way to memorize the Quran for busy people.

Download the App Now. Click here!

Enjoy this free ebook to jumpstart your Quran memorization journey.

QURAN In Memory, In Heart, In Peace: 7 Essential Steps that Make Quran Memorization Easy & Meaningful in Your Daily Life

May your Qur'an memorization efforts be accepted and rewarded, InshaAllah

In this FREE ebook, you’ll learn:

STEP 1: Begin with the Heart

STEP 2: Build a Solid Mindset

STEP 3: Stay Motivated with the Right Goals

STEP 4: Inspire and Be Inspired

STEP 5: Design a Flexible Learning Environment

STEP 6: Stay on Track with Social Support

STEP 7: Arm Yourself with the Believer’s Most Powerful Weapon

Download my free ebook ›

If you need any additional support, just email us at hello@quranacademy.io.

Stay tuned for our weekly newsletter, and please tell your friends and family about Quran Academy if you find it beneficial :).

Jazakallah khairan!


The Quran Academy Team

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