søndag 4. oktober 2020

Og enda enda enda enda enda enda mer om nettmobbing

 Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

About transfer Your order

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 4. oktober 2020 kl. 12:21

Til: Taxi and transfer in Oslo <info@oslo.taxi>

Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, Lux Limo AS <post@luxlimo.no>


like I mentioned in my last email:

I haven't contacted you.

There are some people, who troll me, and who order a lot of sh*t, in my name, on the internet, from companies with poor routines.

So I wondered if you can inform me about who this troll is.

And I also wonder, about which better routines, that your company is going to start with, so that this problem doesn't happen again, to other people.

And I also think that since you operate in Norway, you should have Norwegian-speaking staff.

So this I have to compain about.

Erik Ribsskog


I also think that it's a bit clammy, that you use my first-name like that, in the salutation.

I've live in the UK, for many years, and there companies/organisations would call me Mr. Ribsskog, in the salutation.

So this I have to complain about.

man. 7. sep. 2020 kl. 10:56 skrev Taxi and transfer in Oslo <info@oslo.taxi>:

Dear Erik!

According with our booking system on web-site www.oslo.taxi 

we got order (see below) for personal transfer.

Due to late hours and absence of free Mercedes S-class

we asked Lux Limo AS Org.nr: 914 920 515 MVA to carry out You order. 

This is absolutely according any Norwegian Law and our PRIVACY POLICY OF TRANSFER SERVICE to transfer request from our system to Carrier.

So this is not any "identitetstyveri" - we got request and sent it to carrier. 

In case somebody  other, not You, used Your e-mail and phone number - he have not other option, just trust to any request.

But any way, please, accept our sincere apologies for the misunderstanding.


вс, 6 сент., 23:40 (12 часов назад)

кому: я

Please see below for details of the booking

Name: Erik Ribsskog

Passengers: 1

Bags: 3

Vehicle: Mercedes S-class

Pickup Time: 07/09/2020 at 10:00

Pickup Address: (Sensurert av johncons-blogg), Bekkestua, Norway

Full Pickup Address:

Pickup Instructions:

Dropoff Address: Blakstad Sykehus, Blakstad, Akershus, Norway

Full Dropoff Address:

Dropoff Instructions:

Flight Number:

Estimated Distance: 17.0 km (18 mins)

Phone Number: 48621954

Email: eribsskog@gmail.com

Trip Type: one_way

Return: One Way

Payment Details:

Amount: 67.15€


Best regards,

Taxi and transfer in Oslo