lørdag 3. oktober 2020

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Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Klage/Fwd: My Back 2 Homeschool Fear

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 3. oktober 2020 kl. 09:21

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Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


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Fra: Jamie@homeschool.com <homeschool@eblastengine.com>

Date: tor. 3. sep. 2020 kl. 17:49

Subject: My Back 2 Homeschool Fear

To: <eribsskog@gmail.com>

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Form my Heart Heading with a picture Jamie

I remember it like yesterday...

Our daughter was being bullied, crying every day on the way to school. Hating what she used to love and we made the decision to homeschool. But then we began to get the derogatory comments, the questions, the rudely voiced doubts… and we began to listen to those negative thoughts and embrace the fear they planted in our hearts.

We almost quit that day. We almost missed out on 15 years of amazing.

You see we had two choices at that “crossroads of life.”

Deny the unhealthy fear and embrace an amazing opportunity…embrace freedom!


Allow fear its reign and simply lose out on so much...

I’m so thankful today that we chose to overcome fear and negative thinking and embrace amazing opportunities. I’m not sure what you’re dealing with today as you start this homeschooling year, but if you’re human you’re probably dealing with some measure of doubt. I know I do each year.

Just remember, there are so many amazing opportunities around the corner if we can simply put the unhealthy fear behind us! And guess what, that isn’t just for homeschooling, this applies to all areas of our lives. In fact, in my recent podcast with Melissa Webb, we talk about fear and I share my issues about how fear kept me from so many things for a long time!

Is fear keeping you from amazing things?

You see fear binds us… it traps us… but we don’t have to be its slave. You’ll want to listen in and grab Melissa’s 3 tips for putting fear behind you!

But you have a choice… choose fear… or freedom! What will you choose today?

With grace and joy,

Jamie's Sign off

New for September

What You Should or Shouldn’t Do on the First Day

Pros and Cons of Online Tutoring for Homeschooling

Micro-Schooling with Homeschool Pods

Helpful Parent Printables for Homeschooling

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