søndag 1. november 2020

Og enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Klage/Fwd: The ITAM Review presents Online Summit: Cloud 2020

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 1. november 2020 kl. 03:39

Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>

Kopi: Marinela Cojocaru <support@itassetmanagement.net>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>


dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke

virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes


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Fra: The ITAM Review <support@itassetmanagement.net>

Date: tir. 6. okt. 2020 kl. 16:07

Subject: The ITAM Review presents Online Summit: Cloud 2020

To: Erika Prompenstein Ribsskog <e.ribsskog@gmail.com>

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Online Summit Cloud 2020

Register For FREE

Hi Erika,

Join Rich Gibbons from The ITAM Review as he sits down with Ali Mahmoud, Snow Software, Mike Voss, SHI, Kieron Dean, ServiceNow and Nick Martinazzi, Flexera and delve into the topic of the Cloud on Thursday 15 October at 14:00 BST.

Cloud continues to grow – with new use cases, technologies, and vendors regularly appearing. Cloud is changing the way businesses, and people, consume and interact with technology and so the way technology assets are managed needs to change too. With so many large vendors including Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and IBM betting a large part of their future on cloud, it’s imperative businesses are able to keep pace. 

Some of the many changes cloud presents to ITAM include: 

On-premises datacentres migrating into the public cloud 

Much software fast becoming subscription only 

Desktops no longer being physical machines in physical locations 

Internet of Things and edge computing 

Bring Your Own Licensing 

Hybrid cloud 

Not only can these lead to license non-compliance, spiralling costs, and security issues but cloud can also put added strain on an ITAM team. Managing all these new assets and mitigating all these new challenges takes time – time to learn, time to process, time to manage, time to monitor and more.  

Understanding what is happening now, and likely to happen in the future, will help you plan the direction of your ITAM team – do you need new people? New tools? New services?

Register For FREE

Unable to make the live session? Once you have registered, you can also view this webinar at your convenience, on demand.

Interested in watching other on-demand or live webinars?

Have a look at our previous webinars and the upcoming free online events here. 

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