onsdag 4. november 2020

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Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Klage/Fwd: Latest: How to craft a great CV, plus your exclusive discount to AI Tech North 2020

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 4. november 2020 kl. 00:53

Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>

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Erik Ribsskog


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---------- Forwarded message ---------

Fra: Janie Gonsalez <janie@theyorkshiremafia.com>

Date: tor. 8. okt. 2020 kl. 11:49

Subject: Latest: How to craft a great CV, plus your exclusive discount to AI Tech North 2020

To: eribsskog@gmail.com <eribsskog@gmail.com>

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Last week we announced a new blog series where we'll be sharing our top tips for jobseekers, including how to craft a great CV, how to prepare for interview, how to interview, and much more!

I'm pleased to share the first instalment in this series: 'Your guide to writing a perfect CV', with advice and insights from The Yorkshire Mafia team and our members.

"Here at The Yorkshire Mafia we believe that a well-structured, concisely written document will help the candidate shine through much more than any brightly-coloured background, landscaped layout, or a third person novel CV. So, our starting point in providing insightful tips from our team and our members is - Do not try to be too fancy!"

Read the full article on how to craft a great CV here.


As proud partners of AI Tech North 2020 we are pleased to announce the release of the schedule!

View the schedule here: https://live.eventtia.com/en/aitechnorth2020/Schedule

Two days of AI experts delivering keynotes… and you can watch it all from your sofa! 

A sample of the talks include:

• 'Begin your AI journey'

• 'Better analytics skills today, AI tomorrow'

• 'Reality in Virtual Reality'

• 'ML - Prototype or production?'

Can’t make all of the summit? No problem, your ticket also gets you 6 months access to all the sessions! 

Join thousands of executives, experts, innovators, and learners to understand, inspire and shape the future of AI technology.   

Purchase your tickets at https://www.aitechnorth.uk/ai-tech-north-2020 and use code AITNMAFIA for 40% off! 

The event is spread across some amazing themes: Digital Transformation, AI Strategy & Ethics, Healthcare and Advanced Manufacturing to name just a few! 












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