onsdag 21. april 2021

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Session Start: tir. apr 20 12:44:55 2021
Session Ident: #quiz-show
[00:44.55] <john_cons> prøver dere seriøst å drepe beliar
[00:45.03] <john_cons> greit at han er en frekk og uforskammet jævel
[00:45.05] <john_cons> men likevel
[00:45.38] <john_cons> det er kanskje derfor han er sånn
[00:45.45] <john_cons> på grunn av sykdom osv
[00:45.58] <john_cons> så er han kanskje 'miserable', som de sier
[00:47.24] <john_cons> miserable
[00:47.24] <john_cons> /ˈmɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l/
[00:47.24] <john_cons> Lær hvordan det uttales
[00:47.24] <john_cons> adjective
[00:47.24] <john_cons> 1.
[00:47.24] <john_cons> (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.
[00:47.24] <john_cons> "their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable"
[00:49.51] <john_cons> et trist vrak, som bare slenger dritt, i hytt og pine, etter folk
[00:50.11] <john_cons> av en eller annen grunn
[02:46.47] <john_cons> applegroo er også veldig på/etter meg, synes jeg, og han henger her på #quiz-show, og så mener han at han er en 'tilfeldig person'
[02:46.57] <john_cons> han er jo like fucka opp som beliar
[02:46.59] <john_cons> må man vel si
[03:20.07] <cxp> applegroo is a horrible asshole trolø
[03:20.09] <cxp> troll
[06:19.19] * blablabot (~blablabot@159-32-81-51.sisrv.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 857 seconds)
[06:28.33] <loller> john_cons: sånn er det
[06:34.24] * blablabot (~blablabot@159-32-81-51.sisrv.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[11:56.31] * loller (uid358106@id-358106.highgate.irccloud.com) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[11:57.44] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[11:59.58] <cxp> let's die
[12:00.03] <cxp> i am tired
[12:00.08] <cxp> let's end this
[12:00.17] <skorpion> You do that, Hansi
[12:00.22] <cxp> jump from a bridge
[12:33.07] <skorpion> I have a headache today, actually
[12:33.10] <skorpion> I'm gonna cure it now
[12:33.13] <skorpion> By taking a jog
[12:33.25] <skorpion> When was the last time you took a jog, Chris?
[12:34.08] <cxp> SF GG jump
[12:34.11] <cxp> golden gate
[12:34.15] <cxp> jump from a bridge
[12:34.22] <cxp> i am tired
[12:48.24] <skorpion> Cool story, bro
[12:53.38] <cxp> nav or your parents pay for your existence
[12:53.52] <cxp> easy life
[12:54.54] <skorpion> Didn't you huzzle your way into Germany or something?
[12:55.01] <skorpion> Don't they have welfare checks there?
[13:01.57] <cxp> unlike norway, welfare is not automatic
[13:02.06] <cxp> and not for immigrants
[13:04.09] <skorpion> Ok
[13:04.16] <skorpion> Well, what do you want me to do
[13:04.22] <skorpion> I've been given a better lot
[13:10.58] <cxp> die childless 
[13:11.14] <cxp> the leeching must stop
[13:12.45] <skorpion> That is pretty much certain
[13:15.11] <cxp> good
[13:15.48] <cxp> most of ircers i chatted with will most probably die childless
[13:15.59] <cxp> including me
[13:17.27] <skorpion> Such is nature
[13:18.11] <skorpion> But anyway
[13:18.14] <skorpion> I'm out for my jog
[13:18.17] <skorpion> BBL
[17:37.04] * rabagast (~raba@ has joined channel #quiz-show
[17:37.26] <rabagast> !help
[17:37.53] <rabagast> You are here so not on my own
[17:38.44] <cxp> applegroo is a strawman 
[17:38.52] <cxp> made of dried feces
[17:39.14] <rabagast> who is running that eggdrop? They should really read the manual :)
[17:39.18] <cxp> i build him to set him on fire
[17:39.24] <cxp> built*
[17:40.35] <rabagast> dont know about any scripts, but that bot is set up by some amateur
[17:41.32] <rabagast> you are on top in the channel list, applegroo. I blame you :)
[17:42.00] <rabagast> hehe
[17:42.19] <rabagast> what book?
[17:43.16] <rabagast> oh dear
[17:43.23] <rabagast> that sounds like bad news
[17:44.16] <rabagast> oh
[17:44.32] <rabagast> that guy
[17:45.48] <rabagast> dont want to offend anyone but seems like he is a couple of cans short of a sixpack
[17:47.26] <rabagast> no, but I used to work in Norway so I can read and listen, but not really speak the language
[17:48.24] <rabagast> as for my nick, my Norwegian friends tells me I am a "rabagast"
[17:48.53] <rabagast> I've looked it up and can't say it bothers me much :)
[17:49.41] <rabagast> some wild and crazy person if I understand it correctly
[17:50.33] <cxp> en raring
[17:50.54] <rabagast> raring = odd one?
[17:51.16] <skorpion> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q_ZzBGPdqE
[17:51.26] * rabagast holds the cross towards cxp
[17:51.41] <rabagast> just doing as I'm told :)
[17:52.47] <rabagast> so, its some quiz channel. No scripts but most clients seems to be online after all
[17:53.42] <rabagast> found the blog. Seems you are the boyfriend, skorpion?
[17:54.31] <rabagast> should quit as I might end up on this lame blog ;-9
[17:57.01] <rabagast> anyways. As I cant show my superior quiz skills here.... Have a nice evening 
[17:57.10] <rabagast> bye bye
[17:57.15] * rabagast (~raba@ has left #quiz-show ()
[17:57.37] <skorpion> Bye faggot
[17:57.40] <skorpion> You won't be missed
[18:06.10] * loller (uid358106@id-358106.highgate.irccloud.com) has joined channel #quiz-show
[18:58.59] <cxp> john_cons's blog attracts all kinds of faggots here
[19:43.08] <skorpion> It has hundreds of thousands of readers
[19:43.15] <skorpion> So naturally some of them show up here
[19:53.46] <cxp> no, it has only him as a reader
[19:53.49] <cxp> he reads his own crap
[19:53.57] <cxp> and once in a while someone lands on his blog by mistake
[19:54.01] <cxp> from some google search
[19:54.32] <skorpion> I think he has statcounter
[19:54.35] <skorpion> So that is not true
[19:54.44] <skorpion> He is well-known across Norway
[19:57.49] <cxp> no, he is a skizo that is not even famous
[19:57.51] <cxp> a sad case
[19:58.03] <skorpion> Stfu
[19:58.18] <cxp> the norsk doctors even forgot about his case
[19:58.22] <cxp> he bores them
[19:58.43] <cxp> you are also a boring naver
[19:58.49] <cxp> god dammit
[20:00.00] <skorpion> Do not insult me
[20:00.05] <skorpion> Or I shall never draw you again
[20:01.22] <cxp> that would be the end of me
[20:01.28] <cxp> i exist as long as you draw me
[20:01.31] <cxp> you make me real
[20:01.40] <skorpion> Yes
[20:02.08] <skorpion> I want to draw Baron Ribsskog squashing applegroo with his boot
[20:02.42] <cxp> did you take fentanyl today, skorpion ?
[20:02.55] <cxp> George Fentanyl Floyd
[20:04.51] <cxp> take your drugs, be careful about dosage and call it a day