lørdag 24. april 2021

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Session Start: fre. apr 23 12:14:14 2021
Session Ident: #quiz-show
[00:14.14] <skorpion> To lines
[00:14.16] <skorpion> Two
[00:14.19] <skorpion> That's a wall of text
[00:14.58] <skorpion> The female cxp sent me a pic, but it's so washed out It's impossible to use as a reference
[00:23.28] <skorpion> I was thinking about some kind of copulation scene with the male Chris
[02:02.36] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:03.43] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[03:01.47] <skorpion> Good night, chatters
[03:01.51] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:18.24] * loller (uid358106@highgate.irccloud.com) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[09:29.10] ->> einstein20 :No such server
[10:00.02] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (/msg LamestBot hello)
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein is on: #usa #blablatemp #blablabla #johncons #quiz-show #bergeraasen #norga #vinland 
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein actually using host
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein 4 mins 49 secs seconds idle, signon time 07:59 23.04.2021
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[10:11.50] *Einstein* hello
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (/msg LamestBot hello)
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein is on: #usa #blablatemp #blablabla #johncons #quiz-show #bergeraasen #norga #vinland 
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein actually using host
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein 20 mins 8 secs seconds idle, signon time 07:59 23.04.2021
[10:19.24] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[10:29.41] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:32.57] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:32.59] * loller (uid358106@id-358106.highgate.irccloud.com) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:33.32] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:51.38] ->> Einstein :No such server
[11:02.24] ->> einstein :No such server
[11:03.05] ->> Einstein2 :No such server
[11:03.08] ->> Einstein :No such server
[11:47.45] * cxp (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:03.10] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (Einstein)
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein is on: #johncons @#blablatemp #blablabla @#norga @#bergeraasen @#usa #quiz-show @#vinland 
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein actually using host
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein 4 mins 56 secs seconds idle, signon time 10:00 23.04.2021
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[12:12.06] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (Einstein)
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein is on: #johncons @#blablatemp #blablabla @#norga @#bergeraasen @#usa #quiz-show @#vinland 
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein actually using host
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein 11 mins 44 secs seconds idle, signon time 10:00 23.04.2021
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[15:20.58] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[16:13.48] * nomafian (~mafia@ has joined channel #quiz-show
[16:16.06] <nomafian> hello
[16:16.55] <nomafian> when do that fat guy speak in here?
[16:18.04] <nomafian> does it matter?
[16:19.11] <nomafian> I've read up on the blog and perhaps I can find out why john_cons does not have a neck anymore
[16:19.36] <nomafian> a fat fuck, but that is normal these days
[16:20.21] <nomafian> judging by the IRC logs, you are on ignore applegroo
[16:20.45] <nomafian> no loss
[16:21.04] <nomafian> good luck with that
[16:21.21] <nomafian> you will be done in 100 000 years
[16:22.02] <nomafian> the correct manner here is kinda foggy
[16:22.22] <nomafian> kinda funny tho
[16:23.09] <nomafian> this "case" he got about for instance his pension savings
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian is ~mafia@ (Erik Olsen)
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian is on: #quiz-show 
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian using irc.choopa.net (Injected with a poison)
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian actually using host
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian 35 secs seconds idle, signon time 14:13 23.04.2021
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian :End of /WHOIS list.
[16:23.56] nomafian resolved to
[16:24.03] You're not channel operator
[16:24.04] <nomafian> I googled it and it can be cashed out at the age of 62 if you earned a bunch of money
[16:24.48] <nomafian> and this lump of fat is 50 or something if I remember correctly
[16:25.07] <nomafian> is it even thin air?
[16:25.22] <nomafian> or something in his foggy brain?
[16:26.25] <john_cons> you're in milano it says
[16:26.45] <nomafian> https://images.app.goo.gl/34w1Mx9AAyizoYeg9
[16:27.03] <nomafian> there he is
[16:27.15] <nomafian> Mr Olsen, how are you doin?
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Hostname:
[16:27.25] <john_cons> ASN: 9009
[16:27.25] <john_cons> ISP: M247 Ltd
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Organization: M247 Ltd
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Services: Network sharing device or proxy server
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Type: Corporate
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Assignment: Likely Static IP
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Continent: Europe
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Country: Italy
[16:27.25] <john_cons> State/Region: Milan
[16:27.38] <nomafian> yes yes
[16:27.52] You're not channel operator
[16:28.10] <john_cons> [16:23.56] nomafian resolved to
[16:28.14] <nomafian> sure thing. It might end up with another lame blogpost
[16:28.23] <john_cons> i know italian woman
[16:28.31] <john_cons> federica mauro from rome
[16:28.40] <nomafian> yeah, I part of the mafia
[16:28.40] <john_cons> studied with in sunderland
[16:28.46] <nomafian> +am
[16:29.30] <nomafian> I that the same place you were forced out by the police?
[16:29.38] <john_cons> my former clas-mate ulf havmo stayed in italy all summer once, and also in a part of the automn, so he got late back to school, in the sixt grade
[16:29.53] <nomafian> perhaps I am Ulf?
[16:30.01] <john_cons> but he was possilby in venice
[16:30.24] <john_cons> they had some kitch souverniers from venice in their living-room if i remember right
[16:30.31] <nomafian> ah, Venice
[16:30.39] <nomafian> such a nice city
[16:30.45] <nomafian> no cars!
[16:30.56] <john_cons> that migth be, i haven't been there
[16:31.11] <nomafian> but a lot of mafia
[16:31.36] <nomafian> everyone is looking for YOU, 24/7/365
[16:32.09] <john_cons> we were in croatia/jugoslavia in the summer of 1980, and we were supposed to go by venice on our way back to norway, but my steph-sister christell go ill, so we drove the fastest route back to norway
[16:32.34] <nomafian> and why not. Some guy feeding of the bottom
[16:33.01] <john_cons> but my fathers brothers and them where for quite a while in venice (on their way back to norway)
[16:33.16] <nomafian> your father?
[16:33.45] <john_cons> his brothers and his mate roger stenberg and them
[16:34.03] <john_cons> these guys lived in tents in croatia, but we rented a flat
[16:34.18] <nomafian> the one that made sure you as a royal, and just a few inches from both Jesus and Allah?
[16:34.22] <john_cons> gypsies
[16:34.32] <nomafian> fuck dude
[16:34.39] <john_cons> what
[16:35.01] <skorpion> Jøss, har vi fått en gjest
[16:35.07] <john_cons> i think it was my mother who was royal (not my father it seems)
[16:35.14] <nomafian> there is no1 alive that got more blue blood pumping than you
[16:35.21] <john_cons> or she decended from royals that is
[16:35.27] <nomafian> if I read your blog correctly
[16:35.48] <nomafian> yes yes. It makes sense
[16:35.53] <john_cons> i cant remember having said anything like that
[16:36.10] <nomafian> inbread and so on always made peaople go nuts
[16:36.35] <nomafian> people*
[16:36.51] <john_cons> my mother said she was so fine that they had to name her after both the queen of denmark and the queen of england
[16:37.04] <john_cons> (she said this around 1979)
[16:37.30] <john_cons> but she didn't explain in detail
[16:37.30] <nomafian> didnt she die screaming in a straitjacket?
[16:37.49] <nomafian> as mother as son
[16:38.16] <john_cons> no that was some roumours
[16:38.32] <nomafian> right, I see
[16:38.36] <john_cons> i don't know why someone have made that up
[16:38.45] <nomafian> she was the most sane person, ever?
[16:38.59] <john_cons> as far as i know she was never in a straitjacket
[16:39.28] <john_cons> my father demonized my mother and said she was insane
[16:39.30] <nomafian> how can you tell? During that time you were the best shop boss in the universe
[16:39.56] <john_cons> and my autist sister (and idiot steph-father) got her taken to mental-hospital
[16:40.19] <nomafian> same as you, then?
[16:40.39] <john_cons> my father demoized my mother in the 70's
[16:40.56] <john_cons> more than 20 years before i started working as a store manager
[16:40.58] <nomafian> I'm sure you been visiting mental-hospitals quite a few more time than I have
[16:41.00] <nomafian> or?
[16:41.48] <john_cons> yes my mother lived in a mental hospital in the 80's (in borgheim), and i visited her with my autist sister
[16:42.03] <nomafian> I was talking about you
[16:42.19] <john_cons> except that this was possilby a 'crisis-center' for abused women, (something my autist sister hid from me)
[16:42.47] <nomafian> your sister Pia?
[16:42.55] <john_cons> exactly
[16:43.29] <nomafian> http://www.nfunorge.org/Om-NFU/Ansatte/Pia-Charlotte-Ribsskog/
[16:44.07] <nomafian> is she a lunatic as you?
[16:44.09] <john_cons> we live d at different addresses/towns from 1979 to 1989 so it was easy for her to keep me in the dark about stuff
[16:44.24] <nomafian> (perhaps not as she looks to have a job)
[16:44.59] <nomafian> in the dark, what are you talking about?
[16:45.15] <john_cons> she works as a substiutt for morons/deranges guys possibly, (she's very taky)
[16:45.48] <nomafian> you are not on her list of morons yet as I understand it
[16:46.10] <nomafian> btw
[16:46.22] <john_cons> my father forced me to live alone from i was nine years old, so i didn't have contact with my sister(s), other than in holidays etc
[16:46.33] <nomafian> still using FrontPage 2.0 to make that website of yours?
[16:46.46] <john_cons> frontpage?
[16:46.55] <nomafian> yes
[16:47.12] <nomafian> Microsoft web page generator from the 90s
[16:47.33] <john_cons> no, my sister offered herself to me, around 1993, but i declined, (i'm not that into incest)
[16:47.48] <john_cons> she told me to read 'hotel new hampshire' by irving
[16:48.04] <nomafian> did you read it?
[16:48.16] <john_cons> and there it is an episode where a brother and a sister fuck eachother brains out
[16:48.54] <nomafian> I see
[16:49.13] <john_cons> and when i got to that part of the book, my sister places herself in the door to my room (at ungbo), and said: 'So what do you think then', (in a slutty way)
[16:49.14] <nomafian> you are still wating for that to happen
[16:50.11] <john_cons> haha, i wouldn't want to touch my sister, what would my grandmother say, (and i wasn't that desperate, i had met other women)
[16:50.25] <nomafian> but hey dude
[16:50.40] <nomafian> this thing about pension cash out
[16:50.55] <john_cons> i'm not sure if you've gotten that right
[16:50.59] <nomafian> how is it going with that case?
[16:51.23] <john_cons> you can surely find the tag (pensjonsbeholdning-sak) on my blog
[16:51.56] <nomafian> I did
[16:52.11] <john_cons> there you go
[16:52.40] <nomafian> what I found odd is that this can, at the earliest, payed out at the age of 62
[16:52.48] <nomafian> are you 62 yet?
[16:52.55] <nomafian> odd = out
[16:53.09] <john_cons> if you are an ex-pat you can cash it out when you want it seems
[16:53.23] <nomafian> where do you get this info from?
[16:53.38] <nomafian> some forum you read 10 year ago?
[16:53.41] <john_cons> it says in the perm-link doesn't it
[16:53.50] <john_cons> right
[16:54.05] <john_cons> this is a case i've blogged about for around ten years
[16:54.10] <nomafian> no, it says what you think. And that is often not 100% correct
[16:54.41] <john_cons> and then a napoli-guy wonders about the details after ten yeras
[16:54.45] <john_cons> years
[16:55.00] <john_cons> your ten years late then
[16:55.05] <nomafian> as I can read on NAV, per-pay on the pension can be done at the age of 62, as the earliest
[16:55.10] <john_cons> you should have asked ten years ago
[16:55.33] <john_cons> but that doesn't apply for ex-pats
[16:55.44] <john_cons> that means people who have moved abroad
[16:55.54] <john_cons> to like thailand etc
[16:55.55] <nomafian> do you live abroad?
[16:56.21] <john_cons> that's called to 'kveme' in norwegian
[16:56.34] <nomafian> of course
[16:56.46] <nomafian> its what you say in most of your e-mails
[16:56.48] <john_cons> of course i lived abrod when i contacted nav about this
[16:57.01] <john_cons> surely that's possible to understand from the perm-link
[16:57.04] <nomafian> that you are to be handled like a special snowflake
[16:57.42] <john_cons> yes i understand you don't have much snow in naples
[16:58.04] <john_cons> tell your mama to make some pizza
[16:58.25] <nomafian> so, your blogg = 100% truth
[16:58.41] <nomafian> everything else = lie?
[16:58.50] <john_cons> my uncle håkon once made me listen to italian song
[16:58.56] <john_cons> 'shut up your face'
[16:59.11] <john_cons> of shut up in your face
[16:59.16] <john_cons> around 1980
[16:59.16] <nomafian> did he mend your teeth at the same time?
[16:59.25] <john_cons> oh shut up in your face
[16:59.36] <john_cons> that would have been the other uncle
[16:59.51] <john_cons> håkon was a carpenter and runar was/is a dentist
[17:00.03] <john_cons> bbl
[17:00.08] <nomafian> do you talk a lot with your family btw?
[17:00.48] <nomafian> as you are the "gromgutten"
[17:02.09] <nomafian> the star of the family
[17:02.21] <nomafian> the one that is on everybodys lips
[17:03.22] <nomafian> this skorpion fella. Still in queue at the NAV office perhaps?
[17:03.26] <john_cons> i think your understanding of norwegian is very good for bein italian
[17:03.58] <nomafian> google translate is your friend
[17:04.02] <john_cons> i guess
[17:04.04] <skorpion> Nå skal visst jeg også angripes
[17:04.12] <nomafian> it makes kinda sense
[17:04.43] <john_cons> say hi to federica mauro the if you go to rome
[17:04.44] <skorpion> Er det fordi jeg drev quizzen sammen med john_cons?
[17:04.56] <john_cons> (my flat-mate from campus at university of sunderland)
[17:05.01] <nomafian> "Now I must be attacked too"
[17:05.25] <skorpion> nomafian, are you a quiz-hater?
[17:05.26] <nomafian> no, I think you guys are gay lovers
[17:05.46] <nomafian> either that or skorpion and john_cons are the same person
[17:06.04] <john_cons> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=3zakgLMAAAAJ&hl=no
[17:06.13] <john_cons> what
[17:06.23] <nomafian> but as john_cons have been bottom feeding of the tax payers for so many years it might be something else
[17:06.45] <john_cons> i also met italian women at the international inn in london, in 2005
[17:07.13] <john_cons> italian women moved to london, (to hostel), and the tried to find work, from internet-cafe (at the hostel)
[17:07.46] <nomafian> reading the blog you got a sense that its cheaper to have ppl sending emails to 96& of the world rather than putting them in some asylum
[17:07.48] <john_cons> this was in hammersmith
[17:08.20] <skorpion> Since the blog is in Norwegian, how do you manage to read it so well?
[17:08.24] <nomafian> will this blog be sent to half the world as well?
[17:08.26] <skorpion> You must be a huge johncons-fan
[17:08.35] <skorpion> To use google translate to understand his blog so well
[17:08.44] <nomafian> this irc session I mean?
[17:08.46] <john_cons> and i also met italian women in brighton, in the summer of 1989, (the same day i met sari arokivi, from lehdokitie, in vantaa, in finland)
[17:09.02] <nomafian> ah, a few days ago
[17:09.12] <nomafian> so sorry, 40 years ago
[17:09.32] <john_cons> yes sari arokivi is quite fat and ugly now
[17:09.47] <john_cons> even if she is a ballet-instructor
[17:09.53] <john_cons> in finland
[17:10.02] <john_cons> but she was pretty/fit then
[17:10.04] <nomafian> you look like a collection of fat as well if I can be honest
[17:10.24] <nomafian> 120-130 kgs?
[17:10.47] <john_cons> https://www.tanssistudiojami.fi/sari-arokivi/
[17:11.53] <nomafian> you got that tripple hook/no neck look
[17:12.24] <john_cons> yes, in the first year that i was a student i was around 60 kg (as a 19/20 year old), so i have grown a bit since then (but i don't have weight in my flat, i'm not obsessed with kg)
[17:12.27] <nomafian> some fat and disusting old man
[17:13.10] <skorpion> Wow, this guy really hates you, john_cons 
[17:13.15] <john_cons> yes, the fascist might say that, i guess
[17:13.15] <skorpion> What did you write to anger him so much
[17:13.33] <nomafian> its the truth is it not?
[17:13.36] <john_cons> fascists
[17:13.48] <john_cons> nomafian: you're interested in men?
[17:13.54] <nomafian> he writes about other fatties on the blog
[17:14.09] <nomafian> guess he didnt have a mirror close by
[17:14.49] <john_cons> well, i'
[17:14.51] <nomafian> so no hate. Just what I read then see that face with the tripple checks
[17:14.54] <john_cons> i
[17:15.01] <nomafian> doenst makes sense
[17:15.05] <john_cons> i'm not sure how women thinks about this
[17:15.49] <john_cons> i write about that a greek woman is fat, and you say i'm fat
[17:16.11] <john_cons> you can't turn it around between the sexes, i think
[17:16.52] <john_cons> and also the greek woman might like people commenting on her weight, that doesn't mean i like it
[17:17.12] <skorpion> Barons have always been slightly corpulent
[17:17.19] <skorpion> If you look at old paintings of them
[17:17.39] <nomafian> skorpion & john_cons: Are you lovers?
[17:17.52] <skorpion> It's called Pondus
[17:18.04] <nomafian> skorpion seems to butter up whatever john_cons says
[17:18.04] <john_cons> after trying to warn om my blog for forteen years i might have put on some weight
[17:18.07] <john_cons> that might be true
[17:18.22] <john_cons> i'm waiting for my country-men to stop ignoring my blog
[17:18.24] <nomafian> warn?
[17:18.28] <skorpion> nomafian, you came in here and attacked me as well
[17:18.28] <nomafian> what do you mean?
[17:18.56] <skorpion> You hate us both, but it's not clear why
[17:19.09] <nomafian> skorpion: take your troubles to the next NAV meeting. They will sort it I'm sure
[17:19.14] <john_cons> nomafian: you resemble my cousin øystein andresen (who was adopted form korea)
[17:19.21] <skorpion> I suspect that you hate me because of my former connection to john_cons through the quiz-company
[17:19.29] <john_cons> he was just as deranged as you
[17:19.37] <skorpion> But that it's really john_cons you hate
[17:19.46] <skorpion> I'm just guilty by association, as they say
[17:19.52] <nomafian> yeah, that is soemthing we all wantet to have on our CV
[17:20.05] <nomafian> I spent time with some wacko
[17:20.20] <john_cons> øystein also used to say wacho
[17:20.35] <john_cons> 'wacko-jacko' he said (in the summer of 1990)
[17:20.38] <nomafian> better call him up and ask if he is on irc
[17:20.50] <nomafian> right
[17:20.59] <john_cons> i wouldn't have wanted anything to do with øystein
[17:21.03] <nomafian> only 31 years ago
[17:21.39] <nomafian> guess he does not want anything to do with you so that equals out
[17:21.41] <john_cons> he acted theatrical and undermined me in front of my young sister pia, when she was in a wonerable fase
[17:21.57] <nomafian> streeet theater?
[17:22.00] <john_cons> and she ended up becoming a 'nigge-whore' because of him
[17:22.17] <john_cons> you might say
[17:23.01] <nomafian> did you spend x-mas with your beloved family this christmas?
[17:23.08] <nomafian> err
[17:23.15] <skorpion> That's a nice sentence
[17:23.28] <skorpion> This guy is confused, I think
[17:23.37] <john_cons> no you're going all øystein again
[17:23.42] <john_cons> deranged-bonanza
[17:24.06] <skorpion> What drugs are you on, nomafian?
[17:24.12] <nomafian> seems that can be summed up as  normal for the "olsen/ribsskog" family
[17:24.26] <skorpion> Have you smoked your grandma's socks or something?
[17:24.34] <john_cons> my cousin rahel is also a quarter italian
[17:24.40] <nomafian> a drunk for father and a crazy lunatic as a mother
[17:24.52] <john_cons> her father reto's parents where from italy
[17:24.55] <nomafian> must be luck of that turns out ok
[17:25.00] <john_cons> his last-name is savoldelli 
[17:25.10] <john_cons> that's an italian name
[17:25.22] <nomafian> yes, I've seen you posting about them
[17:25.22] <john_cons> his parents moved from italy to switzerland
[17:25.38] <john_cons> so my cousin rahel is really half italian, you might say
[17:25.49] <nomafian> seems like persons that is "out there" but does not hide in some NAV apartment
[17:25.54] <john_cons> she lives in berlin, (where she works as an actor)
[17:26.20] <nomafian> she is rather sexy tho
[17:26.53] <john_cons> my uncle håkon is the problem possibly
[17:27.21] <john_cons> he always wanted to go home from work at 4 pm sharp
[17:27.30] <john_cons> never once worked extra
[17:27.37] <john_cons> like my father did every day
[17:28.01] <nomafian> "Hi Erik. It's best that you don't contact the family again. Please
[17:28.01] <nomafian> leave me in peace and get treatmeant/medications for your mental
[17:28.01] <nomafian> illness. None in our family wants to have any more emails from you
[17:28.01] <nomafian> about insane babbling.
[17:28.01] <nomafian> Rahel"
[17:28.29] <nomafian> thats her, right?
[17:28.50] <john_cons> yes, my aunt ellen didn' teach rahel to speak norwegian, rahels first language is german
[17:28.59] <john_cons> and i've never learned german
[17:29.00] <nomafian> right
[17:29.09] <john_cons> so rahel and i don' communicate very well
[17:29.15] <nomafian> thats english tho
[17:29.27] <john_cons> i remember her best from the summer of 1990
[17:29.46] <john_cons> she visited my grand-mother in stavern with her danish friend 
[17:29.55] <john_cons> sophia legind
[17:29.57] <nomafian> yeah? She did not claim you where a lunatic back then?=
[17:30.14] <john_cons> then rahel was around twelve years old, and didn't speak much english
[17:30.30] <john_cons> she's eight years younger than me
[17:30.45] <nomafian> Am 06.07.2014 um 22:31 Uhr hat "Erik Ribsskog" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
[17:30.46] <nomafian> geschrieben:
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Salute.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich been dain fetter.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich keine 'rights'.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich overheard 'followed' by 'mafian', in Oslo, in 2003.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich habe gefluchtung Liverpool.
[17:30.47] <nomafian> Ich keine 'women'.
[17:30.47] <nomafian> Ich habe sex mit dick?
[17:30.48] <nomafian> Du 'big tits' oder 'small pats'.
[17:30.49] <nomafian> Bitte schoen.
[17:30.51] <nomafian> Heil Hitler!
[17:30.53] <nomafian> Erik Ribsskog
[17:30.55] <nomafian> PS.
[17:30.57] <nomafian> Warom deine 'fatter' gekören mit tranvestitten in der auto?
[17:30.59] <nomafian> PS 2.
[17:31.01] <nomafian> Ich høre auf 'Cherry Blossom Girl' immer.
[17:31.28] <nomafian> https://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/2014_07_10_archive.html
[17:31.58] <john_cons> and my sister pia spoiled her in the summer of 1987, (my father ordered pia an me to visit rahel and them in aech, close to basel, in switzerland)
[17:32.30] <john_cons> yes, pia and rahel tried to teach me some german in the summer of 1987
[17:33.00] <john_cons> and that e-mail was a pun to do with that
[17:33.24] <nomafian> to bad they ended up as normal when you ended up as "son of the lunatic mother"
[17:33.54] <john_cons> i don't regonize that e-mail acctually
[17:34.06] <nomafian> just check your blog
[17:34.09] <john_cons> it might be something that the trolls have written
[17:34.25] <nomafian> does Pia have a job?
[17:35.03] <john_cons> yes, like i mentioend before, she probably works as a substitute for retarts/mongoloids, (she's very tacky)
[17:35.10] <nomafian> right
[17:35.25] <nomafian> do Raghel have a job?
[17:35.31] <nomafian> -g
[17:36.10] <john_cons> i can't say, i havn't spoken with rahel since around 2006, (no the phone), and she was then on her way to hospital to give birth to her son ewo
[17:36.20] <nomafian> right
[17:36.30] <nomafian> I understand
[17:36.41] <nomafian> do Christel have a job?
[17:36.44] <john_cons> say hi to federica mauro if you see her
[17:37.00] <john_cons> she like nirvana
[17:37.06] <john_cons> and audioslave
[17:37.11] <nomafian> Come As You are?
[17:37.12] <john_cons> and pearl jam
[17:37.20] <nomafian> do you have a job?
[17:37.26] <john_cons> all apologies, i think
[17:37.32] <john_cons> and 'black' with pearl jam
[17:37.47] <john_cons> and 'like a stone' with audioslave
[17:37.54] <john_cons> something like that
[17:38.15] <john_cons> she works as a shrink
[17:38.20] <nomafian> ok
[17:38.22] <john_cons> she might be able to help you
[17:38.27] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:38.44] <john_cons> with your deranged-nes (likenes to øystein)
[17:39.14] <john_cons> she lives in rome
[17:39.21] <nomafian> yes yes. I can cope with the family that does not want anything to do with you
[17:39.37] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:39.53] <nomafian> I do, for the record
[17:40.01] <john_cons> her father has a big black beard
[17:40.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:41.13] <john_cons> is it a notch in the plate
[17:42.01] <john_cons> federicas father used to say ciao
[17:42.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.23] <nomafian> guess not
[17:42.27] <john_cons> he said ciao both in the morning and in the evening
[17:43.02] <nomafian> thats fine. The norwegian tax payer wil take care of you
[17:43.06] <john_cons> and he took my flat-mates (federica and rosario) for a drive
[17:43.06] <nomafian> you and skorpion
[17:43.11] <john_cons> and also the french girl
[17:43.14] <john_cons> claire
[17:43.17] <john_cons> from paris
[17:43.25] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.27] <john_cons> they went to see the angel of north
[17:43.30] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.31] <john_cons> rosario said
[17:43.33] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.41] <john_cons> are you øystein?
[17:43.53] <nomafian> call him and ask
[17:44.09] <nomafian> guess he will hang up when he see whos calling
[17:44.16] <john_cons> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_of_the_North
[17:44.22] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:44.48] <john_cons> in norway we have tv-chef
[17:44.52] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:44.55] <john_cons> gino valente
[17:44.58] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:45.04] <john_cons> he says arriverderchi
[17:45.08] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:45.15] <nomafian> Yes/no
[17:45.16] <john_cons> at the end of the programs
[17:45.17] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:46.01] <nomafian> guess not
[17:46.23] <john_cons> i've also been to italy
[17:46.33] <nomafian> all these ppl you are badmouthing is most likely better person than you are
[17:46.40] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:46.43] <john_cons> we drove to jugoslavia in the summer of 1980
[17:46.49] <nomafian> yes yes
[17:47.09] <john_cons> we drove from austria, to germany to italy
[17:47.13] <nomafian> that stuff that went dowen 30-40 years ago
[17:47.18] <john_cons> in italy everyone had small cars
[17:47.28] <nomafian> its still like it went down yesterday
[17:47.37] <john_cons> and the autostrada? was moving slow
[17:47.43] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:47.50] <john_cons> the trafic stood still, for hours
[17:47.53] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:48.21] <john_cons> my steph-sister was looking after a cacadou once
[17:48.21] <skorpion> Omg, he's on repeat
[17:48.32] <john_cons> but it couldn't speak like a parrot
[17:48.36] <nomafian> but, do you have a job, skorpion?
[17:48.43] <john_cons> but it was a fun bird
[17:48.57] <nomafian> or are you and john_cons holding hands while going into the nav office?
[17:49.28] <skorpion> nomafian, you're insane
[17:49.35] <skorpion> Clearly
[17:49.38] <john_cons> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockatoo
[17:49.41] <skorpion> Further communication with you is pointless
[17:49.51] <nomafian> if so I'm in good company
[17:50.21] <john_cons> i wonder why my clas-mate ulf havmo stayed in italy that long, in the summer of 1982
[17:50.31] <john_cons> he was much to late back at school
[17:50.31] <nomafian> skorpion: why are you here as john_cons thinks you are a fucker. 
[17:50.37] <john_cons> like a couple of weeks late
[17:50.43] <nomafian> Taking over this channekl s10 years gao
[17:50.43] <john_cons> something like that
[17:50.54] <john_cons> this was in the sixth grade, or something
[17:51.01] <nomafian> but, do you have a job, skorpion?
[17:51.04] <nomafian> if so I'm in good company
[17:51.25] <john_cons> and my cousin heidi
[17:51.39] <john_cons> (runars oldest daughter)
[17:51.44] <nomafian> john_cons: goit any positive feedback on your job search lately?
[17:51.45] <john_cons> she got married in rome
[17:52.03] <nomafian> odd, tho. Looking at theat web site
[17:52.03] <john_cons> with her husband steinar sundby(?)
[17:52.14] <nomafian> its like wtf
[17:52.16] <john_cons> and my sister pia was with them there in rome
[17:52.28] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:52.30] <john_cons> and she told me, (after she came back to norway)
[17:52.31] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:52.53] <john_cons> that the police in rome had thought that she and my cousins heidi and susanne were prostitutes
[17:52.58] <john_cons> something like that
[17:53.05] <nomafian> or are your plan to feed off the working man
[17:53.11] <nomafian> just like skorpion
[17:53.23] <john_cons> the police were very fascist in rome, (if i understood my sister right)
[17:53.28] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:53.39] <john_cons> and my grand-father øivind
[17:53.41] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:53.52] <john_cons> he told me (around 1979/1980)
[17:53.54] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.02] <john_cons> that they had been very unkind to mussolini
[17:54.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.23] <john_cons> they had just hanged/lynched him
[17:54.27] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.31] <john_cons> something like that
[17:54.34] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:55.00] <nomafian> a job might be holding out your hand
[17:55.03] <john_cons> i need drink
[17:55.05] <john_cons> bbl
[17:55.18] <nomafian> give me money as I cant cope with the real world
[17:55.34] <nomafian> hey skorpion
[17:55.55] <nomafian> you seem like a worthless fuck
[17:56.59] <nomafian> why dont you come clean and admit you are here to make fun of this mafian and whole uni is after me
[18:05.27] <john_cons> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFacWGBJ_cs
[21:57.29] * drittings (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) has joined channel #quiz-show
[21:59.06] <drittings> applegroo chews brunost and black salami
[21:59.19] <drittings> he likes brown and black
[21:59.52] <drittings> and you are cheesy
[21:59.58] <drittings> white as cheese
[22:01.33] <drittings> i can buy 2 bitcoins
[22:05.19] <drittings> you?
[22:05.26] <drittings> 10 bitcoins?
[22:07.47] <drittings> 5?
[22:09.11] <drittings> 3 btc ?
[23:18.52] <skorpion> https://youtu.be/NZf15xVrOW8
[23:18.56] <skorpion> The future is ours