onsdag 28. april 2021

Og enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
[PACS-10825199] Klage/Fwd: Playasia Order #44493371 still waiting for paymen - Ref: 44493371
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. april 2021 kl. 13:33
Til: Play-Asia Customer Service <enquiry@play-asia.com>
Kopi: Maria Kathleen Mateo <kathleen.mateo@play-asia.com>, Play-Asia Customer Service <enquiry@play-asia.com>, elh <elh@forbrukertilsynet.no>, "inger.lise.blyverket" <inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no>, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, cs@play-asia.com, juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>

in my last email I asked you to send to director Jan Neuerhauser, (or his secretary).

But not to team again.

They never do anything right.

This I have to complain about.

(I want to know the name of the troll who has ordered this in my name.

And I want to know how you're going to improve, to avoid that this problem happens again).

Erik Ribsskog

søn. 7. feb. 2021 kl. 13:41 skrev Play-Asia Customer Service <enquiry@play-asia.com>:
Dear Erik Ribsskog,

Good day to you.

Please allow me to coordinate this issue with the respective team. Rest
assured that you will receive their feedback the following week. In the
meantime, I am asking for your patience.

For other concerns or inquiries, please feel free to send an email and we
are happy to assist you.

Thank you for trusting Playasia.

Best regards,

Eunice Lapitan
Email: cs@play-asia.com
Telephone: +85231450013
Leave us a review: www.trustpilot.com/review/www.play-asia.com
For latest deals, offers and pre-releases visit us at www.play-asia.com

Follow us on social:
FB: www.facebook.com/playasia
TW: www.twitter.com/playasia
IG: www.instagram.com/playasia

Was this e-mail helpful?

Original Message from 2021-02-07 02:54:03 HKT

like I told you on 30/12.

I now want a reply from your director/owner Jan Neuerhausen about this.

(I want to know the name of the troll who has ordered this in my name.

And I want to know which better routines that you're going to start with

that this doesn't happen again).

Erik Ribsskog

man. 7. des. 2020 kl. 07:58 skrev Play-Asia Customer Service <


> Dear Customer,


> Good day!


> My name is Ehdmel F. Jueves, I am Playasia Customer Service Supervisor.

> will now be handling this case. First, we would like to apologize for

> inconvenience this has caused. I have checked all the previous email

> and the orders in your account. We can guarantee you that there is no

> payment that went through on our end. About your request, we regret to

> inform you that we’re unable to identify the person who did this

> the email address used in the orders was your email. The only

> that we can provide is the IP Address: where the order was

> created. There is no other information in the orders.


> We have also, put the account status on monitored. We assure you that

> purchase attempts will automatically be declined. I hope that this

> information is useful. If you have questions and concerns, feel free to

> email me at (ehdmel.jueves@play-asia.com).


> Best regards,


> Ehdmel F. Jueves

> Playasia Customer Service Supervisor

> Email: cs@play-asia.com

> Telephone: +85231450013

> __________________________________________________________

> Leave us a review: www.trustpilot.com/review/www.play-asia.com

> For latest deals, offers and pre-releases visit us at www.play-asia.com


> Follow us on social:

> FB: www.facebook.com/playasia

> TW: www.twitter.com/playasia

> IG: www.instagram.com/playasia


> Was this e-mail helpful?

> https://www.play-asia.com/41/746cann-773c52n


> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

> Original Message from 2020-12-06 19:48:04 HKT

> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

> Hi,



> you shouldn't have 20 case-workers.



> You should let the Mateo-manager-women reply, (and clean this up), like


> I've told you before.



> (I want to know the name of the troll who has ordered this in my name.



> And I want to know which better routines that you're going to start with

> to


> avoid that this problem happens again to other people).



> Erik Ribsskog




> søn. 1. nov. 2020 kl. 04:12 skrev Play-Asia Customer Service <


> enquiry@play-asia.com>:



> > Dear Customer,


> >


> > I totally understand where you're coming from.


> >


> > I have now forwarded this issue to our upper management. Rest assured

> that


> > they will get in touch with you as soon as they can. I hope this


> >


> > If you have other concerns, please don't hesitate to send us an email

> and


> > we'll be glad to assist. Thank you for your trust and support in

> Playasia.


> > Have a great day!


> >


> > Best regards,


> >


> > Jacob Bernales


> > Playasia Customer Service Representative


> > Email: cs@play-asia.com


> > Telephone: +85231450013


> > __________________________________________________________


> > Leave us a review: www.trustpilot.com/review/www.play-asia.com


> > For latest deals, offers and pre-releases visit us at


> >


> > Follow us on social:


> > FB: www.facebook.com/playasia


> > TW: www.twitter.com/playasia


> > IG: www.instagram.com/playasia


> >


> > Was this e-mail helpful?


> > https://www.play-asia.com/41/7469iuj-773c52n


> >


> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


> > Original Message from 2020-11-01 08:27:06 HKT


> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


> > Hi,


> >


> >


> > like I've explained to you earlier, I correspond with your Customer


> > Service


> >


> > Manager Maria Kathleen Mateo, about this.


> >


> >


> > So I don't understand why I get a reply from a regular employee about

> this


> >


> > case.


> >


> >


> > You should let your manager reply, I think.


> >


> >


> > I want the name of the troll who has ordered this, in my name.
