søndag 2. mai 2021

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Session Start: lør. mai 01 05:47:40 2021
Session Ident: #usa
[05:47.40] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 1230 seconds)
[05:54.28] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[10:23.42] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
[10:24.18] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[13:22.40] * blablabot (~blablabot@159-32-81-51.sisrv.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:12.50] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 1230 seconds)
[14:13.03] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[15:30.57] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 1230 seconds)
[15:37.55] * OneBTS_ (sid117526@id-117526.tinside.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[17:19.47] * verdjewis (~verdjewis@ has joined channel #usa
[17:19.56] * verdjewis (~verdjewis@ has left #usa ()
[20:49.44] * Tjaden (~remarque@ti0029a400-1288.bb.online.no) has joined channel #usa
[22:32.32] * cxp (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) has joined channel #usa
[22:32.42] <cxp> hi Erik
[22:32.53] <cxp> hi Bjerkenstokk
[22:34.00] <cxp> Tjaden> Jeg joinet #usa
[22:34.00] <cxp> 20:50:12 < applegroo> bra
[22:34.00] <cxp> 20:50:33 < Tjaden> Jeg blir bannet. Sist med et ønske om at jeg skulle gå å drepe meg selv.
[22:34.00] <cxp> 20:50:52 < applegroo> blir du eller ble du
[22:34.00] <cxp> 20:51:05 < Tjaden> Begge deler
[22:34.01] <cxp> 20:51:14 < Tjaden> Når han oppdager at jeg er der
[22:34.01] <cxp> 20:51:15 < applegroo> ok
[22:34.28] <Tjaden> Haha
[22:35.03] <cxp> Tjaden: hvorfor ble du ikke bannet her ennå  ?
[22:35.11] <cxp> av Erik john_cons 
[22:35.35] <cxp> skal han kicke deg ut?
[22:36.25] <Tjaden> Jeg vet ikke hvorfor han banner meg. HAr aldri snakket med fyren.
[22:36.53] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) has joined channel #usa
[22:37.01] <applegroo> <Tjaden> chrisxp kom på #usa og delte det vi sa om john_cons... lol
[22:37.27] <Tjaden> Haha
[23:02.51] * Tjaden was kicked by john_cons(~IceChat95@telia-590890-139.connect.netcom.no)  - Reason (du sa på #quiz-show at jeg burde avlives)
[23:04.13] * applegroo was kicked by john_cons(~IceChat95@telia-590890-139.connect.netcom.no)  - Reason (du vet at jeg ikke liker deg og din manglende folkeskikk)
[23:04.23] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) has joined channel #usa
[23:04.34] * applegroo was kicked by john_cons(~IceChat95@telia-590890-139.connect.netcom.no)  - Reason (applegroo)
[23:04.44] ->> applegroo is ~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567 (applegroo)
[23:04.44] ->> applegroo is on: #quiz-show #spiritual @+#Bjerkaker @+#Annihilation #norge 
[23:04.44] ->> applegroo using irc.nordunet.se (NORDUnet EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[23:04.44] ->> applegroo is using a secure connection
[23:04.44] ->> applegroo actually using host 2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567
[23:04.45] ->> applegroo 7 mins 26 secs seconds idle, signon time 09:51 24.04.2021
[23:04.45] ->> applegroo :End of /WHOIS list.
[23:04.45] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) has joined channel #usa
[23:04.48] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) has left #usa ((Leaving))
[23:11.55] ->> bjerkenstokk :No such server
[23:32.46] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #usa
[23:33.17] * john_cons sets mode +o Einstein for #usa