torsdag 6. mai 2021

Mer fra irc

[23:52.53] * X sets mode +l 146 for #usa
[23:52.56] * lilie (~androirc@ has joined channel #usa
[23:53.19] * lilie (~androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[23:53.32] * DJ_Way is now known as DJ_Way[OFF]
[23:55.13] <Oy> Can a norwegian dude just say, hello?
[23:56.22] <+juli-e> no u must bring lefse for all
[23:57.55] * RevBabylon ( has left #usa ()
[23:59.53] <Oy> okei, i have lefse
[00:02.39] * Gaming_Guy ( has joined channel #usa
[00:11.47] * Nancy_GA ( has joined channel #usa
[00:12.00] * niceeyes_ (~androirc@ has joined channel #usa
[00:12.05] * X sets mode +l 148 for #usa
[00:12.10] * Dolley ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[00:15.24] * MaraO ( has joined channel #usa
[00:17.52] ->> Oy is (...)
[00:17.52] ->> Oy is on: #Norway #Norge #usa #undernet 
[00:17.52] ->> Oy using * (The Undernet Underworld)
[00:17.52] ->> Oy 5 mins 12 secs seconds idle, signon time 21:26 05.05.2021
[00:17.52] ->> oy :End of /WHOIS list.
[00:18.55] * niceeyes_ (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[00:19.30] * marie^^ (~marie@ has joined channel #usa
[00:20.31] <john_cons> Oy: hva skjer?
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e is (...)
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e is on: +#usa @#music +#metal #MainChat @#madalina #london @#LA @#allnitecafe 
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e using * (The Undernet Underworld)
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e is logged in as julie418
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e 21 secs seconds idle, signon time 19:42 05.05.2021
[00:21.22] ->> juli-e :End of /WHOIS list.
[00:21.52] * giorgos_ ( has joined channel #usa
[00:22.33] <Oy> Chillin.
[00:22.38] * vaader ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:23.32] <Oy> and you John_cons?
[00:24.02] <@USA> [1/4] Welcome to #USA @ UnderNET. Have fun and speak English only
[00:25.00] <john_cons> jeg har sett på champions league, og driver og blogger osv., hva var det du lurte på da, (hvis det er lov å snakke norsk her)
[00:25.29] <john_cons> english only ok
[00:25.49] <Oy> yeah
[00:27.31] * Ammigo (~Albert@ has joined channel #usa
[00:27.38] <john_cons> i was banned from all the norwegian channels on efnet for no reason, so i thought i'd try undernet
[00:27.38] * Dolley ( has joined channel #usa
[00:27.47] * X sets mode +l 150 for #usa
[00:28.07] <Oy> oh
[00:28.07] * marie^^ (~marie@ has left #usa ()
[00:30.08] * tamyie ( Quit (Quit)
[00:30.17] * X sets mode +l 148 for #usa
[00:30.41] * alex11 (war@ has joined channel #usa
[00:32.45] * Markoni_ ( has joined channel #usa
[00:32.46] * alex11 (war@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:32.55] <john_cons> i used to be in irc a lot in the 90's and 00's, and i recently startet irc-ing again during the corona, (on efnet), and the people there were like harassing for no reason from the first second i got on the Norway channel
[00:33.01] <john_cons> on irc
[00:33.16] * alex11 ( has joined channel #usa
[00:33.18] * X sets mode +l 150 for #usa
[00:33.29] * _Nicole_ ( has left #usa ()
[00:33.56] * maverrick45 ( has left #usa ()
[00:34.17] * X sets mode +l 148 for #usa
[00:34.22] <john_cons> and after a few weeks they had banned me from all the norwegian challens (and they have put a lot of bots on my old channel blablabla, and they say they've done it so to look after the channel)
[00:34.30] <john_cons> channels
[00:35.31] <+`revvy> well here it's to keep it short, keep it pg and more often than not don't post links.
[00:36.04] <+`revvy> naturally trolls are everywhere so you won't avoid them fully
[00:36.55] <Oy> true.
[00:37.26] * TristanX blinks
[00:37.52] <+juli-e> did we wake u mikey?
[00:38.03] <+TristanX> naw, just takin a break from gaming
[00:38.11] * juli-e pets mikey
[00:38.16] <+`revvy> civ 6?
[00:38.19] <+TristanX> purr
[00:38.25] <+TristanX> no, DC Online
[00:38.51] <+TristanX> you get to be a superhero or supervillan ,,, it's fun
[00:42.05] <+`revvy> hmm
[00:42.08] * juli-e pets mikey so cute
[00:42.11] <+`revvy> I woke up by midnight
[00:42.29] <+`revvy> I guess, food and some tvshow and back to sleep
[00:45.21] * alex11 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:46.54] <john_cons> i also used to chat a lot on undernet around year 2000, i met a woman from Ålesund with the nick Tornerosa and one with the nick Trec on undernet, i remember
[00:47.50] <Oy> oh
[00:48.01] <Oy> nice
[00:48.08] * JeepGuy ( Quit (Quit)
[00:48.21] <john_cons> i dated tornerosa once in oslo, and i also was supposed to meet trec, but i couldn't find her at the nightclub
[00:48.23] * X sets mode +l 146 for #usa
[00:49.07] * juli-e ( Quit (Quit)
[00:49.33] <Oy> thats oslo..
[00:54.16] * X sets mode +b *!* for #usa
[00:54.16] * Oy was kicked by X(  - Reason ((yoshi) man, screw that channel [id: 810])
[00:54.23] * X sets mode +l 144 for #usa
[00:56.03] <john_cons> that was the city oslo, not the channel
[00:57.59] <john_cons> i have been to the usa as well
[00:58.11] <john_cons> i went to detroit on a flight from frankfurt in 2005
[00:58.44] <john_cons> and the airport-security sent me back to europe again, i was allowed to go out of the airport
[00:58.47] <john_cons> for no reason
[00:59.00] <john_cons> wasn't allowed
[00:59.52] <+TC1> didnt miss much, detroit is a dump anyhow
[01:00.32] <john_cons> i had planned to rent a car and drive to california, (i had just gotten a loan from the norwegain study-loan-bank lånekassa)
[01:00.56] <john_cons> but the airport-police made of lots of reasons to not let me enter usa
[01:01.03] <john_cons> they said i'd stolen the money etc
[01:01.24] * BlaqueDollie ( has left #usa ()
[01:01.27] <john_cons> made up
[01:02.53] <john_cons>
[01:03.20] * You have joined #usa
[01:03.20] Topic: * gummiman lays in mochahontas bed || USA Radio @
[01:03.20] Channel Topic Set by: MrJump on 21:29 05.05.2021
[01:03.20] Channel modes for #usa are :+tnRcCl 144
[01:03.20] Channel Created on: 03:36 29.10.1996
[01:03.30] <john_cons> ops
[01:03.49] <+`revvy> mhm, like I said, more often than not no links.
[01:04.39] <john_cons> i wasn't sure if i should listen to you since you aren't op
[01:04.45] <john_cons> it seems
[01:05.27] <+TC1> just because someone isnt an op doesnt mean you shouldnt listen to them
[01:05.38] <+TC1> im not opped right now
[01:05.44] <john_cons> well, not everyone likes to be patronised
[01:06.01] <+TC1> but if I tell you something, youd do well to listen
[01:06.16] <john_cons> is that a threat?
[01:06.20] <+TC1> no
[01:07.16] * GrumpyBear gets the popcorn
[01:07.32] * `revvy brings burgers
[01:07.52] <+GrumpyBear> you eat burgers watching drama unfold?
[01:07.55] <+GrumpyBear> heh
[01:08.06] <john_cons> i complained to trip, but i haven't gotten compensation, (i had to buy an expensive ticket back to europe using my own money, and lufthansa refused to let me go back to europe with them, so i had to go with air france)
[01:08.15] <+`revvy> GrumpyBear, nah but they just got ready
[01:08.22] <+GrumpyBear> ah ok
[01:08.28] <+GrumpyBear> burgers are good tho
[01:08.32] <john_cons> bbl
[01:08.33] <+GrumpyBear> mmm burgergs
[01:08.39] <+GrumpyBear> burgers, too
[01:09.01] * GrumpyBear makes sure to not listen to TC1
[01:09.03] <+GrumpyBear> ;)
[01:09.17] <+GrumpyBear> hey TC1, `revvy
[01:09.21] <+`revvy> topped with plenty of 12-month aged cheddar
[01:09.24] <+`revvy> heyo GrumpyBear
[01:09.25] * GrumpyBear is here for a short while
[01:09.52] * woman36 (~vfbgrtyfr@ has joined channel #usa
[01:10.13] * GrumpyBear does his bes beavis/cornholio impression... "ARE YOU THREATENING ME?"
[01:12.15] * verdjewis (~verdjewis@ has joined channel #usa
[01:12.15] * X sets mode +b *!*@201.141.* for #usa
[01:12.15] * verdjewis was kicked by X(  - Reason ((yoshi) Spamming/Trolling [id: 767])
[01:12.24] <+TC1> i dont go around telling people what to do willy nilly, so if I do, theres a reason for it
[01:12.35] <+TC1> im not doing it just for the hell of it
[01:13.07] <+GrumpyBear> yes. the channel has rules for a reason
[01:13.54] <+GrumpyBear> regulars who arent ops know the rules, so if someone says "hey thats not allowed" they are just helping you to stay out of trouble
[01:16.03] <@USA> [2/4] Check our website at and register on our forum at for fun activities & games
[01:17.15] <+GrumpyBear> shit
[01:17.19] <+GrumpyBear> got banned from 4chan again
[01:17.23] <+GrumpyBear> for 1 day
[01:17.35] <+GrumpyBear> these mods are buttholes
[01:18.12] <+TC1> yeah, im sure its them and not you.... heh
[01:18.26] * Ammigo (~Albert@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:18.30] <+GrumpyBear> well, maybe
[01:18.41] <+GrumpyBear> oversensitive kitty cats
[01:18.45] <+GrumpyBear> thats all they are
[01:18.51] <+GrumpyBear> oh well
[01:19.03] <+GrumpyBear> I can still post from my phone
[01:19.09] <+GrumpyBear> so no big deal
[01:19.49] <+GrumpyBear> oh well brb
[01:19.54] * cuckslaveCpl (~androirc@ has joined channel #usa
[01:19.56] * warlock sets mode +b *!*@ for #usa
[01:19.56] * cuckslaveCpl was kicked by warlock(  - Reason (banned: You have been found co-channeling in one or more blacklisted channels.)
[01:23.42] * X sets mode +b *!*@ for #usa
[01:23.42] * woman36 was kicked by X(  - Reason ((yoshi) Evasion [id: 811])
[01:23.54] * X sets mode +l 142 for #usa
[01:24.55] * warlock sets mode -b *!*@ for #usa
[01:26.58] <+TristanX> so bored
[01:27.17] * KevinUp` ( has joined channel #usa
[01:29.23] * KevinUp` ( Quit (Quit)
[01:32.33] * maria_20 ( has joined channel #usa
[01:34.31] <Nancy_GA> hi TristanX :)   hugs
[01:35.50] * zosky (~gdfgdfgsf@ has joined channel #usa
[01:35.53] * X sets mode +l 144 for #usa
[01:40.43] * MySkO^ (~gdfgdfgsf@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:46.35] * aroma (~blind@ has joined channel #usa
[01:47.53] * Primus ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[01:48.31] * ^Eve ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[01:48.36] * X sets mode +l 142 for #usa
[01:50.45] * maria_20 ( Quit (Quit: Online IRC Client)
[01:54.14] * Jack` ( has joined channel #usa
[01:54.24] * X sets mode -b *!* for #usa
[01:54.57] * Jack` ( Quit (Registered)
[01:54.57] * Jack` ( has joined channel #usa
[01:54.58] <@yoshi> [Jack`] Jumping Jack
[01:55.40] * aster^ (~aster@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:56.28] <+`revvy> so what are we all drinking?
[01:57.29] * Nancy_GA ( has left #usa ()
[01:57.42] * X sets mode +l 140 for #usa
[01:57.46] <john_cons> i also have relative in america, a bonus-brother, body-builder viggo snoghøj aka. viggo snowhill, in florida
[01:57.56] * Webby is drinking water
[01:58.23] <+`revvy> I'm drinking a 'Absolut Mixt - Raspberry & Lemon'
[01:58.37] <+`revvy> though now that I think of it, water would have been a good idea
[01:59.03] <+Webby> I needed some water.. this pad thai has a little kick
[01:59.16] <john_cons> and also all my grandparents have relatives in america, (i've been doing geneaolgy), and i think writers carl hiaasen and bagley (rollag-names) are related to my fathers mother, (from rollag norway), if i remember right
[02:02.01] <john_cons> says bagley is british on wikipedia, have to check that up
[02:04.04] <+`revvy> I gotta say, the story and timeline change in 'For All Mankind' is great
[02:05.35] * Ammigo (~Albert@ has joined channel #usa
[02:05.39] <john_cons> also my great-grandmother birgit mogan was born in america, but she moved back to norway, (she lived with her uncle and foster-father gullik gullikson who later found a viking-treasure (tråen-skatten), in norway)
[02:06.37] * aroma (~blind@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[02:07.09] <+Lilyana> wut
[02:08.02] <@USA> [3/4] Type (?? rules) for channel rules. To look for another user, type !seen <nick>. Contact any op with your nickname & X username if you would like to be added to the word stat.
[02:11.29] <john_cons> my great-grandmother and them lived in north dakota before they moved back to norway, (i've found out while i've been doing geneaolgy)
[02:12.23] * X sets mode -b *!*@201.141.* for #usa
[02:13.33] <+TC1> north dakota sucks
[02:13.35] * sun-light ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:13.40] <+TC1> theres nothing there
[02:13.46] <+TC1> its just flat
[02:14.13] <+TC1> every once in awhile a oil rig 
[02:14.17] <+TC1> thats it
[02:15.08] <Dolley> true TC1 :(
[02:15.25] <john_cons> they moved back to norway in 1889, and my great-grandmother was born in 1880
[02:15.36] <+`revvy> TC1, and cows
[02:15.50] <+TC1> cows in ND ?
[02:15.56] <+TC1> not that i saw
[02:16.14] <+`revvy> "There are about 1.83 million beef cattle and calves in North Dakota. That's more than two cattle for every person in the state"
[02:16.32] <Dolley> what about fish?
[02:16.39] <+`revvy> fish is for sport only.
[02:16.51] <Dolley> where do all the storebought fish come from? certainly not the oceans
[02:17.01] <+`revvy> farms.
[02:17.02] <+TC1> Minnesota is where you want to come for fishing
[02:17.10] <+TC1> we have more than 10,000 lakes
[02:19.08] <john_cons> my great-grandmothers foster-mother was aase levorsdatter, (it seems she died in spokane, washington)
[02:20.10] <john_cons> it seem her brother lived in a tipi at one point, (after moving to america), so perhaps they were poor
[02:20.21] <john_cons> or a tent
[02:21.55] <john_cons> (from a photo on find a grave)
[02:22.27] * aster^ (~aster@ has joined channel #usa
[02:23.18] <john_cons> or perhaps it was the photographer who had a tent
[02:25.54] <john_cons> my younger half-brother (who has gone at a school for retards/criminals for many years) has a girl-friend from minesota (even if he says texas)
[02:26.57] <john_cons> ann noel southworth
[02:27.08] <john_cons> she works as a chef in oslo
[02:27.08] * matt ( Quit (Quit: leaving)
[02:27.50] <john_cons> i haven't met her because my younger brother has stolen my inheritance after my mother (and her parents) while i lived in the uk
[02:28.52] <+Kilgharrah> .song
[02:28.54] <+Bowie>  :||: USA Radio :||: DJ: USA Radio :||: ✨ psychos pop-hiphop-progressive 23-03 - 2020 ✨  Type .radio to Tune In! :||: USA Radio :||:
[02:33.36] * taylor_f ( has joined channel #usa
[02:35.59] * diatronic (~diatronic@ has joined channel #usa
[02:37.09] <Zanadu> Sorry to hear that
[02:39.36] * Primus ( has joined channel #usa
[02:40.06] * X sets mode +l 142 for #usa
[02:42.47] * lilie (~androirc@ has joined channel #usa
[02:43.48] * lilie (~androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[02:46.21] * DJ|Destani is now known as Destani
[02:46.44] <Destani> hi :)
[02:47.06] * Zoidy ( has joined channel #usa
[02:47.25] * Kilo ( has joined channel #usa
[02:47.42] * X sets mode +l 144 for #usa
[02:48.28] * Dolley ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:50.24] <Destani> Kilo :)
[02:50.57] <Kilo> Destani :)
[02:51.06] <Kilo> !tplace
[02:51.28] <Kilo> i might have lost my chance to be in the 50s
[02:51.37] <Destani> lol
[02:51.55] * richard72 (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[02:52.12] * X sets mode +l 142 for #usa


Min farmor, (og far), nevnte aldri den vikingskatten.

Som min farmors mor sin onkel fant, (for over hundre år siden).

Min farmor sa: 'Je vet itte je, sa hu mor', (på 80-tallet).

Og sånn prater de vel ikke, i Numedal.

Og min farmor sa også, (på 80-tallet): 'Jeg var den peneste jenta i hele Numedal'.

(Noe sånt).

Og min yngre fetter Ove sa en gang, (også på Sand, på 80-tallet), at jeg var Manitou.

(Av en eller annen grunn).

Så om den viking-skatten og min oldemor Bergit Mogan var fra Gnomedal, i Amerika.

(Og at min oldemor var den siste jenta der, liksom.

For å si det sånn).

Og at hu var etterkommer av vikingene på Grønland, (som forsvant derfra, og som muligens dro til Vinland/Amerika).


Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

gnomedal mer om

At hu en gang fikk kjeft, av fru Jebsen, (eller om dette var det andre stedet hu jobba som tjenestepike).

Fordi at hu renskårte kjøttet, på kyllingvingene.

For kyllingvingene skulle man spise med skinn og det hele, (sa fru Jebsen).

Men det å rense kyllingvingene.

Det var kanskje sånn de gjorde det, på Grønland eller i Gnomedal, da.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 4.

Nå var det forresten sånn.

At min farfar Øivind Olsen.

Han var i 60/70-åra, da jeg flytta fra min mor, (i Larvik), til min far og de, (på Berger/Sand), høsten 1979.

Og det eneste han syntes var virkelig morsomt, (unntatt å leke ride ranke med min lillesøster Pia og å sitte i stua sammen med sine svigerdøtre Tone og Inger samtidig).

Det var å forklare om tegneserien Mandrake.

(Sånn som jeg husker det).

Da fløy bestefar Øivind opp fra sofaen sin, og bort til spisestue-bordet, (hvor jeg satt og leste tegneserier), og forklarte om at Mandrake var en illusjonist, osv.

(Noe sånt).

Så min farfar var muligens en slags luring, (siden at han var så opptatt av Mandrake/tryllekunstnere).

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.