søndag 16. mai 2021

Mer fra irc

[07:49.48] * You have joined #drammen
[07:49.48] Topic: IRC-treff - FB-invite til gammelt #Drammen crew?? :)
[07:49.48] Channel Topic Set by: boomdrak!boomy@brabol.pw on 19:40 18.09.2014
[07:49.48] Channel modes for #drammen are :+tn
[07:49.48] Channel Created on: 21:24 31.12.2012
[11:02.51] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[15:22.08] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[20:35.32] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[00:58.02] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[10:31.09] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[14:52.17] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[17:04.56] *** Server disconnected on irc.homelien.no
[17:06.54] *** Server disconnected on irc.homelien.no
[17:08.46] *** Server disconnected on irc.homelien.no
[21:31.24] * You have joined #drammen
[21:31.24] Topic: IRC-treff - FB-invite til gammelt #Drammen crew?? :)
[21:31.24] Channel Topic Set by: boomdrak!boomy@brabol.pw on 19:40 18.09.2014
[21:31.24] Channel modes for #drammen are :+tn
[21:31.24] Channel Created on: 21:24 31.12.2012
[21:38.47] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[22:04.27] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[02:04.54] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[13:16.06] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[17:39.23] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[19:32.05] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[23:57.21] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[09:51.13] <Skorpion> heihei john_cons, hvordan går det med deg i dag gullet?
[10:22.46] <john_cons> vil du ha hue oppi ræva eller (som de sier i drammen)
[10:23.49] Skorpion added to ignore list
[10:23.56] <john_cons> [10:23.49] Skorpion added to ignore list
[11:47.13] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen
[12:10.59] * Ulfern (~berger@ has joined channel #drammen
[12:13.23] <Ulfern> john_cons: Hvordan går det? Verden er blitt galematias. Bare det å handle kjøttdeig og cola er et helvete for fettberg som deg.
[12:13.46] <Ulfern> Noe sånt
[12:13.52] <Ulfern> men men
[12:14.02] <Ulfern> Bare noe jeg tenkte på
[12:15.26] <Ulfern> Men som arbeidstager hos NAV som du nå har vært i en mannsalder er det vel ikke bare bare
[12:15.50] * Ulfern (~berger@ has left #drammen ()
[16:10.17] * banox (~banox@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[16:18.26] * banox (~banox@ has joined channel #drammen