søndag 20. juni 2021

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[09:28.19] * juli-e hands Falcon 90sf heat
[09:29.12] <Falcon> No thanks
[09:29.19] <Falcon> I only just slept last night for the first time in ages
[09:29.23] <Falcon> without being too hot!
[09:29.35] <MitchUK> yes, it gets oppressive
[09:29.41] <juli-e> too hot here every dy every night so
[09:29.47] <juli-e> day
[09:30.57] <Falcon> Y'll have aircon anyway =P
[09:31.19] <juli-e> i dont
[09:32.21] <Falcon> Don't or can't use it coz it's too expensive?
[09:32.30] <juli-e> i dontgot one period
[09:32.44] <juli-e> so cant afford t buy a ac nor use pne shrug
[09:33.10] <Falcon> Ah
[09:33.18] <Falcon> Not good then!
[09:33.45] <juli-e> yup and bet they aint cheap anyway
[09:35.26] * kristenn (~kristenn@ has joined channel #london
[09:35.50] <kristenn> hi 
[09:35.56] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london
[09:36.34] <Falcon> HI kristenn 
[09:36.49] <kristenn> hi Falcon 
[09:41.07] * kristenn (~kristenn@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[10:17.23] * GirlN0 (GirlN0.2@ has joined channel #london
[10:19.42] <juli-e> guess hes deaded
[10:20.53] <Falcon> Who be deaded?
[10:26.36] <juli-e> that other dude Falcon
[10:26.38] <juli-e> npt u
[10:27.30] <Falcon> phew!
[10:27.32] <Falcon> haha
[10:28.23] <juli-e> maybe i better bury it before it smellsd Falcon
[10:30.41] <Falcon> lol
[10:30.57] * juli-e burrys MitchUK just in case it died
[10:31.31] <MitchUK> Rumours of my death are exaggerated
[10:31.46] <juli-e> well ur buried npw so not our problem shrug
[10:32.45] <MitchUK> oh nice
[10:34.30] * MitchUK (sid474641@brockwell.irccloud.com) has left #london ()
[10:36.40] <Falcon> Guess he didn't like being buried
[10:37.15] <juli-e> nein
[10:41.51] <john_cons> thought you were norwegian not german juli-e
[10:42.18] <juli-e> nope usa
[10:42.34] <juli-e> GirlN0 i got no idea why u dcc chat with ppl that dont dcc chat
[10:42.36] <john_cons> yes, but like you said your ancesters were norwegian
[10:43.13] <john_cons> you said you ate lefse all the time
[10:43.42] <juli-e> yes but im not norwedgian or germany my grandparebts were norwedgian mom was german so
[10:44.28] <john_cons> ok, your mother was german i didn't know that
[10:44.50] <john_cons> both norwegian and german ancestors
[10:45.12] <john_cons> i have a cousin who lives in berlin, (shes from switzerland really)
[10:45.33] <juli-e> yup
[10:45.41] <john_cons> her father is italian
[10:45.49] <juli-e> grandparents were on dads side pf family so
[10:46.02] <john_cons> hes parents immigrated from italy to switzerland
[10:46.07] <john_cons> ok i c
[10:46.48] <john_cons> and my berlin-cousins mother ellen, (my mothers sister), was half norwegian and half danish
[10:47.28] <john_cons> so my berlin-cousin rahel is half italian/swiss, a quarter norwegian and a quarter danish
[10:47.31] <john_cons> something like that
[10:48.17] <john_cons> shes an actress from rudolf steiner-school in basel
[10:48.32] <john_cons> and also from theatre-school in berlin
[10:52.21] <john_cons> rahel has had theatre-performances in the us, (with an acctress-collegue)
[10:52.30] <john_cons> but not like broadway-stuff, i guess
[10:57.37] <john_cons> i've studied at university of sunderland, (in 2004/05), and know an american woman, (stefany madonna), who studied to be an actress, but she only became like a ergo-terapaut, (or what its called), it seems
[10:57.52] <john_cons> she was from new england, (like its called), somewhere
[11:00.02] <john_cons> and there i almost learned to speak german, because i had to live with mostly german exchange-students in a flat-share
[11:02.58] <john_cons> new england is really the norwegian land vinland the gode, i've read lately, (a land that norwegian vikings found, and norways cost went from florida and up, i've read)
[11:03.47] <john_cons> vinland det gode
[11:06.51] * MitchUK (sid474641@brockwell.irccloud.com) has joined channel #london
[11:07.00] * MitchUK (sid474641@brockwell.irccloud.com) has left #london ()
[11:15.19] * juli-e (~juli-e@julie418.users.undernet.org) Quit (Quit)
[11:15.38] * X sets mode +l 34 for #london
[11:47.10] * defnee (~defnee@ has joined channel #london
[11:53.04] <john_cons> the vikings left some people behind in markland/wineland/canada, because they weren't christian, (i've read), so they could perhaps have formed a society, (of some kind), with the indians
[12:24.34] * Lucky_Pig (mirc@athedsl-389280.home.otenet.gr) has joined channel #london
[12:24.34] * Lucky_Pig (mirc@athedsl-389280.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Registered)
[12:24.34] * Lucky_Pig (mirc@SilentFury.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[12:24.40] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london