torsdag 17. juni 2021

Og enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <>
Klage/Fwd: Ordren er klar!
Erik Ribsskog <> 17. juni 2021 kl. 02:05
Til: Phso Enquiries <>
Kopi: Helpdesk Bitpro <>, NextGenTel Abuse Response Team <>,, "inger.lise.blyverket" <>, Telio kundeservice <>,, post <>,,,, fmovpost <>,,,, Kundeservice Proximo <>,, juridisk <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>,,, "" <>

you seem to reply to your own email here.

So you are a bit confused, it seems.

I've lived in the UK for ten years, (from 2004 til 2014), and then I sent your organisation a lot of complaints.

And you never did anything to solve any of them.

So you are a joke, it seems.

This I have to complain about.

Erik Ribsskog

tir. 16. mar. 2021 kl. 09:56 skrev Phso Enquiries <>:
Dear Mr Ribsskog


Thank you for your recent emails.


As advised below, we are unable to consider your complaints as we do not have the legal power to investigate them.


We must ask that you stop contacting us on this issue and remove us from the cc list you are using to contact various organisations on this matter.


If you continue to contact us on this matter, we will have to consider blocking your email address.


Yours sincerely,




Stephen Reilly

Intake Caseworker

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

T: 0345 015 4033


From: Phso Enquiries
Sent: 19 February 2021 12:36
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Ticket#2020121210000069] Klage/Fwd: Ordren er klar!


Dear Mr Ribsskog


Your recent email to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman


Thank you for your recent email. 


Our role


We make final decisions on complaints that the NHS in England, UK government departments and other UK public organisations have not resolved.


Based on the information you have given us, we have decided that your complaint is not one that can look at so we will not be taking any further action.


Why are you unable to look at my complaint?

We only have the legal power to investigate complaints about certain organisations. We can investigate complaints about the NHS in England, certain government departments and other public organisations in the UK.


As your complaint appears to be about potential identity fraud outside the UK, we are unable to help you.


Further information about what we can, and cannot, do are available on our website


You may also find some useful information on how to deal with your complaint by visiting


I am sorry that we could not look at your complaint however I hope you find the details in this email helpful.


If you have any questions about our decision then please contact us using the details in this email. 


Please note there are some important details about how we use your information at the bottom of this email.


Yours sincerely



Stephen Reilly                                              

Intake Caseworker


Important details about how we use your information


We want to make sure that we provide a good service.  We might use your complaint for training, monitoring and evaluation purposes or invite you to meetings where we explain more about the Ombudsman’s roles and responsibilities, and ask for your feedback. We will only share any information you provide with our staff or people acting on our behalf.


Your responses will only be shared in an anonymous format, unless you tell us otherwise.

The law allows us to use your contact details in this way. This is known as legitimate interest. If you do not want to take part please tell your caseworker, call us on 0300 061 4222, or email


You can change your mind at any time and this will not have any impact on how we handle your complaint.


You can read more about this in our privacy policy. The policy explains how we use and look after information about you, or that could identify you, and how long we keep it. It also explains your rights and how to request your information. You can find the privacy policy online at If you would like a copy in a printed or other format, please contact or call 0345 015 4033.



From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: 16 February 2021 09:29
To: Helpdesk Bitpro <>
Cc: NextGenTel <>; NextGenTel Abuse Response Team <>;;;; Telio kundeservice <>;; post <>;;;; fmovpost <>;;;; Kundeservice Proximo <>;; juridisk <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;; Phso Enquiries <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Ticket#2020121210000069] Klage/Fwd: Ordren er klar!



ettersom jeg har forstått det, så har dere samme eier, (Kristen Sveås/Kistefoss), som Nextgentel.

Så da synes jeg at svaret deres blir litt feil.

Det burde stått at dere såklabert sendte dette videre, til deres konsern-kolleger i Bergen.

Så dette må jeg klage på.

(Jeg ønsker å vite navnet, på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.

Og jeg ønsker å vite, hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal starte med, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen).


Erik Ribsskog


tir. 15. des. 2020 kl. 12:09 skrev Helpdesk Bitpro <>:

Hei Erik.

Vi kan dessverre ikke hjelpe, da nextgentel og bitpro ikke er samme firma, og vi ikke har innsyn i deres systemer og kan rette opp i dette. Ser de å står på mottaker-lista, så sikkert noen der som kan hjelpe. Ser av mailene du har sendt oss, at de har mange måter du kan kontakte dem på.

Fint om du tar oss av mailinglisten din.

Ha en fin dag.

Hilsen Bitpro

12/12 2020 05:24 - Erik Ribsskog skrev:


dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke

virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes



---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: NextGenTel <>
Date: fre. 11. des. 2020 kl. 09:02
Subject: Ordren er klar!
To: <>


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Hei, Erik Løvenbalk


Ordre Q29033 er klar

Vi vil bare bekrefte at ordren din Q29033, Bestilling nå er ferdigbehandlet.

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