lørdag 24. april 2021

Jeg lurer på om det var på en av disse skoleplassene, at jeg gikk, på videregående i Drammen, skoleåret 1988/89. (Fra DT/BB 3. mars 1987)

en av disse plassene hm



Artikkelen overfor, er forresten, fra våren 1987.

Så det snakk om de elevene som var russ i 1988.

(Jeg var russ 89).

Men min CC Storkjøp-kollega Arnt Lund fikk nok en av disse plassene.

Og så var det det samme problemet, året etter.

Og tillitsmann Elisabeth Høyer Johannesen, (i vår klasse), fikk ordnet det, sånn at det ble blåruss, også på Sande videregående.

Men ei i klassen min, (Kristin Sola), ga meg et skjema, for en skoleplass, i Drammen.

Og hu sa da, at hu hadde ikke bra nok karakterer, til å komme inn.

Men det kan ha vært sånn, at hu først trodde, at det ikke ville bli blåruss i Sande, skoleåret 1988/89.

Og at hu derfor henta Gjerde/Drammen-skjema.

Og så ble det klart at tillitsmann Høyer Johannesen hadde fått politikerne til å godta blåruss på Sande videregående.

Og da lurte Sola på om jeg ville ha det skjemaet.

For vi hadde prata om det tidligere.

Om at jeg syntes at det virka kult, å gå på datalinja.

(Sande skulle bare ha markedsføring og regnskap, (som tredje år-linjer), vel.

Noe sånt).

Og akkurat bakgrunnen til disse Drammen-skoleplassene, (som er forklart om i artikkelen overfor), kjente ikke jeg til, (på den tida).

Men det ble sagt at man måtte ha gode karakterer, for å komme inn.

(Noe som nok stemte bedre, året før.

Siden at man da ikke hadde blåruss i Sande.

For å si det sånn).

Og i klassen vår, (skoleåret 1986/87 og 1987/88), i Sande.

Så hadde vi en drammenser, ved navn Ove Reiersrud.

Så jeg trodde at Drammen og Sande bytta ti skoleplasser hvert år.

(Jeg hadde ikke da lest artikkelen overfor).

Og jeg trodde vel også at de hadde blåruss-plasser i Holmestrand.

(Det er en del enklere å komme seg til Holmestrand enn til Horten.

Fra Berger.

For å si det sånn).

Jeg tror heller ikke det ble informert om, da vi fra Svelvik ungdomsskole, var på omvisning, på Sande videregående, våren 1986.

At Sande videregående kun kunne tilby to år, på handel og kontor-linjene.

Da hadde jeg vel muligens heller gått allmenn-fag.

(Jeg hadde gode nok karakterer, fra ungdomsskolen, til å komme inn på alle linjene, på Sande videregående.

Sånn som jeg husker det).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Da jeg søkte litt, på navnet, til Arnt sin tillitsmann, (Jan Tore Kopperud).

Så viste det seg, at han også, het Augestad, til etternavn.

Og det er jo samme etternavn, som min Rimi/ICA Ahold og Arvato-kollega Margrethe Augestad, (fra Drammen), for å si det sånn.

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 3.

Jeg syntes nok forresten, at det bare ville vært morsomt, å gått på skole, (det tredje året), i Holmestrand, (eller Horten).

For jeg pleide ofte å ta buss, (tidligere på 80-tallet), til og fra Holmestrand.

I forbindelse med at jeg reiste for å besøke min mor, (og yngre søsken), i Larvik.

(Min far ville at jeg skulle dra via Drammen, av en eller annen grunn.

Men det var billigere å reise via Holmestrand).

Men jeg vet ikke om de hadde datalinje i Holmestrand eller Horten.

Da måtte jeg kanskje dratt til Tønsberg.

Noe som er noen mil unna Berger.

Men det er nok like enkelt å komme seg dit, som til Horten.

For Horten har ikke noe togstasjon.

Så man måtte da tatt buss videre fra Skoppum.

(Og muligens enda en buss, fra Horten sentrum.

Uten at jeg vet hvor i Horten gymnaset ligger.

For å si det sånn.

Det første skoleåret jeg gikk i Sande, (skoleåret 1986/87).

Så hadde vi forresten to Tønsberg-gutter, (Steinar Nielsen og Pål Eier), i klassen.

Så å gå på skole i Tønsberg, (eller til og med i Sandefjord eller Larvik), hadde vel vært mulig det og.

For å si det sånn).

Jeg trodde at den skoleplassen jeg søkte på, i Drammen, var del av en samarbeidsordning, mellom Vestfold og Buskerud.

Og at det ville bli tilrettelagt, med skolebuss, osv.

Men skolebussen min, (eller den bussen som passet best), startet i Svelvik, (som lå en halv mil unna Bergeråsen).

Så jeg måtte ofte haike, til skolen.

For det ble litt tidlig å ta sju-bussen.

(For jeg jobba ofte på CC Storkjøp, om kveldene.

Og da var jeg ofte ikke hjemme, før klokka 23 kanskje.

Og så var det lekser og middags-spising, (og chatting med mine 'adoptiv-døtre' Pia og Cecilie Hyde).

Og så skulle jeg opp klokka seks.

Da hendte det, at det ofte var vanskelig, å stå opp.

Og at jeg derfor ikke rakk sju-bussen, (hvor det satt masse arbeiderklasse-slasker, som jobba i Drammen, (en slags fabrikkarbeider-klubb, kan man kanskje sammenligne de med)).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 4.

Hvis jeg hadde tatt sju-bussen til Holmestrand.

Så hadde nok den bussen korrespondert, med et tog, til Larvik/Skien.

Og så ville jeg vært i Larvik, kanskje kvart på ni.

Og så begynte skolen kanskje ni.

Men skolen lå vel i gangavstand, fra togstasjonen, (like ved Fram-banen), hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil.

(Noe sånt).

For hvis jeg tok sju-bussen til Drammen.

Så måtte jeg vente, i en time, før skolen begynte.

Og da satt jeg bare på pulten min, (i klasserommet), og halvsov, (med hue oppå pulten), husker jeg.

Før Helge, (fra Kongsberg), dukka opp, med et tog, (eller hvordan han kom seg til Drammen).

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 5.

Pål Eier, (hvis dette ikke er en navnebror), er ikke til å kjenne igjen, uten sin 'hockey/Limahl-frisyre', (fra 80-tallet):

ikke lett å kjenne igjen

PS 6.

Det Pål Eier og Steinar Nielsen muligens huskes best for, fra det året, (skoleåret 1986/87), som de gikk, på Sande videregående.

Det var den gangen, som en av de, (muligens Steinar Nielsen), tømte en hel Lagerfeld-deo, (disse var visst svinedyre, på den tida), ved å spraye ned Pål Eier, i garderoben, etter gymmen, (i Sandehallen), en dag.

(Av en eller annen grunn).

Da var det to sosse-gutter, fra Tønsberg, (ble det ihvertfall sagt at de var fra, fra 'Bokhylla' kan det virke litt som at Pål Eier er fra Horten), som gjorde noe uforståelig, på en skole, hvor de egentlig ikke hørte så veldig hjemme.

(For å si det sånn).

Det ble jo som noe rart, (må man vel si).

Og denne episoden har jeg vel også nevnt, i Min Bok, (hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Så sånn er vel det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 7.

Dette må vel være Steinar, (som er litt lettere å kjenne igjen, og som visst er far til den kjente bryteren Marthin Hamlet Nielsen):

muligens steinar


PS 9.

Steinar følger den moderne 'tøffel-skikken', og bruker sin kones etternavn som mellomnavn:

tøffel skikk paint


PS 10.

Her er Steinar sin sønn med i en tittel-kamp i MMA:

PS 11.

Dette ligner på den Steinar jeg husker fra videregående:

den steinar jeg husker


PS 12.

Pål og Steinar var to staute/svære/velfødde/veltrente karer, (iforhold til meg), husker jeg.

(Selv om de var sosser).

Så da jeg skjønte, på den siste skoledagen, (i første klasse, på handel og kontor), nede i Sande sentrum, at disse, ikke skulle gå noe mer, på Sande videregående.

Så ble jeg kjempefornøyd, (husker jeg).

Det var jo siste skoledag og, (og jeg var mye mer glad i ferie enn i skole).

Og jeg var veldig tynn og spinkel, på den tida.

(Og som vår klassekamerat Søren Larssen sa, så hadde jeg ikke noen bestemt frisyre egentlig.

Og Cecilie Hyde mente, (et eller to år seinere), at jeg ikke hadde noe gjennomført klesstil.

For å si det sånn).

Så jeg fikk nesten litt mindreverdighetskomplekser, av disse Tønsberg-karene, (husker jeg).

(De minnet meg kanskje litt, om Odd Einar Pettersen, (som var stor som en fullvoksen mann i sjuende klasse), som mobbet meg en del, på ungdomsskolen.

For å si det sånn).

Så jeg lo litt av disse, (husker jeg), mens de venta på bussen sin, tilbake til Holmestrand/Tønsberg.

(Jeg skulle til Drammen hvor min far og hans nye kone/samboer Haldis, hadde vannsengbutikk).

Og de var visst enig med meg i, at jeg var mest hjemme der, (i Sande), siden at jeg var fra Berger, (som lå mye nærmere Sande, enn Tønsberg gjorde).

(Noe sånt).

For de begynte ikke å løpe etter meg, (for å banke meg), eller noe lignende.

Når jeg lo av, at jeg antagelig slapp å se disse plageåndene mine, (som man vel mer eller mindre må kalle de), igjen.

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Mer fra Bærum

På torsdag, så gikk jeg ned, til Bekkestua sentrum, for å handle.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog


KRF har bestemt at det nå skal stå masse biler parkert, sånn at folk ikke finner polet:


PS 2.

Har de begynt med smaksprøver på polet:


PS 3.

Jeg kjøpte bare en helflaske sprit, (mot blodpropp osv.).

Og det var ingen folk i de vanlige kassene.

Så jeg gikk til selvbetjenings-avdelingen.

Og der hang det, en svær slask.

Han flytta seg litt, sånn at han ikke ble stående oppå meg liksom, (og overvåke), når jeg dukka opp der.

Men jeg trykte på: 'Bankkort'-knappen to ganger.

(Etter å ha scanna sprit-flaska).

Og ikke noe skjedde.

Og så ble han nevnte slasken nærgående, og trykte en tredje gang på 'Bankkort'-knappen.

Og så sa han, at det skulle bli rødt rundt 'Bankkort-knappen', før det virka.

(Noe sånt).

Og kassa spurte ikke om jeg skulle ha bæreposer.

Så jeg bare la spritflaska nedi bagen.

Og så måtte jeg åpne bagen igjen, for jeg måtte scanne kvitteringa, for å komme ut av selvbetjenings-avdelinga.

(Den forrige gangen jeg var der, så stod porten åpen).

Og etter at jeg hadde scannet meg ut.

Så klagde jeg, til han nevnte slasken.

Jeg forklarte at jeg hadde lest på nettet, at dette var et 'pilot-pol'.

(At det var det første polet i Norge, med selvbetjenings-kasser.

Noe sånt).

Og jeg forklarte, at i en vanlig butikk, så behøvde man ikke å trykke tre ganger, for at kortautomaten skulle virke.

Jeg sa at Vinmonopolet burde teste kassene sine litt bedre, før de heiv dem inn i butikken.

Og da kunne man klage sånn og sånn, (hvis man hadde en ipad for eksempel), sa han ekspeditøren.

Men jeg sa da, at i en vanlig butikk, så kunne de bare gi beskjed oppover, (til en overordnet), hvis noen klagde.

Og det skulle de gjøre, sa han svære slasken, (som etterhvert fikk en slags 'pedo-aktig' stemme).

(For å si det sånn).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 4.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 5.

Meny har bestemt seg for å ikke bytte ut ødelagte handlevogner, for å spare miljøet:


PS 6.

Stemning fra Bekkestua:


PS 7.

Jeg sendte tilbake 'troll-post' til møkka-firmaene:


PS 8.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 9.

Mens jeg dreiv og sendte tilbake 'troll-post' så gikk et DHL-bud 'elge-aktig' nærme, bak ryggen min, (på teatralsk/russisk vis, må man vel si):


PS 10.

På Extra Bekkestua så hadde den billige kylling-kjøttdeigen datoen 29. april, (var det vel), men under den kjøttdeigen igjen, så lå det kjøttdeig, med holdbarhetsdato 21. april, (det vil si kjøttdeig som gikk ut dagen før), så det var muligens noen amatører, som hadde lagt opp varene, (for å ikke rullere kjøttvarer, er en kardinal-feil, i butikk-yrket, må man vel si):


PS 11.

På det 'tulle-tilbuds-torget', (hvor denne butikken har tilbudsvarer, som ikke står i kundeavisa), så var det sånn, at en slags 'mestis', (eller noe lignende), i Extra-uniform, dreiv og viste fram en gleppe, som han hadde, mellom skjorta og buksa si, så det ble ikke til, at jeg raska med meg noen varer, fra det nevnte tilbuds-torget, (for å si det sånn):


PS 12.



PS 13.

Siden at jeg hadde med handlevogn.

Så kunne jeg bare bruke, de ytterte selvbetjeningskassene.

Og siden at noen hadde lagt en handlekurv, oppå den ene av disse to kassene.

Så måtte jeg bruke den selvbetjeningskassa, som står, ved den betjente kassa, (hvor det satt ei mager blondinne).

Og da dukket det med en gang opp, en kunde, som elga, i den nærmeste selvbetjeningskassa.

Så jeg måtte ta bæreposer, fra den nederste displayet, (ellers hadde det blitt ekkelt/klamt/nærgående).

Og det så ut som, at det var en ledig kasse, lenger unna, (som han nevnte kunden kunne ha gått i).

Men det var muligens en slags 'russisk' selvbetjenings-kasse, (av noe slag), som Extra hadde.

Men likevel, så var det vel ledige kasser, med litt avstand til de andre kundene, like ved der den opp-ned handlekurven stod, på bildet i PS 12.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 14.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 15.



PS 16.



Mer fra irc

Session Start: fre. apr 23 12:14:14 2021
Session Ident: #quiz-show
[00:14.14] <skorpion> To lines
[00:14.16] <skorpion> Two
[00:14.19] <skorpion> That's a wall of text
[00:14.58] <skorpion> The female cxp sent me a pic, but it's so washed out It's impossible to use as a reference
[00:23.28] <skorpion> I was thinking about some kind of copulation scene with the male Chris
[02:02.36] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[02:03.43] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[03:01.47] <skorpion> Good night, chatters
[03:01.51] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[05:18.24] * loller (uid358106@highgate.irccloud.com) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[09:29.10] ->> einstein20 :No such server
[10:00.02] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (/msg LamestBot hello)
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein is on: #usa #blablatemp #blablabla #johncons #quiz-show #bergeraasen #norga #vinland 
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein actually using host
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein 4 mins 49 secs seconds idle, signon time 07:59 23.04.2021
[10:04.04] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[10:11.50] *Einstein* hello
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (/msg LamestBot hello)
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein is on: #usa #blablatemp #blablabla #johncons #quiz-show #bergeraasen #norga #vinland 
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein actually using host
[10:19.23] ->> Einstein 20 mins 8 secs seconds idle, signon time 07:59 23.04.2021
[10:19.24] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[10:29.41] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:32.57] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:32.59] * loller (uid358106@id-358106.highgate.irccloud.com) has joined channel #quiz-show
[10:33.32] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:51.38] ->> Einstein :No such server
[11:02.24] ->> einstein :No such server
[11:03.05] ->> Einstein2 :No such server
[11:03.08] ->> Einstein :No such server
[11:47.45] * cxp (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:03.10] * Einstein (johncons@charger.kire.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (Einstein)
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein is on: #johncons @#blablatemp #blablabla @#norga @#bergeraasen @#usa #quiz-show @#vinland 
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein actually using host
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein 4 mins 56 secs seconds idle, signon time 10:00 23.04.2021
[12:05.19] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[12:12.06] ->> Einstein is johncons@charger.kire.net (Einstein)
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein is on: #johncons @#blablatemp #blablabla @#norga @#bergeraasen @#usa #quiz-show @#vinland 
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein using efnet.portlane.se (Portlane EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL))
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein actually using host
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein 11 mins 44 secs seconds idle, signon time 10:00 23.04.2021
[12:12.07] ->> Einstein :End of /WHOIS list.
[15:20.58] * skorpion (~realSkorp@172.51-175-153.customer.lyse.net) has joined channel #quiz-show
[16:13.48] * nomafian (~mafia@ has joined channel #quiz-show
[16:16.06] <nomafian> hello
[16:16.55] <nomafian> when do that fat guy speak in here?
[16:18.04] <nomafian> does it matter?
[16:19.11] <nomafian> I've read up on the blog and perhaps I can find out why john_cons does not have a neck anymore
[16:19.36] <nomafian> a fat fuck, but that is normal these days
[16:20.21] <nomafian> judging by the IRC logs, you are on ignore applegroo
[16:20.45] <nomafian> no loss
[16:21.04] <nomafian> good luck with that
[16:21.21] <nomafian> you will be done in 100 000 years
[16:22.02] <nomafian> the correct manner here is kinda foggy
[16:22.22] <nomafian> kinda funny tho
[16:23.09] <nomafian> this "case" he got about for instance his pension savings
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian is ~mafia@ (Erik Olsen)
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian is on: #quiz-show 
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian using irc.choopa.net (Injected with a poison)
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian actually using host
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian 35 secs seconds idle, signon time 14:13 23.04.2021
[16:23.45] ->> nomafian :End of /WHOIS list.
[16:23.56] nomafian resolved to
[16:24.03] You're not channel operator
[16:24.04] <nomafian> I googled it and it can be cashed out at the age of 62 if you earned a bunch of money
[16:24.48] <nomafian> and this lump of fat is 50 or something if I remember correctly
[16:25.07] <nomafian> is it even thin air?
[16:25.22] <nomafian> or something in his foggy brain?
[16:26.25] <john_cons> you're in milano it says
[16:26.45] <nomafian> https://images.app.goo.gl/34w1Mx9AAyizoYeg9
[16:27.03] <nomafian> there he is
[16:27.15] <nomafian> Mr Olsen, how are you doin?
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Hostname:
[16:27.25] <john_cons> ASN: 9009
[16:27.25] <john_cons> ISP: M247 Ltd
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Organization: M247 Ltd
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Services: Network sharing device or proxy server
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Type: Corporate
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Assignment: Likely Static IP
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Continent: Europe
[16:27.25] <john_cons> Country: Italy
[16:27.25] <john_cons> State/Region: Milan
[16:27.38] <nomafian> yes yes
[16:27.52] You're not channel operator
[16:28.10] <john_cons> [16:23.56] nomafian resolved to
[16:28.14] <nomafian> sure thing. It might end up with another lame blogpost
[16:28.23] <john_cons> i know italian woman
[16:28.31] <john_cons> federica mauro from rome
[16:28.40] <nomafian> yeah, I part of the mafia
[16:28.40] <john_cons> studied with in sunderland
[16:28.46] <nomafian> +am
[16:29.30] <nomafian> I that the same place you were forced out by the police?
[16:29.38] <john_cons> my former clas-mate ulf havmo stayed in italy all summer once, and also in a part of the automn, so he got late back to school, in the sixt grade
[16:29.53] <nomafian> perhaps I am Ulf?
[16:30.01] <john_cons> but he was possilby in venice
[16:30.24] <john_cons> they had some kitch souverniers from venice in their living-room if i remember right
[16:30.31] <nomafian> ah, Venice
[16:30.39] <nomafian> such a nice city
[16:30.45] <nomafian> no cars!
[16:30.56] <john_cons> that migth be, i haven't been there
[16:31.11] <nomafian> but a lot of mafia
[16:31.36] <nomafian> everyone is looking for YOU, 24/7/365
[16:32.09] <john_cons> we were in croatia/jugoslavia in the summer of 1980, and we were supposed to go by venice on our way back to norway, but my steph-sister christell go ill, so we drove the fastest route back to norway
[16:32.34] <nomafian> and why not. Some guy feeding of the bottom
[16:33.01] <john_cons> but my fathers brothers and them where for quite a while in venice (on their way back to norway)
[16:33.16] <nomafian> your father?
[16:33.45] <john_cons> his brothers and his mate roger stenberg and them
[16:34.03] <john_cons> these guys lived in tents in croatia, but we rented a flat
[16:34.18] <nomafian> the one that made sure you as a royal, and just a few inches from both Jesus and Allah?
[16:34.22] <john_cons> gypsies
[16:34.32] <nomafian> fuck dude
[16:34.39] <john_cons> what
[16:35.01] <skorpion> Jøss, har vi fått en gjest
[16:35.07] <john_cons> i think it was my mother who was royal (not my father it seems)
[16:35.14] <nomafian> there is no1 alive that got more blue blood pumping than you
[16:35.21] <john_cons> or she decended from royals that is
[16:35.27] <nomafian> if I read your blog correctly
[16:35.48] <nomafian> yes yes. It makes sense
[16:35.53] <john_cons> i cant remember having said anything like that
[16:36.10] <nomafian> inbread and so on always made peaople go nuts
[16:36.35] <nomafian> people*
[16:36.51] <john_cons> my mother said she was so fine that they had to name her after both the queen of denmark and the queen of england
[16:37.04] <john_cons> (she said this around 1979)
[16:37.30] <john_cons> but she didn't explain in detail
[16:37.30] <nomafian> didnt she die screaming in a straitjacket?
[16:37.49] <nomafian> as mother as son
[16:38.16] <john_cons> no that was some roumours
[16:38.32] <nomafian> right, I see
[16:38.36] <john_cons> i don't know why someone have made that up
[16:38.45] <nomafian> she was the most sane person, ever?
[16:38.59] <john_cons> as far as i know she was never in a straitjacket
[16:39.28] <john_cons> my father demonized my mother and said she was insane
[16:39.30] <nomafian> how can you tell? During that time you were the best shop boss in the universe
[16:39.56] <john_cons> and my autist sister (and idiot steph-father) got her taken to mental-hospital
[16:40.19] <nomafian> same as you, then?
[16:40.39] <john_cons> my father demoized my mother in the 70's
[16:40.56] <john_cons> more than 20 years before i started working as a store manager
[16:40.58] <nomafian> I'm sure you been visiting mental-hospitals quite a few more time than I have
[16:41.00] <nomafian> or?
[16:41.48] <john_cons> yes my mother lived in a mental hospital in the 80's (in borgheim), and i visited her with my autist sister
[16:42.03] <nomafian> I was talking about you
[16:42.19] <john_cons> except that this was possilby a 'crisis-center' for abused women, (something my autist sister hid from me)
[16:42.47] <nomafian> your sister Pia?
[16:42.55] <john_cons> exactly
[16:43.29] <nomafian> http://www.nfunorge.org/Om-NFU/Ansatte/Pia-Charlotte-Ribsskog/
[16:44.07] <nomafian> is she a lunatic as you?
[16:44.09] <john_cons> we live d at different addresses/towns from 1979 to 1989 so it was easy for her to keep me in the dark about stuff
[16:44.24] <nomafian> (perhaps not as she looks to have a job)
[16:44.59] <nomafian> in the dark, what are you talking about?
[16:45.15] <john_cons> she works as a substiutt for morons/deranges guys possibly, (she's very taky)
[16:45.48] <nomafian> you are not on her list of morons yet as I understand it
[16:46.10] <nomafian> btw
[16:46.22] <john_cons> my father forced me to live alone from i was nine years old, so i didn't have contact with my sister(s), other than in holidays etc
[16:46.33] <nomafian> still using FrontPage 2.0 to make that website of yours?
[16:46.46] <john_cons> frontpage?
[16:46.55] <nomafian> yes
[16:47.12] <nomafian> Microsoft web page generator from the 90s
[16:47.33] <john_cons> no, my sister offered herself to me, around 1993, but i declined, (i'm not that into incest)
[16:47.48] <john_cons> she told me to read 'hotel new hampshire' by irving
[16:48.04] <nomafian> did you read it?
[16:48.16] <john_cons> and there it is an episode where a brother and a sister fuck eachother brains out
[16:48.54] <nomafian> I see
[16:49.13] <john_cons> and when i got to that part of the book, my sister places herself in the door to my room (at ungbo), and said: 'So what do you think then', (in a slutty way)
[16:49.14] <nomafian> you are still wating for that to happen
[16:50.11] <john_cons> haha, i wouldn't want to touch my sister, what would my grandmother say, (and i wasn't that desperate, i had met other women)
[16:50.25] <nomafian> but hey dude
[16:50.40] <nomafian> this thing about pension cash out
[16:50.55] <john_cons> i'm not sure if you've gotten that right
[16:50.59] <nomafian> how is it going with that case?
[16:51.23] <john_cons> you can surely find the tag (pensjonsbeholdning-sak) on my blog
[16:51.56] <nomafian> I did
[16:52.11] <john_cons> there you go
[16:52.40] <nomafian> what I found odd is that this can, at the earliest, payed out at the age of 62
[16:52.48] <nomafian> are you 62 yet?
[16:52.55] <nomafian> odd = out
[16:53.09] <john_cons> if you are an ex-pat you can cash it out when you want it seems
[16:53.23] <nomafian> where do you get this info from?
[16:53.38] <nomafian> some forum you read 10 year ago?
[16:53.41] <john_cons> it says in the perm-link doesn't it
[16:53.50] <john_cons> right
[16:54.05] <john_cons> this is a case i've blogged about for around ten years
[16:54.10] <nomafian> no, it says what you think. And that is often not 100% correct
[16:54.41] <john_cons> and then a napoli-guy wonders about the details after ten yeras
[16:54.45] <john_cons> years
[16:55.00] <john_cons> your ten years late then
[16:55.05] <nomafian> as I can read on NAV, per-pay on the pension can be done at the age of 62, as the earliest
[16:55.10] <john_cons> you should have asked ten years ago
[16:55.33] <john_cons> but that doesn't apply for ex-pats
[16:55.44] <john_cons> that means people who have moved abroad
[16:55.54] <john_cons> to like thailand etc
[16:55.55] <nomafian> do you live abroad?
[16:56.21] <john_cons> that's called to 'kveme' in norwegian
[16:56.34] <nomafian> of course
[16:56.46] <nomafian> its what you say in most of your e-mails
[16:56.48] <john_cons> of course i lived abrod when i contacted nav about this
[16:57.01] <john_cons> surely that's possible to understand from the perm-link
[16:57.04] <nomafian> that you are to be handled like a special snowflake
[16:57.42] <john_cons> yes i understand you don't have much snow in naples
[16:58.04] <john_cons> tell your mama to make some pizza
[16:58.25] <nomafian> so, your blogg = 100% truth
[16:58.41] <nomafian> everything else = lie?
[16:58.50] <john_cons> my uncle håkon once made me listen to italian song
[16:58.56] <john_cons> 'shut up your face'
[16:59.11] <john_cons> of shut up in your face
[16:59.16] <john_cons> around 1980
[16:59.16] <nomafian> did he mend your teeth at the same time?
[16:59.25] <john_cons> oh shut up in your face
[16:59.36] <john_cons> that would have been the other uncle
[16:59.51] <john_cons> håkon was a carpenter and runar was/is a dentist
[17:00.03] <john_cons> bbl
[17:00.08] <nomafian> do you talk a lot with your family btw?
[17:00.48] <nomafian> as you are the "gromgutten"
[17:02.09] <nomafian> the star of the family
[17:02.21] <nomafian> the one that is on everybodys lips
[17:03.22] <nomafian> this skorpion fella. Still in queue at the NAV office perhaps?
[17:03.26] <john_cons> i think your understanding of norwegian is very good for bein italian
[17:03.58] <nomafian> google translate is your friend
[17:04.02] <john_cons> i guess
[17:04.04] <skorpion> Nå skal visst jeg også angripes
[17:04.12] <nomafian> it makes kinda sense
[17:04.43] <john_cons> say hi to federica mauro the if you go to rome
[17:04.44] <skorpion> Er det fordi jeg drev quizzen sammen med john_cons?
[17:04.56] <john_cons> (my flat-mate from campus at university of sunderland)
[17:05.01] <nomafian> "Now I must be attacked too"
[17:05.25] <skorpion> nomafian, are you a quiz-hater?
[17:05.26] <nomafian> no, I think you guys are gay lovers
[17:05.46] <nomafian> either that or skorpion and john_cons are the same person
[17:06.04] <john_cons> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=3zakgLMAAAAJ&hl=no
[17:06.13] <john_cons> what
[17:06.23] <nomafian> but as john_cons have been bottom feeding of the tax payers for so many years it might be something else
[17:06.45] <john_cons> i also met italian women at the international inn in london, in 2005
[17:07.13] <john_cons> italian women moved to london, (to hostel), and the tried to find work, from internet-cafe (at the hostel)
[17:07.46] <nomafian> reading the blog you got a sense that its cheaper to have ppl sending emails to 96& of the world rather than putting them in some asylum
[17:07.48] <john_cons> this was in hammersmith
[17:08.20] <skorpion> Since the blog is in Norwegian, how do you manage to read it so well?
[17:08.24] <nomafian> will this blog be sent to half the world as well?
[17:08.26] <skorpion> You must be a huge johncons-fan
[17:08.35] <skorpion> To use google translate to understand his blog so well
[17:08.44] <nomafian> this irc session I mean?
[17:08.46] <john_cons> and i also met italian women in brighton, in the summer of 1989, (the same day i met sari arokivi, from lehdokitie, in vantaa, in finland)
[17:09.02] <nomafian> ah, a few days ago
[17:09.12] <nomafian> so sorry, 40 years ago
[17:09.32] <john_cons> yes sari arokivi is quite fat and ugly now
[17:09.47] <john_cons> even if she is a ballet-instructor
[17:09.53] <john_cons> in finland
[17:10.02] <john_cons> but she was pretty/fit then
[17:10.04] <nomafian> you look like a collection of fat as well if I can be honest
[17:10.24] <nomafian> 120-130 kgs?
[17:10.47] <john_cons> https://www.tanssistudiojami.fi/sari-arokivi/
[17:11.53] <nomafian> you got that tripple hook/no neck look
[17:12.24] <john_cons> yes, in the first year that i was a student i was around 60 kg (as a 19/20 year old), so i have grown a bit since then (but i don't have weight in my flat, i'm not obsessed with kg)
[17:12.27] <nomafian> some fat and disusting old man
[17:13.10] <skorpion> Wow, this guy really hates you, john_cons 
[17:13.15] <john_cons> yes, the fascist might say that, i guess
[17:13.15] <skorpion> What did you write to anger him so much
[17:13.33] <nomafian> its the truth is it not?
[17:13.36] <john_cons> fascists
[17:13.48] <john_cons> nomafian: you're interested in men?
[17:13.54] <nomafian> he writes about other fatties on the blog
[17:14.09] <nomafian> guess he didnt have a mirror close by
[17:14.49] <john_cons> well, i'
[17:14.51] <nomafian> so no hate. Just what I read then see that face with the tripple checks
[17:14.54] <john_cons> i
[17:15.01] <nomafian> doenst makes sense
[17:15.05] <john_cons> i'm not sure how women thinks about this
[17:15.49] <john_cons> i write about that a greek woman is fat, and you say i'm fat
[17:16.11] <john_cons> you can't turn it around between the sexes, i think
[17:16.52] <john_cons> and also the greek woman might like people commenting on her weight, that doesn't mean i like it
[17:17.12] <skorpion> Barons have always been slightly corpulent
[17:17.19] <skorpion> If you look at old paintings of them
[17:17.39] <nomafian> skorpion & john_cons: Are you lovers?
[17:17.52] <skorpion> It's called Pondus
[17:18.04] <nomafian> skorpion seems to butter up whatever john_cons says
[17:18.04] <john_cons> after trying to warn om my blog for forteen years i might have put on some weight
[17:18.07] <john_cons> that might be true
[17:18.22] <john_cons> i'm waiting for my country-men to stop ignoring my blog
[17:18.24] <nomafian> warn?
[17:18.28] <skorpion> nomafian, you came in here and attacked me as well
[17:18.28] <nomafian> what do you mean?
[17:18.56] <skorpion> You hate us both, but it's not clear why
[17:19.09] <nomafian> skorpion: take your troubles to the next NAV meeting. They will sort it I'm sure
[17:19.14] <john_cons> nomafian: you resemble my cousin øystein andresen (who was adopted form korea)
[17:19.21] <skorpion> I suspect that you hate me because of my former connection to john_cons through the quiz-company
[17:19.29] <john_cons> he was just as deranged as you
[17:19.37] <skorpion> But that it's really john_cons you hate
[17:19.46] <skorpion> I'm just guilty by association, as they say
[17:19.52] <nomafian> yeah, that is soemthing we all wantet to have on our CV
[17:20.05] <nomafian> I spent time with some wacko
[17:20.20] <john_cons> øystein also used to say wacho
[17:20.35] <john_cons> 'wacko-jacko' he said (in the summer of 1990)
[17:20.38] <nomafian> better call him up and ask if he is on irc
[17:20.50] <nomafian> right
[17:20.59] <john_cons> i wouldn't have wanted anything to do with øystein
[17:21.03] <nomafian> only 31 years ago
[17:21.39] <nomafian> guess he does not want anything to do with you so that equals out
[17:21.41] <john_cons> he acted theatrical and undermined me in front of my young sister pia, when she was in a wonerable fase
[17:21.57] <nomafian> streeet theater?
[17:22.00] <john_cons> and she ended up becoming a 'nigge-whore' because of him
[17:22.17] <john_cons> you might say
[17:23.01] <nomafian> did you spend x-mas with your beloved family this christmas?
[17:23.08] <nomafian> err
[17:23.15] <skorpion> That's a nice sentence
[17:23.28] <skorpion> This guy is confused, I think
[17:23.37] <john_cons> no you're going all øystein again
[17:23.42] <john_cons> deranged-bonanza
[17:24.06] <skorpion> What drugs are you on, nomafian?
[17:24.12] <nomafian> seems that can be summed up as  normal for the "olsen/ribsskog" family
[17:24.26] <skorpion> Have you smoked your grandma's socks or something?
[17:24.34] <john_cons> my cousin rahel is also a quarter italian
[17:24.40] <nomafian> a drunk for father and a crazy lunatic as a mother
[17:24.52] <john_cons> her father reto's parents where from italy
[17:24.55] <nomafian> must be luck of that turns out ok
[17:25.00] <john_cons> his last-name is savoldelli 
[17:25.10] <john_cons> that's an italian name
[17:25.22] <nomafian> yes, I've seen you posting about them
[17:25.22] <john_cons> his parents moved from italy to switzerland
[17:25.38] <john_cons> so my cousin rahel is really half italian, you might say
[17:25.49] <nomafian> seems like persons that is "out there" but does not hide in some NAV apartment
[17:25.54] <john_cons> she lives in berlin, (where she works as an actor)
[17:26.20] <nomafian> she is rather sexy tho
[17:26.53] <john_cons> my uncle håkon is the problem possibly
[17:27.21] <john_cons> he always wanted to go home from work at 4 pm sharp
[17:27.30] <john_cons> never once worked extra
[17:27.37] <john_cons> like my father did every day
[17:28.01] <nomafian> "Hi Erik. It's best that you don't contact the family again. Please
[17:28.01] <nomafian> leave me in peace and get treatmeant/medications for your mental
[17:28.01] <nomafian> illness. None in our family wants to have any more emails from you
[17:28.01] <nomafian> about insane babbling.
[17:28.01] <nomafian> Rahel"
[17:28.29] <nomafian> thats her, right?
[17:28.50] <john_cons> yes, my aunt ellen didn' teach rahel to speak norwegian, rahels first language is german
[17:28.59] <john_cons> and i've never learned german
[17:29.00] <nomafian> right
[17:29.09] <john_cons> so rahel and i don' communicate very well
[17:29.15] <nomafian> thats english tho
[17:29.27] <john_cons> i remember her best from the summer of 1990
[17:29.46] <john_cons> she visited my grand-mother in stavern with her danish friend 
[17:29.55] <john_cons> sophia legind
[17:29.57] <nomafian> yeah? She did not claim you where a lunatic back then?=
[17:30.14] <john_cons> then rahel was around twelve years old, and didn't speak much english
[17:30.30] <john_cons> she's eight years younger than me
[17:30.45] <nomafian> Am 06.07.2014 um 22:31 Uhr hat "Erik Ribsskog" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
[17:30.46] <nomafian> geschrieben:
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Salute.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich been dain fetter.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich keine 'rights'.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich overheard 'followed' by 'mafian', in Oslo, in 2003.
[17:30.46] <nomafian> Ich habe gefluchtung Liverpool.
[17:30.47] <nomafian> Ich keine 'women'.
[17:30.47] <nomafian> Ich habe sex mit dick?
[17:30.48] <nomafian> Du 'big tits' oder 'small pats'.
[17:30.49] <nomafian> Bitte schoen.
[17:30.51] <nomafian> Heil Hitler!
[17:30.53] <nomafian> Erik Ribsskog
[17:30.55] <nomafian> PS.
[17:30.57] <nomafian> Warom deine 'fatter' gekören mit tranvestitten in der auto?
[17:30.59] <nomafian> PS 2.
[17:31.01] <nomafian> Ich høre auf 'Cherry Blossom Girl' immer.
[17:31.28] <nomafian> https://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/2014_07_10_archive.html
[17:31.58] <john_cons> and my sister pia spoiled her in the summer of 1987, (my father ordered pia an me to visit rahel and them in aech, close to basel, in switzerland)
[17:32.30] <john_cons> yes, pia and rahel tried to teach me some german in the summer of 1987
[17:33.00] <john_cons> and that e-mail was a pun to do with that
[17:33.24] <nomafian> to bad they ended up as normal when you ended up as "son of the lunatic mother"
[17:33.54] <john_cons> i don't regonize that e-mail acctually
[17:34.06] <nomafian> just check your blog
[17:34.09] <john_cons> it might be something that the trolls have written
[17:34.25] <nomafian> does Pia have a job?
[17:35.03] <john_cons> yes, like i mentioend before, she probably works as a substitute for retarts/mongoloids, (she's very tacky)
[17:35.10] <nomafian> right
[17:35.25] <nomafian> do Raghel have a job?
[17:35.31] <nomafian> -g
[17:36.10] <john_cons> i can't say, i havn't spoken with rahel since around 2006, (no the phone), and she was then on her way to hospital to give birth to her son ewo
[17:36.20] <nomafian> right
[17:36.30] <nomafian> I understand
[17:36.41] <nomafian> do Christel have a job?
[17:36.44] <john_cons> say hi to federica mauro if you see her
[17:37.00] <john_cons> she like nirvana
[17:37.06] <john_cons> and audioslave
[17:37.11] <nomafian> Come As You are?
[17:37.12] <john_cons> and pearl jam
[17:37.20] <nomafian> do you have a job?
[17:37.26] <john_cons> all apologies, i think
[17:37.32] <john_cons> and 'black' with pearl jam
[17:37.47] <john_cons> and 'like a stone' with audioslave
[17:37.54] <john_cons> something like that
[17:38.15] <john_cons> she works as a shrink
[17:38.20] <nomafian> ok
[17:38.22] <john_cons> she might be able to help you
[17:38.27] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:38.44] <john_cons> with your deranged-nes (likenes to øystein)
[17:39.14] <john_cons> she lives in rome
[17:39.21] <nomafian> yes yes. I can cope with the family that does not want anything to do with you
[17:39.37] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:39.53] <nomafian> I do, for the record
[17:40.01] <john_cons> her father has a big black beard
[17:40.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:41.13] <john_cons> is it a notch in the plate
[17:42.01] <john_cons> federicas father used to say ciao
[17:42.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.05] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:42.23] <nomafian> guess not
[17:42.27] <john_cons> he said ciao both in the morning and in the evening
[17:43.02] <nomafian> thats fine. The norwegian tax payer wil take care of you
[17:43.06] <john_cons> and he took my flat-mates (federica and rosario) for a drive
[17:43.06] <nomafian> you and skorpion
[17:43.11] <john_cons> and also the french girl
[17:43.14] <john_cons> claire
[17:43.17] <john_cons> from paris
[17:43.25] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.27] <john_cons> they went to see the angel of north
[17:43.30] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.31] <john_cons> rosario said
[17:43.33] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:43.41] <john_cons> are you øystein?
[17:43.53] <nomafian> call him and ask
[17:44.09] <nomafian> guess he will hang up when he see whos calling
[17:44.16] <john_cons> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_of_the_North
[17:44.22] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:44.48] <john_cons> in norway we have tv-chef
[17:44.52] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:44.55] <john_cons> gino valente
[17:44.58] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:45.04] <john_cons> he says arriverderchi
[17:45.08] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:45.15] <nomafian> Yes/no
[17:45.16] <john_cons> at the end of the programs
[17:45.17] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:46.01] <nomafian> guess not
[17:46.23] <john_cons> i've also been to italy
[17:46.33] <nomafian> all these ppl you are badmouthing is most likely better person than you are
[17:46.40] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:46.43] <john_cons> we drove to jugoslavia in the summer of 1980
[17:46.49] <nomafian> yes yes
[17:47.09] <john_cons> we drove from austria, to germany to italy
[17:47.13] <nomafian> that stuff that went dowen 30-40 years ago
[17:47.18] <john_cons> in italy everyone had small cars
[17:47.28] <nomafian> its still like it went down yesterday
[17:47.37] <john_cons> and the autostrada? was moving slow
[17:47.43] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:47.50] <john_cons> the trafic stood still, for hours
[17:47.53] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:48.21] <john_cons> my steph-sister was looking after a cacadou once
[17:48.21] <skorpion> Omg, he's on repeat
[17:48.32] <john_cons> but it couldn't speak like a parrot
[17:48.36] <nomafian> but, do you have a job, skorpion?
[17:48.43] <john_cons> but it was a fun bird
[17:48.57] <nomafian> or are you and john_cons holding hands while going into the nav office?
[17:49.28] <skorpion> nomafian, you're insane
[17:49.35] <skorpion> Clearly
[17:49.38] <john_cons> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockatoo
[17:49.41] <skorpion> Further communication with you is pointless
[17:49.51] <nomafian> if so I'm in good company
[17:50.21] <john_cons> i wonder why my clas-mate ulf havmo stayed in italy that long, in the summer of 1982
[17:50.31] <john_cons> he was much to late back at school
[17:50.31] <nomafian> skorpion: why are you here as john_cons thinks you are a fucker. 
[17:50.37] <john_cons> like a couple of weeks late
[17:50.43] <nomafian> Taking over this channekl s10 years gao
[17:50.43] <john_cons> something like that
[17:50.54] <john_cons> this was in the sixth grade, or something
[17:51.01] <nomafian> but, do you have a job, skorpion?
[17:51.04] <nomafian> if so I'm in good company
[17:51.25] <john_cons> and my cousin heidi
[17:51.39] <john_cons> (runars oldest daughter)
[17:51.44] <nomafian> john_cons: goit any positive feedback on your job search lately?
[17:51.45] <john_cons> she got married in rome
[17:52.03] <nomafian> odd, tho. Looking at theat web site
[17:52.03] <john_cons> with her husband steinar sundby(?)
[17:52.14] <nomafian> its like wtf
[17:52.16] <john_cons> and my sister pia was with them there in rome
[17:52.28] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:52.30] <john_cons> and she told me, (after she came back to norway)
[17:52.31] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:52.53] <john_cons> that the police in rome had thought that she and my cousins heidi and susanne were prostitutes
[17:52.58] <john_cons> something like that
[17:53.05] <nomafian> or are your plan to feed off the working man
[17:53.11] <nomafian> just like skorpion
[17:53.23] <john_cons> the police were very fascist in rome, (if i understood my sister right)
[17:53.28] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:53.39] <john_cons> and my grand-father øivind
[17:53.41] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:53.52] <john_cons> he told me (around 1979/1980)
[17:53.54] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.02] <john_cons> that they had been very unkind to mussolini
[17:54.04] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.23] <john_cons> they had just hanged/lynched him
[17:54.27] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:54.31] <john_cons> something like that
[17:54.34] <nomafian> but, do you have a job?
[17:55.00] <nomafian> a job might be holding out your hand
[17:55.03] <john_cons> i need drink
[17:55.05] <john_cons> bbl
[17:55.18] <nomafian> give me money as I cant cope with the real world
[17:55.34] <nomafian> hey skorpion
[17:55.55] <nomafian> you seem like a worthless fuck
[17:56.59] <nomafian> why dont you come clean and admit you are here to make fun of this mafian and whole uni is after me
[18:05.27] <john_cons> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFacWGBJ_cs
[21:57.29] * drittings (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) has joined channel #quiz-show
[21:59.06] <drittings> applegroo chews brunost and black salami
[21:59.19] <drittings> he likes brown and black
[21:59.52] <drittings> and you are cheesy
[21:59.58] <drittings> white as cheese
[22:01.33] <drittings> i can buy 2 bitcoins
[22:05.19] <drittings> you?
[22:05.26] <drittings> 10 bitcoins?
[22:07.47] <drittings> 5?
[22:09.11] <drittings> 3 btc ?
[23:18.52] <skorpion> https://youtu.be/NZf15xVrOW8
[23:18.56] <skorpion> The future is ours

Mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
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