mandag 28. februar 2022

Mer fra irc

[01:46.16] * You have joined #oslo
[01:46.16] Topic: Messages target change too fast #Oslo
[01:46.16] Channel Topic Set by: X on 11:44 27.02.2022
[01:46.17] Channel modes for #oslo are :+tnRl 11
[01:46.17] Channel Created on: 15:46 14.08.1997
[04:05.41] * fisk77 (m_kraus@2001:470:dcae:a1::f34c) has joined channel #oslo
[04:05.51] <fisk77> john_cons: u there?
[07:17.25] * MrZ (~MrZ@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:37.18] * MrZ (~bfly@ has joined channel #oslo
[07:47.30] * MrZ (~bfly@ Quit (Quit)
[07:54.02] <john_cons> fisk77: jeg orker ikke den homse-pratinga di har jeg sagt, stikk før folk begynner å holde med putin
[07:54.14] fisk77 added to ignore list
[07:54.23] <john_cons> [07:54.14] fisk77 added to ignore list