tirsdag 15. februar 2022

Og enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Your Request
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 15. februar 2022 kl. 07:33
Til: Joel Hohner <dpo@scientology.net>
Kopi: postkasse@datatilsynet.no, "inger.lise.blyverket" <inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no>, tr@forbrukertilsynet.no, post <post@finkn.no>, sfovpost@statsforvalteren.no, abuse@telia.com, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>

I'm not sure why you write to me in English if you are in Denmark.

Have you started speaking English in Denmark now.

Have you forgotten how to speak Danish now?

(If someone in Denmark writes to someone in Norway.

Then it's 'default' to write in Danish, I think.

So it's a bit strange, that you write in England, (without explaining about this), I think).

Also, you write that this is something I 'feel'.

So you try to make this into something about feelings.

That I have to complain about.

You should keep feelings out of this, I think.

I rather want a reply from the Managing Director about this.

(I want to know the name of the internet-troll, who has written/ordered this, in my name.

And I want to know what you plan to do, to avoid that something similar happens again).

Erik Ribsskog

tir. 19. okt. 2021 kl. 15:42 skrev Joel Hohner <dpo@scientology.net>:
Dear Erik,

Your request was forwarded to me as Data Protection Officer for New Era

Based on your request, New Era Publications has understood that you do
not wish to be contacted by New Era Publications and they have erased
all information on you so that you do not get further contact.

I want to you let you know that I have investigated your request and I
can confirm to you that we have, to the extent legally allowed, erased
all your personal data.

I understand that you feel that your name may have been entered into our
website by a third party without your permission, which is of course
very unfortunate. We cannot however determine who may have done this.
What we can do is ensure the information has been removed from our
system so you do not get unwanted contact from us in the future, and
this has been done.

This also means that, as long as you do not contact us again yourself or
request information from us, you will not receive any more information
from us in the future.

Please note that any correspondence between you and me, and any evidence
you submit to me, will be retained in order to demonstrate our
compliance with applicable law.

Yours sincerely,

Data Protection Officer,
Fabirksparken 15,
2600, Glostrup