lørdag 7. mai 2022

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[01:11.04] <john_cons> bought a new frozen pizza at coop extra in norway today
[01:11.30] <john_cons> (the one i normally buy was sold out)
[01:12.38] <john_cons> and when i get home i see more what it says on the box more
[01:13.01] <john_cons> 'formet i hånden'
[01:13.08] * Annie_ (~uid331651@ilkley.irccloud.com) has joined channel #london
[01:13.26] <john_cons> means shaped in the hand
[01:13.27] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v john_cons for #london
[01:13.48] <john_cons> coop think thats a sales trick
[01:15.39] <john_cons> to know that some italian guy has had his hands all over your pizza
[01:16.29] * krunk (~dravine@208-103-128-141.res.trstrm.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:16.35] <john_cons> maybe a woman has designed the box (coop own brand)
[01:16.56] * dravine (~dravine@208-103-128-141.res.trstrm.net) has joined channel #london
[01:29.01] <john_cons> coop also has an own brand pizza named hot nacho
[01:29.31] <john_cons> and the meet on it tastes like its from animals who has died before they got to the butcher, or something
[01:34.43] <john_cons> this is a new coop extra at bekkestua north (they're moving coop mega and has re-branded the old shop to coop extra, even if they have another coop extra a stonethrow away)
[01:34.50] * [a] (code@Perform.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[01:35.02] <john_cons> and they have a very old bald guy who walk people down in the self-service-tills
[01:35.47] <john_cons> and when you use the self-service-tills, then you stand like ten centimeters away from the old bald guy, when he sits in the normal till
[01:36.26] <john_cons> and the store manage looks like a mafiso or something
[01:37.37] <john_cons> and i've gone there three times, and all the times they've sold out of basic toilet paper (then inexpensive kind that kost 13 kroner, and one have to buy a brand that costs three times  as much)
[01:38.25] <john_cons> the same with basic kitchen paper
[01:40.36] <john_cons> and they have like eight shops at bekkestua, but all are just as bad, queers are going to walk you down in the self-service-tills etc., all the time, (especially if you use a face mask, for some reason)
[01:42.56] <john_cons> from december to march i bought groceries online from oda
[01:43.04] <john_cons> (because of omikron etc)
[01:43.27] <john_cons> and they ran through the neighbours garden once
[01:44.02] <john_cons> once they called me so i had to walk outside to find then, because they couldn't find my address, (even if they have gps etc)
[01:44.29] <john_cons> once i ordered (on a friday) for the timeslot 18 - 20 (6 pm to 8 pm)
[01:44.42] <john_cons> and then they were five minutes late
[01:45.09] <john_cons> and the six-pack of beer i had ordered was missing
[01:45.31] <john_cons> it turned out they weren't allowed to deliver beer after 8 pm
[01:45.40] <john_cons> so they just kept the beer
[01:46.07] <john_cons> even i had ordered it the day before (and the delay was their fault)
[01:46.36] <john_cons> and after three months oda banned me because i complained about the above stuff and more
[01:46.58] <john_cons> and their goal is to expand abroad from norway
[01:47.12] <john_cons> but their customer-service is a joke
[01:47.36] <john_cons> and also their hair-cutter-chain cutters have poor customer-service (with much russian staff etc)
[01:48.46] <john_cons> they just shaved off my eyebrows (without asking) in the summer of 2019, i think it was, (after that i haven't gone to them much, but they have taken over the norwegian hair-cutter-marked in just a couple of years, somehow)
[02:05.47] --X-- You're devoiced by Sherlock (PREDAT0R) on #LoNdOn
[02:05.47] * X sets mode -v john_cons for #london
[02:14.02] * Tijan (~ms@Tijan.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[02:14.16] * X sets mode +l 40 for #london
[02:24.24] * Sherlock (~predat0r@PREDAT0R.users.undernet.org) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:45.55] * Chadwick (~Cough@ has joined channel #london
[02:46.32] * Chadwick makes a stool
[02:46.32] * X sets mode +o juli-e for #london
[02:46.38] <Chadwick> Poop
[02:46.45] * juli-e sets mode +b *!*@ for #london
[02:46.47] * Chadwick was kicked by juli-e(~juli-e@julie418.users.undernet.org)  - Reason (Chadwick)
[03:04.41] * giorgos_ (~gg@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[03:05.06] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[03:16.16] * NoodleS hello
[04:29.17] * Ural (~kvirc@ has joined channel #london
[04:52.58] * Ural (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Хлеб, зрелища, досуг за счет автоматики - вот что людям надо.)
[05:51.07] * Annie_ (~uid331651@ilkley.irccloud.com) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[06:47.59] * Tijan (~ms@Tijan.users.undernet.org) Quit (Quit)
[06:48.16] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london
[06:50.57] * Ural (~kvirc@ has joined channel #london
[07:08.33] * Ural (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Хлеб, зрелища, досуг за счет автоматики - вот что людям надо.)
[07:33.23] <john_cons> bekkestua has also looked like hiroshima the last couple of years
[07:33.40] <john_cons> because of several big building-projects that they've done at the same time
[07:35.10] <john_cons> and when you try to walk around the chaos, then you can walk through a park, (gjønnesparken), but they've now built a playground there, (that noone wants), as close as possible to  where walk
[07:35.30] <john_cons> people walk
[07:41.21] <john_cons> this is in bærum, which is the municipality in norway, with most conservative votes, (it's right next to oslo, and people are like snobs or preppy here)
[07:41.22] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v john_cons for #london
[07:58.53] <john_cons> Bærum has the highest income per capita in Norway[4] and the highest proportion of university-educated individuals.[5] Bærum, particularly its eastern neighbourhoods bordering West End Oslo, is one of Norway's priciest and most fashionable residential areas, leading Bærum residents to be frequently stereotyped as snobs in Norwegian popular culture.
[07:58.53] <john_cons>  The municipality has been voted the best Norwegian place to live in considering governance and public services to citizens.[6]
[07:59.28] <john_cons> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bærum
[08:59.29] * Easy0bserver sets mode -v john_cons for #london
[10:22.06] * boarding (~wooden@ has joined channel #london
[10:31.34] * boarding (~wooden@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:01.26] * Sherlock (~predat0r@163-172-90-106.rev.poneytelecom.eu) has joined channel #london
[11:08.55] * giorgos_ (~gg@athedsl-4381883.home.otenet.gr) has joined channel #london
[11:09.09] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[11:32.35] * giorgos_ (~gg@athedsl-4381883.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:42.20] <Falcon> john_cons: Nice you're finally chatting, but I have one question for you:
[11:42.20] <Falcon> Are you having a psychotic break?
[11:43.35] * X sets mode +o ZiPpY for #london
[12:07.28] <@juli-e> he might
[13:06.36] <Falcon> could well be!
[13:06.44] * juli-e pets Falcon
[13:07.50] * Falcon hugs juli-e 
[13:08.02] * juli-e hugs Falcon
[13:18.00] * liber2 (~liber@ Quit (Quit)
[13:18.24] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london
[13:44.22] * liber (~liber@82-64-152-174.subs.proxad.net) has joined channel #london
[13:47.28] * FootMassurUK (~hotmail@ has joined channel #london
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[13:49.32] * giorgos_ (~gg@ppp-2-84-0-18.home.otenet.gr) has joined channel #london
[14:05.49] * Vince0ne- (~UNIX@Vince.users.undernet.org) Quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[14:18.53] * xia (~ex@xia.users.undernet.org) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:19.08] * FootMassurUK (~hotmail@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:19.24] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london
[14:20.05] * n4178x (~ex@xia.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[14:20.14] * n4178x is now known as xia
[14:30.07] * revolution (~irn_dru33@ has joined channel #london
[14:30.20] <@}P{> !w Dagenham Essex
[14:30.20] <Owl> Dagenham, Barking & Dagenham, Greater London, United Kingdom (51.540, 0.140) -- Partly cloudy and 16° C | Feels Like: 16° C | Humidity: 72% | Wind: NNE @ 15 KPH | Pressure: 1026mb | Clouds: 1% |  Rainfall: 1% | UV Index: 50 | Observation time: 12:30 PM
[14:30.21] <Owl> Historical -- MinTemp: 9° C | MaxTemp: 15° C | AvgTemp: $13° C | TotalSnow: 0 | SunHour: 9.4
[14:30.24] <Owl> Astro -- Sunrise: 05:21 AM | Sunset: 08:32 PM | Moonrise: 09:41 AM | Moonset: 02:19 AM | Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent | Moon Illumination: 43
[14:30.29] <revolution> Good afternoon, everyone
[14:30.31] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[14:37.18] * z8366h (~ex@xia.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[14:41.58] * xia (~ex@xia.users.undernet.org) Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:41.59] * z8366h is now known as xia
[14:48.33] * hydro (~Splash@hydro.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[14:58.34] * Ural (~kvirc@ has joined channel #london
[14:58.34] <@}P{> Hello revolution
[14:58.46] * X sets mode +l 40 for #london
[15:00.13] <Ural> Привет! Hi! Hola! Oi! Saluton!
[15:15.25] * revolution (~irn_dru33@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[15:17.05] * hydro (~Splash@hydro.users.undernet.org) Quit (Quit: Treat her like a Celebrity, She'll treat you like a Fan. Never Simp, boys.)
[15:17.18] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[15:26.54] <Alan> morning  }P{
[15:37.10] <@}P{> Hello Alan
[16:10.24] * Ural (~kvirc@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[16:56.27] * Sherlock (~predat0r@163-172-90-106.rev.poneytelecom.eu) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:56.43] * X sets mode +l 36 for #london
[16:57.17] * Sherlock (~predat0r@163-172-90-106.rev.poneytelecom.eu) has joined channel #london
[18:14.16] * Vince0ne- (~UNIX@ has joined channel #london
[18:14.20] * Vince0ne- (~UNIX@ Quit (Registered)
[18:14.20] * Vince0ne- (~UNIX@Vince.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #london
[18:14.33] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[18:25.44] <john_cons> Falcon: you are just as rude as Sherlock who is from a place in the uk where noone drinks (he's said), your both from a small place that only has a martin mccolls-food-shop i guess
[18:32.33] <john_cons> you're hobbits