onsdag 28. juni 2023

Jeg sendte en e-post til svensk LO

Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Personal-fil/Fwd: Re:
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. juni 2023 kl. 15:44
Til: info@lo.se
Kopi: Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>, post@arbeidstilsynet.no, post@canica.no, kundkontakt@ica.se, ica.kontakt@ica.se, eian@eianadvokat.no, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, LO Postkasse LO <lo@lo.no>, Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, Legal LSC <legal.lsc@legalservices.gov.uk>, Sfovpost <sfovpost@statsforvalteren.no>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>

jeg jobbet i Rimi-kjeden (som ble kjøpt opp av ICA) fra 1992 til 2004.

Og i 2001, så vant jeg en prestisjefylt internkonkurranse, som het Rimi Gullårer, mens jeg jobbet som butikksjef på Rimi Langhus.

Og da fikk jeg et brev fra milliardær Stein Erik 'Rimi' Hagen, hvor han skrev at jeg jobbet bra og var en dyktig leder.

Og det brevet ligger på gården til en våpen-gal onkel av meg i Kvelde, som prøvde å drepe meg (eller om det var hans medsammensvorne) sommeren 2005, og derfor måtte jeg rømme i full fart (til England) uten å få med meg min koffert (hvor jeg blant annet hadde en perm med vitnemål/attester).

Og så ønsker jeg ikke å dra til de galningene i Kvelde igjen.

Så jeg prøver å få ICA til å sende meg en kopi av min personal-fil.

(En Rimi-butikksjef-kollega ved navn Thomas Kvehaugen mente at ICA sitt hovedkontor i Stockholm/Solna, har disse papirene (Rimi sitt personalarkiv).

Etter at Thomas sin lillesøster Therese Kvehaugen ikke ville sende meg disse papirene (hu begynte å prate om et diplom, men jeg pratet om et brev, og trodde at hu da kanskje mente noe fra et brannslukkings-kurs) da jeg ringte henne fra England, rundt 2007).

Dette (at jeg vant den kjente konkurransen) har jeg skrevet om i jobbsøknader i England osv., så jeg skulle gjerne hatt papirene i orden (også fordi at jeg har skrevet om dette på blogg).

Britene mener at man da kan bruke GDPR for å få se sin personal-mappe.

Men GDPR er for merkantile prosesser (mener jeg å ha lest et sted).

Men har dere noe greie på dette.

Jeg har prøvd å kontakte fagforeningen Lederne i Norge, men de satt seg på bakbeina, og ville ikke la en tidligere butikksjef få være medlem (av en eller annen grunn).

På forhånd takk for eventuelt svar!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: ons. 28. juni 2023 kl. 14:01
Subject: Re: Re:
To: Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>
Cc: <post@arbeidstilsynet.no>, <post@canica.no>, <kundkontakt@ica.se>, <ica.kontakt@ica.se>, <eian@eianadvokat.no>, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, LO Postkasse LO <lo@lo.no>, Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, Legal LSC <legal.lsc@legalservices.gov.uk>, Sfovpost <sfovpost@statsforvalteren.no>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, emb.london <emb.london@mfa.no>


thank you for the reply.

The reason that it took more than three months for me to contact you, was that the files had been with the Merseyside Police and they sent me to Citizen Advice (claiming they were 'government' and not a charity).

It wasn't like I waited a long time to begin with the case.

But I was sent to the wrong people.

(I also was at the Norwegian Embassy in London, with the original files, that I chatted with the Norwegian terrorist Breivik's step-mother Øvermo there about, on the phone, etc.).

There was an article about Wrexham in the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, so that's why I thought about contacting you again.

Thanks for the reply!


Erik Ribsskog


By the way it's my earlier collegue Miranda Buckley that now lives in Helsinki.

I sometimes mix her and Johanna Ryan up, because they were both on the Finnish line.

Thanks again for the reply!

PS 2.

Also what happened after I was at your solicitor-office in Wrexham.

Some internet-trolls (I mentioned my blog in the last email) started harassing me.

And they started sending fake emails using my name (and email-adress) contacting a staff member (Sarah Bamber) at the Jobcenter in Aintree.

And the Police were on my door like 50 or 100 times, the two years (from 2012 to 2014) I lived in Keity Court in Walton.

They smashed my door like four or five times, arrested me like ten times.

And it was just bullsh*t.

They never understood that this was swatting/identity-theft/spoofing.

And neighter the court understood this (Liverpool Magistrates Court).

So in the end I had to run back to Norway (in the automn of 2014) to escape this terror/hell.

I used as an excuse that I wanted to finish some philosphy-studies at University of Oslo (that I started with in a job-sandwich-year, when I was studying Information Management, in the 80's/90's).

And then the Norwegian Police sent me to a mental-hospital after a few months (in February 2015) and I had to run to Copenhagen to get away from some 'lobotomy-threats' at the hospital (in Drammen) where my younger stephsister (who stole my father in the 80's) work.

Law-firm Linskills and a laywer-woman named Kennedy from another law-firm helped me.

But they too didn't understand the case.

And I tried to move back to the UK in 2017 (after I got around £20.000, after I had worked with an inheritance-case (a court in Drammen was stubborn, and also my relatives) for about ten years.

But then it was the same.

I got an inexpensive flat in Tuebrook, and I planned to start my web-shop again (selling Glacier Mints to Norway, because they have been discontinued in the shops here, a similar Norwegian brand ('Isbre Mint')).

And the Police took me to court, and they wanted me to pay a fine, be sent to prison, do community-service, go to probation-meetings, go to an endless stream of new court-case-meetings and more.

So I had to go back to Norway again:


ons. 28. juni 2023 kl. 10:51 skrev Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>:


Thank you for your email. Mr Ryan is no longer employed by Allington Hughes.


I am unable to advise you upon the law outside of the UK however I believe that Norway too would be bound by GDPR or similar.  You may wish to explore making a subject access request for the information your ex-employers hold about you. Please note that the data will be time limited so may have by now been destroyed.  


You were advised in 2008 that there was a 3 month time limit for you to pursue any claim that you had. Unfortunately that had passed and there was no further action that you could take in respect of those potential claims.


I apologise I cannot be of any further assistance.





Melissa Bramwell


Chartered Legal Executive

Head of Business Department

& TCM Accredited Workplace Mediator


Mob: 07715654226

Allington Hughes Ltd


CILEX Lawyer         TCM


















From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Sent: 27 June 2023 23:29
To: Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>
Cc: post@arbeidstilsynet.no; post@canica.no; kundkontakt@ica.se; ica.kontakt@ica.se; eian@eianadvokat.no; Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>; Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>; LO Postkasse LO <lo@lo.no>; Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>; Legal LSC <legal.lsc@legalservices.gov.uk>; Sfovpost <sfovpost@statsforvalteren.no>; amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>; HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>
Subject: Re:



has Mr. Ryan stopped working for you now?

I remember (from 2008) that Mr. Ryan advised me (after a meeting in Wrexham) to contact my employer (Arvato Services in Liverpool) to get my personel-file.

And I have a bit similar employment-case in Norway.

I worked in the grocery-food-chain Rimi, from 1992 to 2004.

I was a manager the last then years I worked there, and I won a prestigous in-house competition called 'Rimi Gullårer' when I was a Store Manager at Rimi Langhus i 2001.

Yet, my old employer (Rimi, who where bought by Dutch company Ahold and Swedish company ICA) they refuse to send my personel-file (like Arvato did) so I can't get to document that I won the mentioned competition (as a Store Manager) and the original letter (from Rimi-founder Stein Erik Hagen, who is on the Forbes billionaire-list) is on my uncles farm in Norway, where I had to run from (from some maniacs there) in July 2005, the month before I started working at Arvato.

So why does this (to get ones personel-file sent) work in the UK and not in Norway/Scandinavia (I was wondering).

Do have any advice about this?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


One of my collegues at Arvato was Johanna Ryan (she now lives in Helsiniki, if I'm not mistaking).

Is she related to your ex-collegue Mr. Ryan, I was wondering.

Just wondering.

Thanks in advance for any reply!

PS 2.

Also this advice I got (to ask Arvato for my personel-file) didn't get me anywhere.

I didn't get any compensation, even if I was harrassed a lot there.

I've tried to contact a lot of other law-firms (I was at a meeting with a law firm in Birkenhead, and I also was at University of Liverpool and their law-faculty, because they offered to give legal-advice, but they just let to Arab students look at the case, I didn't hear anything after that).

I've also published about the employment-case on my blog, etc.

But that's not enough, it seems.

The media don't write about it.

So I need some solicitors to look at this case properly, it seems.

(To get compensation from Arvato).

ons. 20. aug. 2008 kl. 16:26 skrev Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>:

Dear Erik


I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail and confirm that I have no information regarding your claim.  If you would like to discuss this matter you can call to arrange an appointment with the solicitors.





From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 20 August 2008 15:15
To: melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk
Subject: Fwd:




I tried to call your office now, regarding the case mentioned in this e-mail, but the receptionist,

couldn't see you at your desk, so we agreed that I could try to send an e-mail.

I've finally been able to work a bit more overtime now, so it seems like I'm going to have some

more founds, at last, when I receive my next pay-cheque, from my employer.


In the mean-time, since I sent you my last e-mail, I've been working with publishing the documents

for the case, on an online document-publishing site, called Scribed.


So I'll find the link to that site, and write it in this e-mail, but I must warn, that some of the harassment,

in the case, involved that I was sent, I think one must say, obscene pictures, from people that later

started working as team-leaders there.

So I've included some of the harassing e-mail pictures etc., on the document publishing site, and also

in the avatar, for the site.


Just so that I warn about this.

Hope this is alright!


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog




Here is the mentioned link, for the case-documents, on the Scribd document publishing site:



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 13, 2008 6:25 AM
Subject: Re:
To: Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk>




thank you very much for your answer!


I haven't got that much founds at the moment, so I don't think I can afford to go to Wrexham for a meeting at

the moment, unfortunatly.


I have to wait untill I can get saved up some founds, since I use to much time on this case and other cases,

and to little time on my regular work.


I know I should have thought about this before I sent the last e-mail.


Sorry about this, and thanks again for your reply!


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog


On 6/10/08, Melissa Bramwell <melissa.bramwell@allingtonhughes.co.uk> wrote:

Dear Erik


I have received your e-mail forwarded from our Chester Officer.  Mr Ryan at our Wrexham Office would be able to deal with this matter for you I would be grateful if you could call me on 01978 291000 in order for me to take some more details from you and arrange an appointment.




Melissa Bramwell




Allington Hughes Solicitors - Wrexham 01978 291000 Chester 01244 312166


Partners - David N.H.Parry B.A.(Dunelm)., John A.Partington LL.B., T.Vincent Ryan LL.B.*, Jennifer A.Clayton B.A., Melissa Griffiths LL.B., Alison A.Brebner M.A., Mark P.Evans LL.B., Steven Davies B.A., Rodney C.Williams LL.B., *Member of the Law Society's Personal Injury Panel


Consultants - Paul F.Craddock., Alistair T.Jones B.A., Lawrence J.Mason LL.B., Gavin A.D.Rogers., Christopher M.J.Williams., Mark Macloskey LL.B.


Assistant Solicitors - Ian Edwards LL.B., Gerallt Hughes LL.B., Elizabeth Emmington


Legal Executives - Alison D.Stace F.Inst.L.Ex, Christine D.Henderson F.Inst.L.Ex, Jane ApThomas F.Inst.L.Ex, Tracey E.Powell F.Inst.L.Ex


Licensed Conveyancer - Julie Bryan


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Allington Hughes Solicitors - Wrexham 01978 291000 Chester 01244 312166


Partners - David N.H.Parry B.A.(Dunelm)., John A.Partington LL.B., T.Vincent Ryan LL.B.*, Jennifer A.Clayton B.A., Melissa Griffiths LL.B., Alison A.Brebner M.A., Mark P.Evans LL.B., Steven Davies B.A., Rodney C.Williams LL.B., *Member of the Law Society's Personal Injury Panel


Consultants - Paul F.Craddock., Alistair T.Jones B.A., Lawrence J.Mason LL.B., Gavin A.D.Rogers., Christopher M.J.Williams., Mark Macloskey LL.B.


Assistant Solicitors - Ian Edwards LL.B., Gerallt Hughes LL.B., Elizabeth Emmington B.A., Christopher Mills LL.B.


Legal Executives - Alison D.Stace F.Inst.L.Ex, Christine D.Henderson F.Inst.L.Ex, Jane ApThomas F.Inst.L.Ex, Tracey E.Powell F.Inst.L.Ex


Licensed Conveyancer - Julie Bryan


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