mandag 1. oktober 2007

from Erik Ribsskog hide details 1:30 pm
date Oct 1, 2007 1:30 PM
subject CRO/80469-2007

I'm refering to your letter which I recieved today.

I have a couple of questions regarding this:

1. I was informed when I called the Law Society some months back, that the solicitors
firm became my solicitors, when they agreed with the CAB to be my duty solicior.

I also enclosed an email from the Law Society, where this was confirmed in the e-mail.

I've brought this up with one of your colleges in the Law Society, in regards to the
Morecrofts complaint.

But I can try to refrase it, since this is in another context.

Q1: Isn't it right that I become a client of the law-firm, at the moment, when the
law-firm agrees with the CAB to be my Duty Solicitor?

Q2: If not, then who is it one are supposed to complain to, about poor service/unprofessional
conduct, by law-firms, in conection with the Dury Solicitors scheme?

I hope that you have the time to have a look at this!

Thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog