torsdag 1. oktober 2009

Sånn CV-greier kan være noe pirk. Nå har jeg fått noen gode råd her da, så får jeg sette meg ned og konsentrere meg om å få CV-en riktig. Vi får se

Google Mail - Your Fuller CV Assessment

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Your Fuller CV Assessment


Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 12:13 PM


Dear Erik,

Thank you for your purchasing The Fuller CV email review service.

My first impression when reviewing your CV is that there is not enough

specific, targeted content here to sell you effectively to employers.  For

example, you say very little about how you will use your skills and

personal traits to benefit the new employer.

Upon perusing your CV, I have outlined below my recommendations to you:

Create an achievement section after your profile. It is important that

very early on in your CV that you can reflect the value you can bring to

the next organisation. This is where you can really identify your

successes and show how you are going to benefit your audience.

You need to qualify and quantify each of your achievements by showing

measurable results. A helpful way that you can do this is to use  STAR -

Situation - Task - Action - Result - as a template for each of your bullet


We recommend that you write your CV in 3rd person throughout, so no me, my

or I in the document, otherwise your CV will become wordy and chatty, more

'book like' rather than a professional document.

You have a heading of 'Work' but this is more than that, it is your

Professional Experience' or 'Career Summary'.

Employers will want to know how specifically your work has been excellent

or successful and how that in turn impacted on your employers operating

results for the better. So far you are just reflecting your job

description so you need to sell yourself much harder to get interview


If someone has to re-read something or cannot retain the information

without having to refer back to the document then the CV is not capturing

the reader's attention. Choose active rather than passive verbs and keep

the CV to two pages or less.

My primary concern however, is how recruiters view you.  As a recruiter I

am investing in excess of £30,000 per annum on you and need to know what

my return on investment will be.  Therefore you must reflect performance

results, your ability to influence the role and add value, as opposed to

your job description.

Remember, your CV is your personal sales brochure and your key that

unlocks the door to high quality interviews.  Decisions to interview or

reject candidates will be made on this document and in most instances, you

will be pitched against a potentially vast number of other candidates. A

former recruiter, my personal record was 324 applicants vying for one

office position! This should lead you to question what sets your CV apart

from so many other candidates with comparable experience. Effective

communication and marketing skills, amongst others, may be drawn from your

CV, so it is time you contributed more than your list of job


Take time, plan and prioritise the information you supply, with many

recruiters having as little as 10 seconds to peruse your details, ensure

they glean more information than your age, nationality and previous job

description. Furthermore, wherever possible, write your CV when your

career is flying. Everyone takes a knock from redundancy and other issues

resulting in a new job search, confidence knocks can come across in your


Remember whilst design is aesthetically pleasing, structure and content is

what sells you.

Reflecting value for money, accomplishments, highlighting transferable

skills, pre-empting the reader's objections and strengthening perceived

weaknesses are all areas you are need to consider.

Recognising the importance of your Curriculum Vitae is half the battle

won. Many employers pay large sums of money to recruit their future

workforce you have only to invest in your CV.


I hope you found my assessment and recommendations regarding your current

CV helpful and constructive.

Looking at yourself objectively can be very difficult, yet is necessary

when writing your CV. We recognise the difficulties faced by individuals

and therefore operate a service whereby a recruiter 'interviews' you by

telephone, then writes a new CV for you.  Furthermore, you will glean

valuable insights on how the recruiter shortlists candidates and the best

places to apply for your next dynamic career move.

As described above, this includes a full telephone consultation with an

independent, senior HR professional, plus the construction and design of

your own tailor made CV aimed specifically at the industry sector in which

you are aiming to develop and further your career.

Again, I hope that my assessment was of help to you and that The Fuller CV

can work with you to a positive future. The professional CV writing

service we discussed is priced at £229 plus VAT. If you wish to discuss

this, please call me on 08700 278 377, quoting your customer ID: 965678

Some important points to remember:

- Every day without an effective, positive CV is another day without the

job you require and deserve.

- Competition is high and if you're not selling yourself effectively,

somebody else will be. These people will also get the interview.

Note from a past customer:

'My daughter suggested I test this new document by applying for a position

that my old CV had failed to achieve an interview for. I submitted my new

CV last night and this evening I have an email requesting dates for an

interview! I'm very impressed!' (International Sales Manager)

May I take this opportunity to wish you every success for your future



tel: 08700 278377     (Within UK)

tel: +44 1932 836739 (Outside UK)




Her er CV-en de evaluerte da, (jeg slettet telefonnummerne fra CV-en, siden jeg har vært utsatt for litt bølleringing, må man vel kalle det, fra faren min, ifjor, var det vel):

Curriculum Vitae

Erik Ribsskog
Flat 3
5 Leather Lane
L2 2AE

Personal Profile:

I'm a hardworking and committed person who has very good management and communication skills.

I've studied Computing, (with some Management, Marketing & Economy-modules), at University-level.

In 2001 I received an award, 'Rimi Goldmines', in shop-management in Norway. An award that only a handfull of Rimi's 500 shop-managers receive every year.

At school, I was always one of the best in my class, and in 1988, I was allowed to study in the county of Buskerud, Norway, although I lived in the neighbouring county of Vestfold. This was because I was one of the ten best students that year.


March 2007 - November 2008, Self-Employed, Company-Researcher
(Working as a freelancer, doing research on Scandinavian companies in the
packaging-industry for a database,, on behalf
of Packaging Europe, Norwich).

June 2006 - December 2006, Arvato Services Ltd, Liverpool.
Multi-lingual Contact Centre Representative on Bertelsmann Arvato's
Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign.

August 2005 - June 2006, Randstad Employment Agency, Liverpool.
Multi-lingual Contact Centre Representative on Bertelsmann Arvato's
Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign.

March 2005 - July 2005, Løvås Farm, Larvik, Norway.
Farm-work on a farm owned by relatives in Norway.
(Due to problems with getting my home university to approve the modules
from the University of Sunderland, and the study finance from Norway
was delayed due to this.).

June 2003 - August 2004, Rimi Langhus, Ski, Norway.
Team Leader, Food Shop, part-time.

August 2002 - January 2004, Rimi Bjørndal, Oslo, Norway.
Team Leader, Food Shop, part-time.

May 2001 - August 2002, Rimi Langhus, Ski, Norway.
Food Shop Manager, full-time.

August 2000 - May 2001, Rimi Kalbakken, Oslo, Norway.
Food Shop Manager, full-time.

October 1998 - August 2000, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.
Food Shop Manager, full-time.

May 1996 - October 1998, Rimi Bjørndal, Oslo, Norway.
Assistant Manager, Food-shop, full-time.

January 1996 - April 1996, Chinatown-expressen, Eiksmarka, Norway.
Chinese Food Delivery in Oslo West and Bærum, part-time.

February 1995 - August 1995, Norsk Idrettshjelp, Oslo, Norway.
Telemarketing, part-time.

January 1995 - May 1996, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.
Assistant Manager, Food Shop, full-time.

June 1994 - December 1994, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.
Team Leader, Food Shop, full-time.

August 1993 - June 1994, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.
Food Shop employee, full-time.

March 1993 - March 1993, Action Arcades, Lørenskog, Norway.
System Development, Accounts Programmer, part-time.

December 1992 – August 1993, Rimi Munkelia, Oslo, Norway.
Food Shop employee, part-time.

August 1992 – June 1993, Terningmoen, Elverum, Norway.
Norwegian Army, Infantry, Conscription Service.

August 1991 - December 1992, OBS Triaden, Lørenskog, Norway.
Food Shop employee, part-time.

September 1990 – August 1991, OBS Triaden, Lørenskog, Norway.
Food Shop employee, full-time.

August 1990 – September 1990, Det Norske Hageselskap, Oslo, Norway.
Office Worker for the publication Norsk Hagetidend, full-time.

Sept. 1988 - aug. 1989, CC Storkjøp, Drammen, Norway.
Food Shop employee, part-time.


September 2004 - February 2005, University of Sunderland.
Studying abroad, Computing.

August 2002 - June 2004, Oslo University College, Oslo, Norway.
Høgskolekandidat, a two year degree in Information Technology.

August 1991 - June 1992, NHI, Oslo, Norway.
2nd year NHI-candidate. (Computing, University-level).

August 1989 - June 1990, NHI, Oslo, Norway.
1st year NHI-candidate. (Computing, University-level).

August 1988 - June 1989, Gjerdes VGS., Drammen, Norway.
3rd year upper secondary school. Business-school. Computing-line.

August 1987 - June 1988, Sande VGS., Sande, Norway.
2nd year upper secondary school. Business-school. Marketing-line.

August 1986 - June 1987, Sande VGS., Sande, Norway.
1st year upper secondary school. Business-school. Office-line.


Numeracy, Level 2, February 2009.
Learn Direct, Liverpool.

ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence), January 2009.
Learn Direct, Liverpool.

Literacy, Level 2, November 2008.
Learn Direct, Liverpool.

Participated on many courses for food-shop managers, arranged by Hakon-gruppen (now ICA), 1992 – 2004:

- Practical management.
- Employment law.
- Economy.
- Security.

NT Server Core Tech, May 1998.
Global Knowledge Network, Skullerud, Oslo.

Summer-school, English, Brighton, 1988.
EF Language-courses.

Summer-school, English, Weymouth, 1986.
EF Language-courses.

Summer-school, English, Brighton 1985.
STS Language-courses.


Full UK Driving Licence.


Tim Sykes, Editor, Packaging Europe, Norwich, phone: 0160 341 4444