onsdag 9. november 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angaanede online trakassering

fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com


bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:26 PM
subjectRe: Report of crime/Fwd: Din henvendelse er mottatt

hide details 6:26 PM (0 minutes ago)


yes, I'm not 'Miss'.

And I haven't ordered any flight from you.

(I don't like the new security-stuff, with the naked scanners etc., on the airports).

This is some kind of attack, which the Police don't help me stop.

Thanks for unsubscribing me.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:52 PM, wrote:

Dear Mr.Ribsskog,

Thank you for the information, and should we then just cancel all inquirys coming from Frøken Ripsskog?

Hope you get some assistance in stoping all the spam.

Med vennlig hilsen/Sincerely yours
Widerøe Kundeservice/Widerøe Customer Relations

Adr: Pb. 247, N-8001 Bodø, Norway.
Tel: 815 22 014


Please respond to customerrelations@wideroe.no
Sent by: Erik Ribsskog
To: e-policing.mailbox@northumbria.pnn.police.uk
cc: TAYLORG@unhcr.org, "!enquiries" (bcc: kundeservice)

Subject: Report of crime/Fwd: Din henvendelse er mottatt


someone are sending a lot of forged e-mails in my name, (it's called spoofing I've read on Wikipedia).

This is an example from this attack.

Please start replying to my e-mails because I think I'll soon get an infamation in my arm from sending you all these unanswered crime-reports.

Please start doing your job now!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Widerøe kundeservice
Date: 2011/11/6
Subject: Din henvendelse er mottatt
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Kjære kunde

Takk for din henvendelse.
Dette er en automatisk beskjed og kan ikke besvares.

Vi har normal behandlingstid på 3 uker, men du vil få svar så snart vi har anledning til å se på saken din.

Din henvendelse sendt 06. november 2011 16:37:
Fra: Frøken Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
Adr: sunderland
1234 sunderland
Tlf: virker ikke
Vedlegg: Ingen

Hei. Hva vet dere om Illuminati? Mvh Frøken Ribsskog

Vennlig hilsen

Widerøe kundeservice