onsdag 9. november 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com


bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:18 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: David.Hjort@yahoo.com has shared: IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company

hide details 6:18 PM (0 minutes ago)


this seems to be my earlier collegue, in Rimi, David Hjort.

He tried to distroy my reputation, on irc, (EF-net), by calling himself 'kong_anus', on my PC, (when he had invited himself to me).

That was a funny synonym on my nick (john_cons), I think.

He also know a lot of drug dealers and other criminals, and is in a gang, I think.

(Since once he bragged he'd sleept with ten or twelve girls at the same time as he was in a relationship with another collegue, from Rimi, Linn Korneliussen).

Hjort also owes me money, after I got some money after my mother died, since she had a life insurance.

(I was told after she died).

Hjort gave me some very large speakers, as part-payment of debt once.

And he says his fourt partner, after I got to know him, Melina Joergensen is an 'ex-bandidos-whore'.

His father is a prison-priest in Denmark, and once Hjort told me guy had gotten his face distroyed, in the prison kitchen with boiling oil, or something.

And later I got my face distroyed, in Oslo, after I had some problems with some small wrinkles in my face, that I wanted to get rid of since I was ambitious, and wanted to get a career, in Business, without losing focus on my work due to personal problems, (because my collegues talked me down behind my back in ICA, I overheard, since I had started to get some wrinkles etc., in my face, and if one want to make a career, then one shouldn't have problems like this, that people can use to attack you regarding, as an executive etc).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David.Hjort@yahoo.com
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: David.Hjort@yahoo.com has shared: IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Vet ikke hva som foregår

Formannen i Nordisk Politiforbund, svenske Jan Karlsen, forklarer det manglende politiske engasjementet med at politikere ikke er klar over hva som foregår.

Justisminister Odd Einar Dørum (V) bekreftet Johannessens uttalelser om den tausheten internasjonal og organisert kriminalitet blir møtt med her i landet. Da Dørum tok opp dette problemet første gang i 1995, ble han møtt med øredøvende taushet.

Han advarte imidlertid mot for mye av det han kalte folkelivsskildringer av kriminaliteten, og etterlyste mer kriminalitetsstatistikk som grunnlag for handling. Dørum kunne i samme åndedrag opplyse at de nordiske landene arbeider med en felles ordning for vitnebeskyttelse. Forholdene i landene er så like at de egner seg godt for samarbeid om beskyttelse av vitner, påpekte justisministeren.

IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company
Source: fastcompany.com

IdeaPaint Why didn't you think of this? John Goscha, at the ripe old age of 25 ditched a job offer at Goldman Sachs, and instead began marketing IdeaPaint, which is simply a paint that turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board.

David.Hjort@yahoo.com sent this using ShareThis.