onsdag 7. mars 2012

Mer fra #Norway

Session Start: ti mar 06 19:27:14 2012
Session Ident:#Norway
[19:27] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[19:27] ->> Topic set by OldGnom!~RS@ on 06.03.2012 15:16:04
[19:27] ->> Channel Modes are: +ptnl 57
[19:27] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[19:31] <@Tjaden> Legaliser, kontroller og skattelegg
[19:32] <@Outsider> Nei nei
[19:35] * aCiD^-^P (~LathspeLL@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 483 seconds )

[19:35] <@Tjaden> Kenny^: http://tinyurl.com/78hwr7w
[19:35] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[19:35] <@Tjaden> jojojo
[19:37] <@Kenny^> Hm

[19:37] <@Kenny^> hva er på bildet?
[19:37] <@Kenny^> Jeg har lært på skolen at det er skummelt med slike bilder

[19:38] <@MorganS> URL: } { Dubai Road Express - 1/6} { - YouTube} {
[19:38] <@OldGnom> <3

[19:38] <@MorganS> URL: Object moved
[19:38] <@OldGnom> <3

[19:39] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[19:39] <@Tjaden> Kenny^: en tekst på bildet.. sfw
[19:39] * faalhaas (erik@cp9344529-c.dbsc4.nb.hoomee.nl) has left #Norway

[19:40] <@Kenny^> Hva er teksten?
[19:41] <@Tjaden> My God carries a hammer, Your God was nailed to a cross. Any Questions?
[19:41] <@Kenny^> Å sånn forsøk på å etterligne artige.no?

[19:42] <@Kenny^> Ingen Gud bærer en hammer
[19:44] <@OldGnom> var ikke Jesus snekker?
[19:45] <@Kenny^> Joda, men han var Gud sønn
[19:46] <@Kenny^> *Er Guds sønn

[19:46] * cuntslime is now known as Bixnood
[19:46] <@Kenny^> Han bor jo sammen med faren sin nå
[19:46] * Bixnood is now known as CuntSlime
[19:47] <@Tjaden> trur ikke du på treenigheten?

[19:47] <@Kenny^> Jo klart jeg gjør
[19:49] <@Tjaden> Natta
[19:49] <@Kenny^> Nei, nå skal du jo prate
[19:49] <@Kenny^> jeg er jo her
[19:49] <@Kenny^> du kan ikke sove før jeg har spist middag

[19:54] * norway34m (~norway34m@ti0018a380-dhcp2144.bb.online.no) has joined #Norway
[19:58] <@Indra> hmm.
[20:07] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat )

[20:12] * EstaTiC (estetic@102-148-91.adsl.beatel.net) has joined #Norway
[20:12] * braveboy (braveboy@ Quit ( )

[20:14] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2268.bb.online.no) has joined #Norway
[20:20] * EstaTiC (estetic@102-148-91.adsl.beatel.net) has left #Norway

[20:30] <Meowlant> ;J
[20:51] * braveboy (braveboy@ has joined #Norway
[20:51] <braveboy> we have new player here, Kenny

[20:52] <braveboy> hi meo blast :)
[20:54] <braveboy> hvordan gar det ?
[20:56] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has joined #Norway

[21:00] <@evolution> BEEP BEEP BEEP
[21:00] <@evolution> hello MAOW!
[21:02] * aCiD^-^P (~LathspeLL@ has joined #Norway

[21:08] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has left #Norway
[21:08] * aCiD^-^P (~LathspeLL@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 365 seconds )

[21:09] * MANofHONO (MANofHONO@bzq-79-179-214-68.red.bezeqint.net) has joined #Norway
[21:11] <MANofHONO> where is chris?
[21:12] <@evolution> he's dead

[21:12] <@evolution> dont ask for him anymore!
[21:12] <MANofHONO> thats good or bad?
[21:12] <@Crossfire> lol
[21:13] <@evolution> i dont know
[21:13] <@evolution> u should decide it by yourself.

[21:14] <braveboy> evolution I think you are a greater nut than chris
[21:15] <braveboy> at least he has some coherent thoughts from time to time
[21:15] <MANofHONO> yeah we all gone miss him...

[21:16] <braveboy> especially you
[21:16] <braveboy> but i think he will show up eventually
[21:16] <MANofHONO> you cant showup after death
[21:17] <@evolution> i am normal

[21:18] * MANofHONO (MANofHONO@bzq-79-179-214-68.red.bezeqint.net) Quit ( )
[21:24] * MANofHONO (MANofHONO@bzq-79-179-214-68.red.bezeqint.net) has joined #Norway

[21:26] <MANofHONO> this room become like a brothel people come and go like crazy
[21:26] <@evolution> ASYLUM
[21:27] <braveboy> are you complaining or what
[21:27] <MANofHONO> no just saying that some people disappear

[21:27] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #Norway
[21:27] * evolution sets mode +oo OldGnom Meowlant for #Norway
[21:28] * evolution sets mode +o braveboy for #Norway

[21:28] <MANofHONO> there use to be a girl anny she is also gone
[21:29] * EstaTiC (estetic@102-148-91.adsl.beatel.net) has joined #Norway

[21:29] <@braveboy> where is anny ?
[21:29] <MANofHONO> ?
[21:29] * skorpion (~trulsen@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) Quit ( Read error: No route to host )

[21:30] <@evolution> anny is left irc
[21:30] <@evolution> i dont know where is she now
[21:30] <@evolution> has*
[21:30] <MANofHONO> ok
[21:30] * skorpion (~trulsen@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) has joined #Norway

[21:30] <@evolution> shes also from russia
[21:30] <@evolution> i know her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:31] <MANofHONO> yeah
[21:31] <@braveboy> evolution call her on the phone :)

[21:31] <@braveboy> and the romanian girl is not here
[21:31] <@OldGnom> you find her on vkontakte.ru
[21:31] <MANofHONO> ok
[21:32] <@evolution> i dont know her phone

[21:32] <@evolution> i just know her on irc and vkontakte
[21:32] <@evolution> never seen irl
[21:32] <@evolution> shes too far
[21:32] <@braveboy> send her message on vkontakte

[21:33] <@braveboy> tell her that we miss her :)
[21:33] <@OldGnom> !weather krasnoyarsk
[21:33] <+Theisen> Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Mostly Cloudy and -6°F/-21°C
[21:33] <@evolution> she left irc at all, i dont think she is want to get back

[21:33] <MANofHONO> why?
[21:33] <@evolution> i dont know
[21:33] <@OldGnom> Tjaden!

[21:33] <@MorganS> URL: Stortinget signerte uten å forstå konsekvensene - Brennpunkt - NRK
[21:33] <@evolution> TJADIN!!!!!!!!
[21:34] <@evolution> it is 1:30 am right now

[21:34] <@OldGnom> !time moscow
[21:34] <+Theisen> Moscow, AR: March 6, 3:34 PM CST
[21:34] <@OldGnom> !time moscow ru
[21:34] <+Theisen> Moscow, Russia: March 7, 1:34 AM MSK

[21:35] <@evolution> :p
[21:35] * Commando sets mode +l 60 for #Norway
[21:37] <@Meowlant> blp
[21:37] <@evolution> bleep bleep
[21:38] <MANofHONO> meowlant: chrisxp is in your room?

[21:38] <@Meowlant> wtf
[21:38] <@evolution> lol!
[21:38] <@evolution> meow HOW ARE U DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:39] <@Meowlant> FAEN tjaden!! jeg bestilte feil

[21:39] <@Meowlant> hva
[21:39] <@Meowlant> skjer
[21:40] <@braveboy> hahahaha
[21:40] * MANofHONO (MANofHONO@bzq-79-179-214-68.red.bezeqint.net) has left #Norway

[21:40] <@Meowlant> HÃ¥per han liker
[21:40] <@Meowlant> Pink Floyd
[21:40] <@Meowlant> ........ xD
[21:41] * EstaTiC (estetic@102-148-91.adsl.beatel.net) has left #Norway

[21:42] * OldGnom sets mode +vvv _cons_ norway34m skorpion for #Norway
[21:43] <@braveboy> kunne eg lanne Pink Floyd disc din Meow ?
[21:44] <@Meowlant> Den er ikke kommet enda, og det er en gave.

[21:45] <@braveboy> :) ok fine
[21:46] <@braveboy> so it hasn't arrived yet
[21:48] <@Meowlant> nope
[21:48] <@braveboy> is it video or audio
[21:49] <@Meowlant> audio

[21:49] <@braveboy> bra, bra
[21:50] <@braveboy> hvor mye koster ?
[21:51] <@Meowlant> 99nok
[21:52] * norway34m (~norway34m@ti0018a380-dhcp2144.bb.online.no) Quit ( Ping timeout: 483 seconds )

[21:53] <@braveboy> jeg kjaeper det!
[21:55] * Commando sets mode +l 57 for #Norway
[21:56] <@braveboy> it is a nice language :) logical
[21:58] <@braveboy> very easy if you know english

[22:00] <@braveboy> hyggelig a treffe dag !
[22:05] <@evolution> but without knowing basics it's hard to make sentence
[22:05] <@evolution> only if using google translat

[22:06] <@braveboy> the pronounciation is not easy
[22:06] <@braveboy> the words are mixed and spoken together
[22:10] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2268.bb.online.no) Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )

[22:13] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2268.bb.online.no) has joined #Norway
[22:14] <@evolution> !time oslo
[22:14] <+Theisen> Oslo, MN: March 6, 4:13 PM CST

[22:14] <@evolution> !time tromso
[22:14] <+Theisen> Tromso, Norway: March 6, 11:14 PM CET
[22:15] <@evolution> meow, what is your city?
[22:17] <Meowlant> !time LKN

[22:17] <+Theisen> Leknes, Norway: March 6, 11:17 PM CET
[22:18] <Meowlant> !time Svolvær
[22:18] <+Theisen> Svolvær, Norway: March 6, 11:17 PM CET
[22:19] * OldGnom sets mode +o Meowlant for #Norway

[22:22] <@braveboy> this E10 travels all the way through the islands
[22:22] <@braveboy> and ends in Sweden
[22:24] <@braveboy> or starts there
[22:24] <@braveboy> and the last stop is some kind of camping grounds

[22:27] <@braveboy> brrr so cold

[22:34] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:34] <@braveboy> typical bg house
[22:36] <@OldGnom> I like it
[22:36] <@braveboy> this is from a beautiful region

[22:36] <@OldGnom> I feel at home anywhere
[22:38] <@braveboy> this is improved version
[22:38] <@braveboy> you live in the mountains :) so you would feel at home
[22:39] <@OldGnom> I have everything here

[22:39] <@OldGnom> big mountains, forest, sea, fjords, islands, flats, rivers, valleys
[22:39] <@OldGnom> you name it
[22:41] <@OldGnom> glaciers too

[22:41] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:42] <@braveboy> everything except sun :)
[22:42] <@OldGnom> dont need it

[22:42] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:42] <@braveboy> your mountains are different
[22:42] <@braveboy> made of rock
[22:43] <@Meowlant> :D
[22:43] <@OldGnom> Meowlants mountains are made of candy

[22:43] <@braveboy> rose candy :)
[22:43] <@Meowlant> mmmm
[22:43] <@Meowlant> My mountains are the best mountains
[22:44] <@OldGnom> meh

[22:44] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:45] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:45] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:45] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:45] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:46] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:46] <@braveboy> lofoten is hard rock :)
[22:46] * carl_ (roqqa@217-20-120-56.internetssurviceteam.com) has joined #Norway

[22:48] <@OldGnom> here
[22:48] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:50] <@braveboy> here some more pictures
[22:50] <@MorganS> URL: Emil Enchev Photography &amp; Photo Tours

[22:50] <@OldGnom> sweet
[22:50] <@OldGnom> I love forests
[22:50] * aCiD^-^P (aCiD-P@ has joined #Norway

[22:51] <@braveboy> forests, rivers and traditional stone houses
[22:51] <@Meowlant> Fjellene mine er gamlere enn dine derfor bestemmer de at de vinner
[22:51] <@Meowlant> i dont like forrests : c

[22:52] <@OldGnom> fjellene mine er større
[22:52] <@braveboy> and sheep too :)

[22:52] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:53] <@braveboy> cold, cold, cold :)
[22:53] <@Meowlant> http://www.eksingedalenskule.gs.hl.no/bilder/trollfjord.jpg men vi har trollfjorden

[22:53] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:54] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:56] <@MorganS> URL: sDSC07320.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[22:56] <@Meowlant> http://ingeborg.blogg.no/images/svolvaergeita_1152745956.jpg vi har svolværgeita
[22:56] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:56] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:57] <@MorganS> URL: sDSC07053.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[22:57] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.

[22:58] <@OldGnom> pimpin in bulgaria
[22:58] <@Meowlant> http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/795830.jpg we have midnight sun ;D

[22:58] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[22:59] <@OldGnom> hmm

[22:59] <@MorganS> URL: sP5040132.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:00] <@OldGnom> Meowlant, vi har sol om vinteren
[23:00] <@Meowlant> Nordlys er bedre
[23:00] <@Meowlant> vi har sol hele sommern
[23:00] <@Meowlant> 24/7

[23:01] <@Meowlant> tar det igjen da
[23:01] <@Meowlant> men vi har "Ã…" :D
[23:02] <@OldGnom> vi har norgesrekorden i vindstyrke

[23:02] <@MorganS> URL: Sozopol.jpg photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com
[23:02] <@OldGnom> og varmeste gjennomsnittstemperatur
[23:02] <@braveboy> we have sea too

[23:02] <@Meowlant> Vi har masse fisk
[23:02] <@OldGnom> som vi fisker :P
[23:02] * carl_ (roqqa@217-20-120-56.internetssurviceteam.com) has left #Norway

[23:03] <@Meowlant> "Hauklandstranda kåret til Norges beste badestrand"
[23:03] <@OldGnom> :/
[23:03] <@Meowlant> "2005 - Stranda på Utakleiv kåret til den mest

[23:03] <@Meowlant> romantiske stranda i Europa"
[23:04] <+Sulfuric> Tjaden

[23:04] <@MorganS> URL: } { Nyt Testissä Cognac Vs..Full Hd} { - YouTube} {
[23:04] <@Meowlant> og vi er på unescos verdensarv-liste :D
[23:04] <@OldGnom> er vi og

[23:05] <@Meowlant> "Verdens største dypvannskorallrev"
[23:05] <@Meowlant> 35 km langt
[23:05] <@OldGnom> må jeg bli desperat eller skal jeg bare si du vinner?

[23:06] <@Meowlant> jeg kjeder meg :(
[23:06] <@OldGnom> vi har pingviner!
[23:06] <@Meowlant> Vi har en afrikansk gribb
[23:06] <@OldGnom> faen
[23:06] ->> Socket Error: 10053 : Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure (Server)

[23:06] ->> Goto http://www.icechat.net/socket for more Socket Error Information
[23:06] ->> Connection closed from efnet.port80.se

[23:07] ->> *** Error: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
[23:07] ->> Connection closed from efnet.port80.se
[23:08] ->> Attempting to join #blablatemp

[23:08] [P80DMON] VERSION
[23:08] ->> resolved to
[23:08] ->> Attempting to join #oslo
[23:08] ->> You re-joined channel #Norway

[23:08] ->> Topic set by OldGnom!~RS@ on 06.03.2012 15:16:04
[23:08] <@OldGnom> I've always wanted one of those pedal boats
[23:09] <@braveboy> I pay your fare when you come :)

[23:09] <@OldGnom> :D
[23:09] <@braveboy> it is a small lake with cafes around it

[23:11] <@MorganS> URL: } { EQUILIBRIUM - Blut Im Auge} { - YouTube} {
[23:12] <@braveboy> the black sea

[23:12] <@MorganS> URL: P9212191.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com
[23:12] <@Meowlant> Vi har........ ......... lundefugl
[23:13] <@OldGnom> hmm

[23:13] <@OldGnom> har vi og
[23:13] <@OldGnom> Runde er et av Norges mest kjente fuglefjell hvor blant annet lundefuglen holder til. Årlig hekker ca. 100 000 lundefugl-par på denne lille øya en drøy time fra Ålesund.

[23:13] <@braveboy> and the traditional house
[23:13] <@MorganS> URL: sP8170168.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:13] <@Meowlant> vi har skarv :(
[23:14] <@OldGnom> har vi og :P
[23:15] <@Meowlant> ff
[23:15] <@Meowlant> Vi har ..... en underhavstunell
[23:16] <@OldGnom> vi har verdens dypeste

[23:16] <@braveboy> and finally a lake in the mountains
[23:16] <@MorganS> URL: P7112052.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:16] <@OldGnom> and still wankers like chrisxp prefers Norway
[23:16] <@OldGnom> just stupid
[23:17] <@braveboy> this is bulgaria, not romania :)
[23:17] <@OldGnom> yes

[23:17] <@Meowlant> Vi har Svolværpostei
[23:18] <@OldGnom> but the Carpathians in Romania is pretty too
[23:18] <@OldGnom> damn
[23:18] <@OldGnom> OH!

[23:18] <@OldGnom> vi har Grandiosa!
[23:18] <@braveboy> true
[23:19] <@Meowlant> isj.
[23:19] <@Meowlant> Vi har heis inni ett fjell
[23:19] <@OldGnom> ...

[23:20] <@braveboy> this is from Balkan Mountain (Stara Planina)

[23:20] <@MorganS> URL: P9302839.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com
[23:20] <@Meowlant> (A)
[23:20] <@OldGnom> Balkans is nice
[23:21] <@OldGnom> a friend from Kosovo have showed me many pics

[23:21] <@MorganS> URL: sP5070595.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:21] <@braveboy> another fortress
[23:22] <@OldGnom> vi har ei seter under vann

[23:22] <@MorganS> URL: lyngstoylvatnet - 72919877
[23:22] <@braveboy> the town that i studied is very much like Kosovo
[23:22] <@braveboy> here

[23:22] <@MorganS> URL: sPA228518.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com
[23:23] <@Meowlant> KULT
[23:23] <@Meowlant> du vinner, det der er kult

[23:23] <@MorganS> URL: sPA228565.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:23] <@OldGnom> har noe bedre
[23:24] <@braveboy> mountains, mountain rivers

[23:25] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[23:25] <@MorganS> URL: P7096377.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:25] <@braveboy> another traditional resort
[23:26] <@OldGnom> how much would it cost me if I wanted to buy something like that?

[23:27] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[23:27] <@braveboy> you mean house ?
[23:27] <@OldGnom> yes
[23:28] <@braveboy> mmm expensive, maybe 50 000 euro or more

[23:28] <@OldGnom> you dont even get a tiny apartment in Norway for that
[23:28] <@OldGnom> but
[23:28] <@OldGnom> cost of living
[23:29] <@braveboy> but norway is safe

[23:29] <@braveboy> and the legal system works
[23:29] <@OldGnom> yeah
[23:29] <@OldGnom> it works for criminal immigrants that take advantage of it
[23:30] <@Meowlant> thats cheap o0

[23:30] <+Sulfuric> No niin! Kerrankin joku osaa kaataa oluen oikeaoppisesti eikä siten, että puolet pullosta on vasta mennyt ja lasi on täynnä kuohua.
[23:31] <@braveboy> maybe a bugalow :) furnished

[23:31] <@Meowlant> Miksi ihmeessä puhut olutta fisnk
[23:31] <@Meowlant> ...finsk *
[23:31] <@Meowlant> suomi* hahah
[23:31] <@braveboy> basic furniture :) like home

[23:32] <@MorganS> URL: sDSC06064.JPG photo - Nikola Gruev photos at pbase.com

[23:32] <@braveboy> Sulfuric may like it, we will find him a place where he can do open grow :)
[23:32] <+Sulfuric> yeah
[23:32] <+Sulfuric> like canada
[23:32] <+Sulfuric> or mexico

[23:33] <+Sulfuric> not fucking norway
[23:33] <@Meowlant> o.o
[23:33] <+Sulfuric> warm climate is best for pot
[23:34] <@braveboy> here this mountain is perfect for this

[23:34] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[23:35] <@braveboy> they grow pot here like crazy :)
[23:35] <+Sulfuric> lucky bastard
[23:36] <@braveboy> you may get 6 years in jail tough

[23:36] <@braveboy> but you can hire a local grandmother to grow it for you :)
[23:37] <@braveboy> you just come to pick the sacks :)
[23:38] * aCiD^-^P (aCiD-P@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 499 seconds )

[23:39] * Crossfire (Crossfire@ppp141237244143.dsl.hol.gr) Quit ( Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
[23:39] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2268.bb.online.no) Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )

[23:40] * Crossfire (Crossfire@ppp079166019119.dsl.hol.gr) has joined #Norway
[23:40] <@braveboy> actually they do open grow everywhere, but here it is in the south and maybe the quality is better

[23:43] <_cons_> my aunt in switzerland, (ellen), used to pick out seeds of bird-seeds-bags and then she could smoke it like a mild type of marijuana, (she's an old hippie)
[23:43] <@braveboy> old hippie with unresolved drug problems :)

[23:44] <_cons_> she even sent it in the post to her friends in denmark marking the packets with 'herbal tea', and they always got passed the customs
[23:44] <@braveboy> so she is not only using but supplying

[23:44] <_cons_> she told me and my sister, when we visited her in switzerland, in 1987
[23:45] <@OldGnom> I read about a woman in Norway that had got, according to here, a beautiful plant where she had fed the birds during the winter

[23:45] <_cons_> yeah i guess, but's it's a long time ago
[23:45] <@OldGnom> untill her grandkids told her what it was and she called the police
[23:45] <@braveboy> with heating you can grow anywhere

[23:45] <@braveboy> but open grow is zero cost
[23:45] <_cons_> when i lived in kvelde, in 2005, a neigbour, (Thor), grew marijuana in his cottage, and sold to the local criminals in larvik, i think

[23:46] <@braveboy> you just seed and harvest
[23:46] <@MorganS> URL: {Kan stamme fra fuglefrø | ba.no}

[23:46] <@braveboy> plants are as high as 2.5 m here
[23:46] <@braveboy> on open grow
[23:47] <@braveboy> they make like tons of the stuff
[23:48] <_cons_> my aunt also worked in romania, to help the chrildren with downs there, in the 90's

[23:48] <_cons_> after the cold war etc
[23:49] <@braveboy> romania is colder, open grow is harder
[23:49] <@braveboy> it might even be impractical
[23:49] <@braveboy> maybe in the south, near the danube

[23:50] <_cons_> my uncle håkon used to go to holiday in bulgaria, in the 80's. he even was invited to dinner with local family. before the end of the cold war
[23:50] <@braveboy> he managed to slip past the iron curtain :)

[23:50] <_cons_> well it wasn't difficult getting in to eastern-europe
[23:51] <_cons_> i was in jugoslavia myself in 1980, on summer holiday
[23:51] <_cons_> but the problem was to get out of eastern-europe, i think

[23:51] <@braveboy> bulgaria was different
[23:51] * mavis (mavis@ Quit ( Read error: Operation timed out )
[23:51] <@braveboy> germans got here on holiday and we shot when they tried to walk into turkey

[23:51] <@braveboy> were shot*
[23:52] <@braveboy> they thought it was like walking from austria to jugoslavia
[23:52] <@braveboy> DDR germans
[23:52] <_cons_> ok, my father and his brothers also were in poland, they said the food in the restaurants etc was very cheap

[23:52] <_cons_> in the 70's i think
[23:53] <@braveboy> jugoslavia has no sand beaches :)
[23:53] <@braveboy> we have some
[23:53] <_cons_> we were in istra, the beaches were ok, but the water was very salt, i remember

[23:54] <_cons_> close to italy
[23:54] <_cons_> its croatia today
[23:54] <@braveboy> i know
[23:54] * ManOfIce (mirc@d150-220-8.cust.tele12.it) has joined #Norway

[23:54] <@braveboy> it is overcrowded there
[23:55] <_cons_> yeah we lived in a flat on the country-side
[23:55] <_cons_> so we got by
[23:55] <_cons_> i was a boy chasing butterflies etc

[23:55] <_cons_> on a field there
[23:55] <@braveboy> are you going again this summer ?
[23:55] <_cons_> no this was 30 years ago
[23:56] <_cons_> i live in the uk now, so this is almost like the south for me

[23:56] <@braveboy> in london ?
[23:56] <_cons_> its almost summer here already, dont have to wear a jacket
[23:56] <_cons_> no in the north
[23:56] <_cons_> but still there is no snow etc

[23:56] <@braveboy> uk is overcrowded too
[23:56] <_cons_> yeah i guess in london at least
[23:57] <@braveboy> all of it
[23:57] <_cons_> its better up north that way

[23:58] <_cons_> well my landlord has walked along hadrians wall, its an old roman defence, and there aren't many towns along that walk i think
[23:58] <_cons_> so some places aren't that overcrowded

[23:58] <@braveboy> so you live there, in the north of England
[23:58] <_cons_> but it isn't like norway
[23:59] <_cons_> yes, that's right
[23:59] <_cons_> norwegians don't understand how lucky they are i think

[23:59] <@braveboy> it is summer for you
[23:59] * OldGnom sets mode +vvv _cons_ Crossfire ManOfIce for #Norway
[23:59] <@braveboy> all year round
[23:59] * OldGnom sets mode +o Crossfire for #Norway

[23:59] <+_cons_> since norway is so litle crowded
[23:59] <+_cons_> kind of