Erik Ribsskog
Thank you for your email
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM
LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
thank you for your e-mail!
Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.
Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.
It says they have sent my Housing Benefit to you, every month.
So it has been a misunderstanding.
Because I got a letter from you last month, (which I attach a scanned copy of), where you told me that my Housing Benefit had been canceled.
So I then assumed that some payments I got on my RBS-account, where the Housing Benefit, from the Council, (because I complained about that the Housing Benefit had been stopped).
So I thought the Council had starting sending me the Housing Benefit, (like they did when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).
Because it doesn't say on my RBS-statement, who the mentioned payments, (which I mention in my earlier e-mails to you, which you sent to Laura Murphy), on my bank-statement.
So I have assumed they were Housing Benefit.
Since they were in the region of £300-400.
(And not in the region of £140, which the Jobseekers Allowance is).
But I'm going to contact RBS now, to check up on this.
I send copies to the Council and the Jobcentre, as updates, (since I've contacted them earlier about these payments).
Sorry about the misunderstanding.
The payments have used said 'express', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.
So this has lead to me misunderstanding about this, unfortunately, it seems.
So I'm going to complain to RBS about this.
Sorry again about the problems with this!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Erik, I have forwarded both emails over to Laura Murphy as requested.
Chris McAuley
Customer Service Officer
Liverpool Housing Trust
Priory House
Tel: 01928 796000
Liverpool Housing Trust is part of the Symphony Housing Group
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 02 December 2012 01:09
To: Benefits Service
Cc: LHT Customer Service
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email
just to update a bit about this.
But from my memory, I can only remember to have recieved Housing Benefit, (which I first thought was Jobseekers Allowance), in September and November.
So I hope you can send me the Hounsing Benefit-payment for October as well.
And I got one payment in November, on a bit more than £400, (I think it was).
So I think I've gotter more than £200 to little in Housing Benefit from you, in the months: September, October and November.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Benefits Service <Benefits.Service@ liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:
Thank you for your email. We aim to reply to this within 10 days.
If you are a Council Tax account holder we would like to set your account up for electronic billing, if appropriate.
This is one of the ways that helps us to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible.
You do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want to receive your bills electronically. If this is the case
please reply revenue.service@liverpool.gov.
stating that you do not want to receive an e-bill.
If we do not receive a reply from you, you will shortly begin to receive your bills to this email address.
Please note that emails from third parties are excluded.
Please include your Council Tax reference or the property address in your reply.
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