onsdag 5. desember 2012

Min Bok 5 - Kapittel 142: Mer fra Kvelde

Grete og Martin, de hadde jo tre døtre og en sønn, tilsammen.

Gretes unger, det var Andrea, Isa og Risto.

Og Andrea, som er eldst, hu ble konfirmert, våren 2005, (mener jeg å huske).

Så hu var vel i 12-13 års alderen, denne sommeren, da.

(Noe sånt).

Det samme var vel også onkel Martin sin datter Liv Kristin Sundheim.

(Hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Og hvem som er eldst av Andrea sine yngre søsken, Isa og Risto, det veit jeg ikke.

Men disse to er vel 2-3 år yngre, enn Andrea, tror jeg.

(Noe sånt).

Og jeg husker at de her 'bade-nymfene', (nemlig Andrea, Isa og Liv Kristin), de beundret Axel og meg, da vi badet, i Farris, på denne ferien.

(De kommenterte om at vi var slanke og muskuløse da, (eller noe sånt).

Mens oss søskenbarna, var på en flytebrygge, i Farris der.

Etter at jeg hadde kjørt hele gjengen, (den snaue kilometer vel), til badeplassen, (fra gården Løvås), i tante Ellen sin gamle bil.

Etter at Grete og/eller onkel Martin, hadde fått overtalt meg, til å kjøre ned dit.

Må det vel ha vært).

Og at Axel så bra ut, det var vel nærmest en selvfølge, for han hadde trent karate og vekter, siden han gikk på barneskolen.

Mens jeg selv hadde pleid å ha litt mage, (ihvertfall etter militæret).

Men denne sommeren, (sommeren 2003), så hadde jeg klart å løpe bort 'ølmagen' min, på Sats, da.

Så jeg mener å huske det, at de her kusinene og ste-kusinene, til Axel og meg, kommenterte om, hvor fine de eldre fetterne deres så ut, da.

(Noe sånt).

Selv om det jo var snakk om en stor aldersforskjell her, mellom oss søskenbarna.

Siden jeg jo fylte 33 år, denne sommeren.

Mens mine ste-søskenbarn Isa og Risto, vel var i 9-10 års-alderen, kanskje.

(Noe sånt).

Og grunnen til dette er mye at min mor, Karen, var eldst i sin søskenflokk.

Mens onkel Martin nærmest var en attpåklatt, vel.

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg husker det, at Axel og jeg, var i Kvelde to ganger, denne sommeren.

(Hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Og begge gangene, så ble jeg sendt til Stavern, (av onkel Martin og/eller Grete), som sjåfør, i tante Ellen, (som på den her tiden fortsatt bodde i Sveits), sitt hvite 'vrak', av en bil, (som var norsk-registrert), da.

(Med varierende antall søskenbarn, i bilen, da).

Den første turen til Stavern, den var med full bil, (husker jeg).

Jeg kjørte, og Axel må vel ha sittet i passasjersetet.

Mens Andrea, Isa, Risto og Liv Kristin satt i baksetet, da.

Og da vi kom fram, til Stavern, så måtte Risto krype inn i bilen, (gjennom en dør bak på bilen, som vel muligens var en japansk 'versjon' av en Volvo 240, eller noe sånt), for å få låst bilen, da.

(For jeg ville ikke ha bilen stående ulåst, i Stavern sentrum).

For det var noe feil med dørene, (eller noe sånt), sånn at man ikke kunne låse bilen, på vanlig måte, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var forresten litt dramatikk, i Stavern sentrum, like etter at Axel, Andrea, Isa, Risto, Liv Kristin og meg, hadde dukka opp der.

Det var en eller to pakistanske tenåringsgutter, som nesten skulle ha slåsskamp, mot oss søskenbarna da, (virka det litt som for meg, ihvertfall).

Og dette var samtidig med at jeg fikk Risto, til å låse bilen, da.

For situasjonen var så kaotisk der, da.

(I Stavern sentrum).

Akkurat da vi kom fram dit.

Så jeg prøvde bare å få litt kontroll på situasjonen, da.

Og også å roe ned situasjonen litt.

Ved å få Risto til å låse bilen, da.

For da visste jeg ihvertfall at bilen var låst da, (for å si det sånn).

Selv om jeg nok muligens var den eneste som brydde meg om akkurat dette.

(Virka det som for meg, ihvertfall).

Men bilen, den var liksom mitt ansvar da, siden jeg var den eneste som hadde lappen, osv.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Etter det her, så gikk vi og så litt rundt i Stavern.

Før vi kjørte tilbake igjen til Kvelde, da.

Etter muligens å ha kjørt innom bestemor Ingeborg, i Nevlunghavn, på hjemveien.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det besøket, til Axel og meg, på Løvås gård, etter London-turen min.

Det var muligens fordi at Risto hadde ønsket det.

Mener jeg å huske at Grete forklarte, mens vi var på Løvås der.

Og Risto, han hadde pakket inn en 0.33 liter Ringnes-ølflaske hver, til Axel og meg.

(Av en eller annen grunn).

Og Risto hadde også fått seg et par røde Doc Martens-sko, av samme modell, som jeg pleide å bruke, (hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

(Nemlig modell 10).

Det vil si lave Doc Martens-sko, da.

(Selv om jeg bare gikk med svarte Doc Martens-sko da, (på jobben osv., som jeg har skrevet om, i Min Bok 4), for å nevne det).

Og da fikk jeg nesten bakoversveis, husker jeg.

Da Risto, (som fortsatt var en gutt, må man vel si), viste Axel og meg sine røde Doc Martens-sko, da.

For da syntes jeg at dette ble litt dumt, (husker jeg).

Siden Risto vel kopierte meg, (må man vel si), og liksom skulle gå med samme type sko, som meg, da.

(Selv om skoene til Risto var i en annen farge, da).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og jeg husker også det, at Axel og meg, (og vel også Risto, hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Vi gikk sammen i Stavern, under Stavernfestivalen, sommeren 2003.

(Hvis jeg ikke husker helt feil).

For jeg husker at jeg spurte en gutt, nede ved det diskoteket, (ved en marina der vel), som Pia og meg hadde vært på.

(Sommeren 1988, eller noe sånt, (som jeg har skrevet om, i Min Bok).

Mens vi besøkte bestemor Ingeborg, som da bodde i Stavern.

Da Pia fikk herpes, (noe hu seinere har fortalt meg), etter å ha gått en tur, med en kar hu traff inne på diskoteket der, da.

Og mens Pia var ute og fikk seg munn-herpes, (heter det vel muligens).

Så dukka Ole Kristian Skjellsbekk, (fra Bergeråsen), opp, inne på diskoteket der da, (husker jeg).

Og fortalte at han, (og noen kamerater vel), hadde vært med båt, langs kysten, sørover, da.

Og han skrøyt også av at det var så fine damer, i Kragerø, (mener jeg å huske)).

Og han gutten, (som jobba som hjelpegutt, på en marina eller et gatekjøkken, (eller noe sånt), som lå i det samme bygget, som det 'herpes-diskoteket', til Pia, da).

Han fortalte at Stavernfestivalen holdt til borte ved kirken der, da.

(For Briskeby skulle spille, var det vel.

Noe sånt.

Så jeg var litt nysgjerrig da, på den her festivalen, som var ganske ny, på den her tiden, vel).

Og jeg hadde jo bodd like utafor Stavern, (i Brunlanes), som guttunge.

Og også bodd en del år i Østre Halsen og i Larvik sentrum.

Så jeg syntes vel at jeg kunne prate til han Stavern-gutten, da.

Siden jeg nesten var fra Larvik selv da, (for å si det sånn).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Men da jeg spurte han gutten om hvor Stavernfestivalen var.

Så var ikke Risto i lag, med Axel og meg.

(Sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).

Så det er mulig at Stavernfestivalen, var tidligere, denne sommeren.

(Altså før jeg dro til London).

Og at Axel, Risto og jeg, bare gikk rundt i Stavern der.

(Av en eller annen grunn).

Det er mulig.

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og på et besøk, i Kvelde, sommeren 2003.

Så fikk jeg onkel Martin til å kjøre innom på en Rimi-butikk, (eller om det var en Rema), i Larvik, (etter at han hadde hentet Axel og meg, på togstasjonen).

(Der hvor Torstrand Marked tidligere lå, vel).

For å kjøpe noen Pizza Grandiosa-er, (eller noe sånt), vel.

Og da lo noen unge damer av oss, da vi gikk ut av bilen, på parkeringsplassen, utafor tidligere Torstrand Marked der da, (husker jeg).

For den bilen, (som vel var en stasjonsvogn), til tante Ellen.

Den var så full av rot, da.

Og onkel Martin ser veldig shabby og uvasket ut da, (må man vel si).

Så vi så nok ut som Beverly Hillbillies, (tror jeg).

I en enda verre utgave.

(Noe sånt).

Så hva Axel synes er så gjevt, med å besøke onkel Martin.

Det vet jeg ikke.

Jeg ble ihvertfall flau, husker jeg.

Og mora mi kunne også gjøre meg flau, (på en lignende måte), noen ganger, (husker jeg).

Hu gikk jo med en grein, i håret, en gang, (for eksempel), i Tønsberg, på midten av 80-tallet.

Da Pia og meg besøkte henne der.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Og på den gården, (Løvås), så hadde Grete Ingebrigtsen så god kontroll, på mat-laginga.

Så de 3-4 pizzaene, som jeg kjøpte, på tidligere Torstrand Marked der.

De fikk jeg ikke spist opp da, (under besøket mitt der).

For Martin og Grete, de må ha vært ganske dominerende, (tror jeg).

Eller ihvertfall, så var jeg ikke som hjemme der, da.

For da hadde jeg nok spist opp mesteparten av de her pizzaene, under det besøket mitt der, (vil jeg nok tippe på).

Og det klarte jeg nok ikke å få til.

For jeg husker at Andrea syntes at det var så gjevt, at jeg hadde kjøpt med så mange ferdigpizzaer da, (som jeg ikke fikk spist opp), husker jeg.

For hu nevnte vel det, da Axel og, jeg skulle dra tilbake, til Oslo, igjen.

Men under det neste besøket mitt der, så droppa jeg vel det, å kjøpe så mange ferdigpizzaer, osv.

For jeg hadde liksom ikke noe jeg skulle ha sagt der uansett, da.

Så de pizzaene, de ville jeg ikke klart å fått spist opp likevel, liksom.

(Ihvertfall så klarte jeg ikke å få organisert det, under det besøket mitt der, hvor jeg kjøpte med 4-5 ferdigpizzaer, eller noe sånt.

Så selv om jeg var 33 år gammel, og hadde jobbet som butikksjef, og var i Heimevernet, osv.

Så ble jeg ikke behandla med noe særlig respekt, på gården der, syntes jeg.

Jeg ble vel behandla mer som om jeg var på alder med Andrea, Isa, Liv Kristin og Risto.

Som var i alderen 9 til 13 år, vel.

Så Martins og Grete, de hadde kanskje problemer med å skjønne det.

At selv om jeg var en generasjon yngre enn dem.

Siden de var min onkel og fille-tante, (eller hva man skal kalle Grete).

Så var jeg samtidig i 30-årene, og likte ikke å bli behandlet som en unge, liksom.

Så det kræsja litt da, når jeg var på besøk der.

For jeg fikk ikke lov til å lage ferdigpizzaene mine der, når jeg ønsket det.

(For å si det sånn).

Så jeg måtte liksom innordne meg der, da.

Og på kvelden, etter at ungene til Grete og Martin hadde lagt seg.

Så var det fortsatt ikke sånn at jeg liksom bare kunne gå å sette på en pizza.

Det var liksom ikke så uanstrengt der, da.

Og fryseren, den lå i andre etasje, i hovedbygget, som Martin jobba med å pusse opp.

For det hadde vært i veldig dårlig stand, da de flytta inn der.

Og ungene, (og Martin og Grete), de sov jo i andre etasje, (der hvor fryseren stod).

Mens Axel og jeg, vi sov i en uisolert hytte, som Grete vel hadde bygget.

Så fryseren, den stod sånn til, at det ikke ble sånn, at jeg bare kunne lage meg en pizza, når jeg fikk lyst til det, da

Og det var vel heller ikke sånn, at Grete og Martin spurte meg, om kvelden, om jeg ville at de skulle sette på en pizza, for meg.

Så de var kanskje ikke så flinke med gjester der da, på den gården.

Siden alle pizzaene jeg kjøpte, ble liggende mer eller mindre uspiste da, under hele besøket mitt der.

Hvis det hadde vært noen kamerater jeg hadde besøkt, så hadde nok ikke de pizzaene overlevd dette helgebesøket mitt, (eller om vi var der midt i uka), for å si det sånn.

Så å besøke Martin og Grete, det var ikke som å besøke noen venner, da.

Men jeg havna liksom midt mellom to generasjoner, da.

Nemlig onkelen min og Grete, som var cirka 15 år eldre enn meg.

Og ungene deres, som var cirka 20 år yngre enn meg, da.

Så hva vi skulle på Løvås der, 'hele tiden', i årene etter at mora vår døde, (Pia, Axel og meg).

Det kan være litt vanskelig å forstå, kanskje.

Men hverken Pia, Axel eller meg, hadde noen hytte, for eksempel.

Så Løvås ble nesten som hytta vår, da.

Siden vi ble invitert dit, 'hele tiden', etter at mora vår døde, da.

Men jeg var ikke som hjemme der, husker jeg.

Siden jeg ikke fikk spist opp pizzaene jeg kjøpte, osv.

Så hvis jeg selv hadde hatt en hytte, (eller et landsted), så hadde jeg nok heller dratt dit, (enn å dratt til Løvås), for å si det sånn.

Men jeg hadde jo ikke noen hytte.

Og det er litt digg, å komme seg bort fra Oslo noen ganger og, når man bor i Oslo sentrum.

Men de gangene jeg dro ned til Løvås, (mens jeg bodde i Oslo), så var det fordi at noen, (altså enten Pia eller Axel), dro meg med ned dit, da.

Jeg dro et par ganger på besøk, til bestemor Ingeborg, (en gang alene og en gang sammen med Axel), iløpet av disse årene, rett etter at mora vår døde.

(Istedet for å dra til Martin, som Pia og Axel heller likte å dra til, (virka det som, for meg)).

Og det var fordi at jeg kjente bestemor Ingeborg litt bedre enn onkel Martin da, (må man vel si).

Og det var fordi at onkel Martin var en attpåklatt, som aldri bodde på det samme stedet, som mora mi, under oppveksten min, da.

Mens bestemor Ingeborg jo hadde bodd i Nevlunghavn, på 70-tallet, mens jeg bodde, hos mora mi, i Larvik.

Så jeg kjente bestemor Ingeborg litt bedre, enn jeg kjente onkel Martin, da.

Siden mora mi 'alltid' pleide å dra meg med på søndagsbesøk, til bestemor Ingeborg og bestefar Johannes, i Blombakken, i Nevlunghavn, fra cirka 1975 til 1979.

Og det siste året jeg bodde i Larvik, (altså i 1979), så hendte det et par ganger at jeg tok bussen, fra Larvik, (en gang alene og en gang sammen med Pia), for å besøke bestemor Ingeborg og bestefar Johannes, i det store skipperhuset, i Blombakken, da)).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Og på det besøket, i Kvelde, som var rett etter det, at jeg hadde vært i London.

Så hadde jeg på meg den militærgrønne t-skjorta, fra Gap i Kensington, på toget, på veien hjem til Oslo, husker jeg.

Og jeg hadde også blitt veldig brun, etter badinga i Farris, husker jeg.

Så jeg så vel ut som om jeg hadde kriga i Irak omtrent, (hvis jeg skulle tippe).

Og Axel, han gikk av toget i Tønsberg.

For å ta seg en røyk, (eller noe sånt), på perrongen, vel.

Og da brukte toget så lang tid, før det kjørte videre igjen, (husker jeg).

(Av en eller annen grunn).

Så jeg lurte på hva Axel egentlig dreiv med, (husker jeg).

Og jeg husker også at ei pen dame, satt ovenfor Axel og meg, på toget tilbake til Oslo.

(Hvis jeg ikke husker helt feil).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Det var fortsatt mye mer som hendte, den tida, som jeg bodde, på St. Hanshaugen.

Og dette tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å få skrevet mer om, i de neste kapitlene, av Min Bok 5.

Så vi får se om jeg klarer å få til det.

Vi får se.


På mitt nettsted johncons web, (http://johncons.angelfire.com/), så har jeg noen bilder, fra sommeren 2003, som er tatt hos bestemor Ingeborg, av Axel, Risto og meg.

(Som bestemor Ingeborg sendte meg, da jeg bodde i Mandeville St., her i Liverpool vel.

Hvor jeg bodde fra høsten 2005 til sommeren 2006).

Og på de to bildene, (hvor Axel og Risto poserer, på en spesiell måte, må man vel si), så har jeg på meg den grønne t-skjorta, fra Gap, i Kensington, i London.

Og den t-skjorta, den brukte jeg vel ikke så mye, etter denne London-turen, (i 2003).

(Men den t-skjorta, det var det eneste plagget, som jeg fikk lyst til å kjøpe, i London, liksom.

Men jeg syntes ikke at army-klær, var _så_ kule liksom, da.

Men jeg fulgte med på klesmoter, i FHM osv., da.

(Som jeg hadde lest i flere år allerede, på den her tiden.

Som jeg vel har skrevet om tidligere, i den her boken).

Så det var derfor jeg kjøpte den t-skjorta, (må jeg vel si), fordi at jeg var mote-bevisst, da.

Men etter at ferien min var over, så brukte jeg vel ikke den t-skjorta så veldig mye.

Men det ville vært litt rart, å dratt hjem fra London, (syntes jeg), uten å kjøpe med meg noe særlig, da.

Så derfor så raska jeg liksom med meg den t-skjorta, fra den nevnte klesbutikken, da.

For jeg hadde egentlig mye klær, fra før, (i Oslo), på den her tida.

Men en sånn 'mote-army t-skjorte', det hadde jeg ikke, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Jobcentre

Gmail - Update/Fwd: To: Ian Marshall, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: To: Ian Marshall, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:58 PM

Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>

LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>

Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>


I called RBS now, and spoke with Joan there.

She to couldn't see who the payments where from, but she contacted the Payment-team, and they said it was from an HSBC-account, with the sort-code 42 08 37.

So I guess that's the JCP then?

I hope you can have this in mind later, to put your name on the transfers, if this was from you.

I got a regular payment from you, last week, of £142, and that was labeled 'DWP JSA', so then I knew it was from you.

But the other payments were just labeled: 'FP 16/11/12 1433', and a lot of symbols, so even RBS couldn't see who sent it.

I'll try to call you one of the next days, (since you don't respond to e-mails, like Rude(?) with you said the last time I called you), to try to clear up the mystery surrounding who with a HSBC-account sent these payments.

Since even RBS don't know who they are.

Just as an update.

Sorry that I'm sending a lot of e-mails regarding this strange mystery! :)

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:25 PM
Subject: To: Ian Marshall, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email
To: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>


I'm forwarding an e-mail regarding problems with the Housing Benefit, to Liverpool City Council, as an update, on my letter, from 29/11, regarding Jobseekers Allowance.

It seems there has been a misunderstanding here, from my side.

I have gotter two payments in the region of £300-400, in the last months.

(One in September and one in November).

I've just assumed it was the Housing Benefit, since that usually is in the region of £300-400.

(Because I got the Housing Benefit sent to me directly earlier, and it has recently been resumed.

So I thought it must have been reset who it was going to be sent to, when it was resumed.

And I thought that was why I got these payments, which was only labeled 'express', (or something similiar), on my online bank statement).

I now think that these payments must have been two or three Jobseekers Allowances, sent in collected payments.

But I'm also going to contact RBS, to get this made clear.

Just to update about this.

Sorry about the problems regarding this misunderstanding!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:07 PM
Subject: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>


thank you for your letter from 29/11, which I recieved today.

Like I explain in the forwarded e-mail, to LHT, it has been a misunderstanding, from my side, regarding the Housing Benefit.

Some payments have just been labeled 'expess', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

And these payments have been in the region of what the Housing Benefit normally is.

So I have assumed that these payments where the Housing Benefit, (sent to my bank-account).

But I'm now going to contact RBS, to get it clear, who these payments have been from.

(I guess they have been from JCP, who have sent me two or three Jobseekers Allowances, in one payment).

I'm sorry about the problems due to this understanding!

(I'm going to complain to RBS about the problems with the bank-statement).

Sorry again about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I got a letter from LHT, (sent 24/10), which I attach a scanned copy of.

And there they mention that my Housing Benefit had been stopped.

So that's why I was sure it was the Housing Benefit, that had been sent to my bank-account directly.

(Like when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because I have gotten no letters about the mentioned payments, in the post.

And like I've mentioned above, it hasn't been easy interperated my bank-statement.

Sorry again about the problems with this, and thanks again for the letter!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email
To: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>


thank you for your e-mail!

Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.

It says they have sent my Housing Benefit to you, every month.

So it has been a misunderstanding.

Because I got a letter from you last month, (which I attach a scanned copy of), where you told me that my Housing Benefit had been canceled.

So I then assumed that some payments I got on my RBS-account, where the Housing Benefit, from the Council, (because I complained about that the Housing Benefit had been stopped).

So I thought the Council had starting sending me the Housing Benefit, (like they did when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because it doesn't say on my RBS-statement, who the mentioned payments, (which I mention in my earlier e-mails to you, which you sent to Laura Murphy), on my bank-statement.

So I have assumed they were Housing Benefit.

Since they were in the region of £300-400.

(And not in the region of £140, which the Jobseekers Allowance is).

But I'm going to contact RBS now, to check up on this.

I send copies to the Council and the Jobcentre, as updates, (since I've contacted them earlier about these payments).

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The payments have used said 'express', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

So this has lead to me misunderstanding about this, unfortunately, it seems.

So I'm going to complain to RBS about this.

Sorry again about the problems with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Erik, I have forwarded both emails over to Laura Murphy as requested.


Chris McAuley

Customer Service Officer

Liverpool Housing Trust

Priory House




Tel: 01928 796000


Liverpool Housing Trust is part of the Symphony Housing Group

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 02 December 2012 01:09
To: Benefits Service
Cc: LHT Customer Service
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email


just to update a bit about this.

My main focus has been the problem with the missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments, in the last months.

But from my memory, I can only remember to have recieved Housing Benefit, (which I first thought was Jobseekers Allowance), in September and November.

I can't see that I've recieved any Housing Benefit for October.

I'm also wondering on which date I will recieve future Housing Benefit-payments, (and the amount), so that I can tell my Landlord the exact details regarding future payments.

So I hope you can send me the Hounsing Benefit-payment for October as well.

Since I don't think the Landlord have gotten Housing Benefit from you, since August.

So they now are going to want rent for September, October and November, from me.

And that's around £1000.

And you have just sent me, (from my memory), around £700-800, in Housing Benefit.

I got one payment in September, on a bit more than £300, (I think it was).

And I got one payment in November, on a bit more than £400, (I think it was).

(I can check these figures on my bank-statement, if you want me to get the exact figures).

So I think I've gotter more than £200 to little in Housing Benefit from you, in the months: September, October and November.

So I wondered if you could check up on this.

Because I want to pay the money I owe to the Landlord.

So that I don't get arrears with them.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Benefits Service <Benefits.Service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:

Thank you for your email.  We aim to reply to this within 10 days.

If you are a Council Tax account holder we would like to set your account up for electronic billing, if appropriate. 
This is one of the ways that helps us to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible.
You do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want to receive your bills electronically.  If this is the case
please reply
stating that you do not want to receive an e-bill.
If we do not receive a reply from you, you will shortly begin to receive your bills to this email address.

Please note that emails from third parties are excluded.

Please include your Council Tax reference or the property address in your reply.


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body
of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those
of the author and not necessarily those of the authors employer or service provider.

This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Scanned by the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway.

2 attachments
housing benefit.jpg
lht letter.jpg

Mer om jobbsøking i England

Gmail - New Vacancy From North Point Recruitment - Senior Java Developer x2


Erik Ribsskog

New Vacancy From North Point Recruitment - Senior Java Developer x2

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 3:03 PM

Sidrah Hafiz <Sidrah.Hafiz@northpointrecruitment.com>


thank you for your e-mail!

I'm a bit rusty in Java-programming now, since I haven't been programming in Java, since I was a student, at University of Sunderland, in 2004/05.

So I think you would have to be a bit patient with me in the start.

And I'm also a bit low on founds, so I'm not sure if I can afford a train-pass, between Liverpool and Leeds, at the moment.

But thanks anyway for the e-mail.

And just contact me again if you don't find anyone else for this job, then I could give it a try.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Sidrah Hafiz <Sidrah.Hafiz@northpointrecruitment.com> wrote:


I was wondering if this would be off interest to you at all.

I am recruiting a number of Senior Java Developer poistions for a leading software consultancy who provide solutions and products to the finance industry.

Location: North Yorkshire
Salary: £40,000
Start Date: ASAP

You will help drive the product to delivery. It is a complex application and will need a talented individual who is experienced in building a multi-threaded application; squeezing every little last drop out of the resources to make the application as fast as
possible and an inquisitive mind open to new ideas to drive the application forward.

If you also have any of the following in your box of tricks then we really want to talk to you!

You must have over 5 years experience in core Java development/ or leading projects/ or mentoring junior candidates.

Performance Optimisation
Developing algorithms and data structures
Exposure to C#.Net

In addition it would be beneficial to have any of the following:-

Prior experience in the Finance Industry
Experience of leading a small team/looking after junior developers
Proven record of successfully delivering software on time
Experienced with architecting large system components and use of design patterns
Knowledge/Expertise in QA and testing
Experience of taking a product to market

The have been around for 12 years and work with the top financial institutions, you will work alongside an experienced team with a variety of interests. We are proud of achieving the "Investor in People" award in 2003, and we continue to invest time and money
into developing the skills of all employees.

If you would like to be considered for this position please send me your CV today and I will call you.

Sidrah Hafiz
Senior Consultant - Core Java
t: 0161 923 8177
e: sidrah.hafiz@northpointrecruitment.com
w: www.northpointrecruitment.com

linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sidrah-hafiz/44/366/38

This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or protected by other legal rules. If you have received this communication in error, please let us know by replying to Email Support then destroy it. You should
not use, print, copy the message or disclose its contents to anyone. All ideas and concepts enclosed in this email are copyright of North Point Recruitment unless otherwise stated and cannot be used, copied or implemented without the express permission of
North Point Recruitment and on payment of the agreed fees. North Point Recruitment, its directors and staff retain all intellectual property rights. e-mail is subject to possible data corruption, is not secure, and its content does not necessarily represent
the opinion of North Point Recruitment. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and no liability can be accepted for any loss arising from its use. This e-mail and any attachments are not guaranteed to be
free from so-called computer viruses, it is recommended that you check for such viruses before downloading it.

Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som CONCESSIONS STORE MANAGER



Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:44 PM



I read about this vacancy on the Directgov-website, and I wanted to please apply for this job.

I've worked as a Shop Manager, in Rimi, (owned by ICA and Ahold), in three different shops, in Norway, from 1998 to 2002.

Before this I worked for four years as an Assistant Manager, in two different Rimi-shops, in Norway, from 1994 to 1998.

I'm unemployed at the moment, so I could start as soon as possible.

I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Jobcentre

Gmail - To: Ian Marshall, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email


Erik Ribsskog

To: Ian Marshall, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre/Fwd: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:25 PM

Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>


I'm forwarding an e-mail regarding problems with the Housing Benefit, to Liverpool City Council, as an update, on my letter, from 29/11, regarding Jobseekers Allowance.

It seems there has been a misunderstanding here, from my side.

I have gotter two payments in the region of £300-400, in the last months.

(One in September and one in November).

I've just assumed it was the Housing Benefit, since that usually is in the region of £300-400.

(Because I got the Housing Benefit sent to me directly earlier, and it has recently been resumed.

So I thought it must have been reset who it was going to be sent to, when it was resumed.

And I thought that was why I got these payments, which was only labeled 'express', (or something similiar), on my online bank statement).

I now think that these payments must have been two or three Jobseekers Allowances, sent in collected payments.

But I'm also going to contact RBS, to get this made clear.

Just to update about this.

Sorry about the problems regarding this misunderstanding!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:07 PM
Subject: To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>


thank you for your letter from 29/11, which I recieved today.

Like I explain in the forwarded e-mail, to LHT, it has been a misunderstanding, from my side, regarding the Housing Benefit.

Some payments have just been labeled 'expess', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

And these payments have been in the region of what the Housing Benefit normally is.

So I have assumed that these payments where the Housing Benefit, (sent to my bank-account).

But I'm now going to contact RBS, to get it clear, who these payments have been from.

(I guess they have been from JCP, who have sent me two or three Jobseekers Allowances, in one payment).

I'm sorry about the problems due to this understanding!

(I'm going to complain to RBS about the problems with the bank-statement).

Sorry again about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I got a letter from LHT, (sent 24/10), which I attach a scanned copy of.

And there they mention that my Housing Benefit had been stopped.

So that's why I was sure it was the Housing Benefit, that had been sent to my bank-account directly.

(Like when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because I have gotten no letters about the mentioned payments, in the post.

And like I've mentioned above, it hasn't been easy interperated my bank-statement.

Sorry again about the problems with this, and thanks again for the letter!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email
To: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>


thank you for your e-mail!

Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.

It says they have sent my Housing Benefit to you, every month.

So it has been a misunderstanding.

Because I got a letter from you last month, (which I attach a scanned copy of), where you told me that my Housing Benefit had been canceled.

So I then assumed that some payments I got on my RBS-account, where the Housing Benefit, from the Council, (because I complained about that the Housing Benefit had been stopped).

So I thought the Council had starting sending me the Housing Benefit, (like they did when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because it doesn't say on my RBS-statement, who the mentioned payments, (which I mention in my earlier e-mails to you, which you sent to Laura Murphy), on my bank-statement.

So I have assumed they were Housing Benefit.

Since they were in the region of £300-400.

(And not in the region of £140, which the Jobseekers Allowance is).

But I'm going to contact RBS now, to check up on this.

I send copies to the Council and the Jobcentre, as updates, (since I've contacted them earlier about these payments).

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The payments have used said 'express', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

So this has lead to me misunderstanding about this, unfortunately, it seems.

So I'm going to complain to RBS about this.

Sorry again about the problems with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Erik, I have forwarded both emails over to Laura Murphy as requested.


Chris McAuley

Customer Service Officer

Liverpool Housing Trust

Priory House




Tel: 01928 796000


Liverpool Housing Trust is part of the Symphony Housing Group

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 02 December 2012 01:09
To: Benefits Service
Cc: LHT Customer Service
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email


just to update a bit about this.

My main focus has been the problem with the missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments, in the last months.

But from my memory, I can only remember to have recieved Housing Benefit, (which I first thought was Jobseekers Allowance), in September and November.

I can't see that I've recieved any Housing Benefit for October.

I'm also wondering on which date I will recieve future Housing Benefit-payments, (and the amount), so that I can tell my Landlord the exact details regarding future payments.

So I hope you can send me the Hounsing Benefit-payment for October as well.

Since I don't think the Landlord have gotten Housing Benefit from you, since August.

So they now are going to want rent for September, October and November, from me.

And that's around £1000.

And you have just sent me, (from my memory), around £700-800, in Housing Benefit.

I got one payment in September, on a bit more than £300, (I think it was).

And I got one payment in November, on a bit more than £400, (I think it was).

(I can check these figures on my bank-statement, if you want me to get the exact figures).

So I think I've gotter more than £200 to little in Housing Benefit from you, in the months: September, October and November.

So I wondered if you could check up on this.

Because I want to pay the money I owe to the Landlord.

So that I don't get arrears with them.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Benefits Service <Benefits.Service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:

Thank you for your email.  We aim to reply to this within 10 days.

If you are a Council Tax account holder we would like to set your account up for electronic billing, if appropriate. 
This is one of the ways that helps us to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible.
You do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want to receive your bills electronically.  If this is the case
please reply
stating that you do not want to receive an e-bill.
If we do not receive a reply from you, you will shortly begin to receive your bills to this email address.

Please note that emails from third parties are excluded.

Please include your Council Tax reference or the property address in your reply.


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body
of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those
of the author and not necessarily those of the authors employer or service provider.

This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Scanned by the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway.

2 attachments
housing benefit.jpg
lht letter.jpg


Her er vedleggene:

housing benefit

lht letter

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Gmail - To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email


Erik Ribsskog

To Graham Roberts, Benefit Officer/Fwd: Thank you for your email

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 1:07 PM

Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>


thank you for your letter from 29/11, which I recieved today.

Like I explain in the forwarded e-mail, to LHT, it has been a misunderstanding, from my side, regarding the Housing Benefit.

Some payments have just been labeled 'expess', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

And these payments have been in the region of what the Housing Benefit normally is.

So I have assumed that these payments where the Housing Benefit, (sent to my bank-account).

But I'm now going to contact RBS, to get it clear, who these payments have been from.

(I guess they have been from JCP, who have sent me two or three Jobseekers Allowances, in one payment).

I'm sorry about the problems due to this understanding!

(I'm going to complain to RBS about the problems with the bank-statement).

Sorry again about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I got a letter from LHT, (sent 24/10), which I attach a scanned copy of.

And there they mention that my Housing Benefit had been stopped.

So that's why I was sure it was the Housing Benefit, that had been sent to my bank-account directly.

(Like when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because I have gotten no letters about the mentioned payments, in the post.

And like I've mentioned above, it hasn't been easy interperated my bank-statement.

Sorry again about the problems with this, and thanks again for the letter!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email
To: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>


thank you for your e-mail!

Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.

It says they have sent my Housing Benefit to you, every month.

So it has been a misunderstanding.

Because I got a letter from you last month, (which I attach a scanned copy of), where you told me that my Housing Benefit had been canceled.

So I then assumed that some payments I got on my RBS-account, where the Housing Benefit, from the Council, (because I complained about that the Housing Benefit had been stopped).

So I thought the Council had starting sending me the Housing Benefit, (like they did when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because it doesn't say on my RBS-statement, who the mentioned payments, (which I mention in my earlier e-mails to you, which you sent to Laura Murphy), on my bank-statement.

So I have assumed they were Housing Benefit.

Since they were in the region of £300-400.

(And not in the region of £140, which the Jobseekers Allowance is).

But I'm going to contact RBS now, to check up on this.

I send copies to the Council and the Jobcentre, as updates, (since I've contacted them earlier about these payments).

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The payments have used said 'express', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

So this has lead to me misunderstanding about this, unfortunately, it seems.

So I'm going to complain to RBS about this.

Sorry again about the problems with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Erik, I have forwarded both emails over to Laura Murphy as requested.


Chris McAuley

Customer Service Officer

Liverpool Housing Trust

Priory House




Tel: 01928 796000


Liverpool Housing Trust is part of the Symphony Housing Group

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 02 December 2012 01:09
To: Benefits Service
Cc: LHT Customer Service
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email


just to update a bit about this.

My main focus has been the problem with the missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments, in the last months.

But from my memory, I can only remember to have recieved Housing Benefit, (which I first thought was Jobseekers Allowance), in September and November.

I can't see that I've recieved any Housing Benefit for October.

I'm also wondering on which date I will recieve future Housing Benefit-payments, (and the amount), so that I can tell my Landlord the exact details regarding future payments.

So I hope you can send me the Hounsing Benefit-payment for October as well.

Since I don't think the Landlord have gotten Housing Benefit from you, since August.

So they now are going to want rent for September, October and November, from me.

And that's around £1000.

And you have just sent me, (from my memory), around £700-800, in Housing Benefit.

I got one payment in September, on a bit more than £300, (I think it was).

And I got one payment in November, on a bit more than £400, (I think it was).

(I can check these figures on my bank-statement, if you want me to get the exact figures).

So I think I've gotter more than £200 to little in Housing Benefit from you, in the months: September, October and November.

So I wondered if you could check up on this.

Because I want to pay the money I owe to the Landlord.

So that I don't get arrears with them.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Benefits Service <Benefits.Service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:

Thank you for your email.  We aim to reply to this within 10 days.

If you are a Council Tax account holder we would like to set your account up for electronic billing, if appropriate. 
This is one of the ways that helps us to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible.
You do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want to receive your bills electronically.  If this is the case
please reply
stating that you do not want to receive an e-bill.
If we do not receive a reply from you, you will shortly begin to receive your bills to this email address.

Please note that emails from third parties are excluded.

Please include your Council Tax reference or the property address in your reply.


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body
of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those
of the author and not necessarily those of the authors employer or service provider.

This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Scanned by the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway.

2 attachments
housing benefit.jpg
lht letter.jpg


Her er vedleggene:

housing benefit

lht letter

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool Housing Trust

Gmail - Thank you for your email


Erik Ribsskog

Thank you for your email

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:37 PM

LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>


thank you for your e-mail!

Today I got a letter from the Council, which I attach.

It says they have sent my Housing Benefit to you, every month.

So it has been a misunderstanding.

Because I got a letter from you last month, (which I attach a scanned copy of), where you told me that my Housing Benefit had been canceled.

So I then assumed that some payments I got on my RBS-account, where the Housing Benefit, from the Council, (because I complained about that the Housing Benefit had been stopped).

So I thought the Council had starting sending me the Housing Benefit, (like they did when I lived in Leather Lane, a couple of years ago).

Because it doesn't say on my RBS-statement, who the mentioned payments, (which I mention in my earlier e-mails to you, which you sent to Laura Murphy), on my bank-statement.

So I have assumed they were Housing Benefit.

Since they were in the region of £300-400.

(And not in the region of £140, which the Jobseekers Allowance is).

But I'm going to contact RBS now, to check up on this.

I send copies to the Council and the Jobcentre, as updates, (since I've contacted them earlier about these payments).

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The payments have used said 'express', (or something similar), on my online bank-statement.

So this has lead to me misunderstanding about this, unfortunately, it seems.

So I'm going to complain to RBS about this.

Sorry again about the problems with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:43 PM, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Erik, I have forwarded both emails over to Laura Murphy as requested.


Chris McAuley

Customer Service Officer

Liverpool Housing Trust

Priory House




Tel: 01928 796000


Liverpool Housing Trust is part of the Symphony Housing Group

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 02 December 2012 01:09
To: Benefits Service
Cc: LHT Customer Service
Subject: Re: Thank you for your email


just to update a bit about this.

My main focus has been the problem with the missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments, in the last months.

But from my memory, I can only remember to have recieved Housing Benefit, (which I first thought was Jobseekers Allowance), in September and November.

I can't see that I've recieved any Housing Benefit for October.

I'm also wondering on which date I will recieve future Housing Benefit-payments, (and the amount), so that I can tell my Landlord the exact details regarding future payments.

So I hope you can send me the Hounsing Benefit-payment for October as well.

Since I don't think the Landlord have gotten Housing Benefit from you, since August.

So they now are going to want rent for September, October and November, from me.

And that's around £1000.

And you have just sent me, (from my memory), around £700-800, in Housing Benefit.

I got one payment in September, on a bit more than £300, (I think it was).

And I got one payment in November, on a bit more than £400, (I think it was).

(I can check these figures on my bank-statement, if you want me to get the exact figures).

So I think I've gotter more than £200 to little in Housing Benefit from you, in the months: September, October and November.

So I wondered if you could check up on this.

Because I want to pay the money I owe to the Landlord.

So that I don't get arrears with them.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Benefits Service <Benefits.Service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:

Thank you for your email.  We aim to reply to this within 10 days.

If you are a Council Tax account holder we would like to set your account up for electronic billing, if appropriate. 
This is one of the ways that helps us to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible.
You do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want to receive your bills electronically.  If this is the case
please reply
stating that you do not want to receive an e-bill.
If we do not receive a reply from you, you will shortly begin to receive your bills to this email address.

Please note that emails from third parties are excluded.

Please include your Council Tax reference or the property address in your reply.


The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied or used only by the intended recipient(s). If you have received it in error please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail or by telephoning a number contained in the body
of the e-mail then and please delete the e-mail without disclosing its contents elsewhere. No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage arising from viruses or changes made to this message after it was sent. The views contained in this email are those
of the author and not necessarily those of the authors employer or service provider.

This email has been automatically scanned for viruses and malicious content by MessageLabs for your protection

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Scanned by the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway.

2 attachments
housing benefit.jpg
lht letter.jpg


Her er vedleggene:

housing benefit

lht letter