fredag 23. april 2021

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Session Start: tor. apr 22 01:13:35 2021
Session Ident: #quiz-show
[01:13.35] * skorpa is now known as skorpion
[01:23.29] <cxp> cxp> å holde sjelen i SJOKK
[01:23.29] <cxp> 21:57:22 < cxp> psykologi
[01:23.29] <cxp> 21:57:48 < cxp> i bakhodet? ingenting
[01:23.30] <cxp> 21:57:57 < cxp> psykotiske symptomer
[01:23.32] <cxp> 21:58:30 < cxp> det er farlig
[01:23.45] <cxp> applegroo> at fyren ikke er frisk har jeg skjønt lenge, er ikke alt man kan skylde på promillen heller
[03:29.14] * skorpion ( Quit (Leaving)
[03:33.26] * loller ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[11:00.08] * loller ( has joined channel #quiz-show
[13:09.41] * col- ( has joined channel #quiz-show
[13:16.48] * Collyk ( Quit (se.hub
[14:37.11] * skorpion ( has joined channel #quiz-show
[15:06.41] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) Quit (se.hub
[15:18.30] * applegroo (~applegroo@2001:19f0:5c01:34a:5400:ff:fe53:4567) has joined channel #quiz-show
[15:37.42] <cxp>                       kan skylde på promillen helle
[15:37.49] <cxp>                       skjønt lenge, er ikke alt man
[15:37.59] <cxp> 22:18:07 < applegroo> at fyren ikke er frisk har jeg
[15:38.48] <cxp> applegroo er ikke helt frisk i hodet
[15:42.12] <cxp> applegroo: psykose, hektisk krise, sjekk hua di
[15:50.13] <skorpion> Er du like psyk i dag?
[16:30.29] <cxp> hver dag
[16:30.42] <cxp> jeg er urolig
[16:32.16] <skorpion> Du klikka jo helt i går
[16:32.19] <skorpion> Var du full?
[16:32.54] <cxp> gjett
[16:33.05] <skorpion> Ja
[16:33.06] <cxp> prøv litt å bruke hua
[16:33.08] <cxp> hodet
[16:33.20] <skorpion> Men det var ikke vanlig fyllerør heller
[16:33.33] <skorpion> Det så mer ut som et slags psykotisk anfall
[16:33.33] <cxp> les nøye
[16:33.44] <cxp> og prøv å forstå
[16:33.52] <cxp> hva skjedde
[16:34.36] <cxp> dere bør tenke litt mer om hva skjedde i går
[16:35.03] <skorpion> Rusindusert psykose er hva jeg tenker
[16:35.16] <cxp> hva gjorde meg å skrive tekstmur
[16:36.09] <cxp> og hva slags ord og uttrykk skrev jeg
[16:36.17] <skorpion> Bare rør
[16:36.45] <cxp> tenk !
[16:37.23] <skorpion> Skal du late som at du skrev dikt eller noe?
[16:37.34] <cxp> de linjene har flere ting in common(?)
[16:37.42] <cxp> på norsk ??
[16:37.56] <cxp> de delere visse konsepter
[16:38.00] <cxp> deler*
[16:38.09] <skorpion> Ja, de var om deg
[16:38.14] <skorpion> Ditt følelsesliv
[16:38.17] <skorpion> Virket det som
[16:38.33] <cxp> nei
[16:38.45] <cxp> de var om skizofreni
[16:38.51] <cxp> psykose
[16:38.58] <cxp> mental lidelse
[16:39.11] <skorpion> Er du skizofren?
[16:39.17] <cxp> kanksje
[16:39.46] <cxp> og jeg kanskje tar piller eller ei
[16:39.58] <cxp> kanskje*
[16:40.34] <cxp> skal ikke være mer nøyaktig
[16:41.19] <skorpion> Du var psykotisk
[16:41.25] <skorpion> Som følge av et eller annet du puttet i deg
[16:41.38] <cxp> nei
[16:41.39] <skorpion> Psykose-Chris
[16:41.48] <cxp> les linjene igjen
[16:42.06] <skorpion> Nei
[16:42.17] <cxp> ja, chrisxp = Chris PsyXose
[16:42.17] <skorpion> Det er grenser for hvor mange ganger man skal lese vås
[16:42.24] <cxp> c x p
[17:03.32] * rabagast (~raba@ has joined channel #quiz-show
[17:03.35] <rabagast> !start
[17:04.29] <rabagast> didnt your sort this stuff already?
[17:08.07] <skorpion> Snakk om quizz-iver
[17:11.23] <rabagast> oh yeah
[17:13.24] <rabagast> it can be quite the task perhaps
[17:13.43] <rabagast> getting some tcl script going
[17:14.05] * col- is now known as Collyk
[17:14.13] <skorpion> Jeg lagde et helt TCL script fra scratch sist gang
[17:14.23] <skorpion> Men jeg er ikke i humør til å drive med sånt nå
[17:14.40] <skorpion> Og john_cons vil heller ikke ha meg med på noe quiz-lag tror jeg
[17:14.47] <skorpion> Så jeg har sagt at jeg heller kan spytte i penga
[17:14.50] <skorpion> Finansene
[17:17.44] <rabagast> might be stuck on the road to/from hell
[17:18.22] <rabagast> john_cons
[17:18.57] <rabagast> saw on the blog about these working men and their cars
[17:20.18] <rabagast> I was a narrow space. 2-3 meters at best to avoid those guys
[17:21.07] <rabagast> when you worry about such things I recon getting some TCL script running will take a year or two
[17:37.29] * skorpa ( has joined channel #quiz-show
[17:40.46] * skorpion ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:46.08] * skorpa is now known as skorpion
[18:05.52] <rabagast> injustice
[18:06.30] <rabagast> why arent amnesty international doing something for john_cons?
[18:06.49] <rabagast> they must have gotten 10.000's of mails so far
[18:07.46] <skorpion> Because they're a bunch of wankers
[18:41.35] <cxp> something like cxp
[18:56.18] <rabagast> yeah, they should have a full force working 24/7 with this :)  All the evidence they need is in that inbox
[18:57.13] <rabagast> it makes BLM like childs play when compared to this
[18:57.30] <rabagast> +look
[18:58.18] <rabagast> guess a lot of those black people got what they deserved anyway
[18:58.47] <rabagast> this here, one innocent guy
[19:04.38] <cxp> i want to escalate a protest into a riot and into a revolution in Norway
[19:04.53] <cxp> and get shot in the process
[19:05.39] <skorpion> Cool story, bro
[19:12.07] <rabagast> I'm off
[19:12.07] <rabagast> skorpion: see you around faggot :)
[19:12.07] * rabagast (~raba@ has left #quiz-show ()
[19:14.49] <skorpion> Vet ikke hvem han der er
[19:14.56] <skorpion> Men navnet lyder kjent
[19:14.57] <skorpion> Hmmm
[19:17.42] <skorpion> Fluffy/Anywhere?
[19:25.07] <skorpion> Mulig
[19:25.14] <skorpion> Men jeg mener å huske å ha sett den nicket for lenge siden
[19:25.24] <skorpion> Muligens under Quizkonsern-eraen
[19:30.32] <cxp>
[19:30.55] <cxp> skorpion: go shoot justisdept. shitheads in the head
[19:31.27] <skorpion> æraen
[19:31.29] <skorpion> eran
[19:31.33] <skorpion> Noe sånt
[19:31.43] <cxp> people who live in norway and go out cannot come back in
[19:31.46] <cxp> retard
[19:32.41] <cxp> make norsk govt drown in its own blood
[19:32.54] <cxp> for being retards
[19:33.17] <cxp> where is a Breivik when you need one ?
[19:33.42] <cxp> pull a Breivik on the retards running Norway
[19:33.50] <skorpion> You're back to normal, I see
[19:34.05] <skorpion> I'm doing a caricature portrait drawing of you now
[19:34.13] <skorpion> In a bit more realistic style
[19:34.20] <skorpion> It's gonna be good
[19:34.41] <cxp> skorpion: go Breivik on your retarded gov
[19:34.46] <cxp> go unhinged
[19:35.15] <skorpion> Breivik didn't attack the government
[19:35.25] <skorpion> He killed a bunch of kids who didn't like Israel
[19:35.41] <skorpion> I fucking hate that cunt
[19:37.28] <skorpion> No
[19:37.41] <skorpion> But that would of course have been a big contradiction
[19:37.56] <skorpion> It's an unrealistic hypothetical scenario
[19:39.57] <cxp> Breivik attacked regjering
[19:40.06] <cxp> the van with the bomb
[19:40.42] <cxp> outdo him, kill the entire staff of justisdepartamentet
[19:43.07] <skorpion> I don't think he managed to kill a single guilty person
[19:50.05] <cxp> you can do better
[19:58.38] <skorpion> I could, but I'm too happy about my life at the moment
[19:59.06] <skorpion> Since I have a really good cxp sketch I'm now going to turn into a refined drawing
[21:04.59] <cxp> mental illness
[21:05.06] <cxp> on both sides
[21:05.13] <cxp> cxp and skorpion 
[21:06.02] <skorpion> Yeah, well, I don't have psychotic breakdowns like yours
[21:06.46] <cxp> you still didn't figure out why i wrote those lines yesterday evening
[21:07.29] <skorpion> I did, but you're not paying attention
[21:08.12] <skorpion> You were drinking, or using drugs, and combined with your depression you had a psychotic incident
[21:08.14] <skorpion> It happens
[21:11.02] <cxp> you're trolling
[21:11.02] <skorpion> We all poop our pants once in a while
[21:11.31] <cxp> try again
[21:11.39] <cxp> decipher those lines
[21:11.41] <skorpion> Nah
[21:11.46] <skorpion> I'm busy with the drawing
[21:12.34] <cxp> am I again a repugnant creature of darkness?
[21:12.43] <cxp> with black holr eyes
[21:12.51] <cxp> hole*
[21:13.13] <cxp> or you draw me differently
[21:13.50] <cxp> draw Mohammed
[21:14.05] <cxp> if you want to get killed
[21:14.42] <skorpion> No, I'
[21:14.47] <skorpion> m drawing the whole face this time
[21:45.48] <cxp> impossible
[21:46.06] <cxp> you cannot draw the eyes
[21:46.10] <cxp>
[21:54.33] * loller ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:58.59] * loller ( has joined channel #quiz-show
[22:32.36] <skorpion> I'm trying to express your sadness as well as your tragic character
[23:07.27] <skorpion> Is that so
[23:07.30] <skorpion> Which one
[23:07.45] <skorpion> Ah
[23:07.47] <skorpion> Gollum
[23:08.05] <skorpion> In caricature, one of the methods you can use is to use a spirit animal
[23:08.14] <skorpion> An animal you associate with the subject
[23:08.27] <skorpion> It's a good method to get the likeness
[23:08.45] <skorpion> I could use Gollum as cxp's spirit animal I guess
[23:14.37] <skorpion> He might have had when he was a halfling
[23:14.39] <skorpion> Or hobbit
[23:39.20] <cxp> vagina Gro monolog
[23:39.38] <cxp> walls of text