Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:51 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Registreringsbekreftelse - Norsk kommunesektor og EU/EØS 2011 - 2012

hide details 6:51 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Norsk kommunesektor og EU/EØS 2011 - 2012"
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: Registreringsbekreftelse - Norsk kommunesektor og EU/EØS 2011 - 2012
To: Erika Ribsskog

Bekreftelse av din registrering
Norsk kommunesektor og EU/EØS 2011 - 2012
Dato: tirsdag 25 oktober 2011 - torsdag 08 mars 2012



Deltakeravgift:1 22 000,00
Delsum 22 000,00

Totalt eks mva: 22 000,00
Totalt inkl mva: 22 000,00

PO Nummer:76

Oppdatert: 08.nov.2011 18:48:11

53K View Download

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:46 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Velkommen til Fredrikstadløpet 2012

hide details 6:46 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fredrikstad IF
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: Velkommen til Fredrikstadløpet 2012

Takk for din påmelding til Fredrikstadløpet 2012

Påmelding regnes først som gyldig når innbetaling er mottatt.
Innbetaling må være mottatt innen påmeldingsfristens utløp for at påmeldingen skal komme med i programmet.
Send eventuelt med kopi av innbetaling på epost til

Innbetaling gjøres til bankkonto: 6105.05.30921. Husk å merke innbetalingen med navn, klasse og distanse.

Etternavn: Ribsskog
Fornavn: Erik
Klasse: 40-44

Med vennlig hilsen
Fredrikstad IF

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:44 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Påmelding til Webdagene 2011

hide details 6:44 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webdagene
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: Påmelding til Webdagene 2011


Takk for din påmelding til Webdagene 2011!

Du er registrert på konferansen torsdag 15. og fredag 16. september.

Pris: 10.250,-.

Her er detaljene vi har registrert:

Navn: Erik Ribsskog

Firma/organisasjon: Godtebutikken
Adresse: Hostellet
Postnr./sted: 65438

Kommentar: Kan man ta med eget godteri?



Vi har også notert at du vil være med på festmiddagen på torsdagen.

* Noen tips:

- Trenger du et sted å overnatte i Oslo? Som deltager på Webdagene får du gode priser på konferansehotellet Radisson Blu Plaza:

- Få med deg førfesten onsdag 14. september, som i år er kombinert med innflytningsfest hos arrangøren Netlife Research. Du møter deltakere og foredragsholdere fra Webdagene, pluss noen andre, og det er få plasser igjen. Påmelding:

- Vil du se hvem andre som kommer på Webdagene? Meld deg inn i LinkedIn-gruppen Webdagene 2011:

- Du finner også Webdagene på Lanyrd – et konferansenettsted der du kan logge inn med Twitter-kontoen din:

Vennlig hilsen,

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:40 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Your email has been received at the National Office

hide details 6:40 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UK Baha'i National Office
Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 4:11 PM
Subject: Your email has been received at the National Office
To: Erik Ribsskog

Thank you for your email.
Your correspondence has been received
and will be forwarded to the appropriate department or office for attention.

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:31 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Fw: Kontaktskjema Tut & Kjør

hide details 6:31 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kontakt/Teater
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: Fw: Kontaktskjema Tut & Kjør

Hei Erik

Vi tar opp nye medlemmer av og til. Akkurat nå er vi midt i en oppsetning og tar derfor ikke inn nye i år, men det du bør gjøre er å sette deg på ventelista vår. Det gjør du ved å sende inn skjemaet som ligger under “bli medlem” på vår hjemmeside.
Vi trenger å vite blant annet alder. Når vi tar inn nye, ser vi på alder, kjønn osv for å finne skuespillere som passer inn i stykket vi setter opp.

Pål Corneliussen
Daglig Leder

From: administrator
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 5:43 AM
Subject: Kontaktskjema Tut & Kjør

Hei, Vi har fått en henvendelse via hjemmesiden. Erik Ribsskog har sendt inn følgende til oss idag: Kan jeg få være med hos dere?

Adr og tlf (for tiden i UK)

Azaela Lodge
1-2 Azaela Terrace North
(+44) 0790 520 6018
Vedkommende kan kontaktes på telefon 07905206 eller e-post Mvh Tut&Kjør

Submitted by

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angaanede online trakassering

fromErik Ribsskog,

bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:26 PM
subjectRe: Report of crime/Fwd: Din henvendelse er mottatt

hide details 6:26 PM (0 minutes ago)


yes, I'm not 'Miss'.

And I haven't ordered any flight from you.

(I don't like the new security-stuff, with the naked scanners etc., on the airports).

This is some kind of attack, which the Police don't help me stop.

Thanks for unsubscribing me.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:52 PM, wrote:

Dear Mr.Ribsskog,

Thank you for the information, and should we then just cancel all inquirys coming from Frøken Ripsskog?

Hope you get some assistance in stoping all the spam.

Med vennlig hilsen/Sincerely yours
Widerøe Kundeservice/Widerøe Customer Relations

Adr: Pb. 247, N-8001 Bodø, Norway.
Tel: 815 22 014


Please respond to
Sent by: Erik Ribsskog
cc:, "!enquiries" (bcc: kundeservice)

Subject: Report of crime/Fwd: Din henvendelse er mottatt


someone are sending a lot of forged e-mails in my name, (it's called spoofing I've read on Wikipedia).

This is an example from this attack.

Please start replying to my e-mails because I think I'll soon get an infamation in my arm from sending you all these unanswered crime-reports.

Please start doing your job now!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Widerøe kundeservice
Date: 2011/11/6
Subject: Din henvendelse er mottatt

Kjære kunde

Takk for din henvendelse.
Dette er en automatisk beskjed og kan ikke besvares.

Vi har normal behandlingstid på 3 uker, men du vil få svar så snart vi har anledning til å se på saken din.

Din henvendelse sendt 06. november 2011 16:37:
Fra: Frøken Ribsskog (
Adr: sunderland
1234 sunderland
Tlf: virker ikke
Vedlegg: Ingen

Hei. Hva vet dere om Illuminati? Mvh Frøken Ribsskog

Vennlig hilsen

Widerøe kundeservice

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:18 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: has shared: IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company

hide details 6:18 PM (0 minutes ago)


this seems to be my earlier collegue, in Rimi, David Hjort.

He tried to distroy my reputation, on irc, (EF-net), by calling himself 'kong_anus', on my PC, (when he had invited himself to me).

That was a funny synonym on my nick (john_cons), I think.

He also know a lot of drug dealers and other criminals, and is in a gang, I think.

(Since once he bragged he'd sleept with ten or twelve girls at the same time as he was in a relationship with another collegue, from Rimi, Linn Korneliussen).

Hjort also owes me money, after I got some money after my mother died, since she had a life insurance.

(I was told after she died).

Hjort gave me some very large speakers, as part-payment of debt once.

And he says his fourt partner, after I got to know him, Melina Joergensen is an 'ex-bandidos-whore'.

His father is a prison-priest in Denmark, and once Hjort told me guy had gotten his face distroyed, in the prison kitchen with boiling oil, or something.

And later I got my face distroyed, in Oslo, after I had some problems with some small wrinkles in my face, that I wanted to get rid of since I was ambitious, and wanted to get a career, in Business, without losing focus on my work due to personal problems, (because my collegues talked me down behind my back in ICA, I overheard, since I had started to get some wrinkles etc., in my face, and if one want to make a career, then one shouldn't have problems like this, that people can use to attack you regarding, as an executive etc).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: has shared: IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company

Vet ikke hva som foregår

Formannen i Nordisk Politiforbund, svenske Jan Karlsen, forklarer det manglende politiske engasjementet med at politikere ikke er klar over hva som foregår.

Justisminister Odd Einar Dørum (V) bekreftet Johannessens uttalelser om den tausheten internasjonal og organisert kriminalitet blir møtt med her i landet. Da Dørum tok opp dette problemet første gang i 1995, ble han møtt med øredøvende taushet.

Han advarte imidlertid mot for mye av det han kalte folkelivsskildringer av kriminaliteten, og etterlyste mer kriminalitetsstatistikk som grunnlag for handling. Dørum kunne i samme åndedrag opplyse at de nordiske landene arbeider med en felles ordning for vitnebeskyttelse. Forholdene i landene er så like at de egner seg godt for samarbeid om beskyttelse av vitner, påpekte justisministeren.

IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Fast Company

IdeaPaint Why didn't you think of this? John Goscha, at the ripe old age of 25 ditched a job offer at Goldman Sachs, and instead began marketing IdeaPaint, which is simply a paint that turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board. sent this using ShareThis.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:05 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: has shared: Når vasket du dynen din sist?

hide details 6:05 PM (0 minutes ago)


this seems to be some theath about that someone are going to murder me on 11/11.

They ask when I cleaned my duvet last.

When I lived with my father, from I was nine to I was 18, I had to live alone and the white duvets there where yellow, I remember.

Must be someone my father had put in my home, after some prisoners or something had had to use them in a shed or something, I suspect.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: has shared: Når vasket du dynen din sist?

Har du husket å vaske dyna min "kjære venn" husk 11/11 vil det skje.


Når vasket du dynen din sist?

Møkkete dyner gir grobunn for midd og bakterier. sent this using ShareThis.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:59 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tips fra VG Nett: Breivik krever å møte pressen ansikt til ansikt

hide details 5:59 PM (0 minutes ago)


this seems to be a collegue of mine, from when I worked at Rimi Langhus, in Norway, as a Shop Manager.

Christina was hard-working and worked with making the shelves look fine, on Fridays, when it wasn't many customers in the check-out, where she worked.

I'm not sure if this is her.

She is sending funny e-mails that aren't proper e-mails, but only links to articles in a newspaper, I'm not interested in.

So I think this is harassment-crime.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christina Brynteson
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: Tips fra VG Nett: Breivik krever å møte pressen ansikt til ansikt

Christina Brynteson ( har lest denne artikkelen på VG Nett, og har benyttet tipsfunksjonen for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på den.

Breivik krever å møte pressen ansikt til ansikt
ILA (VG Nett) Forsvarer Geir Lippestad anker avgjørelsen om at Anders Behring Breivik skal forklare seg via videolink i fengslingsmøtet mandag.

Les artikkelen her:

Christina Brynteson sier:
Jeg fikk plutselig høre om Illuminati, en konspirasjonsteori.
Jeg trodde ikke på det først, men etter hvert jeg gjorde research på det, ble jeg mer å mer skremt.


Illuminati, en hemmelig sekt som ble startet i Tyskland den 1. mai 1776 av Adam Weishaupt. Illuminati har tenkt å "ta over" verden via. media. Artister, nyhetsbyråer, aviser, filmer, osv... Illuminati er satanister og tilber satan.

Mange artister har skjulde budskap i tekstene sine. Her er en video med eksempler + forklaringen bak Illuminati. De artistene her har setninger inni sangene sine som: " we move toward a, new world order." (Eminem), "They don't want to see us unite. All they want us to do is to keep fussing and fighting." (Bob Marley) Å MANGE, MANGE fler.

Blandt annet Eminem som kom ut med nytt album nå, har noe skjult i teksten. "This fucking black cloud still follow's me around. But it's time to exercise these demons. These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!". Igjen, demoner har noe med satan og gjøre. Og første linjen i refrenget: "I'm not afraid to take a stand."! Og som en stor fan av Eminem er jeg redd for Eminem sitt liv akkurat nå.

Michael Jackson ble drept for et år siden (R.I.P). Og det var rett etter MJ sa noe om å avsløre "the biggest secret that has been kept." Han planla et stort comeback over hele verden, og det var etter dette han døde.

På en-dollar seddelen er det et bilde på ene siden:
Over pyramiden står det "Ovus Caeptis" som betyr "Eye of Lucifer", som betyr; djevelens øye. Det står også under: Novus Ordo Seclorum som betyr "New Order of the Ages" på latin.

Som sagt, Illuminatus er satanister og tilber satan.
Tupac sa ifra i en sang kalt "Killuminati" der han fortalte om Illuminati. Rett etterpå ble han drept. Som sagt, Illuminati styrer media, og ville få det til å se ut som Biggie (en rapper) prøve å ta livet til Tupac Shakur. Så, etter det, ordnet Illuminati et mord for Biggie, og fikk det til å se ut som det var fansen/gjengen til Tupac som tok hevn.

Nå har jeg skrevet en del, og jeg kunne ha holdt på i flere timer til. Men nå er det deres tur: del deres kunnskaper. Jeg sier ikke at dette er rett og alt dette er sant. Men slik jeg ser det, er Illuminati en hemmelig organisasjon som styrer verden i skyggene.


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:54 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Din henvendelse er mottatt. / Your inquiry is received.

hide details 5:54 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:04 PM
Subject: Din henvendelse er mottatt. / Your inquiry is received.

Kjære kunde.

Takk for din henvendelse.
Dette er en automatisk beskjed og kan ikke besvares.

Vi har normal behandlingstid på 3 uker,
men du vil få svar så snart som vi har anledning til å se på saken din.

Dear customer.

Thank you for your inquiry.
This is an automated message and can not be answered.

Our normal processing time is 3 weeks,
but we strive to reply to your enquiry as soon as possbile.

Med vennlig hilsen/Sincerely yours
Widerøe Kundeservice/Widerøe Customer Relations

Adr: Pb. 247, N-8001 Bodø, Norway.
Tel: 815 22 014

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:51 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Ny melding fra

hide details 5:51 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: RE: Ny melding fra
To: ""


Vi er ikke interessert i dette for øyeblikket.
Det passer ikke helt inn med den sunne stilen vi prøver å kjøre.

Med Vennlig Hilsen
Odd Bjarte Lavik
Daglig Leder
05 628 / 05 MAT

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 6. november 2011 05:59
Subject: Ny melding fra

Denne meldingen ble sendt via kontaktskjemaet på Her er detaljene:

Dato: 2011-11-06 05:59
Navn: Erik Ribsskog
Melding: Lurer på om dere er interessert i å distribuere isbre-mint?


Erik Ribsskog
Administrerende direktør
-- Fyll magen på gode godterier til du blir mett --

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:49 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: boka di

hide details 5:49 PM (0 minutes ago)


this person is sending me unwanted e-mails.

I wanted to report this as harassment-crime.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ødegård
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: boka di

Hei, Erik

Boka di er ganske kjedelig, egentlig. Jeg vet jo at mye av det er ren
fiksjon, så da kunne du gjerne funnet på noe litt mer spennende, synes
Du burde dessuten få en profesjonell språkvasker til å rense opp i
den, det er ikke bare haugevis med stavefeil og grammatisk kaos, selve
språkbygningen er også temmelig bak mål.
Du sammenligner deg selv støtt og stadig med Knausgård, men han kan i
det minste å skrive godt norsk. Dessuten skriver han mer spennende!

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:45 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: (Chess sakid:608041) Teknisk støtte - E-post

hide details 5:45 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chess kundeservice
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: (Chess sakid:608041) Teknisk støtte - E-post

(Vennligst behold emnefeltet dersom du svarer på denne meldingen)

Hei Erik,
takk for din henvendelse.

Hva det ser ut som er at du har fått virus på din mail adresse.
Jeg vil anbefale deg å endre mail-konto og se om det eventuelt kan hjelpe.

Ha en riktig fin dag videre og lykke til :)
Mvh Eleni
Chess Kundeservice

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til FN

fromErik Ribsskog

cc"Oslo, Visa"


dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:39 PM
subjectProblems with UK institutions/Fwd: Council Tax/Fwd: Complaint about Council tax complaint/Fwd: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>

hide details 5:39 PM (0 minutes ago)


I escalate this to the UN as the LGO have messed with me earlier.

I'm really a refugee, don't trust the British institutions.

Brits think I'm working class since I'm a poor refugee, and just mess with me.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:41 PM
Subject: Council Tax/Fwd: Complaint about Council tax complaint/Fwd: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>
Cc: Phso Enquiries


Liverpool City Council sent me a letter the other day, saying that they want to deduct money, from my Jobseekers Allowance.

However, those arrears are part of an ongoing complaint-case I have against the Liverpool City Council which have even been with the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

To not make this more complicated than necessary, I ask the Jobcenter to wait untill that case is settled, with withdrawing money.

I ask the Parliamentary Ombudsman for more advice regarding this case, as the Liverpool City Council have closed the complaint-file ten days after sending the long letter refered to in the forwareded e-mail, which I think is much to early, and as far as I remember it this breaches the Liverpool City Councils own Complaint Procedure.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Complaint about Council tax complaint/Fwd: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>
To: Liverpool Direct
Cc: Phso Enquiries


at the end of last week, I recieved a long letter, about this, from the Council.

The letter was largely rubbish, I think I have to say.

I'll try to index my complaints.


You say my claim for Income Support is 'out of date'.

Where as the Department of Work and Pensions have let me update about my finances for my business many months later.

What counts is when I get aware of what Income Support is.

I have been self-employed and I haven't had a fixed monthly income, so I couldn't tell you about how much I'd earn, right away.

I'm also from Norway, and don't know about Income Support, since Norwegian newspapers don't write about the British society in detail.

Also, my uncle in Norway, Martin Ribsskog, once told me, that a doctor had given him compensation, years later, when he didn't know about a Government programme.

So then it should be like this, in this case as well, I think.

This with just saying 'out of date', is like something Balderick in Black Adder would have said.

Please don't f*ck around, Norwegians hate being treated like that, and you are in the EU now, eighter you like it or not.

If you don't like it then have a go at your politicians instead of having a go at normal people.

I've also contacted you about Income Support earlier, in 2010, but then you didn't reply at all, you just moved my debt back from the Bailiff, or at least part of the debt, since you have kept my dept on one Bailiff account and one secret account it seems.


You say that you became aware of that I was un-employed when I contacted you about Income Support, in 2010.

But I called you in November 2008 about this, so you are clearly lieing.

You probably write this so as to label me long time unemployed so that moralists are going to mess with me.

Like Baldrick in Black Adder, to get someone Christian to mess with someone, etc.


You moved my debt, to be withdrawn, from my Jobseekers Allowance, in 2010, but you didn't put all the debt, on that account.

When I moved from Liverpool, to Sunderland, earlier this year, then suddently around £500 more debt, turned up.

This means someone have messed with my Council Tax-account, I think.

Is Balderick from Black Adder working for you?

Is it the Vatican who don't like me?

(I remember a woman standing outside of the vatican 'embassy' in London, blowing sigarette smoke on me, when I went to the Norwegian embassy, in 2007, with an employment case against Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, which the Merseyside Police had stopped answering me about).

Are the Vatican controlling the Liverpool City Council and messing with me because I'm from a protestant country, (Norway), and making secret files there?

What's going on?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool Direct
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 8:07 PM
Subject: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>

Your unique reference number is: 137133
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about housing benefit.
I have forwarded the details to the benefits service. They will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 18/10/11 15:28:14 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct
Subject: Re: Complaint/Fwd: Case ID - 11012993


thank you very much for your reply!

Actually, I also think I should have gotten Income-support. Concil-Tax Benefit and Housing Allowance, from when I was Self Employed, between March 2007 and November 2008.

Since I didn't earn that much then.

Is it any way I can please get these money now, since I have arrears now, with a lot of companies, dating back from the time I worked as Self Employed.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Liverpool Direct wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 137133
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Mr Ribsskog.

Thank you for your e-mail about your council tax complaint. I have forwarded the details to the service area that will be able to help you with this. They will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 17/10/11 15:12:42 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct
CC:Phso Enquiries
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Case ID - 11012993


the Council are charging me for Council-tax, (around £511), which I've paid to Jacobs Bailiff, in Birkenhead, (like the Council asked me to).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Angie Lecuyer
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: Case ID - 11012993
To: ""

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email. You still need to complain to the council first I’m afraid. If you would like to discuss the complaints process in more detail you can contact the advice team on 0300 0610614 and an advisor will try and help you.

Kind Regards

Angie Lecuyer
Customer Service Adviser | Tel: 0300 061 0614
The Oaks No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 14 October 2011 14:55
To: LGOAT Mailbox
Cc: Phso Enquiries
Subject: Re: Case ID - 11012993


I was wondering, before I contact the Council.

Are you aware of that the Parliamentary Ombudsman refered me to the LGO?

I've already had a complaint from before, against the Liverpool City Council, and then I just sent e-mails, by the way.

Thanks in advance for clearing up about this!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:32 PM, wrote:
13 October 2011
Our ref: 11 012 993
(Please quote our reference when contacting us)
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your complaint against Liverpool City Council (the “Council”).
The law says that, before investigating a complaint, the Ombudsman must normally be satisfied that the Council knows about the complaint and has been given the opportunity to investigate and to reply. Usually, you need to put your complaint through all stages of the Council ’s own complaints process before the Ombudsman can look at it. The attached fact sheet explains this in greater detail.
From the information you have provided it is not clear whether your complaint has been through the Council ’s complaints process. If you have not yet done so, I suggest that you now make a formal complaint, in writing, to the chief executive of the Council. If you are still dissatisfied at the end of the process, you may complain to the Ombudsman.
If you feel that your complaint has already completed the Council ’s complaints process, please call the Advice Team on the number above. It would help if you have with you the Council ’s written response to your complaint when you call as our Adviser will ask you some questions about what the letter says.
I hope this is of assistance. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you will make a complaint to the Council, and we will not contact you again.

Yours sincerely
Angie Lecuyer
Customer Service Adviser
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til FN

fromErik Ribsskog
toPhso Enquiries ,

cc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM
subjectRe: PHSO: Reference 115058 - Your complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman

hide details 5:34 PM (0 minutes ago)


1. Council Complaint

I've sent you about the Council-complaint earlier today.

I'll send that to the Local Government Ombudsman, like you suggest.

(Even if I've had problems with these earlier).

On second thought I'll escalate that to the UN.

2. Court Complaint

My complaint here is that the HMCS didn't reply before the Parliamentary Ombudsman got involved.

I think the HMCS replied to late, and so did you.

Both the HMCS and the Parliamentary Ombudsman didn't reply untill after I was thrown out by the court, in Liverpool, so I escalate all this to the UN, since I don't trust these institutions any longer.

Erik Ribsskog
- Hide quoted text -

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Phso Enquiries wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Our reference: EN-115058 (please quote in any future correspondence)

Thank you for your emails of 26 October 2011 and 7 November 2011 to the Parliamentary Ombudsman. I would like to apologise for the misunderstanding regarding your complaints.

As I understand matters, you have raised two separate complaints. Firstly, you complain that you have not received correspondence from Liverpool County Court (the Court), part of Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) about issues relating to rent arrears and your subsequent eviction. You also complain that the Court failed to respond to your emails in relation to this matter.

Secondly, you complain about issues relating to a request for Council Tax payments from Liverpool City Council, (the Council) which you state that you have already paid to Jacob’s Bailiffs.

Your complaint about Liverpool County Court
As I have previously explained, the Ombudsman usually deals with complaints after the complaints procedure of the department concerned has been completed. From the information you provided in your email of 24 October 2011, it appears that your complaint has not yet completed HMCTS’ complaints procedure.

I understand that you sent your complaint by email to the Complaints Correspondence and Litigation Team (CCLT) at HMCTS who have passed it back to the Court to consider. This is because the Court is the first stage in HMCTS’ formal complaints procedure and they had not responded to your complaint. We are therefore of the view that the best way ahead would be for you to wait for the Court’s response to your complaint.

If you remain unhappy following the Court’s response to your complaint, you should then escalate your complaint to the Senior Court Manager. The Court will be able to provide you with their contact details.

Following this, if you remain dissatisfied with the Senior Court Manager’s response to your complaint, you should then re-approach the CCLT with your concerns. They can be contacted on the details below:

Complaints Correspondence and Litigation Team
Zone C, 1st Floor
102 Petty France

Telephone: 0845 4568770

If, after receiving the response from the CCLT you remain unhappy, you can then
re-approach the Ombudsman. However, only an MP can make a complaint to us (on your behalf) about government departments, agencies or organisations. We cannot investigate a complaint until an MP has asked us to do so.

If you decide to bring your complaint to the Ombudsman please contact our Office and we will explain how you can do this.

Your complaint about Liverpool City Council
As explained in my email of 3 October 2011, the list of departments, agencies and organisations which we are able to investigate is determined by law. Unfortunately, complaints about issues concerning local councils, including problems with council tax and housing benefits, fall outside of the Ombudsman’s remit to investigate and we are therefore unable to consider this aspect of your complaint.

You should therefore contact the Local Government Ombudsman with your complaint about the Council, and I have included their contact details below:

The Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771

Telephone: 0300 061 0614

You explain in your email that you do not trust our organisation as we did not reply to your email in the days before you were evicted.

If you are unhappy with the standard of service you have received from us, you may pursue your concerns through our complaints procedure.

To pursue a complaint through our complaints procedure, please contact us by email at or by writing to the following address:

Review Team Manager
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower

Alternatively, details about our complaints procedure are available from our website at

I am sorry that we are unable to assist you with all aspects of your complaint, but I hope the information provided is of use and will help you move towards a satisfactory resolution of your complaint.

Yours sincerely

Lyndsey Carpenter
Customer Service Officer
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower

T: 0345 015 4033

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til FN

fromErik Ribsskog

cc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:24 PM
subjectProblems with the IPCC/Fwd: The restriction of contact with the IPCC/ blocking your email address

hide details 5:24 PM (0 minutes ago)


I'm a refugee from Norway, after I overheard I was followed by the 'mafian', in Oslo, in 2003.

Now the IPCC don't want to reply to my e-mails.

They only give dispentions anyway, and let the Police call me 'Miss', etc.

I get hundeds of spoofing e-mails each day, and the Police don't reply.

The IPCC don't understand, and think it's only one e-mail, and ignore that the Police don't reply to me at all.

And when I send them copies of all the mails, then they say I send to many e-mails.

I don't think the IPCC are fine.

They let the Police in the UK use illigal stun-guns when they murdered the mate of footballer Gazza, I saw in the news.

That they would have never let the Police get away with in the Norway I know.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Bailey
Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:25 AM
Subject: The restriction of contact with the IPCC/ blocking your email address
To: ""

Dear Mr Ribsskog

The IPCC has received a number of emails from you, over 80 have been received in recent weeks in relation to people using your details on websites, this goes against my request to you to only send information that relates to complaints against the police that have not previously been considered.

The receipt of these emails were acknowledged and you were again requested to refrain from sending information to the IPCC that does not fall under our remit or is already being considered.
In these emails I reiterated that it may be necessary to restrict your access to the IPCC.

You have continued to send emails of the nature described above and as warned, the IPCC now intend to block the email addresses that you have been using and as such all future correspondence to the IPCC should be received in writing only.

You are always, of course, entitled to make new complaints, providing they relate to issues that you have not already raised and that they are valid complaints against police forces in England and Wales. These must be made in writing (by post) and we would advise that you contact the relevant Professional Standards Department of the force directly to lodge new complaints.

If you contact the IPCC by email, your email will be returned unread as it is the policy of the IPCC to no longer accept emails from you, and no further action will be taken.

Kind regards

Laura Bailey
Casework Manager
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
North Region - Sale
Phone: 08453 002 002

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:18 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Kontakt Ballongbutikken

hide details 5:18 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Petter Vabog
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: SV: Kontakt Ballongbutikken
To: ""


Takk for hyggelig forespørsel.
Minsteopplaget for trykk på ballonger er 1000 stk.
Det er ikke noe problem å levere ballonger med navnet ditt på:

1000 ballonger
30 cm diameter
Trykk i 1 farge på 1 side

Kr. 3290,00 inkl. moms, fritt levert

Leveringstid er ca 3 uker.

Ballonghilsen fra

Petter Vabog

Ballongbutikken AS
Telefon: 33 48 70 80, Mobil: 95 24 37 74
 Trenger du å skrive ut denne mailen? Tenk deg om to ganger, og bidra til å ta vare på miljøet!
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: []
Sendt: 2. november 2011 17:40
Til: post
Emne: Kontakt Ballongbutikken

Navn: : Erik Ribsskog
E-post adresse :
Melding/spørsmål: : Kan dere lage ballonger med navnet mitt på? Trenger
ca 450 stk til ballongslipp.


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:15 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tilbakemelding til FSN

hide details 5:15 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/11/8
Subject: SV: Tilbakemelding til FSN

Hei og takk for din henvendelse.

Jeg kjenner ikke godt nok systemet i England til å kunne svare på ditt spørsmål. Du kan sende en mail til; de er rette instans til å kunne svare på ditt spørsmål.

Anbefaler deg at du skriver noe om hvorfor du oppholder deg i England, er det i forbindelse med jobb, studier eller annen grunn.

Lykke til!

Med vennlig hilsen
Trude Hirgum
Kontoret for fritt sykehusvalg
Tlf: 800 41 004

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: []
Sendt: 5. november 2011 21:41
Til: Fritt Sykehusvalg
Emne: Tilbakemelding til FSN

Namn: Erik Ribsskog
id_field21: Går det an å velge psykriatisk sykehus her i england(sønderland) siden jeg har en psykriatisk diagnose fra norge vel?


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:11 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Reminder: Your eCard from Geir is waiting for you at

hide details 5:11 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: eCard from
Date: Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 5:34 AM
Subject: Reminder: Your eCard from Geir is waiting for you at

November 08, 2011
To: Fru Erik (
From: Geir (

A special eCard from Geir is ready for you to pick up.

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

bcc"Oslo, Visa"

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:03 PM
subjectReport of crime

hide details 5:03 PM (0 minutes ago)


someone are sending me a very strange e-mail indicating that the UK police want to murder me.

And that I'm working class.

I'm not really working class, my mothers parents were upper class and my fathers parents were middle class.

(At least I think so.

I'm from Norway, and there it isn't that much focus on class.

Everyone are just considered Norwegian.

Except perhaps in Oslo).

I wanted to report this as crime.


Erik Ribsskog

veldig rar e-post.JPG
150K View Download


Her er vedlegget:

veldig rar e-post

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbia-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:53 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: has shared: Massive new iceberg forming -- right now -- in Antarctica

hide details 4:53 PM (0 minutes ago)


this is someone pretending to be my old steph-father, from when I lived with my mother, in the 70's.

He's supposed to have died last year, so this is obviously just someone harassing me.

I wanted to report this as crime.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 7:40 PM
Subject: has shared: Massive new iceberg forming -- right now -- in Antarctica

Nå driver du å roter litt her erik
Massive new iceberg forming -- right now -- in Antarctica

Iceberg: NASA scientists working on Operation IceBridge have discovered a massive crack in the ice shelf in Antarctica. sent this using ShareThis.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:42 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Div

hide details 4:42 PM (0 minutes ago)


this is someone pretending to be my earlier Area Manager in ICA, in Norway.

She had a bad reputation among the Shop Managers.

They said she liked to sleep with Shop Managers on seminars even if she'd turned 30.

Something like this.

(This was said to me by a collegue Shop Manager in RIMI/ICA, on Rimi Shop Manager seminaar, at Storefjell, Norway, automn 2000, when I got Neteland as my new Area Manager, when I started working in a new shop, Rimi Kalbakken, (a big shop, that used to be an ICA Supermarked. This shop had a manned meat-department, around 900.000 NOK/£90.000 turnover a week, and around 20-30 employees).

What happened in connection with my switch to working in that shop, and then the next shop, is part of an employment-case, by the way, with I try to get help from the Union etc., in Norway, regarding.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anne Neteland
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: Div

This email was sent via Anonymous email service for free.
Message ID= 141736

Det er jo typisk at folk tenker slik da media (og de som leser/tror alt innen denne "søppel-ensrettet" type formidling) - og autoriteter innen mange grener (kjøpt og betalt - utbredt korrupsjon/diktat av forskningsmidler mm?) nærmest har "implantert" noe komisk etc over "konspirasjonsteoretikere"! Syntes det er temmelig logisk at "grupper, ordener, politiske/økonomiske kameratklubber, m.fl "bare snakker sammen" og legger taktiske og strategiske "planer/pr-stunt" for fremtidig "suksess"? ER ikke dette en form for "konpirasjon"? Verden er jo basert på "maktkamp, konkurranse m.m" - å tro noe annet er etter min mening temmelig naivt å tro?


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:34 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tips fra VG Nett: Dansk dildo-sjokk

hide details 4:34 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aylar
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: Tips fra VG Nett: Dansk dildo-sjokk

Aylar ( har lest denne artikkelen på VG Nett, og har benyttet tipsfunksjonen for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på den.

Dansk dildo-sjokk
(VG Nett) Den danske porno-bransjen er rammet av et dildo-sjokk. En undersøkelse viser at ti av 13 undersøkte massasjestaver innholdt for mye av det kreftfremkallende stoffet kadmium.

Les artikkelen her:

Aylar sier:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:32 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tips fra VG Nett: Sex i alle kanaler

hide details 4:32 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: Tips fra VG Nett: Sex i alle kanaler
To: ( har lest denne artikkelen på VG Nett, og har benyttet tipsfunksjonen for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på den.

Sex i alle kanaler
TV-kanalene satser på sex og mener de speiler folks hverdag. Kritikerne mener TV-satsingen handler om at seksualitet selger.

Les artikkelen her: sier:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:26 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Tips fra VG Nett: - Brukte kokain på NRK-fest

hide details 4:26 PM (0 minutes ago)


this is someone pretending to be a famous TV-presenter in Norway who are sending me unwanted e-mails.

I've been told, by someone calling themselves 'Skopion', on irc, (EF-net), claiming to have sources in the Norwegian Police, that this childrens TV-presenter is in the infamous Mette-Marit porn-video featuring the crown-princess of Norway.

She is supposed to be snorting cocain of the half African TV-presenters genitals while earlier Norwegian PM Willoch is looking at.

I don't know if this is true doe.

Then, the important people in Norway are supposed to have joined a ned Mason-lodge, after all the members of the old Masons were published, by TV-channel TV2.

I don't know if these roumours are true, but they were told by a guy with the nick 'skorpion'.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonna S.
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: Tips fra VG Nett: - Brukte kokain på NRK-fest

Jonna S. ( har lest denne artikkelen på VG Nett, og har benyttet tipsfunksjonen for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på den.

- Brukte kokain på NRK-fest
En prosjektleder i NRK skal ha brukt og tilbudt kokain til medarbeidere under en årsfest i kanalen.

Les artikkelen her:

Jonna S. sier:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:19 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: You're ready to get started

hide details 4:19 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 99designs Support
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 4:23 PM
Subject: You're ready to get started
To: Miss Erik Ribsskog

Hi Miss Erik Ribsskog,

My name is Jason and I’d like to personally welcome you to the 99designs community.

As the Community Director my job is to help you get started on 99designs so that you can quickly start earning your share of over $1,200,000 in prize money that we pay out to designers every month.

It’s time to get started! Complete the list of easy steps on the “Get started” page in “My account” and you’ll be up and running fast.

If you have any questions just reply to this email - I’m here to help!

Best Regards,

The 99designs Team

PS: Keep your finger on the pulse!
Follow 99designs on Twitter:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:16 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: FAA Orders & Notices Update Notification

hide details 4:16 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Federal Aviation Administration
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 4:21 PM
Subject: FAA Orders & Notices Update Notification

Orders & Notices Update Notification
You are subscribed to the FAA Orders & Notices update notification service. The following order/notice has recently been added/updated.
8900.171 - OpSpecs and A040 for part 129
Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact
GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration · 408 St. Peter Street Suite 600 · St. Paul MN 55102 · 1-800-439-1420

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angaaende online trakassering

fromErik Ribsskog
toTrygg og Sikker Kundesenter

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:11 PM
subjectRe: [Henvendelse #DDH-47186-245] Informasjonsforesprsel -

hide details 4:11 PM (0 minutes ago)


ok, thanks for the reply!

It's tricky then, when the Police don't reply.

The Police Complaint Commission, here in the UK, seems to think it's ok that the Police don't reply.

The IPCC also think it's ok for the Police to call me 'Miss'.

And now the IPCC refuse to accept more e-mails from me.

I think the IPCC in the UK might be corrupt.

Any advice on what to do when the Police don't do their job, and the IPCC don't eighter?


Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Trygg og Sikker Kundesenter wrote:

On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 14:21:40 +0100, Erik Ribsskog wrote:
> Hi,
> well I don't think this is misspelling.
> Because I get around one hundred of these e-mails daily.
> Perhaps you could be so kind as to find the name, of the person, who is
> attacking me.
> Since I don't have the time to do this myself, and the Police aren't
> answering my e-mails, so they don't do their job, it seems.

Hi Erik. Can't help you with that I am afraid, and neither will the ISP without the Police requesting the information.

With kind regards

Med vennlig hilsen
Jarle Dahl Bergersen

Trygg og Sikker AS
Telefon: 22 110 110
Telefaks: 22 41 86 08

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:02 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: iTrain

hide details 4:02 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Asle Pedersen
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 3:22 PM
Subject: iTrain

Is there a specific reason for why it should be a discount for gay people…?
All our prices is the same for hetero, gay, trance and all other kind of religion or sexual orientation.

Asle Pedersen

Tlf: +47 91 63 73 80
Olav Kyrres Gate 22
5014 Bergen
Facebook iTrain

iTrain_logo_lilla kopi[3][15].png
6K View Download

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:56 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Denne e-posten er desverre ikke i bruk. Re: Du er nå påmeldt DB Deals i Oslo

hide details 3:56 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending forged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: DB Deals
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: Denne e-posten er desverre ikke i bruk. Re: Du er nå påmeldt DB Deals i Oslo


og takk for din henvendelse. Dette er et automatisk svar, da vi ikke
har mulighet til å besvare henvendelser til denne epost-adressen.

Hvis du ønsker å melde deg av vårt nyhetsbrev, vennligst trykk på
linken for avmelding som du finner helt nederst i nyhetsbrevet.

For andre henvendelser kan du benytte vårt kontaktskjema som du finner

Teamet bak DBDeals

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:53 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Kontakt oss

hide details 3:53 PM (0 minutes ago)

someone are sending foged spoofing e-mails in my name.
I wanted to report this as crime.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abomed Epost
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: SV: Kontakt oss
To: ""

Da må du i så fall melde deg ut av FrP om du ønsker det..

Med vennlig hilsen

Patrick A.Andresen
Tlf.: 23 13 54 06 / 412 442 27
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-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: []
Sendt: 2. november 2011 18:56
Til: Abomed Epost
Emne: Kontakt oss

Navn: Erik Ribsskog

Adresse: England




Melding: Jeg vil gjerne melde meg inn i SV men er det så lurt da?



Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:49 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Spørsmål fra nettsidene

hide details 3:49 PM (0 minutes ago)


someone are sending foged spoofing e-mails in my name.

I wanted to report this as crime.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Plan Norge Info
Date: 2011/11/7
Subject: SV: Spørsmål fra nettsidene
To: ""

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Med vennlig hilsen/Best regards,
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Fra: Erika Ribsskog []
Sendt: 6. november 2011 16:45
Til: Plan Norge Info
Emne: Spørsmål fra nettsidene

Ditt navn: Erika Ribsskog
Din e-postadresse:
Ditt spørsmål:
Hei. Kan dere hjelpe meg?
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Jobcentre

fromErik Ribsskog,

ccPhso Enquiries

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:41 PM
subjectCouncil Tax/Fwd: Complaint about Council tax complaint/Fwd: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>

hide details 3:41 PM (1 minute ago)


Liverpool City Council sent me a letter the other day, saying that they want to deduct money, from my Jobseekers Allowance.

However, those arrears are part of an ongoing complaint-case I have against the Liverpool City Council which have even been with the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

To not make this more complicated than necessary, I ask the Jobcenter to wait untill that case is settled, with withdrawing money.

I ask the Parliamentary Ombudsman for more advice regarding this case, as the Liverpool City Council have closed the complaint-file ten days after sending the long letter refered to in the forwareded e-mail, which I think is much to early, and as far as I remember it this breaches the Liverpool City Councils own Complaint Procedure.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:58 PM
Subject: Complaint about Council tax complaint/Fwd: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>
To: Liverpool Direct
Cc: Phso Enquiries


at the end of last week, I recieved a long letter, about this, from the Council.

The letter was largely rubbish, I think I have to say.

I'll try to index my complaints.


You say my claim for Income Support is 'out of date'.

Where as the Department of Work and Pensions have let me update about my finances for my business many months later.

What counts is when I get aware of what Income Support is.

I have been self-employed and I haven't had a fixed monthly income, so I couldn't tell you about how much I'd earn, right away.

I'm also from Norway, and don't know about Income Support, since Norwegian newspapers don't write about the British society in detail.

Also, my uncle in Norway, Martin Ribsskog, once told me, that a doctor had given him compensation, years later, when he didn't know about a Government programme.

So then it should be like this, in this case as well, I think.

This with just saying 'out of date', is like something Balderick in Black Adder would have said.

Please don't f*ck around, Norwegians hate being treated like that, and you are in the EU now, eighter you like it or not.

If you don't like it then have a go at your politicians instead of having a go at normal people.

I've also contacted you about Income Support earlier, in 2010, but then you didn't reply at all, you just moved my debt back from the Bailiff, or at least part of the debt, since you have kept my dept on one Bailiff account and one secret account it seems.


You say that you became aware of that I was un-employed when I contacted you about Income Support, in 2010.

But I called you in November 2008 about this, so you are clearly lieing.

You probably write this so as to label me long time unemployed so that moralists are going to mess with me.

Like Baldrick in Black Adder, to get someone Christian to mess with someone, etc.


You moved my debt, to be withdrawn, from my Jobseekers Allowance, in 2010, but you didn't put all the debt, on that account.

When I moved from Liverpool, to Sunderland, earlier this year, then suddently around £500 more debt, turned up.

This means someone have messed with my Council Tax-account, I think.

Is Balderick from Black Adder working for you?

Is it the Vatican who don't like me?

(I remember a woman standing outside of the vatican 'embassy' in London, blowing sigarette smoke on me, when I went to the Norwegian embassy, in 2007, with an employment case against Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, which the Merseyside Police had stopped answering me about).

Are the Vatican controlling the Liverpool City Council and messing with me because I'm from a protestant country, (Norway), and making secret files there?

What's going on?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool Direct
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 8:07 PM
Subject: Your housing benefit enquiry <<#22175-137133#>>

Your unique reference number is: 137133
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about housing benefit.
I have forwarded the details to the benefits service. They will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 18/10/11 15:28:14 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct
Subject: Re: Complaint/Fwd: Case ID - 11012993


thank you very much for your reply!

Actually, I also think I should have gotten Income-support. Concil-Tax Benefit and Housing Allowance, from when I was Self Employed, between March 2007 and November 2008.

Since I didn't earn that much then.

Is it any way I can please get these money now, since I have arrears now, with a lot of companies, dating back from the time I worked as Self Employed.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Liverpool Direct wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 137133
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Mr Ribsskog.

Thank you for your e-mail about your council tax complaint. I have forwarded the details to the service area that will be able to help you with this. They will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 17/10/11 15:12:42 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct
CC:Phso Enquiries
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Case ID - 11012993


the Council are charging me for Council-tax, (around £511), which I've paid to Jacobs Bailiff, in Birkenhead, (like the Council asked me to).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Angie Lecuyer
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: Case ID - 11012993
To: ""

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your email. You still need to complain to the council first I’m afraid. If you would like to discuss the complaints process in more detail you can contact the advice team on 0300 0610614 and an advisor will try and help you.

Kind Regards

Angie Lecuyer
Customer Service Adviser | Tel: 0300 061 0614
The Oaks No 2 | Westwood Way | Westwood Business Park | Coventry | CV4 8JB |

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 14 October 2011 14:55
To: LGOAT Mailbox
Cc: Phso Enquiries
Subject: Re: Case ID - 11012993


I was wondering, before I contact the Council.

Are you aware of that the Parliamentary Ombudsman refered me to the LGO?

I've already had a complaint from before, against the Liverpool City Council, and then I just sent e-mails, by the way.

Thanks in advance for clearing up about this!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 2:32 PM, wrote:
13 October 2011
Our ref: 11 012 993
(Please quote our reference when contacting us)
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your complaint against Liverpool City Council (the “Council”).
The law says that, before investigating a complaint, the Ombudsman must normally be satisfied that the Council knows about the complaint and has been given the opportunity to investigate and to reply. Usually, you need to put your complaint through all stages of the Council ’s own complaints process before the Ombudsman can look at it. The attached fact sheet explains this in greater detail.
From the information you have provided it is not clear whether your complaint has been through the Council ’s complaints process. If you have not yet done so, I suggest that you now make a formal complaint, in writing, to the chief executive of the Council. If you are still dissatisfied at the end of the process, you may complain to the Ombudsman.
If you feel that your complaint has already completed the Council ’s complaints process, please call the Advice Team on the number above. It would help if you have with you the Council ’s written response to your complaint when you call as our Adviser will ask you some questions about what the letter says.
I hope this is of assistance. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you will make a complaint to the Council, and we will not contact you again.

Yours sincerely
Angie Lecuyer
Customer Service Adviser
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til United Utilities

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:31 PM
subjectProblems with Payment-card/Fwd: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: Customer Account Number: 409 563 4376

hide details 3:31 PM (0 minutes ago)


I went to my local shop, (Londis in Ashbrooke), the other day, to pay the token-payment.

But they told me that the magnet-strip on the card didn't work.

Could you please send me new card?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 4:15 PM
Subject: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: Customer Account Number: 409 563 4376

I've been adviced by the CCCS, to pay token-payment, to my creditors, before I get a new job.
I've set the token-payment amount, to £5 a month.
But now I've reviewed my budget, and I have so many token-payments now, and I live at a hostell, where I have to pay £73 a month, so I have to reset the amount on the token-payments to £1 a month now unfortunately, from next month.
So I'm going to pay you £1 a month, from next month.
This e-mail I send insted of a token-payment, for this month.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:13 PM
Subject: Customer Account Number: 409 563 4376


I just wanted to inform you about that I moved from my old address, in 5 Leather Lane, Liverpool, L2 2AE, on 17/8.

I'm currently un-employed and on a budget with the CCCS, so I was wondering if it's ok that I pay you token-payments, each month, since I have arrears with you, untill I get a new job.

(I pay the other companies I owe money £5 a month, untill I find a new job).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:24 PM
subjectReport of crime

hide details 3:24 PM (0 minutes ago)


someone have sent me unwanted letters calling me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog'.

I wanted to report this as harassment-crime.


Erik Ribsskog

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Her er vedlegget:


Jeg fortsetter aa soeke paa jobber. Denne gang som Assistant Manager

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:13 PM

hide details 3:13 PM (0 minutes ago)


I read about this vacancy on the Jobcente Website and wanted to please apply for this job!

I've worked as a Shop Manager in Norway, in three different shops, in Norways biggest retail-chain ICA.

I've studied at University-level for five years. First two years of Information Management, in Norway, then two years of IT, also in Norway, and then one year of Computing, at University of Sunderland.

I'm unemployed at the moment so I could start as soon as possible.

I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc
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