tirsdag 13. februar 2018

Jeg sendte en e-post til Nkom

Erik Ribsskog
1704321-1 - Klage - Lycamobile
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 21:55
Til: "Storjord,Lars Edvard"
Kopi: CS , juridisk , Chili Mobil , "post@sivilombudsmannen.no" , firmapost@nkom.no

nå svarer du vel på en kopi e-post.

(Som jeg sendte til deres informasjon, som de vel sier).

Jeg har i mange år sendt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet.

Det er faktisk sånn, at jeg ikke lenger husker nøyaktig hvorfor jeg begynte å sende om identitetstyveri-saker til de.

Men jeg har mange Spesialenheten-klager, (som også blir trenert).

Så det er vel noe med det.

Og at det offentlige 'hele tida' bytter navn, på sine etater.

For dere het vel tidligere Post og Tele-tilsynet.

Det blir som en uting, vil jeg si.

(For da blir det lettere å blande/surre, for folk.

Og jeg har sendt om mange saker til Post og Tele-tilsynet sin etterfølger.

Men jeg synes det mest er tull, sånn som jeg husker det.

Sender derfor også kopi til Sivilombudsmannen).

Erik Ribsskog

1. august 2017 kl. 10:14 skrev Storjord,Lars Edvard :

Viser til din henvendelse.

Klage/tvist om avtaleinngåelse må fremsettes for Brukerklagenemnda for elektronisk kommunikasjon, jf. svaret du mottok angående en lignende problemstilling den 14. oktober 2015. Eventuelt anbefales du å vurdere politianmeldelse ved mistanke om identitetstyveri.

Med vennlig hilsen

Lars Edv. Storjord


avdeling Marked

seksjon for telefoni og nummerforvaltning

Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet

Sentralbord: 22 82 46 00

Dir. tlf.: 22 82 47 48



Fra: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sendt: 28. juli 2017 06:57
Til: CS
Kopi: juridisk; Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet (firmapost@nkom.no); Chili Mobil
Emne: Oppdatering/Fwd: Lycamobile kundestøtte


når jeg skulle pakke sammen brevet igjen.

Så så jeg, at det stod, en kode til.

Det står: 'Serienummeret til ditt nye sim kort: 8947230170002586383'.

Jeg sender også dette brevet tilbake til dere.

Så får dere finne ut av det selv også.

(Det kan vel lett bli, en typo, når man skal punche denne koden sånn.

Dette er snakk om, en lang rad, med sifre, uten mellomrom).

Jeg sender også med, en scan, av brevet deres, så kan dere se der.

Erik Ribsskog


Adressen min har jeg streket over, i brevet.

Og det er fordi, at ellers så sender posten det tilbake igjen, og tilbake igjen.

Og det vet jeg, for noen har en kampanje, hvor de bestiller masse 'dritt', i mitt navn, på nettet.

For å nedlesse meg i arbeid, virker det som.

PS 2.

Det var også en lignende sak, for cirka et år siden, hvor noen prøvde å portere mitt abonement, til Chilli.

---------- Videresendt e-post ----------
Fra: Erik Ribsskog
Dato: 28. juli 2017 kl. 06:49
Emne: Re: Lycamobile kundestøtte
Til: CS
Kopi: juridisk , firmapost@nkom.no


nå hadde jeg egentlig tenkt til, å sende dette brevet, i retur.

Men jeg får åpne det igjen da.

Det står PUK 93771618, hvis det er det nummeret, som du lurer på.

Kan dere også informere om, hvem det er, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn?

Erik Ribsskog

25. juli 2017 kl. 14:49 skrev CS :


Takk for at du har kontaktet Lycamobile kundestøtte.

Vennligst send oss sim kort serie nummert så vi kan sperre dette nummeret så fort som mulig.

Hvis du ikke har dette så anbefaler jeg at du kontakter politiet.

Om det er noe mer du lurer på er det bare å kontakte oss igjen eller alternativt besøke vår hjemmeside.

Ha en fortsatt fin dag videre.

Vennlig Hilsen,

Jamila F

Lycamobil Kundestøtte

Tlf fra LycaMobil: 3332

Tlf fra annen Telefon: 9473 3332 / 2154 7171

Hjemmeside: www.lyca-mobile.no

Description: Description: Description: cid:image011.png@01D0FA92.CB641F10Description: Description: Description: cid:315BCFB9-7BC0-4749-821B-3FEDDD4C4B92Description: Description: Description: cid:D8C920D2-E364-48A5-B9CE-D42AF260DD0BDescription: Description: Description: cid:B3994090-9899-4029-A865-24FD19B4F638Description: Description: Description: cid:5911A58B-DAC8-49A3-9526-EFFC45C536B5Description: Description: Description: cid:7FBEECD6-B10C-4A89-81A2-85C51DB773F4Description: Description: Description: cid:4FFC553E-7AEE-40B7-9E63-59E75F15A450Description: Description: Description: cid:59EF574B-1565-476D-B775-380436E2A593

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 16. juli 2017 17:56
To: juridisk
Cc: cs@lyca-mobile.no
Subject: Klage/Fwd: Welcome to Lycamobile


dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke

virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes


---------- Videresendt e-post ----------
Dato: 10. juli 2017 kl. 09:11
Emne: Welcome to Lycamobile
Til: eribsskog@gmail.com

Kjære  Erik Ribsskog ,

Takk for din vellykkede registrering av Lycamobile sim kort.

SDitt Lycamobile sim kort vil bli sendt til din registrerte adresse i løpet av 7 virkedager.

SHvis du har noen spørsmål angående din bestilling, vennligst kontakt oss på cs@lyca-mobile.no

Med vennlig hilsen,

Lycamobile Kundeservice teamet.

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Erik Ribsskog
Reference; C2021696 PHSO:0623000070
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 21:35
Til: PHSO Enquiries
Kopi: "postmottak@sivilombudsmannen.no"

could you please send this in a less 'Russian' way.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

2017-08-01 13:48 GMT+02:00 PHSO Enquiries :

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Enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Her kommer din faktura fra Brødboksen Twd AS
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 21:09
Til: juridisk
Kopi: faktura.no@arvato-invoice.com

dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes

---------- Videresendt e-post ----------
Fra: faktura.no@arvato-invoice.com
Dato: 7. august 2017 kl. 04:38
Emne: Her kommer din faktura fra Brødboksen Twd AS
Til: eribsskog@gmail.com

Denne mailen inneholder din faktura fra Brodboksen.no

Navn: Erik Ribsskog
Kundenummer: 50191
Fakturadato: 07.08.2017
Forfallsdato: 21.08.2017
KID-nummer: 631194005019100000002
Beløp å betale: 545,00
Kontonummer: 15030825141
Se vedlegg for å se faktura i sin helhet.

Har du spørsmål om betaling? Har du spørsmål om tjenesten?
Kontakt Arvato Finance Kontakt Brødboksen Twd AS
kundeservice@arvato.com hei@brodboksen.no
+47 22 87 89 70 400 64 200


Mer om nettmobbing

Dette sammendraget er ikke tilgjengelig. Klikk her for å se innlegget.

Jeg sendte en e-post til Rightmove

Erik Ribsskog
Re: Ticket ID: [#199674] Update/Fwd: Refund
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 19:45
Til: Customer Support
Kopi: admin@tpos.co.uk, Info , Runcorn Office , LbF Leieboerforeningen

thank's for the reply!

I didn't have time to sort with this at the time.

(I lived at hotels and changed hotel quite often during the delays from Golding.

Since I didn't think it would take more than a few days to get the keys to flat, (which I had been promissed)).

But I now send a copy about this to the Property Ombudsman.

So perhaps they can deal with it.

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

2017-08-22 13:39 GMT+02:00 Customer Support :
Good afternoon Erik,

Thank you for your email and I am sorry to hear you have experienced this with this agent.

If you wish to make a formal complaint against the estate agent in question you need to follow their in house complaints procedure or report this to the Property Ombudsman or Trading Standards.

I do apologise I am not able to assist with this any further,

Kind Regards,

Roseanna Underwood
Customer Experience Team
My Happy: A gaming room!

T: 01908 712 300
E: customersupport@rightmove.co.uk

This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged. The content and views expressed are those of the sender and not necessarily of Rightmove Group Limited or Rightmove plc and its other subsidiaries. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not disclose, copy or use any part of it. Please delete all copies immediately and notify the sender. Rightmove Group Limited is registered in England and Wales, No.03997679. Registered Office: Turnberry House, 30 Caldecotte Lake Drive, Caldecotte, Milton Keynes, MK7 8LE.

On Mon, 21 Aug at 11:27 AM , Erik Ribsskog wrote:

this is a new update.

These have dragged out a letting-process for weeks and weeks.

They have first shook hands with me, and told me, a flat was mine.

And after this they have repeatetly not sent promissed forms by e-mail.

When I then went to their city-centre-office, they forged a file, and wrote nonsense, on a form, after I had signed it, and behind my back.

(This I noticed some days later, when I returned there, since they didn't send an e-mail the same day, as promissed.

And an Amy there showed me the mentioned form, wich then had some other hand-writing than mine, added on it).

And they are lying and lying about the rent, etc.

(Which should be possible to se, on the Rightmove-site, I reackon).

And I've told them I would get back to them, when I've found out, how much they owe me.

Yet they send me more non-sense e-mails, and waste more of my time.

This has now wasted a lot of my time and also money, (since I've had to stay longer at hotels, after moving over again from Norway, due to that this company is doing sabotage/warfare against me, I have to call it, since they lie, and do fraud etc., to make problems for me, it seems).

This I wanted to complain about.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Katherine
Date: 2017-08-21 10:45 GMT+01:00
Subject: Refund
To: "eribsskog@gmail.com"
Cc: Brian Price


We are still waiting on your details to refund your application fee.  You have failed our preliminary checks and we are not able to rent a property to you.

Please ensure that these are provided within 24 hours or we reserve the right not to retain the fee under the terms of the application form you have signed.

Kind Regards

Description: Description: Description: golding_logo

Katherine Nelson MARLA
Director  E: katherine@goldingestates.co.uk   W: www.goldingestates.co.uk

Student Lettings
Unit 3, Exchange Street East, Liverpool. L2 3PF. T:0151 227 1199.

Residential Lettings
Unit 3, Exchange Street East, Liverpool L2 3PF  T: 0151 227  1199  F: 0151 227 1887

Development & Maintenance
195 – 197 Green Lane, Stoneycroft, Liverpool L13 6RH T:0151 541 1090       

Property Management
199 – 201 Green Lane, Stoneycroft, Liverpool L13 6RH T:0151 228 7777       

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Mer om budsjett

Erik Ribsskog
RE: Your reference: 198760613 (Thread:2253564)
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 19:26
Til: Customer Services
Kopi: "post@inkassoklagenemnda.no" , Q&A

I've moved back to Norway now.

So you wouldn't be able to like confirm/verify my post-code.

Erik Ribsskog


So I guess this is point-less.

I'm not sure this is fine.

That I have to write lots of funny codes to get a confirmation about that you have received my payment, and that my debt has been deleted.

2018-02-13 19:17 GMT+01:00 Customer Services :
Good Evening,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I understand you’re concerned about providing personal information by email.

Protecting your personal account information

However, under the Data Protection Act we’re unable to disclose any information, or act upon any requests, until security checks have been completed. This is just to ensure we are not disclosing information to anyone other than our customer.

If you’d like to discuss this account by email, please provide the following:

·         Your date of birth.

·         Your current address, including your postcode.

If you’d prefer, you can confirm this email address by registering on our secure customer website at www.lowell.co.uk or by calling our team on 0333 556 5733.

If the security checks are not completed, I’ll be unable to continue corresponding by e-mail.

Kind Regards,


Lowell Financial, part of Lowell

T: 0333 556 5733

Email: post@lowellgroup.co.uk

Opening Times: Monday - Friday 08:00 to 20:00, Saturday 08:00 to 14:00

Website: www.lowell.co.uk

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 February 2018 22:53
To: Customer Services
Cc: post@inkassoklagenemnda.no
Subject: Re: Your reference: 198760613 (Thread:2253564)


could you please confirm that you have received this payment now.


Erik Ribsskog

2017-12-15 11:06 GMT+01:00 Customer Services :

Good morning,

Thanks for your email.

Authorising this email address

As we don’t have confirmation that this email address is for you, we’d be grateful if you could confirm the following for security purposes:

Your date of birth.
Your current address, including your postcode.

If you’d prefer, you can confirm this email address by registering on our secure customer website at www.lowell.co.uk or by calling our team on 0333 556 5733.

If the security checks are not completed, I’ll be unable to continue corresponding by e-mail.

Kind regards,


Lowell Financial, part of Lowell

T: 0333 556 5733

Email: post@lowellgroup.co.uk

Opening Times: Monday - Friday 08:00 to 20:00, Saturday 08:00 to 14:00

Website: www.lowell.co.uk

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 14 December 2017 23:39
To: post@lowellgroup.co.uk
Subject: Your reference: 198760613 (Thread:2253564)


I'm refering to your letter from 11/12.

I've now arranged a payment from my account with RBS, of the £304.14, that I owe you/Vanquis.

(Since I've now finally managed to sell some property in Norway, after many many years).

So you should receive this payment one of the next days.

Thanks for the loan.


Erik Ribsskog

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the named recipient of this email. If you are not the named recipient you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete the email from your records. Warning: although Lowell Financial Ltd. has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, Lowell Financial Ltd. cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments and it is recommended that you check all emails with an appropriate virus scanner.

Lowell Financial Ltd of Ellington House, 9 Savannah Way, Leeds Valley Park, Leeds, LS10 1AB is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 4558936. Lowell Financial Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated accounts.

Our customer service is rated as ‘Exceptional’ by Investor in Customers - the independent customer experience consultancy’s highest accolade. Over 2,000 customers shared their views in 2017.

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Lowell Financial Ltd of Ellington House, 9 Savannah Way, Leeds Valley Park, Leeds, LS10 1AB is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 4558936. Lowell Financial Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated accounts.

Our customer service is rated as ‘Exceptional’ by Investor in Customers - the independent customer experience consultancy’s highest accolade. Over 2,000 customers shared their views in 2017.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the named recipient of this email. If you are not the named recipient you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete the email from your records. Warning: although Lowell Financial Ltd. has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, Lowell Financial Ltd. cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments and it is recommended that you check all emails with an appropriate virus scanner.

Lowell Financial Ltd of Ellington House, 9 Savannah Way, Leeds Valley Park, Leeds, LS10 1AB is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 4558936. Lowell Financial Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated accounts.

Our customer service is rated as ‘Exceptional’ by Investor in Customers - the independent customer experience consultancy’s highest accolade. Over 2,000 customers shared their views in 2017.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the named recipient of this email. If you are not the named recipient you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete the email from your records. Warning: although Lowell Financial Ltd. has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, Lowell Financial Ltd. cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments and it is recommended that you check all emails with an appropriate virus scanner.

Lowell Financial Ltd of Ellington House, 9 Savannah Way, Leeds Valley Park, Leeds, LS10 1AB is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 4558936. Lowell Financial Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of consumer credit regulated accounts.

Our customer service is rated as ‘Exceptional’ by Investor in Customers - the independent customer experience consultancy’s highest accolade. Over 2,000 customers shared their views in 2017.

Mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Ny melding fra Kruta Eiendom på hybel.no
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 19:04
Til: juridisk
Kopi: levering@hybel.no

dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes

---------- Videresendt e-post ----------
Fra: Hybel.no
Dato: 13. februar 2018 kl. 18:22
Emne: Ny melding fra Kruta Eiendom på hybel.no
Til: eribsskog@gmail.com

Gå til samtale Deaktiver profil

Du kan også svare Kruta ved å svare på denne e-posten

hva mener du bo gratis? At NAV betaler?

Mvh Asle,
Kruta Eiendom
man. 12. feb. 2018 kl. 22:58 skrev Hybel.no :


Kruta Eiendom

Gjelder bolig:
Hybel, Elgesetergate 45

Denne e-posten er sendt fra hybel.no på vegne av Kruta Eiendom. Dersom du ikke ønsker å bli varslet ved hver melding kan du endre varslingsinnstillinger inne på min profil. Kontakt oss på kontakt@hybel.no ved mistanke om misbruk. Hybel AS, Strandgaten 19, 0152 OSLO.

Jeg sendte en e-post til Leieboerforeningen etc.

Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: Letter from Belvoir Sales & Lettings Liverpool West Derby
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 15:03
Til: Runcorn Office , Info , LbF Leieboerforeningen
Kopi: Alyx McKenna , Benefits Service , "emb.london"

other problems with this flat, was that 'everything' fell down on the bath-room.

They had just used like double-sided-tape to put up the towel-ring, etc.

And also some shelves fell down, (due to that they weren't properly put up, I'd say, because when people use the shower, then it gets humid, and then stuff fell down there, so previous occupants probably didn't shower very much, it seems).

Also the gas-heathers didn't work.

Only the gas-stove, but one couldn't really use the owen, because the lowest burner didn't burn clean, I'd say, (even if I'm from Norway were we almost only use electricity for owens/stoves and not gas)).

I also wonder if it was asbest in the walls there, because one could hear any sound like from the neighbours downstairs and upstairs.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alyx McKenna
Date: 2018-02-13 11:58 GMT+01:00
Subject: Letter from Belvoir Sales & Lettings Liverpool West Derby
To: "eribsskog@gmail.com"

Dear Erik Ribsskog

Re: Visit on behalf of your landlord

Further to the terms of your tenancy agreement we write to respectfully request that we may be allowed to visit your home on the FRIDAY 16TH FEBRUARY 2018 BETWEEN 10-4  for the purpose of carrying out a visit on behalf of your landlord.

You do not need to attend but it would be advisable if you have any issues or repairs to report to us. If you are not home, then we will carry out the inspection using the keys that we hold in the office.

It is in your best interest to contact the office immediately if you need to arrange a new date and/or time for us to visit the property, otherwise the inspection will be carried out on the day stated above with the keys we hold.

For any inspections that we are unable to gain access on the date stated in this letter, a fee of £29.17 plus VAT will be charged. This totals £35 and will be deducted from your deposit when you vacate the property.

The Inspection is carried out using an app on a phone. A photo report, similar to the inventory you received prior to moving into the property is produced and sent directly to your landlord. This report is only seen by the office and your landlord and will not be used for anything else.

If for any reason you are unable to open the attached file, please click on the link below for assistance.



Alyx McKenna

BELVOIR! Liverpool West Derby

54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB

T: 0151 256 0880 F: 0151 256 0925

E: westderby@belvoir.co.uk W: www.belvoir.co.uk

Click the photo to see the blog!!   Check out this week’s article!!

cid:image001.png@01D37B06.EF2CD7B0      cid:image001.jpg@01D3857D.47BB74B0   cid:image003.jpg@01D37B06.EF2CD7B0            cid:image004.jpg@01D37B06.EF2CD7B0

We are proud to announce that we are the winners of North West Office of the Year, Customer Review Office of the Year and Social Media Office of the Year at the recent Belvoir Awards Ceremony. The ceremony took place in Oxford on Friday 17th March 2017 and the award was presented to us by Gyles Brandreth. We also recently won Gold Award for Letting Agency in the North West (as voted for by Tenants) 2016 on Friday 15th April 2016 at the prestigious ESTAS awards in London. We would like to thank all landlords and tenants who have voted for us to win these award three years consecutively.

Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is a Franchise owned and operated under license by ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central registered in England, Registration Number: 5036655. Registered Office: 54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB. ADAB Ltd is a Franchisee of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd and not a subsidiary or sister company ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is an Appointed Representative of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd who are authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Reference Number 309103

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.


Jeg sendte en e-post til Belvoir

Erik Ribsskog
Christmas 2017
Erik Ribsskog 13. februar 2018 kl. 14:47
Til: Alyx McKenna
Kopi: Benefits Service , Runcorn Office , Info , LbF Leieboerforeningen

it's isn't really empty, because I bought a lot of furniture for it, that I couldn't bring with me on my flight back to Norway.

I moved out inbetween Christmas and New Year, (but I've been a bit occupied in Norway, so I haven't gotten to tell you before now unfortunately).

I've rented since I was nineteen, and these inspections I've never heard of before.

I lived in Waldemar Thranes gate in Oslo, from 1996 to 2004, and no inspections, (only once, when there was a new owner of my landlord/employer Rimi/ICA).

There were rat-poison everywhere when I moved in, so you must have been aware of the problem with the mice, I'd say.

Also, I was first with Golding, (and I got a flat in New Court Road, also in Tuebrook), but they dragged it out and tricked me, so I didn't have much choise, and one can't be expected to see every detail, (like the missing 'D' on the door, on a viewing), I'd say.

But this is with Tpas, Taroe and LFB now.

So I'm going to let them deal with it from now on.

Thanks for the reply!

Erik Ribsskog

2018-02-13 10:46 GMT+01:00 Alyx McKenna :
Hi Erik,

Thank you for your email.

When did leave?

All agents carry out property inspections, you were made aware of this when you moved in, and have also signed confirming this.

I have also double checked the notes and you have never made us aware of any of the issues you mentioned.

The mice – As per your tenancy agreement it is tenants responsibility to contact the council first. We would then arrange for any holes to be filled if needed.

Noise from neighbours – We have never been made aware of this, if we had we could have spoken to the other tenants

Letter D on the door – this has never changed since you viewed the property

Rubbish outside – This would be down to the building management company Re-Bloom. Belvoir only look after the actual flat.

Can you confirm f the property is empty now, so we are ok to go in?


Alyx McKenna

BELVOIR! Liverpool West Derby

54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB

T: 0151 256 0880 F: 0151 256 0925

E: westderby@belvoir.co.uk W: www.belvoir.co.uk

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We are proud to announce that we are the winners of North West Office of the Year, Customer Review Office of the Year and Social Media Office of the Year at the recent Belvoir Awards Ceremony. The ceremony took place in Oxford on Friday 17th March 2017 and the award was presented to us by Gyles Brandreth. We also recently won Gold Award for Letting Agency in the North West (as voted for by Tenants) 2016 on Friday 15th April 2016 at the prestigious ESTAS awards in London. We would like to thank all landlords and tenants who have voted for us to win these award three years consecutively.

Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is a Franchise owned and operated under license by ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central registered in England, Registration Number: 5036655. Registered Office: 54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB. ADAB Ltd is a Franchisee of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd and not a subsidiary or sister company ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is an Appointed Representative of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd who are authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Reference Number 309103

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 February 2018 21:23
To: Alyx McKenna
Cc: Benefits Service ; Runcorn Office ; Info ; LbF Leieboerforeningen
Subject: Re: Christmas 2017


I've now moved back to Norway, so I'm not going to use the flat anymore.

Also I didn't like it that you said you were going to have 'inspections'.

That's unheard of, I think.

Erik Ribsskog


Also there were mice there, (that were almost mad, it seemed).

And also the neighbour downstairs talked load all the time, with a discusting 'bass-vibrato' voice.

So one had to have the TV on loud, so not to get sick by this 'bass-voice'.

And no letter 'D' on the door.

(People, (who someone let into the staircase), harrassed me, and wondered if it was 'E')).

Also lots of garbage behind the bins, and sticks, (that someone put there, or if they were from the neighbours garden), that made it imposible to open the bins without making a noise.

And a shopping-trolley in the garden, (a bit hid).

It was a bit like in a ghetto, I think.

And also the people in 'E' where fighting and the police were in the stair-case for lots of hours, (so these were probably criminals).

This was the worst place I ever lived, I think.

This I wanted to complain about.

2017-12-21 14:57 GMT+01:00 Alyx McKenna :

Hi Erik Ribsskog

I am writing to inform you that our office in Liverpool West Derby will be closed from 23rd December until 2nd January

You can report a repair through our Fixflo software here https://belvoir-west-derby.fixflo.com/Auth/HomeIssueCreate

Fixflo will be monitored over the Christmas Period

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team.


Belvoir Liverpool West Derby

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BELVOIR! Sales & Lettings Liverpool (West Derby), 54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB



We are proud to announce that we are the winners of North West Office of the Year, Customer Review Office of the Year and Social Media Office of the Year at the recent Belvoir Awards Ceremony. The ceremony took place in Oxford on Friday 17th March 2017 and the award was presented to us by Gyles Brandreth. We also recently won Gold Award for Letting Agency in the North West (as voted for by Tenants) 2016 on Friday 15th April 2016 at the prestigious ESTAS awards in London. We would like to thank all landlords and tenants who have voted for us to win these award three years consecutively.

Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is a Franchise owned and operated under license by ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central registered in England, Registration Number: 5036655. Registered Office: 54 Mill Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JB. ADAB Ltd is a Franchisee of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd and not a subsidiary or sister company ADAB Ltd trading as Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central is an Appointed Representative of Belvoir Property Management (UK) Ltd who are authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Reference Number 309103

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Belvoir Liverpool West Derby and Belvoir Liverpool Central. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you have received this email in error.