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lørdag 12. april 2008

A facist regime?

The Arvato-case.

Like I've written earlier on the blog, the imigration-control police in Detroit, in 2005, said that I didn't have a bond in Norway, so they sent me back to Oslo via Paris.

I'll find the picture, of what they wrote in my passport.

Later, this year, I've overheard that I have been used as a target-guy.

And in 2005, I was chased away from my uncles farm in Norway, by people with dogs and guns.

Could it be, that the Government think they are allowed to use people as target-guys, when the Government say they haven't got a bond?

There was some type of operation going on, on the airport Schipol in 2005.

And also when I went to Sunderland, with the train etc., later in 2005.

And also at work at Arvato in Liverpool in 2005 and 2006.

I was very stressed, since I had heard I was chased by some 'mafia', and was chased from my uncles farm etc.

Even if I didn't know exactly what was going on.

So, I wanted the British police to help me, and contact the Norwegian police etc., and check if my famlily was alright in Norway etc.

Since I got strange phone-calls from family and friends.

I picked up, things that it seemed to me, that I was supposed to overhear, that people said, and wanted me to hear, when I walked past the other Arvato-campaigns etc.

And I'm almost 100% certain that the traning-team there etc., were un-uniformed police, or civilian police, or how this is explained in English.

So I think the people there, saying that I shouldn't speak with the women on the Microsoft campaign, where I was working, most probably were un-uniformed police.

And, I thought it was like I was being spied on everywhere I went in town, and at work, and at the house I lived.

The landlord took away the electic heating etc., and I couldn't pay for all the gas for the whole myself, and I wasn't used with the gas from Norway eighter.

And I thought I had to do, what I thought was being told me from un-uniformed police there, since, I didn't understand why they didn't help me, with finding out what was going on with my family and friends.

I didn't understand anything at all, about what was going on.

So I was, more all less, in a state, when I was working at Arvato.

I stoped speaking with the Nordic women working there.

Since I overheard that I was told this, and a girl living in the same shared house as me, were asking/spying, regarding which women I spoke with at parties etc.

I now suspect, that the un-uniformed police, told me this, to not speak with the women at the Microsoft-campaign.

Since they had an operation going on, using me as some type of target-guy, like I later, this year, in town, picked up/overheard, had been going on.

And then, if I got to know someone at the campaign to well, then they had to say I had a bond, and then they couldn't use me as a target-guy any longer, according to their fucked up rules, since I can't see that this is in line with the human rights that people have.

The Police refuse to tell me anything at all.

A girl at work, was missing there for several months, home sick, we were told.

Later I overheard, being said by some quite old Brits working there, about someone, that, 'they're just a local mob, she'll be fine'.

Or something like this.

Could this be, that the Police had given a girl from the Microsoft campaign, to a local mob, so that there shouldn't be a risk of me getting a bond, and jepordising the police-operation, using me as a target-guy.

Whatever that is?

Because now, I can't even get help from Amnesty, the Red Cross or Human Rights Watch.

And from no government institutions.

The Police are refusing to tell me anything at all.

They are just pretending, that nothing has been going on.

So this shit, I think is very far out.

So whatever has been happening with peoples human-rights?

I they have been sacrificed by some crazy, facist cops.

This is very insane, I think, and it seems like the whole world has gone completely insane.

As far as I'm concerend, people have univerisal rights, like one can read on the UN webpages.

(Universal means, that they apply/are valid, everywhere, and all of the time. So they can't be f. with).

So this bullshit from the Police, I think has no place in a democratic society.

And noone gives a damn.

Not the media, not the CAB, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, the Red Cross, etc, etc.

So this is not a democracy, this is like the Sex Pistols sang.

That it's a facist regime.

It seems to me.

I don't dear to write 'God save the Queen'.

It says ERII (Elizabeth Regina II, Regina = latin, meaning Queen) on the Polices cars and letters.

So I guess she's involved.

Bloody hell.

The peoples rights have been sacrificed by a facist regime it seem.

It's alright having a facist regime probably.

If the people have elected one.

But they pretend it's a democracy, so how they have a facist regime, and say it's a democracy?

That doesn't make any sense at all.

How are people supposed to live their lifes, if soceity makes no sense?

And peoples rights are being sacrificed.

The Goverment are just fucking people around, and noone helps.

What kind of shit is this?

The Government have no right doing this.

What the fuck is this?

Noone gives a damn about peoples rights, in eighter Norway or Britain, it seems.

And it doesn't seem to be any better in America eigther, from what happened when I went to Detroit there.

So I don't know how to end this post.

There seems to be no organisation/institution, who cares about peoples rights at all.

So this I think is fucked up.

So I don't really know what to write.

We'll see.

Harassment, Facebook.

Facebook. Murdered Norwegian girl trapped in the net of an international criminal network?











Facebook. Escaped mental patient?















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Set the time-zone to GMT.

Sainsbury, Castle St. (In Norwegian).

Nå var jeg på Sainsbury i sentrum.

En medarbeider rulla den greia til å ha handlekurver på, dytta den med foten gjennom hele butikken.

Og sparka den bort til kassaområdet.

Og så gikk han ut for å hente kurvene.

Mens jeg sto i køen der da.

Det skjer alltid så mye sykt når jeg går ut døra.

Jeg tror det er noe politi/intelligence som samarbeider om å spionere på meg med folka i butikkene eller noe sånt.

Faen meg ikke mulig å ha noe normalt liv, når myndighetene, eller hvem det er, kødder med en non-stop.

Fy faen for noen svin.


Dem faen ikke rett å kødde med folk på den måten.

Norge er med i EUs indre marked, jeg har lov å jobbe og bo her og gå i butikken.

Hva faen er det her for noe dritt.

Han så meg, når jeg gikk forbi døra til lageret.

Han reagerte på meg, husker jeg.

Han som dytta den greia med hjul, til å ha handlekurvene på, fra lageret til kassene, med foten.

Sånn at man hørte at det var noe spetakkel bak en, når man sto i kø i kassa.

Trafficing of Nordic women?


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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