Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 6. august 2008

Facebook-conversation with Stephanie Madonna, from Sunderland.

Stephanie Madonna

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March 19 at 5:17am

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I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you...

lol, its been crazy, I went to Greece for a vacation, and it was awesome, but I've been so busy with work.

I lived in flat 2, Nicole lived with Kamal and Brusk a few flats down, on the same level as me.

I think we only had one big party...but I had a going back to the US dinner with Brusk and some people from his flat...maybe the CD was from that?

I understand, I'm sorry you are going through so much trouble.

The girl in the picture I had before is my friend Kristen. We went out for dinner on my friend Laura's birthday a few months ago.

How are things otherwise?

Erik Ribsskog

March 19 at 7:05am

Hi there Stephanie.

Ok, I thought you were in the flat, where you had the free beer etc.

But I think I'm beginning to get old, maybe my memory is failing me.

Thats right, wasn't it you I talked with at the Greech party there, in Sunderland?

I'm sorry if I remember wrong.

I'm also sorry that I'm asking so many questions.

It has been quite a lot of things going on, so I guess I'm becoming a bit paranoid.

There are water-inspectors in my flat etc., so I'm seeing CIA-agents etc. all the time.

Sorry about this.

It's very nice of you to answer me, and I hope you had a nice holiday in Greece.

You ask me how I am, I'm trying to get a bit control, because there a lot of things going on, that I'm not sure exactly what is.

There was a girl at my former work, that I'm not sure what happened to etc.

And, I've tried to get some advice.

Because, after I was Sunderland, then I eventually went back to Norwaym, around easter 2005, and worked at my uncles farm in Norway, in the woods etc, and then, someone got there who I overheard wanted to shoot me etc.

I also had some problems in 2003/04, when I overheard that I was chased by the 'mafia'.

So I ran away from Norway, in july 2005, since I didn't know who chased me.

But they had dogs and guns, and it seemed pretty organised, so I thought it would be smartest to abroad, and then try to contact the Norwegiand police etc., which I did.

But they didn't want to help me for some reason.

And I think the British Police, have used me as a kind of spy/target-guy against my knowledge, in my previous job, where it seemed to be some organised criminal networks.

I've got a lot of files etc., that shows illigal management-methods being used on the Arvato Microsoft campaign etc.

And a lot of stuff I fould, that the newspapers don't write about.

So it seems that it's something going on.

Lately, I've been contacting the British Rec Cross, since I had to flee from Norway in 2005, then I think I probably really is a refugee. (I think I am acording to the definition).

And I've contacted the British Red Cross, and asked them, for advice, on what to do, since I had to flee from Norway.

I wrote that I thought I was a refugee then.

But they just told me to contact the Norwegian Red Cross.

Which I find a bit strange, since it was Norway, that I had to run from.

Also Amnesty in both countries wont help, even if it's clear to me that the Government are breaking my human rights, or how it's explained in English.

So I'm trying to find about how it should really be, with the Red Cross and Amnesty.

I suspect that they are aren't really doing their job, for some reason.

So who one should contact, when the Government are messing with ones life and rights.

Like it seems clear to me that they are doing.

I'm not really sure, who one should contact then, if the Police/Government, are messing with ones life/rights, and are using you as a target-guy/spy, against some criminal networks etc., against your will and knowledge.

So if you know who to contact then, then I think that would be very fine!

Maybe it's easier to find this information in America, since I think that the British and Norweian organisations, must have been influcted by some lies from the Police or some hear-say of some type, since they are not helping me, like I think their mandate tells them that they should do.

So if you have any idea about things like this, then I think that would be very fine!

Sorry if I'm writing many messages.

I'm working in front of the computer now, so I saw your message right away.

It's nice to be reminded a bit about Sunderland again, life seemed a bit less complicated there.

So thank you very much again for the message!


Erik Ribsskog

Today at 9:53pm

sorry that I'm bothering you with all the messages.

I wrote a blog-post now, about the time I studied in Sunderland:

I was wondering, on the party, that you, the American students, had in your flat in Sunderland, then some of your fellow students, said that they were working at the German Christmas-market, in town.

Were you working there as well?

Or was it the girl with the 'tracking' t-shirt, or what it was again?

Sorry if I'm asking strange questions, but I'm just trying to remember, was it on this party you said I could take free beer from the fridge?

People shouldn't tell me that, then I drink up all the beer.

Sorry about this!

I told you, when I wrote a message, some months ago, that I would hear with my cousin in Germany, who also have been working in America, as an actress, if she knew of any jobs, since you were looking for actress-jobs.

But I don't speak that much with my cousin, really, so I haven't got to ask, unfortunatly.

How is it going with the acting etc., in New York then?

Sorry again if I'm writing many messages!



Her skriver jeg til hun Stephanie, at det var en amerikansk dame, på den amerikanske festen, på the Forge, i Sunderland, høsten 2004.

Hun hadde en trang t-skjorte, som det stod 'tracking', eller noe, på.

I Sunderland, så hang jeg litt sammen med Brusk, som også hadde gått på HiO, i Oslo, forrige studieår.

Han var kurder vel, fra Syria, tror jeg.

De tyske jentene, som bodde i leiligheten, de nevnte dette, at det bodde en norsk student, eller syrisk-norsk student da, i naboleiligheten.

Så da ble jeg kjent med han.

Og da skulle han og noen andre, til Sunderland Museum osv., så spurte de om jeg skulle være med, og da ble jeg med å kikka der.

De hadde noen planetarium osv., og bilde av Peter Reid, på veggen, siden han var manager for Sunderland, et par år før.

Jeg tror museumet var gratis da, og etterpå, så gikk vi på kina-resturant.

All you can eat, for fire pund, tror jeg det var.

Jeg hadde vært på byen, i Sunderland, dagen før, og var litt fyllesyk.

Men da var jeg skikkelig sulten, for jeg hadde ikke spist på morgenen, så jeg spiste fire tallerkner.

Så da ble jeg 'charged', prisen for stor cola, eller sprite, enda jeg kjøpe medium cola, hørte jeg de som jobbet der gjorde, de ble forbanna fordi jeg spiste så mange ganger.

Men men.

På den amerikanske festen, så var det en lyshåret amerikansk dame, som hadde en trang t-skjorte, som det stod 'tracking', eller noe, på.

Jeg dro dit sammen med Brusk, tror jeg.

Og han stirra på t-skjorta, og spurte hva tracking var.

Det var visst noe sti-gåing greier.

Og jeg la merke til, at hun amerikanske dama, ikke reagerte, men synes det var greit, at Brusk stirra.

Så gjorde jeg det samme, og spurte noen spørsmål om tracking osv., da, jeg ble litt nysgjerrig, og så på t-skjorta.

Men det var ikke bra.

Da reagerte hun, og da var jeg uhøflig da.

Mens Brusk var vanlig, enda han stirra minst like mye.

Så hva det her kommer av, det vet jeg ikke.

Jeg lurer på om det var hun som jobba på Weihnachtsmarkt, også.

Jeg lurer på om det kan ha vært noe Illuminati-greier, muligens.

Ikke godt å si.

Jeg husker Brusk sa, da jeg var på besøk hos Brusk og Julian og de, like før Julian og Gabriella og Nicole og de skulle dra hjem.

I naboleiligheten.

Hvis ikke Gabriella hadde dratt hjem allerede da.

Moren hennes var på besøk, tror jeg, og da bakte de noen Ungarske eller Bulgarske kaker, eller hvor hun var fra, så fikk jeg noen sånne, hun prata tysk, og jeg skjønte hva hun sa, stort sett.

Hun sa at jeg ikke skulle fortelle til noen at jeg fått kaker av henne.

Hun pleide å være på mitt rom, fordi hun trengte hjelp med noe pc-greier, hun ville kjøpe en brukt laptop osv.

Jeg anbefalte henne å kjøpe den billigste laptopen til Dell.

Men det hadde hun ikke råd til.

Hun studerte idrettspedagogikk, eller noe.

Men samme det.

Men jeg var inne hos Brusk og Julian og de da, en dag i januar 2005, tror jeg.

Og da snakket de om, at vi måtte flytte til nye rom, når de utenlands-studentene, som kun var der i et halvt år, dro hjem.

Jeg likte meg bra i leiligheten, etter at de mest slitsomme tyske damene flytta, for de hadde krangla med hun italienske dama, Federica.

Da var det greit å bo der, da var det ikke møte hver søndag, kl 19, med strenge regler lengre.

Men men.

Så jeg ble litt overraska da.

Så sa Brusk, at du får (hun spanske jenta, med det rare navnet, som var veldig pen).

Jeg skjønte ikke hva han mente med det, at jeg skulle få henne.

Ikke godt å si.

Hun dukka jo opp i leiligheten vår, hun spanske jenta, siste dagen jeg var i Sunderland, og fikk nøkkelen, til det nye rommet mitt.

Jeg gadd ikke å se det rommet, for det ville vært litt dumt, å bare se det nye rommet og den nye leiligheten der, og hilse på folka der.

Når jeg alikevel hadde bestemt meg for å dra, en dag eller to senere.

Så det droppa jeg.

Så sånn var det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Facebook-message to Issmat A., founder of the Facebook-group, International hunt for the thruth about the murder of Martine Vik Magnussern.

Hi Issmat,

Between Issmat A. and You

Erik Ribsskog

Today at 10:09pm

I contacted Facebook, regarding that you wrote on your group for the murdered Norwegian woman in London, that Facebook, had decided to ban me, from the group.

I asked Facebook, if this was right, since I haven't recieved a notice from them, regarding this.

So I was just wondering if it was you yourself, or Facebook, who banned me from the group, if you have the time to look up on this.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

It doesn't seem that Facebook is meant to be for adults, the Support-people tell you to contact a school administrator etc.

Google Mail - Re: Complaint.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Re: Complaint.

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 10:02 PM

Facebook Support <>



why would I want to contact a school-administrator?

Are you jokeing with me?


Isn't Facebook meant to be for adults?


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog


On 8/6/08, Facebook Support <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

Thank you for reporting this potential abuse on our site.  We will review the reported material and remove anything that violates our Terms of Use.  If warranted, we will either warn or disable the user responsible.

If you need to report offensive material to Facebook in the future, please write to us at with a link to the material and a description of the problem.  We will then review this material and take appropriate action based on our Terms of Use.  Rest assured that these reports will be kept confidential.

Remember that you should also contact local law enforcement or a school administrator if you ever feel threatened by something you see on the site.

With regard to your being banned from the group, that is an issue that you should contact the admin of the group about.  Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: Erik Ribsskog (

Subject: Re: Complaint.


thank you for your answer!

Here is the information you requested, regarding the complaints:

Complaint 1:


Name: Lena Marie Mørk Lier

(She writes, in Norwegian, that I'm insane, in two posts, in this url).

Complaint 2:


Name: Issmat A.

Network: Halifax, NS

He writes, that he has contacted Facebook, and that Facebook, decided to ban
me from the group that the

url is belonging to.

I was wondering, if this is true, or not, since I haven't recieved any

notice, from Facebook, regarding this.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 9:39 PM, Facebook Support

> wrote:

> Hi Erik,
> We would like to investigate this potential abuse on Facebook further.
>  Please provide the web address (URL) to the page containing the offensive
> content.  Please also provide the exact name and networks of the person

> responsible, and if possible, the web address (URL) to his or her profile
> page or search listing.  We will then review the material and take
> appropriate action based on our Terms of Use.  Rest assured that this report

> will be kept confidential.
> Thanks for contacting Facebook,
> Blair
> User Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog (

> To:
> Subject: Complaint.
> Hi,
> I wanted to try to complain about a couple of things:
> 1.
> A person on a Facebook-group, says I'm insane (the person writes this in

> Norwegian).
> I wondered if it would be possible for you to remove this please:
> 'Lena wrote at 11:52pm on April 25th, 2008
> Gale Erik!
> Har ikke du ei egen gruppe om dette da? Du plager og trakasserer folk! Hold

> deg til din egen gruppe.
> Her er mer info om Gale Erik'.

> 2.
> Also, another person, in the same link, says that he has contacted
> Facebook,
> and Facebook decided to
> ban me from a group.

> I was wondering if you could explain what you have done regarding this
> please, since I haven't been informed,
> by you, regarding this:
> '
> Issmat wrote at 11:33am on April 27th, 2008

> Dear Group Members,
> Due to an overwhelming number of complaints against the postings of Erik
> Ribsskog, I have sent a request to Facebook and asked them to review his
> postings and determine, according to Facebook policies, if the postings

> will
> qualify to ban him from the group.
> A number of complaints arrived directly from close friends of Martine. I
> explained that although I am the administrator, I do not have the ability

> to
> ban any members and will have to report the issue to Facebook.
> For the meantime, I believe that Erik can no longer post in the group, but
> he can access and read any information that is posted on the group.'.

> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> -----End Original Message to Facebook-----
-----End Original Message to Facebook-----

Weihnachtsmarkt in Basel.

Noemie Savoldelli's Photos - pic o fme

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weihnachtsmarkt in basel, corinne auf besuch. pic by mark oliff

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Added August 4


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I have a cousin, from Switzerland, Rahel Savodelli, who is working as an actress, in Berlin.

She's on my Facebook-page, so when she writes on pictures, then I can see it, sometimes.

I think the one on the right, in this picture, is her cousin, on her fathers side, I think.

My cousins mother, is my late mothers sister.

So I'm not really related to the woman on the picture.

But I remember, from when I studied, in Sunderland, in 2004 and 2005.

Then, there was a market like this, a Weihnachtsmarkt, in Sunderland, outside of the Bridges shopping-center.

There were some American students, in Sunderland, and they worked at this market.

It means Christmas-market.

I was at a party, that the American students had, at campus, or the Forge, it's called, one of the places, where the university-students lived, and then they told me this, that they worked there.

I asked what the market was called in German again.

And then they had to ask their boss, or manager, who also was at the party.

After my sister and her friend, Siv, arrived at the Forge, since they wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Year there, then we talked about the market, with one of the German students in the neighbour flat, Julian.

I didn't really think the market was that interesting, I reckoned, that it was probably not that useful things that they had on the market.

So I asked if they had gnomes there as well, like garden-gnomes, but they didn't Julian said.

I had looked at the market, in Sunderland, a couple of weeks before, and they had many stands in the market, but I guess that gnomes, don't sell that much in the winter, since they are meant to be outside in the garden.

Something like this.

But I guess the market maybe wasn't that bad, really.

It was maybe just me, who didn't take the time, to look at all the stuff.

I remember I was in Frankfurt, for a couple of days, in 2005.

And there, at the railway-station there, one could buy ready made dinner, like meat, from swine, etc.

Like the same meat, that pork-chops, are made from, I guess.

And you only had to pay one euro, I think, and you got a snack, that was wery tasty meat.

At less than half the price of a Big Mac, for instance.

So to me it seemed, like it is good quality on the food, in Germany.

(Even if I know that Basel is in Switzerland).

I can't remember that I bought food in Germany, that was of poor quality.

While, I've managed to buy food of poor quality many times in Britain.

But then I've been in Britain much longer, than I've stayed in Germany, so I guess this is possibly the reason for this.

But I think this Christmas-market, Weichnachmarkt, in Basel, don't seem so bad.

I don't think the jam, or what it is that they sell, is of as poor quality, as some of the value products, in Tesco etc.

But it could just be, that it's me that is to sceptical about the value-products.

Who knows.

I think mabye Britain is so crowded, that it's not that easy to make inexpensive, high quality food, like in Europe, but that's just a theory I've got.

I'll try to figure out more about how this really is.

We'll see.

Complaint to Facebook, regarding offensive content etc., on the group: International hunt for the thruth about the murder of Martine Vik Magnussen.

Google Mail - Re: Complaint.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Re: Complaint.

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:26 PM

Facebook Support <>


thank you for your answer!

Here is the information you requested, regarding the complaints:

Complaint 1:


Name: Lena Marie Mørk Lier

(She writes, in Norwegian, that I'm insane, in two posts, in this url).

Complaint 2:


Name: Issmat A.

Network: Halifax, NS

He writes, that he has contacted Facebook, and that Facebook, decided to ban me from the group that the

url is belonging to.

I was wondering, if this is true, or not, since I haven't recieved any notice, from Facebook, regarding this.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 9:39 PM, Facebook Support <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

We would like to investigate this potential abuse on Facebook further.  Please provide the web address (URL) to the page containing the offensive content.  Please also provide the exact name and networks of the person responsible, and if possible, the web address (URL) to his or her profile page or search listing.  We will then review the material and take appropriate action based on our Terms of Use.  Rest assured that this report will be kept confidential.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,


User Operations


-----Original Message to Facebook-----

From: Erik Ribsskog (


Subject: Complaint.


I wanted to try to complain about a couple of things:


A person on a Facebook-group, says I'm insane (the person writes this in


I wondered if it would be possible for you to remove this please:

'Lena wrote at 11:52pm on April 25th, 2008

Gale Erik!

Har ikke du ei egen gruppe om dette da? Du plager og trakasserer folk! Hold

deg til din egen gruppe.

Her er mer info om Gale Erik'.


Also, another person, in the same link, says that he has contacted Facebook,

and Facebook decided to

ban me from a group.

I was wondering if you could explain what you have done regarding this

please, since I haven't been informed,

by you, regarding this:


Issmat wrote at 11:33am on April 27th, 2008

Dear Group Members,

Due to an overwhelming number of complaints against the postings of Erik

Ribsskog, I have sent a request to Facebook and asked them to review his

postings and determine, according to Facebook policies, if the postings will

qualify to ban him from the group.

A number of complaints arrived directly from close friends of Martine. I

explained that although I am the administrator, I do not have the ability to

ban any members and will have to report the issue to Facebook.

For the meantime, I believe that Erik can no longer post in the group, but

he can access and read any information that is posted on the group.'.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

-----End Original Message to Facebook-----

Police raped girl in Matthew St., Liverpool, it seems.

All » World & Business » World News

Police raped girl in Matthew St., Liverpool, it seems. — I took this picture, a couple of months ago. The girl, was pushed, by a man, in front of him, up Matthew St., in Liverpool, before about ten police-officers, stoped them. The girl, who I didn't see doing anything wrong, was searched by three police officers, while one stood garding.

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  • dugg!

E-mail to the Queen.


I've been in contact with the Merseyside Police, regarding that I've overheard that I've been followed by 'the mafia', in Norway, and that there have been problems, with people being the subject of organised harassment, and bullying/punishment, from managers, that the managers are trained to do, on Arvato Services Ltd's Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, in Liverpool.

What has happened, is that the Police, has been lying, and saying the Citizens Advice Bureau, is 'Government', when it's really a charity.

The Police have also been using phoney e-mail adresses, and have been harassing me, and sent me a letter, calling me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog'.

They just 'fucked me off', even if I went there, after being on the Norwegian Embassy in London, and agreeing with them, to contact the British Police, wich I informed the Merseyside Police, Sg. Camel, about.

But he lied, and sent me to the CAB, saying they were 'Government', which they aren't.

The IPCC, is only covering up the foults the Police have been doing, and the process has completely stalled, it seems like the IPPC, aren't capable of even answering e-mail and phone-calls, regarding this.

I've contacted the Ministry of Jusitice, and they claim, that the Police aren't sorting under them.

However, I've noticed, that on the Police's letters, it says ERII, and also on the Police's cars.

And I've understood, that this means Elisabeth Regina II.

And that this means Queen Elisabeth II.

So I thought I could maybe try to contact you, since neighter the IPCC, or the Ministry of Justice, seems capable of handling this situation.

So maybe you could have a look at it, and put your lying and harassing Police-force straight.

I'm a Norwegian Citizen, living in the UK, so I'm not that good at knowing who the Police are sorting under here, in the UK, but I reackon, that I've reackoned correctly.

I've also sent a letter, to the King of Norway, King Harald, regarding the problems in the royal-family in Norway.

The Crown-princess, Mette-Marit, has played in a porn-movie, on a pool-table, in a club in Oslo, called Christiana, when she was the girlfriend of a drug-addict, it seems.

My third cousin, Øystein Andersen, from Lørenskog, in Norway, once told me, in the eighties, that the Crown-prince, Haakon, used to steal wine, from his fathers wine-cellar, at Skaugum, in Asker, where they lived then.

When I was in the army, under my conscription-service, in Norway, a co-soldier told me, that the Queen Sonja, was a 'mean bitch', towords the soldiers, standing gard, outside Skaugum, giving them stick for nothing.

Also, the King, looked at me, in a mean way, I think I have to say, when I stood gard, during the opening of the Parlament, in Oslo, in 1992.

And the princess, Märtha, is charging people in Oslo, a lot of money, to teach to speak with angels.

So in Norway, there are a lot of problems with the Royal House, especially Mette-Marit, who has played in porn, and used a lot of drugs, and being under control by thirteen year older drug-addicts, during her partying days.

So I just thought I'd tell this as well, while I'm writing this e-mail, since I've already sent a letter to the castle in Norway, so that you know what I've written to them, regarding the problems in Norway, while I was writing this e-mail anyway, I mean.

Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Herregårdsfjellet i Larvik. (In Norwegian).

Da vi bodde i Jegersborggate, i Larvik, hvor vi flyttet, i 1978 vel, så bodde vi midt i Larvik, vil jeg si, i Sentrum.

Det var ca. midt mellom Bøkeskogen og Torstrand, så jeg vil si vi bodde, omtrent så midt i Larvik, som man kan bo, i Jegersborggate 16.

Alikevel, så hadde vi også en stor hage, med morelltre, og epletre, og som man kunne spille fotball i osv.

Og jeg hadde Apache-sykkel, og spilte også fotball, oppe ved noen blokker, ved Trygves gate, så jeg ble kjent med veldig mange på min alder, i Larvik.

Blant annet var det en, som bodde i Nansetgata, tror jeg, som var et år eldre enn meg.

Nå var ikke det han jeg kjente best, men jeg tror muttern kjente mora hans, eller noe.

En gang, så dukka han opp på døra vår, og skulle ha meg med på bedehuset, som lå like nedenfor det her fjellet, som de skriver på, når kongene har vært på besøk i Larvik.

Det fjellet ligger i Herregårdsbakken, og jeg måtte gå der, da jeg gikk fra Jegersborgate, til Torstrand skole da, som ligger kanskje 100 meter fra det her fjellet, ved siden av fengselet i Larvik.

Og det passet vel ganske bra, for det var streng disiplin der, vi måtte stille på rekke, før vi gikk inn i klasserommet, og når vi skulle til et annet klasserom, for å se på video, f.eks., som jeg husker de hadde der, og det hadde vi ikke sett før.

Det var vel i 2. eller 3. klasse.

Jeg var på det her bedehuset, eller hva det var, to-tre ganger.

Første gangen, så gikk vi ned til stranda, Tollerodden.

Det var om vinteren, så det var kanskje 20-30 cm. snø.

Så da tråkka vi opp noen løyper, i snøen, også skulle alle løpe rundt, og leike sisten, i snøen der.

Jeg gikk vel i 2. klasse da, og jeg husker jeg var den yngste der, og jeg synes det var morsomt med sisten, husker jeg, selv om jeg egentlig ikke kjente noen der.

Men så skulle vi inn på det her bedehuset da.

Det var bare gutter, som gikk på barneskolen, og kanskje ungdomsskolen.

Også noen ledere, i 20-åra kanskje.

Så måtte vi knele og skulle be og sånn da.

Og alle måtte vel gjenta det som lederen sa osv. da.

Men jeg synes den her bedinga, var litt kjedeligere enn sisten da, så jeg var ikke helt med på den, jeg bare tok det ikke så særiøst, kan man si, selv om det virket som om de andre var helt med, og kanskje i noe slags transe, hva vet jeg.

Neste gang, som han henta meg, og skulle ha meg med på Betania, eller hva det heter.

Muttern sa jeg skulle gå, så det var derfor jeg ble med, jeg var ikke sikker på det her.

Men da fikk vi en bok, så kunne man gi penger til de fattige barna i Afrika.

Så ble vi sendt på dørene, til folk i Larvik, for å tigge penger da.

Jeg trodde mutter og stefattern, ville synes at det var morsomt, så jeg ringte på døra dems og, i Jegersborggate.

Men da fikk jeg kjeft av Arne Thormod, som spurte om jeg ikke visste hvor dårlig råd vi hadde.

Dem behøvde jo ikke å gi da, jeg bare gjorde det for moro skyld, men det skjønte dem ikke.

Jeg visste jo ikke hva det her bedehuset egentlig var for noe heller, så jeg bare gikk rundt og prøvde å forklare.

Jeg visste vel ikke egentlig hva det het engang.

Jeg hadde bare vært med på sisten en gang, og bedt en gang, så jeg var ikke helt med på det her.

Men pengene, skulle vi ta med, neste gang.

Og jeg var alltid den som var først ferdig med matteboka i klassen osv.

Og hadde konkurranseinstinkt da.

Så jeg prøvde å bli den som klarte å samle inn flest penger da.

Så jeg samla kanskje inn 175 kroner da.

Noe sånt.

Og de skulle vi ta med neste gang.

Men da tok Arne Thormod, og muttern, og skulle låne av de her pengene da, så bedehuset fikk ikke de pengene, på mange måneder.

Men da slapp jeg i hvertfall å gå der igjen, for den her beinga, var litt far out.

Siden jeg synes det var rart, å gå ned på alle fire og be, eller hva vi gjorde, så tror jeg en leder, så det, og var misfornøyd, siden jeg ikke var i noe transe, eller hva man skal kalle det, men synes det var litt morsomt, og kanskje litt rart, og merkelig, at voksne folk holdt på sånn.

Så sånn var det.

Jeg pleide forresten noen ganger, å kikke på det kongefjellet, eller hva det heter, i Herregårdsbakken, på vei hjem, fra skolen.

Og det var også noen danske konger, som hadde besøkt Larvik, på 1700 og 1800-tallet, som hadde fått tekster gravert inn i fjellet da.

Fjellet lå ovenfor Herregården, i Larvik, hvor statholderen, jeg tror kanskje for hele Norge bodde, i dansketida.

Noe sånt.

En gang fant jeg og søstra mi, en slags liten mus der, som hoppa på bakbeina, nesten som en kenguru, vil jeg si.

Da kom det en sånn eldre gutt forbi da, som var på vei til det bedehuset, og kjefta på oss, fordi vi så på det her dyret da.

Enda vi hadde ikke engang rørt det, vi bare synes det var rart.

Jeg kan ikke si at jeg har sett et sånt dyr igjen seinere.

Jeg lurer på om han gutten tok med seg det dyret.

Vi måtte gå bort, for han var ganske sinna.

Men sånn er det vel.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Girl from Freemason-video is running a fish shop it seems.


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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