Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

mandag 7. juli 2008

Red Box - Saskatchewan

Red Box - For America

Heart - Alone

Erasure - Ship Of Fools

Tracy Chapman - fast car

Tanita Tikaram - Twist in my sobriety

VG juger. (In Norwegian).

Jeg husker da jeg bodde på Bergeråsen, så spillte jeg på fotball-laget der osv., Berger IL.

Så var det en som het Eirik Lund, som også spillte der.

Han var et år eldre en vårs, og han var ikke så flittig, med å være med på treningene osv.

Han var vel uvenn, må man vel si, med Odd Einar Pettersen.

Han og tvillingbroren hans, Arnt, skøyt vel Odd Einar i beinet, med luftgevær.

Men da Odd Einar, eller hvem det var, skulle på treninga, så sa han Eirik, bare noe sånt, som, neida, jeg skal ikke på treninga, jeg må gjøre lekser, så ædda bædda, eller noe sånt.

Så da fikk jo flere, blant annet jeg, høre det her da.

Han var kanskje litt barnslig for alderen, det er vel mulig.

Det luftgeværet, fikk jeg høre, i 8. eller 9. klasse, at dem skulle selge, og noen spurte om jeg ville kjøpe det, og da kjøpte jeg det, for 300, eller noe vel, siden jeg alltid hadde penger liggende, for jeg fikk ofte penger av fattern til mat osv., siden jeg bodde aleine fra jeg var sånn ni år der, på Bergeråsen.

Seinere, i 1988, så begynte jeg på 3. klasse, på Handel og Kontor, på Gjerdes VGS., i Drammen.

Siden jeg kom inn der, selv om det var nabofylket, siden jeg hadde bra karakterer fra 1. og 2. klasse handel og kontor, på Sande VGS, i Vestfold.

De ti beste søkerne fra Vestfold, fikk komme inn på en sånn spesialkvote, i Drammen, en avtale forhandlet fram, mellom Vestfold og Buskerud fylke da.

Så da fikk jeg gratis busskort, inn til Drammen, fra Bergeråsen, som var ca. 45. minutter med bussen, og kosta sikkert 16 kroner, eller noe, og sikkert 40 eller noe nå, hvem vet.

Så det var litt artig.

Men, jeg dukka også opp, på CC Storkjøp, fordi broren til Eirik, Arnt, hadde gått 3. klasse handel og kontor, på Gjerde, året før meg, og hadde noen av de samme bøkene.

Så hadde han vært og hengt opp lapp, like utenfor klasserommet vårt, hvis jeg husker riktig, med navn og telefonnummer da.

Så da kjente jeg jo igjen navnet, siden broren hans, Ronald, gikk i klassen min osv, på Berger, og på ungdomsskolen, i Svelvik.

Så da dukka jeg opp på CC da, og kjøpte noen brukte handel og kontor bøker da, for å spare litt av studielånet.

Så tenkte jeg, at det var jo artig jobb sikkert, å jobbe på CC, ved siden av Gjerde VGS, sånn som Arnt hadde gjort året før.

Så spurte jeg Arnt da, om dem trengte noe folk der.

Så var jeg i jobbintervju, med hun Karin, som var butikksjef, noen dager etter.

På CC Storkjøp, jobba vel også Eirik, mener jeg å huske.

I hvertfall, så dukka han opp der en dag, da jeg satt i kassa, mener jeg å huske.

Og da husker jeg at han sa, eller ropte da, omtrent på samme måten vel, som han hadde sagt fra på, at han ikke kunne komme på fotballtreninga, fordi han skulle lese lekser.

VG juger, sa han da.

Hvorfor han sa det, det veit jeg ikke.

For da stakk han, og jeg satt i kassa.

Men det var vel en grunn for det, skulle man tro.

Selv om han kanskje var litt barnslig for alderen, så tror jeg ikke han pleide å juge.

Men en av dem juger vel uansett da.

Så spørrs det hvem av dem det er da.

Vi får se.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Eighth Wonder - I'm not Scared

Bomb the Bass - Winter In July

Suburbia by Pet Shop Boys

the proclaimers "letter from america" video

The Proclaimers 500 Miles


The Mercy Seat - Nick Cave

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds "Do you love me?"

Nick Cave & P.J Harvey -Henry Lee

Where The Wild Roses Grow

Dette tror jeg bare kan skje i Sverige. (In Norwegian).

fick inte köpa cigg Karl-Erik Borg i Gällivare blev röksugen efter middagen – och tänkte köpa en ask cigaretter på Ica. Men eftersom han inte kunde bevisa att han är över 18 år gammal fick han nobben. ”Jag har aldrig varit med om något löjligare”, säger Karl-Erik – som faktiskt har fyllt 64.

Foto: Anna-Lena Mattsson

Gissa: Är Karl-Erik över 18 år?

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GÄLLIVARE. Pensionären Karl-Erik Borg, 64, fick inte köpa cigaretter.

Anledning: han hade glömt legitimationen hemma och kunde inte bevisa att han är över 18 år.

Aldrig att jag sätter min fot på Ica igen, säger han.

I förra veckan hade Karl-Erik och några vänner ätit middag på en restaurang i stan.

Jag blev sugen på en cigarett efter maten.

Jag blev ursinnig”

I väg till Ica mitt i Gällivare. Ett paket Marlboro och fram med pengarna.

Då tog det stopp.

Legitimation, sa kassörskan.

??? sa Karl-Erik.

Legitimation, förtydligade kassörskan.

Det gäller ju att bevisa att man är över 18 år. Och på Ica i Gällivare är legitimationstvånget ingen lek.

Jag blev ursinnig, jag har aldrig känt mig så förolämpad i hela mitt liv. Och jag har aldrig varit med om något löjligare heller.

Karl-Erik gick, frustande av ilska tillbaka till sitt sällskap. Men han fick sina cigaretter i alla fall. Genom en bulvan.

En kvinnlig bekant som turligt nog hade legitimation med sig.

Marlboromannen i Gällivare har det inte lätt. Tre gånger har han fått visa legitimation på Ica Supermarket för att få köpa sina cigaretter.

Och visst, handlarna ska vara noga med åldersgränsen för tobak som är 18 år.

Men i ärlighetens namn: Karl-Erik ser inte riktigt ut som en 18-åring. Faktiskt.

Ölsugna pensionärer

Det gjorde inte heller 87-åriga Judith Lundkvist i Piteå som glömt legget hemma när hon skulle köpa folköl i november.

Inte heller 77-årige Per-Eric Henricsson som dock hade legget med sig när han skulle köpa folköl till pensionärsmötet i Gällivare i höstas.

Allvarligt talat, om kassapersonalen inte kan se skillnad på en 18-åring och en pensionär som gjort sex FN-bataljoner så funderar man ju på om de ens kan skilja på en femhundring och en 50-lapp, säger Karl-Erik.

Aldrig mer Ica, i fortsättningen handlar jag på Coop. Icakortet har jag redan klippt.

Aftonbladet har förgäves försökt nå butikschefen för en kommentar.

Viss flexibilitet”

Men Anders Lönnebring på Icas pressjour säger diplomatiskt:

Icahandlarna är egna företagare och följer sin egen policy.

Fast jag kan hålla med om att man kanske kan visa en viss flexibilitet när det gäller legitimationen i vissa fall.

Men inget ont som inte för något gott med sig:

Hela historien har gjort mig så förbannad att jag beslutat mig för att fimpa för gott, säger Karl-Erik.

Och så tänder han sin sista cigg. För bildens skull.

Men kolla, inga halsbloss!

E-post til EFTA. (In Norwegian).

Google Mail - Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 2:22 PM




jeg er ikke så vant til å drive med ting som har med EU eller EFTA å gjøre, men jeg hadde noen spørsmål,

angående rettighetene til innbyggere fra EFTA land som er med i EØS, og som bor i EU.


Og da sendte jeg det først til noe som heter EU Ombudsmannen, men det har jeg skjønt nå at var galt.

Det er min feil, som ikke er vant til hvor man skal henvende seg, når det gjelder EU og EFTA-saker.


Men jeg har jo lest nå, på nettet osv., at det er tre EFTA land, som er med i EØS-avtalen.


Og siden jeg er fra et av de EFTA-landene, så er det vel riktig av meg, å ta opp spøsmål angående EØS-

avtalen, med EFTA og ikke EU, hvis det er noe jeg lurer på, angående rettigheter osv.

Har jeg ressonert riktig da?


Jeg sender med en kopi av e-posten jeg først sendte EU-ombudsmannen, samt en kopi av svaret,

for å forklare mer, om hva spørsmålene gjelder.

Så håper jeg at jeg har klart å sende spøsmålene riktig nå, og jeg sier på forhånd tusen takk for svar!


Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Euro-Ombudsman <>
Date: Jul 7, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: The European Economic Area.

To: Erik Ribsskog <>


Dear Mr Ribsskog,


Thank you for your e-mail of 30 June 2008, in which you ask if you, as a Norwegian citizen living in Britain, have the right to get help from the police and the British government.


In replying to your e-mail, first, I would like to give a short presentation of the work of the European Ombudsman.


The European Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration by the institutions and bodies of the European Union. This means that you can complain to the Ombudsman if you consider that, for instance, the European Commission, the European Parliament or the Council of the European Union has done something wrong.


It is thus not part of the Ombudsman's function to provide you with the kind of information that you are asking for.


However, you could consider turning to EuropeDirect, which provides practical information in the official EU language of your choice about the European Union and its policies or a reference to further sources of information. You can reach the service by calling the following toll-free number from anywhere in the EU during opening hours (9h00-18h30 CET on weekdays):


00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11


Or call the standard number + 32-2-299.96.96 from anywhere in the world (normal charges apply).


You can also contact the service by sending an e-mail:


For more information on Europe Direct, you can consult the following website:


Yours sincerely,


Angela Lindberg

Office of the European Ombudsman




From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 30 June 2008 21:58

To: Euro-Ombudsman
Subject: The European Economic Area.




I'm a Norwegian citizen living in Britain.


Here, there have been many problems, at work, and regarding a complaint against the Police etc., that

I haven't got any help with.

(I've also contacted the Norwegian Government, regarding these problems, but they don't answer my

e-mails, and the Sivilombudsmannen, is part of a cover-up, from the Government, it seems, even

if I wont explain this in detail now, but I can explain more detailed if it's needed).


I was wondering, since Norway, are part of the European Economical Area.

So Norwegian citizens, are allowed, to live and work, in Britain, like if they were EU-Citizens, as I've

understood it.

But, I was wondering if this means, that one, as a Norwegian citizen in Britain, also has the right,

to get help/advice from the Police, and other Goverment in Britain, like if one was an EU-citizen?


I think, that if one have the right to work and live in an EU-country, like the 'EFTA/EØS-agreement'

says, then only has the right help from the Government, it that EU-country (the Police etc), like

if one were an EU-citizen, right?


I just wanted to try to get this clear, since I'm having some problems, both with the Norwegian and

the British Goverment now, so I just wanted to know, if some this could be something to do, with

that one aren't that well protected by rights, if one are a Norwegian citizen living in the EU?

Hope that you have the chance to answer about this, and thanks in advance for the reply!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Telefonsamtale med Thor Gjermund Eriksen i A-Pressen. (In Norwegian).

Nå ringte jeg å pratet med Thor Gjermund Eriksen, i A-Pressen.

Han var på ferie, men han svarte likevel, jeg ble satt over fra A-Pressens sentralbord.

Han mente, at dette var en sak, som han ikke kunne gjøre noe med.

Det var en klage på Stavrum, i Nettavisen, at han ikke hadde svar på e-post osv.

Han skulle ta det med Stavrum sa han, at jeg ikke fikk svar.

Jeg forklarte, at det saken gikk på, var trakassering. (På Veggavisen).

Dette svarte jo ikke Stavrum på, klagene på trakassering.

Så han Eriksen, mente, at dette var redaksjonelt da.

Det mener jeg er tøys. (Jeg mener at trakassering ikke har noe med journalistikk å gjøre).

Men han kunne ikke gjøre noe med det her, mente han.

Så spurte jeg hvem Stavrums overordnede var, og det var han Thor Gjermund Eriksen, mente han.

Så jeg lurte på om det var Pressens Faglige Utvalg, som jeg måtte ta det med, denne trakasseringen.

Og det sa han, at det fikk jeg gjøre, hvis jeg mente det var riktig.

Jeg sa at jeg skulle tenke mer på det her, hvordan jeg skulle gå frem, om jeg skulle ta det med pressens faglige utvalg, eller ikke.

Så beklagde jeg at jeg forstyrret i ferie osv.

Det er jo ikke så kult, når man blir forstyrret i ferie, det skjønner man.

Men jeg får tenke gjennom hva jeg skal gjøre da.

Vi får se.

E-mail to the LSC, 7/7/08.

Google Mail - Complaint

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:11 AM

Sarah Thompson <>



that's right, I did not recieve legal aid, since Morecrofts, said that they didn't participate, in the legal aid


(They said this about a month after the initial meeting, like explained in the complaint).


However, the Law Society, if I remember right, told me, that if I wanted to complain, about unprofessional

conduct, from law-firms, in connection with the Duty Solicitor programme, then I should contact the LSC,

I was told.


So that was why I was contacting your offices, earlier this year, I think it was.


So the complaint wasn't really in regards to the Legal Aid Programme, it was to do with law-firms, and 

unproffesional conduct etc., from them (Morecrofts and EAD), in connection with the Duty Solicitor Programme.

Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog


On 7/7/08, Sarah Thompson <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog

Mrs Dillon forwarded your complaint to me as I am the Account Manager
for Morecrofts. I have investigated your complaint and find that you did

not received Legal Aid and did not become a client of Morecrofts.
Therefore, I am unable to take your complaint any further.

Kind regards

Sarah Thompson

Account Manager

>>> "Erik Ribsskog" <> 02/07/2008 20:04 >>>


there has been a lot going on regarding this case.

I was wondering, is this e-mail to do with the e-mail I sent to Fiona
at the LSC,
earlier this week?

Thanks in advance for the reply!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 7/2/08, Sarah Thompson <> wrote:
> Dear Mr Ribsskog

> I have investigated your complaint and found that you did not
> advice funded by the Legal Services Commission. Therefore, I am
> to to investigate the matter further as it is not a Legal Services

> Commission matter. It also seems from the correspondence that this
> matter is also outside the Law Society's jurisdiction. Therefore,  I
> cannot see how you can progress this complaint further.

> Kind regards
> Sarah Thompson
> Account Manager
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Noen bruker navnet mitt, til å undertegne debattinnlegg, i the Mirror online. (In Norwegian).

Charity conman Peter Lyon gets banned from running companies

By Andrew Penman on Jul 3, 08 10:55 AM in Charity

The charity conman we've branded repulsive has been banned from acting as a company director for 11 years.

Peter Lyon ran Barrington House Publishing Corp, which persuaded businesses into advertising on wallplanners by claiming that money raised would help children's charities.

It raked in £3.5million but just £100,000 - less than three per cent - went to good causes.

Lyon, 45, who recently tried to sell his huge detached house in Halsall, Lancs, repeated the scam at Hamilton Forbes Ltd and Price Chamberlain Ltd.

All three were put into compulsory liquidation by the High Court.

Besides personally pocketing £600,000 the worm also acted as a director while a bankrupt.

The woman who sat on his right hand, 39-year-old Lorraine Wells, of Liverpool, has been banned from the boardroom for eight years.

(2) comments so far add yours here



« Elaine Douglas gets company ban for Galaxy Lifestyles scam | We save money for Shopper Discounts victims »


Erik Ribbskog said:

Mr Lyon is pictured there leaving the Halsall offices of CHESTNUT HOUSE PUBLISHING.

Chestnut House is a publishing company that publish Charity Wall Planners and sell advertising upon said planners. Just like Barrington House and Hamilton Forbes did.

Chestnut House is run by Lisa Colford (former employee of Mr Lyons at Barrington House and
Hamilton Forbes).

Several other former employees and 'friends' of My Lyon also work at CHESTNUT HOUSE

Mr Lyon lived/lives in Halsall

Im not making any assumption as I dont want to incur the wrath of 'The Law' (though as a lady once told me - 'its not libel if its true'). But these coincidences are just piling up arent they?

Hello Mr P and Mr S - a fine job you are being. Feel free to visit Ormskirk a little town in the middle of 'Knowhere' and say hi :)

July 3, 2008 6:04 PM

Her in Doors said:

Peter Lyon does look like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders, doesn't he? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

July 3, 2008 6:30 PM

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When I was working, at Bertelsmann Arvato Services Ltd's Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, they spellt my name, Erik Ribbskog.

(There there were a lot of problems, with illigal managment methods, and organised harassment, and more, by the way).

When I searchen on Google now, I found this article, and that someone had been using my name, the way Arvato spellt it.

So I was just wondering what this is about, since I don't really think anyone else living in Britain, or anywhere else, have the same name as me.

So I thought this was a bit strange maybe.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is a link where it is explained more about the problems at Arvato:

E-mail to Amnesty International Secretariat, 7/7/08.

Google Mail - Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 10:00 AM

"" <>



if I felt it was impolite, to legitimise mafia?


I think your organisation is a joke!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


On 7/7/08, <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

I am sorry to hear that you have not had a positive experience with Amnesty International in relation to your concerns.  

I need to affirm, however, that the response that was given to you  by the Director of AI Norway is correct, and that there is nothing that AI can do to support you in this instance.  I am sorry that you felt this was impolite.

Best wishes,

Marjory M. Byler
Senior Director, International Mobilization
Amnesty International

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Jun 18, 2008 1:38 PM
Subject: Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

I called your offices today, and explained that I had been having some problems with the
Norwegian Amnesty, and if it was possible for me to send an e-mail to you explaining about
this, and then I was given your e-mail address.

The problems, are regarding that I was in contact with the General Secretary, for the Norwegian
Amnesty, Mr. Jegenes, earlier today.
It was a bit of problem with the communiction in this phone-call.

So I thought I'd try to write you an explanation, or complaint, about this.
I found that Mr. Jegenes, was a bit impolite, I think I have to say, since he interupted me, when
I started explaining why I had contacted him and Amnesty, and about the problems with the earlier

contact, which I had escalated to the General Secretary.
Then, after he had interupted me, and said quite a few things, then he didn't want to let me finish
my explanation, that I had prepared, before the call.

He just hang up.
I thought this was a bit inpolite.
Further, in the call, when he interupted me, he said that their representative, was right in declining
to help me, since Amnesty couldn't investigate organised crime, like he said.

But, I wanted them, to help me with the Government.

The Government, aren't answering my correspondence, and also the Sivilombudsman in Norway,
which Amnesty UK, adviced me to contact, is also, like the Goverment, playing games with me,

I think one have to say.

This is what I wanted Amnesty to help with, to get the Government to treat me, in accordance to
my rights, and not play games with me.

But the General Secretary, said that Amnesty would have had to investigate organised crime,

to help me.

This is not right, they could just have looked at the correspondance, between me and the
Government, and then they could have seen that the Government are playing games with me.
Since I think this is the real problem, that leads to what I'd say is torture and inhumane

treatment from the Government, that they are playing games with me, and my life, and that
they have no respect for my rights.
And this leads to the torture, like I think I have to call it, and inhumanity, in my situation.

I think I have to hold the Government in Norway, since I am a Norwegian citizen, responsible
for this, since they haven't got the right, to keep things in soceity, like how the situation is
with 'mafia', like I've heard I've been followed by, secret.

And they are also not answering my corresponedence etc, with I'd say means that they are
playing games with me.

Further, Mr. Jegenes, also said, when he interupted me, that 'mafia/organised criminals

wouldn't just single out and individual for following', when he asked me, why I was being
followed, and I answered that I couldn't say exactly why.
These things, like criminal organisations/mafias agenda, is not something that is open in

society, and for him, to demand, that I needed to know this, I think is unreasonable.
Mr. Jegenes, is infact, legitimising mafia, in society, by saying, that their agenda, is
logical and reasonable.

Mafia, is not a legitimate part of society, you can't find anything in eg. the Norwegian

constitution, that says that mafia, is legit.

I think it seems like Mr. Jegenes, is trying to legitimise mafia, and mafia/orginised criminal
organisations agenda in society, by claiming, that they are acting reasonable and logical.

I object strongly to this legitimisation of mafia/organised crime, by Mr. Jegenes.
Further, Mr. Jegenes, also said, that he thought, that the Norwegian Government, thought
that, what I had overheard, that I was followed by 'the mafia', and that I was being used as

a 'target-guy', by the Government, must have been something I had imagined.
So Mr. Jegenes, is saying what he thinks is more right, than what I think.
He isn't taking what I'm saing in good faith, and neighter is the Government.

There is no declared sivil war, in Norway, at the moment, so there is no reason, for why,
Mr. Jegenes (and the Norwegian Goverment), shouldn't take what is being said from a
fellow country-man, in good faith.

So this I would like to complain about, I think it's inpolite of Mr. Jegenes, to treat a fellow
country-man, in this way.
This is what I wanted to contact you and explain about.

I hope that you have the time to have a look at this!

I'll also add a link, to my blog, where I've written a short summary, of the phone-call with
the General Secretary today, and also posted the notes from the call, and the notes that
I had written, to prepare myself, before I called, but which the General Secretay, wouldn't

let me finish read/explain about.
(Although this blog-post is in Norwegian, but I add the link anyway, just for to explain that
I got a bit upset, and posted the notes etc. on my blog, at once after the call, since I though

I was being treated a bit inpolite.).
I hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
Here is the link to mentioned post, on my blog:


Working to protect human rights worldwide

Internet communications are not secure and therefore Amnesty International Ltd does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose or rely on the information in this e-mail. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Amnesty International Ltd unless specifically stated. Electronic communications including email might be monitored by Amnesty International Ltd. for operational or business reasons.
This message has been scanned for viruses by Postini.

E-mail to Amnesty UK, 7/7/08.

Google Mail - Comlaint

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:50 AM

"" <>



I called your offices today, regarding, that I haven't recieved an answer to the

e-mails ,(regarding problems with the Goverment and human rights), I sent your

representative Liliann Okuyama, in April.

Your receptionist, Hillary, said that I should send the e-mail again, but since I

have already sent the mentioned e-mail twice, then I asked if I could possibly

get the name and contact-details, for Lilliann Okuyamas line-manager.


But your receptionist, refused, to give me the name of the manager.

And I thing this is a bit strange, for organisations, to not let people complain,

on representatives.

So I though I'd try to send this e-mail, and complain about Okuyama not answering

the e-mails, and the receptionist, not letting me speak with her manager.

And that maybe someone could have a look at my e-mail.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Da jeg begynte å studere osv., i 2002. (In Norwegian).

Da jeg begynte å studere igjen, i 2002, så var det i samråd med fastlegen min.

Jeg var veldig overarbeidet, etter mange års nesten slavearbeid, på luselønn, må man vel nesten si, i Rimi, så jeg, ville gjerne ha en ny karriære da, og bli fri fra Rimi åket, må jeg vel nesten kalle det.

Så da tror jeg han legen synes det var en bra ide, at jeg begynte å studere igjen osv.

Søstra mi, hadde fortalt meg, at hun hadde noen venninner, som hadde fått ny utdannelse, på atføring osv., av noe lege da.

Men selv om jeg var veldig sliten og overarbeidet, fra Rimi, så klarte jeg ikke å få meg til å tigge legen om noe sånt.

Men jeg lagde en plan da, mens jeg var sykmeldt, at jeg kunne begynne å studere igjen, fra høsten.

Og få datautdannelsen min i orden.

Jeg hadde jo mange godkjente fag fra datahøyskole fra før, fra begynnelsen av 90-tallet, så da kunne jeg, roe ned litt, og også ha litt fritid osv., og komme meg igjen fra denne slavedriften, fra Rimi, vil jeg kalle det.

Og det husker jeg, at legen var enig i, at det hørtes fornuftig ut osv.

Så da ble det sånn.

Men jeg jobbet noen måneder på våren, på Rimi Langhus, før jeg sluttet.

Og om sommeren, så jobbet jeg på Rimi Bjørndal, når Irene hadde ferie.

Og da dro han ambulerende der, til Trondheim, så da var jeg alene om å lede Rimi Bjørndal, noen uker, sommeren 2002, mens Irene hadde ferie da.

Så begynte jeg å studere.

Men sånn som jeg har skjønt det nå, så har politiet, eller noe sånt, torpedert studie-planene mine, og brukt meg som noe 'target-guy', eller 'drone', mot noe mafia, eller hvem vet hva, og har ødelagt studie-planene mine.

For jeg ville da gått ut fra datahøyskole, eller HiO da, sommeren 2005, med en bachelor informatikk.

Og da var arbeidsmarkedet veldig bra for folk med slik utdannelse.

Og da ville jeg nok ha fått en veldig bra jobb.

Men istedet så har politiet, eller hvem det er, bare tulla med meg, og risikert livet mitt, eller prøvd å drepe meg, eller hva de har.

Jeg mener at hvis de skal tulle sånn med folk, så må det være frivillig og avtalt i såfall.

Man kan ikke bare ta en person, mot den personens vilje, og tulle rundt med den, og ødelegge livet, og bruke som 'target guy' og 'drone', og det som er.

Det er fascistisk, og usivilisert og inhumant, mener jeg.

Så om politiet har tatt myteri, og nå er en gjeng med fascister, som ingen har kontroll på.

Hva vet jeg.

Det er mulig.

Jeg ville i hvertfall ikke sett helt bort fra det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Garbage - Stupid Girl

Three Days Grace-Home

Johnny Cash - Hurt

Pink Floyd - High Hopes

System Of A Down - Toxicity

Tool - Sober

Korn - Alone I Break

AudioSlave-Like a Stone

depeche mode feat linkin park enjoy the silence


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
