Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

mandag 14. juni 2010

'Kommanderende general Nyholm', det er min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog, sin morfar, Anders Gjedde Nyholm

kommanderende general nyholm


Her er mer om min tippoldefar, Anders Gjedde Nyholm, som senere ble sjef for hele den danske generalkommandoen:

anders gjedde nyholm forfremmet

PS 2.

Dette er min tippoldefar, Anders Gjedde Nyholm, sin storebror Didrik (Galtrup Gjedde) Nyholm.

Jeg hadde hans memoarer/notater, på begynnelsen av 90-tallet, var det vel, men bestemor Ingeborg ville plutselig ha dem tilbake.

De lå sammen med noen fotografier og dokumenter etter min tippoldefar, Anders Gjedde Nyholm.

Jeg ga min halvbror Axel, noen fotografier av generalen og danskekongen osv., da vi var på besøk hos min farmor Ågot Mogan Olsen, sommeren 1991, (for disse dokumentene lå hos henne, for jeg disponerte noen skuffer i stua hennes, siden hun var nesten som en mor for meg, for jeg bodde hos faren min).

Så det er mulig at min halvbror Axel Thomassen har de bildene enda.

Resten av de dokumentene forsvant, fra min farmors hus, og min far, Arne Mogan Olsen, prata noe om at han hadde gitt de tilbake til min mormor.

Noe sånt.

Men men.

Her er mer om dette:

didrik nyholm 1

didrik nyholm 2

PS 3.

Her ser man at min tippoldefars bror, Didrik (Galtrup Gjedde) Nyholm, uttaler seg om striden mellom Norge og Danmark, om Grønland.

Jeg synes det virker som at Nyholm er objektiv, han sier at nå faller bevisbyrden på Danmark, om at Øst-Grønland ikke er 'no mans land', som nordmennene vel hevdet.

Min mormor sa på telefonen, for et par år siden, at Nyholm ble syk, eller døde, like før han skulle stemme, om Øst-Grønland skulle tilhøre Norge eller Danmark.

(Og en annen dansk dommer, fikk stemme istedet, var det vel).

Ble min tippoldefars bror drept av noen som ville at hele Grønland skulle tilhøre Danmark?

Jeg har også lest på nettet, at min mormors grandonkel, Didrik (Galtrup Gjedde) Nyholm, var fan av Ibsen.

Så kanskje han ville dømt i favør av Norge?

Hvem vet.

Vi får se om det er mulig å finne ut mer om dette.

Vi får se.

Her er mer om dette:

didrik nyholm uttaler seg om grønland

PS 4.

Her kan man se det, at min tippoldefars bror, Didrik (Galtrup Gjedde) Nyholm, drev og siterte Ibsen, (så jeg tror nok ikke at han hatet Norge, for å si det sånn, han var vel da mer sannsynlig en såkalt Norgesvenn?

Bare sånn det virker for meg, ihvertfall.

Her er mer om dette:

fan av ibsen

PS 5.

Og det sølvkruset, som jeg fikk på min 34-års dag, av min mormor Ingeborg Ribsskog.

Det var et krus, som var gitt, fra danskekongen, til faren til disse to gutta her, (dvs. øverstkommanderende general Anders Gjedde Nyholm, min tippoldefar, og hans storebror, dommer i folkedomstolen i Haag mm., Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm), L.C. Nyholm, (ihvertfall ettersom jeg klarte å tyde et av min mormors brev, fra et par-tre år tilbake).

Antagelig ble det kruset gitt for å symbolisere at L.C. Nyholm var danskekongen sin hofjægermester.

Hvis jeg skulle gjette.

Min tipptipptippoldefar, L.C. Nyholm, arrangerte jakten, for de kongelige i Danmark da, siden han hadde store gods og eiendommer på Jylland.

Så sånn var det.

Og det kruset stappa bare min mormor, oppi bagen min.

Så den ene taggen, på krona, til løven, på kruset, ble bøyd.

Så da jeg prøvde å bøye tilbake den taggen, så brakk hele taggen av.

Det var bare en liten tagg, men likevel.

Men men.

Og min mormor ville også ha tilbake det kruset.

(På samme måte som hun ville ha tilbake de dokumentene etter de samme gutta, på begynnelsen av 90-tallet).

Så det kruset har nok stått i boligen til han dommeren i 'Verdens høyesterett', Didrik Nyholm, i København.

Men han døde barnløs, så da har det kruset etterhvert havnet hos min mormor da, som var barnebarn av generalen.

Jeg hadde ikke sett det kruset før, og jeg visste ikke at jeg skulle få det, før jeg dro ned til Nevnlunghavn, sommeren 2004.

For da hadde jeg kanskje tatt med en ekstra bag, eller noe.

(Eller sekken min fra HV kanskje, for jeg hadde vel ikke så mange bager).

Men men.

Kanskje noen i slekta ble sure på bestemor Ingeborg, siden hun ga meg det kruset?

For bestemor Ingeborg maste så forfærdelig, (i mange brev), om at hun ville ha det kruset tilbake.

Etter at jeg rømte fra et drapsforsøk, på min onkel Martin sin gård, i Larvik, i 2005, og hit til Liverpool.

Så noe var nok veldig galt, rundt dette.

Hva var min søsters rolle?

De møtte meg da jeg gikk av bussen og.

Pia, Ingeborg og Pias sønn Daniel.

Enda jeg vel ikke hadde sagt hvilken buss jeg kom med.

Men men.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

Her kan man se at min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog, sin far, het H. Anker Heegaard. Hans farfar var den kjente danske industriherren Anker Heegaard

datter av anker heegaard


Her er mer om den kjente danske industriherren Anker Heegaard, som er min tipptippoldefar da:

PS 2.

Man kan se det, at min mormors far, tapte jernstøperiet i Frederiksværk, (som han arvet hele eller deler av), før krigen.

Så han ble agent for to store tyske firma, før krigen, sa min mormor, (på telefon, hit til Liverpool, for et par år siden).

Så de flyttet fra Frederiksværk, til Tyrol(!), (og var der kanskje et år, eller noe, fikk jeg inntrykk av), og så flyttet de til København, hvor hennes far da var agent for de to store tyske firmaene, før krigen(!).

Og de hadde visst en dame der, som spilte på piano under måltidene osv.

Og speil som gikk helt opp til taket, så de fine rommene så enda større ut da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Min mormor sa at de dro til Tyrol, for det var billig å bo der.

Men det måtte vel være like billig å bo f.eks. på Jylland?

Så jeg vet ikke om jeg kjøper den helt.

Hva skjedde i Tyrol, kan man kanskje lure på.

Hvem vet.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Her kan man se at min tipptippoldefar, Anker Heegaard, tok patent på noe som jeg tror må være til noen dampmaskiner, eller noe, i 1861:

anker heegaard patent

Christian Grønli klarer ikke å ta et hint

Gmail - Chat with christian gronli


Erik Ribsskog

Chat with christian gronli

christian gronli

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:30 PM


9:22 PM christian: hei
er du der erik?
nå må du slutte å tulle

7 minutes
9:30 PM christian: erik
er du der?
9:31 PM hva er det du snakker om? drapsforsøk på deg?
du spøker nå?
9:32 PM drap på Thor? det var en av mine beste venner på berger...
han ble alene i den snøhulen
det var en forfærdelig ulykke
9:33 PM delaktighet i min mors død? dette er det værste du kommer med, du bør passe på hva du sier, dette er saker som gjør vondt
9:34 PM jeg var 8 år
me: du har tydeligvis vanskeligheter for å skjønne, jeg har sagt at jeg ikke vil ha mer med deg å gjøre
9:35 PM slutt å kontakt meg nå
christian: det er jeg som skal slutte å kontakte deg
ta det med ro
denne sammtalen blir nok det siste vi sier til hverandre
9:36 PM me: ja, det er dette jeg ønsker, at du slutter å kontakte meg
christian: jeg ønsker at du kommer ut av den paranoian din og at du kommer deg på beina igjen
og er det slik, kan du godt ta kontakt
me: du er som en sånn igle, som ikke lar folk være i fred
christian: men mens du er i denne paranoian din
kan du bare drite i å ta kontakt
me: piss off da
9:37 PM fuck off
christian: ha det
me: chao


Men nå har jeg stilt på noen greier i G-mail chat.

Så nå tror jeg at jeg skal slippe å få flere sånne henvendelser.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Her kan man se at Johanitterordenen/'Knights of St. John', er katolikker

johanitterordenen katolikker!/group.php?gid=107412889289972&ref=search

Det var visst noe krøll på Avhopperforumet nå. Er det Johanitterordenen som slår til? Han heter jo Johan han som jobber der så

Gmail - Account activated


Erik Ribsskog

Account activated

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 8:24 PM



takk for hjelp!

Nå får jeg plutselig ikke logget meg inn på avhopperforumet lenger, med brukernavn johncons.

Har du muligheten til å se på dette, en dag du har tid?

(Det er ikke noe stress altså, men jeg bare tenkte jeg skulle skrive litt om Johanitterordenen, siden jeg har disse i slekta).


Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:23 PM, <> wrote:

Hello johncons,

Your account on "Avhopperforums diskusjonsforum" has now been activated,

you may login using the username and password you received in a previous



Thanks, The Management

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Language Empire



Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 6:07 PM



I've been working as self-employed earlier, (on behalf of Packaging Europe in Norwich), and then I didn't have to send a single form, as I remember it.

So I got a bit surprised when I saw all your forms.

But anyway.

What type of interpreter-work is it that you are offering then?

It's almost two months since I sent my last e-mail to you, so I guess you might have found a lot of Norwegian and Swedish speakers in the mean-time?

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Language Empire Recruitment Dept <> wrote:

Dear Erik

You can apply for the CRB check at a later stage this position
is a freelance self employed position, Therefore that is why you would need to
obtain the CRB check yourself.

Kind Regards


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 22 April 2010 14:38



thank you very much for your e-mail.

I think it's a bit strange, that I have to pay 66 pounds,
for a criminal record check, before I know if I'll get the job.

Is it ok if I buy this criminal record check, after I get my first pay-check?

Thank you very much again for your e-mail!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Language Empire Recruitment
Dept <>

Dear Erik

Re- Face to Face Interpreter Registration

Thank you for your time taken in applying as a Face to Face
After looking through your CV, we can confirm that we have
shortlisted your CV to become a Face to Face Interpreter.

We urgently require Swedish
and Danish
in your area.

Please find attached application documents. Please
print out and read the instructions carefully.

By law we must hold a completed registration form for every
freelancer on our database. We are approved members of the Recruitment and
Employment Confederation (REC). We are also a Data Protection Act registered
company. All data we hold on you is kept strictly confidential and secure and
we are ISO 27001 certified.

Please return all completed documents to:

Face to Face Interpreter Recruitment

Recruitment Empire

Deeplish House

174 Milkstone Road



OL11 1NA


In order to view the attached documents,
please download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader from the following link:

If you would like to register as a Freelance
, you must hold formal qualifications in translating written
. Please email your CV to

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact
us on 0845 009 7882.

With kind regards

Face to Face Interpreter Recruitment

Recruitment Empire Ltd
| Deeplish House | 174 Milkstone Road | Rochdale | Lancashire | OL11 1NA

T: 0845 009 7882 | F: 0845 009 7883 | E:


ü Investors in People Standard

ü Customer First Standard

ü Associate Member of the Association of
Translation Companies

ü Approved Member of the Recruitment and
Employment Confederation

ü ISO9001 Quality Management System

ü ISO27001 Information Security Management

ü ISO 27001 - The Standard for Management
of Information Security (ISMS)

ü ISO 14001 - The International Standard
for Environmental Management (EMS)

ü BS EN 15038:2006 European standard
applying to the quality of translation

Candidate Experience: Your comments are appreciated.

Recruitment Empire is constantly looking at ways to improve
its candidate experience.
Empire truly values and acts on all candidate feedback. If you have any
comments, suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact our Managing
Director Yasar Zaman at

Please take a moment to consider our planet ... we only have

Do you
really need to print a copy of this email?

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 07 April 2010 19:52




I read that you are searching for a face to face interpreter.

I'm a Norwegian native speaker, who has been living in the UK, since 2004, so I
also speak fluent English.

I also speak fluent Swedish, (since I'm from the south-east of Norway, close to
the Swedish border, and used with watching Swedish television etc.), and almost
fluent Danish, since I had a Danish born grandmoter.

I've been working on behalf of Microsoft, here in the UK, answering calls in
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English, and I've also got a good result on my
English-test, when I studied at the University of Sunderland.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!


Erik Ribsskog


Jeg lurer på om det firmaet her bare går ut på, å tjene penger på det sikkerhets-kurset.

Man kan se at de ikke engang har et ordentlig nettsted:

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Drammen

Gmail - Trusler på internett/Fwd: [johncons] New comment on Nå kan jeg dokumentere at jeg er i slekt med Cort ....


Erik Ribsskog

Trusler på internett/Fwd: [johncons] New comment on Nå kan jeg dokumentere at jeg er i slekt med Cort ....

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM



her er det en som kaller seg noe med Torpedo, som skriver på bloggen min.

Det ser jeg på som en trussel, som jeg ønsker å anmelde.

Jeg ønsker gjerningspersonen tiltalt og straffet.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TorpedoTor <>

Date: 2010/6/14
Subject: [johncons] New comment on Nå kan jeg dokumentere at jeg er i slekt med Cort ....

TorpedoTor has left a new comment on your post "Nå kan jeg dokumentere at jeg er i slekt med Cort ...":

Nei, det du kan dokumentere her er at svogeren til oldemora di er i slekt med Cort Adeler. Siden han kun er inngift i din slekts familie, er ikke du i slekt med han.

Publish this comment.

Reject this comment.

Moderate comments for this blog.

Posted by TorpedoTor to johncons at 14 June 2010 13:38

Det her er hun Kristin Sola, som holdt meg igjen, i et friminutt, på VGS., og fortalte at hun visste at jeg hadde bodd aleine, siden jeg var barn

kristin sola


Det var også hun Kristin Sola, som lo så mye, andre året på videregående, (handel og kontor), i Sande.

Så da jeg hadde høytlesing i norsken, (et dikt om noen hallingdøler, eller noe).

Så lo hu Kristin Sola så mye, at hu forstyrra for meg.

Og norsklærer Samland sa at jeg derfor ikke fikk toppkarakter i norsk muntlig.

Pga. latteranfallet til Kristin Sola.

Så det syntes jeg var litt rart, at Samland skulle la det gå ut over meg.

Men jeg tok det ikke så nøye.

For jeg visste at han Samland var ganske sær.

(For vi hadde hatt han som klasseforstander året før).

Og jeg lå ann til å få 5 i karakterboka, i så mange fag, så jeg tok det ikke så nøye, om det ble 4 eller 5 i norsk muntlig.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

Fler bilder fra Liverpool

Photo 9991

Photo 9993

Photo 9994

Photo 9995

Photo 9996

Photo 9999

Photo 0001

Photo 0002

Photo 0003

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Photo 0012

Den oppvaskmaskinen jeg kjøpte fra Argos, ifjor sommer, har begynt å fuske, så jeg sendte en klage om det

Gmail - Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about dish-washer/Fwd: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:12 AM



the dish-washer I bought from you, in July of last year, is beginning to not work properly.

The timer now stops, at least once, for each programme, so the dish-washer washes for hours, without finishing the programme.

As far as I remember, there is a one year warranty, for foults like this.

So I was wondering how I should go forward, to get the dish-washer fixed?

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Argos Direct E-Commerce <>

Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 6:42 PM
Subject: re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Subject: Order number 83558210.

Thank you for your e-mail regarding confirmation of your order.

I am sorry you did not receive an email confirmation for the above order, unfortunately we had a system error.

Having checked the system I am pleased to confirm your order has been processed and will be delivered on Monday 13th July 2009 between 12pm and 6pm.

Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


Jerome Vernon

Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.

For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email ARG4220053X:

----- Original Message -----

From: "" <>

Date: 09 July 2009

Subject: Customer Enquiry

Reason for enquiry (header) - Feedback

Reason for enquiry (specific) - Feedback on the website

Comments - I didn't recieve a confirmation e-mail, for the order I placed yesterday, for a dish-washer ++.

The order-numbers, (that I got when I called your customer-support, today), are:

- 83558210

- AD 048963911

How can you not send a confirmation e-mail/invoice?


Erik Ribsskog

Title - Mr

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Sivilombudsmannen

Gmail - Deres brev av 8.6., fra Vidar Toftøy-Andersen


Erik Ribsskog

Deres brev av 8.6., fra Vidar Toftøy-Andersen

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 1:46 AM

Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen <>


jeg viser til Deres brev, som jeg mottok i slutten av forrige uke.

Jeg klager til dere på at Nærings- og Handelsdepartementet ikke svarer.

Jeg sendte Nærings- og Handelsdepartementet e-poster på 22.12 ifjor, og 22. 3 iår.

Dere sier at det ikke er noen grunn for dere å ta noe initiativ, på bakgrunn av min henvendelse.

Kan dere forklare _hvorfor_ det ikke er noen grunn for dere å ta noe initiativ, på bakgrunn av min henvendelse?

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Det er akkurat som at Sivilombudsmannen, er som noen neandertalere, som ikke klarer å bruke språk, for å forklare hvorfor de gjør noe.

Det er helt håpløst, mener jeg.

Det er som i 'Apeplaneten', synes jeg.

Så sånn er nok det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk et nytt brev fra Sivilombudsmannen


Jeg sendte en klage til sjefen til Mr. Lee

Gmail - To the superior of Mr. Lee/Fwd: Complaint about Michael Lee/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Temple


Erik Ribsskog

To the superior of Mr. Lee/Fwd: Complaint about Michael Lee/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Temple

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 1:01 AM



at the end of last week, I received a letter from Mr. Lee.

I was wondering why they called me, outside of the business-hours.

And I asked Mr. Lee to write me a letter, explaining this.

When I read the letter now, this still doesn't seem clear to me.

So I wanted to complain about this.

The ICE reference for the letter is: DWP00811/09.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Complaint about Michael Lee/Fwd: Complaint about Mr. Temple


Mr. Lee called me now, at 4.50 pm, and pretended he was confused.

I wondered why you called me outside of the business hours, on Friday.

And now, it seemed to me, that he called me right before the end of the business-hours, as a provocation.

He also ridiculed me, in the phone-call, and said that I couldn't speak with Mr. Temple, at 5.30.

(Since that was after the business-hours).

So I think I was provoced and ridiculed by Mr. Lee.

So I wanted to complain about this.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Complaint about Mr. Temple
To: DWP ICE gateway team <>


Mr. Temple called me now, at 5.30 pm, to discuss a Jobcentre-complaint.

I would like to complain about, that Mr. Temple call me outside of the business-hours.

Mr. Temple knows I'm unemployed, and then I think this should be done within the business-hours, and not on my spare-time.

I think this must be that you are pulling my leg, and harassing me.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk et nytt brev fra ICE


Jeg sendte en ny klage til the Jobcentre

Gmail - To N. Winter, Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: To N. Winter, Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting


Erik Ribsskog

To N. Winter, Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: To N. Winter, Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:15 AM


DWP ICE gateway team <>


thank you for you letter which I received at the end of last week.

You appologise, to me, since I wasn't given the correct information before the meeting.

But, you don't explain, what went wrong, which I think is normal for organisations to do, when they have done something wrong.

You write that I only was given the Pertemps-folder.

But when I went back to the woman with the scars from pimples on her chin, and explained that the Pretems-adresse was in Church St., and asked her if that was the address for the meeting, then she kept the Pertemps-folder as well.

So I wasn't given any information.

I think I at some stage should have been given the Jobcentre Information-folder about Employment-zones, since this, you can even find much about on the internet, it seems to me, since only a few places in the UK offer Employment-zones.

I send this to ICE as well, since I have a complaint against the Jobcentre manager, from before, so I think ICE should really deal with any new complaints, as a part of the first complaint then.

Good luck in explaining what went wrong.

And please explain to me, why you don't explain what went wrong, at once.

Why do I have to ask about this, when this must be common procedure, for organisations to do, when admitting to doing a mistake, to explain what went wrong, and what they are going to do, to make sure things like this don't happen again.

It makes me think that you aren't professional when you don't explain the mistakes, but just says sorry, it seems a bit like you think that poor treatment of clients, isn't anything important, it's just to pretend you are sorry, and write 'sorry' and then forget about it.

That's the impression you give, I think.

Sorry to say this.

I would have wanted someone else to deal with this complaint, (that's ICE), but they don't understand that when I've complained about the manager, Ms. Hart, and the jobcentre continues, to mess with me, before ICE get to process that complaint, then the new 'messing' from you, should be treated as a part of the inital ICE-case I think.

This ICE don't seem to understand, so I'm sorry if this makes me seem rude, towards you, in this e-mail.

But I honestly now, don't know who it's right to send this e-mail to, due to that ICE are messing with me, it seems clear to me.

So the UK is a hopeless place, I'm starting to think.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 12:26 AM
Subject: To N. Winter, Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Update/Fwd: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting

Cc: DWP ICE gateway team <>


thank you for you letter, which I recieved yesterday.

You write that: 'I am aware that you were seen by one of our advisors, Jenny, on 03 June'.

This was a scheduled meeting, which I received a letter about, a couple of weeks, before the meeting.

My complaint is, that I wasn't made aware of the agenda for the meeting.

(I got to know the agenda for the meeting, in the meeting.

But then I didn't get to prepare for the meeting, and had no idea what it was about).

This is my complaint, I wasn't made aware of the agenda for the meeting, on 3/6, before the meeting.

This I think is the norm, that if one have a meeting, which is scheduled, two or three weeks before, then one should inform the participants on the meeting, about the agenda.

I wanted to please complain about this, since there has been a lot of other problems, with the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:47 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting


I haven't received an answer to this e-mail.

But I was at the Employment Zones-meeting today, at the Jobcetre, so I'm sending an update, to my complaint.

Today, (at the Employment Zone-meeting), with Jenny Smart, I was given the Employment Zone-folder.

I think I should have been given that folder, before the meeting, to prepare for the meeting.

Now a new meeting was set up, in two weeks time.

(So nothing much happened on the meeting today, with Jenny Smart, other than that I recieved some information-folders).

But, I wanted to complain about, that I wasn't given information about the Employment Zone-meeting, before the meeting.

Even if I complained about that I only got a folder for Pertemps, in Church St., when I was at the Jobcentre, two weeks ago.

(I looked at the folder, for Pretemps, when I went out of the Jobcentre, and it mentioned an address in Church St.

This made no sense to me, I should have been given a Jobcentre information-pack, before the meeting I think.

I only received a Pretemps information-folder, but this contained no information about Jobcentre Employment Zones.

So I didn't get enough information to understand what was going on.

It seemed like a phoney meeting to me, because of this).

In Norway, we call this 'fremmedgjøring', that people aren't being informed about what's going on, regarding them.

I'll see if I can find the English word.

My complaint it that the Jobcentre, intenionally, (it seemed to me), used the method of 'Social alienation', when they didn't inform me about why I was suddently going to an 'Employment Zone'-meeting, which I've never heard about before, and couldn't find about on your website, (since it's only in some areas of the UK, it seems).

So that's why I complained to the Jobcentre representative, two weeks ago, since they left me feeling socialy alienatied, due to that I wasn't given the adequate information.

So sorry if I complained to load, at the Jobcentre, the last time, but this patronisation, I'd call it, anoys me a bit, unfortunatly.

I've been working as an executive, and am used to managing myself, so I react if I'm being treated like an adult person.

So that's the reason I reacted at the Jobcentre two weeks ago, and I still wanted to complain about the way I was treated, surrounding this lack of information.

Hope this is alright!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:28 AM
Subject: To N. Winter, Manager Jobcentre Plus, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about phoney meeting



thank you for your letter, from 21/5, which I received yesterday.

(I was working out, at the gym, yesterday evening, so I'm a bit late answering my correspondence today, unfortunatly).

The folder I was given, at my last sign-on meeting, at the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq., last Thursday, was for an organisation, in Church St., called 'Pertemps Employment Zone', I think it was.

Shouldn't I have been given a Jobcentre-folder?

Is this a New Deal-meeting?

Because on the internet, I can't find anything about 78-week review meetings, (but only about New Deal-meetings).

Could I please have the link, to the Jobcentre website, that explains about this meeting.

(Since there has been a lot of problems with this Jobcentre, from before, I think, with the thre ICE-cases, etc).

I also thought that the manager had another name, has Mrs. Hart stopped working at Williamson Sq. Jobcentre?

I would also like to complain about that I was given the wrong folder, for the organisation in Church St., and not one about the review/New Deal-meeting, (like I recieved before the 26 week review meeting, I think it was, with the immigrant woman on it, I think it was, if I remember correctly).

Again thank you very much for you letter!

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Complaint about phoney meeting


my name is Erik Ribsskog, Flat 3, 5 Leather Lane, Liverpool, L2 2AE.

Phone-number should be 0151 236 3298 and date of birth is 25/7/70.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here are the e-mails I've sent you regarding this:


I was there today, and spoke with the young woman in her early twenties with glasses and scars from pimples, or something, on her chin, (I couldn't see her ID-card, since it was the wrong way).

She gave me a folder to an organisation in Church St.

And I went back and asked her if the meeting was in Church St., (since she said the folder was to do with the meeting).

But, it turned out the folder wasn't anything to do with the meeting at all, it was just some phoney stuff.

So I wanted to complain about this jobcenter-representative.

She also said it was a meeting, (next time), to do with that I had been unemployed, for 18 months.

But, I can't find anything about an 18 month review-meeting on the net.

And I have three ICE-complaints about this jobcenter from before.

So I want ICE to deal with this complaint, and explain to me how the Jobcenter can call me in to a phoney meeting like this.

So I also sendt this to ICE.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM, CONTACT-US <> wrote:

Thank you for your email.

Please contact your local Jobcentre or Jobcentre Plus office regarding this query.

You can find the address and telephone number for your local office at:


Dane Hurst
Contact us e-mails

Jobcentre plus secretariat

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 20 May 2010 01:38
Cc: DWP ICE gateway team

Subject: Complaint about phoney meeting


I've got a letter in the post, from the Jobcenter-manager Mrs. Hart, from the Jobcenter at Williamsson Sq., Liverpool, telling me to go to 'an interview', on Thursday 3 June 2010.

But I can't find anything on the internet about a 76 week review-meeting.

(Only 13 and 26 weeks).

And I have three Ice-complaints about 'phoney stuff', from this Job-center, that Ice are slow at investigating.

This seems like a phoney meeting to me.

It should have been called a 'New Deal'-meeting, as far as I can see, on the Jobcenter website.

And New Deal meetings aren't scheduled meetings, as far as I understand it.

So I don't think they should have a meeting like this, while three ICE-cases are being investigated againts Mrs. Hart and the Jobcenter Williamsson Sq.

I also send this to ICE.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:07 AM, CONTACT-US <> wrote:

Thank you for your email.

I will need to forward this query to your
local Jobcentre Plus District Manager's office for action.

Could you please ‘reply’ to this email with
the following information - your full name, postal address, your telephone
number and your date of birth.

Due to the vast amount of emails we
receive, please also attach your original email.


Dane Hurst
Contact us e-mails
Jobcentre plus secretariat

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: 20 May 2010 10:45
Cc: DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: Re: Complaint
about phoney meeting


I was there today, and spoke with the young woman in her early twenties
with glasses and scars from pimples, or something, on her chin, (I couldn't
see her ID-card, since it was the wrong way).

She gave me a folder to an organisation in Church St.

And I went back and asked her if the meeting was in Church St., (since
she said the folder was to do with the meeting).

But, it turned out the folder wasn't anything to do with the meeting
at all, it was just some phoney stuff.

So I wanted to complain about this jobcenter-representative.

She also said it was a meeting, (next time), to do with that I had
been unemployed, for 18 months.

But, I can't find anything about an 18 month review-meeting on the

And I have three ICE-complaints about this jobcenter from before.

So I want ICE to deal with this complaint, and explain to me how the
Jobcenter can call me in to a phoney meeting like this.

So I also sendt this to ICE.

Best Regards,


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:28 AM, CONTACT-US <>

Thank you for your email.

Please contact your local Jobcentre or
Jobcentre Plus office regarding this query.

You can find the address and telephone
number for your local office at:


Dane Hurst

Contact us

plus secretariat

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 20 May 2010 01:38
DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: Complaint about phoney


I've got a letter in the post, from the Jobcenter-manager Mrs. Hart,
from the Jobcenter at Williamsson Sq., Liverpool, telling me to go to 'an
interview', on Thursday 3 June 2010.

But I can't find anything on the internet about a 76 week

(Only 13 and 26 weeks).

And I have three Ice-complaints about 'phoney stuff', from this
Job-center, that Ice are slow at investigating.

This seems like a phoney meeting to me.

It should have been called a 'New Deal'-meeting, as far as I can see,
on the Jobcenter website.

And New Deal meetings aren't scheduled meetings, as far as I
understand it.

So I don't think they should have a meeting like this, while
three ICE-cases are being investigated againts Mrs. Hart and the Jobcenter
Williamsson Sq.

I also send this to ICE.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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Jeg fikk et nytt brev fra the Jobcentre


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Christian Grønli, hvor jeg forklarte at jeg ikke ville ha noe mer med han å gjøre

Gmail - Chat with christian gronli


Erik Ribsskog

Chat with christian gronli

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:05 PM

christian gronli <>

Hei Christian,

Nå har jeg anmeldt deg og broren din, for drapsforsøk mot meg, på 80-tallet.

Og mulig drap på Thor Furuheim og mulig delaktighet i drap på mora deres.

Pluss mulig delaktighet i Munch-ranet.

Så fra nå, så vil jeg ikke ha noe mer med deg å gjøre.

Bare så det er klart da, for jeg synes det ble litt mye meldinger osv. nå.

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:06 PM, christian gronli <> wrote:

10:06 PM christian: hallo


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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