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lørdag 8. mai 2021

Min firemennings datter Sophie Ribsskog Johansson, (som kontaktet meg på Facebook for noen år tilbake), sin oldefar Bjarne Ribsskog, var skipskaptein, og hadde sine teorier, om overtro til sjøs. (Fra Porsgrunns Dagblad 11. januar 1962)

overtro til sjøs

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[23:47.29] <john_cons> juli-e: do you have norwegian ancestors since you mentioned the norwegian food lefse the other day
[23:47.29] * Jack` hides behind tristy
[23:47.42] * Robin_Hood bobs up and down
[23:47.45] <+juli-e> my grandparents were norwedgian
[23:47.51] <john_cons> ok, not bad
[23:48.12] <john_cons> have you been to norway then
[23:48.23] <+juli-e> nope and they both dead now so
[23:48.33] <john_cons> my grandmother used to make lefse for christmas etc
[23:48.42] <+juli-e> so did mine
[23:48.48] <john_cons> a special type of lefse named numedals-lefse
[23:48.58] <john_cons> it was stiff and not soft like the other lefse
[23:49.05] <Dolley> Hello XRP
[23:49.07] * TristanX giggles
[23:49.15] * Kilo ( has joined channel #usa
[23:49.17] <john_cons> with buter, sugar and cinamon
[23:49.22] <john_cons> i think it was
[23:49.45] <+juli-e> mine made soft kind only
[23:49.51] * Nancy_GA ( has joined channel #usa
[23:50.01] <+TristanX> if you suck on the stiff ones do they go soft
[23:50.04] <john_cons> ok, i know that kind as well, they used to sell them at the trains in norway
[23:50.09] <+TristanX> wait that did NOT sound right
[23:50.13] <john_cons> they possibly still do
[23:50.24] <+juli-e> mikey mikey mikey
[23:50.33] * TristanX facepalms
[23:50.44] <john_cons> and in the shops
[23:51.16] <+juli-e> now i buy mine off ebay
[23:51.20] <+TristanX> I love these twangy EDM songs
[23:51.24] <john_cons> really
[23:51.28] <+juli-e> yup
[23:51.42] <Robin_Hood> !request Snap! - The Power
[23:51.45] <+juli-e> around hollidays ppl sell homemade lefse on ebay
[23:51.57] <john_cons> yes i've seen on the internet that they sell a swedish brand i think in the us
[23:52.04] <john_cons> something with olsson?
[23:52.08] <john_cons> mrs. olsson?
[23:52.14] <+juli-e> that too
[23:52.22] * MrBurns is now known as MrBurnsAFK
[23:52.39] <+juli-e> but its not cheap
[23:52.49] <john_cons> juli-e: ok, where in norway where your grandparents from then (if it's ok to ask)
[23:53.04] <+juli-e> im not sure they never said besides norway
[23:53.20] <john_cons> oh, ok, could be many places then i guess
[23:53.20] * ladyluck ( has joined channel #usa
[23:53.34] * X sets mode +l 152 for #usa
[23:53.53] <Robin_Hood> !request Coldplay - Clocks
[23:54.28] <john_cons> i bought a tasy lefste not long ago in a kiwi-shop in norway
[23:54.34] <john_cons> lefse
[23:54.42] <john_cons> what was the brand again
[23:54.48] * diatronic (~diatronic@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:55.00] * diatronic (~diatronic@ has joined channel #usa
[23:55.06] * sweetfitman ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[23:55.15] * RainBoots ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:55.34] * X sets mode +l 150 for #usa
[23:56.07] <john_cons> it was almost like lefse, it was called 'turklenning' from Berthas
[23:56.37] <john_cons> it cost about 10 NOK (a bit more than a dollar), for a snack-sized lefse with butter and sugar i think it was
[23:57.27] <Robin_Hood> cool
[23:57.44] <+TristanX> ,song
[23:57.46] <+TristanX> .song
[23:57.47] <+Bowie>  :||: USA Radio :||: DJ: TristanX :||: ✨ Coldplay - Clocks 2014 (Cristian Poow Nu Disco Mix [Single]) ✨  Type .radio to Tune In! :||: USA Radio :||:
[23:57.58] <Robin_Hood> nice
[23:58.20] * RainBoots ( has joined channel #usa
[23:59.48] <Robin_Hood> wow, a guitar!
[23:59.56] * ^Eve ( has joined channel #usa
[23:59.58] <Robin_Hood> can't believe it
[00:00.04] * X sets mode +l 152 for #usa
[00:00.18] <Robin_Hood> lol
[00:00.40] <Robin_Hood> wow
[00:00.55] <+TristanX> fabulous remix 
[00:01.06] <Robin_Hood> guess so
[00:01.35] <Robin_Hood> that got a little dissonant there for a bit
[00:02.09] <john_cons> mrs. olson might be norwegian, it's just that we say olsen in norway, but they could have changed it over there
[00:02.40] <Robin_Hood> cool version tho
[00:03.06] * XaN ( has joined channel #usa
[00:03.13] <Robin_Hood> yay, love this song
[00:03.31] <+TristanX> bet you haven't 'heard this version lol
[00:03.36] <Robin_Hood> true
[00:04.02] <@USA> [4/4] For funny and memorable quotes follow us on Facebook @ & Twitter  @
[00:04.07] <Robin_Hood> so far it's close to the original
[00:04.31] <Robin_Hood> I hear the extra drums
[00:04.39] <+TristanX> yep
[00:04.49] <Robin_Hood> and kind of a speeded up tempo
[00:04.55] <+TristanX> def sped up lol
[00:05.02] <Jack`> !w
[00:05.03] <@USA> Farmingville, New York, USA (40.837, -73.044) -- Partly cloudy and 54° 


Dette amerikanske merket hadde kanskje solgt bra i Norge:

norsk amerikansk lefse

Hvis min lillesøster Pia er singel for tida, så kan hu jo dra å fiske, med sin ekskjæreste Kenneth Nerby, til sommeren

fiske med kenneth

Det her er hu oldemora mi, som vokste opp i Amerika. (Fra DT/BB 16. desember 1960)

oldemor amerika

Jeg tror at hu i midten må være min stesøster Christell Humblen sin eldste datter Ronja, (for hu ligner på Christell, og det står 'RH' på buksa hennes, (hu er visst på et landslag/kretslag i håndball)). Fra Byavisa Drammen 15. april 2015

christell sin datter i midten"ronja%20konnerud"~8


Ronja er visst russ i år:

ronja russ

PS 2. 

Her er mer om dette:

ronja annonse skole

Jeg visste ikke at bondekona Sand hadde pikenavnet Olsen. (Fra DT/BB 26. mai 1967)

bondekona sand var olsen"liv%20marie%20olsen"

Her kan man se at min far klarte å få vår slektsbedrift Strømm Trevare, (tidligere Strømm Trevareindustri), til å gå konkurs. (Fra DT/BB 28. november 1990)

klarte å få til konkurs


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
