Erik Ribsskog <>
Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
Erik Ribsskog <> 17. november 2022 kl. 23:16
Til: "RedressFinal, TRIP" <>
Kopi:, "" <>,, post <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>,,,,,, Akademikerforbundet <>,, Politikk Høyre <>,,
I forgot to mention that since I first contacted you about this (around 2010).
I've later (in 2012) become almost like an American citizen.
I have started publishing my memoirs etc. on Lulu and Smashwords (and earlier Amazon).
And I'm an American tax-payer now.
I have something called an EIN-number (Employer Identification Number).
(See attached photos).
So this is possibly going to help my case, so that you send me the mentioned letter (and files) I hope.
This EIN-number means that I don't really need a green card/visa to go to America, any longer.
Is that right?
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
tor. 17. nov. 2022 kl. 22:53 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
You are no longer eligible to apply under the Visa Waiver Program. However, you have not been barred from applying for admission to the United States. You must apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a US Embassy or Consulate.
There is nothing further to add.
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:42 AM
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc:; <>;; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>;;
Subject: Re: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
I still think it would be fun to go on holiday to America.
(I have a bonus-brother (the Danish-Norwegian bodybuilder Viggo Snowhill aka. Viggo Snoghøj) who lives in Florida.
But he's about ten years older than me.
So I don't know him that well (and we both go on about our upbringing being horrible, because of Viggo's mother Haldis Humblen, and her ex-husband Oddbjørn (who used to captain trans-atlantic ferries) who threw her through a glass-door so she almost lost her arm).
But California seems like a cool place to visit.
And also New York, etc).
Like I've explained earlier I haven't got this CBP-letter.
(It's on my uncle's farm.
And he's a maniac, more or less, it seems).
Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of this CBP-letter with attachments (since I haven't gotten all the original files (from work/studies) any longer (they are on my uncle's farm) and these are important files, to do with my carriere/job-seeking etc).
Thanks in advance for any help!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
tor. 17. nov. 2022 kl. 13:48 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
As we stated in our previous response to your email:
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP).
As stated in your CBP letter, you are no longer eligible to apply under the Visa Waiver Program. However, you have not been barred from applying for admission to the United States. You must apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a US Embassy or Consulate.
The letters you received from DHS TRIP are the final determination regarding your inquiry. There is nothing further to add.
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 9:11 AM
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc:; <>;; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>;;
Subject: Re: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
what I've done, is that I've now contacted my mothers fourth-cousin Ulrik Federspiel on Facebook.
And he knows George Bush and Donald Trump and the Clintons and he also knew the Reagans.
So perhaps he is going to get this sorted somehow.
So that I get a compensation (this wasted holiday cost me around 30.000 NOK or 40.000, and the only thing I got to see in America was the airport).
And also that I get the files that your airport-security/police copied (Federspiel should know how my uncle Martin is, since I sent the last email I've found out that Martin (who has the original of the documents) has polluted the drinking-water in Spydeberg, in Norway, when he ran/owned a fish-pond there, according to some rumours (mentioned in a newspaper) and rumors like this can be damaging for anyone with the last-name Ribsskog, I guess. (This was a few years after Martin did some strange stuff in the jungle in Nicaragua, in 1988, according to my grand-mothers will)).
I really have at least a Bachelors-degree in IT, so I'm also wondering what my chances are for getting a green card.
At least it would have been fun to see a bit of America.
My earlier class-mate Gerd Jorun Wik (from Gjerdes Upper Secondary School in Drammen) once called me from America and wondered if I wanted to work for her company/organisation there (but I was studying at my 'home-university' so that was out of question at the moment, but I can't find Gerd Jorun on Facebook etc. these days, but she might have moved back to Norway).
Thanks very much for your reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
ons. 16. nov. 2022 kl. 14:37 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP).
As stated in your CBP letter, you are no longer eligible to apply under the Visa Waiver Program. However, you have not been barred from applying for admission to the United States. You must apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a US Embassy or Consulate.
The letters you received from DHS TRIP are the final determination regarding your inquiry. There is nothing further to add.
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 1:01 PM
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc:; <>;; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>;;
Subject: Re: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
I have filed a trip-complaint earlier.
And you didn't want to send me any compensation/money.
You told me I could go back to the USA, but I needed a visa from the American embassy (I couldn't use the built-in visa in my passport any longer).
The thing is, I got a new passport in 2017 (from the Norwegian Embassy in London).
Is it so that now the built-in passport-visa works again.
Or do I still have to go to the American Embassy to get an old-fashioned visa (to travel to the US)?
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
And this time I write mostly because I was wondering if I could have my case-file (with my xeroxed files from work/studies) since someone (my uncle Martin) has stolen the original files.
Thanks in advance for any reply!
PS 2.
Earlier Danish ambassador to Washington Ulrik Federspiel is my mother (who died in 1999) and Martins fourt-cousin.
He can perhaps explain that Martin is a hippie that always goes to fast on his motorcycle (on small Norwegian roads) so Martin is a bit wild (I think my aunt Ellen said) and has been a lot to hospial, and once his mate died, while sitting on Martins bike, when Martin had one of his accidents (and Martin has also robbed me for my inheritance after my Danish-born grandmother).
Thanks in advance for any reply!
lør. 12. nov. 2022 kl. 17:40 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have inquiries or seek resolution regarding difficulties they experience during their travel screening at transportation hubs, such as airports, or crossing U.S. borders, including:
· Situations in which travelers believe they have been unfairly detained;
· Situations in which travelers believe they have been unfairly denied entry into the United States; and
· Situations in which travelers believe they have been unfairly or incorrectly delayed or denied airline boarding or identified for additional screening.
Participation in DHS TRIP is voluntary. If you wish to apply, you may do so by visiting:
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 4:43 PM
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc:; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>;
Subject: Re: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
I've gone to mercantile education in Norway.
And I've learned that it shouldn't be necessary to fill out some 'funny' form if one explain about what has happened in normal writing.
So this I have to complain about.
Please escalate this to a superior.
Erik Ribsskog
fre. 11. nov. 2022 kl. 18:40 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP).
DHS TRIP recently launched its new case management system, the DHS TRIP Portal. The DHS TRIP Portal can be found at Applicants and/or their representatives can now submit their entire redress application via an online portal via their computer or mobile phone. You may complete an online application at
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us at
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 6:45 PM
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc:; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>
Subject: Re: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
I want to do that.
But at first I was wondering if I could have my case-file, please.
Those documents are at my uncle Martin's farm in Norway, and I am wondering if he is cooperating with some gangsters/criminals who tried to kill me there (on July 25th 2005).
(Neighter the police in Norway or the police in the UK wanted to investigate this.
Back in 2005).
I attach some old photos I have with your stamp in my passport, and some coins that the Air France-people on the airport gave me, after I had paid for a return-ticket.
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
The main reason that I want the case-file is that the Airport-security-guys (in Detroit) took some photo-copies of my documents from work/university.
And those files are on my uncles farm (in Norway).
And I need them for my job-seeking, etc.
Thanks in advance for any reply!
tor. 10. nov. 2022 kl. 22:58 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
Thank you for contacting the Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP).
If you believe you were incorrectly denied ESTA authorization or /Visa Waiver Program you may file a redress request through the DHS Travel Redress Inquiry Program.
If you wish to apply, you may do so by visiting:
For information regarding the ESTA, please contact (202)-344-3710 or email
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 9:56 PM
Cc: RedressFinal, TRIP <>; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;;
Subject: Problemer med flyplassen i Detroit etc./Fwd: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. If you believe this is SPAM or a phishing email, contact the TSA Cyber Security Operations Center at TSA-SPAM.
det var sånn (som jeg vel har informert dere om tidligere) at flyplass-politiet i Detroit (eller hva de kalles) nektet meg innreise til USA (var vage/uklare årsaker) i 2005.
Og da var det sånn, at de i forbindelse med dette (en med revolver i beltet, som en cowboy) ønsket å kopiere alle mine attester/vitnemål (som jeg hadde i kofferten, siden at jeg kom fra studier ved University of Sunderland, og alt var ikke i boks, før jeg dro over, så jeg tok med en perm, hvor jeg hadde karakter-utskrifter, og jeg hadde også først tenkt til å prøve å få meg en ekstrajobb, i Sunderland/Newcastle (ved siden av studiene) og da var det vel greit å ta med attest/vitnemål-permen, for å si det sånn).
Og etter at amerikanerne sendte meg tilbake til Europa (med første fly, et Air France-fly for Lufthansa nekta meg å reise med de tilbake over Atlanterhavet, av uklare årsaker).
(Jeg dro til Detroit fra Frankfurt.
Hvor jeg endte opp, for HiO IU tulla med søknaden min til Sunderland, så det var så mye byråkrati, i forbindelse med graden min (og min søster og hennes venninne Siv og hver deres mulatt-unge skulle absolutt besøke meg, i jule og nyttårsferien, så jeg fikk ikke tatt igjen etterskuddet, når det gjaldt studiene, for jeg måtte liksom verte opp disse lesbene da, eller hva de var).
Så jeg bestemte meg for å avbryte studiene, mens jeg fortsatt hadde litt penger på kontoen (sånn at jeg kunne skaffe meg et sted å bo, for jeg leide av Rimi i Norge, og jeg slutta som butikksjef i 2002 og som låseansvarlig høsten 2004).
Og så hadde jeg jobba som butikksjef-vikar både sommeren 2002, sommeren 2003 og sommeren 2004.
Så jeg trengte litt sol (siden at jeg hadde vært lite på stranda osv., på mange år).
Og så bestilte jeg en tur til Mallorca (fra Frankfurt).
Men tyskerne tulla, og flighten ble avlyst.
Og så fikk jeg nok (da det var noe bøtte-ballett på gate-en, for reserve-flighten, etter en lang natt på flyplassen, hvor alle tyskerne fikk erstatnings-billett/flight før meg).
Så jeg tenkte at jeg trenger å komme meg litt fra Europa.
Og så kjøpte jeg en ganske billig billett til Detroit (for 'USA-billett-butikken' på flyplassen, hadde kun ledige billetter til Detroit, den dagen)).
Og etter jeg kom tilbake til Europa, så endte jeg til slutt opp hos min onkel i Kvelde (som jeg nå har måttet kutte ut, etter at jeg ble utsatt for et mordforsøk der, sommeren 2005, som politiet ikke vil etterforske, for det er jeg og min lillesøster som er oppvokst i Larvik (og ikke min onkel) så det var litt som at min onkel Martin kjøpte en gård til hele slekten, da han flytta til Kvelde, mente ihvertfall min lillesøster Pia, hu mente at det var stas, at Martin (og hans daværende samboer Grethe Ingebrigtsen) kjøpte gård, så nærme Larvik, hvor vi var vokst opp, etter at Martin og Grethe først hadde hatt en gård i Askim, på den tida min mor døde, noe som var i 1999).
Og kofferten og bag-en måtte jeg la være igjen på gården (Løvås gård, som vel er/var en såkalt ødegård).
For jeg måtte løpe fra noen som skulle skyte meg der (da Martin og Grethe dro på MC-ferie til Danmark, og Grethe sine unger var hos besteforeldrene i Svelvik, hvor min fars slekt forresten er fra, de er fra Berger, en snau mil sør for Svelvik).
Og så måtte jeg ro over Farris-vannet (på en båt jeg fant) og det ene med det andre.
Og så bodde jeg i England (i Liverpool og Sunderland) fra 2005 til 2014 (for jeg hadde litt igjen av studielånet, og jeg fikk jobb i Liverpool, mot alle odds, må man vel si, på Bertelsmann Arvato's Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign).
Men mine vitnemål og attester ligger fortsatt på Kvelde.
Og jeg mistenker at onkel Martin stod i ledtog med disse gangsterne fra Oslo (eller hvem det var, for jeg bare hørte de bak/ved meg i skogen, men så de ikke).
Og dette er snakk om skryte-brev fra Rimi-Hagen, osv.
For jeg vant Rimi Gullårer, som butikksjef på Rimi Langhus, i 2001.
Og Rimi-Hagen er jo kjent i utlandet (siden at han er dollar-millardær osv., og har engelsk Wikipedia-side osv., og siden at han er en kjent forretningsmann).
Så det skrytebrevet (hvor Rimi-Hagen skriver at jeg er en veldig god leder og at jeg jobber veldig bra) det skulle jeg gjerne hatt på nettstedet mitt, for eksempel (og for eksempel vist det fram, på eventuelle jobb-intervjuer).
(Og det er også snakk om en attest fra Norsk Hagetidend (jeg hadde et friår fra NHI, som Lånekassa ikke full-finansierte og derfor hadde jeg et 'sandwich-år' hvor jeg jobba, for min Lørenskog-tremenning Øystein 'Seoul' Andersen kjente alle på informatikk-studiet på UIO, så jeg vraket det studiet, på grunn av det ble klamt/svett).
Og han Knut Lønø som skrev den attesten (hvor han skrøyt av meg) er død.
Og det er også snakk om bra 'diplom' fra EF Språkreiser, som jeg reiste med to ganger på 80-tallet (en gang med en Svelvik-kamerat og en gang med nevnte Øystein).
(Jeg reiste først med STS til Brighton sommeren 1985.
Min far tvang meg til å bo alene (har omsorgssvikt-sak) så det var greit med språkreiser, for å få litt mer normale oppvekst-forhold.
For å si det sånn.
Selv om det var en del problem-familier i England.
Siden at vertsfamiliene kunne være fra arbeiderklassen (og en familie var muligens delvis sigøynere)).
Og på den siste språkreisen så var jeg den med best resultat (94 av 100 riktige) av alle elevene.
Så det er vel greit å ha det dokumentet og, selv om dette er mange år tilbake.
(Jeg fikk beste karakter på trøffel-testen (heter det vel) på University of Sunderland, men de nekter å sende meg dokumentasjon om dette, selv om jeg har purret).
Jeg vet at i Amerika, så er det sånn, at 'mug-shots' er offentlige.
Er det det samme med min Europa-tilbakesendelse-sak.
Er den offentlig?
Kan man finne disse vitnemålene mine, i et eller annet arkiv/register i USA?
For Rimi-Hagen og Ica nekter å sende meg den nevnte attesten/brevet, og det er det sammen med Hageselskapet og EF Språkreiser, osv.
På forhånd takk for eventuelt svar!
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: lør. 2. jul. 2022 kl. 06:18
Subject: Re: FW: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
To: RedressFinal, TRIP <>
Cc: post <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
I was wondering.
Wasn't it so, that a police-officer at the airport in Detroit took some copies of my university-transcripts and references/letters from employers?
Later the same year (2005) I ended up at an uncles farm in Norway.
And I had to run from there/Norway, because my uncle and them tried to get me killed, it seemed.
And those mentioned documents are at my uncles farm still (I didn't get them with me).
And they refuse to send them.
And my old employer don't want to send me copies eighter (i even went to Stockholm a couple of years ago, to the ICA head-quarter, but they just started pretending that they didn't have a calling in the reception-area).
So if you could please email me the mentioned documents.
(It was (among other letters) a letter from Forbes-billionaire and Rimi-founder Stein Erik Hagen where he wrote that I was a very good manager, etc.
To do with that I won a prestegious store-running-competetion (Rimi Gullårer), when I was store-manager at Rimi Langhus, in 2001).
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
tor. 18. apr. 2013 kl. 15:35 skrev RedressFinal, TRIP <>:
Please know that CBP does not provide compensation to travelers who are refused entry into the United States.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have inquiries or seek resolution regarding difficulties they experience during their travel while screening at transportation hubs, such as airports and train stations, or while crossing U.S. borders. Examples of travel difficulties may include:
watch list issues
screening problems at ports of entry
situations where travelers believe they have been unfairly or incorrectly delayed, denied boarding or identified for additional screening at our nation’s transportation hubs.
DHS TRIP is part of an effort by the United States Departments of State and Homeland Security to welcome travelers while still securing our country from those who want to do us harm.
Participation in the DHS Traveler Redress Inquiry Program is voluntary. If you wish to apply, you may do so by visiting:
In the alternative, you may complete the appended Traveler Inquiry Form, provide your original signature, and then return it with a copy of at least one unexpired photograph-bearing government-issued travel document (e.g., driver’s license or unexpired passport) to or mailed to the following address:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP)
601 South 12th Street, TSA-901
Arlington, VA 20598-6901
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 4:48 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
it isn't only the USA who have refused me to go on holiday, for funny reasons.
This easter Isle of Man also did the same.
The difference is that I get a refund, for my ticket-expenses this time.
USA owe me around £2000 in ticket-expenses, I think.
And you should also pay like a million dollars in compensation for messing with me, I think.
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: Your booking at Adelphi Hotel
Erik Ribsskog
Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 1:13 AM
Cc:,,,,,,,,, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>,,
Hi again,
my grandmother Ingeborg, told me, (and possibly my sister Pia), in the 80's or 90's, that my aunt Ellen, always used to be the first of the airplane, from where she lived in Switzerland, when she went to her old home-land Norway.
And aunt Ellen didn't have any luggage, for some reason.
So my aunt Ellen always had to go throw a horrible control, where they looked for narcotica, my grandmother said.
I guessed they must have put their fingers up both my aunt Ellens anus and vagina, to look for drugs there.
(That's how it must have been, I guess, even if my grandmother didn't detail it like that.
But she was shook, so I guess it must have been like that, by interperating what my grandmother said and how she looked, while she told this).
But I don't know if these people found any drugs in my aunt Ellens vagina and anus.
My sister Pia and I visited aunt Ellen in Switzerland, in the summer of 1987, and then aunt Ellen told us that she grew a kind of mariuahna, in her garden, after planting seeds, from bird-seeds-(food)-bags.
And she sent this mild mariuana to friends in Denmark labeling it 'herb-tea', I remember she said, and the Danish customs always let her send the marijuana, my aunt said, probably because she's after Løvenbalk and Danish King Christoffer II and Plantagenet, etc.
But I don't know if the airport-control found any narcotics, in my aunts vagina and anus.
But it's a bit relief, for me, after being the victim of this homosexual clapping, from the SIA ID-guy Moreton.
That my aunt also get sexualy harrased when she goes abroad.
So it's isn't only me, in my familiy, at least.
But my aunt don't send my inheretence, after grandmother Ingeborg, who died in 2009.
Becuase my aunt has moved back to Norway now.
But I guess Ellen uses these money for narcotics.
Who knows.
Just as an update.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: Your booking at Adelphi Hotel
To: adelphi hotel 3 star <>
Cc:,,,,,,,,, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>,,
thank you for the e-mail!
I didn't have the chance to cancel 24 hours in advance, due to that the ferry-company refused me to go with the ferry, to the Isle of Man, on the same day, that the booking was for.
This was just some silly terror-stuff, I'd say.
Two guys without uniform attacked me, after I'd passed the ferry-company security-guards.
So these weren't really working for the ferry-company, I think.
And the captain used some gossip, as excuse, for not letting me go with the ferry.
And the guys without uniform, (but with SIA-ID's), they, (Mr. Moreton), touched me, all over my upper-body.
It was like gay sex, I think.
I'm never going to go to the Isle of Man again.
One have to have gay sex with terrorists to go there, it seems.
I suspect the Order of St. John.
At least, my grandmother Ingeborg, (who was from Danish royalty), once told me, (in the 90's, I think it must have been), that my aunt Ellen always was harrased when she traveled abroad.
It's that order who mess with people who are after Plantagenet etc., I think.
Something like that.
But thanks for the e-mail.
Really I should have gotten millions of pounds in compensation, for this terror-act.
But this order also controls the lawyers, I think, so I don't think I'm going to get a penny.
At least not a penny more than the ticket(s).
Thanks again for the e-mail!
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 2:36 PM, adelphi hotel 3 star <> wrote:
Thank you for your e mail, sadly if you are a no show full price is taken had you let us know 24 hour earlier no charge would have been taken. please see booking .com contract. Yours L Carr.........Adelphi
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:02:17 +0100
Subject: Fwd: Your booking at Adelphi Hotel
I'm refering to your letter which I recieved yesterday, (and attach a photo of).
Like you can see in the forwarded e-mail, I had also paid for a hotel-room, at Adelphi hotel, in Douglas, for around £35, for my short holiday, to Isle of Man.
It says that they don't refund the tickets if one doesn't use the hotel-room, so you owe me more than for the ferry-trip, I think.
Also your SIA-ID guys, who didn't wear any uniform with your logo, they patted me all over my upper-body, in a way that was almost like homosexual sex, I think.
This was very embarrasing, and I felt Mr. Morton, (I think his name was), hands on me, for days, after this 'near-gay-experience', like we say, in Norway.
Do one have to be homosexual to go to a holiday in the Isle of Man?
It seems like that to me.
Who employed these 'goons' who seemed to me, hadn't shaved, for a weeks, (Mr. Moreton), and the other guy hadn't washed his hair for weeks, it seemed.
What the hell was this?
Some kind of sharia or vendetta or something?
The captain of your ferry, was just gossiping, like a woman.
He didn't know who had sent you an e-mail, even so he refered to it.
How can people take your ferry-company serious when you listen to gossip?
This was a scandal, I think.
If this had been in America I would have gotten millions of dollars in compensation, I think.
And you only give me the money for the ticket.
I'm an earlier Store Manager and Home Defence-guy, from Norway.
This is like you disgrace the Norwegian Home Defence.
This was sickening, I think.
You should pay a lot more compensation when you mess with people like this, I think.
This was like a terrorist-act, I think.
To SIA-guys, an African woman, one captain John and a Police-officer terrorising me.
Who is behind this?
The mafia, the CIA, Al Quaida?
It's a disgrace to the free world.
Companies should be made to pay for terrorising people like this, so to scare other companies from doing the same.
Like they do in America.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 3:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: Your booking at Adelphi Hotel
Cc:, "" <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>
I didn't get on the ferry to Isle of Man, today, (Saturday), because of problems, at the Ferry-terminal.
When I went in there, two guys from SGI, (a security-company), wanted to look in my bag.
On guy was unshawen and the other guy had greasy hair.
So I thought these could have been criminals that wanted to steal my bag.
But on guy showed me his ID, and he worked for 'SIA' it said, and his name was Mr. Morton, (the unshaven guy), or something.
The Police was also there.
(I don't know if the ferry company called them).
SIA was happy with me to go with the ferry.
But then the captain, (John?), told me I couldn't go, because of something on my blog, taken out of context.
And someone had sent him a e-mail-threats, in my name, (he said).
(He had a printed e-mail there that was folded, so I don't know who sent it).
A Police officer with number '8156'.
Wondered if I could close down my blog, since someone sends threatening e-mails all the time, in my name.
But there's something called freedom of speach, isn't it?
So I just said I could close it if I wanted to.
(But that would be to give in to terror, I think).
The Police officer told me to tell them if I knew who sent the e-mail, (in my name).
I said I'll do that.
But that's really their job to find out, isn't it?
Seems the Police want's to have a 'cowboy-image' and are afraid to be called nerds, and therefore don't want to investigate e-mail-crime.
Something like this.
I used to work out at the Adelphi hotel in Liverpool, after a collegue, (Karianne), recomended this hotel for working out, (when we worked at Arvato, in the Cunard Building).
So I thought Adelphi seemed fine, at the Isle of Man.
I thought you perhaps had the same owners, (or something), you see.
I send a copy e-mail to my lawyer since someone make my life hell, by sending fake e-mails in my name.
I just thought I'd go at an Easter Holiday to Isle of Man, and have a look at the Thynwald etc, (with the viking-ship-flag), to get away a bit, since I haven't been out of England, since 2005.
But unfortunately, due to the ferry company, this wasn't possible.
But I didn't want to argue, with the captain.
(After September 11th etc., I don't think one should do that).
So I just said I would celebrated Easter at home, and left the ferry-terminal, (but I had to chat with the Police-offer, while I went out of the 'ferry-company-area'.
Sorry that I didn't explain earlier why I didn't go to get the room, that I'd book.
But I thought this scene was very embarrasing, so I thought I had to go and drink some lager, before I went home.
The Police-officer also wanted to know where I lived, so I wondered a bit if Police would be on my door, when I got home, so I went and had some pints, because I had had enough embarasment for one day.
Sorry about this!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:43 PM
Subject: Your booking at Adelphi Hotel
Thank you, Erik! Your booking is now confirmed.
Best Price Guaranteed Print
Booking number
PIN code
Booked by
Erik Ribsskog
Your reservation:
1 night, 1 room
Saturday, 30 March 2013
(from 12:00 - 22:00)
Sunday, 31 March 2013
(from 10:00 - 11:00)
Single Room
£ 29.17
VAT (20%) included
£ 5.83
Total price
£ 35
Please note: additional supplements (e.g. extra bed) are not added to this total
Change of plans? Hey, it happens.
Visit My to edit your dates. You can also reserve parking, request a bigger bed or evenadd breakfast to your stay.
Don’t have an account? No problem. Sign-in not required!
Adelphi Hotel
15 Stanley VW Broadway
Douglas, IM2 3JA
United Kingdom
Travel information:
Show directions
Room details
Guest name:
Erik Ribsskog
for max. 1 person.
Meal plan:
· Breakfast is included in the room rate.
Prepayment :
· 100 percent of the first night will be charged on the day of booking.
Cancellation policy:
· If cancelled up to 7 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged.If cancelled up to 1 day before the date of arrival, 100 percent of the first night will be charged.If cancelled later or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.
Cancellation cost:
· From 29 March 2013 23:42 [CET] : GBP 35
This reservation can not be cancelled free of charge.
Hotel policies
Guest parking:
Free public parking is possible at a location nearby (reservation is not needed).
WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.
Customer Service Info
Local number: 0800 376 3580
When abroad : +44 20 3320 2609
You have now confirmed and guaranteed your booking by credit card.
All payments are to be made at the hotel during your stay, unless otherwise stated in the hotel policies or in the room conditions.
Please note that your credit card may be pre-authorised prior to your arrival.
This hotel accepts the following forms of payment:
Visa, Euro/Mastercard, Maestro, Solo, Switch
Don't Forget
You can change or cancel your booking via our online self service tool My;bn=777190006;pincode=0307
Have a great trip!
- The Team
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:34 PM
Subject: Fwd: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
I'm trying to find the right US Government organisation, to claim refunds for ticket-expenses, when being thrown out of the USA, for no proper/good reason.
Hope I send the e-mail to the right address this time!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RedressFinal, Trip <>
Date: Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
To: Erik Ribsskog <>
If you have additional questions, we recommend that you contact Customs and Border Protection (CBP) directly. For general CBP inquiries, please call the Customer Service Center Monday-Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
General Inquiries - 877-CBP-5511
International Callers – (703) 526-4200
TDD - 866-880-6582
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 8:53 AM
To: RedressFinal, Trip
Subject: Compansation-claim/Fwd: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
last year, I got a letter from US Customs and Border Protection, Maureen Dugan, Acting Executive Director, Admissibility and Passengers Program, Office of Field Operations, from May 14 2009.
I've thought more about this, later last year, and I've been in contact, with the American Embassy in Oslo.
They told me to contact you again.
Since, I can't see that I did anything wrong, going on a flight to Detroit, even if I hadn't booked a hotel in advance, since I had about £10.000 or 20.000 $ on my Visa-card, from my study-loan, for some studies that I had to interupt.
But then I was free to use this loan in which way I wanted to, this is normal in Norway, that one can use ones study-loan, to other purposes than studying, if conditions change, regarding ones study-situation etc., after one have received or applied for a study loan, from the Norwegian Government, like it did in my case.
So I think it is unfair, that I had to go back to Europe, since I can't see that I have done anything wrong.
I also had to buy a new ticket, that cost more than or around 2.000 $.
I told the American Embassy in Oslo, that I've been using around 20.000 NOK or around 4.000 $ on airplane-tickets, to and from America.
And I wasn't allowed in to the USA even if I'm a law abiding Norwegian citizien, who has never been denied entry more or less anywhere before.
And also, my suitcase, was delayed for one day, when I went back to Europe, and Oslo.
(Since US Homeland Security had found a lighter, in my suit-case).
So I had to stay on a hotel in Oslo, (Gardermoen), for one night, waiting for my suitcase.
And that hotel cost 1.000 NOK a night, or around 200 $.
So my expenes where around 4.200 $ for plane tickets and hotel.
And what did I get in return?
Nothing, I didn't get to spend a single second in the USA.
So I think I should be given compensation from the US Government, for this poor treatment and travel expenses.
In addition, I've a lot of time, on sending you e-mails to complain about rude treatment, from US Immigration Control, on Detoit International Airport.
So I think I should be given more compansation, than just flight and hotel ticket costs.
I mentioned the figure 100.000 NOK, as a minimum, of what I think I should be compensated, for bad treatment, from the American Government.
I also know that compensations are high, in the USA, and if an American citizen had been treated like this, in eg. Norway, then 'hell would have been loose'.
And compensations in the USA are generally high, so I don't think 100.000 NOK or 20.000 $ is much to ask for, in compensation, considering the poor and unfair treatment I've received from the American Government, in connection with my flight to Detroit, in 2005, with Lufthansa, from Frankfurt.
The check for at least the mentioned amount, can be sent to:
Erik Ribsskog
Flat 3
5 Leather Lane
I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, to whom I've also complained about the way I was treated by the American Imigration Control in Detriot, earlier.
I hope this is alright and thank you very much in advance for you help!
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oslo, IRC <>
Date: 2010/1/4
Subject: RE: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
To: Erik Ribsskog <>
Hei Erik,
Amerikanske ambassader er underlagt State Department, men dette virker mer som Department of Homeland Security’s område.
Med vennlig hilsen,
Information Resource Center
U.S. Embassy, Oslo
21 30 85 40 (phone hours: 2-4pm)
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 8:14 PM
To: Oslo, IRC
Subject: Kompansasjon for tull fra amerikanske myndigheter?
tidligere iår, så fikk jeg et beklagelse-brev sendt til meg i England, hvor jeg bor nå, etter å ha blitt tullet med av amerikanske myndigheter, på flyplassen i Detroit, i 2005, og sendt tilbake til Europa, med engang jeg kom til USA, uten noen bra begrunnelse ble jeg tullet med.
Kofferten min ble også holdt tilbake, en ekstra dag, så jeg måtte bo en dag på hotell på Gardermoen.
Når jeg tenker på det nå, så var det fint å få beklagelse-brev.
Men billettene til og fra USA, kosta meg jo rundt 20.000 norske kroner.
Og 1000 kroner for hotellet på Gardermoen.
Pluss at jeg synes at jeg burde fått noe for tort og svie også.
Så 100.000 norske kroner, ville jeg ha sett på som et slags minstebeløp, å få i kompansasjon, siden kompansasjoner er så høye i USA, så hvis dette hadde skjedd med en amerikaner, så hadde jeg vel fått mange millioner.
Sjekk kan sendes til:
Erik Ribsskog
Flat 3
5 Leather Lane
Med flyplass-krøll hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
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