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tirsdag 5. august 2014

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Statsarkivet i Trondheim

Erik Ribsskog

Bygg og Interiør A/S/Fwd: Opplysninger om firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 7:01 PM
To: Statsarkivet Trondheim
Cc:,, Siri Piri

det høres bra ut.

Og hvis dere trenger en dyktig bibliotekar, 'oppi der'.

Så er a Siri Rognli Olsen, en ferdig utdannet bibliotekar, fra HiO IU,
(hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil).

Og hu er egentlig fra Ranheim, i Trøndelag.

Så hu kan sikkert bare bo hjemme hos mor og far, mens hu jobber der.

(Hvis hu trenger jobb da).


Erik Ribsskog

2014-08-05 9:15 GMT+01:00 Statsarkivet Trondheim
> Vår referanse:14/14567
> Vi har mottatt Deres e-posthenvendelse. Ifølge Arkivverkets serviceerklæring vil skriftlige henvendelser vanligvis bli besvart i løpet av 15 virkedager. Men for enkelte saksområder som krever omfattende saksbehandling, kan det være lengre saksbehandlingstid.
> Vennligst oppgi vår referanse ved kontakt med Statsarkivet vedrørende denne henvendelsen.
> Vennlig hilsen
> Statsarkivet i Trondheim e-postmottak
> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
> Sendt: 4. august 2014 21:45
> Til: Statsarkivet Trondheim; riksarkivet arkivverket;;; Siri Piri
> Emne: Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> Hei,
> ok, det høres bra ut.
> Det er ikke noe som haster så utrolig.
> Men det hadde vært artig, å finne ut mer, om firmaet, (Strømm Trevare), som min farfar bygde opp, et par tiår etter krigen.
> Jeg har slektsforskning som hobby, så dette er liksom en fortsettelse av slektsforskinga.
> Og jeg er også oppvokst på Berger i Vestfold, hvor Jebsen, (som min farfar jobbet for), lager masse arbeiderbolig-museum og Kafe Jebsen osv., i de gamle tekstilfabrikk-lokalene, til Jebsen-slekten.
> Så vi Olsen, (siden min farfar het Øivind Olsen), må prøve å følge med litt vi og, (synes jeg), og kanskje prøve å få til noe lignende, borte på Roksvoll.
> Ellers så blir det sånn, at Berger bare er noe Jebsen-greier kanskje, synes jeg.
> (Selv om de har Jensen Møbler der nå.
> Men det er en gammel Svelvik-bedrift, (Berger er egentlig i Strømm kommune, som ble slått sammen med Svelvik, til felleskommunen Svelvik, på 60-tallet), så den fabrikken kan man liksom ikke ta med, synes jeg).
> Det er også litt rart, at min farfar og min far og onkel, levde av å selge hagemøbler og køyesenger, gjennom en liten 'sjappe' i Trondheim, langt unna.
> Så dette er litt som et mysterium, for meg.
> De prata ofte om 'elementer' til Jensen, og køyesenger.
> Men aldri om hagemøbler.
> (Jeg flytta fra min mor i Larvik, til min far på Berger, som niåring.
> Og spiste middag, hos min fars foreldre, hver dag etter skolen, mens jeg gikk på barne og ungdomsskolen.
> Og jeg var da liksom en flue på veggen, i huset til min fars foreldre.
> Og dette huset ble også litt som et pauserom, for Strømm Trevare, siden dette var for det meste en familiebedrift.
> Så jeg fikk med meg litt, om firmaet, men dette med hagemøbler, er helt nytt for meg.
> Så hvis noen kunne liksom ha hostet opp noen bilder, av disse hagemøblene, oppe i Trøndelag der, så hadde det vært veldig artig, for å si det sånn).
> Mvh.
> Erik Ribsskog
> PS.
> Min onkel Håkon, 'babla' noen ganger, om at Linjegods, i Drammen, var vanskelige.
> Og Håkon dro vel dit noen ganger.
> Selv om det var faren min, som leverte køyesenger, (etter å ha satt inn annonse i Aftenposten), i Oslo osv., med meg som hjelpegutt.
> Så det var kanskje Haakon som dreiv med dette 'trønder-greiene'.
> Men at det var noe veldig omfattende eller mye, det han sendte med linjegods, (sånn at tre folk kunne leve av det), det er jeg ikke helt sikker på.
> Men det var kanskje sånn, før jeg flytta, til faren min.
> Så det hadde vært artig, å fått vite mer, om dette firmaet.
> (Siden min farfar er død, siden 80-tallet, (og min farmor er også død), og de andre er det ikke alltid så lett, å få noe vettug ut av, liksom).
> 2014-08-04 15:06 GMT+01:00 Statsarkivet Trondheim
> <>:
>> Din e-post er mottatt og vil bli videresendt saksbehandler.
>> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
>> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
>> Sendt: 1. august 2014 16:06
>> Til: Sørensen Alf Einar
>> Kopi: riksarkivet arkivverket; Statsarkivet Trondheim; Siri Piri
>> Emne: Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>> Hei,
>> takk for svar!
>> Det var sånn informasjon, (som hva navnet på innehaverne var), som jeg var på utkikk etter.
>> Jeg sender endelig med det dokumentet nå, (fra Riksarkivet), som jeg har nevnt, i de forrige e-postene.
>> Der nevnes firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S, og så har Riksarkivet seinere kunnet opplyse, at disse holdt til, i Olav Tryggvasons gate 50, i Trondheim.
>> Men jeg sender også kopi av denne e-posten, til Riksarkivet og Statsarkivet i Trondheim.
>> Så kanskje de finner ut av det.
>> Takk for svar ihvertfall!
>> Mvh.
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> PS.
>> Jeg kjenner også ei trønder-dame, (Siri Rognli Olsen), som jeg har sendt om dette til.
>> (Ei som jeg møtte på Braemar, fra Oslo til England, sommeren 1989.
>> Og hu har også vært med i Kiwi-sketsjen til Henrik Elvestad, på TV).
>> Men hu har ikke svart.
>> Men hu er fra Ranheim, da.
>> Så hu er kanskje som en stril, i Trondheim.
>> (Som dem sier, i Bergen).
>> Bare noe jeg tenkte på.
>> 2014-08-01 7:07 GMT+01:00 Sørensen Alf Einar
>> <>:
>>> Trondheim byarkiv oppbevarer, med noen svært få unntak, bare arkiver
>>> etter kommunens virksomhet. Vi har riktignok en del fotos, men jeg
>>> kan ikke se at vi har registrert å ha noe fra denne forretningen.
>>> Alle våre fotos blir publisert fortløpende på internett etterhvert
>>> som de blir digitaliserte og registrerte:
>>> Arkiver etter private forretninger o.l. har dessverre en lei tendens til å gå tapt. For å finne ut hva som har skjedd med arkivene etter Bygg og Interiør AS, bør du kontakte de som var innehaverne.
>>> Med vennlig hilsen
>>> Alf Einar Sørensen
>>> Trondheim byarkiv, Service og formidling
>>> Telefon: 951 19 662 / 72 54 82 80
>>> E-post:
>>> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
>>> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
>>> Sendt: 1. august 2014 03:14
>>> Til: Sørensen Alf Einar
>>> Emne: Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>> Hei,
>>> er du sikker?
>>> De sa nemlig på en Trondheim-gruppe, på Facebook, at dere hos Trondheim byarkiv nok hadde noe informasjon, om dette firmaet.
>>> Nemlig firmaet Bygg og Interiør AS, i Olav Tryggvasonsgate 50, var det vel.
>>> (Der det nå er thai-massasje og Larsen herrefrisør, vel.
>>> Så det ut som, på Google Maps, ihvertfall).
>>> Riksarkivet sendte meg noe informasjon, om min farfars firma Strømm Trevare.
>>> Og de solgte visst mye, gjennom dette firmaet, i Trondheim.
>>> Sender med et dokument om dette, fra Riksarkivet.
>>> Mvh.
>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>> PS.
>>> Her er mer om dette:
>>> Erik Ribsskog‎Trondheim
>>> Hei,
>>> min farfar Øivind Olsen, sitt firma Strømm Trevare A/S, solgte hagemøbler og køyesenger, gjennom et firma som het Bygg og Interiør A/S, i Olav Tryggvassons gate 50, i Trondheim, på 70-tallet.
>>> Er det noen som kjenner til firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S?... Vis mer
>>> LikerLiker · · Stopp varsler · Del · Rediger · 18. juli
>>> Trondheim Hei! Trondheim byarkiv sitter på en stor mengde historisk materiell, det er mulig de har informasjon som kan være interressant for deg. Kontaktinformasjon finner du her:
>>> Mvh. Liv Ingrid
>>> Trondheim byarkiv
>>> I vår felles lesesal på Dora kan du studere protokoller, brev,
>>> fotografier, kart... Vis mer 21. juli kl. 08:11 · Liker Erik Ribsskog
>>> Jau,
>>> jeg har også kontaktet Statsarkivet for Trondheim, om dette.
>>> Og Riksarkivet sier noe i den duren, som at det er var en småbedrift.
>>> Hadde vært artig om noen hadde hatt for eksempel bilder av disse hagemøblene.
>>> (Og har dere så lang sommer, i Trøndelag, at det selger så mye hagemøbler da?
>>> Jeg var på militærøvelse, i Fosen, under førstegangstjenesten, høsten 1992, og da var det alt annet enn sommervær, husker jeg).
>>> Mange takk for svar!
>>> Mvh.
>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>> 21. juli kl. 10:59 · Liker
>>> Erik Ribsskog Det er visst herrefrisør der i 'våre dager', blant annet.
>>> Mvh.
>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>> 21. juli kl. 11:51 · Liker
>>> 5
>>> 33764&type=1&comment_id=10203560242780882&offset=0&total_comments=1
>>> 2014-07-30 12:39 GMT+01:00 Sørensen Alf Einar
>>> <>:
>>>> Dette har vi nok ikke hos Trondheim byarkiv.
>>>> Med vennlig hilsen
>>>> Alf Einar Sørensen
>>>> Trondheim byarkiv, Service og formidling
>>>> Telefon: 951 19 662 / 72 54 82 80
>>>> E-post:
>>>> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
>>>> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
>>>> Sendt: 29. juli 2014 14:58
>>>> Til: Postmottak Trondheim-Byarkiv
>>>> Kopi: Postmottak Tk
>>>> Emne: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>>> Hei,
>>>> jeg prøver igjen.
>>>> Jeg må ha blingsa litt, da jeg tasta inn e-post-adressen.
>>>> (Hvis ikke det stod feil, og dem har forrandra det da).
>>>> Mvh.
>>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Postmottak Tk <>
>>>> Date: 2014-07-29 8:04 GMT+01:00
>>>> Subject: SV: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>>> To: Erik Ribsskog <>
>>>> Hei!
>>>> Korrekt adresse skal være følgende:
>>>> Forsøk denne adressen. Om du ikke skulle lykkes med å sende til denne adressen, ta kontakt med oss igjen.
>>>> Mvh.
>>>> Kontortjenesten
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
>>>> Sendt: 26. juli 2014 02:58
>>>> Til: Postmottak Tk
>>>> Emne: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>>> Hei,
>>>> det var visst noe tullball, med e-post-adressa, som stod på versveven-sida, til byarkivet dykkar.
>>>> Så kanskje dere kan finne ut av det, hvis jeg prøver å sende til en annen av deres e-post-adresser, tenkte jeg.
>>>> Mvh.
>>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
>>>> Date: 2014-07-21 12:00 GMT+01:00
>>>> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
>>>> To:
>>>> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
>>>> Technical details of permanent failure:
>>>> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].
>>>> The error that the other server returned was:
>>>> 550 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User unknown
>>>> ----- Original message -----
>>>> DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
>>>>; s=20120113;
>>>>         h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type;
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>>>>          VnTg95sGm8zP6cmgM0jnj8cFptktDGfLM6D4IoSHOci9YBBA3xleXGbOHSdWNJAgqcwz
>>>>          ObFRSo21vgz2VIir/L45u1KCF/JF9VDmJEgsJuS06n3QPDDDitUesJJKMaki9osqhqOs
>>>>          OjWJGjqsQNjTXyZ1GPYKSpVUTDuQvTCAWnQmqCwSsrZr6q5M7iT+uC5KltC107MY7Ppg
>>>>          T2fWFgENuCFNXpJo6ErnjsXExFTxXauijRQLLjQDsGJY9wYSm5f7xRLyNHaWckmJQmV3
>>>>          qKxQ==
>>>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>>>> X-Received: by with SMTP id
>>>> f7mr24680824pat.32.1405940435741;  Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:00:35 -0700
>>>> (PDT)
>>>> Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:00:35 -0700
>>>> (PDT)
>>>> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:00:35 +0100
>>>> Message-ID:
>>>> Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Bygg_og_Interi=C3=B8r_A=2FS=2FFwd=3A_Opplysninger_om_firmaet_B?=
>>>>         =?UTF-8?Q?ygg_og_Interi=C3=B8r_A=2FS?=
>>>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=001a1134ae543f91c004feb204c6
>>>> Hei,
>>>> har dere noe informasjon om dette firmaet?
>>>> Hadde vært artig å for eksempel sett bilder av hagemøblene som min farfar produserte, (på sitt snekkerverksted Strømm Trevare A/S), og som ble solgt gjennom firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S, i Trondheim, (virker det som).
>>>> På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp med dette!
>>>> Mvh.
>>>> Erik Ribsskog
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
>>>> Date: 2014-07-18 17:30 GMT+01:00
>>>> Subject: Re: Opplysninger om firmaet Bygg og Interiør A/S
>>>> To: Seksjon for brukertjenester <>
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Hei,
>>>> takk for svar!
>>>> Jeg sender en kopi av denne e-posten, til Statsarkivet i Trondheim, så kanskje de finner ut av det.
>>>> Det hadde vært artig, om de hadde hatt noen bilder, av de tremøblene, som min farfar oppfant og produserte.
>>>> Min farfars bedrift Strømm Trevare ble etablert i 1961, står det i de papirene dere tidligere har sendt meg.
>>>> Og jeg selv ble født, i 1970.
>>>> Så flyttet min mor fra min far, i 1973.
>>>> Og jeg bodde i Larvik-området, (hos min mor), fram til 1979.
>>>> Så før 1979, så vet jeg ikke så mye, om hva Strømm Trevare drev med.
>>>> Men min mor flyttet inn i Jegersboggate, i Larvik, våren 1978.
>>>> Og da fikk min lillesøster Pia og jeg en køyeseng, i tre.
>>>> Og den er jeg ganske sikker på, at det var min farfars firma, som hadde produsert.
>>>> (Og det er mulig at de vanlige, (en-etasjes), sengene, som min lillesøster Pia og jeg hadde, i Mellomhagen.
>>>> Hvor min mor bodde, fra 1976 til 1978, vel.
>>>> Også var produsert, av min far/farfar.
>>>> Men da hadde Pia og jeg hvert vårt rom.
>>>> Så vi hadde ikke køyesenger, (kun et etasjes-senger).
>>>> Og disse hagemøblene i tre, de hørte jeg aldri noe om.
>>>> Men jeg var nede på verkstedet der, en ferie, da jeg var 5-6 år gammel, kanskje.
>>>> Og da limtre jeg sammen to bord, (som var cirka fem meter lange vel), med trelim.
>>>> Og dette var like ved kapp-saga, (på gulvet der), husker jeg.
>>>> ----- Message truncated -----
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>> For mer informasjon se
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> ______________________________________________________________________
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Jeg sendte en e-post til the Financial Ombudsman Service

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: FW: Your letter of 29/7 with the reference number: 0023045014/Fwd: Complaint

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:53 PM
To: ""

I wanted to complain about that RBS calls me 'Sir/Madam'.

I've been a customer with them, since 2007, and I don't like to be called Madam.

(And I've informed them about my name, and branch.

So this is that they harass me, I think).

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ~ RBS Customer Relations <>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 8:51 AM
Subject: FW: Your letter of 29/7 with the reference number:
0023045014/Fwd: Complaint
To: "" <>

Dear Sir/Madam,

Case Reference 23045014.

Thank you for your patience whilst we have been reviewing your
complaint, and please accept our sincere apologies for the delay.

Our review is taking us longer than we originally anticipated but once
this is completed, it will enable us to carry out a full investigation
and give you a response.  We hope to let you know the outcome of our
review and investigations within the next two weeks.  If, due to the
nature of your complaint this is not possible, we will be in touch to
provide you with an update.

If you have anything further you would like to add to your complaint,
please call our Customer Care Team on 0845 607 2323. We're here from
8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm Saturday. If you have a
hearing or speech impairment you can call us on Minicom 0845 900 5960.

Rohit Saini

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 02 August 2014 23:56
To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
Cc:; Joanne Dalton; DWP ICE
gateway team; Contact-Us; CONTACT-US;; admin; post
Subject: Your letter of 29/7 with the reference number:
0023045014/Fwd: Complaint


I'm refering to your letter from 29/7, which I received today, (from
someone with a signature, that isn't easy to read I think, perhaps you
should start typing the names as well, just to complain a bit more,
while I'm at it, so to speak).

(I attach scanned copies of this letter).

You write in the letter, that I can contact you, if I have something
more to add, about this case.

What I really need is an overdraft.

Untill I've managed to sell a property, which I co-own, in Norway.

So if I could have an overdraft of around xx

(I've gotten a credit-card with a small credit-limit from Vanquis, and
a new check-book-account, from Barclays.

But RBS is my main-bank, since I switched to you, in 2007, so I think
its a bit strange, if I don't get like an overdraft, with you, when I
get credit-cards and check-books, from other banks, that aren't even
my main-bank.

Even if RBS is Scottish and my mother used to say, (during my
upbringing), that Scots were 'gjerrige', (like we say in Norway), for
some reason.

The problem is that the Jobcentre aren't civilised you see.

They 'never' pay me my jobseekers-allowance these days.

The owe me around £xxx since January, in missing jobseekers-allowances.

And many of the payments I've gotten this year, have also been delayed.

So JCP have been notourioulsy irreliable, this year, I have to say.

They have also framed me, and are taking me to court, for having sent
harasment-emails, which I haven't sent at all.

So it's like I live in a war-zone in Africa, or something, I'd say, in 2014.

So I can trust JCP, so if I could please have an overdraft.

So that I can get bye, untill I've gotten my property sold in Norway,
(I need a landline-phone I think, because Drammen Tingrett don't reply
to e-mails, and sometimes don't even reply to my phone-calls, they
just pretend to be closed, during opening hours, (this is a local
court in Drammen, Norway, who are supposed to sell properties that are
co-owned, when one of the owners ask for them to do it, I asked them
to sell the property in 2011, but they still haven't sold it).

I attach some files about this property as well.

Since it's a bit tirering, to having to walk around on the streets, to
look for coins, like I sometimes have to do, here in Walton.

Since the JCP mess with me this much.

Thanks in advance for helping me with this over-draft!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ~ RBS Customer Relations <>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: Complaint
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Sir / Madam,

Thank you for your recent email.

The reference number of your Complaint is 23045014.

I am sorry you are unhappy with the service you recently received, but
grateful you have taken the time to explain why.

I have reviewed your complaint and have passed your details on to the
relevant department who we feel are best placed to deal with the
issues you have raised. They will investigate the case carefully and
will contact you within the next 10 working days, if possible with a
full response. If the team needs more time to investigate, they will
tell you why and what they have done so far.

We hope you will understand that we do not normally send our full
response by e-mail, as it may include confidential information that
could be read by other people.

If you would like to contact us in the meantime, please e-mail us.

Ruchi Malhotra

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 23 July 2014 18:10
To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
Subject: Complaint


yesterday I was at your branch in Bootle, at Merseyside.

I opened a student-account with Barclays, in Sunderland, in 2004.

And in 2007, I switched to RBS.

So this is initially a student account.

And in 2009, I got my degree, from my home university, (Oslo
University College).

And I now don't get my jobseekers allowance, (for some strange reasons).

So I wondered if I could have an overdraft for graduates.

(To get money for clothes for job-interviews and travel to
job-interviews, etc.).

I spoke with a brunette Cashier there, (Paula or something?), and a young clerk.

The clerk said I only have three years to get an overdraft for graduates.

But I'm from Norway, so I haven't understood about these overdrafts,
until recently.

And my grandmother died in 2009, and it's been like a horrible
inheritance-brawl, in the years since this.

And I still haven't gotten my inheritance, (even if my mother died in
1999, so I should have gotten some inheritance, after my mothers

So I try to send a complaint about this.

Since I think you are a bit un-flexible.

I think RBS could be a bit more flexible, (since I'm in a difficult
economical situation, now in this hot summer-weather as well), so I
hope that you can offer me some type of overdraft or emergency-loan or
at least a check-book.

My account is with your branch in Dale St., in Liverpool.

So you can contact them, if you need more information, about my account.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
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Jeg sendte en e-post til the High Court

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Liverpool City Council/Fwd: Fwd: Complaint

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:46 PM

I send this to you.
Since the LGO don't have their e-mail-address on their website.
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Complaint
Cc: Liverpool Direct <>


thank you for your e-mail!
It's fine that you have fixed this, I think.

And by the way, last year, I contacted the Council, regarding some fly-tipping, of garbage, in Keith Avenue.

And I took a digital photo of this, to show the Council.

And on that photo I noticed some grafiti, on a type of box, on the pavement.
The Council sorted the problem with the garbage fly-tipping.
But they didn't want to sort the grafitti-problem.

They told me this street-furniture, (like they called it), belonged to Scottish Power.
And they wanted me to contact Scottish Power about this.

This was really just some secondary stuff, that I noticed by co-incident, when I reported about the garbage fly-tipping.

So I thought the Council could have sorted about the grafitti, as well.

(Since I guess you rent this 'street furniture', from the Council).

So this was poor customer-service, from the Council, (I think I have to say).
But I tried to write about this anyway, on your Facebook-page, (because I've had some mix-up-problem with your e-mail-address, untill I found the right one again, (the one you are writing from), recently, in one of your folders, that you sent me, I think).
I'm don't react that much on grafiti, (I've lived in Oslo, for fifteen years).

So I don't remember if the grafiti is still there.

But if I should guess, I think it still is.

So I thought I could try to report about this (again) now, while I'm corresponding with you.

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 5:42 AM, <> wrote:
Dear Mr E Ribsskog,
I am sorry you have experienced a problem with your Scottishpower account and difficulty in contacting us.
Please be advised I have now correct the address details on record and also your name on our account system.
I trust that the above meets with your satisfaction.
If you have any further questions, you can use our online Customer Service Support Centre, here you will find information that most of our customers want to know.

Alternatively you can contact us at or via the web at

Kind Regards

Stephen Barnes
Scottishpower Customer Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: 14.07.2014 17:41:55
Subject: Fwd: Complaint


I'm trying to send this again.

Since the other e-mail-address I have for you here,
(, doesn't work, it seems.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Complaint
To: ScottishPower Customer Services


I wanted to complain about that you spell my last-name wrong, on your

(I attach a scan of one of your last letters).

You also write my address a bit wrong.

(You write Keith Court, 10 Keith Avenue.

While it should be:

Erik Ribsskog
10 Keith Court
Keith Avenue
L4 5XJ).

I hope you can fix this on your computer-system.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


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If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and immediately delete this message and any attachment hereto and/or copy hereof, as such message contains confidential information intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.  The use or disclosure of such information to third parties is prohibited by law and may give rise to civil or criminal liability.

The views presented in this message are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Iberdrola, S.A. or any company of its group.  Neither Iberdrola, S.A. nor any company of its group guarantees the integrity, security or proper receipt of this message. Likewise, neither Iberdrola, S.A. nor any company of its group accepts any liability whatsoever for any possible damages arising from, or in connection with, data interception, software viruses or manipulation by third parties.

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Scottish Power

Erik Ribsskog

RE: Fwd: Complaint

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:34 PM
Cc: Liverpool Direct

thank you for your e-mail!
It's fine that you have fixed this, I think.

And by the way, last year, I contacted the Council, regarding some fly-tipping, of garbage, in Keith Avenue.

And I took a digital photo of this, to show the Council.

And on that photo I noticed some grafiti, on a type of box, on the pavement.
The Council sorted the problem with the garbage fly-tipping.
But they didn't want to sort the grafitti-problem.

They told me this street-furniture, (like they called it), belonged to Scottish Power.
And they wanted me to contact Scottish Power about this.

This was really just some secondary stuff, that I noticed by co-incident, when I reported about the garbage fly-tipping.

So I thought the Council could have sorted about the grafitti, as well.

(Since I guess you rent this 'street furniture', from the Council).

So this was poor customer-service, from the Council, (I think I have to say).
But I tried to write about this anyway, on your Facebook-page, (because I've had some mix-up-problem with your e-mail-address, untill I found the right one again, (the one you are writing from), recently, in one of your folders, that you sent me, I think).
I'm don't react that much on grafiti, (I've lived in Oslo, for fifteen years).

So I don't remember if the grafiti is still there.

But if I should guess, I think it still is.

So I thought I could try to report about this (again) now, while I'm corresponding with you.

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 5:42 AM, <> wrote:
Dear Mr E Ribsskog,
I am sorry you have experienced a problem with your Scottishpower account and difficulty in contacting us.
Please be advised I have now correct the address details on record and also your name on our account system.
I trust that the above meets with your satisfaction.
If you have any further questions, you can use our online Customer Service Support Centre, here you will find information that most of our customers want to know.

Alternatively you can contact us at or via the web at

Kind Regards

Stephen Barnes
Scottishpower Customer Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: 14.07.2014 17:41:55
Subject: Fwd: Complaint


I'm trying to send this again.

Since the other e-mail-address I have for you here,
(, doesn't work, it seems.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:32 PM
Subject: Complaint
To: ScottishPower Customer Services


I wanted to complain about that you spell my last-name wrong, on your

(I attach a scan of one of your last letters).

You also write my address a bit wrong.

(You write Keith Court, 10 Keith Avenue.

While it should be:

Erik Ribsskog
10 Keith Court
Keith Avenue
L4 5XJ).

I hope you can fix this on your computer-system.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Please consider the environment before printing this email.

If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and immediately delete this message and any attachment hereto and/or copy hereof, as such message contains confidential information intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.  The use or disclosure of such information to third parties is prohibited by law and may give rise to civil or criminal liability.

The views presented in this message are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Iberdrola, S.A. or any company of its group.  Neither Iberdrola, S.A. nor any company of its group guarantees the integrity, security or proper receipt of this message. Likewise, neither Iberdrola, S.A. nor any company of its group accepts any liability whatsoever for any possible damages arising from, or in connection with, data interception, software viruses or manipulation by third parties.

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Las ideas contenidas en este mensaje son exclusivas de su(s) autor(es) y no representan necesariamente el criterio de Iberdrola, S.A. ni de otras sociedades de su grupo. Ni Iberdrola, S.A. ni ninguna sociedad de su grupo garantiza la integridad, seguridad y correcta recepcion de este mensaje, ni se responsabiliza de los posibles perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza derivados de la captura de datos, virus informaticos o manipulaciones efectuadas por terceros.


Jeg sendte en e-post til Ofcom

Erik Ribsskog

Ofcom reference: 1-266978842

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:42 PM

To: OCCtelecoms
Bcc: Phso Enquiries

thank you for your e-mail!

I send a copy-email to the internet adjudicator then.

I tried to look more at Virgins website now, and had a chat with Phil.

But when I tried to call the mobile-number he mentioned, then it
wasn't free, (anyway), and I'm out of credit on my mobile, since I
haven't gotten my jobseekers allowance lately.

And I attach a copy of the conversation with Phil.

I think it's strange they don't have an e-mail-address.

I used to be with BT Broadband, (from 2006 to 2011), and they were
possible to e-mail.

But when I moved to Sunderland, in 2011, then BT sent me a cheque, for
around £150, I think.

So they must have double-charged me, for some months, I think.

And then discovered this, later.

I really wanted to use a credit they had.

But I think what happened was that BT double-charged me instead.

So like some sharia, or something?

So BT freaked me out, I have to say.

And that's why I chosed Virgin now.

But if I'd known they don't use e-mail, then I would have chosen Talk
Talk, (or another internet-supplier), I think.

Just to try to update.

Thanks again for the e-mail.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:39 PM, OCCtelecoms <> wrote:
> Ofcom reference: 1-266978842
> 04 August 2014
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for contacting Ofcom about Virgin Media Ltd.
> Although we are unable to get involved in individual disputes, I realise
> that you have approached us for help and will explain how you can progress
> your complaint.
> If you have already contacted Virgin Media Ltd and feel you have been dealt
> with poorly or unreasonably, you can ask them to take your complaint to a
> higher level. You can find out how to do this from your service provider’s
> code of practice. This should detail their full complaints procedure and
> will be available through its website and customer services. Some service
> providers also print complaint information on the back of their phone bills.
> You are likely to resolve your dispute by following the complaints
> procedure, but if you exhaust this and remain unhappy, you should ask your
> service provider to send you a letter outlining their final position. This
> is known as a ‘deadlock’ letter.
> Once you have received a deadlock letter, you may be able to take your
> dispute to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. You can also take
> your dispute to an ADR scheme if it remains unresolved 8 weeks after you
> first complained.
> An ADR scheme is an important piece of consumer protection which every
> service provider has to belong to. They are free and independent services
> available to residential or small business (up to 10 employees) customers.
> Service providers must abide by an ADR’s decision, but if you are
> dissatisfied with the outcome you are free to consider legal action.
> For information, Virgin Media Ltd is a member of the Communications and
> Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) for the purpose of ADR. You
> can contact CISAS at:
> International Dispute Resolution Centre
> 70 Fleet Street
> London
> EC4Y 1EU
> Phone: 020 7520 3827
> Email:
> Website:
> With regards to the quality of customer service given by your provider,
> whilst this does not fall under our remit, it is in a provider’s own
> interest to treat their customers well. Additionally, we record all of the
> complaints we receive, so can identify issues of general consumer concern.
> If we notice a particular increase in similar complaints against the same
> provider, we may raise this with them for internal review.
> I hope you find this information helpful and can confirm that I have
> recorded details of your experience. If you need more advice, you can visit
> our website at: or phone the Consumer Contact Team on: 0300
> 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040. You should quote the reference number at the top
> of this letter.
> Yours sincerely
> Charlotte Sperry
> Consumer Contact Team
> ________________________________
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2 attachments




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Jeg sendte en e-post til the Law Society

Erik Ribsskog

Re: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>> [

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:27 PM
To: ""
Cc: Leanne Kennedy
Bcc:,, admin , "" , post , she , Bjørn Ribsskog , "hv-02.kontakt" , amnestyis , "" , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , DWP ICE gateway team

yes, I've been with Cobleys before, in a case, that was similar with this case, (and really part of this case, I think).
Perhaps Miss Kennedy there could sort this again, I was thinking.
(Since she knows the case a bit).

So I send a copy-email to her.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:50 PM, <> wrote:
Dear Erik Ribsskog,
Thank you for contacting Find a Solicitor (“FAS”), a service provided by The Law Society to assist members of the public obtain details, where possible, of an accredited firm or individual who may be able to advise and/or represent them on legal matters.
Please see below a list of 3 firms in the L4 5XJ area that  are qualified to advise you further:
DPP Law Ltd
 268 Stanley Road
L20 3ER
0151 933 5525

James Murray Solicitors
 41 Merton Road
L20 7AP
0151 933 3333
Cobleys LLP
19-23 Sir Thomas Street,
L1 6BW
0151 242 900
Please click on the following link to search for further solicitors in your area:
As The Law Society is not a law firm and we do not represent nor advise persons in legal matters,may I respectfully ask that you refrain from "cc 'ing" Find a Solicitor in your emails.

Yours Sincerely,
Find a Solicitor Administrator
DD: 020 7316 5550

P    Help save paper - do you need to print this email ?
This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee(s). If you have received this message in error please return it to the originator immediately and delete it from your computer. If you are not the intended recipient you should not use, copy, alter or disclose the contents of this message. All information or opinions expressed in this communication and/or any attachments are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company. The company accepts no responsibility for loss or damage arising from its use, including damage from viruses or other harmful content.

The Law Society has authorised Prolog to respond to Find a Solicitor e-mails on their behalf.

Original Message:
Sent: 15:34:48
To: "" <>
Cc:;; admin <>; "" <>; post <>; she <>; "Bjørn Ribsskog" <>;
Subject: Re: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>> [

thank you for your e-mail!

My post-code is L4 5XJ.

I also got a letter, from the court, today.

I haven't sent these harassment e-mails at all.

This is just that they frame me.

The police-man, (from the police-station etc.), Lester, is a liar.
(He lied to a woman at the police-station, about a code-lock not working.
But he said to the earlier solicitor, that he had forgotten the code.

Also he said he had evidence proving I'd sent the e-mails.
But it's just lies, I know I haven't sent them).
So it's the police who have bad character, I think.

I don't want anyone to say this about me, (that I have bad character).

Also, I've being punished a lot, by the Jobcentre.
For their mistakes.

They have banned me from my five closest jobcentres.

They mess with me if I go to a jobcentre further away.

They say I have to be seen in a screened room.

And they also have stopped paying my allowance, (I have to say), they owe me around £900 in missing jobseekers-allowance-payments, since January.

So I have to do stuff like trying to get credit cards, and look for coins on the street, to survive.

So this is more like an execution, really.
So I also copy Amnesty about this.

Thanks again for the reply!
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:36 AM, <> wrote:
Good Morning
Thank you for contacting Find a Solicitor (“FAS”), a service provided by The Law Society to assist members of the public obtain details, where possible, of an accredited firm or individual who may be able to advise and/or represent them on legal matters.
In order for us to assist you, we require a postcode on which to base our search.  As we have not been provided with this information we are unable to give you details of firms/solicitors in your area. Please provide this information to enable us to proceed with your search.
Alternatively, please click on the following link to search for a solicitor in your area:
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0207 242 1222 or via email at
If we do not hear from you within a period of 4 working days we will assume that you have found the assistance you require elsewhere.
Yours sincerely,
Find a Solicitor Administrator
DD: 020 7316 5550

P    Help save paper - do you need to print this email ?
This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee(s). If you have received this message in error please return it to the originator immediately and delete it from your computer. If you are not the intended recipient you should not use, copy, alter or disclose the contents of this message. All information or opinions expressed in this communication and/or any attachments are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company. The company accepts no responsibility for loss or damage arising from its use, including damage from viruses or other harmful content.

The Law Society has authorised Prolog to respond to Find a Solicitor e-mails on their behalf.

Original Message:
Sent: 20:40:58
To: findasolicitor <>
Cc:;; admin <>; "" <>; post <>; she <>; "Bjørn Ribsskog" <>;
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>


I want to complain about this company.

They don't sign their e-mails.

And I think it's impolite when they write that they don't need to receive more e-mails.
And it's strange that their general enquiry e-mail-address is the e-mail-address of a specific staff.
I only contacted this company, since the first company didn't have an e-mail-address on their web-site.

Two out of two solicitor-companies aren't fine, I think.

It's like Liverpool is a hell-hole.
This I wanted to complain about.
Do you know about a better law-firm, please?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joanne Dalton <>
Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Erik Ribsskog <>
Cc: Paul Gallagher <>, Hayley Catherall <>


Paul Gallagher has tried to contact you today.   Can you please call him on 0151 281 9040.

I do not need to receive any more emails.


From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 04 August 2014 13:52
To: Contact-Us
Cc: CONTACT-US; DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: New complaint about Huyton Jobcentre/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>


today I went for a Personal Adviser Interview at Huyton Jobcentre.
(I haven't really asked for a Personal Adviser.
And I really want a Jobseeking-adviser.
If I have to have an advisor.
And not a Personal Adviser, (I'm not sure how this title should be interperated)).
I gave the letter to a woman there, in her 50's perhaps with brown hair.
(I didn't see her name.
She wasn't wearing a name-sign.

But an ID-sign, around her neck.
And she wasn't that tall, so the id hang a bit low, so I didn't manage to read what it said.

Name-signs would be more customer-friendly, I think, than the ID-bracelet.
I'm an earlier Store Manager who is used with checking that the staff wore their name-signs at work, by the way).
At Huyton Jobcentre it was chaos.
The brunette went and chatted with some other staff, about my letter, and punched on several computers, I think.

She said it wasn't on the system, (to a collegue, I think), I overheard.

And I overheard that someone in the queue, (I hadn't been asked to sit down), had a meeting with the same adviser, (Lynn), around the same time, as me.
I was then asked to sit down, (after around ten minutes).

I had barely sat down.

And then a security-guard told me to go to a screened room, I think they called it.
Like I'm a criminal, or something!
Then I got to speak with a Gary, in room 4.
He said a mistake had happened.
So that I couldn't have the meeting today.

(He said Lynn wasn't at work.

But I guess he lied.

Since I overheard that Lynn was having another meeting, while I was queuing).
So I took two buses, for a total of one and a half hours, (each way), for no reason at all.
It was like the first meeting I had, at Huyton Jobcentre, earlier this year.

The Royal Airforce-guy, (I'm not sure if it was Gary), just didn't want to speak with me, the first day, that I went there.

I had to go back, the next week.

And then the earlier Royal Airforce-guy, (at least he claimed to have worked for them), squezed two meetings into one apointment, it seemed like, to me.

Lynn wasn't available, Gary said, by the way.
Gary said he had to speak with my other adviser.
(I hope this doesn't mean that Sarah Bamber is working with my files still.

After she has taken me to court, with some false acusations about me).
Gary didn't way any name, just 'other adviser'.
Gary also asked me if I was alright, at the beginning, of the meeting.

I don't know why he became personal.

I think this is a bit personal.

I asked him, if he was alright, (so to not be patronised myself).

Gary said he had felt better.

So perhaps Gary needs a holiday, one could think.

He didn't looked like he had shaved this morning eighter, I think.
(I've served me conscription-service in the Norwegian infantry, and have worked as a store manager.

So I'm a bit aware of things like this).
Gary wasn't that clear, regarding how and when, I was going to hear, from the Jobcentre, next time.

I wanted to know how I should go forward.

But Gary couldn't even say, if I was going to get a letter, in the post, from JCP, or not.

So this was poor customer-service, I think.

How should I go forward now, I was wondering.

The Jobcentre have around five times, the last months, stopped my claim, by mistake.

And then you have punished me, for _yours_ mistakes.

And you haven't paid me jobseekers-allowance, for a random number of weeks, (it seems), to do with these mistakes you've done, when you stopped my claim.
Even if I've every time this has happend, has ASAP explained to you, that my claim hasn't really ended.

Then you at JCP should have cleaned up your mistake.

But no, you just tell me my claim has ended.

I have to file a rapid reclaim.

No cleaning up here.

No appologizes for that you've done mistakes.
But you make me almost starve to death, (by stopping my allowance, for a month or more, at a time), instead of cleaning up your mistakes.
This reminds me, about something, that my Assistant Manager Kjetil Prestegarden once said, (when I was Store Manager, at Rimi Kalbakken, in Oslo, where I worked in 2000 and 2001).

It's ok to make mistakes Prestegarden said.

But not _only_ mistakes.
I could say the same, I think.
The Jobcentre is only making mistakes.

Also when you say I've sent harrassing e-mail, to your staff, Sarah Bamber.
I haven't done this at all.
But you wont realize this.

And also make more mistakes, like banning me from my five closest jobcentres.

And when I go to Edge Hill or Williamsson Square Jobcentre.

Then the staff there mess with me.

They don't like the route I've walked there, (a staff at Edge Hill said, he said I would have had to walk past Williamsson Sq Jobcentre, to get to Edge Hill Jobcentre, from Walton. But that's a lie. It's possible to walk from Walton to Edge Hill Jobcentre without walking past Williamsson Sq. jobcentre. So this was just a provocation, I think, from John or Jimmy, at Edge Hill Jobcentre).
Mistakes upon mistakes upon mistakes.
And when are you going to send me the money you owe me?
You owe me almost £900 in missing jobseeking allowance-payments, since January.

31/1 to 21/2.

8/3 to 30/3.

23/5 to 9/6.

20/6 to 3/7.

And 4/7 to 17/7.
I was never sanctioned, in any way, when I worked for twelve years, in Rimi/ICA, in Norway, from 1992 to 2004.

So how come I get all these missing payments, from the Jobcentre, this year?
The answer is, that I'm being messed with, in an organised way, it seems to me, by some e.g. underworld, at the Jobcentre.

So this I wanted to complain about.
If you do a mistake, try to clean it up, as soon as possible.

That is something I tried to have, in the back of my mind, when I worked as a retail-manager, at Rimi/ICA, for around ten years, from 1994 to 2004.

Maybe the Jobcentre should think a bit like that themselves, and stop being so arrogant and descending, (if I may say, a bit moderated version, of what I think).

Thanks in advance for the fast cleaning-up, of all of these your mistakes, mentioned above.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 9:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
Cc: Contact-Us <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>, hofmarskallatet <>, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>, post <>, Runcorn Office <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,, "" <>, Google Press <>,,
today I got a text-message from you.
You say I've ended my claim.
Have you gone insane?

I've almost starved to death, twice this year.

First in May and then in July.

Since you stop my allowance all the time.

And now this.
(I also almost starved to death once last year.
You haven't sent me my money, that I should have gotten last week.

And I haven't eaten properly, the last days, and don't feel very strong.

And now this).
You have also invented that I send harassing e-mails to your staff.

And now this.

You've also taken me to court and banned me from my five closest jobcentres.

And now this.
You've also refused to speak with me, at your other jobcentres.

And informing me there, that I need to be seen in a 'screened room'.
(A room with a screen?).
And now this.
You've also told me you don't have capasity to let me register at Edge Hill Jobcentre.

And now this.

Plus plus.
It's like people should just kill themselves if they become unemployed, I think.
With these horrible people working at JCP/DWP.
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: CONTACT-US <>, tim <>

I've now checked up on the dates, regarding the missing jobseekers allowance-cases.
The missing payments, are for the days:
31/1 to 21/2.
8/3 to 30/3.
23/5 to 9/6.
And 20/6 to 3/7.

The first of these cases is with ICE now.

But I was wondering if you could please update me regarding when I'm going to receive the Jobseekers Allowance, for the dates 8/3 to 30/3, 23/5 to 9/6 and 20/6 to 3/7.

Thanks in advance for any help with this!
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:20 AM
Subject: Complaint to Jane Finn, Manager Birkenhead Benefit Centre, Ref.: SG270967D/Fwd: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: CONTACT-US <>, tim <>

I'm refering to your letter from 4/7, which I received in the post, a few days ago.
(Which I attach a scanned copy of).

You write that: 'We have also decided that you have not shown good cause for the delay in making your claim from 23 May 2014 to 9 June 2014'.

But, like I explain in the forwarded e-mail.

What happened, was that someone impersonated me, and said I'd gotten a job, with Packagaing Europe, again.

But that was just a case of criminal impersonation, like I informed you ASAP, when I heard about this fraud, from the Liverpool City Council, on 27/5.
So how can you say that there has been a delay.

When I informed you as soon as possible.

I think it's strange that you stopped my claim, when I informed you, that this was just someone impersonating me, (like I think Packaging Europe should be able to confirm).

And now you say I have delayed making my new claim.
When I didn't really stop my old claim.
(It was a hoax by a group of scum-bags, like they say, in the papers).
So I want you to please send me the missing jobseekers allowance, from the days 23/5 to 9/6.
Also, I haven't gotten the jobseekers allowance from 31/1 to 21/2, (this case is with ICE).

And not from 6/3 to around 28/3, (this case should be with the Jobcentre/DWP, but I haven't heard anything about this case, in months).

And also, I haven't gotten the jobseekers allowance, from 20/6 to 3/7, (I should have gotten this payment, on Tuesday last week, on 8/7, that's almost a week delayed now).
Also, JCP is taking me to court for having sent harassment e-mails to one of your staffs work-email-address.
(I'm not sure if that would have been a crime since it's to someones work e-mail address).

But anyway, I haven't sent these e-mails.

They are also hoax-e-mails, sent by a group of scumbags, (like you say here in the UK).
Like the 'funny' one about Packaging Europe, from May.
I'm not sure when JCP are going to realize this.

Or if you just pretend you don't understand this.

As a complaint and update.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, May 27, 2014 at 3:45 PM
Subject: More impersonation-emails/Fwd: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Mervyn Pilley <>, Henrik Wedell-Wedellsborg <>, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,, CONTACT-US <>, Contact-Us <>

now someone have written an e-mail to Liverpool City Council, in my name, (it sems, from an e-mail I got from Liverpool Direct today).

And someone impersonating me, have told the Jobcentre I'm no longer unemployed.

But I haven't worked for Packaging Europe since 2008.
And that job never paid £470 a week.

It didn't even pay that in a month, (if I remember it right).

So this is like something from some 'comedians', (or terrorists), who are doing terror and monitoring me.

Something like that.
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool Direct <>
Date: Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:29 AM
Subject: Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-394099#>>

Your email reference number is: 394099

Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail about starting a job.

Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this matter because is does not come within the remit of Liverpool City Council.  May we suggest you contact:

Department of Works and Pensions as you will need to stop your Job Seekers Allowance.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct Limited

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail?  Go to and complete the easy online registration form. 

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 23/05/14 14:32:58 o'clock UTC
To: <>, <>
CC:<>, <>
Subject: Update


I just thought that I should update you, that I got a job today, working from home for Packaging Europe.

(I also worked for them, some years ago)

I earn 470 pounds a week, and have started, in the new job, today.

Just an update, since I have received jobseekers allowance, until now.


Erik Ribsskog

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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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