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lørdag 24. mai 2014

Mer fra Facebook

  • Samtale startet 26. april
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hei Erik Dahl,
    kan du låne med noen penger?
    David Hjort skyldte meg cirka 4000, (var det vel).
    Og så prakket han på meg et par høytalere, mot at han fikk tusen kroner mindre, i gjeld.
    Så han skylder meg cirka 3000, (for 10-15 år siden), så det blir cirka 4000 i dagens verdi.
    Noe sånt.
    Kan du låne meg noen penger, og så få det tilbake fra vår felles bekjente David Hjort?
    For jeg bor i England nemlig, og klarte ikke å finne han dansken, (han pleide jo alltid å si 'hvornår'), på Facebook nå.
    Erik Ribsskog
    Min PayPal-adresse er
    Jeg blir tullet med av noe 'kommunistmafia', i England, og får ikke arbeidsledighetstrygd til mat, engang.
    Må låne av min søster Pia, (som du kanskje husker), men hu har slutta å svare på e-postene mine nå, (så hu har kanskje fått mensen, eller noe).
    Og min yngre halvbror Axel, han er litt dum, (og bruker vel opp alle pengene sine på byen, sammen med de andre kokkene), og han svarer aldri, på Facebook etc., og han forstår nok heller ikke hvordan man bruker PayPal, etc.
  • I dag
  • Erik Dahl
    Erik Dahl
    Skylder han deg penger burde du ta kontakt med han, jeg har desverre ikke muligheten.
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    nei, det er ikke så krise akkurat for øyeblikket, (siden jeg fikk arbeidsledighetstrygd, til en forranding, i går).
    Og jeg tror at jeg har blokkert David Hjort, på Facebook.
    Jeg har skrevet til hans søster Venevil, (som nå holder til i Telemark vel).
    Kanskje jeg finnet David Hjort sin kusine Marion, på Facebook.
    Hu klarer kanskje å få han til å sende meg disse pengene.
    Vi får se.
    Hva heter hu Marion, (fra Grefsen der omkring vel), til etternavn igjen?
    Og hvordan går det ellers på Bjørndal?
    Erik Ribsskog
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Jeg må forresten møte i retten, hele tiden.
    For britene sier at jeg driver å sender sex-eposter, til ei heks, på the Jobcentre.
    Så dem driver med justismord, må jeg si.
    Erik Ribsskog
  • Erik Dahl
    Erik Dahl
    Hæ, hvordan kan de gjøre det??
    Hvem er det som sender disse e-postene?
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    jeg aner ikke.
    (Noen som leser min blogg, muligens.
    Det var også sånn, at da jeg fikk bredbånd her, i fjor, så fikk jeg besøk fire ganger, av Virgin Broadband, og jeg tror at en som satt og knelte, i stua mi, og ligna på sersjant Bredesen i Geværkompaniet, muligens kan ha satt inn en slags rar boks, i veggen min, på det tredje besøket, for de måtte bytte til et større deksel, hvis jeg husker det riktig).
    Bor du i Rimi sine brakker/leiligheter på Tøyen/Carl Berner nå.
    (Bare lurte, siden det stod at du sendte meldingen derfra).
    Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til Linskills

Erik Ribsskog

More about the meetings with Sarah Bamber/Fwd: More harassment from Police/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Liverpool Magistrates Court today/Fwd: Todays harassment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed

Erik Ribsskog Sat, May 24, 2014 at 9:20 PM
To: Colin Simber
Cc: "" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post , "" , "" ,, Liverpool Direct , Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad ,, Runcorn Office , Lars Aasen , Info , Benefits Service , "" , LO Postkasse LO ,

I remember you asked me about the meetings with Sarah Bamber.

These are almost half a year back in time now, so I didn't remember that much, (I was also perhaps a bit tired, in the meeting, at Linskills, on Tuesday, I think it was).

But I now remember that I thought she was a bit like a whitch, (if it's ok to say that).
When I moved in here, in Keith Court, in 2012.
Then the appartment was unfurnished.

While at MAS, I had a furnished room.

So when I moved in here, I had almost no money, and had to buy inexpensive beach-chairs, etc.

And then I almost died on a felt-bed, that was to small, I remember.
(Something like that.

Even if I'm not a doctor).

And I didn't contact LHT back before it had passed a couple of months.

SInce I thought they were disrespectful, at the 'induction-meeting'.

A woman there was chewing chewing-gum.

And me being an earlier store manager and hypermarket-staff, (in a respected hypermarket, in Lørenskog, in Norway, known for good customer-service named Matland/OBS Triaden).

Then I react on people chewing gum, in the tils, or in meetings.
The LHT-woman also said I was homeless.

So I thought I was looked down at.

The LHT-woman mentioned a grant for furniture.

But I decided to try to get by, without it.
(Since LHT were disrespectful in first meeting.

The form for the Council-grant was like something from Soviet, (I thought), since it had around 50 pages, I think.
And I wondered if people who got this grant got labeled/branded.

So I decided to try to get by, without the mentioned Council-grant, for furniture).
This resulted in that I had to walk to the Jobcentre in Aintree, (since I didn't have that much money for food and bus-tickets, and then I rather wanted to eat and walk to the jobcentre, (an half an hours walk), rather than not eat, and go to the Jobcentre by bus).
On these walks, I was sometimes a bit cought by the rain.

And then Sarah Bamber would ask me, why I had rain in my hair, etc.

And while I walked to the Jobcentre, when it was raining.

I prepared what to say, when she asked me this.

And I remember that I thought she was a bit like a which.

So I answered, that it was raining 'cats and dogs', (something I learned at school in Norway, I think, this term, about the cats and the dogs, meaning it rained a lot, I think).

But this was really not something I often say, (that it rains cats and dogs).

But I thought of Sarah Bamber as a bit like a which perhaps.

So then cats came to my mind, (since whiches have cats, in movies etc).

And then I answered about the cats and the dogs, when Bamber asked me why my hair wasn't dry.

Something like this.

So Bamber could be angry at me, for calling her which, in a subtle way.

But I thought she was horrible.
She was talking like a 'machine-gun', in the meetings.

And picking on me all the time, and I couldn't get a word, (or a question in).
She was very aggresive towards me, in the meetings.

She was like doing all the talking, and didn't listen.

She only asked me questions, like a police-officer would.

It was no calmness in the meetings.

She was inpolite I'd say, since she was like a Mossad-spy or a police-officer, and not like a jobcentre-staff I think.

She didn't have a single comment about my new CV's.
But Gary at Huyton Jobcentre had a lot of comments about my new IT-CV, that Bamber didn't have any comments on.
And I don't know Sarah Bambers back-ground.

It didn't seem like she had the back-ground to give advice about IT-jobs, IT manager-jobs and retail-manager jobs, that I would apply for.
She didn't explain about her background.

The meetings were like a waste of time for me.

I have been on Ladders, (before they closed), and have a high income-potential, (at least according to Ladders. I have a degree in IT and have experience from working as a Store Manager, so if I combine these skills/experience, I could be in direction or higher management, I think.
So these 'police-meetings' is/were like a joke, I think.

I had a collegue in ICA, in Norway, named David Hjort.

Hjort is an animal, (like in the meet venison, I think).
And David is a Jewish name.

Sarah is a Jewish name.

And Bambi, (almost like Bamber), is an animal, almost like Hjort/venison.

I wonder about if this is just street-teatre sometimes.

But I guess that would be a bit strange, that this, (with Sarah Bamber), is some constructed 21/22 Jump Street-stuff.

Just something I thought about.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM
Subject: More harassment from Police/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Liverpool Magistrates Court today/Fwd: Todays harassment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,

this morning at around 10.10 AM, two police-officers were on my door, knocking and ringing.
Like I've explained earlier, I don't have a chat-service, for the Police, so this I wanted to complain about.

Also, I haven't ordered waking today, so this is like harassment to me, that the police wake me up and makes a lot of noise.

Erik Ribsskog
I attach two photograps of the mentioned police-officers.
(Who I just ignored, like I've been adviced).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, May 22, 2014 at 9:13 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Liverpool Magistrates Court today/Fwd: Todays harassment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc: Leanne Kennedy <>, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,


about the jobcentre-manager at Aintree jobcentre.

I think perhaps she was the one who gave me a voucher for the food-bank, last spring.

But then I was almost dead by starvation.

The Jobcentre mess with my allowance, and have stopped it 10 or 20 times, for different 'funny' reasons.
And my doctor mess with me as well, as do the Police.
So I sometimes almost die from starvation etc., (and walk around like a zombie looking for coins on the street).
When the Jobcentre stop my allowance, (like they've done again now so I had to walk to the City Centre, today).

And I don't my inheritance, from Norway, after my mother, (who died in 1999 and her last parent died in 2009).
And I don't get to sell my part in a co-owned property there.

And then when I'm almost dead by starvation, then the Jobcentre use my state against me, in a constructed case.

It seems like someone are trying to get me killed, to get the rights for my memoirs or computer-programmes, etc.
Or to do with the property I own in Norway, (maybe my relatives want me dead, so they can get more money).
I don't everything from the statements, in the file I got from the Usher now.

But Danielle wanted that file, so I gave it to her.

Just something I thought about now.

This is macabre, I think.
My blog has several hundred readers, in Norway, each day.
And people there just sit and look on that I'm being plotted against, (and that someone try to get me killed), it seems.
Just something I thought about.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Liverpool Magistrates Court today/Fwd: Todays harassment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc:, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,


I just wanted to write an update about some problems in court today.

I walked a bit faster today, so I only used 45 minuttes, to get to the City Centre Centre.

And I was at the Court, about fifteen minutes before 9.30 AM, (when it said in your letter I was supposed to be there).
And then there were no staffed reception there.
(Like i thought it would be).

There were only some 'airport-security', who wanted me to put my keys etc., in a machine.
And no usher.
It said on a list that my case was in court 6, at 9.45 AM.
And around then, an usher appeared.
I told him my name, (like it said in your letter), and that my solicitor wasn't there yet, and he called me 'mate', (which I thought was perhaps a bit informal).
Then I just sat there and waited for your collegue, (who I didn't know the name of even).

And a woman said my name, and told me to follow her to a 'meeting-box'.
There a man wanted to shake hands.

I saw his id, (which he had around his neck), said 'NHS'.
(I had just asumed the woman was your collegue).
I said I was waiting for my solicitor, and of course didn't want to have a meeting with NHS.
I then sat down and waited even longer.

At around 10.20 AM the NHS-woman approched me again.
(I think she must have seen that I was wanting to speak with the usher).
I asked who she really was, and she showed me her id, and it said: 'Miss Rebecca Sturey', (or something like that), and something with 'mental health, (I think).
I told her I was still waiting for my solicitor, and was alright.

She went away.

I then asked the usher, if he was the usher, (because I haven't been to court before).
I explained that it was more than half an hour, past the time of the court-case.

And that my solicitor wasn't there.
The usher then said they had delays, and I asked if he was going to call my name, when it was time for the court-case, and he said he would.
Then your collegue, (Danielle, I think her name was), went over to me, (a young woman with blonde hair).
She told me she had three cases and hadn't had time to say hello before.
And she had a couple of meetings with me.
In the first meeting, she read from the charge.

She said Aintree Jobcentre had written that I had started going there, because I was banned from another jobcentre.

But that wasn't true.
(Like I told Danielle).
Like I've told you earlier, I was thrown out from 5 Leather Lane, in 2011, after a landlord-case I started myself.

I then lived at University of Sunderland, Azalea Lodge Sunderland, Scandinavian Church Liverpool and MAS, untill May 2012.
(The Council and MAS couldn't agree.

So I was thrown out of MAS in May 2012.
And by chance got this flat from LHT, the same day.
Even if that was a bit strange, I thought myself).
I also lived in Walton in 2005 and 2006.
Then I worked at Arvato, and had to go to the Jobcentre, regarding something to do with my National Insurance Number, (I think it was), since I'm from Norway, and the Arvato-job was my first job in the UK.
But in 2012 that jobcentre, (in church road/Alsop I think), was closed.

And I had to search on the internet, to find my closest jobcentre.
And it seemed like the one in Everton was the closest.

So I went there.
I was just told at the reception that I was supposed to go to Aintree Jobcentre.
(I figured that this was something administrative, for all people at my post-code, or something like that).

So I wasn't banned at my last jobcentre.

When I lived at MAS, I went to Edge Hill Jobcentre.

And there were no problems there, of any type, I have to say.
(I went there from January to May 2012).
So the charge isn't right at that point, (I have to say).
Also, Danielle said a Mental Healt Team wanted to speak with me.

I said I thought that was odd, and that I didn't want to speak with them.
(I remembered you had adviced me that police could go there to chat with me, in the court.

And that I should just ignore them.

So I therefore just ignored NHS, in a similar way).

What was this NHS-stuff about, I was wondering?
Also, I got a file from the Usher, that I was reading in, (when the NHS-woman first approached me).

It was a couple of things I thought were strange.
I hardly remember the Jobcentre-manager Catharine.

I read a statement from her, and I remember thinking she was just making everything up.
She said I couldn't look people in the eyes, etc.

I think she must have mixed me up with another jobseeker, or something.

Also the e-mails, (with threats etc.), weren't sent by me, (like I've explained earlier).
And the file said I use two aliases.

That was 'Baron Adeler' and 'Erik Ribkkog'.

Or something like that.

But my grandmother inherited Holger baron Adeler, in the 80's.
And I wonder if I have a claim for the title baron Adeler.

But I've never used that title, in a formal way, like e.g. signed a letter with is, (as I can remember at least, it must have been just for fun then).
Also, I've never called my self something like Erik Ribkkog.
This must be that someone have misspelled my name or inpersonated me.

I think I know how to write my own name right.
Also, it was much delays, in the court.
My case was three or four hours delayed, I think.

I think that was a bit much.

I also wondered who the woman sitting next to your collegue in the court-room was.
(It was a quite old woman with an all-weather-jacket, I think.
It didn't look like she was supposed to be there).
Danielle chatted with her.

And Danielle also chatted with the NHS Mental Health Team, (probably about me, I guess), something I thought was a bit strange, so to speak.
So I was a bit puzzeled, when I walked out the court this afternoon, I must admit.
Just as an update.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Todays harassment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Colin Simber <>
Cc:, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,,,, "" <>, Ray Mensah <>, CONTACT-US <>, Contact-Us <>


I send some pictures of todays harasment.
The first two are of the taxi-driver who woke me up at around 7.30 this morning.
(So I was a bit tired at the meeting today).
The next three are of the guy in number nine, who walks around with his clock everywhere, (and stands gard in the gate with it sometimes), and ask people to help him set it, (he freaks me out, when he does this, who needs help setting a clock, and it's also every week, or something like that).
The last picture is of some marketing-magazines for cottages, that someone ordered to me, (in my name, at the same time demasculating me by calling me 'Erika', etc).

So this is also hate-crime, I guess.
Also, you said in the meeting today, that you get many replies, from the people I copy some of the e-mails I send you.

But you didn't mention more about this.
You said I didn't have anything to hide, (so I opened the door for the Police, in January).

But you were a bit vague perhaps, regarding what types of replies you've gotten.
Is this some kind of secrets, I was wondering.

Also when you say that I open the door for the Police, (when they wake me up), because I have nothing to hide.

But like I told you, the Police distroyed my door, in Leather Lane, in 2011, when they threw me out, (even if it was a case I started against the Landlord).
So I didn't want that to happen again.

So I have sometimes opened the door, when the Police have been harassing me, lately.
But I've also sent e-mails to the Norwegian embassy, to hear if I have to let the Police in, even if they don't have an invitation.

But they haven't replied.

I'm in the Norwegian Home Defence, and think I should have control in my own flat.

Also, I'm a bachelor, (and not a grand-mother or a house-wife).
Like when my earlier class-mate and ICA-collegue Magne Winnem was a bachelor and lived in a ICA-flat in Oslo.

Then I was there at the housewarming, I think it was.

And one of his Røyken-mates, said his flat was for himselves, (to get women there, etc)., and not for his mates.
And also when I went the last year at Upper Secondary-school, (at Gjerdes Commerce-school, in Drammen).

Then one of class-mate Fred Bing's mates, said his girl-friend was visiting him, and surprised him.

And he had to clean up a lot of porn-magazines, that he had had laying around everywhere.

Because he hadn't been expecting guests.

So that's a bit like who it is for a bachelor, I'd say.

Bachelors aren't like a grand-mother or a house-wife.

They like to be in their comfort-zone at home.

And they don't like uninvited guest.

They want guests to have an invitation, for a specific time and date.

So that they can clean up their flat, before the guests arive.

Bachelors don't want the Police, (or others), on their door for surprise-visits.
(At least that's what I think is normal, in Norway, at least).

People want their privacy.

And they don't want the Police or others, at their door, (trying to sneak in), at times when they haven't prepared for stuff like this.

How can this be so difficult for the Police, (and others), to understand, I was wondering.
I haven't gotten my jobseekers-allowance, (even if I was expecting it today).

So I thought about this when I walked home from Liverpool City Centre.
(It's about one hours walk, each way, for me, I reackon.
Between Walton and Liverpool City Centre).

I send a copy e-mail to the Jobcentre, so perhaps they'll remember to send my jobseekers-allowance quite fast.

This is like the tenth time or so, that there have been problems with that my jobseekers allowance has been delayed, in the last months.

Something like that.

Just something I thought about on my way home from the meeting today.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, May 19, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Liverpool Anti-Social Behaviour Unit <>
Cc: Colin Simber <>,, "" <>, HRW UK <>, amnestyis <>, Politikk Høyre <>, Phso Enquiries <>, post <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, LHT Customer Service <>, Pia Ribsskog <>, Bjørn Ribsskog <>, she <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <>, post <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Liverpool Direct <>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <>,, Runcorn Office <>, Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Benefits Service <>, "" <>, LO Postkasse LO <>,,,, "" <>

I send this as an update to my earlier correspondence.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sarah Bridges <>
Date: Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed
To: Erik Ribsskog <>, Liverpool Anti-Social Behaviour Unit <>
Cc: Colin Simber <>

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email.

I can confirm that following your previous email to us your email address was removed from our website as requested.

It would appear that the email address below, which is different from the one that we previously removed, was registered onto our website on the 16th May.  I can confirm that this has now also been removed from our website.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.

Kind regards,

Sarah Bridges
Customer Services |  Papa John’s (GB) Limited

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 16 May 2014 02:12
To: Liverpool Anti-Social Behaviour Unit
Cc: Colin Simber
Subject: Fwd: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed

and now some idiots imideatly started ordering more pizza in my name after reading about this on my blog, I guess.
I've explained about this problem to this company before, but they still send e-mails about orders, etc.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Papa John's <>
Date: Fri, May 16, 2014 at 2:04 AM
Subject: Papa John's Liverpool - Prescot Street - Your order - Delivery (6868137) is being processed

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Hi Erika
Your order is being processed, this is not confirmation of your order.
You ordered on 16-May-2014 at 02:03:53.
This is a pre-order for 16-May-2014 at 13:00:00.
Your order ID Number is: 6868137
Store: Liverpool - Prescot Street
Unit 1A Prescot Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L7 8UL
Telephone: 0151 263 0500

1 x The Greek (Very Homosexual)   Stuffed Crust / Extra Extra Large
Add: Feta Cheese, Onionsx2

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Erika Adeler
Erika Adeler,10 Keith Court, Keith Avenue,Liverpool,L4 5XJ,United Kingdom, TEL: 07905206018

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  • Samtale startet 26. april
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Hei Erik Dahl,
    kan du låne med noen penger?
    David Hjort skyldte meg cirka 4000, (var det vel).
    Og så prakket han på meg et par høytalere, mot at han fikk tusen kroner mindre, i gjeld.
    Så han skylder meg cirka 3000, (for 10-15 år siden), så det blir cirka 4000 i dagens verdi.
    Noe sånt.
    Kan du låne meg noen penger, og så få det tilbake fra vår felles bekjente David Hjort?
    For jeg bor i England nemlig, og klarte ikke å finne han dansken, (han pleide jo alltid å si 'hvornår'), på Facebook nå.
    Erik Ribsskog
    Min PayPal-adresse er
    Jeg blir tullet med av noe 'kommunistmafia', i England, og får ikke arbeidsledighetstrygd til mat, engang.
    Må låne av min søster Pia, (som du kanskje husker), men hu har slutta å svare på e-postene mine nå, (så hu har kanskje fått mensen, eller noe).
    Og min yngre halvbror Axel, han er litt dum, (og bruker vel opp alle pengene sine på byen, sammen med de andre kokkene), og han svarer aldri, på Facebook etc., og han forstår nok heller ikke hvordan man bruker PayPal, etc.
  • I dag
  • Erik Dahl
    Erik Dahl
    Skylder han deg penger burde du ta kontakt med han, jeg har desverre ikke muligheten.
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    nei, det er ikke så krise akkurat for øyeblikket, (siden jeg fikk arbeidsledighetstrygd, til en forranding, i går).
    Og jeg tror at jeg har blokkert David Hjort, på Facebook.
    Jeg har skrevet til hans søster Venevil, (som nå holder til i Telemark vel).
    Kanskje jeg finnet David Hjort sin kusine Marion, på Facebook.
    Hu klarer kanskje å få han til å sende meg disse pengene.
    Vi får se.
    Hva heter hu Marion, (fra Grefsen der omkring vel), til etternavn igjen?
    Og hvordan går det ellers på Bjørndal?
    Erik Ribsskog
  • Erik Ribsskog
    Erik Ribsskog
    Jeg må forresten møte i retten, hele tiden.
    For britene sier at jeg driver å sender sex-eposter, til ei heks, på the Jobcentre.
    Så dem driver med justismord, må jeg si.
    Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til Kløfta Vel

Erik Ribsskog

Tom Wayne Holm Paulsen

Erik Ribsskog Sat, May 24, 2014 at 7:18 PM
Cc: NITH Oslo ,, "" , "" , Akademikerforbundet ,,, Tove Jorid Hatlen , Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen ,,

jeg så på nettet, at min soldat-kollega, fra førstegangstjenesten i
Geværkompaniet, (juli 92-kontingent), Tom Wayne Holm Paulsen, var med
i styret, i Kløfta Vel.

Så jeg tenkte jeg kunne sende en e-post, siden jeg ikke fant han på Facebook.

Han fortalte meg det, på slutten av 1992, vel.

At han hadde tatt en kar ved navn Grønning, (fra Sarpsborg), på
fersken, i å runke, (på lagsrommet).

Og Grønning fikk muligens sammenbrudd.

Ihvertfall så ble han overført til HV, etter å ha avtjent cirka halve

Og da jeg studerte ved HiO IU, fra 2002 til 2004.

Så var det en Grønning der, som var negativ og ekstra streng, mot meg,
(syntes jeg at det virka som).

Og nå får jeg ikke bachelor-grad osv., som jeg mener at jeg burde ha
fått, fra HIOA.

Så jeg lurte på om Paulsen huska navnet på Grønning, (og om han kan
bekrefte at det var det han fra Sarpsborg het, som han tok på

Og hvis Paulsen husker at jeg fikk frostskade på øret, under vinterøvelsen.

For jeg har søkt om erstatning, fra Geværkompaniet, men ingen
lagførere etc., husker  noe, virker det som.

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til HIOA

Erik Ribsskog

Grønning fra Geværkompaniet og Sarpsborg/Fwd: Prosjektoppgave NHI ++

Erik Ribsskog Sat, May 24, 2014 at 6:58 PM
Cc: NITH Oslo ,, "" , "" , Akademikerforbundet ,,, Tove Jorid Hatlen , Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen ,
Bcc: Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad

jeg tenkte tilbake til 90-tallet her.

Da var jeg i Geværkompaniet, på Terningmoen, i Elverum, under

Og der var det en Grønning, (mener jeg å huske), fra Sarpsborg.

Og han hadde visst blitt tatt på fersken, (av en Paulsen fra Kløfta),
i å leke med sin 'runken-snabel'.

Og han måtte da slutte, når vi var halvveis ferdige, med året i Geværkompaniet.

Og så ble han overført til Heimevernet.

Er dette din slektning Grønning, i Sarpsborg.

For jeg husker at jeg syntes det, at du var så negativ til meg, da jeg
studerte, ved HiO IU.

Og jeg får ikke Bachelor-grad nå, selv om jeg har nok studiepoeng, mm.

Så jeg lurte på om du driver med noe slags vendetta eller lignende,
(for å si det sånn).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-03-17 12:55 GMT+00:00
Subject: Prosjektoppgave NHI ++
Cc: NITH Oslo <>,,
"" <>,
"" <>, Akademikerforbundet


noen på NHI sin Facebook-gruppe, fortalte meg det, at det var du som
jobbet i administrasjonen, på NHI, (hvor jeg studerte på slutten av
80- og begynnelsen av 90-tallet).

Jeg ser at du også jobber i HIOA nå, (jeg studerte hos HIO IU, fra
2002 til 2004).

Da jeg leverte prosjektoppgavene min, i 1992, på NHI, på Helsfyr.

Så ga jeg de til deg, (mener jeg å huske).

Jeg leverte inn tre kopier, (for det var litt uklart om oppgaven
skulle leveres i tre kopier eller tre eksemplarer. Noe sånt).

Du fikk da et litt rart utrykk i ansiktet, mener jeg å huske.

Har du fortsatt en av kopiene, (i tilfelle jeg leverte for mange)?

Lurte også på ei trønderdame, som begynte på NHI, den samme høsten som meg.

Ei Kari fra Namsos, med pigg-sveis?

Hu bodde på Frelsesarmeen sitt hybelhus på damer, på Grønland vel.

(Hu og tre-fire venninner møte meg på byen, i Karl Johan, en natt til
søndag, det studieåret.

Og sneik meg inn, på dame-hybelhuset, til Frelsesarmeen, og dro meg i
'snabelen' hele natta, (hu Kari).

Hva het hu til etternavn, lurer jeg.

Hvis det er lov å spørre om).

Får ikke bachelor-grad fra hverken HIO/HIOA eller NHI/NITH.

Er det du som tuller, kan man vel kanskje lure på, (siden du har jobba
på både HIO/HIOA og NHI/NITH).

Jeg ble også tulla med i forbindelse med at jeg flytta til Sunderland
for å studere, høsten 2004.

Og igjen, i 2011, da jeg skulle studere i Sunderland igjen.

Og ifjor, når jeg skulle ta et kurs, på et college, i Bootle.

Pluss pluss.

Jeg har Johanitterordenen i slekta, (min fars stedatter Christell
Humblen, (fra HIOA blant annet), sin bror Bjørn Humblen, har vært/er,
i Johanitterordenen, (fant jeg ut, i Aftenposten sitt tekstarkiv, når
jeg søkte, på 'Humblen').

Og Johnsrud, har jo John, som patronym-del, heter det vel.

Og John er egentlig samme navn som Johannes, som Johanitterordenen er
oppkalt etter, (de er oppkalt etter døperen Johannes, såvidt jeg har

Er det noen sammenheng?


Erik Ribsskog

Det finnes mange Terje Bakken, (så jeg, da jeg søkte, på nettet). Men grunnen til at jeg tror at dette må være den Terje Bakken, som jeg ble kjent med, (gjennom min søster Pia og Cecilie Hyde), i Drammen, på slutten av 80-tallet. Det er at Pia sin ekskjæreste, (min svoger, eller hva man skal kalle han), Thor Espen, skriver på Facebook-sida, til denne Terje Bakken

svoger thor espen


Jeg vokste jo opp på Bergeråsen, (fra jeg var ni år gammel).

Og der finnes det ingen klesforretninger.

(Siden det er ute på landet, liksom).

Men da jeg fikk plass, som utvekslingselev, på Gjerdes videregående, (i Drammen), russeåret, (skoleåret 1988/89).

Så fikk jeg jobb på CC Storkjøp, (ved siden av skolen).

Og da tjente jeg litt penger.

Og jeg trengte en ny boblejakke, (fant jeg ut).

(Siden at jeg var vant til å ha boblejakke, vel.

For den type jakke var kanskje mer vanlig, på 80-tallet.

Det var kanskje litt kaldere, på den tida.

Noe sånt.

Og bussene mellom Bergeråsen og Drammen, de gikk bare annenhver time.

Så det kunne vel noen ganger bli litt kaldt, å vente på bussen.

Noe sånt).

Og så var det sånn, at min søster Pia, hadde flytta opp til meg, i Leirfaret.

(Hu flytta ihvertfall opp dit, mens jeg jobba, på CC Storkjøp).

Og da tenkte jeg det, at nå har jeg jo en søster.

Og søstre skjønner seg på klær, (tenkte jeg).

Så jeg tenkte, at jeg kunne jo prøve å spørre Pia, om råd, om en boblejakke, (til nærmere 1000 kroner vel), som jeg hadde sett, (i en lunsjpause kanskje), på CC.

Og da dukka både Pia og Thor Espen opp, i Hallen, utafor CC Storkjøp, (hvor jeg satt i kassa), husker jeg.

(En lørdag, eller noe sånt, vel).

Og da overhørte jeg det, at Thor Espen klagde på meg, til Pia, siden at jeg ikke klarte å kjøpe meg klær selv, da.

(Noe sånt).

Men jeg hadde jo liksom nettopp fått en søster.

(Nemlig Pia).

Som jeg ikke kjente så bra.

For vi hadde hatt lite kontakt, de årene, (fra 1982 til 1988), som Pia bodde, nede hos Haldis.

(For jeg var litt sur på Haldis, (noe bestemor Ågot også var), siden at jeg måtte bo alene, fra jeg var ni år gammel.

Og jeg var vel ikke så velkommen heller, nede hos Haldis, tror jeg).

Så jeg kjente ikke Pia så bra.

Men jeg tenkte vel det, at nå som jeg hadde fått en søster.

Så kunne jeg vel høre med henne, om ting, som jenter er gode på, liksom.

Så jeg spurte Pia, om hu kunne dukke opp, på CC, og se om den jakka jeg hadde funnet, (i sportsbutikken der vel, eller noe lignende, det var ihvertfall i en butikk, i andre etasje, på CC, mener jeg å huske), var ok, da.

Men det gikk ikke så bra.

Både Pia og Thor Espen ble sure.

(Sånn som jeg husker det, ihvertfall).

Siden at jeg hadde bedt Pia om å hjelpe meg, da.

Og jeg hadde ikke bedt Pia, om å ta med Thor Espen, til CC.

Men det gjorde hu liksom automatisk, da.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Jeg var litt slem mot Thor Espen, forresten.

(Når Pia prata om han.

For jeg skjønte vel ikke hvordan de hadde blitt kjent, tror jeg.

Noe sånt).

Og kalte han for: 'Han med øra', (husker jeg).

(For Thor Espen hadde to ganske så utstående ører da, må man vel si).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 3.

Her er mer om dette:

mer om øra

PS 4.

Og da jeg var i Geværkompaniet.

(Juli 92-kontingent).

Så var det en bryter, fra Sarpsborg, ved navn Grønning, (mener jeg å huske), som var, i samme tropp, som meg.

(Kom jeg på, i går, etter at jeg så Facebook-siden, til Terje Bakken, (hvor Thor Espen hadde skrevet kommentar)).

Og dette, (Grønning), var en tøff kar.

Øra hans var helt deformerte, (sånn som jeg husker det).

(De var vel enda værre, enn øra til Thor Espen, tror jeg.

Hvis jeg husker det riktig, ihvertfall).

Så Grønning, det var ikke en kar, som ga seg lett.

Selv om han fikk øra sine svidd mot bryter-ringen, så ga han seg ikke, (i bryte-kampene).

Men i Geværkompaniet, så måtte han gi seg.

Han fikk sammenbrudd, (eller noe sånt), vel.

Siden at Paulsen, (på lag 2), hadde tatt Grønning, (som også var på lag 2), på fersken, i å runke.

(Mener jeg at Paulsen sa til meg.

På rundt den tida, som Grønning måtte avslutte sin karriære, i Geværkompaniet).

Og Grønning ble derfor overført til Heimevernet, etter at vi var cirka halvferdige, med året vårt, på Terningmoen.

Og så fikk jeg Grønning sin plass, (som geværmann 1), på lag 2, da.

(Siden jeg var på reservelaget, i noen måneder, høsten 1992.

Siden at Paulsen hadde søkt på min plass, som geværmann 2, etter rekrutt-perioden, vel.

Noe sånt).

Så Geværkompaniet, det var noe tøffe greier, (må man vel si).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Nå har jeg jobbet litt med designen, til Posegodt, og funnet en Stavernsgul-aktig farge, som kanskje slår an. Vi får se

stavernsgul aktig farge

Jeg sendte en e-post til Oslo Børs

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Tesco/Fwd: Update/Fwd: TES4298701NI: Re your recent enquiry

Erik Ribsskog Sat, May 24, 2014 at 4:46 AM

sender om dette til dere og.

Jeg bare lurte på om dere har den 'vanlige' e-post-adressen til London Stock Exchange.
For jeg fant ikke den adressen, på deres nettsted.

På forhånd takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, May 24, 2014 at 4:37 AM
Subject: Complaint about Tesco/Fwd: Update/Fwd: TES4298701NI: Re your recent enquiry


Tesco doesn't want to send me an organisation-map.
(Their customer-service confuse me, since they have two different customer-service-departments, it seems.

For some unclear reason.

So I would have wanted to see an organisation-map, (to know how to escalate.

But Tesco doesn't want to send me any such organisation-map, it seems.

Can I complain about this to the stock-exchange, I was wondering.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 6:57 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: TES4298701NI: Re your recent enquiry
To: Tesco Customer Service <>


I've thought more about this now.

I wondered if you could please send about this to the area-manager, for this store, (Tesco Metro Walton Liverpool).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: TES4298701NI: Re your recent enquiry
To: Tesco Customer Service <>


ok, so Colin has his own surveys, on his own initiative?

Aren't surveys like this usually initiated by the head-office?

Also, I have both sister and a steph-sister.

So I know that a blouse is a shirt, with buttons on the wrong side.

But this woman was wearing a big, white jacket like a doctor or something.

I don't think you should listed to much to your store-manager Colin.

I have complained about him on your Facebook-group recently for having three different types of baskets instead of one.

I also think staff who work doing surveys should have id-signs.

I've worked as a store manager in Norway, and there we had mystery shoppers, and not this.

This seems very odd to me now.

This 'doctor-jacket-woman' was also standing under a sign for Tesco Bank.

And she was holding a tablet like Tesco now has started selling, (and have big adverts for, outside the stores).

So it seemed at first she was selling the tablets.

Then that she sold bank-solutions.

Then she explained it was a survey.

So this was very confusing, I think.

This is one in a row of many complaints about this store, (Tesco Metro Liverpool Walton).

I think someone at your head-quarter should have a look at them collected.

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:58 AM, <> wrote:
Dear Erik

Thank you for replying to me.

I have spoken to Colin the store manager who has assured me this was a survey to collate information on the store.

The person was wearing a white blouse and had a tablet and she wasn’t wearing ID as this was just for how the store is performing.

Colin has advised me this was not Candid Camera and just a survey for the store.

If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

James Elliot
Tesco Customer Service

Tesco Logo

.................. Original Message ..................

Received: 08/10/2013

Subject: Re: TES4298701NI: Re your recent enquiry


she said it was 'Tescos'.

Shouldn't she have said 'Tesco Walton' then?

And why no uniform or ID?

A poster on the wall advertised for Tesco Banking.

And the tablet looked like the one Tesco sells.

And the womans white jacket looked like something a doctor would have worn.

I this this incident was odd.

Are you sure this wasn't some kind of candid camera?

Could you escalate to your line-manager for a second opinion, please?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 5:09 PM, <> wrote:

> **
> Dear Erik
> Thank you for contacting us.
> My name is James; I am the Customer Service Manager responsible for
> responding to your email.This would have been a survey carried out by the
> store and they would be looking for customers input into how they feel the
> store is performing.
> If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
> me.
> Kind regards
> James Elliot
> Tesco Customer Service
> [image: Tesco Logo]
> .................. Original Message ..................
> To:
> From:
> Received: 07/10/2013
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> today I was stopped by a woman with a tablet-PC right where you displayed
> you tablet-PC's last week.
> She had no form of id, just said her company was 'Tescos'.
> No uniform but a white coat, like a doctor?
> She asked me all kinds of questions about Tesco and Tesco Walton.
> Was this some 'candid camera'-stuff or was this something from Tesco?
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:05 PM
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> Hi again,
> and do you have an organisation-map.
> Because I wonder what is this CEO customer service really?
> Because you also have an e-mail address which is called: customer.service@
> So I think it's a bit many departments with you that deal with
> custommer-service.
> So I would have please wanted an organisation map.
> So that I could understand how your customer-service is organised.
> (And supposed to work).
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> Hi,
> and how do you explain that Tesco wants to have many different types of
> baskets with the same volume that doesn't mix/stock?
> Also, it's not the first time I've complained about the Sun Sip-cola being
> sold out.
> I think it's better if your office serves as a buffer, between me and the
> Tesco Walton-employees, if that's alright.
> I would have liked to asked your line-manager if that's alright.
> And I would have wanted him/her to explain about the 'basket-case'.
> Thanks in advance for the help with this.
> Erik Ribsskog
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:59 AM, <> wrote:
> > **
> > **
> > Dear Mr Ribsskog
> >
> > Thank you for your patience while this matter has been investigated.
> >
> > It was disappointing to learn that our Walton store did not have the
> items
> > you wanted in stock during your visit on the 23rd July, I am sorry for
> the
> > inconvenience caused.
> >
> > I have raised with matter with Colin Richardson, the Walton Store
> Manager,
> > he has asked me to pass on his apologies to you. Colin has advised that
> the
> > items are now back in stock and that he would be happy to meet with you
> in
> > store to discuss any concerns you may have. He has also advised that he
> > would like to give you a couple of bottles as a way to apologise for this
> > matter arising.
> >
> > I have reviewed the previous correspondence you have had with this office
> > and I can confirm that our position is unchanged with regard to our
> > baskets. I am sorry that you will be disappointed with my response.
> >
> > Thank you for taking the time to contact the Chief Executive's Office. If
> > you have any further queries please don't hesitate to get back in touch.
> >
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > David Upstone
> > Customer Service Executive
> >
> > [image: Tesco Logo]
> >
> > .................. Original Message ..................
> >
> > To:
> > From:
> > Received: 26/07/2013
> >
> >
> > Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> >
> >
> > Ok,
> >
> > I've sent you a lot of complaints earlier, you see.
> >
> > And I started sending them to this e-mail address, a couple of years
> ago, I
> > think.
> >
> > So now I send all the Tesco-complaints to this e-mail-address.
> >
> > Tesco Walton and Tesco Superstore Liverpool One also have a problem I
> > wanted to complain about, by the way.
> >
> > And that's the baskets.
> >
> > Tesco Walton now have three different types of baskets.
> >
> > One type which is made of dark blue plastic.
> >
> > One type which is made of a bit less dark blue plastic.
> >
> > And a type which is made of metal.
> >
> > And these three basket-types doesn't stock with the other basket-types.
> >
> > So it's a bit chaotic in the check-out-area, with the baskets.
> >
> > Since they don't stock.
> >
> > If I put a dark blue basket on top of a less dark blue.
> >
> > Then the dark blue basket doesn't fit, in the less dark blue.
> >
> > Even if they are about the same size, in litres, (it looks like to me).
> >
> > Also the metal ones are about the same size in litres, (like it looks to
> > me).
> >
> > I think it's odd that a big organisation like Tesco isn't stream-lined.
> >
> > I have to focus on the baskets when I shop at Tesco Walton.
> >
> > It's like you have to be an expert on Tesco-baskets to shop there, I'd
> say.
> >
> > It's like you want to bully the custommers from Sainsbury and Asda who
> want
> > to try Tesco for a change.
> >
> > Then you aren't going to get many new customers, perhaps.
> >
> > If this isn't something you do to make people use the trolleys then.
> >
> > Because I've worked in a grocery-chain named Rimi, in Norway.
> >
> > And they were a bit sceptical with having baskets, in the shops.
> >
> > They only wanted trolleys, (for the customers).
> >
> > Since customers with trolleys usually buy more, than if they use a
> basket,
> > to put their groceries in.
> >
> > But three types of baskets.
> >
> > Which doesn't stock.
> >
> > I think this is how a shop in the third world would have done it.
> >
> > Why aren't you more stream-lined, (and 'Western'), I'm wondering.
> >
> > And it's almost the same at Tesco Liverpool One.
> >
> > Except that I haven't seen the metal-baskets there.
> >
> > But they have two types of blue baskets, (with the same volume), that
> > doesn't mix, when one stock them.
> >
> > And that's odd for a new shop like that.
> >
> > Liverpool One has only been around for two or three years.
> >
> > And this is also a Super-store.
> >
> > So then it looks like to me that Tesco has problems when they want to
> have
> > a 'chaos-system', like this, with the shopping-baskets.
> >
> > (I've studied Information Management and have gone to commerce-school and
> > have worked as a retail-manager.
> >
> > We learned at commerce-school that 'the custommer is always right'.
> >
> > But I don't think Tesco agrees with this, when I see many different types
> > of baskets, that doesn't stock, in your shops.
> >
> > Then I wonder if the whole Tesco-chain has lost a bit control, to be
> > honest.
> >
> > Erik Ribsskog
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:36 PM, <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > **
> >
> > > Our Ref 15143479
> > >
> > > Dear Mr Ribsskog
> > >
> > > Thank you for your email addressed to our Chief Executive, to which I
> > have
> > > been asked to respond. Please accept my apologies for the delay in
> doing
> > > so.
> > >
> > > I am currently looking into your concerns and I will be in touch as
> soon
> > > as I have a response.
> > >
> > > Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
> > >
> > > Kind regards
> > >
> > > David Upstone
> > > Customer Service Executive
> > >
> > > [image: Tesco Logo]
> > >
> > > .................. Original Message ..................
> > >
> > > To:
> > > From:
> > > Received: 23/07/2013
> > >
> > >
> > > Subject: Complaint about Tesco Walton
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > in this shop both brands of your budget-colas, (in two-litre bottles),
> > were
> > > sold out today.
> > >
> > > Both Sun Sip and your own brand.
> > >
> > > And also two types of budget orange juice was sold out.
> > >
> > > The one in plastic-botles and the one in cartoon.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Erik Ribsskog
> > > ------------------------------
> >
> > > This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails.
> > The
> > > views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.
> > >
> > > Tesco Stores Limited
> > > Company Number: 519500
> > > Registered in England
> > > Registered Office: Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire
> > EN8
> > > 9SL
> > > VAT Registration Number: GB 220 4302 31
> > >
> >


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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