Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

torsdag 5. februar 2009

Letter to YouTube

Grandiosa-reklame. (In Norwegian)

Jeg prøvde å finne den siste Grandiosa-reklamen, på YouTube, men det klarte jeg ikke.

Men jeg fant den nest siste.

Så kan man jo tolke denne videoen, hvis man ønsker.


Nå skal jeg ta litt 'tolkings' her.

Hun mørkhåra jenta som ler, i reklamen, hun er ved regjeringsbygget.

Jeg sier ikke mer.

Og han litt mer lyshåra gutten, på slutten, han spiser Grandiosa pizza, og da føkker den opp systemet hans, så blir han som en jente, (en jente som ser nesten lik ut, i det neste bildet).

Så ikke spis pizza hvis du er gutt, da får du føkka opp fordøyelsen og systemet ditt, og du blir som en jente, du blir tam og harmløs.

Er det sånn man skal tolke dette?

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

E-mail to Freenations

Google Mail - Enquiry from Free Nations website

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Enquiry from Free Nations website

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 8:05 PM



I'm sending a new e-mail because I was just wondering about what you

wrote, that you wouldn't use my name.

I was wondering, has some mob, or something, said something bad about

me, to you? Is this why you don't want

to use my name?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:21 PM

Subject: Re: Enquiry from Free Nations website

To: Freenations <>


yes, that would be fine, then I could see if something from the

Arvato-case etc., was being used

on your website.

I just stumbled upon your website, when I search a bit about

Bertelsmann on Google, but I'll try

read up more about Freenations on a later occation.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Freenations <> wrote:

> Very many thanks.


> We will certainly use this input. - but without your name.


> Do you wish to be put on our mailing list for updates to the website?


> Freenations

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Erik Ribsskog" <>

> To: <>

> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 1:57 AM

> Subject: Enquiry from Free Nations website



>> Hi,


>> I read your article about Bertelsmann taking over Council-services,

>> (like incoming phone-calls from the people living in the

>> constituancy), in a Yorkshire town.




>> I was working for Bertelsmann Arvato Services Microsoft Scandinavian

>> Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, and I also

>> recieved training, for doing this 'Council-job' for the Yorkshire

>> Council, by the way.


>> A Finnish girl working at the Microsoft-activation, Aniina, and

>> myself, we had to take the elevator down, from the 4th floor, in the

>> Cunard Building,

>> to the 1st floor there.


>> (Arvato had offices in both the 1st floor and the 4th floor, in the

>> Cunard Building).


>> And then we spoke with a woman from the town, and a manager in Arvato,

>> and we were to be a back-up, for the Council job.


>> So I had training answering call from 'citizens' that hadn't had their

>> litter-bins emptied etc.


>> And we got a plastic-folder with a booklet, and a mascot, I think it's

>> called, a green textile-thing, with a sticker on it, to put on the

>> computer-screen etc,

>> that looked like a strange animal with two eyes.


>> This I think must have been at the beginning of 2006.


>> And I was working at Arvato, untill November 2006.


>> And, we never recieved a single phone-call, from the Yorkshire town.


>> So I think must have been something 'phoney' at Arvato Liverpool, also

>> since I think it was only me and Aniina, (or Anina), who recieved this

>> training.


>> So this seems a bit odd, thinking back on this.


>> I also started an employment-case against Bertelsmann.


>> They used reinforcement, as a managment-method, that the team-leaders

>> were trained to use.


>> And this means, that if one sit more than eg. 15 seconds, between

>> calls, without seting the phone on 'available', then the team-leaders

>> are going to

>> scream at you, through the office/table, 'Erik, you're on wrap-up'.


>> This I've heard is illigal in the UK, I've heard it's bullying.


>> Also there was a lot of bullying from managers, and other problems on

>> the campaign.


>> I've written about them in a summary from a meeting there, with my

>> line-manager, in 2006:




>> And there are also a lot of other documents about the problems there:





>> I think that if someone went through these files, then they could find

>> a lot of documents/e-mails etc, from Arvato,

>> that showed illigal management methods/bullying from managers etc. there.


>> I think one could almost say that we were being used as slaves there

>> almost, and that the reinforcement was kind

>> of like a whip, from the 'slave-keeper', if one did something wrong.


>> On top of all the other bullying that was against eg. me there.


>> So if you have the time, then you'd be welcome to have a look at the

>> case, and see if there's something there,

>> that you could write about on your webisite etc.


>> (I'm also trying to get a court-case up, with this employment-case.

>> But I haven't got it that far yet).


>> Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this!


>> Yours sincerely,


>> Erik Ribsskog





> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




> Internal Virus Database is out of date.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.16/1928 - Release Date: 1/31/2009

> 8:03 PM



Letter from the Local Government Ombudsman

I'm not sure what to do with this complaint now.

It must be something wrong, when they let the cleaning-women, wash the mens changing-room, during opening hours, and there were also a lot of other strange things going on there.

The gym was suddently closed, after I e-mailed the Council about the washing-women, in the mens changing-room.

And there was just a sign, saying 'gym closed', hanging in the enterance-area, of the Millenium-bulding.

I think that, if it was true, like the Council said, that the gym was closed, for a planed refurbishment, then they would have had time, to make a proper sign, to have in the enterance-area, and they would also have had time to inform the users of the gym, properly, about this refurbishment.

Which they didn't.

And also, they shouldn't have withdrawn a full months charge, from the users bank-accounts, for the month they closed early.

(Some weeks into the refurbishment, then they suddently had a very fine sign, so here I think it was something wrong).


Erik Ribsskog

E-post til Sivilombudsmannen. (In Norwegian).

Google Mail - Arne Fliflet, (2008/1958 og 2008/2166).

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Arne Fliflet, (2008/1958 og 2008/2166).

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM



jeg viser til Deres brev fra 2/2, som jeg mottok idag.

De skriver at Ombudsmannen, ikke vil gjøre noe mer, hvis det ikke

fremkommer noe vesentlig nytt.

Jeg har kanskje ikke vært flink nok til å forklare, men jeg forsøker igjen.

I forbindelse med klagen mot ambassaden i London, så har fortsatt ikke

Ombudsmannen fått ambassaden

til å kontakte meg, kun UD.

Og jeg synes det virker som at det er noen ugler i mosen her.

Av de nye opplysningene som jeg ga dere sist, så fikk dere vite, at

ambassaden, ved ambassaderåd Øvermo,

forrandret agendaen for en telefonsamtale, fra meg til ambassaden, i 2007.

Dette sier du at ikke er noe 'vesentlig nytt'.

Men en slik forrandring av agenda for en telefon, det må da være en

saksbehandlingsfeil i seg selv.

Så å si at dette ikke er noe vesentlig nytt, det høres rart ut, synes jeg.

Dere burde undersøke hvorfor ambassaden ikke vil kontakte meg, en

vanlig norsk borger.

Så sånn er det.

Så jeg har noen spørsmål her:


Jeg overhørte jo i 2003, da jeg jobbet på Rimi Bjørndal, at jeg var

forfulgt, av noe 'mafian'.

Jeg forsøkte å kontakte Kripos, i 2005, angående dette, etter å ha

blitt forsøkt drept, på gården

til min onkels nå eksdame, Grethe Ingebrigtsen, i Kvelde i Larvik, i 2005.

Men Kripos, (og også politiet i Oslo), de nekter å si hvem denne

'mafian' er, og å gi råd, for

hvilke forholdsregler og slikt, som man bør ta mot de.

Så jeg er altså nå, siden 2003, i en nødssituasjon, og jeg får ikke noe hjelp.

Jeg burde kanskje ha forklart dette før, men jeg forklarer det nå ihvertfall.

Hvordan burde jeg gå fram, for å få hjelp i denne nødssituasjonen?


Skal dere undersøke klagen min, på at dere 'tullet med meg' i fjor, da

dere først ville ha et kort,

undertegnet brev, og så var ikke det bra nok, så måtte jeg skrive et

langt undertegnet brev.

Såkalt trenering, fra Sivilombudsmannen, vil jeg kalle det.


Hvorfor syntes dere ikke at den forrandringen av agenda, for min

telefonsamtale, (jeg ville bare høre

om hun hadde fått tak i papirene mine, mens hun begynte å spørre om

alt mulig rart, som ikke var

i forbindelse med samtalen, enda jeg var midt i noe jobb-greier og var

ganske stressa),  som

ambassaderåd Øvermo, ved ambassaden i London, foretok.


Hvorfor vil dere ikke øndersøke om det er noe mønster, i denne

'tullingen' med meg, innenfor fire

forskjellige departementer, i forvaltningen?

På forhånd takk for svar!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Brev fra Sivilombudsmannen. (In Norwegian).

StatCounter: Det søkes mye i Norge, om en som heter Trond Halvorsen. (In Norwegian).


En som heter Trond Halvorsen, ser jeg på StatCounter, at det søkes mye om i Norge, på Google.

Jeg lurer på om det er han som har skrevet kommentarer på bloggen her før.

(Det viste seg å stemme, se en av 'label'-ene som hører til denne bloggposten).

Han blir visst plaga fælt, av en som han kaller SOL-sjefen, som visstnok skal få Mossad til å partere han, og så drepe han.

Så disse i Mossad, de tror jeg det er smart å holde seg unna.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette, i en link jeg fant, når jeg søkte på 'trond halvorsen truth' da, som dukket opp på StatCounter-siden ovenfor:

En som kommenterer på bloggen, sier at det har vært mafia i Norge 'en stund nå'. (In Norwegian).

Anonymous said...
Mafia har det da vært i norge en stund nå.
Har du noen teori om hvorfor de skulle være ute etter deg?

05 February 2009 11:22
johncons said...

nei, men jeg mistenker at det kanskje kan være at familien min er noe mafia, eller noe.

De kan virke som idiot-versjonen av Sopranos noen ganger, ihvertfall.

Enten det, eller at det er gjennom jobb i Rimi, jeg fikk et brev fra Stein Erik Hagen, en gang, da Rimi Langhus vant en driftskonkurranse, da jeg var butikksjef der, i 2001, kallt 'Rimi Gullårer'.

Da fikk jeg et brev, hvor det var slitt hull i bretten, gjennom konvolutten, hullet som var slitt i brevet, så ut som en vagina omtrent, (hvis man skal tolke det som noe mafia-symbolikk), og en Rimi metall kulepenn.

Rimi Gullårer, var en ganske prestisjefull konkurranse,

(selv om ICAs hovedkontor, nå sier at brevet fra Stein Erik Hagen, var et 'diplom', så fikk jeg gratulasjoner av andre butikksjefer, i 2001, og i 2001, så var det snakk om et brev, fra Stein Erik Hagen, underskrevet med penn osv., mens ifjor så kalte ICA det, for et 'diplom', men det var altså et brev.).

Og ICA klarte ikke å finne et eneste dokument, fra de 12 årene jeg hadde jobbet i firma, i personalarkivet.

Enda jeg jobbet fire år som butikksjef, og ti år som leder.

Men, men.

Men for å oppsummere, enten er det nok familien min som er noe mafia, (jeg fikk et penn og lighter-sett, til jul, julen 2003, fra faren min og Haldis, og jeg røyka ikke da, så jeg syntes det var rart, kanskje det er noe mafia-symbolikk, har jeg tenkt i ettertid).

Så enten om det er familien min som er noe mafia, eller Stein Erik Hagen, som liker å tulle med butikksjefene i Rimi, som ønsker å slutte.

Men tilbake til din kommentar.

Du sier det har vært mafia i Norge en stund nå.

Kan du forklare mer om dette, hvis det er mafia i Norge, hvordan er de bygget opp, er det samme mafia som i USA/Italia, og hvorfor står det ikke om dette i avisene, som VG og Dagbladet osv?

E-mail to the University of Sunderland.

Google Mail - Julie Clapham/Fwd: Study fees
Google Mail Ante Valente <>

Julie Clapham/Fwd: Study fees

Erik Ribsskog <> 5 February 2009 15:52

I spoked with Julie Clapham at Credit Control, today, on the phone.

My student-number is: 049039692.

After this communication, on e-mail, that I'm forwarding to you now, I was sent a payment-plan form,

that was supposed to be dealt with in a 'payment-plan meeting', at the University.

But I didn't hear anything, after this.

But I was busy in a new job at the time, and with a court-case, so I have had a lot of other things

on my mind.

And last year, like I told on the phone, I tried to call the University, but then my name couldn't be
found, on your computer-system.

So I went to the University, two weeks ago, on the train, and then I was given my student-number,

in the Gateway-reception.

And then I called Joy Taylor, about the problems with the payment plan etc., last week, and was
told to call Janet at Credit Control.

So I'm sorry that this has taken a lot of time!

I think something must have happened with the payment-plan form, that I sent you, in 2006, I think
it must have been.

(I probably have a copy of the payment-plan form here somewhere, but I have a lot of files here, since

I've also been working on a court-case etc., so I have three boxes with files here, so then I would need
some time, if I have to find any files, regarding that, but I think I should have some files also regarding

this somewhere).

Sorry again about the delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2006/2/11
Subject: Re: Study fees
To: International <>


Thanks for the answer!

I havent heard from the Finance department yet, so I will call them about this next week.

Thanks again!


Erik Ribsskog

On 27/01/06, International <> wrote:
Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to our Finance department

who should be in touch with you in due course. You can contact them via

email at:

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Student helpline
University of Sunderland

Erik Ribsskog wrote:

> Hi,
> I was a student at University of Sunderland last year, and since Ive
> had some economical problems etc., I havent
> got to organize an agreement on how i should pay the study fees etc. yet.

> So I was wondering who I should contact about this.
> Im sorry it has taken me so long to contact you about this!
> Thanks in advance and regards.
> Erik Ribsskog


This was an e-mail account, that I used from work, at Arvato.

The name I used first, 'Ante Valente', is a nick I sometimes use, just to put a name on forms etc, (because, when I first got the internet, then I didn't like to write my name, on mailing-lists etc, and things like that), it's from a TV-comedy in Norway.

(I was a bit stressed, since I was registering the e-mail account inbetween calls at work, that's why I wrote Ante Valente, when I should have written my own name).

E-mail to Freenations.

Google Mail - Enquiry from Free Nations website

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Enquiry from Free Nations website

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:21 PM

Freenations <>


yes, that would be fine, then I could see if something from the

Arvato-case etc., was being used

on your website.

I just stumbled upon your website, when I search a bit about

Bertelsmann on Google, but I'll try

read up more about Freenations on a later occation.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Freenations <> wrote:

> Very many thanks.


> We will certainly use this input. - but without your name.


> Do you wish to be put on our mailing list for updates to the website?


> Freenations

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Erik Ribsskog" <>

> To: <>

> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 1:57 AM

> Subject: Enquiry from Free Nations website



>> Hi,


>> I read your article about Bertelsmann taking over Council-services,

>> (like incoming phone-calls from the people living in the

>> constituancy), in a Yorkshire town.




>> I was working for Bertelsmann Arvato Services Microsoft Scandinavian

>> Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, and I also

>> recieved training, for doing this 'Council-job' for the Yorkshire

>> Council, by the way.


>> A Finnish girl working at the Microsoft-activation, Aniina, and

>> myself, we had to take the elevator down, from the 4th floor, in the

>> Cunard Building,

>> to the 1st floor there.


>> (Arvato had offices in both the 1st floor and the 4th floor, in the

>> Cunard Building).


>> And then we spoke with a woman from the town, and a manager in Arvato,

>> and we were to be a back-up, for the Council job.


>> So I had training answering call from 'citizens' that hadn't had their

>> litter-bins emptied etc.


>> And we got a plastic-folder with a booklet, and a mascot, I think it's

>> called, a green textile-thing, with a sticker on it, to put on the

>> computer-screen etc,

>> that looked like a strange animal with two eyes.


>> This I think must have been at the beginning of 2006.


>> And I was working at Arvato, untill November 2006.


>> And, we never recieved a single phone-call, from the Yorkshire town.


>> So I think must have been something 'phoney' at Arvato Liverpool, also

>> since I think it was only me and Aniina, (or Anina), who recieved this

>> training.


>> So this seems a bit odd, thinking back on this.


>> I also started an employment-case against Bertelsmann.


>> They used reinforcement, as a managment-method, that the team-leaders

>> were trained to use.


>> And this means, that if one sit more than eg. 15 seconds, between

>> calls, without seting the phone on 'available', then the team-leaders

>> are going to

>> scream at you, through the office/table, 'Erik, you're on wrap-up'.


>> This I've heard is illigal in the UK, I've heard it's bullying.


>> Also there was a lot of bullying from managers, and other problems on

>> the campaign.


>> I've written about them in a summary from a meeting there, with my

>> line-manager, in 2006:




>> And there are also a lot of other documents about the problems there:





>> I think that if someone went through these files, then they could find

>> a lot of documents/e-mails etc, from Arvato,

>> that showed illigal management methods/bullying from managers etc. there.


>> I think one could almost say that we were being used as slaves there

>> almost, and that the reinforcement was kind

>> of like a whip, from the 'slave-keeper', if one did something wrong.


>> On top of all the other bullying that was against eg. me there.


>> So if you have the time, then you'd be welcome to have a look at the

>> case, and see if there's something there,

>> that you could write about on your webisite etc.


>> (I'm also trying to get a court-case up, with this employment-case.

>> But I haven't got it that far yet).


>> Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this!


>> Yours sincerely,


>> Erik Ribsskog





> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




> Internal Virus Database is out of date.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.16/1928 - Release Date: 1/31/2009

> 8:03 PM



I sent an e-mail regarding the Arvato-case to an online publication.

Google Mail - Enquiry from Free Nations website

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Enquiry from Free Nations website

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:57 AM



I read your article about Bertelsmann taking over Council-services,

(like incoming phone-calls from the people living in the

constituancy), in a Yorkshire town.

I was working for Bertelsmann Arvato Services Microsoft Scandinavian

Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, and I also

recieved training, for doing this 'Council-job' for the Yorkshire

Council, by the way.

A Finnish girl working at the Microsoft-activation, Aniina, and

myself, we had to take the elevator down, from the 4th floor, in the

Cunard Building,

to the 1st floor there.

(Arvato had offices in both the 1st floor and the 4th floor, in the

Cunard Building).

And then we spoke with a woman from the town, and a manager in Arvato,

and we were to be a back-up, for the Council job.

So I had training answering call from 'citizens' that hadn't had their

litter-bins emptied etc.

And we got a plastic-folder with a booklet, and a mascot, I think it's

called, a green textile-thing, with a sticker on it, to put on the

computer-screen etc,

that looked like a strange animal with two eyes.

This I think must have been at the beginning of 2006.

And I was working at Arvato, untill November 2006.

And, we never recieved a single phone-call, from the Yorkshire town.

So I think must have been something 'phoney' at Arvato Liverpool, also

since I think it was only me and Aniina, (or Anina), who recieved this


So this seems a bit odd, thinking back on this.

I also started an employment-case against Bertelsmann.

They used reinforcement, as a managment-method, that the team-leaders

were trained to use.

And this means, that if one sit more than eg. 15 seconds, between

calls, without seting the phone on 'available', then the team-leaders

are going to

scream at you, through the office/table, 'Erik, you're on wrap-up'.

This I've heard is illigal in the UK, I've heard it's bullying.

Also there was a lot of bullying from managers, and other problems on

the campaign.

I've written about them in a summary from a meeting there, with my

line-manager, in 2006:

And there are also a lot of other documents about the problems there:

I think that if someone went through these files, then they could find

a lot of documents/e-mails etc, from Arvato,

that showed illigal management methods/bullying from managers etc. there.

I think one could almost say that we were being used as slaves there

almost, and that the reinforcement was kind

of like a whip, from the 'slave-keeper', if one did something wrong.

On top of all the other bullying that was against eg. me there.

So if you have the time, then you'd be welcome to have a look at the

case, and see if there's something there,

that you could write about on your webisite etc.

(I'm also trying to get a court-case up, with this employment-case.

But I haven't got it that far yet).

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

E-mail from YouTube.

Google Mail - Problems with 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' being deleted from YouTube.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' being deleted from YouTube.

YouTube Support

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:48 AM


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The YouTube Team

Original Message Follows:


From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Subject: Problems with 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third

Edition)' being deleted from YouTube.

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 00:48:24 +0000


yesterday I noticed that the films 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati

Film (Third Edition)' had been deleted from YouTube.

Here are the links:

Illuminati-film 2:

Illuminati Film (Third Edition):

The reason stated for the removal of both films, in the links, where

'This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by WMG.'.

I was wondering if.

1. If I shouldn't have been notified about the copyright claim by WMG?

2. If the reason for the copyright-claim, was that I had included the

Madonna-song 'Ray of light', in the Illuminati-films?

If this is the reason for the removal of the films, then I wanted to

please try to explain, and that is that I suspect that this song,


Ray of Light', in an 'illuminati-song'.

It uses Illuminati/New World Order-symbolism, like the ray of light,

which is to do with Illuminati, which means to light up.

And also it uses New World Order/Illuminati terms like 'waiting for

the day when the world will be as one' (New World Order), and

'Cause someone else will be there through the endless years'.

This is the dark-haired people, I suspect, and that the blond-haired

people are going to be removed. (Like it said in the UN-report, which

was claimed to be a 'paper-duck').

This is also help being showed by that Madonna is an occult kabalistic


(Also called 'a which').

And, that Madonna acts like a 'whore' when she has her hair coloured


And, like a madonna, when her hair is coloured her own colour, brown/dark.

So I suspect that this song is part of an Illuminati-campaign, against

blond people, which have the curse of Ham, according to

Talmud or other cabalistic books, I suspect.

Something like this.

So I think I have the right, to make use of this song, since I use the

song, to express what my meaning is.

So this should be covered by my freedom of speech, I think.

One can see that I quote the lyrics from this song, Ray of Light, also

in the films.

So I think this is political.

It's nothing to do with copyright.

Because the purpose of the films, are to express meanings, and the

purpose is not to entertain.

So I'd like to please dispute this removal of the films

'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' from


So I was wondering if you could please explain me how I should go

forward to do this.

I hope you have the chance to answer my questions, and thanks in

advance for the help with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

I contacted YouTube regarding that two johncons-film productions, that warns against the Illuminati, has been removed from YouTube.

Google Mail - Problems with 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' being deleted from YouTube.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' being deleted from YouTube.

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:48 AM



yesterday I noticed that the films 'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati

Film (Third Edition)' had been deleted from YouTube.

Here are the links:

Illuminati-film 2:

Illuminati Film (Third Edition):

The reason stated for the removal of both films, in the links, where

'This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by WMG.'.

I was wondering if.

1. If I shouldn't have been notified about the copyright claim by WMG?

2. If the reason for the copyright-claim, was that I had included the

Madonna-song 'Ray of light', in the Illuminati-films?

If this is the reason for the removal of the films, then I wanted to

please try to explain, and that is that I suspect that this song,


Ray of Light', in an 'illuminati-song'.

It uses Illuminati/New World Order-symbolism, like the ray of light,

which is to do with Illuminati, which means to light up.

And also it uses New World Order/Illuminati terms like 'waiting for

the day when the world will be as one' (New World Order), and

'Cause someone else will be there through the endless years'.

This is the dark-haired people, I suspect, and that the blond-haired

people are going to be removed. (Like it said in the UN-report, which

was claimed to be a 'paper-duck').

This is also help being showed by that Madonna is an occult kabalistic Jew.

(Also called 'a which').

And, that Madonna acts like a 'whore' when she has her hair coloured blond.

And, like a madonna, when her hair is coloured her own colour, brown/dark.

So I suspect that this song is part of an Illuminati-campaign, against

blond people, which have the curse of Ham, according to

Talmud or other cabalistic books, I suspect.

Something like this.

So I think I have the right, to make use of this song, since I use the

song, to express what my meaning is.

So this should be covered by my freedom of speech, I think.

One can see that I quote the lyrics from this song, Ray of Light, also

in the films.

So I think this is political.

It's nothing to do with copyright.

Because the purpose of the films, are to express meanings, and the

purpose is not to entertain.

So I'd like to please dispute this removal of the films

'Illuminati-film 2' and 'Illuminati Film (Third Edition)' from


So I was wondering if you could please explain me how I should go

forward to do this.

I hope you have the chance to answer my questions, and thanks in

advance for the help with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Stabburet fjerner paprikaen på Grandiosaen, men beholder 'kjøttet'. Tja, hva skal man si da, godt forsøk, eller bedre lykke neste gang? (In Norwegian)


Reklamen deres virker ikke da.

Hvis man klikker på reklamen, så får man opp denne nettsiden:


Her kan man se det selv, hvis man klikker på Grandiosa-reklamen øverst på

(Jeg måtte ta bort den Dagbladet-siden, for det ble problemer med formateringen på skriften, på bloggen.

Og Dagbladet blir kanskje ikke så gladet, hvis man legger avisa dems på bloggen.

Men men).


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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