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fredag 5. september 2014

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus

Erik Ribsskog

Avslag på søknad om fri sakførsel

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 6:14 PM

To: "Ahmed, Hafeez"
Cc:, "" , "HRET (postmottak)" , Mads Liland ,

ja, jeg flytter nå tilbake til Norge, (hvis alt går etter planen).

Så da kan jeg sjekke, om det ikke finnes, noen som holder til i Oslo,
som man kan be om råd, om fri rettshjelp.

Så da tar jeg det derfra.

Berger IL-fotballtrener Skjelsbek, (og hans sønn, (min klassekamerat),
Ole-Christian Skjelsbek), visste det, at jeg måtte bo aleine, fra jeg
var ni år gammel, (husker jeg).

(De prata med meg om det, en gang, som jeg satt på med dem, til
Leirfaret 4B, etter en kamp, en gang, på begynnelsen av 80-tallet.

Jeg slutta i Berger IL, da jeg var i sekstenårs-alderen.

Og begynte da jeg var i 9-10 års-alderen, vel).

Så han burde vel klare, å skrive, en bekreftelse, om det.

Og jeg har også skrevet memoarer, om oppveksten min, osv.

Så dette burde være krystall-klare saker.

Så at dette kan bli utsatt for venstrehåndsarbeid og surr, (min søster
blir blant annet kalt for min halvsøster), det forstår jeg ikke,
hvordan Rettferdsvederlag-folka, har klart å fått til.

Men takk for svar, uansett.


Erik Ribsskog

2014-09-02 9:45 GMT+01:00 Ahmed, Hafeez <>:
> Avslag på søknad om fri sakførsel


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En litt sein frokost i dag, (jeg er b-menneske). Brødskiver med coronation chicken og Asda sin budsjett-versjon av IRN BRU





Dette, (med Pepsi, ('budsjett-Coca Cola'), istedet for Iron Brew), var det jeg pleide å spise en del, som kveldsmat, på begynnelsen, av Min Bok 2-tida.

Det var det føste året, som jeg bodde, i Oslo.

(Det var da jeg studerte, det første året, på NHI, nemlig studieåret 1989/90).

Og kona i huset, (hvor jeg leide hybel), tålte ikke matlukt.

Og jeg delte hybel-kjøkken, med ei stille, (og vel litt sjenert), blondinne-studine, i begynnelsen av 20-åra, (som leide den andre hybelen, som husvert-ekteparet Jorås, leide ut, i den underste etasjen, i huset deres).

Så jeg pleide å kjøpe et beger kyllingsalat, (som ble pakket, i en betjent ferskvaredisk), hos Oluf Lorentzen.

(Den butikken, som lå i kjelleren, på Oslo City.

Siden at 71-bussen, (til Abildsø), gikk fra ved Jernbanetorget der).

Og også noen slags tea-briks, (eller noe i den duren), pleide jeg å kjøpe.

Og så spiste jeg de, (og smørte de vel også), inne på rommet mitt, i Enebakkveien 239B.

(For kona i huset, (a Berit), tålte ikke matlukt.

Så jeg kunne ikke steike Pizza Grandiosa, for eksempel).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

For når jeg spiste det 'coronation chicken'-pålegget, fra Asda, nå.

Så tenkte jeg det, at dette smaker jo cirka likt, som kyllingsalaten, til Oluf Lorentzen.

(Fra studieåret 1989/90).

Kan det ha vært, at Oluf Lorentzen, solgte coronation chicken.

Men så kalte de det bare, for kyllingsalat.

Sånn at nordmenn skulle forstå?


Hva vet jeg.

Så sånn var muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 3.

Men da jeg spiste kyllingsalat, på Abildsø.

Så var det mer som ettermiddags/kvelds-mat, må jeg si.

For jeg ville da oftest være rimelig sulten, når jeg skulle, på NHI.

(Siden jeg ikke fikk lov, til å lage, ordentlig middagsmat, på hybelen min.

Siden at kona i huset, ikke tålte matlukt).

Så jeg pleide å kjøpe minst en cheese-burger, i Oslo sentrum.

Enten før eller etter forelesningene.

(Og jeg havna blant annet en del, på en Maliks-restaurant, som lå i en slags bakgate, bak Oslo City.

For de hadde student-vennlige priser, på cheeseburger og en halvliter øl, husker jeg.

Og jeg hadde jo nettopp vært russ.

Så det var ikke sånn, at jeg ble pussa engang, av en halvliter øl, (sånn som jeg husker det).

Og jeg havna også en del, (spesielt før forelesningene).

På hamburger-restauranten Wimpy, inne på Oslo City, (husker jeg).

For jeg bytta buss, ved Oslo City.

Og så var jeg ofte skrubbsulten, (om morgenene), da.

Og stakk da innom Wimpy, (som var åpen hele dagen vel).

Og kjøpte ofte en type cheese-burger, som hadde grovt hamburgerbrød, (husker jeg).

(For jeg prøvde liksom å være sunn, da).

Og så kjøpte jeg kanskje en sånn cheese-burger og halvliter-meny, på Maliks, etter forelesningene.

Men da hadde jeg jo brukt omtrent en hundrelapp allerede, den dagen.

For jeg røyka vel også, cirka ti sigaretter om dagen, på den tida.

Og så en femtilapp kanskje, på Oluf Lorentzen.

(For tea-briks, kyllingsalat, Pepsi og aviser).

Så da gikk studielånet ganske raskt, må jeg si.

Så det var ikke sånn, at det studielånet varte, hele studietida.

(For å si det sånn).

Siden at NHI også krevde ekstra skolepenger, som ikke halvparten engang av, ble dekket, av Lånekassa).

Og jeg måtte jo også være med på en del student-diskoteker, (syntes jeg).

(Samt at jeg gikk en del på byen, med min klassekamerat, fra russetida, nemlig Magne Winnem).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 4.

Mer om coronation chicken:

mer om coronation chicken

Mer nettmobbing. (Dette har ikke jeg skrevet)

mer nettmobbing


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Enda mer om budsjett

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:04 AM
Cc: Q&A
I wanted to inform you, that I've finally made this payment, (of £5), now.
I got the jobseekers allowance delayed again, (I got four fourthnighly payments, (since June), at the same time, last week), so the payment was a bit delayed, unfortunately.
But the debt should be paid now, (at last), so thanks for your patience to do with this!
Maybe I'll buy electricity from you again, at a later time, if I want to switch to montly bills again.

We'll see.

Sorry again about the delay!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Swalec <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Ref: 275847031
Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in replying to your email.
The remaining outstanding balance is £5.00 on your account. Can you please confirm if you will be able to make this payment of £5.00 on 31 August 2014?

I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Jennifer McAveety
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Subject: Re: Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


thank you for your e-mail!
It isn't easy for me to say when I can continue to make the payments.

The Jobcentre stop my allowance, every other month, it seems, (for no good reason).
I almost starved to death, in May.

And then again, I almost starved to death again, a few days ago.
Almost all the letters I send the Jobcentre, gets missing, in the post.
I guess we could try, to set up a payment, due on 31/8, for the £5.
(If that's ok.
Since the Council wants me to start paying them the Council Tax, for this year, around then).
I can try to pay this amount, from your website.
(If you think that's possible).
I hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your recent email dated 7th July, I apologise for the delayed response.
I appreciate your current financial circumstances and your ongoing issue with the Job Centre.
I have checked your account and it shows that we have already requested your payment due on 10/07/14 however it can take up to 10 working days for the bank to recall a payment as unpaid and you may incur bank charges therefore I would suggest you speak with your bank.
I would advise that you contact us as soon as you are aware when you can continue making payments toward your account. Your current outstanding balance on your account including the payment we have requested on 10/07/14 is £5.00.
Should you wish to discuss your account in more details please contact our final accounts department on 0800 048 2409.

Kind Regards
Laura Govan
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 07/07/2014 15:41:27
Subject: Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


the token-payment wasn't succesful last month, due to that I haven't
gotten my jobseekers allowance since May, so it was no money on my

I can't say when I'm going to get money next, since someone tricked
the Jobcentre into stopping my claim, and they haven't started paying
my allowance again yet.

They first told me I would get my allowance on 24/6.

Then they told me I was going to get it on 2/7.

(I called the Jobcentre and my call was transfered to a call centre in
Norwich, where I got to speak with a woman with a Polish-sounding
name, like Agnielska, or something like that).

But I still haven't gotten the allowance.

And the last time I got my allowance was in week 21, I think it was.

I've just found out that the Norwegian army put me in what seems to be
a gay-platoon, when I had to serve my conscripton-service in the 90's.

So it could be NATO that are messing with me to cover this up, or
something like that.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swalec <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 14:16:02 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email. I apologise for the confusion regarding your
payment arrangement. It would appear the advisor has actually set you
arrangement to start on 28 August 2013, rather than July.
I hope this is satisfactory and I can assure you the payments will
start then. Please contact us again if you have further queries.
Kind Regards
Jennifer Dickson
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 02/08/2013 06:53:05
Subject: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


you write in your e-mail from 31/5, that: 'The next payment from the
bank will be 28/07/2013'.

I've checked my online banking now, and I can't see that this Direct
Debit-payment, (a token-payment of £1), has been deducted, from my

(Even if 28/7 is now five days ago).

I was wondering what was going on.

Thanks in advance for informing me about this.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


ok, I will try to inform you earlier if a similar problem happens again.

I'll pay the next token-payments in the way you mention in your e-mail.

Thank you very much for the help with this and sorry about the delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your reply.
I have cancelled the payment for 28/06/2013 being taken from your bank
account as you will be paying online. The next payment from the bank
will be 28/07/2013. If there will be any problems with this payment,
please let us know in advance to avoid any reminder letters being
Kind Regards
Fiona Hurst
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 31/05/2013 01:11:12
Subject: Re: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


thank you for your e-mail!

I got the three missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments on my
bank-account, today, (Thursday).

I've paid the token-payment just now, from your web-site.

And I'll pay the next token-payment, also from your web-site, by 28/6,
when this payment is due.

Sorry again about the delay with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email.
I have noted this information on your account. However we have already
requested this payment from your bank and I am unable to stop this.
Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards
Fiona Hurst
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 28/05/2013 14:26:47
Subject: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd:
SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013] [#1024648]


the Jobcentre haven't paid me my last three jobseekers
allowance-payments, so I have no money on my bank account now.

I hope it's ok that I pay the token-payment due today, when I get the
jobseekers allowance back.

I can pay it by credit card, and I'll check your website for more
information about how I can pay, when I get my allowance back.

Hope this is alright, and sorry about the delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email and I am sorry for the delay in responding.
I have reset your payment arrangement for you.  Your first payment for
£1.00 will be taken by direct debit on the 28th December 2011.
I hope this is in order for you but if I can be of any further
assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on 01738 453898.
Kind Regards

Leighann Whyte
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 24/11/2011 19:42:13
Subject: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013]


I've been adviced by the CCCS, to pay token-payment, to my creditors,
before I get a new job.

I've set the token-payment amount, to £5 a month.

But now I've reviewed my budget, and I have so many token-payments
now, and I live at a hostell, where I have to pay £73 a month, so I
have to reset the amount on the token-payments to £1 a month now
unfortunately, from next month.

So I'm stopping the current Direct Debit now, on my bank-account, and
ask you if you could please set up a new Direct Debit, for £1 a month,
from next month.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swalec <>
Date: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013]

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email, I can confirm that I can arrange a payment
plan for you to pay the balance of £40.24 at £5 a month. To do this
can you please confirm the bank account details to be used and the
date you would like the payments to be made each month.
Kind Regards

Tracy Adam
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 03/10/2011 14:02:15
Subject: SWALEC query: Your final bill

Hi, I was wondering if it's ok if I pay the arrears, (of around £40),
with a five pound a month direct debit, starting from next month,
(since I'm unemployed and on a budget in co-operation with the CCCS).
Hope this is alright! Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog
Topic : Your final bill
Email :
Name : Erik Ribsskog
Phone: 07905206018
Postcode : SR2 7ES
Address Line 1 : Azalea Lodge, 1-2 Azalea Terrace North

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SSE and associated brands: Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic are all trading names of SSE Energy Supply Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 03757502 (Supply of Electricity, Home Phone, Broadband & Feed in Tariffs);
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SSE Energy Supply Limited, SSE Water Limited, SSE Home Services Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for certain consumer credit activities.

SSE and associated brands: Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic are all trading names of SSE Energy Supply Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 03757502 (Supply of Electricity, Home Phone, Broadband & Feed in Tariffs);
Southern Electric Gas Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 02716495 (Supply of Gas);
SSE Water Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 06021063 (Supply of Water);
SSE Home Services Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC292102 (Heating & Wiring, Shield Care & Servicing, Gas Installations and Eco);
SSE Energy Solutions Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC386054 (Energy Efficiency Installations & Insulation Products);
SSE Green Deal Provider Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC432920 (Green Deal Scheme)
All members of the SSE Group
The Registered Office of SSE Energy Supply Limited, Southern Electric Gas Limited and SSE Water Limited is 55 Vastern Road Reading Berkshire RG1 8BU
The Registered Office of SSE Home Services Limited, SSE Energy Solutions Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited is Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ
SSE Energy Supply Limited, SSE Water Limited, SSE Home Services Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for certain consumer credit activities.

Mer om budsjett

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Payment for July/Fwd: Token-payment for March/Fwd: Update/Fwd: GProblems with payment for February/Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying token-payment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:27 AM
To: Contact
Cc: Q&A

it has been a bit problem, with the jobseekers-allowance again, in August.

So I didn't get to pay the token-payent, on time, unfortunately.

So I thought I could try, to send this e-mail.

As a token-payment, for both August and September.

I hope this is alright!

Sorry again about the problems with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 1:30 AM
Subject: Payment for July/Fwd: Token-payment for March/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: GProblems with payment for February/Giros/Fwd: Problems
with paying token-payment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter
of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
To: Contact <>
Cc: Q&A <>


It's been a bit problem with the jobseekers allowance-payments again now.

(For some strange/funny reason.

The Jobcentre are also taking me to court, acusing me of something I
haven't done, sending harassment correspondence to their staff).

So I wondered if it was ok, that I just send this e-mail, as the
token-payment, for July.

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:06 AM
Subject: Token-payment for March/Fwd: Update/Fwd: GProblems with
payment for February/Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying
token-payment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11,
(Your ref: 47998755)
To: Contact <>
Cc: Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US


I've only gotter around £100 of the around £300 that the Jobcentre
owes me, after an unfair sanction.

So I wondered if it was alright that I send this e-mail, instead of
sending the token-payment, (and giro), for March.

And then I'll send the giros again, (as normal), from April, (if I get
my Jobseekers Allowance, that is).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:42 PM
Subject: Fwd: Update/Fwd: GProblems with payment for
February/Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying token-payment/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
To: Contact <>
Cc: Contact-Us <>


I haven't gotten my jobseekers-allowance, which I was supposed to
recieved, Tuesday last week.

And I'm not sure exactly when I'm going to recieve this allowance.

So I was wondering if it was ok, that I don't send any token-payment
this month, (but that this e-mail counts as the token-payment).

And then I'll send the payments as normal again, from next month.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying
token-payment/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11,
(Your ref: 47998755)
To: Contact <>


that's very fine!

I hope the women at the Post Office are going to be happy with the new
giros, (since they complained about the old giros).

Thanks again for the help with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 8:52 AM, Contact <> wrote:
> Dear Mr Ribsskog,
> Thank you for your email. I can confirm giro slips have been issued to
> your address.
> Regards
> Collections Support Department
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog []
> Sent: 12 December 2013 06:41
> To: Contact
> Cc:
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying token-payment/Fwd:
> Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
> Hi,
> I was at the Post Office in County Road - Church Street, in Liverpool,
> yesterday, to pay my monthly token-payment-bill, to you.
> (Because the Post Office in Bootle, where I went to do some errands, was
> closed, for some reason.
> Even if I was there around noon).
> Paulina there wondered if I had photocopied the giro.
> Because it lacked a 'tear-off', for the receipt, she said.
> So I didn't get a proper receipt, for the giro.
> (Only a printed receipt).
> Could you send me some new, (and 'proper'), giros, I was wondering.
> Thanks in advance for any help with this!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 12:43 AM
> Subject: Giros/Fwd: Problems with paying token-payment/Fwd:
> Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
> To: Contact <>
> Hi,
> I've noticed that I've started to run out of giros now.
> I'm still unemployed, unfortunately.
> I was wondering if you could please send me some new giros.
> And if its alright that I don't send a token-payment to you, this month,
> (since I send this e-mail, instead).
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> PS.
> My address is:
> 10 Keith Court
> Keith Avenue
> Liverpool
> L4 5XJ
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Tue, May 28, 2013 at 2:43 PM
> Subject: Problems with paying token-payment/Fwd: Update/Fwd:
> Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
> To: Contact <>
> Cc: Contact-Us <>
> Hi,
> unfortunately the Jobcentre haven't sent me my last three jobseekers
> allowance-payments, and I have no money on my bank account.
> I'm therefore a bit delayed with my token payment to you, this month.
> I'm going to go to the post office, as usual, and pay the giro, when I
> finally recieve the mentioned payments from the Jobcentre.
> Hope this is alright and sorry about the delay!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your
> ref: 47998755)
> To: Shirley Pyper <>
> Hi,
> thank you for your e-mail!
> I hope I'll be able to make the payments as usual in the future.
> (I see in my calender-book here that the next payment is to be paid by
> Wednesday next week.
> And I shouldn't have any problems paying that payment in time).
> It's just that I've had some problems with the Jobcentre and the
> Jobseekers Allowance, in the last months.
> But it seems like this is getting sorted now.
> If there are any more similar problems in the future, I'm going to try
> to update you as soon as possible.
> Hope this is alright, and sorry again about the problems with this!
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Shirley Pyper
> <> wrote:
>> Mr E Ribsskog
>> 10 Keith Court
>> Keith Avenue
>> Liverpool
>> L4 5XJ
>> 23rd November 2012
>> Our ref: 47998755
>> Dear Mr Ribsskog,
>> Thank you for emails regarding the above, which has been passed to me
> to respond to you directly. All of your comments have been noted, and
> your dissatisfaction has been dealt with under our complaints process. I
> have attached a copy for your information.
>> I can confirm that our letter dated the 12th November 2012 was in the
> morning post prior to our agent responding to your email, and therefore
> the agent was unable to retrieve the letter. However the agent should
> have advised you to ignore the letter and for this I do apologise.
>> Please be assured that the agent concerned has been given relevant
> feedback.
>> As an agency we work very closely under the guidelines on debt
> collection practices and ensure we follow these stringently. DML prides
> itself on compliance, working with organisations such as the CSA and OFT
> in order to collect ethically and responsibly.
>> I can confirm that we are in receipt of your recent payment, and I can
> advise that the account will be monitored by me in the future. If you
> have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 01709
> 758410 or by email to the address below.
>> The attached link to the Financial Ombudsman Service advises you how
>> to complain within the next six months, if you feel we have not
>> assisted you in resolving this matter.  Their web details are as
>> follows:
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Shirley Pyper
>> Ms Shirley Pyper
>> Complaints Manager
>> Debt Managers Ltd
>> 01709 758410
>> Email:
>> ________________________________
>> From: Erik Ribsskog []
>> Sent: 20 November 2012 08:06
>> To: Contact
>> Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref:
>> 47998755)
>> Hi,
>> I just wanted to update about that I've finally got some money on my
> bank-account now, so I've gotten to pay the earlier mentioned bill.
>> Sorry about the delay with this!
>> Best regards,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> PS.
>> I attach a scanned copy of the receipt for this payment.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
>> Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 2:56 AM
>> Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
>> To:
>> Cc: Q&A <>
>> Hi,
>> I'm refering to your letter from 12/11, (which I attach), which I
> recieved two days ago.
>> You write: 'You have failed to respond to the Default Notice that was
> sent to you recently'.
>> This isn't true.
>> I sent you an e-mail on 8/11 about this.
>> (See the forwarded e-mail below).
>> So I wanted to please complain on that your company is disorganised.
>> One hand don't seem to know what the other hand does, (so to speak).
>> Perhaps you would be so kind as to delete my debt with you?
>> (To compensate for wasting my time here).
>> Hope this alright!
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
>> Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:49 PM
>> Subject: Your letter of 5/11, (Your ref: 47998755)
>> To:
>> Cc: Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US
>> <>
>> Hi,
>> I'm refering to your letter from 5/11, which I attach.
>> The Jobcentre haven't sent me my five latest Jobseekers
> Allowance-payments, for no good reason.
>> I do my Jobseeking like the Jobcentre have previously told me they
> want me to do it, every week.
>> I have not been informed by the Jobcentre when they are going to start
> sending me my Jobseekers Allowance again.
>> And I no money for cutting my hair, or taking the train to
> job-interviews eighter.
>> So maybe Barclays can give me a loan, untill someone have cleaned the
> problems at the Jobcentre up?
>> I also have an insurance-case against Barclays, since where I used to
> live, in Leather Lane, in Liverpool, (untill August last year), I was
> thrown out, after I wasn't sent a letter, for a court-hearing, so most
> of my stuff was kept by the landlord, after the Police broke in to my
> flat.
>> But I don't have money to buy stamps, so I haven't gotten to send
> about this to Barclays insurance-department.
>> But you are perhaps a department of Barclays?
>> Then perhaps you could send about this to Barclays Bank, (the
> loan-application), and Barclays Insurance, (about the problems in
> Leather Lane, with the Landlord there).
>> I'll pay the bill as soon as I get some money.
>> Sorry about the problems with this!
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Erik Ribsskog
>> Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and do not
>> necessarily represent those of the Company
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----
>> The information transmitted is confidential and intended only for the
> person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential
> and/or legally privileged material. If you are not the intended
> recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and
> confirm to us that it has been destroyed. You are strictly prohibited
> from using , copying or disseminating this message or any information it
> contains to anyone other than the intended recipient.
>> Debt Managers Ltd.  Registered in Scotland (registered no. 219618).
>> Registered Office: 12 Hope Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4DB

Jeg har jo sendt en del e-poster, til Trondheim, i det siste, (i forbindelse med at jeg prøver å spore opp, et firma, som min farfars møbelfabrikk, (Strømm Trevare), samarbeidet med, på 70-tallet). Og jeg har tenkt på det, at det jo en rivalisering, mellom Bergen og Trondheim, (hvis jeg har forstått det riktig, ihvertfall). Så hvorfor har ikke trønderne, startet Kanal 3, (eller noe i den duren), sånn at NRK, (med alle sine 'tøyse-programmer', (må man vel si), som Tweet4Tweet osv.), får litt mer konkurranse? Det er kanskje litt rart, at Trond Giske, ikke tenkte på dette, i sin tid, (som kulturminister, fra Trøndelag), da TV2, ble solgt, ut av landet. Hm

trondheim i det siste

Jeg sendte en e-post til Agderposten

Erik Ribsskog

Xiandos Info

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:23 PM
Cc: PFU Pressens faglige utvalg
Bcc: Mads Liland

det står i denne linken, (nesten nederst på siden, i denne artikkelen,
som noen, (av en eller annen grunn), har opprettet, om meg), at dere i
Agderposten, anmeldte en av mine bøker, ifjor:

Medfører dette riktighet, lurte jeg.


Erik Ribsskog


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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