Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

tirsdag 16. august 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående eventuelle annonser på bloggen

Gmail - A proposition regarding


Erik Ribsskog

A proposition regarding

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 10:24 PM



yes I would be interested to hearing your offer, since I'm in the process of selling ads on the blog.

So if you could please tell me which advert it is, that you want placed on my blog, and how much money this would bring me, then please update me regarding this.

But I want to make a point of that I don't want to let this affect the contect on the blog.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:57 PM, <> wrote:

Dear website operator,

Wise-Promotions, an established advertising company, would like to pay you for placing a small advertisement on for one of our clients.

These days we are using a few methods of advertising to guarantee that the ad we choose will fit the site nicely.

After reviewing your website I thought about an advertisement that fits perfectly a few pages on your site.

Please contact me at and I'll be happy to provide you with more details.

*If you have other websites which I can review for advertising please send me their URLs as well.

Best Regards,

Emma Cooper

Advertising Specialist

To permanently delete yourself from our list, simply reply to this with a blank email and you will never receive any communication from us in the future.

Hvis jeg blir kasta ut, så kan jeg jo bare spørre om jeg får låne kjolen til Erna Solberg, så kan jeg bo i den ute på the Wirral, eller noe. Vi får se

hvis jeg blir kasta ut

Faren min er visst en sånn hellig ku, som får beskyttelse av myndighetene, mens jeg blir skusla med av dem. Som grisene i Animal Farm som var likest

Noen i Tyskland, mener visst at faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen, er frimurer, under falsk navn. Den var ny. Hm

frimurer under falsk navn den var ny

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 8:47 PM

Phso Enquiries <>


this is what the dispute with my landlord is about.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8
To: "Harker, David" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


I'm refering to your letter from 2/8, and have some complaints about this letter:

1. You put the letter under my door, even if I've made it clear that I don't want anyone from your office, on my door, with special gifts or anything like that, like you wrote in a letter.

2. My name is Erik Ribsskog and not Eric Ribsskog.

3. You haven't put on the statement, around £2.000-3.000, collected by your representative George, from your Preston-office, on my door, sent by Lorna, from your Weaverthree-road office, after I bought a new washing-machine since I needed clean clothes and the old one wasn't fixed.

(I attach a scan of a receipt from 6/6/10, which I found in my organiser, which isn't on the statement.

This is recept number 11, and I think Mr. George only used that block for my bills, so I guess he received 10-15 payments, or something on my door.

Even if he was never on time, and I had to back and forth, to the bank, all the time, since he didn't keep apointments, and Lorna at your office, and I, didn't go well, due to your disrepair.

So I don't think you have claim, this was harassment towards me.

4. I've used some of the rent-money, for buying a washing-machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos.

You didn't fix the washing-machine, when it broke down, I tried to hand-wash, and had to buy new clothes, as well, since I did the hand-washing wrong.

It's only one sink in the kitchen, which is very un-hygienic.

The sink has 'suicide-cuts' in it, it seem.

Shouldn't be used for dish-washing, so I bought a dish-washer.

George didn't show up on agreed dates, so didn't get receipts.

Wasn't much furniture in the flat, night-tables in the living-room etc., so I bought more furniture from Argos.

It was in-expensive machines and furniture, I guess the total was around £400, (I did the installing/furniture-asembeling myself, so I round up to £400 which I think should be on the statement as well).

5. You lie about garbage-throwing arrangements, the garbage-bin is behind a patio, used by a local pub, (Rigbys pub), and restaurant, (Lady of Mann).

One can throw garbage outside of restaurants opening hourse, (gate is locked with big pad-lock), so I don't think you can say that the rent should be more than the housing-allowance.

One should be allowed to cap the Housing Allowance here, a bit since garabage-throwing arrangements aren't fine, and you use two years to fix my boiler, and repairs have been lagged, so I've had to do electricity-work myself, since I've been waiting for other problems to fixed, and there have been 'e-mail arguments', between me and your office.

So you should deduct £1000 of the statement for this, I reackon.

Total deductions = £3.000 (collected by George, not on statement) + £400 (washing machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos) + £1.000 (capped rent-payments due to garbage throwing arrangements not being fine, and disrepair) = £4.400.

You owe me:

£4.400 - £3.501.24 (your rent 'arrears') = £898.76

Please pay right away, on paypal:

Or I'm going to kick Lorna's fat bum out of your office in Weaverthree Rd.

Erik Ribsskog


To Liverpool County Court:

You should send the bailiff, Mr. Campbell, to Imperal Properties, insted of to my address, because it's really they who owe me money, like explained about.

Please stop ignoring evidence I send.

You've also sent scam-emails, and have not informed me about a hearing, and use wrong name on me, I'm Erik Ribsskog, not Eric Ribsskog, it's just the landlord who harass me, and mess with my name and tenancy, due to that I'm from Norway, I think it must be.

Something like this.

So they're really racist, or something, I'd guess.

Something like this.

5 attachments


Her er vedleggene:






Jeg sendte en klage til the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Gmail - Complaint about Liverpool County Court/Fwd: Regarding phone-call from Payplan


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Liverpool County Court/Fwd: Regarding phone-call from Payplan

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 8:42 PM

Phso Enquiries <>

"Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>


this court don't inform me of hearings.

I complain, but still they want me throw me out, tomorrow at 1 PM.

Please stop the eviction-process!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regarding phone-call from Payplan


I called Citizens Advice now, on 020 7833 2181, and got confirmed that you are the new Chief Executive, of Citizens Advice.

I try to send about this to you, since you are the new Chief Executive, after Mr. Harker.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Regarding phone-call from Payplan
To: "Harker, David" <>


Hi again Mr. Harker,

I got a phone-call from Payplan now, advicing me to contact the CAB.

As I've explained to you earlier, my local CAB have 'messed' with me, like I've explained about.

I therefore send about this to you, at the top, of CAB.

I have a dispute with my landlord about arrears.

The Liverpool County Court didn't inform me about a hearing.

They have sent me a warrant Z0000538, with an eviction-date of tomorrow, Wednesday 17/8.

I wonder if you could please freeze this eviction-process, untill the dispute about rent-arrears is sorted, (like Payplan adviced me to ask the CAB).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I'm also going to send you a copy of my latest e-mail to the Landlord where I complain about the arrears.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Drammen Tingrett

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Til: Høyseter/Fwd: VS: Oppløsing av sameie i Støaveien/Fwd: Til Namsmannen for Hurum


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Til: Høyseter/Fwd: VS: Oppløsing av sameie i Støaveien/Fwd: Til Namsmannen for Hurum

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 8:27 PM




kan dere sende forskudd, 50.000 norske, på PayPal, til

Skylder cirka 30.000 norske på husleia, her i England, og blir kasta ut i morgen.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2011/8/12
Subject: Til: Høyseter/Fwd: VS: Oppløsing av sameie i Støaveien/Fwd: Til Namsmannen for Hurum
Cc: "Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>


jeg viser til telefonsamtale nå nettopp, og sender e-post med mer informasjon, om sameiet som skal tvangsoppløses.

Du sa du skulle kontakte sorenskriver og dommer, og gi meg råd om videre fremdrift.

Jeg bor som sagt i England, men kan godt søke på nettet, om informasjon om dette.

Hvis jeg ikke blir kastet ut her, i onsdag neste uke, som Liverpool County Court truer meg med.

Men dere kan kanskje får de til å ikke kaste meg ut?

Jeg skylder husleie i England, og britene vil kaste meg ut.

Men nå får jeg jo penger, når dette sameie i Holmsbu blir solgt.

Håper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog


To Liverpool County Court/the Landlord:

I'm selling some co-owned property in Norway now, worth several million NOK, according to my father on the phone, earlier, (before he startet harassing me with a lot of phone-calls, so I've stopped having contact with him again now), so you will get your money, so please don't throw me out, on Wednesday, next week.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christin Røisland <>

Date: 2011/8/12
Subject: VS: Oppløsing av sameie i Støaveien/Fwd: Til Namsmannen for Hurum
To: Erik Ribsskog <>
Cc: Postmottak Domstol Drammen tingrett <>

vises til gårsdagens telefonsamtale samt mottatt mail.

Begjæring om tvangsoppløsning av sameie skal fremmes
til tingretten.

De bes
ta direkte kontakt med Drammen tingrett på telefon 32 21 16 00 for nærmere




Røyken og Hurum

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Erik Ribsskog
Sendt: 11.august2011
Til: Christin Røisland
Emne: Oppløsing av sameie i
Støaveien/Fwd: Til Namsmannen for Hurum


det var jeg som ringte nå nettopp, angående oppløsing av sameie i

Min grandonkel, Idar Sandersen, bor der enda, men han ville ikke sende
slektsforskinga og han ville ikke hete Bergstø, som eiendommen og sine brødre
som bodde der, og nå er døde, Gunnar og Otto Bergstø.

Dessuten er han Idar, han var veldig velstelt og litt damete vel, og
jeg tror han har bedre av å bo hos en venninne, eller noe, kanskje, for eksempel
hos hu Gerd Stenberg da.

Så jeg kontakter ikke han noe mer, siden han ikke klarer å sende
slektsforskninga engang.

Håper dere har mulighet til å hjelpe med dette!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Subject: Til Namsmannen for Hurum


jeg ønsker å oppløse sameie, i Støaveien, ved Holmsbu.

Det er snakk om Gårdnummer 24 i Hurum, bruksnummer 22 og 27, (hvor jeg
eier 7/216).

Og bruksnummer 26, hvor jeg eier 1/18.

Og bruksnummer 49, hvor jeg også eier 1/18.

(Det er visst meningen at jeg skal få mer og, etter min grandonkel Idar
Sandersen, som bor der nå, men det får vi ta når han er død, mener jeg, og når
man ser om han har noe testamente, etc).

De som jeg eier sammen med er Marit Olsen, (en kusine av min far, tror
jeg), Håkon Olsen, (min fars yngre bror), Runar Olsen, (Håkons lillebror), og
min søster Pia Charlotte Ribsskog, (min far, Arne Mogan Olsen, ville ikke eie
der, men ga arven direkte til meg og min søster, uten å gi noen grunn).

Den samlede verdien på eiendommene anslås til 1.5 millioner, i et brev, fra
en advokat, fra 2005 vel.

Men jeg har hørt at verdien er mye høyere, i markedsverdi, 'mange
millioner', sa vel min far, tror jeg, og det skal også være malerier etter
Kittelsen der, sa min far, på telefonen før jeg brøt kontakten igjen, pga.
bølleringing, som jeg har anmeldt til dere hos politiet i Drammen.

Jeg ønsker å kutte ut min slekt i Norge, og ønsker ikke å dele på bruken av
de eiendommene med de.

Samtidig leier jeg i England, og blir truet med utkastelse, og det som er,
så jeg skulle gjerne kjøpt en leilighet, og prøver derfor å få realisert den
kapitalen som jeg har i det sameiet, til å dekke leilighetkjøp, i mer eller
mindre grad, (det kommer an på markedsverdien selvfølgelig).

Jeg eier 'egentlig' 1/12, men jeg har jo selvfølgelig ikke arvet Idar
Sandersen, som lever enda.

Så hvis eiendommene er verdt 12 millioner, så er min del verdt 1

Og hvis det er malerier for 12 millioner der, i tillegg, så er min del
verdt 2 millioner.

(Ihvertfall hvis Idar Sandersen ikke levde, og jeg ikke var gjort

Jeg sender med papirer fra Hurum-advokaten Øvergaard, hvor dette er
forklart mer om).

Jeg ønsker eiendommene solgt til markedspris etter annonser i Aftenposten,
Finn og Drammens Tidende.

Det er mulig de andre eierne har forkjøpsrett, men jeg ønsker uansett at
eiendommen legges ut ordentlig på det åpne markedet, for salg, sånn at den fulle
og hele verdien av eiendommene med bo, blir realisert.

Det er kanskje slemt av meg, ovenfor Idar Sandersen, men jeg er i
økonomisk knipe i England, og han ville ikke engang selge kopi av
slektsforskninga, så alt er nok ikke i orden der heller.

Ei jeg gikk i klassen med, på Berger skole og Svelvik ungdomsskole, Gry
Stenberg, har ei farmor, Gerd Stenberg, som bor i Svelvik og prater hollandsk,
husker jeg, kanskje Idar Sandersen kan få leie et rom av henne eller noe, tenker

Dem finner nok ut av det.

(For å tulle litt på slutten).

Håper dere får ordnet opp i dette!


Erik Ribsskog


Sender med fire sider fra brev fra advokat Øvergaard, Hurum,
angående dette ovenfor nevnte sameiet, som jeg krevet oppløst og solgt til full
markedspris, som jeg har lest her, at er min rett:

4 attachments
bergstø 1.jpg
bergstø 2.jpg
bergstø 3.jpg
bergstø 4.jpg

Hu svenske dama, som jeg ble med hjem til venninna til, i Oslo, en gang i fylla, og som fikk fingra mine til å lukte vondt, hu så cirka ut som hu her

svensk dame fingrer lukte vondt

Hei hei

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime/Fwd: Vesbyåsen 24 i Kvelde.


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime/Fwd: Vesbyåsen 24 i Kvelde.

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 4:20 PM




someone have contacted a property-broker, in Norway, in my name.

(Regarding buying a property in Kvelde, where I ran from, in 2005, when a hunting-team tried to murder me there, on the farm Løvås).

I wanted to report this as identity-theft.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gunn Ramberg <>

Date: 2011/8/16
Subject: Vesbyåsen 24 i Kvelde.
To: "" <>

Hei igjen:

Er du intr i eiendommen? Ønsker du visning?

Får ikke ringt deg, for jeg tror ditt reg tlf i våre systemer kan være feil. Veldig mange siffer...

Hører gjerne ifra deg. Ha en flott dag!


Gunn Ramberg / PRIVATmegleren Sandefjord

Tlf. 40 00 23 27

Mobil 91 00 70 10


Jeg sendte enda en ny e-post til Citizens Advice Bureau

Gmail - Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:52 PM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8
To: "Harker, David" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


I'm refering to your letter from 2/8, and have some complaints about this letter:

1. You put the letter under my door, even if I've made it clear that I don't want anyone from your office, on my door, with special gifts or anything like that, like you wrote in a letter.

2. My name is Erik Ribsskog and not Eric Ribsskog.

3. You haven't put on the statement, around £2.000-3.000, collected by your representative George, from your Preston-office, on my door, sent by Lorna, from your Weaverthree-road office, after I bought a new washing-machine since I needed clean clothes and the old one wasn't fixed.

(I attach a scan of a receipt from 6/6/10, which I found in my organiser, which isn't on the statement.

This is recept number 11, and I think Mr. George only used that block for my bills, so I guess he received 10-15 payments, or something on my door.

Even if he was never on time, and I had to back and forth, to the bank, all the time, since he didn't keep apointments, and Lorna at your office, and I, didn't go well, due to your disrepair.

So I don't think you have claim, this was harassment towards me.

4. I've used some of the rent-money, for buying a washing-machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos.

You didn't fix the washing-machine, when it broke down, I tried to hand-wash, and had to buy new clothes, as well, since I did the hand-washing wrong.

It's only one sink in the kitchen, which is very un-hygienic.

The sink has 'suicide-cuts' in it, it seem.

Shouldn't be used for dish-washing, so I bought a dish-washer.

George didn't show up on agreed dates, so didn't get receipts.

Wasn't much furniture in the flat, night-tables in the living-room etc., so I bought more furniture from Argos.

It was in-expensive machines and furniture, I guess the total was around £400, (I did the installing/furniture-asembeling myself, so I round up to £400 which I think should be on the statement as well).

5. You lie about garbage-throwing arrangements, the garbage-bin is behind a patio, used by a local pub, (Rigbys pub), and restaurant, (Lady of Mann).

One can throw garbage outside of restaurants opening hourse, (gate is locked with big pad-lock), so I don't think you can say that the rent should be more than the housing-allowance.

One should be allowed to cap the Housing Allowance here, a bit since garabage-throwing arrangements aren't fine, and you use two years to fix my boiler, and repairs have been lagged, so I've had to do electricity-work myself, since I've been waiting for other problems to fixed, and there have been 'e-mail arguments', between me and your office.

So you should deduct £1000 of the statement for this, I reackon.

Total deductions = £3.000 (collected by George, not on statement) + £400 (washing machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos) + £1.000 (capped rent-payments due to garbage throwing arrangements not being fine, and disrepair) = £4.400.

You owe me:

£4.400 - £3.501.24 (your rent 'arrears') = £898.76

Please pay right away, on paypal:

Or I'm going to kick Lorna's fat bum out of your office in Weaverthree Rd.

Erik Ribsskog


To Liverpool County Court:

You should send the bailiff, Mr. Campbell, to Imperal Properties, insted of to my address, because it's really they who owe me money, like explained about.

Please stop ignoring evidence I send.

You've also sent scam-emails, and have not informed me about a hearing, and use wrong name on me, I'm Erik Ribsskog, not Eric Ribsskog, it's just the landlord who harass me, and mess with my name and tenancy, due to that I'm from Norway, I think it must be.

Something like this.

So they're really racist, or something, I'd guess.

Something like this.

5 attachments


Her er vedleggene:


Her er vedleggene:






Citizens Advice Bureau hadde visst fått en ny Chief Executive

Gmail - Regarding phone-call from Payplan


Erik Ribsskog

Regarding phone-call from Payplan

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:49 PM



Bcc:,, "Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>


I called Citizens Advice now, on 020 7833 2181, and got confirmed that you are the new Chief Executive, of Citizens Advice.

I try to send about this to you, since you are the new Chief Executive, after Mr. Harker.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Regarding phone-call from Payplan
To: "Harker, David" <>

Hi again Mr. Harker,

I got a phone-call from Payplan now, advicing me to contact the CAB.

As I've explained to you earlier, my local CAB have 'messed' with me, like I've explained about.

I therefore send about this to you, at the top, of CAB.

I have a dispute with my landlord about arrears.

The Liverpool County Court didn't inform me about a hearing.

They have sent me a warrant Z0000538, with an eviction-date of tomorrow, Wednesday 17/8.

I wonder if you could please freeze this eviction-process, untill the dispute about rent-arrears is sorted, (like Payplan adviced me to ask the CAB).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I'm also going to send you a copy of my latest e-mail to the Landlord where I complain about the arrears.

Jeg sendte enda en ny e-post til CAB

Gmail - Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM

"Harker, David" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


I'm refering to your letter from 2/8, and have some complaints about this letter:

1. You put the letter under my door, even if I've made it clear that I don't want anyone from your office, on my door, with special gifts or anything like that, like you wrote in a letter.

2. My name is Erik Ribsskog and not Eric Ribsskog.

3. You haven't put on the statement, around £2.000-3.000, collected by your representative George, from your Preston-office, on my door, sent by Lorna, from your Weaverthree-road office, after I bought a new washing-machine since I needed clean clothes and the old one wasn't fixed.

(I attach a scan of a receipt from 6/6/10, which I found in my organiser, which isn't on the statement.

This is recept number 11, and I think Mr. George only used that block for my bills, so I guess he received 10-15 payments, or something on my door.

Even if he was never on time, and I had to back and forth, to the bank, all the time, since he didn't keep apointments, and Lorna at your office, and I, didn't go well, due to your disrepair.

So I don't think you have claim, this was harassment towards me.

4. I've used some of the rent-money, for buying a washing-machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos.

You didn't fix the washing-machine, when it broke down, I tried to hand-wash, and had to buy new clothes, as well, since I did the hand-washing wrong.

It's only one sink in the kitchen, which is very un-hygienic.

The sink has 'suicide-cuts' in it, it seem.

Shouldn't be used for dish-washing, so I bought a dish-washer.

George didn't show up on agreed dates, so didn't get receipts.

Wasn't much furniture in the flat, night-tables in the living-room etc., so I bought more furniture from Argos.

It was in-expensive machines and furniture, I guess the total was around £400, (I did the installing/furniture-asembeling myself, so I round up to £400 which I think should be on the statement as well).

5. You lie about garbage-throwing arrangements, the garbage-bin is behind a patio, used by a local pub, (Rigbys pub), and restaurant, (Lady of Mann).

One can throw garbage outside of restaurants opening hourse, (gate is locked with big pad-lock), so I don't think you can say that the rent should be more than the housing-allowance.

One should be allowed to cap the Housing Allowance here, a bit since garabage-throwing arrangements aren't fine, and you use two years to fix my boiler, and repairs have been lagged, so I've had to do electricity-work myself, since I've been waiting for other problems to fixed, and there have been 'e-mail arguments', between me and your office.

So you should deduct £1000 of the statement for this, I reackon.

Total deductions = £3.000 (collected by George, not on statement) + £400 (washing machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos) + £1.000 (capped rent-payments due to garbage throwing arrangements not being fine, and disrepair) = £4.400.

You owe me:

£4.400 - £3.501.24 (your rent 'arrears') = £898.76

Please pay right away, on paypal:

Or I'm going to kick Lorna's fat bum out of your office in Weaverthree Rd.

Erik Ribsskog


To Liverpool County Court:

You should send the bailiff, Mr. Campbell, to Imperal Properties, insted of to my address, because it's really they who owe me money, like explained about.

Please stop ignoring evidence I send.

You've also sent scam-emails, and have not informed me about a hearing, and use wrong name on me, I'm Erik Ribsskog, not Eric Ribsskog, it's just the landlord who harass me, and mess with my name and tenancy, due to that I'm from Norway, I think it must be.

Something like this.

So they're really racist, or something, I'd guess.

Something like this.

5 attachments


Her er vedleggene:


Her er vedleggene:






Jeg sendte en ny e-post til CAB

Gmail - Regarding phone-call from Payplan


Erik Ribsskog

Regarding phone-call from Payplan

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:25 PM

"Harker, David" <>


Bcc:,, "Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>

Hi again Mr. Harker,

I got a phone-call from Payplan now, advicing me to contact the CAB.

As I've explained to you earlier, my local CAB have 'messed' with me, like I've explained about.

I therefore send about this to you, at the top, of CAB.

I have a dispute with my landlord about arrears.

The Liverpool County Court didn't inform me about a hearing.

They have sent me a warrant Z0000538, with an eviction-date of tomorrow, Wednesday 17/8.

I wonder if you could please freeze this eviction-process, untill the dispute about rent-arrears is sorted, (like Payplan adviced me to ask the CAB).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I'm also going to send you a copy of my latest e-mail to the Landlord where I complain about the arrears.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool County Court

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Payplan Internet Enquiry


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Payplan Internet Enquiry

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 2:48 PM





I've contacted Payplan now.

I'm not going to let any bailiff in.

You shouldn't send your bailiff here, you are just scamming me.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 2:46 PM

Subject: Payplan Internet Enquiry

Payplan financial freedom
Thank you
Your details have been received by Payplan - an experienced debt adviser will contact you within the next two working hours.
At busy times it may take up to 24 hours for an adviser to contact you for which we apologise in advance. In the meantime, why not read about Payplan's range of free debt solutions, some of the benefits of being a Payplan client or find out the latest debt news.
If your enquiry is urgent, then please contact us free on freephone 0800 716 239 (Monday to Friday 8am - 9pm and Saturdays 9am - 3pm). Please have your Postcode ready so that the adviser can find your details quickly.

Jeg minner om at det ikke er første gang det har skjedd spesielle ting på Utøya

ikke første gang utøya

Den sangen her minner meg litt om den gangen jeg traff min halvbror Axel sin stebror, Erik Ancona, mens han tagg i Karl Johan. Pia har også tigget der


Her er mer om dette:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Admin Appeals

Gmail - Update about eviction warrant Z0000538


Erik Ribsskog

Update about eviction warrant Z0000538

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Adminappeals <>

"Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>



thank you for your reply!

If I wanted to complain about the County Court, who should I complain to, do you think?

Thanks in advance for any reply!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


My lawyer in Norway have stopped answering me, and Moorecrofts and other British law-firms, the Law Society, CAB, etc., are messing with me here, (I think I have to say), and law isn't my field, so I have to feel my way a bit, unfortunately, in this.

So I hope you can please explain.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Adminappeals <> wrote:

Thank you for your emails./span>

However we do not deal with complaints regarding cases in
the County Court. Also as you have no case within this office, we
are unable to respond or comment on your emails.



From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 15 August 2011 22:23
To: Liverpool County,
Cc: Civil Appeals - CMSA; Adminappeals

Update about eviction warrant Z0000538


I thought about moving now, and have contacted my old university,
University of Sunderland.

But, I haven't got enough money, to move with all my property.

I can't carry more than less than half of it.

So I can't really move now, unfortunately.

It's not possible for me to move now, I can't afford to rent a car, or
to rent self-storage, (they also mess with me, the last time I went to
University of Sunderland, I used City Self-Storage, in Oslo, in 2004, and they
still keep my valuable antiques etc., after my late grandmother, so selv-storage
just mess with me, it seems, since I'm being followed by the 'mafian', I've
overheard. So it's not that easy for me to move, as for other people, since I'm
followed and almost have no money).

Please just stay away, the bailiff-stuff is going on my nerves a bit, so I
hope you don't go here, since like I've now explained, it isn't possible for me
to move now, even if thought properly through it, I think I have to say.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Til Advokatforeningen:

Kan dere få Liverpool County Court til å slutte å kaste meg ut?

Jeg har egentlig ikke lyst til å flytte til University of Sunderland, for
da får jeg maks med meg halvparten av tingene mine, og jeg er ikke garantert å
få studieplass og bolig der heller.

Håper dette er i orden, siden jeg har en klagesak hos dere.

Han advokaten kunne jo sikkert ha hjulpet meg med dette, hvis han ikke
hadde slutta å svare.

Håper dette er i orden!

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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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