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torsdag 20. oktober 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Oslo Kommune

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:30 PM
subjectFwd: Kan ikke leveres: Referat fra Ungbo-moeter/Fwd: 201102780-8 - Forespørsel om opplysninger

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den e-post adressen jeg fikk av dere virker visst ikke.

Kan ikke dere sende det videre, siden dere ogsaa er i kommunen?

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

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Date: 2011/10/20
Subject: Kan ikke leveres: Referat fra Ungbo-moeter/Fwd: 201102780-8 - Forespørsel om opplysninger

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From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:28:04 +0100

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Subject: Referat fra Ungbo-moeter/Fwd: 201102780-8 - Forespørsel om opplysninger


jeg bare lurte paa, (som jeg har sendt dere om tidligere og vel), om jeg kan vaere saa snill aa faa referat fra moetene med 'Ungbo-dama', fra den tiden jeg leide et rom i Ungbo-bofelleskap, i Skansen Terrasse 23, fra 1991 til 1996.

Paa forhaand takk for eventuell hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:23 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: NAL mener viktige bygg i regjeringskvartalet bør bevares dersom det er mulig

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Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog

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From: NAL
Date: 2011/10/20
Subject: NAL mener viktige bygg i regjeringskvartalet bør bevares dersom det er mulig
To: ""

20. oktober 2011

Nytt regjeringskvartal?
Regjeringskvartalet kommer ikke til å gjenoppstå slik det så ut før angrepet 22. juli.
Les mer

Kurs høsten 2011What's the question?Åpne Tanker i Hammerfest
Vi har en rekke gode kurs å tilby utover høsten. Her får du oversikten. Ny bok fra NAL hvor 20 arkitekter deler sine tanker omkring fremtidens utfordringer. Utstilling på galleri VERK i Hammerfest sentrum 27. oktober -13. november.
Les merLes merLes mer

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:20 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Nyhetsbrev uke 42

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Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog

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From: Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt
Date: 2011/10/20
Subject: Nyhetsbrev uke 42
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STAMIs nyhetsbrev
Nyhetsbrev uke 42

Frokostseminar: Arbeidsmiljø og -helse i Norge 2011 - status og utviklingstrekk
STAMI inviterer til frokostseminar torsdag 10. november, der vi presenterer den nye Faktaboken fra NOA. Her får du en samlet beskrivelse av arbeidsmiljøeksponeringer, helseproblemer som tilskrives jobben, og nivåene på sykefravær og uføretrygding etter kjønn, alder og yrkes- og næringsgrupper.

NIVA Nordic Tour 2011: Mental helse, sykefravær og gjeninntreden i arbeidslivet
Mentale helseproblemer står for en betydelig del av det totale sykefravær i arbeidslivet, og er ellers forbundet med store sosiale problemer og konsekvenser. Kan vi forbedre mulighetene for gjeninntreden i arbeidslivet for medarbeidere med mentale helseproblemer?

Frokostseminar om gravide i arbeidslivet tilgjengelig på nett-tv
Vi har nå lagt ut opptaket av forrige ukes frokostseminar om gravide i arbeidslivet. Du kan også laste ned presentasjonene fra seminaret.

Stami kontaktinfo
e-post:nyheter@stami.noMeld deg av nyhetsbrevet

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:18 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: Brød

hide details 3:18 PM (0 minutes ago)

Someone are sending me unwanted e-mails.
Erik Ribsskog

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From: Bakeren
Date: 2011/10/20
Subject: Brød

Du er dum som et brød.

Mvh Bakeren

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:14 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: New Additions to Moderation

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Someone have registered me on a newsletter.
Erik Ribsskog

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From: FirearmsTalk Newsletter
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:43 PM
Subject: New Additions to Moderation

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:11 PM
subjectFwd: Ballmer Trashes Android | 1 in 4 IT Pros Abuses Passwords
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Erik Ribsskog

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Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:18 PM
Subject: Ballmer Trashes Android | 1 in 4 IT Pros Abuses Passwords

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Are Your IT Pros Abusing Admin Passwords?
By Mathew J. Schwartz
One in four IT professionals know of a coworker who has used privileged credentials to snoop. Worse, 25% of superuser passwords don't pass basic security test.

• Passwords: Tips For Better Security
• Sony Breach Reveals Users Lax With Password Security

Microsoft's Ballmer Trashes Android, Touts Skype
At the Web 2.0 Summit Tuesday, Steve Ballmer took aim at Google, calling Android an OS for computer scientists. But that's not all he had to say.

10 Key Internet Trends From Mary Meeker
Mary Meeker tells Web 2.0 attendees: It's a global, mobile, e-commerce-enabled world. See what other key trends she's watching.

Walls Falling Between Online, Offline Commerce
At Web 2.0 Summit, eBay, Visa and American Express execs share similar visions of what's next in mobile commerce.

Adobe Previews Stunning Deblurring Tool For Photoshop
The next version of the industry-standard photo editing package might attain the holy grail of photo processing: Instantly turning bad pictures into good ones.

Symantec Improves NAS Appliance
FileStore N8300 lets users deduplicate and store volumes of primary unstructured data for archiving, cloud, or VMware environments.

3LM Enables Android Device Management for the Enterprise
Droid devices are behind iOS in many areas important to enterprises, including Mobile Device Management. 3LM aims to fill that void.

How Warner Music Turns Social Media Fans Into Customers
Execs from Warner's Atlantic Records describe at Web 2.0 Summit the strategy and metrics they use to convert music fans into music buyers.

RIM Whiffs On Setting Smartphone Direction
Research In Motion opened its developers conference with a lot of talk about the PlayBook tablet--and hardly a word on its smartphone future.


The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. -- Johannes Sebastian Bach

ALSO SEE •How Warner Music Turns Social Media Fans Into Customers
•RIM Whiffs On Setting Smartphone Direction
• Managed Services Deliver Cost Savings And Control

• Virtualization Sanity Check: Stop IT Sprawl

• Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich: 5 Most-Wanted Features

• Broken State of Backup

• Virtual Event: Gathering And Analyzing Security Intelligence In The Enterprise

We're on hand this week for the 2011 Web 2.0 summit. Watch the live stream of all of the Web 2.0 Summit sessions, and follow our reports on everything that's noteworthy from the event floor.

Posted By Johnnythegeek:
"Steve Balmer talks like a car salesman and he really does not instill a lot of confidence about Microsoft or its products. Rather then just saying "We're in it Baby," maybe some figures to prove that statement would be better."
In reply to: Microsoft's Ballmer Trashes Android, Touts Skype
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Sensitive data is scattered in forgotten corners of your IT infrastructure. Find and protect it before it winds up in the wrong hands.

Also: • The Practical Side Of Data Defense
• Dueling SIEM Deals
• Poor Marks For Training Programs

And much more, exclusively in our October 10 Digital Issue

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Managed Services Deliver Cost Savings And Control
Companies that have implemented or are evaluating managed print services look to the model for its ability to reduce costs and increase end user productivity. However, IT teams need to be aware of security and scalability when selecting a partner.
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Key Steps To Safeguarding Your VM Disk Files
We provide best practices for backing up VM disk files and building a resilient infrastructure that can tolerate hardware and software failures. After all, what's the point of constructing a virtualized infrastructure without a plan to keep systems up and running in case of a glitch--or outright disaster?
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Virtualization Sanity Check: Stop IT Sprawl
Virtualization has thrown IT managers a curveball. The promise it held for simplifying IT management has, in fact, produced the opposite effect. Because of virtual sprawl, IT decision makers are now faced with the daunting task of managing a burgeoning number of virtual machines (VMs) as well as their "hard" IT assets. Learn how to stop IT sprawl while lowering costs and improving operations.
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Security as a Service Demystified
Download this report to learn the business issues in SaaS; discover the value it unlocks, the costs- it avoids, and the corollary benefits like efficiency and agility it supports.
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Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich: 5 Most-Wanted Features
Google and Samsung are primed to reveal the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS Tuesday evening. Here's what I really want.

12 Top Big Data Analytics Players
When data grows into the tens or even hundreds of terabytes, you need a special technology to quickly make sense of it all. From Hadoop to Teradata, check out the top platform options.

iOS 5 For iPad: 5 Killer Features
Apple's iOS 5 is still a great upgrade for iPad tablet users. Here are our five favorite features.

iPhone 4S: 7 Confessions Of A BlackBerry Addict
InformationWeek's Fritz Nelson takes you inside his first weekend with the iPhone 4S and Siri--including some hits and misses compared to his beloved BlackBerry.

10 Great Android Apps For Collaboration
The best mobile apps are not just for iPhone and iPad anymore. These collaboration-minded apps help turn your Android smartphone or tablet into an essential business tool.


Firefox 8 Beta: Visual Tour Mozilla now upgrades Firefox every six weeks. Get up to speed on the most significant changes in the beta of Firefox 8. View Now

• 12 Top Big Data Analytics Players
• 8 IT Hiring Strategies Of Top CIOs



Web 2.0 Summit San Francisco: Michael Roth, Chairman & CEO of Interpublic Group of Companies
A conversation with Michael Roth, Chairman & CEO of Interpublic Group of Companies. At Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, John Battelle speaks with Michael Roth. Watch

• Pandora Founder & CSO Tim Westergren talks about Pandora's beginning adn new directions for the company
• Chariman & CEO of Dell, Michael Dell, discusses HP s uncertain future and new opportunities for Dell


Broken State of Backup
Data protection industry analysts agree that "backup is broken." In this webcast we'll identify key areas where current backup models are failing and how to resolve those issues. It happens Thursday, October 20, 2011 -- Time: 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET More Information & Registration


Virtual Event: Gathering And Analyzing Security Intelligence In The Enterprise
In this all-day virtual event from InformationWeek and Dark Reading, experts will offer detailed insight in how to collect security intelligence in the enterprise, and how to analyze and study it in order to efficiently identify new threats as well as low-and-slow attacks such as advanced persistent threats.
Register today. It happens Oct. 20

Cloud Connect Is Coming!
Learn about the latest cloud technologies and platforms from industry leaders and thinkers at Cloud Connect. It takes place in Santa Clara, Calif., Feb. 13-16.
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:07 PM
subjectReport of crime/Fwd: 4 Leading Healthcare CIOs | ACOs Need Health IT
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Erik Ribsskog

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From: InformationWeek Healthcare Newsletter
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:16 PM
Subject: 4 Leading Healthcare CIOs | ACOs Need Health IT

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4 Healthcare CIOs Who Stand Out From The Crowd
By Paul Cerrato
We're seeking nominations for InformationWeek Healthcare's next CIO 25, our roster of outstanding IT leaders. Here's a brief look at four of 2011's winners.

Accountable Care Organizations Can't Survive Without Health IT
ACOs will require a robust health information technology infrastructure to thrive and survive, a new report says.

$25 Million Awarded For Behavioral Healthcare IT
Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will fund technology to coordinate treatment for people with mental health and substance use disorders.

Text Messages Remind Grandpa To Take His Meds
Mobile health technology aims to keep older adults healthy and living independently.

Many Patients Love EHRs, Fear Storing Data Themselves
Consumer interest in accessing electronic health records is growing, but still below majority level, survey reports.

Ask A Doctor: HealthTap Gives Free Advice
Health information network adds mobile capabilities, provides answers to questions in 82 medical specialties.

Emergency Departments Give Health IT Tools Failing Grade
Two-thirds say their vendors' IT systems don't have the necessary tools to help them meet Meaningful Use criteria, finds KLAS study.


•Healthcare IT Priorities Survey: A Singular Focus

•Mobile Clinical Assistants: Your Questions Answered

•iOS 5 For iPad: 5 Killer Features

•Straight Talk on Big Data Challenges

•InformationWeek Reports: Now Free

We're on hand this week for the 2011 Web 2.0 summit. Watch the live stream of all of the Web 2.0 Summit sessions, and follow our reports on everything that's noteworthy from the event floor.

Posted By Lisa Henderson:
"It is sobering to think about how easy access is for some parts of the world and is just NOT in other parts. Especially, when those that would benefit from telehealth, not just based on region, but on chronic conditions of the underserved, are extremely limited to access."
In reply to: Telehealth Touted For Native American Healthcare Delivery
View Entire Response | Post Your Own Reply

Sensitive data is scattered in forgotten corners of your IT infrastructure. Find and protect it before it winds up in the wrong hands.

Also: • The Practical Side Of Data Defense
• Dueling SIEM Deals
• Poor Marks For Training Programs

And much more, exclusively in our October 10 Digital Issue

DOWNLOAD NOW (Registration Required)

Healthcare IT Priorities Survey: A Singular Focus
Healthcare providers are intensely focused on deploying and upgrading electronic health records systems this year and their IT plans reflect that. InformationWeek Reports takes a close look at the priorities and goals they're pursuing.
DOWNLOAD NOW (Registration Required)

Automation And Orchestration: Prepare For Successful Deployment
In this report, we outline the potential snags and share strategies and best practices to ensure successful implementation.
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Mobile Clinical Assistants: Your Questions Answered
Given the potential for improved quality of care, cost savings, and patient safety benefits, optimizing mobility for healthcare applications is too important to ignore. Review the key questions surrounding the adoption of the Mobile Clinical Assistant (MCA) in healthcare environments.
DOWNLOAD NOW (Registration Required)

Strategy Guide to Business Risk Mitigation for Healthcare
It is clear that the healthcare industry is being driven toward major changes and transformation. Although it is difficult to plan ahead for transformation, it is even more of a challenge to be able to respond quickly and cost effectively to change. Discover how to become more agile, nimble and responsive to change and transformation.
DOWNLOAD NOW (Registration Required)


iOS 5 For iPad: 5 Killer Features
Apple's iOS 5 is still a great upgrade for iPad tablet users. Here are our five favorite features.

iPhone 4S: My First Night
I upgraded my iPhone 4 to an iPhone 4S on Friday. Here's my report on the phone--and my least painful iPhone upgrade experience to date.

8 IT Hiring Strategies Of Top CIOs
Learn the techniques that award-winning CIOs use to ensure the right talent for their IT teams--and apply the lessons to your own job hunt.

iPhone 4S: 7 Confessions Of A BlackBerry Addict
InformationWeek's Fritz Nelson takes you inside his first weekend with the iPhone 4S and Siri--including some hits and misses compared to his beloved BlackBerry.

Hacked Sesame Street YouTube Channel Served Porn
Security experts said that the Children's Television Workshop's password was likely hacked or phished.



Straight Talk on Big Data Challenges
Is your organization challenged by the ongoing explosion of data? Join us for a discussion on how to navigate the challenges of the new data landscape and what to expect next. It happens Wednesday, October 26, 2011 -- Time: 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET More Information & Registration



InformationWeek Reports: Now Free
Good news, readers: We've changed the name of InformationWeek Analytics to InformationWeek Reports--and made the service free to registered users.
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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til ICE

fromErik Ribsskog
toDWP ICE gateway team

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:54 PM
subjectRe: Your ICE Enquiry

hide details 2:54 PM (0 minutes ago)


thanks for including the complaints!

Question 1:

I got a degree, from Oslo University College, called 'Hoegskolekandidat' in IT.

Question 2:

It was Jet Employability-team, in Weaverthree, who informed me about which level my degree was.

They said it was comparable with a Higher National Diploma or a Foundation Degree.

I think complaint C got a bit wrong after ICE 'helped' me refrase it.

And there have been a lot of complaints.

So I'm not sure about the numbers now.

I don't remember the level 4 and 5 stuff any longer now, since this was in 2010.

But Jet Employability team told me my degree was comparable with a Higher National Diploma or/and a Foundation Degree.

Question 3:

I don't remember which meeting it was, that was on 14th of July, last year, unfortunately.

There were many meetings at the Jobcentre, last summer.

I remember a meeting with Mr. Winter and another Jobcentre-staff, but I don't remember the agenda now, unfortunately.

I remember that Mr. Winter grabbed hold of me, at the 'Jobseeker-machine', and dragged me to a meeting with him and a collegue.

When I was just at the Jobcenter, for a regular 'sign on-meeting', I think it was.

This is more than a year ago now, so sorry that I don't remember the details.

It would have been easier, (if I can add a complaint), if ICE would deal with complaints sooner.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
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On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 3:46 PM, DWP ICE gateway team wrote:

Mr Erik Ribsskog
19 October 2011
ICE Ref No: DWP00431/10

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email of 18 October 2011. As requested please find below the elements of complaint we are investigating for you and my questions:
A. On 20 May 2010 Jobcentre Plus informed you that you would have to attend an interview on 3 June 2010. It informed you that this was regarding ‘Employment Zones’ but failed to explain what this was or to provide you with the correct literature regarding this. As a result you were not prepared when attending the meeting.
B. The literature that you received from Sencia (Your Employment Zone provider) contained three different addresses. Jobcentre Plus failed to mark which was the correct one causing you to miss an appointment, and as a result your Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) was stopped. Jobcentre Plus has failed to fully investigate this.
C. Jobcentre Plus has informed you that a degree you obtained from Oslo University was the equivalent of HND level 4. You have advised that it should be level 5 but it has failed to fully investigate this.
D. On 1 July 2010 you were asked to attend your fortnightly signing on appointment Williamson Square Jobcentre at 11.15 on 14 July 2010. You were not informed that this would also be a sanction meeting and, when attending this appointment, you were informed that you should have been there at 9.30.
E. You have asked Jobcentre Plus to clarify why you were interviewed by two people instead of one at the above meeting. It has failed to provide a satisfactory response.
My questions:
1. What degree did you obtain from Oslo University College?
2. Why do you think your degree is equivalent to a HND level 5 rather than a HND level 4, and what proof do you have to support your assertion?
3. In element E of your complaint you say that two people interviewed you at a meeting on 14 July 2010. I have seen no evidence of a meeting on 14 July 2010. Do you mean the sanction meeting which took place on 26 August 2010? Please explain which meeting you are referring to and who were the two people present at this meeting?
I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Anita Beaman
Investigation Officer

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Jeg fortsetter aa soeke paa jobber. Denne gang som Assistant Manger

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:35 PM
subjectAssistant Manager

hide details 2:35 PM (0 minutes ago)

I read about this job on the Jobcentre website, and wanted to please apply for this job.
I've been working as a Shop Manager and Assistant Manager for a total of ten years, in Scandinavias largest retail-chain ICA/Rimi. I was HR-responsible for up to 25-30 employees in this job, and I even won a prestigious in-house competition, in shop-running, and got a letter from Rimi-founder Stein Erik Hagen, who wrote that I was very hard-working and a very good manager.
I've also learned skills like Economy, Marketing, Management and IT, from studying five years at university-level, in Norway and the UK. I've also gone to economy-line at Upper Secondary level where I spesialised in Marketing and Information Management.
I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til IPCC

fromErik Ribsskog

dateThu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:09 PM
subjectUpdate/Fwd: FW: Case ref 2011/016499

hide details 2:09 PM (0 minutes ago)


I've been thinking more about your latest e-mail now, (where you list your records, which I haven't seen before).

Regarding this case: 2007/006341:

I have to say that it was news to me, that the Merseyside Police have got a dispension in this case.

They ridiculed me, and called me 'Miss', (and much more).

How would you like it if someone called you 'Mister'?

Where can I complain about this dispension?

Regarding this case: 2011/015104., (Eviction from University of Sunderland):

This eviction was only a few weeks ago.

So even if it seems to have been a misunderstanding somewhere, it should still be possible for you to investigate the Police.

They didn't have an Eviction Order from the Court, and they placed me in a hostell, where the landlady said their very though and very friendly, by chatting with Council-staff about me, behind my back, (this was how it seemed to me), after evicting me from my university-room, and off-loading me, early in the morning, by the Sunderland Council-office.

The Burger King case:

I have not been talking with the Police at Burger King.

This complaint must be in regards with that the Police don't reply when I send them crime-reports.

Regarding this case: 2011/016499:

Is this case regarding that the Police don't reply to my e-mails?

Hope you can clear this up!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Case ref 2011/016499
To: !Customer_Contact_Centre


this isn't the way I remember it.

I think the complaint when I was thrown out from University like by the Gestapo was serious.

I can't remember that I haven't given you consent in this.

This seems highly unlikely to me.

Then I have been tricked, I think, by the IPCC.

You helped the Police get out of this I think.

And you also make up funny cases about Burger King.

This is ridiculus.

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:36 PM, !Customer_Contact_Centre wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Our records show that your appeal is in relation to the police failing to investigate allegations of harassment. I have set out your cases below for clarity-

2007/006341- This complaint was in relation to the way in which the police responded to your attempts to report serious organised crime. The complaint was sent to the force on 11 May 2007. You made an appeal to the IPCC on 28 August 2007, which was upheld. Merseyside Police then sent an application to the IPCC to dispense with the case. The IPCC made a decision to grant the dispensation.
2007/017332- This complaint was in relation to an allegation of harassment against the female officer on the front desk at Walton Lane Police Station. As you did not provide your consent for your complaint to be forwarded to the Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Merseyside Police- no action could be taken on this case.
2008/001710- This complaint was in relation to the staff at Burger King, you were therefore sent a letter to inform you that this matter does not fall within our remit and no further action was taken.
2011/004716- This complaint was in relation to police stealing an axe and harassing you. This complaint was sent to the PSD at Merseyside Police on 25 August 2011.
2011/015104- This complaint relates to allegations that the police helped Sunderland University to evict you. We requested your consent on 26 August 2011, however we did not receive a response to that email- therefore no further action could be taken on this case.
2011/016499- This case relates to allegations that the police have failed to investigate your allegations of harassment. You submitted an appeal on 11 October 2011, which has been passed to our appeals department for a response.
Further to my email of 15:03, you have sent a further 6 emails. I have requested on several occasions that you do not send emails that are in relation to your details being used on websites, as we are already aware of your concerns. Criminal matters do not fall under the remit of the IPCC. Please note if we continue to receive further emails that are unrelated to the IPCC then we may need to consider restricting your access by email. You should now await a response from our appeals team.

Kind regards

Laura Bailey
Casework Manager
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
North Region - Sale
Phone: 08453 002 002

From: !Customer_Contact_Centre
Sent: 17 October 2011 15:03
To: ''
Subject: Case ref 2011/016499

Dear Mr Ribsskog

I acknowledge receipt of your emails.

I am aware that the basis of your complaint is that you have reported harassment to the force and you feel that your concerns have not been responded to. However, as stated in my previous email, the IPCC does not need to be copied into emails in relation to people using your details on websites. The IPCC has received your appeal in relation to this matter and you will be contacted by the appeals department in due course. I would be grateful if you could refrain from sending any further emails in relation to your details being used on websites as we are already aware of your concerns.
Kind regards

Laura Bailey
Casework Manager
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
North Region - Sale
Phone: 08453 002 002

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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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