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søndag 8. februar 2009

Facebook-samtale med Morgan Lunde fra Rimi Nylænde, håndballandslaget og bandet Svidd Grevling. (In Norwegian)


Henrik Lunde




January at 14:22

det Morgan fra Rimi Nylænde eller?

Takk for sist på
Blue Monk i såfall.

Hvorfor er ikke Henning og dem, fra
Rimi Nylænde, på Facebook?

vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Henrik Lunde

as Friend

at 20:58


det stemmer. Lang tid siden nå.
Henning har jeg ikke sett
siden den gang.

Stå på




at 22:26


takk for svar!

Husker du hva hun
litteraturstudentinnen, som jeg hadde med meg, på Blue Monk den
gangen het?

Hun var vel noen år yngre enn meg, men vi
hadde ihvertfall felles interesser, når det gjaldt norske bøker
og filmer og sånn da.

Selv om hun nok var mer glad i
Kristoffer Joner, eller hva han heter, enn meg, vi så vel
Villmark, tror jeg.

Men men.

Det var en av de sjeldne
gangene jeg traff noen damer i Oslo som jeg hadde noe særlig
felles interesser med.

Men jeg var så overarbeida, på
den tida der, det var mens i krigen på Rimi Kaldbakken, tror

Jeg var butikksjef der, og hadde hele butikken mot

Og sånn var det nesten alle årene jeg jobbet
som leder i Rimi, fra 1994 til 2004, at jobben tok omtrent all tid og

Men jeg var litt deprimert på den tida der, for
på Rimi Kaldbakken var det spesiellt ille.

Så det
gikk i vasken med hun litteraturstudentinnen.

Men men, sånn
er det.

Hun var kanskje et par år for ung og det er
mulig, selv om hun vel ikke gikk første året på
universitetet, tror jeg.

Men men.

Det satt en gubbe ved
siden av vårs, og han begynte å prate med vårs, om
noe greier, mens vi så på dere.

Og da sa han at
det var Morgan som var vokalist i Svidd Grevling.

lurte jeg på om det var Morgan Lunde, så var det søren
meg det.

Men jeg kjente deg ikke igjen, jeg så ikke så
nøye på deg, for å si det sånn.

For å
fleipe litt.

Og jeg var også veldig overarbeida, så
øllen virka fort da som vanlig, siden jeg oftest var
overarbeida, siden jeg brukte omtrent alt av mine krefter til å
få butikkene til å bli bra.

Men men.

var det ikke fordi at du var kamerat med Hennig som du begynte å
jobbe på Rimi Nylænde da?

Jeg synes det var rart
at han og Thomas Sanne, broren hans, ikke var på Facebook, men
de har kanskje dratt i eksil, eller noe.

Men men.

overhørte i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian',
så nå er jeg i England, og prøver å finne ut
hva som foregår.

Men det er ikke lett, for politiet
nekter å gi noe informasjon, så livet blir litt som
tortur da, synes jeg, man kan jo ikke da ha noe liv, når man
ikke vet hva som foregår.

Så folk burde passe seg
for å bli forfulgt av den her mafian, da kan man like gjerne ta
livet av seg omtrent, for man får ingen rettigheter eller
informasjon av myndighetene.

Så hvis man er en vanlig
kar, som meg, som tror mafia er noe som er i Italia og USA, så
sliter man, og skjønner ingenting av hva som foregår.

sånn er det.

Men du får ha takk for svar
ihvertfall, og beklager klaging, og igjen takk for Svidd Grevling CD,
jeg tror den ligger sammen med HV-tinga mine og de andre tinga jeg
hadde igjen i Oslo, hos City SelfStorage.

er mulig.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

StatCounter: Some Yanks are acting threatening. Maybe I should say Yankee go home, or maybe Dixie go home(?)'s%20freemasons%20are%20watching%20you%20Erik%20Ribsskog&spell=1


It was the yankees who f*cked with me on the airport in Detroit, it wasn't me who f*cked with them.

But that's the problem with Yankees I guess, they think they own the world because they have the richest country.

F*ck of Yanks or Dixie.

PS 2.

I'm the guy who grew on Bergeråsen, with the Star and Stripes flag, on the wall, on my bedroom from I was elleven or twelve to I was nineteen.

So I'm not sure if it's me who has changed or America(?)

PS 3.

PS 4.

Plano is in the part of the USA, that's considered to be the cultural South or 'Dixieland':

Plano is also considered to be one of the best places to live in the USA:

In 2005, Plano was designated the best place to live in the Western United States by CNN Money magazine. In 2006, Plano was selected as the 11th best place to live in the United States by CNN Money magazine.[3] In addition to its many industries and good-quality living, Plano has excellent schools that consistently score in the top few percent of the nation, and has been rated as the wealthiest city in the United States by CNN Money [3]with a poverty rate of under 6.4%. In 2008, selected Plano along with University Park and Highland Park as the three "Top Suburbs To Live Well" of Dallas.[4] Plano was also declared "Most Affluent City" in 2008 by the United States Census Bureau.,_Texas

PS 5.

I think this means that these people are eighter the Ku Klux Klan or Hillbillies(?)

PS 6.

When I was elleven or twelve, my father took me with on a weekend-trip by car, to Karlstad, in Värmland, in Sweden.

And there, on the Saturday, I think it was, he brought me to an American-store/shop, or something.

They had Dixie-flags and Stars and Stripes.

I think the shop was closed, more or less, and it wasn't like it was in a High-street, or anything like that.

The shop was quite hidden, I seem to remember, and with no customers except for me and my father.

My father insisted on me to get a brown leather bomber-jacket.

For some reason.

This I think must have had some symbolic(?) meaning, this jacket, but I can't say exactly which meaning it had.

(But some other kids on Bergeråsen stole it, while I played fotball, and hid it, and it was refound a year later or so, but then it looked much older, than a year old, with holes in it and stuff).

But anyway.

My father also wanted me to have a Dixie-flag.

With an X almost, on it, with stars on.

But I had seen the 'Dixie'-flag, in a mens-magazine called 'Vi Menn', that my father bought.

And it was assosiated with some nazi's, or Ku Klux Klan, or something like that, I seemed to remember then, in Karlstad.

So I said I rather wanted the Stars and Stripes.

Because America was very looked up to, in Norway, in my familiy, (by my father especially, he listened to Elvis but also Beatles etc, and drove a Ford Lincoln Continental car and other American (but also German) cars), at least, and also by many other people, in the 70's and 80's.

So I had the Stars and Stripes hanging on my wall, till I was 19.

A big flag, like a real flag.

A mate of mine, in class, Espen Melheim, found the jacket, the next spring.

I returned it to my father, in the plastic-bag that Espen gave me it in.

Even if the jacket looked very old then.

But my father got disapointed, or hurt, when he saw the jacket then, I think.

But it wasn't very comfortable, to wear.

And, it wasn't the nicest brown colour, really.

And it was warm, to wear, in the early automn.

And I wasn't that preoccupied with clothes at that age, so I didn't really notice properly, that the jacket was gone.

At least I didn't tell my father.

But anyway.

That's how it is I guess.

Just something I remembered now.


Erik Ribsskog

LiveLeak: More about product-activation over the phone seeming like a phoney job. And that it seemed like the Nordic women there were whores etc.

Quoted comment by AvgDude2: Typical IS bullshit. Not all coding assignments are equal and the paperwork surround software life-cycle is often incredibly overdesigned making if the most minor of code changes and 2 week project. This happening inside an environment where changes often have to be done immediately to stay on release schedule leads the most productive developers to fix the problem first and do the excessive bullshit paperwork second.

Dickhead managers never get this. They just keep piling on the bullshit process tasks without thinking how those piled on bullshit task eat up precious labor hours that should be used to develop quality software. This is exactly why the best software comes out of small shops or even a single person. The larger the company, the shittier the code in their software because of excessive process that is just designed by assholes obsessed with CYA and replacing high-priced good programmers with low cost shitty programmers. They convince themselves that all the thousands of pages of bullshit software requirements, tech specs, unit testing designs, Quality Assurance designs and summaries somehow are gonna produce good software. They don't. In fact, they do a better job of building shitty software and shitty software engineers who spend 99% of their time in meetings and filling out paperwork than actually programming.


this wasn't about software-development.

This was the Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation.

It's for the Microsoft-customers who haven't got an internet-line, or who have activated Windows to many times.

So then they have to call, and speak with a person.

But, as some callers pointed out, there's really no need to use people to do this job, there's really no point in product-activation over the phone, some customers said.

And, we didn't have a main-goal.

I suspect, that this could be just a phoney job, to get access to young women in an almost scyscraper (Cunard Building) environment.

Young women on the campaign, were crying all the time.

At work, after meatings, in breaks after work.

All of them blond, I'd say.

I think this job, Microsoft Product Activation over the phone could just be an eg. Illuminati set-up to get hold of young, Nordic women etc.

At least with the Scandinavian Product Activation in the Cunard-building in Liverpool, due to the mentioned reasons:

No main goal, customers, who seemed enlightened, said that there was no purpose of product-activation (over the phone), women crying everywhere, and walking with very small steps.

So this could have just been a phoney job to make young, sexy, foreign women to whores, if they weren't whores from before.

I also heard some Brits, that didn't belong on the campaign, speaking behind my back, while I sat on the phone.

One wondering why I was there.

The other (none of them belonged in the office, they were 'successfull people in their 30s or 40s I seem to remember that they seemed like) person said I was there so that to get the Nordic women to stay on the campaign a bit longer before the left.

(Their real job was to be whores, in breaks etc, I suspect).


Erik Ribsskog
Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)

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Quoted comment by mikecurse:
Quoted comment by johncons: The team-leader was treating the staff in an decending way. (Degrading/looking down on them).

She was bullying staff, I think one have to say, by calling them 'lazy', in e-mails.

That's not ok, at least not in Norway.

(And not in the UK eighter, as I've understood it).

And it's not in-line at all with company policy, the Bertelsmann Essentials, (even if these weren't implemented at Arvato at this time).

Even if a person is a manager, still the person haven't got the right to treat staff in a degrading way.

Yours sincerley,

Erik Ribsskog

I believe "condescending" is the word you're looking for.

Yes, that's right 'condensending', I'm sorry I have to practise on my English, I'm from Norway you see.

Thanks again!

Erik Ribsskog

Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)

More from the LiveLeak website

in the USA i think most guys wouldnt be bothered by it unless he is a woosy - the girls might get a schlong or two swung at them though cause there's always one real idiot in the group isnt there
Posted 1 hour ago by "Beinrich_Bimmler" (R)

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if this has happened, at the T�yenbadet, in Oslo, that the female washing staff had been washing the all age mens changing room and showers within the opening hours, or at a primary school in Norway, then it would have been a scandal in Norway.

But I guess you are thinking about a private gym, you probably don't have public gyms in the USA, do you?

In Norway, I think people tend to think that public places should be decent.

It's like when you go to the library, you don't expect that the cleaning woman is going to wash the urinal during the opening hours there, or how is this in the USA, have you got public libraries there?

Posted 20 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

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I was at Detroit Airport, in 2005.

And there weren't any Norwegian (My first language) immigration/holiday-forms, and there weren't any forms in English.

But then they had a immigration-employee there, that you reminded me of now.

He screamed at me across the hall, 'sprechen sie Deutch'.

He screamed at me, if I spoke German.

(Since the flight was from Franfurt, ant the Lufthansa-employee didn't give me a form, aboard the fligth).

Norway was occupied by nazi-Germany, during WWII, so I didn't like being screamed at in German, so I screamed back 'nicht sehr gut', since the only German I know, I've picked up from holidays etc, since my aunt used to live in Switzerland.

So I don't think the situation is that good in America any longer, since you can't afford to print forms in other languages than French and German and Spanish.

But anyway, I was sent back to Europe by the Immigration-police, (who spoke American-English, and not German), so I don't think I'll go back anyway, and risk that this will happen again.

So it isn't really a problem for me with the forms.

Your picture just reminded me of the airport immigration-control staff.

But that's how it is sometimes I guess, that one get's flashbacks like this.

I suspect it is like that.


Erik Ribsskog

Det er ikke bare snodigheter fra England, som det står om på johncons-blogg idag, nå dukket det sannelig opp noen snodigheter fra Norge og SOL-forumet

Google Mail - SV: SOL-sjefen klikka

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

SV: SOL-sjefen klikka

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 6:40 PM

Trond Halvorsen <>


du skrev noen kommentarer på bloggen min, for noen uker siden, det er

derfra jeg har

pratet med deg tidligere:

Og jeg har også en tracking-cookie på bloggen, hvor man kan se hva

folk søker på, på Google,

når de får opp min blogg som søkeresultat.

Og da ser jeg der, at det er en del folk i Norge, som søker på ditt

navn, nå og da, ganske ofte.

(Det burde være noen referanser til det, i linken over og).

Jeg kjenner jo ikke dette SOL-forumet.

Men jeg ser jo det, at de er i krig mot deg, vil jeg si.

Og det er vel ikke en moderators rolle, av et forum.

Sånn burde det ikke være i Norge, at man skal befinne seg i krig mot

sine landsmenn, på et debattforum.

Her er det noe som skurrer, og noe som er galt i Norge, vil jeg si.

Jeg ser også, at de karene prater om 'HQ' og 'min nummer 2' osv.

Så man kan lure på hva de mener med det.

Er det noe hemmelige samfunn disse begrepene knytter seg til?

Her er det tegn som tyder på at ting ikke er som de burde være, i

Norge, mener jeg.

Og det er også egentlig hovedtemaet, på bloggen min, så det er ikke

umulig at jeg skriver litt om det her

på bloggen, eller publiserer hele e-posten.

Det er vel greit å ha åpenhet i samfunnet, mener jeg ihvertfall, som

politikerne prater så fint om i taler

i Stortinget og andre steder.

Så da får man regne med at det er iorden.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Linken til det debattforumet jeg skrev den nevnte kommentaren på, det

skulle være denne linken:

2009/2/8 Trond Halvorsen <>:

> Hei.


> Har hatt harddiskkrasj og husker ikke hvor jeg har skrevet det innlegget du

> klipper fra. Hvor har jeg deg fra igjen? :)



> Jeg hadde administrative rettigheter på SOL et døgn. Jeg gjorde noen små

> endringer på enkelte innlegg og jødene spekulerte i det vide og det brede.

> De trodde kanskje moderatoren og jeg konspirerte sammen, og noen trodde SOL

> og jeg konspirerte sammen og masse andre ting. Jeg la inn dette bildet på

> retningslinjene:



> Har noen innlegg fra da som jeg kan sende deg senere. Men mens jeg var

> administrator så fikk jeg tilgang til moderatoren raggars private aposter,

> og fant bl.a denne kommunikasjonen mellom Viking8 og raggar:



> Fra: VIKING8

> Sendt: 2007-07-19 12:48

> Til: raggar

> Tittel: Hei raggar


> Korr det går, gamle ørn?


> K



> Fra: raggar

> Sendt: 2007-07-20 19:22

> Til: VIKING8

> Tittel: RE: Hei raggar


> Halloen, treg i vendingene her....

> Gratulere med ny alias side, den kledde deg :-)


> Full fart i alle retninger, stresser rundt i egen sfære og andres!

> Tror jeg bevilger meg en aldri så liten ferie snart, trenger det!

> Ser du har vært i det store utland, håper du hadde det kjekt der da?


> Eller nytt under solen, tja... il.primo ansatte jeg som moderator for

> avlastning av egne gjøremål, håper det går greit!


> Ellers da, tenkt deg på disse kanter i løpet av sommeren da?


> mvh.R



> Fra: viking8

> Til: raggar007

> Emne: RE: RE: Hei raggar

> Dato: tir, 08/07/2007 - 18:22


> Hepp, Mister!


> Ja, USA var stort - igjen. Min 5. rundtur. Begynner å tette seg til nå.

> Mangler 9 stater.

> Ja, helt OK med il.primo. Herre Gud - jeg orker ikke å hive meg på hylekoret

> om hvem som regjerer hva. Jeg har tillit til SOL, deg og il.primo. Blir jeg

> forbandet, så får jeg eller argumentere for det.


> Ja, det blir nol en tur til Møre på høsten! Det er så satans med styr nå,

> med større prosjekter. Men jeg MÅ ut av HQ snart. for jeg kveles snart.


> Jeg gir deg beskjed, så blir det en øl og en mimring. Nei - det blir 4 øl.

> Næh - det blir 6.


> V8

> ---------


> Fra: raggar

> Sendt: 2007-07-09 05:47

> Til: common-sense

> Tittel: Ikke ofte


> jeg gidder å forsvare meg men, denne gangen gjør jeg det!


> Jeg har ansatt en ekstra moderator i kampen mot Trond jødehater og jeg ser

> han har vært ivrig i jobben,hehe

> Så, dette innlegget det er snakk om er ikke mitt verk.


> Med tid og stunder skal dere få vite hvem min nr2 er.


> mvh.raggar

> -------------



> Hva slags stilling V8 har vet jeg ikke, men moderatoren spør V8 om det er

> greit å ansette il.primo, og sånt spør man vel bare en overordnet om...


> Mvh

> Trond Halvorsen


> -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> Fra: Erik R []

> Sendt: 8. februar 2009 06:01

> Til: Trond Halvorsen

> Emne: Re: SOL-sjefen klikka


> On Mar 27 2008, 1:04 am, "Trond Halvorsen" <> wrote:

>> Vi snakket om noe annet enn jøder, men SOL-sjefen vil plutselig snakke om

>> jøder:


>> Hehe, Trond

>> av viking8 den 26/03/2008 - 17:13

>> Beklager, Trond, men du lurer/forvirrer ikke en mann med IQ på nærmere

> 150.

>> For meg er du et morsomt tidsfordriv. Og det blir for tullete å drive å

>> skriverironke med deg. Jeg vet jo at SOL - i et forsøk på å være seriøse -

>> gjør hva de kan for å fjerne dine innlegg fra forumet. Og heldigvis, da

> det

>> ikke er bra for demokratiet at alt sulles til.

>> Jeg tror at jeg følger SOLs oppfordring om å ikke svare på dine

> psykedeliske

>> innlegg. Ikke har du snev av kunnskaper om jøder. Sannsynligvis har du

>> sannsynligvis aldri vært i f.eks. Israel. Jeg har vært der 8 ganger. Alt

>> blir bare vås i hodet ditt. At en korrumpert, trygdet liten mann i lille

>> Norge kan sitte å lire av seg så mye svada uten rot i virkeligheten, det

>> skyldes jo kun to ting; at vi har ytringsfrihet i Norge, og at selv den

> mest

>> stupide person får uttale seg. Et av demokratiets største svakheter. Alle

>> åndsinger kan poppe opp når den vesle skallen får en eller annen syk idé.

>> F.eks. deg, hvor en jøde neppe aldri har gjort deg noe. Likevel er du helt

>> forskrudd i knollen om jøder. Bare det - uten at jeg er psykiater - gir

> meg

>> grunn til å tro at du faller inn under kategorien "sterkt

>> behandlingstrengende*", og tvert ville fått behandling på statens regning.

>> For staten kaster jo bort penger anyway.

>> ---


>> Jøder

>> av JE den 27/03/2008 - 01:40

>> "Hehehe... Beklager, Trond. Jeg sitter her og leser en vitsebok samtidig

> som

>> jeg skriver på forumet. Hehehe. Hva var det vi snakket om igjen? Uansett,

> du

>> forvirrer ikke meg. Hva vet du forresten om jøder?"


>> [KLIPP informasjon om jøder]


>> --

>> Trond Halvorsen


> Hei,


> hvem er han SOL-sjefen da?


> Hvilken tittel har han egentlig?


> Det så ut som et veldig ille tilfelle av trakassering dette, jeg har

> selv blitt kastet ut av mange

> debattforum, og det enkleste er kanskje å skrive en blogg, og moderere

> kommentarer der osv.


> Men jeg har fått en del blogger slettet og, så det er kanskje best å

> skrive både på blogg og debattforum,

> det er muilg.


> Med vennlig hilsen


> Erik Ribsskog



More from the LiveLeak website

Posted 50 mins ago by "HarunHaha" (R)

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The team-leader was treating the staff in an decending way. (Degrading/looking down on them).

She was bullying staff, I think one have to say, by calling them 'lazy', in e-mails.

That's not ok, at least not in Norway.

(And not in the UK eighter, as I've understood it).

And it's not in-line at all with company policy, the Bertelsmann Essentials, (even if these weren't implemented at Arvato at this time).

Even if a person is a manager, still the person haven't got the right to treat staff in a degrading way.

Yours sincerley,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 8 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

LiveLeak: Bertelsmann Arvato Team-Leader using female/feminist-sign with signature on company e-mails

More from the LiveLeak website

Quoted comment by MikL0:
Quoted comment by Fat_Bastard: Come to Japan where there are often women cleaners in the male bathrooms....There are also sometimes male cleaners in the female bathrooms....And only the foreigners are bothered by it!

same here.
in here we wonder what's the big deal about whole thing.
he/she is nude. so what.


I think this can be compared with, if a school-class, when they have finished with the gymnastic-class, then the boys-class find the female washing-staff washing the shower-room while they are using the changing-room.

It's maybe a bit pointless to discuss the Japanese culture, since this incident was in Liverpool, and not in Japan.

At least, then I'll mention Norway.

And in Norway, we never had female washing-staff washing the changing-room while we were showering at primary school etc.

How about in Japan?

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 12 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

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now I saw the Finnish flag.

It's not the same culture in Britain and Finland.

In Finland you have sauna.

This gym didn't have sauna.

And I joined another gym, after the problems at this gym.

And there they had sauna, for both sexes.

But this was a private gym, (at Haymarket in Liverpool, so called Executive Gym, I think), and almost noone used the sauna.

And I used boxer-shorts in the sauna, in-case some women would show up there.

But they didn't clean the sauna, so then the boxer-shorts smelled, so that you had to wash them at 90 degrees and not 60 degrees or else the smell wouldn't go away.

So I guess you Finns clean your saunas, or don't you, by the way?

Anyway, I think we can say that's a different culture in Britain.

I didn't see any women at all in the sauna there, the month or two I worked out there, and this was a gym for only people who were working, and that were in their 20's and older, I think.

Something like this.

Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)

LiveLeak: Bertelsmann team-leader calls co-workers 'lazy' in e-mail

LiveLeak var faktisk et artig websted. (In Norwegian)

Det virker som at vi har johncons-blogg lesere i Holmestrand. Det er hyggelig. (In Norwegian).

Siv Helene said...
Aww ! Katter er søte <3 Jeg har bodd på Nedre Berger.. faren min bor der ennå hehe :)

08 February 2009 14:37
johncons said...

jeg pleide å spille fotball ned på der.

Og farfaren min jobba visst på fabrikken der, med å lage noe trestamper, eller noe, til vevemaskinene.

Noe sånt.

Og farmora mi jobba som tjenestepike på Berger Gård vel.

Så flytta de til Sand da, like etter krigen, mener jeg det var.

Men men.

Bodde du i samme veien som bedehuset og Rune Bingen og dem da kanskje?

Men men.

Den katten var den siste katten jeg hadde på Bergeråsen.

Den ble slått halvt i hjel eller overkjørt, eller noe, og vi måtte avlive katta hos en dyrlege i Sande.

Men den var veldig tam den katten.

En sommerferie, kanskje i 1984, eller noe, så pleide jeg å ta med katta, fra Bergeråsen og bort til farmora mi på Sand.

Og da kunne jeg ha katta på skuldern, mens jeg sykla forbi butikken og sånn der.

Så det var en tam katt må man si, Kitty het vel den, sa Christell at den het da.

Jeg fikk den katten, da den egentlig var alt for ung, til å skilles fra moren sin.

Så jeg måtte følge med på katta, og roe den ned, for å få den til å drikke melk fra skål osv.

Så jeg måtte liksom klappe og roe ned og passe på katta, hele kvelden osv., for å roe den ned, for den var så stressa, for den skulle vel egentlig ha vært litt lengre hos katten Susi, moren dens.

Men men.

Når var det du bodde på Berger da, jeg har ikke bodd der siden slutten av 80-tallet, og hvem er faren din, kanskje jeg kjenner noen som heter det samme til etternavn som deg, eller noe, hvis du har mye slekt der.

Men jeg har ikke bodd der siden 80-tallet, så det er mulig jeg ikke husker alle navna.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Det virker som at New World Order har full kontroll i Liverpool. (In Norwegian)

More from the LiveLeak-site

Quoted comment by Fat_Bastard: Come to Japan where there are often women cleaners in the male bathrooms....There are also sometimes male cleaners in the female bathrooms....And only the foreigners are bothered by it!

If this had happened in Oslo, where I'm from, I think it would have been a scandal.

Because this, Lifestyles, is a Council-run gym, and there aren't only men, but also boys, I think or tenagers, who work out there.

And also one of the female cleaners, who was cleaning the mens changing-room there, on one occation, (when I just turned in the door to the changing-room, and showered at home), she looked pretty young, I seem to remember, she might have been under 18.

So this I think would have been a scandal at a Council-run gym or swiming-pool in Oslo, which also has eg. Council-run swimming-pools.

It would be a bit like the teacher going into the pupils shower at school, I think, I think it would have been a scandal, in Oslo, if the Council there hadn't thought about this problem when they made the cleaning rota.

From the LiveLeak-site

"Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."

Commenting on the latest Israeli one-directional onslaught against the Palestinians of Gaza Strip, the Israeli 10th TV channel has disclosed that the Israeli genocidal forces had used half of its air force and had launched at least 2500 air raids against Gaza Strip.

The television military correspondent stated that the Israeli warplanes had dropped more than a thousand tons of explosives, including white phosphorous and DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) bombs, during three weeks on the virtually unarmed densely populated 360 square Kilometers Strip.

He added that the shells fired by tanks, artillery, gunboats, and infantry were not included in those fired by the air force.

After a whole week of continuous air bombardments Israel sent in its elite foot soldiers; 30,000 of them, and called in 10,000 of its reservists. Armed with the latest weapons of mass murder, covered with an umbrella of free reigning air force, and accompanied with raining shells of heavy artilleries, they drove their tanks into the civilian towns murdering civilians and destroying every structure in their path.

Living outside of Gaza one cannot fully understand the barbarity of this genocide especially when the Western media had barely covered any of its atrocity. To gain a slight idea of its enormity one should remember that, during the 6-days war of 1967, this same Israeli army was distributed on four fronts; Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, and Lebanese, and it was fighting regular armies. Now the whole brunt of this army is concentrated on a small strip against unarmed and untrained civilian population.

Latest official count was 1350 murdered, 40% of them were children, and 5300 were injured; mutilated and amputated. It was reported that 80% of the injured were the victims of burning phosphorous bombs. More dead are being discovered under the rebels, and many seriously injured are expected later on to die.

Israeli tanks had left several city blocks completely destroyed without any homes or structure standing. The tanks shelled homes and apartment towers. Due to the small size of Gaza Strip Palestinians had to build vertically. Many apartment towers went up 15-20 stories high with each story containing 6-8 apartments.

A total of 20,000 buildings were completely or partially burnt and damaged. The UN has reported that more than 50,000 Palestinians are left homeless and are now crowded into 50 emergency shelters.

An estimated of 50,000 more are living with relatives and in tents they erected on the ruins of their homes.

The Israeli bombardment targeted everything in Gaza including government buildings, police headquarters, banks and business offices, the main university, 67 schools sheltering civilians, shopping centers and market places, factories, water, sewer, and electricity infrastructures, private homes and apartment towers and charity organizations.

Farms, including their animals, were also targeted and hundreds of acres of crops and fruit groves were incinerated. Religious buildings, where civilians usually seek shelter, were specifically targeted. Israeli fighter planes had completely destroyed 41 mosques, and partially damaged 51 others. One church was also targeted. Even cemeteries were not spared; 5 of them were bombed.

Although the Israeli army was given the exact GPS co-ordinates of every UN structure, as asserted by Christopher Gunness, the UNRWA spokesman, Israeli F-16 planes had repeatedly dropped phosphorous bombed on UN schools knowing very well that hundreds of civilians had taken shelter there. At least 45 children and women were burnt and murdered there.

The UN headquarters in Gaza City was also hit with three, not just one, phosphorous bombs burning tons of humanitarian aid and food stuff. The fire kept on burning for three days. UN-flagged humanitarian convoy was also shelled killing one driver.

Medical centers and paramedics were not spared. The Red Crescent Al-Quds hospital in Tal el-Hawa neighborhood was hit by Israeli shells and caught on fire. Other two hospitals; Al-Wafa and Al-Fata hospitals, were also shelled, leading the World Health Organization to express its deep concern about the serious implications of such bombardments. 16 other smaller health clinics and 16 ambulances were also damaged. Medics were targeted and prevented from helping the injured. Ten of them, including two doctors, were murdered.

Media centers were particularly targeted. Local and international news reporters were prevented from entering Gaza. Those, who were able to enter, were directly targeted. The Al-Shuruq office tower housing several international and Arab media outlets was directly hit. Two cameramen working for Abu Dhabi TV were injured, while the offices of Reuters News Agency, Fox TV, Sky, and Al-Arabiya TV offices were damaged. Another raid had damaged the headquarter offices of Al-Resala newspaper.

Similar to all their previous wars the Israeli soldiers had committed massacres against Palestinian unarmed civilians. They have used internationally banned weapons such as phosphorous bombs, DIME, and depleted uranium, as reported by international physicians, eyewitnesses, and military experts. Israeli soldiers had mutilated the bodies of their victims to instill terror in the hearts of people hoping they will leave Gaza. Israeli soldiers herded many families in one building using them as human shield, and then later on bombed the building on top of them. They shot civilians, mainly children, directly and at point blank. The bodies of some children were found shot several times; as many as 18 bullets in the body of a 12 years old girl, and 12 bullets in the body of her 2 years old sister.

Israeli soldiers had wiped off whole Palestinian families. Al-Samuni family lost 11 members, Abu Aisha family lost 6, Batran family lost 6, al-Rayyan family lost 15 and al-Balousha family lost 5 sisters. Other families, too many to mention here, were either murdered or incinerated by the phosphorous bombs. The Israeli army has been carrying out a deliberate indiscriminate mass murder. During the first Intifada, 1987 - 1993, they murdered 1162 Palestinians. During the second Intifada, 2001- 2006, they murdered 5500 Palestinians. Now, in a short period of three weeks, they murdered 1350 Palestinians.

This onslaught is a holocaust since the many tons of phosphorous bombs, dropped on Gaza cities, had burnt civilians to the bones, burnt their homes and buildings, and burnt their fields and crops. This is the holocaust that the Israeli Deputy Defense Minister, Matan Vilnai, had threatened Palestinians with when he stated: "the more Qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah (holocaust) because we will use all our might to defend ourselves."

One cannot help but wonder how could a group of people, who claim to be the victims of a holocaust, commit another holocaust against another nation. What is it that feeds, perpetuates and intensifies this Judaic genocidal spirit although all Arabs, including Palestinians, had offered these Zionist Jews many agreements of coexistence, peace and security? The answer comes through their media outlets, through the words of their scholarly educators, and through the teachings of their Rabbis.

"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts" cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious Institute. He wrote that Palestinians are like the nation of Amalekites, who attacked the Israelite tribes led by Moses on their way to Jerusalem. He stated that the Lord sent down in the Torah a ruling that allowed the Jews to kill the Amalekites, and that this ruling is known in Jewish jurisprudence.

The Torah states: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys." Rosen stated that Amalekites are not a particular race, but rather all those who hate and oppose the Jews; Christians and Muslims.

Many leading Israeli Rabbis support Rosen's views. Israel's former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu advocated carpet bombing of Gaza stating that "there is absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during massive military offensive on Gaza" (The Jerusalem Post, 30 May, 2007). His son Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu amplified his father's genocidal call stating: "if they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand, then we must kill 10,000 and even a million"

Many Rabbis had argued that Palestinians in Gaza are not innocent civilians and that during war time it is not individuals but nations the Israelis are fighting. (It seems that Hitler had adopted this Telmudic teaching when he persecuted all European Jews)

Israeli educators, scholars, and politicians, openly, advocate the annihilation of all Palestinians. Dr. Nachum Rakover, a legal scholar, opined "They voted for killers and sent them to kill us. To call them (civilians) innocent is a tragic comedyS civilians are partners of the killers" Eli Yeshai, Israeli official in the Orthodox Shas party argued that "extermination of the enemy is sanctioned by the Torah" Many other politicians called for the need for "wiping off Gaza from the face of earth", and "annihilating of every moving thing there." The right-wing Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman proposed nuking Gaza following the US example when it dropped the atomic bomb on Japan during WWII.

This "ideology of annihilation" is by no means a minority opinion in Israel, but represents a mainstream in the Jews of Israel as well as Jews in the West (US). The popular attitude is "if it was right by God to order us to commit genocide during Biblical time, why can't it be right to commit genocide now. Has God changed his mind?" Indeed, the Judaic god is a racist genocidal god.

Watch and listen here to an example of how Israeli Jews are brainwashed and indoctrinated into the ideology of annihilation by their rabbis and scholars through Israeli media. Watch Max Blumenthal's videotape of a group of messianic Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch exhibit this ideology in NYC in January 11, 2009.

The Israeli spokesman, Nachman Abramovic demonized Palestinian children stating "They may look young to you, but these people are terrorists at heart. Don't look at their deceptively innocent faces, try to think of the demons inside each of them S I am absolutely certain these people would grow to be evil terrorists if we allowed them to growS would you allow them to grow to kill your children or finish them off right now? S honest and moral people ought to differentiate between true humans and human animals. We do kill human animals and we do so unapologetically. Besides who in the West is in a position to lecture us on killing human animals. After all, whose hands are clean?"

Human animal mentioned by Abramovic refers to the Judaic religious belief that Jews are Gods chosen people; the elite and the pure-blooded, while all others (non-Jews, Goyim, gentiles) are animal souls incarnated into human bodies to serve the Jews. Killing a human animal is just a sport like hunting deer or birds.


There seems to be some problems in finding out where these quotes really are from:

Quoted comment by THE_HAMMER_OF_TOURS:
Quoted comment by johncons: Where's this quote from, by the way:

"Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."

Is it from a newspaper or a TV-channel perhaps?

Just wondering, thanks in advance if someone knows this! know very well%2C and the stupid Americans

Sorry, I forgot that you were French.

My mistake :)
Posted 38 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

Quote | Flag Comment (0)
What I mean is that I think it should be like a proper link, when it's on LiveLeak.

I just wanted to post about it, on a Norwegian blog I have, so then I thought it would be a good idea, to have a link to where the quote was actually from.

But I guess I have to try to search on Google a bit then.

Thanks for the help with the 'letmegooglethatforyou'.
Posted 12 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

Quote | Flag Comment (1)
Like I studied computing, at the University of Sunderland, in 2004/05.

And then we had a module, 'Final Year Project', where we learned about research and referencing.

And according to what we were thought there, I can't see that the quote above is being properly referenced to.

I can only see a quote, and I can't see anywhere were it's explained where and when this was said.

Just to try to explain.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg er ikke noe flink med å være tålmodig for tida. (In Norwegian)

LiveLeak: Female staff worked in mens changing-room during gym opening hours

Flashback til 2004. (In Norwegian).

Nå fikk jeg Flashback til 2004, da jeg bodde på the Forge, et campus, tilknyttet Universitet i Sunderland.

Da ble jeg spionert på, om natta, f.eks., husker jeg.

Jeg husker en natt, rundt 12-tida kanskje, eller seinere, at jeg hørte jenter som kniste og lista seg på tærne, utenfor rommet mitt.

Det var nok Federica og hun Dörte, tror jeg.

De skulle nok høre om jeg ronka, eller noe.

Men det er lov å ronke på sitt eget rom, på campus.

Og jeg hørte også at de prata om meg, bak ryggen min, Dörte, til hun muslimske Leyla.

Men, den spioneringa dems, den fucka meg opp litt.

Jeg får skrive om det her, i tilfelle politiet eller noe mafia, bruker sånne 'sladrekjærring' metoder mot meg.

Jeg har jo bodd aleine, siden jeg var ni år, så jeg er vant til å ronke, for å slappe av om kveldene før jeg skal sove osv.

Men, i Sunderland, så hadde jeg ei jente som het Federica, fra Italia, boende i naborommet, vegg i vegg med min seng muligens.

Og da, så var det sånn, at jeg overhørte at hun prata, på italensk riktignok, på telefonen i gangen, hjem til Italia da.

Og da hadde hun baksnakka med de andre i leiligheten, om meg, og kringkasta det om meg, på telefon til Italia da.

Hun prata høyt, og opphissa, så jeg skjønte det var om meg, og at dem hadde baksnakka i loungen.

Så vanligvis så brukte jeg jo dopapir, for å tørke bort resultatet av ronkinga, når jeg bodde i Oslo og på Berger.

Men jeg turte ikke å lage en lyd omtrent, i Sunderland.

Da bare lirka jeg et brukt håndkle, som jeg skulle vaske på kokvask uansett, og brukte det til å tørke bort sæden etter ronkinga med da.

(Jeg skjønner jeg må forklart alt veldig personlig, siden det virker som at politiet bruker sladrekjærring-metoder for å nekte å gi meg rettighetene mine).

Men det var fordi jeg ikke turte å lage en lyd, fordi jeg skjønte at jeg ble spionert på i leiligheten.

Så overhører jeg seinere, at de da, på en eller annen måte, har skjønt at jeg gjør det sånn.

Så de må ha spionert skikkelig nøye.

Dörte forklarte det til hun Leyla, så jeg såvidt hørte det.

Hun Leyla misforstod og trodde jeg tørka meg med de håndklærne etter å ha brukt dem til å tørke av sæd på dem.

Men jeg får forklare om det her da, siden 'mafian' eller politiet, eller hvem det er, er så opptatt med å nekte å gi meg rettighetene mine.

Jeg tenkte det var greit å bruke de håndklærna sånn, for de skulle jo kokvaskes alikevel.

Og jeg er vant til å vaske håndklær og boksere for seg, på kokvask, og andre klær på 40 grader.

Men jeg skjønner at folk har baksnakket meg pga. dette.

Men det er fordi spioneringa dems friker meg ut.

Så hvis de gjør sånne 'phoney'-e ting, så blir det feil.

Men hvorfor politiet ikke hjelper meg, det vet jeg ikke, men hvis de bruker sånne 'sladrekjærring'-metoder, så skal jeg stappe hue dems oppi ræva dems, så kan dem prate inni der.

Så får dem det sikkert hyggelig.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Han Brusk, som var fra Oslo, og bodde i naboleiligheten.

Han dro meg med på Aldi, som jeg ikke hadde vært på før da.

Og nærmest tvang meg til å kjøpe papirlommetørklær.

Så han må ha fått rapportert dette, fra de sladre-hønene i min leilighet da.

Det var kanskje første eller andre uka av studiene i Sundeland da, høsten 2004.

Så privatliv er det dårlig med, når man blir spionert på av 'mafian', og nektet rettighetene sine av myndighetene.

Så sånn er det.

StatCounter: Det virker som at det er noen som tullesøker, og som prøver å ødelegge for den seriøse Illuminati-søkinga. (In Norwegian).


Du, eller dere, som skriver at han fra Troms hadde rett om Mette-Marit.

Hva var det han skrev igjen da.

Jeg får finne bloggposten.

Han fra Troms han søkte på: 'mette-marit kontrollert av illuminati +voldtatt'.

Ok, da får man regne med at det menes at Mette-Marit er under kontroll av Illuminati enda da, og ikke bare før hun traff Kronprins Haakon.

Men men.

Men jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg kan gjøre med det akkurat.

Det hadde kanskje vært greit å vite mer, om hvordan dette henger sammen.

Hvordan kan Mette-Marit være under kontroll av Illuminati, når hun burde ha beskyttelse fra politi og livvakter og kongefamilien osv.

Her er ikke jeg helt med, for å si det sånn.

Så hvis noen har lyst til å skrive f.eks. anonym kommentar, på bloggen, eller sende f.eks. anonym e-post til

Så kan jeg godt publisere om det her, men akkurat nå så skjønner jeg ikke helt sammenhengen.

Men jeg får kanskje tenke litt mer på det her.

Vi får se.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

StatCounter: Mer om hva folk som havner på bloggen søker om i kveld. Det går mye på kongehuset og Illuminati. (In Norwegian)

Marianne, fra Rimi Nylænde, dukka opp på Facebook-sida mi. (In Norwegian)


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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