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mandag 1. september 2008

Dell are reading about the problems on Microsofts Product-activation. l hope they ask the Police to tell me what's going on, and to stop torturing me.

Magnify User (blogger)

1st September 2008 20:40:31


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1st September 2008


1st September 2008


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Like ved den katolske katedralen, så ligger det største universitetet i byen. Og Superlambananer, har det blitt satt ut over 100 av de siste månedene.

Noen sier at denne bygningen i Liverpool ser ut som en ufo, men nei, det er den katolske katedralen. (In Norwegian).

Telefonsamtale med Reidun Nordberg, hos Slottet. (In Norwegian).

Nå ringte jeg Slottet, og pratet med Reidun Nordberg, og spurte hvorfor de ikke hadde sendt svar på e-post.

Jeg forklarte hva som hadde skjedd, og hun sa det var fordi jeg hadde vært i kontakt med så mange, og de kunne ikke gjøre noe med dette.

Jeg spurte hvem som var saksbehandler, men det kunne hun ikke oppgi.

Det var ikke sånn at man alltid fikk svar fra Slottet, sa hun.

Så de er nok litt kjepphøye, vil jeg tro, der de sitter på sin høye hest.

Men når de er så flinke til oppføre seg osv., som kongefamilien i Norge er, og til å ikke lage sex-filmer osv., så skjønner man jo det, at de på Slottet, ikke har noen automatikk i at vanlige folk får svar på henvendelsene sine, eller at man kan få oppgitt hvem som er saksbehandler.

Så det skjønner man.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Swedish Church in Liverpool to close after 125 years.

Swedish church to close after 125 years

Feb 16 2008 by Catherine Jones, Liverpool Echo

THE future of Liverpool’s Scandinavian seamen’s church was in doubt today after Swedish leaders decided to leave the city.

The Church of Sweden is switching the focus of its international work to South East Asia and the Americas.

It plans to close the Park Lane church by the end of 2008. It is not yet known what will happen to the grade II listed building, but it could be sold off.

That would mean the end of 125 years’ of worship on the site for Liverpool’s Scandinavian and Nordic communities, unless they were able to buy the building.

Ulf Soderlind, who came to Liverpool last summer from Sweden to be pastor, said the news was “very hard” for his congregation.

The church has several hundred members, although weekly numbers are between 25 and 40.

Mr Soderlind said: “Of course the Church of Sweden needs to review its entire activities all over the world. I know there are also more Swedes in North and South America.

The rector in London will have responsibility for all Swedes in UK and Ireland.”

The first Scandinavian settlers came to the area in the 9th Century and the traditional dish of Scouse has its origins as lobskause.

Mer om Svenska Kyrkan i Liverpool. (In Norwegian).

?? (1 svar)
Ett inlägg i diskussionen Svenska Kyrkan i Liverpool. Noe galt?
Det finns svenska kyrkor i väldigt många hamnstäder, dessa var från början ämnade för sjömän att besöka när de kom till de städer där dessa fanns, att ge dem en viss gemenskap och få en träffpunkt med landsmän.

Under ex 70-talet var dessa relativt välbesökta och aldrig hände det att prästerna på dessa försökte påtvinga någon sin tro, man blev bjuden på kaffe, kunde sitta o lyssna på musik, spela spel, där fanns ex ofta biljardbord och andra saker att förnöja sig med, på några fanns det till och med en liten pub..... Av Sniperess (idag kl 11:00)

Ordning: Visa inlägg som:

Sv: ??


men jeg synes den brosyren er så 'svettig'.

De bruker så ladet språk.

Og fontene er så rare.

De skriver 'Tourists and Students'.

Men 'Students' er i 'bold', enda de er på samme linje.

Jeg synes det virker som de prøver å tiltrekke seg de kvinnelige studentene.

I tillegg, så har jeg lest på hjemmesiden deres, at på studentkveldene, så serverer de salat.

Salat, og 'nybakat'.

Jeg tror det betyr at de bare ønsker at unge kvinnelige studenter skal gå dit.

Men men.

Vi kan også ta flaggene.

Jeg som nordmann, reagerte på flaggene.

Av to grunner.

1. Det er mørke 'skygge'-felter på flaggene.

2. Det er noe som heter flagglov.

Det kjenner jeg til, fra å ha bodd i Norge.

Når det er ekspedisjoner, til Sydpolen f.eks.

Så har man ikke lov å sette opp en flaggstang, med flaggene til landene som har vært med på ekspedisjonen, under hverandre.

I følge den flaggloven, som visstnok er internasjonal, så skal alle flagg, henge på samme høyde.

På brosjyren til Svenska Kyrkan, også kallt 'Scandinavian Church', så henger det svenske flagget øverst, og så det norske, og så det finske og så det danske underst.

Det er uhølig ovenfor de flaggene som henger lavere, enn det øverste.

Det lærte jeg fra å følge med i nyhetene, om pol-ekspedisjoner osv., i Norge, at det var ikke lov å sette opp en flaggstang, på sydpolen, med det det norske flagget øverst, og så det amerikanske f.eks., hvis en amerikaner var med på ekspedisjonen.

Det var brudd på en flagglov.

Og var visst dårlig tone.

Så når brosjyren er slik, og kirken atpåtil kalles 'Scandinavian Church', så synes jeg dette er dårlig tone, med flaggene til de andre nordiske landene.

Og hvorfor kaller Svenska Kyrkan, Finland, for 'Scandinavian'.

Det er merkelig.

I Norge, så heter det at Norge, og Sverige og Danmark, er i Skandinavia.

I Norden, så er det Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og Island, har jeg lært.

Men i England, så sier de jo at Finland er i Skandinavia.

Men at Svenska Kyrkan skal si det samme, det synes jeg kanskje var litt rart, de burde vel følge svenske regler?

Hva sier dere forresten i Sverige, er Finland i Skandinavia eller i Norden.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Av johncons (idag kl 12:27)󱤙

E-post til Marianne Solem Hansen, i Fagforbundet.

Google Mail - VS: Søking på mitt navn på Google.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

VS: Søking på mitt navn på Google.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 10:48 AM

"Solem Hansen, Marianne" <>



men dere har vel kontroll på hva medarbeiderne deres gjør.

Selv om IT ikke vet det.

Så burde vel en leder i organisasjonen deres vite det.

Hvis noen sitter i timesvis og leser på bloggen min.

Så må vel dette være en arbeidsoppgave.


Så da burde det vel gå ann å finne ut, ved å spørre daglig leder.

Jeg har ikke noen funksjon for å sprerre f.eks. fagforeninger, fra å lese bloggen, det tror jeg ikke er vanlig på blogger,

fra hva jeg kjenner til dette.

Du kjenner kanskje noen som skriver blogg selv, da kan du spørre dem, om dette er vanlig, at man kan sperre ip-adresser,

som er fra organisasjoner, fra å lese bloggen.


Så det tror jeg det må være greit å ta opp i ettertid.

Man kan jo uansett ikke sperre alle slags firma i verden i bloggen, hvis det hadde vært sånn som du sa, slikt må vel

tas i ettertid i såfall.

Jeg synes jeg har lov å spørre om dette, når organisasjonen du jobber i, har søkt på mitt navn på nettet, og lest

på bloggen min i flere timer.

Da synes jeg dette angår meg, og at det er greit å ta opp dette med dere.


Så jeg håper du har mulighet å ta opp dette, ikke med IT, men hør med lederne, er mitt tips, de har ofte oversikt

over hva som foregår.

Ellers takk for svar!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


On 9/1/08, Solem Hansen, Marianne <> wrote:


Vi klarer ikke å finne ut av hvem som er inne på bloggen din. Alle som er logget på gjennom Fagforbundet, framstår som en "person". Derfor kan vi heller ikke si noe om hva den eller de som er inne på bloggen din er ute etter. Jeg er ingen ekspert på dette, men jeg har forstått det sånn at du kan kontrollere hvem som får lov til å lese bloggen din gjennom f.eks passordbeskyttelse og andre kontroller.


Med vennlig hilsen

Marianne Solem Hansen


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 29. august 2008 08:15
Til: Solem Hansen, Marianne
Emne: Re: VS: Søking på mitt navn på Google.



takk for svar!


Jeg kan ikke se at jeg har mottatt noen videre henvendelse om dette, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne sende

en påminning.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


On 8/4/08, Solem Hansen, Marianne <> wrote:

Hei Erik Ribsskog!

Takk for mail. Jeg har videresendt denne til vår IKT avdeling for å se om de kan finne ut av hva som kan ha skjedd her. På grunn av ferieavvikling kan det ta litt tid før vi kan svare deg.


Med vennlig hilsen

Marianne Solem Hansen

Leder Førstelinjetjenesten




 -----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 28. juli 2008 03:40
Til: Servicetorget
Emne: Søking på mitt navn på Google.



jeg lurer på hvorfor dere driver å søker på mitt navn på nettet, og leser på bloggen min i flere timer.


Hvis det er noe dere lurer på, så står det e-post adresse på bloggen, dere trenger ikke å lese på bloggen i 7 timer,

det er ikke ment for organisasjoner osv., bloggen er ment for vanlige folk.


Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog



Her er en kopi av loggen som viser den nevnte aktiviteten, eller kanskje rettere sagt, snokingen:


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Example that shows that Customer-support, wasn't that highly valued, at Arvato's Microsoft-activation.

Read this document on Scribd: scan0120

This file, is from right after I started on Arvato MSPA, in August 2005.

This was when we still had the automated system there, for reading the activation-code up, for the customers, over the phone.

So calls where hardly any work at all, back then.

But around Christmas 2005, they moved some of the MSPA-jobs, to Arvato Germany, and removed the automated systems, so that we had to manually type the installation-id, and also manually read the activation-code.

The installation-id, is nine groups of six numbers, I think it was.

And the activation-id, is seven goups of six numbers, I think.

Something like this.

We also had to start typing the product-key, on _all_ activations.

This was around July 2006.

Later, around Oktober/November 2006, then the team-leaders recieved counter-information regarding this, it was only on a few of the calls were this was necessary, even if I can't remeber exactly which now, the rules changed a bit to often.

At the same time, after the automated systems were gone.

And that we had to type the product-key, also on Danish calls. (Which are tricky due to that it's difficult to understand the Danish pronounciation).

And the time we had to log, between calls, was reduced from 30-40 seconds, to only five seconds.

And then the call-time, was to be reduced.

A program to reduce call-time, was interduced.

So after the calls, became two or three times more time-consuming, due to loss of automated systems, and new, strict rules, for typing product-keys on each activation.

Then call-times were to be reduced!

After making calls two or three times as time-consuming.

And I was the only Norwegian workin full-time taking calls then.

And there weren't enough Danish speakers, one many of my shift, there weren't any Danish speakers at all.

So I sat all day, answering Danish calls, which I had to understand the product-key on, and with no automated systems.

And with only five seconds between the calls, to log.

And with only three minutes, to type the installation id, that the customer read.

To type the product-key.

And Danes often don't understand Norwegian.

So, this wasn't allways easy.

And then to ask the probing-questions etc.

And to get the Danes to understand what I was asking about.

And then to read up the activation-code.

And Danes also has a differnt system, on how to read numbers.

They don't say sixty-four.

Like we say in Norway, 'seksti-fire'.

The Danes, have number units, that goes in twenties, like the French, I think.

So they have a system, thats called 'snes'.

The numbers goes like this, 'fire og tress'.

Which means, 'four and three snes'.

Which means, 'four and three twenties'.

That's not that bad, for sixty and eighty, couse they are possible to divide, by twenty.

Three times twenty, is sixty, or tress, in Danish.

And four times twenty, is eighty, or fiers, in Danish.

But eg. seventy-four.

In Danish thats four and to the half of the fourth twenty.

If you go to the half of the fourth twenty, then thats three and a half twenties.

Three twenties is sixty, and a halftwenty, is ten.

So 'fire og halvfiers', in Danish, is four and to the half og the fourth twenty.

Four and ten and sixty.


So it wasn't easy for Norwegian speakers, to take Danish calls.

During training at Arvato, I was told, by team-leader Marianne, from Norway, I think it was.

Possibly before she became team-leader.

She said, that sometimes it was impossible to understand what the Danes said.

And then one should only act like you understood, and just say something.

And she, team-leader Marianne, she's half Danish.

She has a Danish mother, I think she said, but they live in Norway.

And Marianne, didn't understand the Danish calls, even if she has a Danish mother.

So I think it's bad customer support, for the Danish Microsoft-customers, to get their calls answer by a Norwegian-speaker.

And I think I have to say, that it was more or less insane, by Arvato MSPA, to start a program, to get eg. me, a Norwegian speaker, to sit all day, answering tricky, Danish calls, without the automated systems, and with having to enter the product-key, on all activations, in three minutes.

I think I have to say, that this was insane.

I can't find another word, that describes this better.

It was like the program was invented, to make me, the person, who had to answer calls in three languages, over-worked.

That's how it seems to me now.

Some kind of Illuminati-plot?

To do with the Swedish girl that disapeared from work?

I can't say for sure, but I think this was insane, so it's clear that something was very wrong there.

Back to the file from 2005.

It says we should log the calls, and ask the customer to wait.

I think this is problematic, since then you can't focus on the call.

I think, if you tell the customer to wait.

Then, you have to say why.

And you can't say, 'Could you please wait, while I log the previous call'?

I think this is just something they made up at Arvato, to get more money from Micosoft, or something.

And I don't think this is right from a customer-service perspective.

Since the customer, can feel poorly threated, and not welcomed, if you tell him to wait, without telling why.

I think that's a bit inpolite.

And also, many customers, are going to speak anyway.

So it's tirering for the employee, who has to log the call, and speak at the same time.

I was told, in the automn of 2006, by team-leader Steinsland, that I should log the call, at the end of the call, to reduce the wrap-up time, inbetween the calls.

But I explained, that I liked to focus on ending the call.

I did't think it was easy to end the call right, and log at the same time.

The loggin took away the focus from the call.

But, the wrap-up time, was reduced from 30-40 seconds, to five seconds.

And there was a program going on, surrounding this, with the wrap-up time, being calculated, for each representative, for each day, and put on a big board.

With smileys etc.

So we were under presure, from managers, to reduce call-time, and to reduce wrap-up time.

So these months, in the late summer of 2006, and in the automn of 2006, were very tirering, especially for me, since I recieved calls in three languages, and had to work a lot of overtime, since the rent, in my new flat, was much higher, than when I lived in the shared house, in Walton.

So, it took a long time, before I recovered, after I was constructivly dismissed, from Arvato, in December 2006.

And even now, I can notice, while taking business-calls, in my new job, that I've still not really recovered fully.

I get very fast tired, from taking business-calls.

But back to the logging.

Most agents, like the representatives at Arvato MSPA, were called, had a wrap-up time, on between 0 and 1 seconds.

So all the agents must have logged the call, during the call.

Because the call is supposed to be logged, twice, electronically.

And also on a form, if the call took more than three or four minutes.

So I think the quality of the customer-support, was affected by this, since I don't understand how one can focus on the call, and ending the call, while loging the call electronically in two different systems, at the same time.

I think this and other things that went on there, meant that we weren't really threated like people, but more like machines or animals.

Something like this.


The reason I started to write about the Illuminati-stuff, or what it is.

Is because, the only time in my life, that I've experienced anything similar, with what I experienced, the last months at Arvato, was when I went in the ninth grade, at school, in Norway.

At Svelvik Ungdomsskole, or Svelvik High-School, in English.

Then I had a step-sister, or the daugter of the woman my father lived with.

(I lived alone in a flat by myself, not far from where they lived).

And my steph-sister, was about the prettiest girl in town.

She went in the seventh grade, on the same school.

So she was thirteen, and I was fifteen.

We lived in a town called Berger, about 5 miles from the town Svelvik, where the High-scool was.

My steph-sister, got a boyfriend that year.

It was a guy called, Simen Grossvold, who was maybe one year older than her.

Something like that.

His sister, Anne Grossvold, was in my class.

I was bullied all the time, that year.

Anne and Simen Grossvold, was from Svelvik.

So Anne, should have sat, with the group from Svelvik, in the ninth grade, like she had done in the two previous years, the two first years of high-school.

We were a split class.

It was our class from primary-school, at Berger.

And when our class started at High-school, then six girls from Svelvik, joined our class, so that we were around 30 pupils.

But in the ninth grade, I was so much bullied, and I wasn't really part of the class, and never spoke to anyone.

But that year, I sat at the front of the room, by the windows.

That year, if I turned around, I could see, that Anne Grossvold, from Svelvik, for some reason, sat in the middle of the bullies from Berger, so that if I turned my head, to lock at people who sat behind me, then I looked right at Anne Grossvold, who really should have been sitting with the Svelvik-girls.

But sat with the Berger-guys, for some reason.

This was the year her brother and my steph-sister, started a relationship.

Later, I heard that my steph-sisters reputation in Svelvik, was distroyed.

By Simen Grossvold, or someone he knew, so that the girls in class, talked shit about my steph-sister, due to something that happened in the mentioned relationship.

And I also seem to remember that my steph-sister, didn't like this guy, after they split up.

But I don't know what really happened.

I wasn't that close with my steph-sister then.

I didn't deer to speak with her at school, in case the bullying, was 'contagiuos', and that they would have started to bully her then.

My sister also went in the same grade, as my steph-sister.

And, I didn't want my sister and steph-sister, to know, how unpopular I was, in class, so I tried to aviod them, because I thought it was a bit embarrasing, to be so much bullied.

At Berger, or Bergeråsen, the lower field of houses there, I was seldom bullied.

So I don't think they were used to me being bullied, I had my own house and all, so the years before these years, I think I had been quite popular, at Bergeråsen, at least not so that I was bullied all the time.

But anyway.

I suspect a bit now, that the bullying could have been organised.

That there is a war against blond people.

And that they wanted to make my steph-sister to a whore, or something.

And that this was why Anne Grossvold sat behind me there, to try to find out when they should attack, to wear me down, or something.

So that I couldn't give my steph-sister support, if she needed it.

Something like this.

That's just a thought that has come to mind, now recently.

It seems to me, that something similar happened, at Arvato.

There there was a pretty, blond, Swedish girl, who I got to know a bit, since I was a bit shocked really, that they deared to send such a pretty girl, abroad, alone.

So I thought that this had to go wrong, because I knew from living in the shared house, in Walton, that it can be a bit tricky, for a Nordic person, to deal with Brits, if there is eg. a conflict etc., because I think that Brits can be quite sophisticated, and clever, so one have to watch up, so that you don't get tricked, in any way, if you are unlucky with the people you live with or work with, etc.

Since of course, that you have a weakness, as a Nordic person, in Britain.

Or at least two weaknesses.

You don't know the language that well.

And you don't know the country that well.

And you haven't got a network etc.

So there are really many weaknesses one have, as a Nordic person, moving alone to Britain, if you are unlucky, and meet the wrong people.

And then, at Arvato, like I wrote earlier in this post, somethink almost similar, with what happened, at Svelvik Ungdomsskole, in 1985/86, happened.

Noone spoke with me in a polite way, of the people working there.

And I was attacked, in bullying-attacks.

It seemed that on both occations, it was to wear me down.

Something like this.

And I've never experiensed this, before or after, these two mentioned periods.

So, if this was connected in anyway, with, that I was an indipendant person, that could have given a beautiful girl, my stephsister, and the Swedish girl, at Arvato, help, since I was in their network.

So they tried to passify me, or something like this.

Maybe to get the girl, to ditch me, so that they didn't want to know me any longer.

Since they would thing I was a puff, since I had been worn down.

Something like this.

And when they control all the people, in the pretty blond girls network, then they attack, and try to make her to a whore.

Since, blond people are the ham-people, the slave people, from the bible, and the Jews control the world.

Or the Illuminati, or what they are.

Something like this.

That blond people, are living in a Matrix-world, and that there is a war against them, to make them into whores and slaves.

And that the UN-report, a couple of years ago, that stated that the last blond person would be born, in the next century, in Finland, actually is true, it's just that it has been covered up, by the Illuminati, or New World Order, who control the world, more or less, and are experts on cover-ups etc.

This is how it seems to me at least, since I saw a guy, with a 'New World Order'-avatar, on a Norwegian message-board, last year.

(The Avatar, in the heading, on this blog).

After that I started reading a bit up, on the New World Order, and the Illuminati.

And what I've written now, is the conclusion I've reached now.

But I'm continuing, to thing about, how this really is.

So it's not like a conclusion, it's just about how I think this is, at the moment.

A 'hypotese', like it's called in Norwegian, which I learned, when I read some philosophy etc., after I got imatriculated, at the University in Oslo, in 1991, since I wanted to study a bit, besides working, in a gap-year, that I had, between my years of Infomation-technology-studies.

I didn't take the course, at the University in Oslo, that serious.

It was just, that I felt a bit ashamed, of working in a food-store, OBS Triaden, at the time, so I thought I had to find something else to do as well, since I hadn't really planed, at the moment, to work in a food-shop all my life.

I thought I had to try to do something usefull as well.

So then I started to read, at the philosophy etc., that people need to read, to be allowed, to study at the University of Oslo.

Even if you want to study computers there, or media, or whatever, you first have to pass the philospy etc. module, called ex-phil.

And now later, another module, called ex-fac.

I mention this, since I think Oslo University, is one of very few universities, that demand that people have to pass philosphy-test etc., to be allowed to study there.

A lot of it, was difficult to understand.

Like Platons cave-theory, and things like that.

So, one really have to concentrate, on stuff, that one really haven't planned to study, to be allowed to study there.

So I'm not sure what to think of this.

But I think it sounds a bit strange maybe.

But it could be, that there actually is a good reason behind demanding all students to pass these modules.

That's possible.

It's just me, who haven't understood why yet.

But one can't understand everything.

But maybe I'll understand it later sometime.

We'll see.

I think this must be Bill Gates, who's trying to take revenge on me, on Facebook.

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I didn't really like this.

Read this document on Scribd: scan0104

On Arvato, broken headset-wires weren't replaced, but fixed with blue-tac, so calls were sometimes lost.

Read this document on Scribd: scan0111

Read this document on Scribd: scan0110


Here's a comment I wrote, about the equipment on Arvato etc., on Scribd:

On Arvato, broken headset-wires weren't replaced, but fixed with blue-tac, so calls were sometimes lost.

The broken headset-parts, weren't thrown away, put kept in a box.

So if you worked the late-shift, then there sometimes weren't enough computers, with working head-sets, when your shift started.

And then you had to start looking in the box, the managers said.

And the box was full of equipment that didn't work.

So then you'd try one headset, which didn't work, that had a bad microphone, so the customers couldn't hear you, and so on and so on.

The broken equipment, wasn't cleaned up in, my eg. a manager.

No, noone threw it away, and new headsets weren't bought, due to budgets, the mangers said.

So we had to use the blue-tac, and broken head-set parts were lieing everywhere, on the tables, and in the box, so it was a chaos, to try to get the equipment working for the calls.

There were many campaigns, at Arvato, maybe ten campagins, MSPA, 3, Carphone Warehouse, Miele, MSN, Bon Prix, etc, etc.

So if I couldn't find a headset that was working, I sometimes went to the other campaigns, and borrowed a working head-set, so that I could take the calls properly.

Since they all were the same company, I thought.

But one Bon Prix team-leader, Chris Baines, once attacked me, since when I moved away from a bullying team-leader, Steinsland, then the phone, had two head-sets on it, since two Finnish girls had been using 'my' computer, on the early-shift, for training.

So I had to remove the extra head-set, and then Baines, from Bon Prix, dressed in a hooded sweater, startet attacking me, like a bully on the street, right in my face, in an aggressive way, I think one have to say.

So it would have been more simple, if the equipment that wasn't working, was cleaned up in, and new equipment bought in, when needed.

From a customer-service perspective, I mean.


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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