Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

torsdag 30. oktober 2008

Lufthansa-staff must have a lot to do. They first wrote to me at, and not, I discovered now. Probably busy.

Google Mail - Your email dated 9 August 2008 / Feedback number 20627974
Google Mail Ante Valente <>

Your email dated 9 August 2008 / Feedback number 20627974 <> 19 August 2008 10:01

Dear Mr Ribsskog


Thank you for your email dated 9 August 2008.


We were very sorry to learn about the occurring
problems regarding your immigration into the United States on 25 February 2005
and can well understand how upsetting this situation must have been for you.


To our regret, we were unable to research this matter
owing to the travel date years ago. We however would like to inform you that
usually, necessary immigration forms are in fact handed out on board to
Lufthansa passengers travelling to the United States and we are unable to
advise why this was obviously not done in your case.


As it is nonetheless unclear if this lapse from our
side was in effect the reason for the denial of your entry into the country, we
suppose that there might as well have been another cause on hand.


In this context, we wish to enlighten that in general, it
is our passengers’ own responsibility to provide all relevant travel
documents throughout the entire travel in accordance with article 13 of the
General Terms and Conditions of Carriage. Otherwise, penalties apply upon
arrival for the operating carrier as well as the travelling guest. Thus, any
document checks by Lufthansa employees will not release the customer from his
self-reliance in order to prevent any penalty in his personal interest and the
interest of the respective airline. Your understanding of our position in this
matter would be highly appreciated.


Dear Mr Ribsskog, although we are unable to
assist your further in this matter, we hope that you will continue to place
your trust in Lufthansa and consider our airline for your future travel plans.


Yours sincerely

Petra Zimdars  

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Customer Relations

33322 Gütersloh

Fax: 01805/838005

Sitz der Gesellschaft/Corporate Headquarters:

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln


Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jürgen Weber

Vorstand/Executive Board:

Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Vorsitzender/Chairman)

Stephan Gemkow

Stefan Lauer



Google Mail - Your emails dated 08 ans 27 August 2008 / Feedback number 20627974

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Your emails dated 08 ans 27 August 2008 / Feedback number 20627974


Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 6:26 AM


Dear Mr Ribsskog


Thank you for your email dated 26 August 2008.


To our regret, you obviously did not receive our reply
to your earlier writing from 8 August 2008 that we sent to you per email on

August 2008. For this reason, we resend our previous letter today
with this email.


On 19 August 2008 we wrote:


Dear Mr Ribsskog


Thank you for your email dated 9 August 2008.


We were very sorry to learn about the occurring
problems regarding your immigration into the United States on 25 February 2005
and can well understand how upsetting this situation must have been for you.


To our regret, we were unable to research this matter owing
to the travel date years ago. We however would like to inform you that usually,
necessary immigration forms are in fact handed out on board to Lufthansa
passengers travelling to the United
States and we are unable to advise why this
was obviously not done in your case.


As it is nonetheless unclear if this lapse from our
side was in effect the reason for the denial of your entry into the country, we
suppose that there might as well have been another cause on hand.


In this context, we wish to enlighten that in general, it
is our passengers’ own responsibility to provide all relevant travel documents
throughout the entire travel in accordance with article 13 of the General Terms
and Conditions of Carriage. Otherwise, penalties apply upon arrival for the
operating carrier as well as the travelling guest. Thus, any document checks by
Lufthansa employees will not release the customer from his self-reliance in
order to prevent any penalty in his personal interest and the interest of the
respective airline. Your understanding of our position in this matter would be
highly appreciated.


Dear Mr Ribsskog, although we are unable to
assist your further in this matter, we hope that you will continue to place
your trust in Lufthansa and consider our airline for your future travel plans.


Yours sincerely

Petra Zimdars  

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Customer Relations

33322 Gütersloh

Fax: 01805/838005

Sitz der Gesellschaft/Corporate Headquarters:

Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, Köln


Amtsgericht Köln HR B 2168

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jürgen Weber

Vorstand/Executive Board:

Wolfgang Mayrhuber (Vorsitzender/Chairman)

Stephan Gemkow

Stefan Lauer




Ante Valente, is really a Lappish chef, played by Norwegian comedian Herodes Falsk, from Drammen, the nearest big town, from where I used to live in Norway, Berger, before I moved to Oslo, in 1989.

The first name 'Ante' is Lappish, the last-name, is taken from a food-program chef, on Norwegian tv-channel, TV-Norge, Gino Valente, who made Italian food etc., in the nineties.

I sometimes use this comedy-name as a nick, when I don't want to use my own name for some reason etc.

The first years, that I had the internet, then I didn't like to use my own name, to register on internet-sites etc., so I often just wrote 'Ante Valente' etc.

Which I also did from old habbit, when I registered the, e-mail account, in 2006, so it lookes a bit stupid.

But this was on a day in 2006, when I had the early-shift, at Arvato, and it was before the e-mail rules, and internet-rules, really became strict.

But I was a bit tired, so I just wrote Ante Valente, by old habbit, I didn't think of the fact, that it would look stupid on the e-mails.

Just to try to explain.

Here's more about Ante Valente.

(This is 80's/90's humor, which was considered stupid even then, so it's maybe not so funny now, but anyway):

Today we'll learn to make the famous reindeer-sandwich from Karasjok (in northern Norway).

But before we start, we have to relax completely.

How do we relax completely?

With massage?

No, no, no. (Said in a Lappish way).

With jacuzi?

No, no, no.

With liquer?

Yes, yes.

Now we are relaxed.

Now we have to make the food.

Where's the reindeer?

(Looks in the cupboards etc.).

No reindeer here.

Yes, yes, yes.

Then we have to make snowmobile-sandwich instead.

First we need two big slices of bread.

And then butter.

Yes, yes, yes.

And then spread.

Spread is important.

(Pours on liquor).

How do we prepare snowmobile-sandwich?

Should it be barbequed?

No, no, no.

Should it be shaked?

No, no, no.

It should be drunk!

(Puts the bread-slices the food-processor).

Maybe we have forgotten a bit spread.

(Poures on more liquor).

Let's hope that we haven't used to much butter.

See you next week!

Noen e-poster fra 2005. (In Norwegian).

Google Mail - svar

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 18, 2005 at 11:27 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Magne Winnem <>

Hei Magne,

sorry at jeg er sen med a svare. Har ikke egen inett linje her.

Ja, bruker kanskje hotmail mere, men bruker denne mail adr også

spes. hvis det er store vedlegg osv.

Høres kult ut å bli med ut å seile en dag, men er ikke i Oslo nå,

bor ute på landet, hos onkelen min nede i larvik for tiden. Men kanskje

jeg kan få sitte på med onkelen min en gang han skal innover til oslo,

hvis jeg ikke kjøper meg bil selv da.

Driver å hjelper onkelen min med skogsarbeid på eiendommen osv, det er ganske

digg å jobbe ute nå når det er ganske bra vær.

Men jeg har tenkt å gjøre ferdig final year prosjektet mitt fra

sunderland, men jeg

klarte å ikke ta med meg jbuilder fra sland, og jeg har ikke bredbånd

her, så jeg

skulle trengt å fått tak i en versjon av det.

Hvis du har tid en dag, gidder du se om du klarer å finne det på

nettet? Det hadde

vært dritkult i såfall!

Håper ting går bra ellers, og sorry jeg er treg å svare, skal skjerpe

meg. Prates!


On 5/10/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:



> Hei


> Ok, jeg skal ikke si noe. Har kun sagt det til Elin.


> Er det denne e-mail adressen du bruker mest?


> Har du lyst å være med på seilbåten en dag?


> Mvh

> Magne


> -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

> Sendt: 10. mai 2005 12:07

> Til: Magne Winnem

> Emne: Re: Emailing: CRW_2499_RJ.JPG, CRW_2491_RJ.JPG


> Hei,


> det er lang historie som vanlig.


> Men jeg burde egentlig ikke ha sagt til noen at jeg er tilbake i

> Norge, fordi jeg har klart å få noen folk etter meg i oslo osv,

> (selv om jeg ikke har gjort noe galt).


> Så jeg kan fortelle mer senere hvis du er int.


> Det er helt på tryne hele greia.


> Så kult hvis du ikke sier til noen at jeg er tilbake.


> Jeg vet det høres teit ut, men det har bare blitt sånn, kan eventuelt

> fortelle mer senere.


> Erik


> On 4/28/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:

> > Hei

> >

> > Jeg har ikke fått napp enda, men regner med å få jobb før sommerferien.

> Skal

> > i jobbintervju neste uke.

> >

> > Er du jobbsøker eller skal du avslutte studier?

> >

> > Kult hvis du har tid til å stikke innom en dag. Selv om du ikke har bil

> > lengre, så bor jeg jo rett ved toget. Stort sett er jeg alene hjemme på

> > dagtid.

> >

> > Mvh

> > Magne

> >

> > -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> > Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

> > Sendt: 26. april 2005 20:26

> > Til: Magne Winnem

> > Emne: Re: Emailing: CRW_2499_RJ.JPG, CRW_2491_RJ.JPG

> >

> > Hei Magne,

> >

> > Bra å høre at du hadde en fin ferie.

> >

> > Hvordan går det med jobbsøkingen osv?

> >

> > Er tilbake i Norge igjen nå faktisk, lang historie det og (som vanlig).

> >

> > Håper alt går bra ellers også.

> >

> > Prates

> >

> > Erik

> >

> > On 4/18/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hei

> > >

> > > Litt sent, men her kommer i hvert fall noen bilder av barna fra

> > påskeferien

> > > vi hadde sammen med Eivind m/fam i Nesbyen. Kjempe tur!

> > >

> > > MvH

> > > Magne

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >



Google Mail - svar

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Magne Winnem

Thu, May 26, 2005 at 6:29 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>


Hvis det er lovlig og jeg finner det så skal jeg selvfølgelig brenne en cd

til deg, det er ingen problem.

Jeg har nesten fått flere jobber, så jeg er ikke langt unna. Sendte mange

søknader i går.



-----Opprinnelig melding-----

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 26. mai 2005 12:22

Til: Magne Winnem

Emne: Re: svar


jeg glemte å skrive at det ikke er pirat programvare, men det er lov

å laste ned for studenter osv.

Skal sjekke litt mer opp om hvordan dette var igjen.

Har bare isdn her, og det er dama til onkelen min sin pc, så det er

ikke sånn at jeg kan bruke den hele tiden.

Men kanskje jeg leier meg en leilighet med bredbånd osv snart,

vi får se.

Blir ikke så mye tennis og badminton osv for tiden for meg, iom.

at jeg har ødelagt det andre korsbåndet i kneet også, så det jeg

kan trene er stort sett litt tredemølle og svømming.

Hadde vært kult å få fikset kneet og spilt litt tennis osv igjen, det

er helt sikkert. Men det er 1 uke på sykehus og 2 mnd. med krykker,

men det hadde vært kult å fått kneet i orden da.

Jeg sjekker opp mer ang. hvordan det er med å laste ned det progget,

var vel litt frekt å spørre om du gadd å gjøre det, men jeg begynte på

et sånt prosjekt i England, så det hadde vært kult å fortsatt med det.

Men jeg sjekker mer opp om det og prater mer med deg om det senere

hvis det er greit.

Hvordan går det med nye jobber osv da, det virker som om det skal bli

litt oppgang i it-jobber fremover, gjør det ikke?

Vennlig hilsen


On 5/25/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:



> Hei




> Jeg er ikke så inn i dette med pirat programvare på nettet, men Andre er

> det. Prøv han:




> Jobbet litt i hage selv, og er enig at det kan være fint å få brukt





> Spilte tennis forrige helg, noe ryggen ikke likte.




> Vi prates!




> Mvh


> Magne

Google Mail - sw

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Mon, May 30, 2005 at 1:32 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Magne Winnem <>

Hei Magne!

Tror login mail-adresse på borland er:,

og passord: conscons2

Hvis det går greit å laste ned jbuilder, så kult hvis du gidder å sende den

til Martin Ribsskog, Løvås, 3282 Kvelde.

Trenger ikke skrive mitt navn, fordi jeg sier fra til onkelen min at det

sannsynligvis kommer en cd.

Kult hvis du får fikset dette!

Si fra hvis det er noen problemer med login e.l.

Vennlig hilsen Erik

On 5/29/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:

> Hei


> Skal ikke ha noe penger.


> Du får hilse tilbake.


> Magne


> -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

> Sendt: 29. mai 2005 00:10

> Til: Magne Winnem

> Emne: Re: sw


> Hei,


> ja, hvis du det går greit så.


> Skal sjekke opp adressen til onkelen min i morgen eller noe, og

> maile deg den.


> Kan sende penger over nettbank for porto osv hvis du vil det.


> Husker ikke adressen i hodet osv nå, for har drukket en del øl osv i dag.


> Pia er på besøk her osv, så skal hilse fra henne.


> Prates.


> Erik


> On 5/27/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:

> > Hei

> >

> > Kanskje du selv skal kjøre gjennom registreringsprosessen, og maile med

> det

> > jeg trenger for å laste det ned.

> >

> > Mvh

> > Magne

> >

> > -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> > Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

> > Sendt: 27. mai 2005 12:04

> > Til: Magne Winnem

> > Emne: Re: sw

> >

> > Foundation-versjonen kanskje, hvis du har tid å fikse det så.

> >

> > Hadde vært kult gjort det i så fall.

> >

> > Erik

> >

> >

> > On 5/26/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Hei

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Det var lett på finne:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hvilken skal du ha?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mvh

> > > Magne

> >

> >

> >

> >





Google Mail - SV: Kompetanse på SAML, PKI, Java, J2EE ønskes

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

SV: Kompetanse på SAML, PKI, Java, J2EE ønskes

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 1:51 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Magne Winnem <>

Hei Magne,

sendte dette svaret jeg:

Det ble vel kanskje ikke så veldig proft med, takk for tipset i hvertfall!



av disse så har jeg i allefall kompetanse på Java.

Var blant annet ansvarlig for all java-programmeringen på en prosjekt-gruppe

i programutvikling ved HIO.

Jobber også for tiden med java i forbindelse med en prosjektoppgave

fra University

of Sunderland.

Har studert data ved NHI, HIO og University of Sunderland, i tillegg

har jeg jobbet

bl.a. som butikksjef, så jeg har også litt kompetanse på


Har dessverre ikke noen scanner her nå, men her er en liste med hvilke eksamener

jeg har fra HIO:

Diskret Matematikk: A

Programmering (Java): B

Web-prosjekt: A

Programutvikling (Java): B

Datamaskinarkitektur: C

Statistikk: C

Systemutvikling: B

System og nettverksadm: B

Relasjonsdatabaser: E


Grunnkurs programmering: 2.1

Databaser og datamodeller: 2.1

Operativsystemer: 2.2

Algoritmer og datastrukturer: 3.0

Markedsføring: 2.4

Organisasjon og ledelse: 3.2

Finansiering: 3.5

Datasikkerhet: 1.9

Kvalitetssikring: 2.9

Ekspertsystemer: 3.5

Det siste året har jeg studert data ved University of Sunderland, men

har ikke fått karakterene derfra ennå.

Målet mitt er å jobbe med systemutvikling/programmering i java, så jeg

ble litt interessert da jeg leste mailen din.

Så bare kontakt meg hvis det er noe mer info. du trenger.

Ha en fortsatt fin sommer!

Vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

On 7/6/05, Thom-Erik Gruer <> wrote:

> Hei

> Vi har hørt at du innehar kompetanse på PKI/ sikkerhet, Java og J2EE, og vi

> er derfor interessert i å komme i kontakt med deg.

> Til informasjon er Code Partner AS et bemanningsselskap/ konsulentselskap.

> For ytterligere informasjon om oss, se våre hjemmesider

> Fint om du kan kontakte undertegnede.

> Ha en riktig fin kveld.


> Mvh


> Thom-Erik Gruer

> Salgssjef

> Direkte: 67 82 70 57

> Mobil:   48 01 48 00

> E-post:


On 7/6/05, Magne Winnem <> wrote:


> Hei


> Erik Ribsskog kan være en kandidat.




> Mvh

> Magne Winnem


> -----Opprinnelig melding-----

> Fra: Code Partner AS []

> Sendt: 6. juli 2005 09:10

> Til:

> Emne: Kompetanse på SAML, PKI, Java, J2EE ønskes


> Hei.  Vi trenger din assistanse!!! Våre oppdragsgivere etterspør kompetanse

> innen SAML.  I tillegg ønskes det erfaring med PKI/sikkerhet, Java og J2EE.

> Tips om kandidater - eller deg selv - som medfører ansettelse, blir selvsagt

> premiert på en hyggelig måte.  Kontakt oss snarest.  Hilsen  Code Partner AS

> Thom-Erik tlf 480 14 800 Jens Fredrik tlf 909 54 737




Google Mail - En liten mail fra Code Partner AS

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

En liten mail fra Code Partner AS

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 6:58 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>



her kommer endelig den cv-en.

Det var noen datoer osv. jeg var nødt til å sjekke opp først, så beklager

at det tok litt tid!

Bare kontakt meg hvis du trenger noe mer info eller dokumentasjon.

Vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

On 7/11/05, Thom-Erik Gruer <> wrote:

> Hei igjen

> Har du din cv?


> Mvh


> Thom-Erik Gruer

> Salgssjef

> Direkte: 67 82 70 57

> Mobil:   48 01 48 00

> E-post:




> -----Original Message-----

> From: Erik Ribsskog []

> Sent: 11. juli 2005 15:47

> To:

> Subject: Re: En liten mail fra Code Partner AS


> Hei,


> av disse så har jeg i allefall kompetanse på Java.


> Var blant annet ansvarlig for all java-programmeringen på en prosjekt-gruppe

> i programutvikling ved HIO.


> Jobber også for tiden med java i forbindelse med en prosjektoppgave fra

> University of Sunderland.


> Har studert data ved NHI, HIO og University of Sunderland, i tillegg har jeg

> jobbet bl.a. som butikksjef, så jeg har også litt kompetanse på

> service/kundebehandling.


> Har dessverre ikke noen scanner her nå, men her er en liste med hvilke

> eksamener jeg har fra HIO:


> Diskret Matematikk: A

> Programmering (Java): B

> Web-prosjekt: A

> Programutvikling (Java): B

> Datamaskinarkitektur: C

> Statistikk: C

> Systemutvikling: B

> System og nettverksadm: B

> Relasjonsdatabaser: E


> NHI:


> Grunnkurs programmering: 2.1

> Databaser og datamodeller: 2.1

> Operativsystemer: 2.2

> Algoritmer og datastrukturer: 3.0

> Markedsføring: 2.4

> Organisasjon og ledelse: 3.2

> Finansiering: 3.5

> Datasikkerhet: 1.9

> Kvalitetssikring: 2.9

> Ekspertsystemer: 3.5


> Det siste året har jeg studert data ved University of Sunderland, men har

> ikke fått karakterene derfra ennå.


> Målet mitt er å jobbe med systemutvikling/programmering i java, så jeg ble

> litt interessert da jeg leste mailen din.


> Så bare kontakt meg hvis det er noe mer info. du trenger.


> Ha en fortsatt fin sommer!


> Vennlig hilsen


> Erik Ribsskog










> On 7/6/05, Thom-Erik Gruer <> wrote:

> > Hei

> > Vi har hørt at du innehar kompetanse på PKI/ sikkerhet, Java og J2EE,

> > og vi er derfor interessert i å komme i kontakt med deg.

> > Til informasjon er Code Partner AS et bemanningsselskap/ konsulentselskap.

> > For ytterligere informasjon om oss, se våre hjemmesider

> > Fint om du kan kontakte undertegnede.

> > Ha en riktig fin kveld.

> >

> > Mvh

> >

> > Thom-Erik Gruer

> > Salgssjef

> > Direkte: 67 82 70 57

> > Mobil:   48 01 48 00

> > E-post:

> >

> >




CV - Erik Ribsskog.rtf

Google Mail - CV

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 7:01 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Magne Winnem <>


sender kopi av cv-en jeg sendte det konsulent-firmaet.

Har ikke så peil på å skrive de, så kult hvis du har tid å se over.

Ha en fortsatt fin ferie!



CV - Erik Ribsskog.rtf

Google Mail - Att. of Mr. Richard Smith

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Att. of Mr. Richard Smith

Richard Smith

Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 12:42 PM


Erik Ribsskog <>


Thank you for your application to Freedom Recruitment Limited. Your details

are currently being reviewed by one of our Consultants.

Due to the high volume of enquiries we receive, we are only able to respond

to those applicants whose skills meet our current requirements. If you do

not hear from one of our consultants within the next 5 working days then

unfortunately your application has been unsuccessful this time.








Once again we thank you for using Freedom Recruitment in your search for

employment and look forward to your next application to one of our




Freedom Recruitment Ltd

50 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7JS

Tel: 020 7734 9779     Fax: 020 7734 1101



Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not

necessarily those of Freedom Recruitment Ltd and/or its subsidiaries.

This email and any files transmitted with it, including replies and

forwarded copies are confidential and solely for the use of the intended

recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible

for delivering to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received

this email in error and that any use is strictly prohibited.

If you have received this email in error please notify Freedom Recruitment

Ltd on +44 (0)20 7734 9779 or via email to including

a copy of this message. Please then delete this email and destroy any copies

of it.

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 15 August 2005 12:51


Subject: Re: [man] Att. of Mr. Richard Smith


here you go. Tell me if its still not possible to open the attachment,

then I could just send it by regular mail.


Erik Ribsskog

On 8/15/05, Richard Smith <> wrote:

> Please can you re-send as i was unable to open the attachment.


> Regards

> Richard Smith


> Freedom Recruitment Ltd

> Direct Line: +44 (0)161 935  8112

> Tel: +44 (0)161 935 8077

> Fax: +44 (0)161 935 8187


> -------------------------------------------------------------

> Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not

> necessarily those of Freedom Recruitment Ltd and/or its subsidiaries.


> This mail is intended for the named recipient only. It may contain

> privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended

> recipient, notify the sender immediately and destroy this email. You must

> not copy, distribute or take action in reliance upon it.


> All efforts are made to safeguard emails however Freedom Recruitment Ltd

> cannot guarantee that attachments are virus free and does not accept

> liability in respect of viruses or computer problems experienced. We


> the right to monitor all email communications through our internal and

> external networks.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: []

> Sent: 15 August 2005 09:04

> To: richard smith

> Subject: [man] Att. of Mr. Richard Smith



> Hi,


> refer to telephone-call last week, and send the CV as promised.


> Regards


> Erik Ribsskog




Google Mail - Gmail is different. Here's what you need to know.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Gmail is different. Here's what you need to know.

Gmail Team

Sat, Oct 2, 2004 at 6:31 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

First off, welcome. And thanks
for agreeing to help us test Gmail. By now you probably know the key ways in
which Gmail differs from traditional webmail services. Searching instead of
filing. A free gigabyte of storage. Messages displayed in context as conversations.

So what else is new?

Gmail has many other special features that will become apparent as you use
your account. To help you get started, we encourage you to visit our
Help Center, there you can browse
frequently asked questions, read our
Getting Started guide,
or contact the Gmail User Support Team. You'll also find information in the Help
Center on such topics as:

  • Importing your contacts
    from Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, and others to Gmail
  • Using address auto-complete

  • Setting up filters for incoming mail

  • Using advanced search options

You may also have noticed some text ads or related links to the right of this
message. They're placed there in the same way that ads are placed alongside
Google search results and, through our AdSense program, on content pages across
the web. The matching of ads to content in your Gmail messages is performed
entirely by computers; never by people. Because the ads and links are matched
to information that is of interest to you, we hope you'll find them relevant
and useful.

We're working hard during our limited test to improve Gmail and make it the best
webmail service around. Thanks for taking the plunge with us. We hope you'll
enjoy Google's approach to email.


The Gmail Team

P.S. You can sign in to your account any time by visiting

Tema: Har 5 invites til Gmail, hvem vil ha?

Nytt Tema Legg Tema Til Favoritter Regler Flat
cons [2063] 08.09.04 15:11 Er innlegget upassende? Tips oss Svar På Endre
Jeg hadde også satt veldig pris på det, hvis noen hadde hatt en å sende meg.

Google Mail - Magne, Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Magne, Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 7:53 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Magne Winnem <>

Ok, den er grei.

Blir kanskje litt mange e-mail adresser etterhvert ja.


On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:19:24 +0200, Magne Winnem

<> wrote:

> Hei


> Sikkert bra med store vedlegg, men jeg ønsker ikke flere e-mail adresser. Jeg tror jeg har 5 stykker med 2 jeg ikke bruker.


> Magne




> -----Original Message-----

> From: Erik Ribsskog []

> Sent: 20. oktober 2004 14:20

> To: Magne Winnem

> Subject: Magne, Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account


> I've been using Gmail and thought you might like to try it out. Here's

> an invitation to create an account.


> -----------------------------------------------------------------------


> Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a free Gmail account. The invitation

> will expire in three weeks and can only be used to set up one account.


> To accept this invitation and register for your account, visit



> Once you create your account, Erik Ribsskog will be notified with

> your new address so you can stay in touch with Gmail!


> If you haven't already heard about Gmail, it's a new search-based webmail

> service that offers:


> - 1,000 megabytes (one gigabyte) of free storage

> - Built-in Google search that instantly finds any message you want

> - Automatic arrangement of messages and related replies into

>  "conversations"

> - Text ads and related pages that are relevant to the content of your

>  messages


> Gmail is still in an early stage of development. But If you set up an

> account, you'll be able to keep it even after we make Gmail more

> widely available. We might also ask for your comments and suggestions

> periodically and we appreciate your help in making Gmail even better.


> Thanks,


> The Gmail Team


> To learn more about Gmail before registering, visit:



> (If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them

> into the address bar of your browser).



Google Mail - hjemmeside

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


TeknoKonsulent Magne Winnem

Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 9:03 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>



Under ser du
adressen. Har skrevet sidene i Publisher, men har testet sidene i både firefox
og internet explorer.


Magne Winnem

92 21 23 34


Google Mail - Hilsen fra Pia.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Hilsen fra Pia.

NFU Firmapost

Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 1:47 PM


Hei Erik.

Håper du har det bra.

Skal hilse så mye fra bestemor, hun sier hun tenker mye på


Vi kommer til å savne deg i julen, hvis du ikke kommer hjem


Ta vare på deg selv.


Vi prates. Pia.

Skal hilse fra Daniel.

Google Mail - Vodafone 3G data card essential knowledge

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Vodafone 3G data card essential knowledge

Steven Graham

Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 10:41 AM



Dear Customer


Thank you for purchasing a Vodafone Mobile connect card
through Genesis Communications. 
We would like to provide you with the following important
information which will help you in using the card.  Please read the following and carry out
what actions you feel necessary based on our advice, although our advice is
based on individual findings therefore we cannot be held responsible for any
damages arising from following advice obtained here.  Pay as you use customers – please read the
attached document PAYU Activation letter before you proceed.


How your account is charged

Instead of being charged per min for your connection to the
internet, when using the data card you are charged per mb of information
transferred.  1mb = approx 20-30 web pages of browsing or approx 100
emails of 100 words in length(not including attachments).

On the basic tariff (MOCOMED) you are charged £20 per month
for the first 75mb of usage whilst in the UK.  PAY AS YOU USE is charged at £2 per mb.

You are then charged £1.50 per mb thereafter. 


Tariff upgrades

You may upgrade your tariff although you cannot downgrade
for 6 months afterwards, other tariffs include VFMC200 (
£25 for 250mb, £1 per mb
thereafter), MOBCNUN
(£45 for 1000mb, £1 per mb thereafter) and MOBCONT TRAVEL TARIFF (£95 for
1000mb and 100 mb
inclusive whilst abroad when
roaming on other Vodafone networks where they have a 3G roaming agreement; see
Vodafone’s website for details of these countries)

You can upgrade your tariff at any time simply by clicking
to return an email detailing your requirements.  PAY AS YOU USE CUSTOMERS – YOU


Using the card abroad

As with a mobile phone, you are subject to roaming charges
whilst travelling abroad.  We
now have a tariff for the frequent traveller, please see section on Tariff
upgrades above for the tariff information.  For approximate up to date call cost and
coverage information, please visit


Automatic updates

Many programs in use today have the capability to utilise an
internet connection to see whether there are any updates available to their
software.  In doing this interrogation alone, packets of data are being
transferred, often “in the background”, resulting in heavier usage
than has been recorded or actively used by the end user.

Examples of programs known to do this are Windows XP, Norton
antivirus and McAfee virus scan.

How to disable auto updates in Windows XP:


Start -> Settings/Control panel -> System (in classic view) -> Automatic Updates -> tick box “turn off auto updates completely


usage counter

The usage counter only registers data
which is processed through the Vodafone software; anything which is downloaded via
alternative software e.g. Norton Anti-Virus or Windows updates will not be
registered on the usage counter.  This is because some programs can
utilise the connection without having to be recognised by the Vodafone
software.  Therefore, we have a more accurate record of your usage which
you can access by inputting your unique ID number into the search box on



Your data card may be invaluable to your business, your only
method of communication or simply an emergency measure when no other connection
is available.  Whatever your needs, should something happen to your data
card that is not covered by the manufacturers warranty such as theft, you could
lose your card with the prospect of still having a contractual amount to pay
each month!!

We recognise the problems you could encounter in
today’s modern age and provide insurance services to cater for such

Please see the attached documents for information about the
insurance cover on offer.  Should
you wish to take advantage of our insurance cover, please quote your account no. and reply through this link.



This page cannot be displayed –
Norton Anti-virus

Since releasing the Data card several updates to Norton have
posed problems resolving web pages and retrieving emails.  This can be resolved
with the following solution:-

To connect manually:


1)       open the
Vodafone software to establish a network.

2)       Close the
Vodafone dashboard by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner (lights
remain the same on datacard)

3)       Click
start->connect to-> vodafoneUK/3Gprefered to connect to the network

4)       Browse

5)       To check up
to date usage (within 48hrs) just input the unique ID into this site


This should enable you to use the data card fully with
Symantec anti-virus software by by-passing the Vodafone software.

You can check for updates and patches for the software on


Error 619, 720 or 692

You are not able to connect as there is either a bar on the
account or the profile is set up incorrectly.

First, check the profile – Vodafone 3G data card
selected, 3G preferred, APN=Internet, username & password=web.

If the problem still occurs, please contact technical



If you have any further technical queries, please contact
myself or any of our highly skilled technical staff on 08707879687 or email us

All prices quoted are excluding VAT.  All information
correct at time of creation Apr 2005.






Steven Graham

Technical Support

Genesis Communications


3 attachments
Insurance Leaflet.pdf
PAYU Activation letter.doc

Google Mail - Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 7:29 AM



Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a free Google Mail account.

To accept this invitation and register for your account, visit

Once you create your account, Erik Ribsskog will be notified with

your new email address so you can stay in touch with Google Mail!

If you haven't already heard about Google Mail, it's a new search-based webmail

service that offers:

- Over 2,500 megabytes (two gigabytes) of free storage

- Built-in Google search that instantly finds any message you want

- Automatic arrangement of messages and related replies into


- Powerful spam protection using innovative Google technology

- No large, annoying ads--just small text ads and related pages that are

 relevant to the content of your messages

To learn more about Google Mail before registering, visit:

And, to see how easy it can be to switch to a new email service, check

out our new switch guide:

We're still working every day to improve Google Mail, so we might ask for your

comments and suggestions periodically.  We hope you'll like Google Mail.  We

do.  And, it's only going to get better.


The Google Mail Team

(If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them

into the address bar of your browser).

Google Mail - Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Mail Delivery Subsystem

Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 10:43 AM


This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:

PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 10): 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

  ----- Original message -----

Received: by with SMTP id 9mr862153wru;

       Tue, 19 Apr 2005 03:43:17 -0700 (PDT)

Message-ID: <>

Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 12:43:17 +0200

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Reply-To: Erik Ribsskog <>


Subject: Erik Ribsskog has invited you to open a Google mail account

Mime-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

  ----- Message truncated -----

Google Mail - Ante Valente has accepted your invitation to Google Mail

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Ante Valente has accepted your invitation to Google Mail

Google Mail Team

Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 8:02 AM


Erik Ribsskog <>

Ante Valente has accepted your invitation to Google Mail and has
chosen the brand new address Be one of the first to email
Ante at this new Google Mail address--just hit reply and send
Ante a message. has also been automatically added to
your contact list so you can stay in touch with Google Mail.


The Google Mail Team

Google Mail - Study fees
Google Mail Ante Valente <>

Study fees

Erik Ribsskog <> 11 February 2006 20:04


Thanks for the answer!


I havent heard from the Finance department yet, so I will call them about this next week.


Thanks again!




Erik Ribsskog

On 27/01/06, International <> wrote:
Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to our Finance department
who should be in touch with you in due course. You can contact them via

email at:

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Student helpline
University of Sunderland

Erik Ribsskog wrote:

> Hi,
> I was a student at University of Sunderland last year, and since Ive
> had some economical problems etc., I havent
> got to organize an agreement on how i should pay the study fees etc. yet.

> So I was wondering who I should contact about this.
> Im sorry it has taken me so long to contact you about this!
> Thanks in advance and regards.
> Erik Ribsskog


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
