Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

lørdag 27. juni 2009

Fler bilder fra Liverpool. (In Norwegian)

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Jeg dro ut og tok et par halvlitere, igår.

Jeg dro blant annet på Bumper, som stengte klokka 4 vel.

Det er ganske uformelt der, så det går ann å slappe av litt, synes jeg.

Det er mye studenter og sånn der da, og ikke så mange slåsskjemper og sånn, kanskje.

Men men.

Så skulle jeg gå hjem fra Bumper da, klokka 4 ca.

Så går jeg nedover Hardman St.

Så sitter det en pen ung engelsk dame, å gråter, på en trapp, utenfor en butikk, eller noe.

Så spør jeg hvorfor hun gråter da.

Så sier hun at venninna hadde dratt fra henne, og dratt hjem uten henne da.

Og hu er helt hjelpesløs osv.

Det er mulig hu var litt dopa eller hun var ihvertfall veldig full, for hun bare satt der og gråt liksom.

Så jeg tok med henne i en drosje da, og dro hjem med drosja.

Og det kosta 5 pund.

Også ga jeg taxi-sjåføren 10 pund.

Og så telte hu jenta penga sine.

Hu hadde 16-17 pund, tror jeg.

Hu skulle til et sted som het Page Moss, og het Jane, tror jeg.

Noe sånt.

Hun hadde ganske langt, brunt hår, og var kanskje ikke så veldig gammel akkurat, 18 år kanskje, og gikk i en oransje kjole, med skuldrene bare, tror jeg det var.

Men jeg bare ga henne hjelp da, siden jeg kjeda meg.

Jeg var litt full og, så jeg var ikke så sjenert og sånn, som jeg sikkert hadde vært, hvis jeg hadde vært edru.

Hun bodde hos foreldra, må det vel ha vært.

Så hun turte ikke å ringe engang, for da ville det visst blitt problemer da.

Så jeg spurte ikke om hun skulle bli med meg, for hun ville ha fått problemer hjemme osv., selv om hun var i en sånn tilstand, at jeg måtte hjelpe henne inn i taxien.

Så hun var ikke sånn, at hun klarte seg selv.

Men jeg regna med, siden både taxisjåføren og jenta var engelske, at dem klarte å få henne hjem da.

For hun hadde nok penger.

Men det var en litt vanskelig situasjon, for hun jenta var veldig ung, så jeg kunne vel nesten ikke dra henne hjem heller.

Selv om han taxi-sjåføren ikke var så vennlig, da jeg forklarte at jenta skulle hjem til seg.

Så jeg får håpe at det ikke ble noe tull med taxi-sjåføren, når hu jenta skulle hjem.

Derfor tok jeg et bilde av taxien da, når den kjørte fra Dale St.

Selv om det skiltet ikke var så lett å tyde, så jeg nå.

Men den taxien var ikke helt svart, denne hadde noen lysere felter på sidene, tror jeg.

Så da går det vel kanskje ann å identifisere den.

For det er vel ikke alltid kanskje, at jentene kommer trygt hjem her i byen, selv om de tar taxi?

Jeg ser ihvertfall at noen jenter, de kikker på mange taxier, før de velger en å ta hjem.

Hva vet jeg.

Men, man får regne med at det gikk greit.

Hu jenta, (tror jeg det var), som lå på gulvet på gatekjøkkenet, i en gate i Matthew St-området, hun vet jeg ikke hvorfor lå sånn rett ut.

Men politi-folka burde vel latt ambulanse-folk drive med sånne folk som har mista bevisstheten, skulle man vel tro(?)

Uten at jeg er noe ekspert på sånne ting.

Men de politifolka her i byen, de virker ikke helt gode alltid, for å si det sånn.

Så noen ganger, så er det kanskje bedre å ikke ringe politiet?

Hva vet jeg.

Det er mulig.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Søstra mi er nok under kontroll av faren min. (In Norwegian)

Når jeg våkna idag, så tenkte jeg, at søstra mi er nok under kontroll av faren min, antagelig.

Altså, faren min trua jo meg og søstra mi og stesøstra mi, i 1987, var det vel, på julaften, og sa at han visste ting om alle oss tre.

Siden han ikke syntes at vi oppførte oss vennlig nok mot han da, antagelig.

Han var full, da han sa dette, og det er sjelden han blir irritert.

Men da ble han det, og Christell og Pia ble redde, husker jeg.

Kan det ha vært sånn, at faren min fikk kontroll på søstra mi?

Jeg husker det, at i 1989, da jeg hadde flytta til Oslo, for å studere.

Da dro jeg tilbake til Sand, en helg, for å besøke farmora mi, og søstra mi, som da bodde hos farmora mi, etter at hun hadde flytta fra Haldis-huset, og til leiligheten jeg bodde, men faren min solgte den leiligheten, da jeg flytta til Oslo.

Han hadde gått konkurs, og han drev med et byggeprosjekt, i Sandsveien.

Og han skulle liksom ha et hus der da, som han bygde selv, som vi skulle ha som hjem da.

(Enda han bodde nede hos Haldis).

Men han naboen var så klagete.

Han som var den eneste som hadde kjøpt et av husene, i Sandsveien der.

Han klagde sånn på faren min, siden gulvet på badet ikke var støpt helt rett.

Jeg var med og jobba der et par ganger faktisk, og la parkett, heter det vel.

Nei, ikke parkett.

Det var sånne furu-planker da.

Som vi spikra med spiker-pistol, på veggene og også gulvet, tror jeg.

Hva heter det da.

Det heter kanskje parkett.

Ja, det heter parkett ja.

Og da sagde jeg parkett og alt mulig da, så det ble nok ordentlig, det jeg gjorde.

Så jeg kunne kanskje ha jobba med snekkerarbeid og tømrerarbeid, og sånn.

Men det var veldig sjelden, at faren min ba meg om å hjelpe med sånt arbeid.

Og han ba meg aldri om å lære å mekke på biler osv., enda han gjorde det ofte selv.

Han ville bare at jeg skulle lære kontorarbeid, osv.

Men men.

Men, den helgen da, som jeg dro til Ågot, fra Oslo, i 1989.

Da møtte jeg søstra mi i Drammen vel.

Og så, så hadde jeg nok blitt litt tøffere, siden Oslo er en ganske tøff by, med mye narkomane og tiggere og alkoholikere osv., som ikke er redde for å tulle med nye studenter, som har dukka opp i byen.

Så sånn er det.

Og da satt jeg og søstra mi og Ågot, i huset til Ågot da.

Så dukka faren min opp der.

Han hadde vel jobba på verkstedet, som er like ved huset til Ågot.

Eller om han hadde jobba i Drammen, i vannsengbutikken til Haldis.

Og det som skjer, er at Pia spretter opp fra sofaen.

Hun omtrent løper ut i gangen, for hun hørte vel at det var faren min da, som gikk inn døra.

Og så sier hun, sånn at jeg hører det, at 'jeg orker ikke han der jeg'.

Så søstra mi orka ikke å kontrollere meg?

Noe sånt.

Det var som om hu hadde blitt satt av faren min, til å kontrollere meg.

Også omtaler hun meg, som 'han der'.

Hun omtaler broren sin, som 'han der'.

Så det var jo helt på trynet.

Så jeg tror at søstra mi nok kan være under kontroll av faren min.

Og faren min, han skreiv jeg jo om på bloggen, igår, var det vel, at han nok er noe 'mafian'.

Ihvertfall så advarte jeg mot han.

Siden han lot meg bo aleine, fra jeg var ni år.

Han oppførte seg truende, en gang da jeg ringte fra Liverpool, så oppfattet jeg det som truende, da han spurte hvorfor jeg dro til England.

Og en julaften, så trua han meg og søstra mi og Christell, veldig direkte, om at han visste ting om oss.

Så han kom til å hevne seg på oss, sånn som jeg skjønte det.

Og han dreiv også med telefonsjikane, mot meg, tidligere iår.

Så jeg advarer mot faren min.

Men jeg vil også advare mot søstra mi, at hu nok kan være under kontroll av faren min.

Altså søstra mi sa, i 1989, at faren min hadde misbrukt henne, som barn.

Men, alikevel, så har ikke søstra mi brutt kontakten med faren min.

Så søstra mi er ikke så fornuftig, vil jeg si.

Her er det noe grums, vil jeg si, mellom søstra mi og faren min.

Hvorfor beholder søstra mi kontakten med faren min, enda hun forteller oss andre, at faren min misbrukte henne som barn?

Nei, det er ikke så voksent av Pia, synes jeg.

Så Pia kan man nok ikke stole på, som en voksen og oppegående person.

Nei, Pia er litt sånn ujavn og hun har ikke helt styringa på livet sitt, virker det som.

Så selv om jeg sier til Pia, at jeg ikke vil ha mer med faren min og Haldis, å gjøre.

Så drar Pia hele tiden disse inn i livet mitt, ved å mase om jeg skal være med på bryllup her og der, og begravelser og sånn.

Så man kan ikke bare kutte ut faren min og Haldis.

Nei, man må også kutte ut Pia, hvis man vil kutte ut faren min og Haldis.

For Pia, hun har ikke helt kontroll og styringen ovenfor faren min og Haldis.

Eller hva dette kan komme av.

Pia spiller ikke med rene kort.

Hun klarer ikke å forholde seg til, at jeg har kutta ut faren min og Haldis, men drar disse inn i livet mitt, igjen og igjen.

Så søstra mi driver med noe grumsete greier.

Så jeg må kutte ut alle de tre, Pia, faren min og Haldis.

Det nytter ikke å bare kutte ut en av de.

For Pia respekterer ikke det, at jeg har kutta ut faren min og Haldis.

Neida, hun inviterer de hjem til seg, på julaften, for å gi gaver, enda hun vet at jeg er der da.

Så det blir bare tull, med Pia.

Hun er ikke en oppegående person.

Nei, hun er en som det bare blir tull med.

Og når man er oppe i 30-åra, og snart i 40-åra, så orker man ikke så mye sånn tull og urent trav, i livet sitt.

Så derfor har kutta ut søstra mi og.

For hun driver bare å tuller, og klarer ikke å oppføre seg ansvarlig, og klarer ikke å ha klare linjer, til folka i familien da.

Hun klarer nok ikke å stå opp, mot Haldis-familien.

Enten så må man kutte ut faren min og Haldis.

Ellers så må man ikke kutte de ut.

Men søstra mi, hun har ikke noe fast mening, om dette.

Hun bare lar alt flyte, liksom.

Så da blir det så svett og ekkelt, synes jeg.

Og jeg er som sagt i 30-åra og snart i 40-åra, så jeg orker ikke å ha sånn tull, i livet mitt.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Her er to e-poster jeg sendte som svar, til the Financial Ombudsman, angående RBS-klagen, fra 2007. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:58 PM

"Cox, Rosemary" <>


thank you for you e-mail, that I recieved today.

I'll contact your collegue back, regarding the Barclays-complaint.

I sent the complaint on RBS Dale St., to Yvonne Williams at RBS, but she

also harassed me, like this, she writes 'Dear Ms Ribsskog', even if my name
is Erik, and in Britain, you have a movie called 'Erik the Viking', and Eric is
also a quite usual name, in English-speaking countries.

So I think Yvonne Williams, the complaint-investigator, also bullied me.

I think this must have been a deliberate mistake.

This ended with the complaint being partly resolved, in the way that RBS,

gave me the bonus of £100, for moving my account to them, from Barclays,
(who I also had problems with, that I'll exlain about to your collegue, like I
mentioned earlier).

I'll also find the actual complaint against RBS Dale St. now, and forward it

to you.

What I meant with the complaint-form, was that it didn't look anything at all
like the ones you've sent me now.

Maybe the complaint-form I was sent, was to do with other financial institutions,

than banks?

Like share-fonds etc?

Have you also got other complaint-forms, other than to banks, perhaps someone
sent me the wrong form intentionally?

Just a thought I had.

But anyway, thank you very much for your e-mail, and I'll also find the actual
RBS Dale St. complaint, and e-mail it to you now.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Williams, Yvonne (CRU) <>

Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 4:30 PM
Subject: RE: Earlier e-mail
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Ms Ribsskog

Could you please arrange another copy of your email to be
sent to me for my investigation


Yvonne Williams

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 19 June 2007 14:04
To: Williams, Yvonne
Subject: Earlier e-mail

*** WARNING : This message originates from the
Internet ***


I'm refering to the e-mail I sent you on 5/6.

I was just wondering if you have recieved this e-mail, because I cant

that I have recieved any answer to it yet.

Please just contact me if you want me to send you the e-mail again.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message from your computer. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.

Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No responsibility is accepted by The Royal Bank of Scotland plc in this regard and the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers appropriate.

Google Mail - RBS-complaint/Fwd:

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:03 PM

"Cox, Rosemary" <>


here's the RBS-complaint that I mentioned I would send in the e-mail I sent just now.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2007 at 12:53 AM
Subject: Re:
To: "Williams, Yvonne (CRU)" <>


I'm refering to your e-mail, and to the phone-call last week, where we agreed that I would

send you an e-mail about the problems I had mentioned in my initial e-mail.

I started writing down the dates for the phone-calls etc, after my first calls to the bank

remained unreturned.

So I'll try to explain about this chronologicaly:

First I saw your ad on the internet where it said that if one switched to RBS, one would

get a £100 switch-bonus.

I had been thinking about changing bank earlier, and since RBS is just around the block

from where I live, I thought it might be a good idea to switch.

So I went to the bank, and got an apointment for a meeting with Michelle Rigby on 19/3.


On the meeting Rigby said that I would recieve a card and some documents about the

new account in the mail in a few days.


Then more than a week went by, and I didn't recieve anything from the bank, so on

28/3, I called the bank, and they said that Rigby would call me back, but she didnt.


Then I went to the bank and contacted the reception. They told me that there was

something wrong with my details, and that they needed to see more utility-bills.

(Even if I had brought quite a few utility-bills with me to the meeting on 19/3).

Since I live not far from there, I just went home and found, I think it was my council-

tax bill or water-bill.

Then I was told that Rigby would call me back on 4/4, but she didnt call.


I called the bank again, they said Rigby would call me back.

I asked if I had got an account-number there for the new account yet, but

they said that I hadnt got an account-numer there yet.


I went to the bank in Dale St.

I spoke with the blond girl with the long hair in the reception. (Just to describe better who

it is, it's the one that usually has got big dark circles under her eyes).

The girl said that the account was off to be opened early next week.

But I didnt hear anything from the bank this time eighter.


I went to the bank again, and this time I spoke with the other blond girl in the reception. The one

that has a bit shorter hair. (But she has her hair plain, straight down, and dont 'arrange' it, like

the other blond girl does).

I explained to her that I was there a month earlier about the account, but that I hadnt heard anything.

She said that she would go and ask the Manager about this.

When she came back from speaking with the Manager, she said that I would be called from the

bank about this the same day (19/4) or the next day (20/4).


But noone called from the bank.

So at closing-time on 20/4, I went to the bank again, and spoke with the girl with the longer blond hair,

(The one with the rings under the eyes, and who I think usually sits in the place in the reception thats to

the right for the customer, the place closest to Dale St.).

The girl told me that the papers where at the service-center.

The bank was closing, I wanted to complain about that noone had called me from the bank on 19/4, or 20/4,

like the blond girl with the short/plain hair had said that the Manager said on 19/4.

But the bank was closing, so I agreed with the person in the reception, that I would go back to the bank again

on 23/4, and ask to speak with the Manager.


I didnt get to speak with the Manager, but I got to speak with a representative called Hayley.

She set me up for a new meeting with Michelle Rigby the next day.


In the meeting Rigby told me that the application had been lost by another department, so we had to

make a new application.

I had to go home and fetch the bank-statement from the old bank, and the utility-bills again, since they

were needed again for the new application.

I explained to Rigby that I was also looking for a loan, since I quite recently had been unemployed, and

har arrears on my rent and on a couple of other bills.

Rigby said that we could have a meeting where I would get a quote for a loan, after I had recieved the

letter from the bank about the new account.

I explained to Rigby that I had agreed with the girl in the reception on 19/4, that I would complain to the

Manager, regarding that the bank didn't call me on 18/4 or 19/4, like the blond girl/woman in the reception

with the plain/short hair, had said that the Manager had said (on 18/4) that the bank would do.

I also said to Rigby that the bank (meaning her), had been supposed to call me several times, but didnt.

I asked Rigby if it would be possible to send an e-mail to the branch-manager about these things (that

the bank didnt call on 18/4 and 19/4, and (Rigby) on the times before).

But Rigby said that it wasnt possible for me to send an email about this to the Manager. (She only said

'no', when I asked if it was possible, but she didnt explain why it wasnt possible).

She looked a bit upset when I asked about sending an e-mail to the Manager, so I didnt ask more about this.

She did say (earlier in the meeting), that she had contacted the customer-care department about this, and that

they would call me regarding the complaint one of the next days.


On 25/4 I recieved a call from the customer-care department.

I was at the gym while they called me, so I asked them if it would be possible for them to call me

back later, when I was at home, and when I had the notes that I'm writing from now available.

But the customer-care department didn't call me back.


Sometime between 25/4 and 11/5, I was at the bank again, and spoke with the blond girl with

the plain/short hair.

I told her that the customer-care department was supposed to call me, but didnt.

She said that she had logged this as a complaint, and that they would call me from the customer-

care department the next day.

I also went there to set up a new meeting regarding the quote for the loan, that Rigby had said

that I would get after I had got the letter from the bank about the new account.


In the meeting about the loan, Rigby said that I couldnt get a loan, since I was self-employed,

and only had copies of e-mails to document about my work.

I asked her about the £100 switch-bonus, if I still would get the switch-bonus, even if my new

account only was a cashcard (key-card) account.

Rigby could confirm this. That it was absolutly certain that I would recieve the £100 switch-

bonus, as soon as the three direct-debits were set up on my account, even if the account

was just a 'cashcard'-type of account, and not a current-account.

I thought I'd ask this to be sure, since I thought I had read something about this in the rules

for the switch-bonus on the RBS-site.

So thats why I asked Rigby if she was absolutly certain about this, since I didn't remember

exactly what the rules said.

(I tryed to check the RBS website when I got home, to see what the rules said, but I didnt

manage to find the rules on the RBS website then, I think it must have been due to the

switch-bonus campaign-periode being finished.)

In the previous meeting (on 24/4), Rigby told me that I would get a quote for a loan as soon

as I had recieved a letter from the bank confirming that the account had been opened.

I had planned to expain in the meeting with Rigby on 11/5, about the problem with the that

the customer-care department hadnt called me like they said they would do.

I really had a quite high expectations about getting a loan to cover the arrears, since Rigby

had said in the meeting 24/4 that I would be given a quote for a loan.

So the fact that I didnt get a quote for a loan, made me a bit disapointed, and made me

think about the £100 bonus.

And after I had asked about that, it seemed on Rigby that she wanted to end the meeting,

so I was a bit embarresed, and I didn't get to ask about why the customer-care department

hadnt called.

But, as a precaution, I made sure to write down what Rigby had said about the £100 bonus

on a note, as soon as I got home.

I sent you an e-mail (from your website) about the problems (about the customer-care

department not calling etc.) some weeks before 21/5, but I didnt recieve answer to this



On the 21/5, I was in your branch in Dale St. again, to deposit a cheque for £20, that I had

recieved as a refund from Scottish Power.

This was at around closing-time.

So the blond girl with the long arranged hair and the circles under her eyes, had to lock me

out of the bank by the staff-enterance.

I tryed to be nice and say that I was sorry about being late etc.

Then the girl started saying that I should get out of the house earlier.

I work as self-employed from home, so if there is much to do, then I quite often dont go out

of the house until the companies in Scandinavia (which I call to do research for my work), have


So I remember that I thought that the girl in the bank was a bit out of line starting comenting on

when I went out of the house.

I was only trying to be nice, I said sorry and tryed to tell a joke etc. (That I always use the

staff-door etc).

So I didnt think there was any need for her to be unpolite.

So thats why I decided to write a new e-mail from the RBS website when I got home from

depositing the cheque.


On the 23/5, I called the Dale St. branch, enquiering about the £100 switch bonus.

I had set up three direct-debits on my account, and I had an arrear at the gym, which I

had promised the gym that I would pay when I recieved the bonus.

I didnt catch the name of the representative I was speaking to. He knew who Rigby

was, and by the tone he used (a bit agressive, like he was the one in charge, and

if I remember right, I think the call was transfered to him after I had spoken with

someone else, asking if I could speak with Rigby), and since he sounded like he

was maybe 30 or 40 years old, due to this, I assumed that he was one of the


(It says on my notes that the call was aournd 4.30 pm, I wrote down the time since I

didnt catch the name).

The representative said that I would recieve a letter about a week after 4/6 (when the

last of the three direct-debits was sheduled to be paid).

In the letter, it would be explained when I would recieve the £100.

(I seem to remember that he said that he thought it would take about one or two weeks

from when I recieved the letter, until I would recieve the £100).


In the beginning of June, there was a processing-error made by the gym (which is run

by Liverpool City Council).

Ive spoken with the RBS customer-care department (Jamie), and he said that it was

a duplicate payment/processing error from the gym.

He said that the gym only had one mandate, and that they therefore only could charge

one payment a month.

I had also spoken with Lorna at the same department about this earlier.

Because when I tryed to withdraw some cash from my accout on 4/6, then it should

have been about £20 there.

But the cash-machine said that my account was overdrawn, so I called the RBS

customer support line, and spoke with Matt. He said that he thought I should have

gotten a refund on the £38 overdrawn charge from RBS, since he thought that the

two Liverpool City Council charges looked so similar on the system, that he thought a

member of the RBS staff should have picked it up.

I later spoke with Lorna from the RBS customer support department about this, but she

said that the gym/Liverpool council had to pay, because it was their fault, and the bank

was unable to refund the charge.

I tryed to call Lorna (on 0845 300 4416) and get some more details about how I should

explain to the council about what had happened, and Lorna was supposed to call me

back on 7/6 I can see from my notes, but my notes also says that she didnt call.

Thats why I called back and spoke with Jamie on 8/6.


I hadnt recieved a letter about the £100 bonus which I was told on the phone by

the representative from the Dale St. branch on 23/5, that I would recieve about

a week after 4/6.

The Dale St. branch gave me the number to the RBS account-team.

The account-team gave me the number to the £100-team.

Then I got told that the account-type I had (key-account), wasnt eligable

for the £100 bonus.

The bonus was only for current-accounts.

I told the person from the £100-team that I had got it confirmed from the Dale

St. branch on two occations that I would still recieve the bonus even if my

account only was a cashcard (key-card) account-type.

The representative from the £100-team, agreed with me that the Dale St. branch

was obligated by what its representatives had told me, and he adviced me to

call back to the Dale St. branch.

This was Friday afternoon, so I said I'd call them back on Monday.

He said that it was possible to also call the bank on Saturday.

I said that I would call the bank eighter on Saturday or Monday.


I called the bank on Monday again, and spoke with Paul from the customer-

services department.

I explained him about the situation, and he said that the bank would call

me back about this.

But noone called.


I called the Dale St. branch again, reminding them that they were supposed to call me,

and the representative said that they would call me back about this the next day.

I asked what I should do if they didnt call, and we agreed that I would call back on

Wednesday if noone called me on Tuesday.


I recieved this e-mail from you:

'from "Williams, Yvonne (CRU)" <> hide details Jun 26 (7 days ago)
to Erik Ribsskog <
date Jun 26, 2007 4:30 PM
subject RE: Earlier e-mail

Dear Ms Ribsskog

Could you please arrange another copy of your email to be sent to me for my investigation


Yvonne Williams'

I'll forward you back that e-mail, since I dont think it should say 'Ms' as a title for me,

since Im not a woman, and Im also not sure if it should say 'Regards' or 'Yours

sincerely', when its a business e-mail.


Noone called me on Tuesday, so I called back on 27/6 and spoke with Michael.

He said that Michelle Rigby would call me back before the end of buisness the

same day.

But she didnt.


On 27/6, I also called the RBS customer-support line (on 0845 724 2424).

This was due to that the gym I go to suddently closed for six weeks due to refurbisment

on 25/6.

I thought six weeks was a bit long for me to not work out, so I decided to switch to another

gym in the City center.

So I didnt think I should pay the monthly direct debits to the gym, when they suddently

close for six weeks without giving their customers any information about this.

So thats why I after I'd switched to the other gym, called RBS, to cancel the gym/Liverpool

city council direct-debit from my account.

I spoke with Greg, who could inform me that there still was two direct-debits registered on

my account from Liverpool City Council.

Both direct-debits had the same reference-number (LIFE 800 1561), Greg told me.

I asked him if he was absolutly sure, due to all the phone-calls I had been taking about

this in the beginning of the month.

I thought it was strange that there still should be a problem with two direct-debits from the

gym being registered on my account.

Due to the gym only having one mandate, due to me speaking with both Matt, Lorna

and Jamie from RBS about this, and I had also been speaking to council about this,

trying to get them to refund the charge.

So I think it was very strange that there still should be two direct-debits from the gym

on my account. Really, when the gym was closed for refurbishment there shouldnt

really have been any direct-debit there at all.

Anyway, I canceled both the direct-debits, and Greg adviced me to call another phone-

number, he reckoned they maybe give me an overdraft on the account (since I was having

problems with the direct-debits due to the charges from the duplicate payments/processing

errors), but they didnt, since it wasnt a current account that I had.


I first called the branch a couple of times around 3 pm., but noone answered on 0151

236 6790.

I called back at around 3.30, and spoke with a guy which I didnt catch the name of.

I asked him if he was the same representative that I had spoken with the day before

(Michael), but he didnt answer.

He said that Michell Rigby would call me back later the same day, but she didnt.


I called the bank again at around 2pm, and spoke with Lisa.

I asked to speak with Rigby, but Lisa said that Rigby had the day off.

I asked Lisa if she could check my contact-information, and have a look

and see if the telephone-numbers that was registered on my contact-

information was correct, since noone ever seemed to call me back from

the bank.

Lisa said that 'it was not possible for them to see the phone-numbers

on the system', I see from my notes.

She said that Rigby would call me back on Monday.


Rigby didnt call again, so I called the branch at around 3.20 pm and got

transfered to Nicky.

I asked her first if she could have a look at the phone-numbers that were

registered on my contact-information, to see if there was some problem

with the phone-numbers.

Nicky said that my landline-number (0151.236.3298), was correctly registered,

and had been registered on my contact-information-file on 8/6.

She said that my mobile-number (0775.834.9954), first had been registered


But she said that my mobile-number had been changed on my file, to

0775.834.9554, on 27/4.

I asked her what one had to do to change the mobile-number back, and

she said one had to write a signature on a form.

I asked her if she thought it would be possible to ask Rigby to call me

back on my landline-number, and she said she thought it would be.

I asked her if was at 4.45 pm that the bank closed, and she said it was.

So we agreed that I would stay home until after 4.45 pm (it was only

about 1.5 hours), and then she would ask Rigby to call me on my


I explained to Nicky that I had been having problems with Rigby

being supposed to call me back, without calling, several times last week,

thats why I mentioned that I'd stay close to the landline-phone until

the bank closed, so that there wouldnt be any chance of the call

being missed.

But Rigby didnt call, and I made sure to stay within hearing distance of

the phone, and I also made sure not to use the phone taking any other

outbound calls during this time, and there also werent any other inbound


I made sure about this due to the earlier problems surrounding the calls

from Rigby and the bank, to make sure that she couldnt said she had

try to call, because then I would have known.

So I'm planning to contact the branch customer support manager about

this tomorrow.


I'm not sure if I need to summarise the complaints from this explanation.

It's quite late now, so I think I'll just contact you back about how I should

go forward with the summary of the complaints, if I dont hear from you.

I'm not sure when I should do this, since I understand that you are going

away on holiday, and also not sure if I should wait with this until you get

back again from holiday, or if I should speak with someone else about this?

I'll also forward you back the e-mail that I got from you on Tuesday last

week, since I thought it was a bit strange that I got two different answers

from you about the same e-mail, and also I thought it was a bit strange

that the email said 'Ms' as a title etc, like I explained above, so I'll forward

you back that e-mail, so that it should be possible for you to make it

clear if you are also expecting another answer from me, and because I

thought it was a bit strange with the title etc.

Hope that this is alright, please tell me how you want me to go forward

with the summarising of the complaint, and just contact me if you have

any other questions regarding the complaint/explanation.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

When she came back from speaki

On 6/27/07, Williams, Yvonne (CRU) <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ibsskog

If you would like to give me details of your complaint so I can investigate
the issues for you.

Your sincerely

Yvonne Williams

Yvonne Williams
Customer Relations Unit
The Forthstone Building
56 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9LE
Tel: 0131 550 5745
Fax: 0131 523 6551

P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

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E-post fra the Financial Ombudsman. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Complaint against RBS in Dale St., Liverpool

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint against RBS in Dale St., Liverpool

Cox, Rosemary

Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:28 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail with the attached complaint

Can you please provide me with copies of the complaint
you made to the Royal Bank of Scotland about the issues of "harassment", and any
responses they may have sent you?

I have spoken to Stephen Taylor the consultant dealing
with your other complaint and have asked him to send you a new complaint form so
he can continue with the complaint against Barclays for you.

The complaint forms may have changed slightly since the
first one was sent to you, however I can assure you that forms sent from this
office are genuine.

I look forward to hearing from you

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 23 June 2009 18:25
To: Cox,
Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS in Dale St.,


now I've finally got to complete the form, and I send it now, attached with
this e-mail.

I hope it's alright that I send the form like this, or else, please
just contact me, and

I'll send the form by post.

This form you sent me, by the way, didn't look anything like the form I
recieved the

last time I complained to the Financial Ombudsman.

Like I write in the complaint, I'm wondering if the problem could be
something with

masons etc., since I'm being bullied/harrassed, in more or less the same
way, both

by RBS and Barclays.

And I'm also wondering a bit if the problem with the form, that I think
must have been

the wrong form, that you sent me, last year.

Could this be connected with the problems at RBS and Barclays, that
someone with

the Financial Ombudsman, (the woman, I think it was, who sent the last
form, was

helping the banks at RBS and Barclays, by sending me the wrong form.

Could masons operate like this, you think?

Just a thought I got now.

Anyway, I'm sending you the form now, and sorry that this has taken som
weeks for

me to get completed, due to that I've also unfortunatly had a lot of other
things to deal

with, since I'm having problems with getting my rights, from Government in

and here, unfortunatly.

So sorry about this delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

I have now arranged for a new complaint form to be sent to
you in the post.

We would be more that happy to translate the complaint
form in Norwegian for you at any time. It is a service we offer hear to
all our customers who's first language is not English.

If you change
your mind, let me know and I will arrange it for you.

Kind Regards

Rose Cox


complaint reference 7307528

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 May 2009 17:06
To: Cox, Rosemary
Subject: Re:
Complaint against RBS in Dale St., Liverpool


I've been a bit
stressed as well, so I don't think it's because of that the forms are in

But the forms don't seem to be 'tailored' for

But if you please send me another form, then I can
fill out the form as good as I can manage.

It seems to be, that for you
to transfer all you information to Norwegian, would be unreasonable, since I
think this is not something that is easily done, and that probably is

So if you please send me another form, then I can try to
calm down, in between the other cases that are happening, and send back the

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Cox, Rosemary <>
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your
> I am responding on behalf of Lisa who is currently off
on long term
> sick leave
> Would it be helpful if I sent
you all our information in Norwegian?
> If so please let me know
and I would be happy to arrange this for you.
> Kind
> Rose Cox
> team
> complaint reference 7307528
> From: Erik Ribsskog []
> Sent: 08
May 2009 12:29
> To: External Enquiries
> Subject: Complaint
against RBS in Dale St., Liverpool
> Hi,
> I've sent you
comlaints against RBS in Dale St., earlier.
> Since they don't call me
when they say, etc.
> And now, this happened again today.
> I'll
> I went to RBS to open a savings account, about three weeks
> I wanted to put £300 on the savings-account, for emergency
> Since I'm unemployed, and I'm not sure how long I can
> unemployment-benefit in the UK, and I'm being persecuted in
Norway, so
> I can't just go home.
> I spoke with Annette, in the
> (I remember, since that name is also common in Norway).
(Today I spoke with Nicole/Nikki).
> Annette gave me an ISA-account,
after speaking with a collegue.
> I'm not sure what an ISA-account is, I
just wanted a normal savings account.
> But I guess there isn't anything
like a normal savings account at the
> RBS(?) (I'm from Norway, so in
Norway, I remember that one could get
> just a savings-account, in a
bank, but it could be, that the
> savings-accounts have names like ISA,
in Britain).
> I told Annette, to transfer £300 to the
> Annette said that a woman in the bank, (possibly
Nicole), was going to
> phone me, about the transfer.
> Today,
this was three weeks ago, and noone has called.
> Like I've written
about to you earlier, this has happened before, with
> RBS Dale St.,
that they don't call.
> They tell me they'll call, and then they
> Now, I had no idea about when the money was going to be
transfered, so
> I lost a bit of control.
> (I bought some clothes
etc., that I needed, but I don't think I would
> have spent that much,
if the £300 had been transfered, like I asked
> them to do in the
> It seems like this bank is messing me.
> That they
deliberatly try to make me lose control of my economy, with
> not
calling when they are supposed to etc.
> Why did need to take a call,
about this, couldn't they just have
> transfered the money, by the
> They are hopeless there, I think for certain now.
> How can
British banks be like this?
> This doesn't add up, that a British bank,
with a good reputation, are
> going to do the same basic mistakes again
and again.
> Here there is something phoney going on.
> So I'd
please like to complain about the RBS again.
> About this incident, and
also the others that I've e-mail explanations
> about, to you.
> I
want to complain formally about this.
> I've wanted to do that before as
well, but I have been quite occupied
> since I've been persecuted in
Norway, and also at work in Liverpool,
> so to deal with this takes a
lot of my time.
> So, my complaints to you, seem to stop, when I look at
your complaint-form.
> Because, they don't look to be bank-complaint
forms, to me.
> (Maybe I've got the wrong form?)
> So please let
me complain formally by this e-mail now, since I'm from
> Norway and I
don't really understand that much of your
> complaint-forms, they
confuse me a bit, unfortunatly.
> (It's probably just me who is a bit
stupid, or that I've lived to long
> in Norway, so that I'm used to
these forms that I get in the post from
> you.
> This is not meant
as critisism, just to explain why you haven't
> receved the forms you've
sent me, in return, and filled out.
> So I hope it's alright just to
send this e-mail to complain formally!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik
> ________________________________
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Jeg sendte en anmeldelse på faren min, for trusler, til politiet i Oslo. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Anmeldelse av faren min Arne Mogan Olsen, for trusler

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av faren min Arne Mogan Olsen, for trusler

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:06 AM



jeg har tidligere sendt anmeldelse på faren min, for omsorgssvikt, siden han lot meg bo alene,
på Berger i Vestfold, fra jeg var ni år, ettersom at han selv flytta til en dame ved navn Haldis

Humblen, som bodde et par hundre meter unna, i en annen vei, på et byggefelt, Bergeråsen.

Og jeg har også sendt en anmeldelse på faren min, for telefonsjikane, siden han ringte natt og

dag, til mobilen min, tidligere iår.

Enda jeg sa klart fra, at jeg ikke ville ha noe mer med han å gjøre.

Nå, så bor jeg jo i England, så nå har jeg hatt tid til å tenke litt tilbake på oppveksten min, som

var rimelig stressende, så jeg har liksom bare kuttet ut oppveksten, og bare tenkt fremover,
tidligere, etter at jeg flyttet til Oslo, som 19-åring, i 1989.

Men nå, så kom jeg på noe, som skjedde på en julaften, i 1987 kanskje.

1986 eller 87 vel.

Noe sånt.

Og det var at faren min sa, til meg, og søstra mi, Pia Ribsskog, og stedatteren sin, Christell
Humblen, at han visste ting om alle oss tre.

Vi likte ikke faren våres så bra, så vi unngikk han litt, på julaften.

Og da trua han oss, og ropte nesten, noe lignende, at er det sånn det skal være, jeg vet ting
om alle dere tre.

Og Pia og Christell, de ble med en gang nesten livredde, og begynte å virre litt rundt, som
høns nesten, og mista helt roen da, så det var umulig å prate med de om det her, som
faren min sa.

Så det var tydelig, at søstra mi og Christell ble redde, ihvertfall.

Nå, i 2003, så overhørte jeg, at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian', da jeg jobba på Rimi Bjørndal,
i Oslo.

Nå lurer jeg på om faren min er noe sånn her 'mafian'?

Kan det være dette som skjedde denne julaftenen, på 80-tallet, som ligger bak dette, at jeg
er forfulgt av mafian?

Hva vet jeg.

Men nå vil jeg at dere skal etterforske litt her.

De to første anmeldelsene, på faren min, de sendte jeg til politiet i Drammen.

Men de henla vel, den anmeldelsen om telefonsjikane, enda jeg sendte bilder av mobilen,

hvor man så at faren min hadde ringt.

Og den anmeldelsen om omsorgssvikt, den sendte de til lensmannen i Svelvik, som ikke
hadde tid til å etterforske denne saken.

Så jeg sendte en klage til Spesialenheten da, for Svelvik er jo kjent for å være Norges roligste

by, så han har vel ikke så mye annet å gjøre der, han lensmannen i Svelvik, så det burde han
hatt tid til, synes jeg.

Det ville jo bare vært å ta noen telefoner.

Men da sender jeg anmeldelsen på faren min, for trusler.

Den sender jeg til Oslo da, siden jeg bodde i 15 år i Oslo, før jeg flytta til England og Sunderland,
i 2004.

Så da håper jeg dette er iorden, og jeg ønsker faren min tiltalt og straffet.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Advarsel for faren min. (In Norwegian)

Jeg vil advare for faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen.

Og det er to ting jeg kommer på nå.

Da jeg jobba på Arvato, i 2005, så ringte søstra mi meg, om noe arv, fra min fars onkel, i Holmsbu.

Og da måtte jeg ringe faren min, stod det på noen papirer jeg fikk.

Og da jeg ringte, så syntes jeg det hørtes sånn ut på faren min, da han spurte hvorfor jeg hadde flytta til England, at om det var for å komme unna han/Haldis-familien.

Det hørtes ut som for meg, at han lurte på det.

Det var noe med tonefallet.

Mer da.

Jo, en julaften på 80-tallet.

Da trua faren min, i fylla, meg og søstra mi og Christell.

Om at han visste ting om alle oss tre.

Han pleier ikke å være truende.

Men det kan være at vi der fikk se hvordan faren min egentlig er.

At han later som at han er en sånn jovial, rolig type.

Men egentlig så kan han også være en truende type.

Så jeg vil advare for han faren min, om han er i noe 'mafian', eller noe.

Jeg fikk også penn og lighter-sett, fra han og Haldis, til jul, i 2003, var det vel.

Så kunne ha vært noe mafian-greier, for i filmer og sånn, så ser man det, at de sender en kulepenn, til de som skal dø, for da har de skrevet navnet til vedkommende på en lapp da.

Rimi-Hagen sendte meg også en kulepenn, i 2001, var det vel, så jeg lurer også litt på han.

For brevet jeg fikk, etter å ha vunnet en drifts-konkurranse, i Rimi, det var slitt hull i bretten, sånn at det så ut som en vagina, omtrent, for å si det sånn, gjennom konvolutten.

Det var litt rart, syntes jeg, for det var det eneste brevet jeg fikk fra Rimi-Hagen, etter å ha jobbet 12 år i Rimi.

Og mange har nok jobbet opp til 20 år i Rimi, uten å motta noe brev fra Rimi-Hagen, vil jeg tro.

Så det var litt rart, at det eneste brevet, som jeg noen gang så fra han, det var det slitt hull i, gjennom konvolutten, på den måten.

Så her har vi nok mafian i det norske samfunnet.

Og hva gjør politiet?

Ingenting, selv om jeg sender e-poster om alt mulig til de.

Så her har vi 'mafian' og likegyldigheten og inkompetansen i det norske samfunnet.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Musikk fra diskoteket i Eberle St. (In Norwegian)

Nå har jeg vært å trent, på det hotellet, som jeg trener på. De har til og med svømmebasseng og boblebad. Jeg lærte til og med å crawle. (N)

Photo 0572

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Photo 0592

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Photo 0601

Photo 0602


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
