Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

lørdag 20. juni 2009

Sverige, bra eller dårlig? (In Norwegian)

sverige ikke med i new world order


Norge bestemte seg, like før jul ifjor, for å kjøpe amerikanske og ikke svenske jagerfly.

Nå viser det seg, (se linken over), at den norske regjeringen, nok har trikset med prisene på flyene, (som svenskene vel sa ifjor), for å få de amerikanske flyene, (eller 'New World Order'-flyene?), til å virke billigere enn de er.

Nå husker jo jeg, fra oppveksten i Norge, at Sverige ikke var så fint, som jo alle norske folk vet.

Men er det mulig at Sverige hadde rett her, i denne flysaken, og at Sverige ikke er så dårlig, som alle tror, og at det var Norge og Amerika som tulla i den her saken?

Sånn kan det se ut som, for meg, akkurat nå, ihvertfall, bare for å prøve å være litt objektiv til en forrandring, selv om det ikke er så lett, når det gjelder land som Sverige, som jo Norge har hatt krig og fiendeskap med, i mange hundre, hvis ikke mange tusen, år.

Så sånn er det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Driver Christell Humblen å tuller med meg? (In Norwegian)

Det begynner å bli en del på Christell Humblen nå, som kan være aggressiv og ganske irrasjonell, sånn som jeg husker det, fra 80-tallet.

Min far og hennes mor, er jo ansvarlige for omsorgssvikt, mot meg, på 80-tallet.

Mens Christell ble behandlet nesten som en prinsesse, så ble søstra mi behandla som Askepott, ifølge Mette Holter, min halvbrors stemor, som besøkte faren min og Haldis, på 80-tallet en gang, sammen med Arne Thomassen, min halvbrors far.

Og jeg ble omtalt som 'jævelungen' visstnok, ifølge Mette Holter, av min far og/eller Haldis.

Så sånn var det.

Men jeg mener, at når voksne folk, i 40-50 åra, omtaler en 9, 10 eller 11-åring, som 'jævelunge', da er det dem det er noe gæernt med, som ikke klarer å oppdra unger på ansvarsfull måte.

Enhver som ikke forstår dette vil jeg påstå at nok må være forstyrra eller mindre begavet.

Og jeg er redd for at hun Christell Humblen, nok ikke forstår slike ting så klart.

Så sånn er det.

Christell Humblen ville at jeg skulle se en film som het 'elskerne på Peunt Neuff', i 1993, etter at jeg var ferdig med militæret.

Hun ville at jeg skulle være i hennes leilighet i Oslo, og se den filmen, mens søstra mi også var der, men ikke Christell.

Så det var vel litt rart kanskje.

Christell Humblen var visst også venninne med bankdirektøren i Svelviks datter, og bankdirektøren var nok med i Svelvik-mafiaen.

Dette sa min far på telefon ifjor.

Så er Christell Humblen med i Svelvik-mafian?

Christell Humblen var også sammen med broren til ei i klassen min, som het Anne Grossvoll.

Han het Simen Grossvoll.

Og da jeg gikk i 9. klasse, så hørte jeg at Svelvik-jentene, som gikk i vår klasse fra Berger, siden vi bare var noen og tjue elever.

De sa at Christell hadde gjort et eller annet, sånn at hun nok ikke burde vise seg i Svelvik, eller noe.

Eller at hun hadde gjort noe galt da.

Når hun var sammen med han Simen Grossvoll.

Så her var det noe som har foregått.

Og Christell, hun jagde også to nabojenter, ut fra leiligheten jeg bodde i, enda Christell selv bodde i Haldis sitt hus, så dukket hun opp midt på natta, hos meg, uten å banke på, og kjefta på de jentene.

Men det med den filmen, om de fattige folka i Paris, det kan jo ha vært noe sånn mafian-mobbing av meg, siden jeg var fattig, etter militæret og kun hadde dimmepengene, siden jeg før militæret hadde studert.

Jeg synes den episoden var ganske rar ihvertfall.

For den var fin den filmene om de bomsene i Paris, men jeg tror ikke det er en sånn film som Christell egentlig likte.

For selv om hun gikk i joggetøy, på julaften, en gang på 90-tallet husker jeg.

Og en annen gang, på slutten av 80-tallet, så gikk hun med joggebukse med flekk på, da jeg ble invitert til å møte henne og tre jenter fra Nesbygda, i huset til Haldis, en helg jeg besøkte farmora mi og søstra mi, på Sand.

Så gikk alle disse fire tenåringsjentene, som da vel var i 17-års alderen, alle de gikk i joggebukse og jakke da.

Og Christell hadde en flekk på sin joggebukse, husker jeg.

Så det høres jo litt sluskete ut, av Christell.

Og Annika Horten, hun fortalte også en gang, som jeg og søstra mi, var nede ved huset til Haldis, at Christell ikke vaska håret sitt så ofte.

Så Christell er litt som en hippie, eller ei sluskete dame, når det gjelder å gå med joggetøy på julaften, å gå med joggetøy med flekker på og å ikke vaske håret sitt så ofte, kan det virke som.

Men alikevel så var hun veldig bortskjemt, og hun hadde nok tre ganger så mye klær, som søstra mi har.

Og jeg lurer på om Christell kunne ha stått bak noe som skjedde i militæret, med noe boksekonkurranse der?

For julaften, et halv år etter at jeg var ferdig med militæret.

Da var jeg invitert til 'Haldis-huset', og da nevnte jeg det, at jeg vant boksekonkurransen, på rommet i militæret, og da klagde Christell på de folka i militæret, til sin halvbror Jan Snoghøj.

Men det er her ganske innvikla, siden jeg bodde jo for meg selv, men på noen ferier, så fikk jeg være med Haldis-familien, til Jugoslavia og andre steder da.

Men jeg bodde for meg selv, som en slags utstøtt person, som var spedalsk, eller noe lignende.

Sånn var det jeg ble behandlet av 'Haldis-familien'.

Men Christell, hun er veldig sånn ironisk og vel også lunefull.

Så hun er nok ikke så overfladisk, som hun kan virke, selv om hun er bortskjemt, når det gjelder klær og å få ting, under oppveksten.

Så jeg lurer litt på hvor jeg har henne.

Det kan godt være at hun er med i noe 'mafian' og driver å tuller med meg, for alt hva jeg vet.

For hun kan være ganske hatsk og tøff og aggressiv, ihvertfall til å være dame, så det kan godt være at det er noe som foregår bak ryggen min, som inkluderer at hun tuller med meg, det ville jeg ikke sett helt bort fra.

Jeg tror nok Christell ville vært kapabel til noe slikt, litt forstyrra og bortskjemt og ganske aggressiv, som hun nok må sies å være.

Så sånn er kanskje det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Og det første året, som faren min var sammen med Haldis, så fikk jeg lov å være litt i 'Haldis-huset'.

Men Christell hadde da peace-merke, på veggen, på rommet sitt, da hun var sånn åtte år, kanskje.

Ikke en plakat, tror jeg, men noe tøy/lerret, med et trykket bilde av en jente med et stort peace-merke, eller noe.

Ikke at jeg er mot fred, men jeg syntes det var litt rart, at Christell, som var en så ung jente, skulle ha politiske symboler på veggen, på rommet sitt.

For jeg pleide å lese aviser og sånn, fra jeg var sånn ni år, så jeg visste at det var et peace-merke, og at det var politisk.

Men da forsvarte Christell seg, at det peace-merket, det var bra.

Enda hun bare var sånn åtte år, eller noe.

Men hvem hun hadde fått det av, det bildet med peace-merke, det veit jeg ikke.

Det fikk jeg ikke spurt om, for da gikk Christell i forsvarsposisjon, virka det som.

Men jeg husker jeg syntes det var litt rart, at en åtte år gammel Christell, skulle ha et politisk peace-merke, på veggen, på rommet sitt.

Uten at jeg har noe mot fred, bare sånn at ingen fredsaktivister skal havne på krigsstien mot meg her.

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg kom på, at Christell, eller 'Gullet', som Haldis alltid sa, nok er en hippie-dame.

Så sånn er nok det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Her er de måkeungene på taket i Leather Lane igjen. (In Norwegian)

StatCounter: Basefarm, (som vel er de som 'hoster' nettstedet, søker på 'basefarm usa fbi', på Google. Hm. (N)


johncons-blogg: Jeg lagde noen nye reklamer. (In Norwegian)

nye reklamer

johncons-blogg: Hvorfor virker ikke den reklamen der da? (In Norwegian)

reklame hm

Nå ringte jeg BT og de sa at jeg ikke kunne få ToGo-smartphone, siden jeg ikke passerte en kredittsjekk de hadde, sikkert grunnet prob. m. Capital One

Google Mail - Broadband & Internet - BT Broadband Talk - Broadband Talk set up and technical help [Incident: 090616-004660]

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Broadband & Internet - BT Broadband Talk - Broadband Talk set up and technical help [Incident: 090616-004660]

BT Technical Help

Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:22 PM

BT Technical Help <>


BT Help
Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We are continuing to work on your issue. If you have more information, please update your question here

Broadband & Internet - BT Broadband Talk - Broadband Talk set up and technical help
Discussion Thread
Response (Samiran Dilip Dasgupta)06/19/2009 10:22 PM
Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your time and patience in writing back to us. Your e-mail dated 18th June '09 has been logged under the reference number VOL011-20526903133.

I am sorry to learn from your e-mail that you have an issue with the smart phone that you were supposed to receive when you upgraded to broadband anywhere. I apologise for the inconvenience caused and would put my best efforts to resolve this issue in the best possible manner.

Due to the apparent nature of this issue and to take a step towards resolution, I feel it would be beneficial for us to call you to discuss this further, allowing us to get to the root cause of your problem ensuring that it gets fully resolved without further delay. I have arranged a
callback and one of our Broadband Technical advisors is going to call you back on 20th June 2009 in between 1200 hours and 1300 hours and would help you with your concern.

Before your callback you might want to check our dedicated “Getting Set Up” broadband pages. It has been designed to save customers time by providing practical information relating to their broadband service. These pages will give you advice and help with any issues from logging in, email, wireless connections, Broadband Talk and even the latest information on how to connect to games and gadgets for your PC. You will find straight forward steps and even online videos to talk you through every step of the way which should help you with all your broadband needs. You can find all this at

Thank you for using BT Total Broadband Support.

Samiran Dasgupta
BT Total Broadband Support
Customer (Erik Ribsskog)06/18/2009 10:25 PM
I was wondering about the smart-phone that I was supposed to recieve,when I upgraded to Broadband Anywhere, 2 or 3 weeks ago now.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:40 PM
Subject: Broadband & Internet - BT Broadband Talk - Broadband Talk set up and technical help [Incident: 090616-004660]
To: (

BT Help (
Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.



Broadband & Internet - BT Broadband Talk - Broadband Talk set up and technical help

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your patience for writing back to us. This is in reference to the e-mail dated 18th June 2009. It has been logged under the reference number VOL011-20659387532

I understand from the e-mail that you have not received the phone that is with the BT Broadband Anywhere package. I can understand your concern and I appreciate the time and patience for seeking assistance from BT Technical
Helpdesk and I apologise for any inconvenience caused due to the issue.

In reference to the email, I apologise that I being from the Broadband Technical Desk have very limited expertise to deal with your current query and so we are unable to deal with your query as we can only deal with broadband technical issues. However please be assured once again all the enquiry related to the products and services are dealt by our dedicated Sales and Services desk who have the best knowledge and expertise and they would assist you.

If you have a similar issue again in the future and you would like to contact the Sales and Services desk direct you can email them at ( or alternatively call them on 0800 800 150, the opening hours are 0730 - 2200 Mon - Sun.

If you need technical assistance in the future, you might want to check our dedicated “Getting Set Up” broadband pages. It has been designed to save customers time by providing practical information relating to their broadband service. These pages will give you advice and help with any issues from logging in, email, wireless connections, Broadband Talk and even the latest information on how to connect to games and gadgets for your PC. You will find straight forward steps and even online videos to talk you through every step of the way which should help you with all your broadband needs. You can find all this at (

Thank you for using BT Total Broadband Support.

Tiakumla Jamir
BT Total Broadband Support
CUSTOMER (ERIK RIBSSKOG) 06/18/2009 06:25 PM
==================== text File Attachment ====================
Attachment 1.txt, 6791 bytes, added to incident
Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 16th June 2009. It has been logged under the reference number 090616-004660

I understand from the e-mail that you would like to access the broadband talk service. I can understand your concern
and I appreciate the time and patience for seeking assistance from BT Technical Helpdesk and I apologise for any inconvenience caused due to the issue.

In response to the issue, I contacted you so as we could have more interaction, however unfortunately I was not able to get through to you and there was no option to leave a voice message. I would like to explain that if you have not placed and order for the Broadband Talk account you can order for the Broadband Talk service by placing an order online or alternatively via our Sales and services direct. Once you place the order, shortly you would receive an e-mail with the Broadband Talk number and the password. If you do not use it for more than 90days, the service would be deactivated and you would require ordering for the
service once again.

Please follow the link to order for the Broadband Talk online:
Getting started with bb talk: (

Please be assured that we have forwarded your email to our dedicated Sales and Services desk who have the best knowledge and expertise to resolve your issue and they will be contacting you shortly regarding your email.

If you
have a similar issue again in the future and you would like to contact the Sales and Services desk direct you can email them at ( or alternatively call them on 0800 800 150, the opening hours are 0730 - 2200 Mon - Sun.

If you need technical assistance in the future, you might want to check our dedicated “Getting Set Up” broadband pages. It has been designed to save customers time by providing practical information relating to their broadband service. These pages will give you advice and help with any issues from logging in, email, wireless connections, Broadband Talk and even the latest information on how to
connect to games and gadgets for your PC. You will find straight forward steps and even online videos to talk you through every step of the way which should help you with all your broadband needs. You can find all this at (

Thank you for using BT Total Broadband Support.

Tiakumla Jamir
BT Total Broadband Support
CUSTOMER (ERIK RIBSSKOG) 06/16/2009 11:15 AM
Title: Mr
First name: Erik
Last name: Ribsskog
Your BT landline number: 0151 236 3298
Your Broadband Talk number:
The details of your query: Hi,

I upgraded my broadband-package, to unlimited, a couple of weeks
ago, and I received my new broadband-phone, today.

But, I think it's a couple of years ago, since I really registered first, for Broadband Talk.

So I was just wondering, what my Broadband Talk number and password is again, since I couldn't acctually find this information here now, since I haven't had a broadband phone, untill now, so the information has been misplaced, in the mean-time, unfortunatly.

Thanks in advance for the help with this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
Account number: LV13490177
Email address: (
Confirm email address:
If we need to talk to you, when is the best time to call? Any time
What number we can call you on?: 01512363298
Have you previously contacted us about this query?: No
If Yes, please enter reference number:
AUTO-RESPONSE 06/16/2009 11:15 AM
This is an automatic response, please don't reply to this address.

Thanks for your email. We'll respond as soon as possible.

Your reference number is 090616-004660. If you need to contact us again before we reply, please tell us your reference number.

You may find the links at the bottom of this email helpful. Also try our online forum for BT Broadband. The forum is a discussion area for
BT customers where you can easily find the answers to common questions and problems. For help and advice 24 hours a day, please visit ( .

Kind regards,

BT Customer Support

CATEGORY LEVEL 1: Broadband & Internet
CATEGORY LEVEL 2: BT Broadband Talk
DATE CREATED: 06/16/2009 11:15 AM
LAST UPDATED: 06/18/2009 09:40 PM
STATUS: Incident resolved













This electronic message contains information from British Telecommunications plc, which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended for use only by the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware
that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify me by telephone or email (to the number or email address above) immediately.

Registered office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ Registered in England no: 1800000
Response (Tiakumla Jamir)06/18/2009 09:40 PM
Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your patience for writing back to us. This is in reference to the e-mail dated 18th June 2009. It has been logged under the reference number VOL011-20659387532

I understand from the e-mail that you have not received the phone that is with the BT Broadband Anywhere package. I can understand your concern and I appreciate the time and patience for seeking assistance from BT Technical Helpdesk and I apologise for any inconvenience caused due to the issue.

In reference to the email, I apologise that I being from the Broadband Technical Desk have very limited expertise to deal with your current query and so we are unable to deal with your query as we can only deal with broadband technical issues.
However please be assured once again all the enquiry related to the products and services are dealt by our dedicated Sales and Services desk who have the best knowledge and expertise and they would assist you.

If you have a similar issue again in the future and you would like to contact the Sales and Services desk direct you can email them at or alternatively call them on 0800 800 150, the opening hours are 0730 - 2200 Mon - Sun.

If you need technical assistance in the future, you might want to check our dedicated “Getting Set Up” broadband pages. It has been designed to save customers time by providing practical information relating to their broadband service. These pages will give you
advice and help with any issues from logging in, email, wireless connections, Broadband Talk and even the latest information on how to connect to games and gadgets for your PC. You will find straight forward steps and even online videos to talk you through every step of the way which should help you with all your broadband needs. You can find all this at

Thank you for using BT Total Broadband Support.

Tiakumla Jamir
BT Total Broadband Support
Customer (Erik Ribsskog)06/18/2009 06:25 PM

==================== text File Attachment ====================
Attachment 1.txt, 6791 bytes, added to incident
Response (Tiakumla Jamir)06/16/2009 01:28 PM
Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 16th June 2009. It has been logged under the reference number 090616-004660

I understand from the e-mail that you would like to access the broadband talk service. I can understand your concern and I appreciate the time and patience for seeking assistance from BT Technical Helpdesk and I apologise for any inconvenience caused due to the issue.

In response to the issue, I contacted you so as we could have more interaction, however unfortunately I was not able to get through to you and there was no option to leave a voice message. I would like to explain that if you have not placed and order for the Broadband Talk account you can order for the Broadband Talk service by placing an
order online or alternatively via our Sales and services direct. Once you place the order, shortly you would receive an e-mail with the Broadband Talk number and the password. If you do not use it for more than 90days, the service would be deactivated and you would require ordering for the service once again.

Please follow the link to order for the Broadband Talk online:
Getting started with bb talk:

Please be assured that we have forwarded your email to our dedicated Sales and Services desk who have the best knowledge and expertise to resolve your issue and
they will be contacting you shortly regarding your email.

If you have a similar issue again in the future and you would like to contact the Sales and Services desk direct you can email them at or alternatively call them on 0800 800 150, the opening hours are 0730 - 2200 Mon - Sun.

If you need technical assistance in the future, you might want to check our dedicated “Getting Set Up” broadband pages. It has been designed to save customers time by providing practical information relating to their broadband service. These pages will give you advice and help with any issues from logging in, email, wireless connections, Broadband Talk and even the latest information on how to connect to games
and gadgets for your PC. You will find straight forward steps and even online videos to talk you through every step of the way which should help you with all your broadband needs. You can find all this at

Thank you for using BT Total Broadband Support.

Tiakumla Jamir
BT Total Broadband Support
Customer (Erik Ribsskog)06/16/2009 11:15 AM
Title: Mr
First name: Erik
Last name: Ribsskog
Your BT landline number: 0151 236 3298
Your Broadband Talk number:
The details of your query: Hi,

I upgraded my broadband-package, to unlimited, a couple of weeks ago, and I received my new broadband-phone, today.

But, I think it's a couple of years ago, since I really registered first, for Broadband Talk.

So I was just wondering, what my Broadband Talk number and password is again, since I couldn't acctually find this information here now, since I haven't had a broadband phone, untill now, so the information has been misplaced, in the mean-time, unfortunatly.

Thanks in advance for the help with this.

Yours sincerely,

Account number: LV13490177
Email address:
Confirm email address:
If we need to talk to you, when is the best time to call? Any time
What number we can call you on?: 01512363298
Have you previously contacted us about this query?: No
If Yes, please enter reference number:
Auto-response06/16/2009 11:15 AM
This is an automatic response, please don't reply to this address.

Thanks for your email. We'll respond as soon as possible.

Your reference number is 090616-004660. If you need to contact us again before we reply, please tell us your reference number.

You may find the links at the bottom of this email helpful. Also try our online forum for BT Broadband. The forum is a discussion area for BT customers where you can easily find the answers to common questions and problems. For help and advice 24 hours a day, please visit

Kind regards,

BT Customer Support
Question Reference No090616-004660

Category Level 1: Broadband & Internet
Category Level 2: BT Broadband Talk
Date Created: 06/16/2009 11:15 AM
Last Updated: 06/19/2009 10:22 PM
Status: Customer advised R&R
Reference Number:
Firewall: No
Phone Number:
Current BT Line:
Type of Problem:
DigtalVault Username:
Contact Preference:
SmartAssist Enabled: Yes
rule test: State1
Type Of Query:
Complaint Enq State:
OS Name List:
Enquiry About:
Account Number Radio:
Type of feedback: Username:
Credit/Debit Card:
Four Digits:
Mobile Broadband:
Full name
Alternative Email
Email Address
Security Phrase
one view is down
Security Software
Date of BT Service
How u Pay Phone Bill
Often Called 2 no's
Pay Phone bill debit

This electronic message contains information from British Telecommunications plc, which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended for use only by the individual(s) or entity
named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
electronic message in error, please notify me by telephone or email (to the number or email address above) immediately.

Registered office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ Registered in England no: 1800000

Her er noen YouTube-videoer som jeg har tatt med den nye mobilen. (In Norwegian)


Skal jeg prøve å finne noen av videoene som ble spilt på det her stedet.

(Det var kanskje litt mange videoer, men jeg kjente ingen der, og da tenkte jeg at jeg kunne prøve å lære kameraet osv.

Men men.):

PS 2.

Den siste sangen, 'True Faith' med New Order, fikk jeg i julegave, som maxi-plate, fra søstra mi, jula 1988, like etter at hu hadde flytta opp til meg, i faren mins leilighet i Leirfaret, på Bergeråsen.

Hu sa at det skulle være LP da, men det var bare maxi.

Det var en sang kalt 1963, på baksida.

Det året Kennedy ble skutt, men jeg tror ikke sangen var om Kennedy.

Øystein Andersen, adoptiv-tremenningen til søstra mi og meg, fra Korea, han likte også denne videoen, i 1988 osv., husker jeg.

Og hun Cecilie Hyde, som også pleide å henge oppe i leiligheten til faren min, siden faren min bodde nede hos Haldis, og hu var venninne med søstra mi, hu likte også det her bandet.

Så den sangen her var nok den sangen som ble mest spilt i leiligheten til faren min, det siste halve året jeg bodde der.

Det er nok ikke umulig.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Fler bilder fra Liverpool. (In Norwegian)

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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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