Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 27. mai 2009

Jeg anmeldte en drapstrussel på irc-kanalen til engelsk Wikipedia, til politiet i Oslo. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Drapstrussel irc-kanalen til engelsk wikipedia

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Drapstrussel irc-kanalen til engelsk wikipedia

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 9:27 PM



jeg ville gjerne anmelde en drapstrussel på irc-kanalen til engelsk wikipedia:

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:25:15 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en

[20:25] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:25] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun! '

[20:25] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:25] #wikipedia-en url is
[20:25] <Ryanposs> final
[20:25] <[Soap]> hi JC

[20:25] <Iceflow> who is winning?
[20:25] <jdelanoy> ah
[20:25] <Ryanposs> MAnchester United v Barcelona
[20:25] <jc_away> hi there
[20:25] <Ryanposs> Barcelona 2-1

[20:25] <Ryanposs> no
[20:25] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
[20:25] <Ryanposs> Barce, 1-0
[20:27] <john_cons> I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')

[20:27] <john_cons> i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:27] <john_cons> wondering what to do
[20:35] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed May 27 20:38:16 2009

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:40:03 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun! '

[20:40] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:40] #wikipedia-en url is
[20:40] <john_cons> got disconected
[20:40] <john_cons> i'll try to exlpain again, in case what i wrote didn't get to the channel

[20:40] * HarryW has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:41] <john_cons> I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')

[20:41] <john_cons> i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:42] <john_cons> wondering what to do
[20:42] <iMatthew> Majorly - I added some questions

[20:42] <john_cons> thanks in advance for any help!
[20:42] <Dragonfly6-7> john_cons - hold on
[20:43] <john_cons> ok, np
[20:43] <PeterSymonds> john_cons, well I've spoken to the channel, they're not going to unban you.

[20:43] <john_cons> okey
[20:43] * Ose|Barca has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:44] <john_cons> then that's sorted then i guess
[20:44] <john_cons> thanks for the help then

[20:44] <john_cons> tara
[20:44] <Dragonfly6-7> john_cons - wait, we're discussing whether to let you live
[20:44] <john_cons> live?

[20:44] * tombom has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) )
[20:44] * tombom_ is now known as tombom

[20:44] <Dragonfly6-7> yes
[20:44] <john_cons> just a bunch of morons here as well
[20:44] <john_cons> fuck off

Session Close: Wed May 27 20:44:58 2009

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Fra irc-kanalen til engelsk Wikipedia. (In Norwegian)

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:25:15 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[20:25] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:25] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun!'
[20:25] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:25] #wikipedia-en url is
[20:25] final
[20:25] <[Soap]> hi JC
[20:25] who is winning?
[20:25] ah
[20:25] MAnchester United v Barcelona
[20:25] hi there
[20:25] Barcelona 2-1
[20:25] no
[20:25] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
[20:25] Barce, 1-0
[20:27] I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[20:27] i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:27] wondering what to do
[20:35] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed May 27 20:38:16 2009

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:40:03 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun!'
[20:40] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:40] #wikipedia-en url is
[20:40] got disconected
[20:40] i'll try to exlpain again, in case what i wrote didn't get to the channel
[20:40] * HarryW has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:41] I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[20:41] i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:42] wondering what to do
[20:42] Majorly - I added some questions
[20:42] thanks in advance for any help!
[20:42] john_cons - hold on
[20:43] ok, np
[20:43] john_cons, well I've spoken to the channel, they're not going to unban you.
[20:43] okey
[20:43] * Ose|Barca has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:44] then that's sorted then i guess
[20:44] thanks for the help then
[20:44] tara
[20:44] john_cons - wait, we're discussing whether to let you live
[20:44] live?
[20:44] * tombom has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:44] * tombom_ is now known as tombom
[20:44] yes
[20:44] just a bunch of morons here as well
[20:44] fuck off
Session Close: Wed May 27 20:44:58 2009

Jeg anmeldte han Epp, fra #Spillegal irc-kanalen, for æreskrenkelse/trakassering. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Anmeldelse av Epp fra #Spillegal-forumet for æreskrenkelser

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av Epp fra #Spillegal-forumet for æreskrenkelser

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 7:13 PM



en som kaller seg Epp, på #Spillegal-forumet, han sier at jeg driver å knipser bilder av småjenter.

Men sånt vil ikke jeg ha hengende på meg, selv om jeg tar bilder på byen, her i Liverpool,

når jeg går ut og tar noen øl. på en natt til søndag, så betyr ikke det at jeg tar bilder av
småjenter, som han driver å juger om.

Det kan være farlig å ha sånne merkelapper på seg, så jeg vil gjerne anmelde han 'Epp'.

18:21] <john_cons> hadetbra
[18:21] <epp> ut å knipse bilder av småjenter?

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

#Spillegal er spiona vøtt. (In Norwegian)

Session Start: Wed May 27 18:06:51 2009
Session Ident: #Spillegal
[18:06] * Now talking in #Spillegal
[18:06] * Topic is '#Spillegal, where all happy gamers go to die. | dagens ord: ålbings'
[18:06] * Set by Buggz! on Tue May 26 19:40:57
[18:06] * mEvans has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:07] * aNilsen has joined #Spillegal
[18:07] <john_cons> er det spiona?
[18:07] <aNilsen> fiona?
[18:08] <john_cons> er amerikanera som har tatt over spillegal
[18:08] <john_cons> må skifte navn til gameinsane
[18:08] <john_cons> tror jeg
[18:10] <Serai> do it
[18:10] <Serai> da kan ikke mafian finne deg
[18:11] <john_cons> ikke jeg da vet du
[18:11] <john_cons> later som dere er dumme nå
[18:11] <john_cons> hvorfor ble dere så stille da
[18:11] <aNilsen> insane in the membrane for playing computer games .no
[18:11] <john_cons> er du amerikaner du og da
[18:11] <aNilsen> nei jeg er ikke
[18:12] <john_cons> sikker på det da
[18:12] <epp> han du cons i nicket ditt fordi du er en con-man?
[18:12] <john_cons> kjøpt og betalt av stoltenberg og amerikanera hele gjengen
[18:12] <epp> et svar hadde vært fint
[18:12] <aNilsen> jeg skulle ønske noen ville kjøpe og betale meg
[18:12] <aNilsen> da hadde jeg hatt penger til mat
[18:12] <john_cons> er du for dum til å være spion du da
[18:13] <aNilsen> det er godt mulig
[18:13] <john_cons> traff jeg et ømt punkt nå eller
[18:13] <john_cons> når jeg sa at dere var spioner
[18:13] <aNilsen> ja
[18:14] <omaen> jeg caller alex
[18:14] <aNilsen> en unnskyldning hadde vært fint
[18:14] <john_cons> kan ikke både være spioner og få unnskylding vøtt
[18:14] <john_cons> kan ikke få i både pose og sekk
[18:14] <omaen> Har du noengang tatt feil john_cons?
[18:15] <john_cons> nei jeg tar aldri feil
[18:15] <john_cons> spesielt ikke om spioner
[18:15] <aNilsen> oi
[18:15] <omaen> Er jeg klam john_cons?
[18:15] <john_cons> ja du er en fitte ja
[18:15] <john_cons> det er du
[18:16] <aNilsen> er sex best uten dong, john_cons?
[18:16] <john_cons> hehe
[18:16] <john_cons> ja si det du
[18:16] <omaen> ikke den riktige john_cons desverre
[18:16] <john_cons> er jeg også spion?
[18:16] <john_cons> ja vi får hygge oss vi spiona da
[18:17] <john_cons> vi får slå av en trall, og ikke være så sure
[18:17] <aNilsen> det fine været er borte
[18:17] <aNilsen> det er ikke noen grunn til å leve lenger
[18:17] <john_cons> nei, sånn er det
[18:17] <john_cons> du får ta pilla di da vøtt
[18:17] <john_cons> ta pilla di
[18:18] <aNilsen> jeg tok den i morges men jeg har enda vondt i hodet
[18:18] <john_cons> ja du gjorde det ja, skøyern
[18:18] <john_cons> skøyern vår vøtt
[18:18] <john_cons> spion-skøyern
[18:19] <Elfkin> john_cons: det er vel du som bør ta pilla ;-) (ref. den psykolog-posten)
[18:19] <john_cons> haha
[18:19] <john_cons> ja det er meg som bør ta pilla
[18:19] <john_cons> hehe
[18:19] <john_cons> jamfør den psykolog-posten
[18:19] <epp> har du noen piller der da?
[18:20] <john_cons> jaja, jeg har masse piller vøtt
[18:20] <john_cons> piller og spioner
[18:20] <Elfkin> john_cons: men du burde vel levere inn AG'en?
[18:20] <john_cons> ja jeg må levere inn masse ag-er
[18:20] <john_cons> men det er bare spioner i hv
[18:20] <epp> han påstår det er krig her, så den må han vel ta vare på.
[18:20] <john_cons> det er spioner overalt vøtt
[18:20] <john_cons> spioner her og spioner i hv
[18:20] <epp> til og med under senga di!
[18:21] <john_cons> ja ikke bare her, men også under senga
[18:21] <Elfkin> john_cons: nåh, det finnes vel knapt spioner nå til dags?
[18:21] <john_cons> nei nå får jeg ta litt spion-pause her
[18:21] <john_cons> vi får ta en sånn spion-prat seinere igjen tror jeg
[18:21] <john_cons> så får dere ha en spion-fin dag i mellomtida
[18:21] <aNilsen> herre
[18:21] <john_cons> hadetbra
[18:21] <epp> ut å knipse bilder av småjenter?
[18:21] <aNilsen> mor
[18:21] <aNilsen> a
[18:21] <aNilsen> pule
[18:21] <aNilsen> r
[18:21] * john_cons has quit IRC (Quit: #spillegal er spiona vøtt)

Jeg lurer på om de #Spillegal-folka er noe spioner, eller noe, jeg. (In Norwegian)

Session Start: Wed May 27 01:21:34 2009
Session Ident: #Spillegal
[01:21] * Now talking in #Spillegal
[01:21] * Topic is '#Spillegal, where all happy gamers go to die. | dagens ord: ålbings'
[01:21] * Set by Buggz! on Tue May 26 19:40:57
[01:22] <john_cons> 26th May 2009 23:06:38 No referring link
[01:22] <john_cons>
[01:22] <john_cons> 26th May 2009 23:20:39 10000 kroner av stoltenberg for %C3%A5 skrive p%C3%A5 spillegal forumet&btnG=S%C3%B8k&meta=
[01:22] <john_cons>
[01:22] <john_cons> 26th May 2009 23:24:59 No referring link
[01:22] <john_cons> 'fikk 10000 kroner av stoltenberg for å skrive på spillegal'?
[01:22] <john_cons> hilsen statcounter
[01:22] <john_cons> ..
[01:23] <john_cons> noen i hamar
[01:23] <john_cons> VISITOR ANALYSIS
[01:23] <john_cons> Referring Link No referring link
[01:23] <john_cons> Host Name
[01:23] <john_cons> IP Address [Label IP Address]
[01:23] <john_cons> Country Norway
[01:23] <john_cons> Region Hedmark
[01:23] <john_cons> City Hamar
[01:23] <john_cons> ISP Xdsl Access And Service Provider In Norway
[01:23] <john_cons> Returning Visits 2
[01:23] <john_cons> Visit Length 2 hours 51 mins 41 secs
[01:23] <john_cons> VISITOR SYSTEM SPECS
[01:23] <john_cons> Browser Opera 9.64
[01:23] <john_cons> Operating System Windows Vista
[01:23] <john_cons> Resolution 1280x1024
[01:23] <john_cons> Javascript Enabled
[01:25] <john_cons> ..
[01:30] <SoRcS> uptime: 1w 1d 4h 43m 7s
[01:45] * ReverendJ has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Serai has quit IRC (
[01:45] * toget has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Lodpoff has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Scary has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Kumool has quit IRC (
[01:45] * epp has quit IRC (
[01:45] * SoRcS has quit IRC (
[01:45] * justincas has quit IRC (
[01:45] * omaen has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Micromus has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Incanus has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Elfkin has quit IRC (
[01:45] * tanna has quit IRC (
[01:45] * lettmelk has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Mjau has quit IRC (
[01:45] * Madsy has quit IRC (
[02:22] * lettmelk has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * ReverendJ has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Kumool has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Micromus has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Serai has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Mjau has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Lodpoff has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Scary has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * epp has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * SoRcS has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * justincas has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Madsy has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * toget has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * omaen has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Incanus has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * tanna has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * Elfkin has joined #Spillegal
[02:22] * sets mode: +ooo Lodpoff tanna Elfkin
[05:28] * Lodpoff has quit IRC (NO U!)
[05:28] * Lodin has joined #Spillegal
[05:59] * SG-medlem has joined #Spillegal
[05:59] * SG-medlem has quit IRC (Client Quit)
[06:43] <omaen> Har du noengang tatt feil john_cons?
[06:44] <Lodin> Teit spørsmål
[06:50] * Mjau has quit IRC
[06:52] * omaen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds)
[07:53] * Buggz has joined #Spillegal
[08:48] * Elfkin sets mode: +oo Buggz Lodin
[08:48] <Buggz> Elfkin, dette er min andre ident
[08:48] <Elfkin> ok
[09:29] * franlyktr has joined #Spillegal
[09:29] * Buggz has left #Spillegal
[09:29] * Buggz has joined #Spillegal
[09:29] <Buggz> Jammen Elfkin da.. :(
[09:32] <Elfkin> hva? :o
[09:32] <Elfkin> hakke lagt den inn enda dah
[09:32] <Buggz> Jeg ser det
[09:32] <Elfkin> prøv nå Buggz
[09:33] * Buggz has left #Spillegal
[09:33] * Buggz has joined #Spillegal
[09:33] * Elfkin sets mode: +o Buggz
[09:34] <Buggz> Top notch, chappo
[10:06] <tanna> =)
[10:06] <Buggz> Die Zahn
[10:07] <franlyktr> danzig
[10:09] <Kumool> *Danzig - Mother*
[11:11] * |Serai| has joined #Spillegal
[11:14] * Serai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[11:22] * Serai has joined #Spillegal
[11:25] * Serai|Thi has joined #Spillegal
[11:25] * |Serai| has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
[11:30] * Serai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
[11:40] * franlyktr has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out)
[11:41] * Serai has joined #Spillegal
[11:44] * omaen has joined #Spillegal
[11:44] * Serai|Thi has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
[11:56] * epp has quit IRC (don't panic!)
[13:06] * cyraxx has joined #Spillegal
[13:07] <cyraxx> cons blir ingen deals med deg stoler ikke på deg jeg
[13:07] <cyraxx> du sier en ting men gjør noe annet
[13:07] <Lodin> Dark?
[13:07] <cyraxx> nytter ikke stole på deg
[13:07] <cyraxx> var ikke cons Bannet her!
[13:08] <cyraxx> ja
[13:08] <cyraxx> hei lodde
[13:08] * Scary has quit IRC
[13:08] <Lodin> Sier seg selv med tanke på at Ribsskog er sprut spenna gal
[13:08] <cyraxx> jeg vil ikke bevege meg hit så lenge ha ner her inne
[13:08] <Lodin> Han er en annen person enn han du dro til Sverige med i 98
[13:08] <cyraxx> hvem da?
[13:08] <Lodin> Erik Ribsskog
[13:09] <cyraxx> jeg har en anmeldelse på ha njeg
[13:09] <cyraxx> Han kan mistet nettet sitt for godt
[13:09] <cyraxx> snakka med flere steder som har makt som ikke liker det han driver med
[13:09] <Lodin> Også lurer han på om du er involvert i mafian siden du likte no pizza på Thorshov...
[13:09] <cyraxx> Råder deg til å slutte med det for din egen del erik ribskog
[13:10] <cyraxx> kjenner ikke han jeg vet ikke hvem det er
[13:10] * Thinaran has joined #Spillegal
[13:11] <cyraxx> vel mafian trur jeg er helt andre steder
[13:11] <Lodin> Nei ikke etter at han ble sinnsykt og flykta til England
[13:11] <cyraxx> tviler på at dem er her
[13:11] <cyraxx> utenom disse pakkisene
[13:11] <Lodin> Men så er ikke du mentalt ustabil heller da :D
[13:12] <cyraxx> hva vet du om det
[13:12] <Lodin> Så du er det du og?
[13:12] <cyraxx> jeg sa et par ting for å teste han
[13:12] <cyraxx> hva har dette meg meg å gjøre snakket vi om ribba leler hva
[13:13] <Lodin> Jeg gadd ikke lese hele loggen fra samtalen deres.
[13:13] <Lodin> Men han posta alt sammen
[13:13] <cyraxx> vel du er jo ikke bedre du
[13:14] * cyraxx has left #Spillegal
[13:14] <Lodin> Jeg? Jeg har ikke blogg engang
[13:14] <Lodin> XD
[13:15] <Buggz> XD
[13:16] <Buggz> Denne kanalen har blitt så jævlig win
[13:16] <Lodin> Har jaggu tatt seg opp ja.
[13:17] <justincas> Indeed :D
[13:18] <Elfkin> Lodin: er det den faste hosten din?
[13:18] <Lodin> Denne Nextgentel greia ja
[13:20] <Lodin> Åssen det?
[13:20] <Elfkin> legger deg til med autoop
[13:20] <Buggz> /hop until you drop
[13:20] <Lodin> Åh
[13:20] <tanna> powah
[13:20] <Lodin> Vel IPen byttes stadig da
[13:21] <Elfkin> Lodin: prøv /hop nå..
[13:21] <tanna> rart, etter de siste dagers hendelser her på kanalen har vi fått flere op'er :p
[13:21] <Buggz> det er vel bare siste eller de siste to oktettene som byttes kanskje?
[13:21] * Lodin has left #Spillegal
[13:21] * Lodin has joined #Spillegal
[13:21] * Elfkin sets mode: +o Lodin
[13:21] <Elfkin> hmm, ikke helt god enda..
[13:21] <Elfkin> men den går seg til..
[13:21] <Buggz> imponerende lags du har
[13:21] <Lodin> :D
[13:22] <Lodin> imponerende laks du har
[13:23] <Buggz> den er mektig, det er den
[13:25] <Elfkin> indeed
[13:25] <Elfkin> Ah, ferietur med dama bestilt og betalt!
[13:25] <Elfkin> 2 uker på kreta blir DIGG <3
[13:25] <Buggz> Ah, ferietur og dame bestilt og betalt. :D
[13:26] <tanna> lålz
[13:27] <Elfkin> fniz
[13:27] <Elfkin> til og med våga meg til å be om høyere lønn i dag!
[13:27] <Buggz> :(     )
[13:27] <Buggz> og?
[13:28] <Lodin> Ah, Sims 3 bestilt og betalt
[13:28] <Lodin> UGUU~
[13:28] <Buggz> faktisk
[13:28] <Elfkin> Buggz: venter på svar.. 50k opp i lønn er kanskje litt optimistisk, men får satse høyt :)
[13:28] <Buggz> jeg vurderer å bestille og betale UT3 til PS3
[13:28] <Buggz> haha
[13:28] <Lodin> ewww
[13:28] <Buggz> Du er ewww
[13:28] <tanna> jeg hørte noe om gratis UT3 i helga på steam
[13:29] <justincas> var billig nå?
[13:29] <Buggz> tror jeg skal logge meg på steam og aktivere UT3 der til senere bruk en gang, ja
[13:29] <Buggz> justincas: 139 spenn både for 360 og PS3
[13:30] <Buggz> på cdon
[13:30] <Buggz> For de som er glad i konsoll og/eller ikke har spill-pc
[13:30] <Lodin> UT på konsoll ass
[13:31] <Buggz> JA!
[13:31] <Buggz> funker som faen
[13:31] <toget> hvem faen er cyraxx
[13:31] <toget> darkaxx?
[13:31] <Buggz> ja
[13:31] <Lodin> Butthurt etter at han dukka opp i Ribbsbloggen
[13:31] <toget> aha
[13:31] <toget> så han er butthurt ja
[13:31] <toget> begynte å lure
[13:31] <Lodin> Nå vet vi at han heter Alex og greier
[13:31] <Buggz> når Erik først skriver "skal prøve å ikke legge det ut på bloggen da"
[13:32] <toget> ja fae ass
[13:32] <Lodin> Erik lova jo å ikke gjøre det :D
[13:32] <Buggz> neste gang Dark viser seg må alle skrive ALEX!!! i caps
[13:32] <toget> men hva skjer med at Erik ikke er så flink i engelsk lenger?
[13:32] <Buggz> Lodin: Erik lovte å prøve :P
[13:32] <toget> ikke """Ingeborg""" som skriver de kanskje
[13:32] <Buggz> gudene vet
[13:32] <Lodin> Harke tid til å spellchecke
[13:33] <Buggz> spellcheck er en ting, men både grammatikk og linjeavstand går til helvete
[13:33] <Lodin> Erik er fanatsik på det
[13:33] <Lodin> I starten tror jeg faktisk han skrev svara sine her i Word og limte inn
[13:33] <toget> sånn sett greit at han skriver innleggene her
[13:33] <toget> og paster inn
[13:34] * franlyktr has joined #Spillegal
[13:41] * chris1414 has joined #Spillegal
[13:42] <chris1414> Den albanske mafian hilser til john_cons
[13:42] <Lodin> Grandis og pils!
[13:42] * chris1414 has left #Spillegal
[13:42] <justincas> :D
[13:43] <Lodin> AK47 i ballalajka-koffert
[13:43] <Buggz> Den albanske mafian frykter å havne på bloggen
[13:46] <Lodin> liveblog?
[13:47] <Buggz> vettafan
[13:47] <Buggz> Det står faen meg under "kultur" på aftenpoften
[13:47] <Lodin> :D
[13:48] <toget> OOOOOSlo
[13:48] <Buggz> <- "se avgjørelsen direkte her"
[13:48] <toget> surprise surprise
[13:48] <toget> nrkp3 sa det nå
[13:48] <Buggz> ok
[13:48] <Thinaran> NRK1 sa det og
[13:48] <Buggz> rart det der
[13:48] <toget> bare oslo som har stor nok kapasitet ja
[13:49] <toget> skuffa Thinaran?
[13:49] <Thinaran> Hadde ikke forventet annet
[13:49] <Lodin> =D
[13:50] <Lodin> Nå må du utsette deg selv for flytur og greier
[13:52] <Thinaran> jepp
[13:52] <Thinaran> Jeg skal overnatte hos deg
[13:52] <Lodin> Spørs om jeg gidder rydde sofaen
[13:53] <Buggz> :D
[13:54] <franlyktr> jeg skal demonstrere i gatene
[13:55] <Thinaran> under homoparaden?
[13:55] <Buggz> = 403 forbidden!
[13:55] <Buggz> fffffff
[13:56] <Thinaran> eid
[13:58] <Thinaran>
[13:58] <Thinaran> :D :D
[13:59] <Madsy> Buggz: Så flott da :D
[13:59] <Madsy> Da får alle SC-fanatikerene seg en pause.
[14:00] <Lodin> Funker her desverre
[14:00] * Lodin is now known as Lodpoff
[14:00] <Lodpoff> Fortsette på Twilight Princess
[14:00] <Buggz> :O
[14:01] <Madsy> Super Metroid her.
[14:01] <Buggz> :O
[14:01] <Buggz> Lodpoff: second run?
[14:02] <Buggz> Thinaran: utrolig teit på en artig måte
[14:02] <Lodpoff> jeh
[14:02] <Buggz> langt?
[14:06] <Buggz> come long?
[14:11] <Thinaran> kan ikke skrive mens man peiver
[14:35] <Elfkin> john_cons: Har du levert inn AG'en din etter du var i HV egentlig?
[14:36] <Buggz> Ikke før han får rettigheta!
[14:37] * Buggz has quit IRC (Quit: oh snap, my rights..)
[14:48] * Thinaran has left #Spillegal
[14:53] * Wakka has joined #Spillegal
[15:12] * aslak has joined #Spillegal
[15:12] * franlyktr has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:16] * Lodpoff is now known as Lodin
[15:21] * Buggz has joined #Spillegal
[15:54] * Lodin is now known as Lodpoff
[15:59] <john_cons> ag-en nei, den ligger hos city selfstorage sammen med det sølvkruset fra 1700-tallet som er på bloggen osv
[16:00] <john_cons> det gikk litt raskt i svingene når jeg dro til sunderland
[16:15] * mEvans has joined #Spillegal
[16:19] <mEvans> god ettermiddag, herremenn
[16:30] <toget> john_cons: sikker på at det ligger der fortsatt?
[16:30] <toget> de pleier å tømme folk som ikke betaler
[16:33] <Kumool> Har nok blitt solgt for lengst.
[16:46] * Buggz has quit IRC
[16:47] <john_cons> neida, jeg har sagt fra til dem om det
[16:47] <john_cons> at dem bare må la hv røre det
[16:47] <john_cons> ingen andre
[16:48] <Lodpoff> MAFIAN!
[16:51] * Sjutten has joined #Spillegal
[16:52] * Kumool has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:52] * epp has joined #Spillegal
[16:53] <epp> hello bitches
[16:53] <Sjutten> Stoltenberg ringte igjen, forresten. Ville gi meg 20000 for å skrive på forumet resten av året.
[16:53] <Sjutten> Sa jeg skulle tenke på det.
[16:53] <Sjutten> Men nå er det party time!
[16:53] * Sjutten has quit IRC (have that bitches)
[16:53] <epp> shit, han tilbød meg bare 10,000
[16:55] <toget> jeg får 1000 for hver post jeg
[16:55] <toget> og en tier per linje jeg får john_cons til å skrive her inne
[16:55] <toget> har tjent en del de siste dagene
[16:55] <epp> det skulle jeg mene
[16:57] * aslak has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
[17:06] <john_cons> VISITOR ANALYSIS
[17:06] <john_cons> Referring Link No referring link
[17:06] <john_cons> Host Name
[17:06] <john_cons> IP Address [Label IP Address]
[17:06] <john_cons> Country Norway
[17:06] <john_cons> Region Oslo
[17:06] <john_cons> City Oslo
[17:06] <john_cons> ISP University Of Oslo
[17:06] <john_cons> Returning Visits 7
[17:06] <john_cons> Visit Length 2 hours 30 mins 8 secs
[17:06] <john_cons> VISITOR SYSTEM SPECS
[17:06] <john_cons> Browser Opera 9.64
[17:06] <john_cons> Operating System Windows Vista
[17:06] <john_cons> Resolution Unknown
[17:06] <john_cons> Javascript Enabled
[17:06] <john_cons> Navigation Path
[17:06] <john_cons> Date Time WebPage
[17:06] <john_cons> 27th May 2009 11:21:42 No referring link
[17:06] <john_cons>
[17:06] <john_cons> 27th May 2009 13:45:23 No referring link
[17:06] <john_cons>
[17:06] <john_cons> 27th May 2009 13:51:30 konspirerer mot ribsskog&btnG=S%C3%B8k&lr=
[17:06] <john_cons>
[17:06] <john_cons> 27th May 2009 13:51:50
[17:06] <john_cons>
[17:07] <john_cons> sjekk den da
[17:07] <toget> wooohoo
[17:07] <toget> takk john_cons
[17:07] <john_cons> 'sexbomb konspirerer mot ribbskog'
[17:07] <toget> 200 kroner til inn på kassa
[17:07] <toget> ja
[17:07] <toget> %23 foran betyr #
[17:07] <toget> bare så du vet det
[17:07] <john_cons> jeg visste egentlig at det var hash da
[17:07] <toget> hvordan vet jeg det kan du spørre
[17:07] <john_cons> fordi du er en nerd
[17:08] <toget> jo det er fordi det var jeg som søkte
[17:08] <john_cons> åkey, er du han russeren
[17:08] <toget> det er jeg som bor på kringsjå
[17:08] <john_cons> som bare spiser barnemat
[17:08] <toget> nei
[17:08] <toget> det er ikke meg
[17:08] <john_cons> hehe
[17:08] <toget> bare fordi jeg leste om det
[17:08] <john_cons> lite ikke da
[17:08] <john_cons> busted vøtt
[17:08] <toget> TENK
[17:08] <john_cons> åkey så sier vi det
[17:08] <toget> faen
[17:08] <john_cons> du er han der
[17:08] <toget> der tok du meg ass
[17:08] <john_cons> hehe
[17:08] <john_cons> gregussen
[17:08] <toget> jeg stikker å dreper noen politimenn
[17:09] <toget> roer meg ned
[17:09] <toget> (kødda)
[17:15] <mEvans> 420!
[17:16] <mEvans> four twenty
[17:22] <mEvans> borneo function
[17:25] <toget> skjera john_cons
[17:25] <toget> hvorfor ble du så stille
[17:25] <toget> jeg tjener ikke penger fra stoltenberg på det
[17:26] * tormod has joined #Spillegal
[17:29] <epp> john_cons: Hasj?
[17:30] <Wakka> tror det er noen sterkere stoffer han bruker
[17:33] <epp> Jeg tror han fikk et skudd med Lidocaine her om dagen...
[17:33] <epp> (han var jo hos tannlegen)
[17:35] <john_cons> du er i usa du toget
[17:35] <john_cons> jeg synes du sa du hadde tatt det søket fra uio
[17:35] <john_cons> *riste på hue*
[17:36] <epp> Det sitter godt?
[17:40] <epp> han du cons i nicket ditt fordi du er en con-man?
[17:40] <epp> en lurings
[17:47] <mEvans> eller står det for convict?
[17:49] <john_cons> jobber dere for amrikanera alle sammen eller
[17:49] * john_cons has quit IRC (Quit: spillgal-folka er spioner)

E-post til Landlord. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Reminder/Fwd: Update about repairs

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Reminder/Fwd: Update about repairs

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:10 PM



I haven't recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm sending it again.

Also, all my clothes got distroyed now, when I handwashed them, so I had to buy new

clothes at Matalan, because I'm not used to washing clothes by hand, and did it wrong,
so the colour disappeared in patches, from the clothes.

So please fix the washing-machine and the other things now!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, May 17, 2009 at 10:00 PM
Subject: Update about repairs
To: Lorna Murphy <>

Hi Lorna,

a repair-guy was here today, to fix the washing-machine and the stove.

I'm just updating about the repairs.

The washing-mashine still don't work, it stops in the middle of the program.

The stove still don't work, it doesn't get warm, were one prepare frozen pizzas and things like that.

And, the boiler still isn't working eighter, like I've explained to you earlier.

So I think you perhaps should change repair-companies, since they have 'fixed' three things this week,
and none of them works.

Sorry about the delay with the rent again.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

E-post fra the Jobcenter. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - FW: Complaint about Mrs. Henderson at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter in Liverpool

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

FW: Complaint about Mrs. Henderson at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter in Liverpool


Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:00 PM



Good afternoon Mr

I received your e-mail today and am
seeking to involve the Jobcentre Manager in the response. You should have
this within 10 days.






tel 0141
435 6015

Save Paper - Do you really need to print this e-mail?

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog
Sent: 27 May 2009 05:40
Employer Direct Vacancies
Subject: Complaint about Mrs. Henderson at
the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter in Liverpool


I was at 26 week review meeting, at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter, in

on Thursday last week.

This incident has been runing a bit in the back of my head, since

Now I think that I should send a complaint about what happened in the

since I was a bit intimidated, by Mrs. Henderson.

I thought that the meeting had ended a couple of times, because there

several things that was being gone through, in the meeting, in


There were several things on the agenda in the meeting, but I didn't
have the

agenda, so I a couple of times, thought that the meeting was over.

But then Mrs. Henderson said that, if I did that again she was going to

me what she did to men, who didn't do like she said.

I've been having this in the back of my head.

And Mrs. Henderson also found jobs that where low paid, for me, and
that weren't

full-time, and that were in Southport, and places like that, even if I have
a good

education and am an experienced manager.

So I also think this seemed aquard.

But the main complaint is that Mrs. Henderson intimidated me, and
threatened me,

and told me that I had to sit down, or else she was going to tell me what

did with men that didn't do like she said.

I think Mrs. Henderson went to far with this comment.

Both of us in the meeting were adult, and even if I'm unemployed at the

I don't think I should accept being threated condesending, or

So I think there are some under-laying feelings or something, that makes

Henderson not threat me objective, in the meetings.

Or at least that's how it seems to me.

So I think that I should send a complaint about this, since now I'm not
looking forward

to meeting Mrs. Henderson again, since she acted out of line, I have to
say, in the

meeting, for some reason.

So I hope you can check out what this was about, because I don't people

accept to be threated poorly, just because they are unemployed at a


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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E-post til (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM

englandhelpline <>

it didn't explain this much on the LCS website, but I think this is above my human rights, since I'm
being bullied and tortured almost, in the process with this employment-case.

That I'm being percecuted, on work, and being tortured/bullied by the Government, in Norway

and the UK, since I'm a refugee from Norway, since I overheard that I was followed by the 'mafia'
there, in 2003, and then went to Britain.

So I think the problems at work at Arvato, could in some way be related to this, or/and that I

after 2005, when I went to Liverpool.

Then I contacted the police in Norway and Britain, but the police and other Government institutions,
in both contries have refused to give me my right, and give advice, tell me what's going on.

The Arvato-case, was really a crime-case, since the bullying was illigal, but the police, refused
to investigate.

I complained to the IPCC, about many things that the Merseyside Police did wrong, that was

worse than some of the things that were in the media, after the protests in London earlier this

And the Police lied and said that the CAB was Government.

And they sent me a letter calling me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', even if Brits should know that

Erik is a boys/mans-name since you in the UK have the quite famous movie 'Erik the Viking'.

(The IPCC stopped answering my correspondence, and the Home Office don't want to interact,
even if they found the IPCC)

So this is like torture to me, that noone tells me what's going on.

So I think this is about my human rights really.

I've sent about this to the UN.

I'm going to find that e-mail now:


Erik Ribsskog <>



Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:23 AM


Reminder/Fwd: Complaint about that the UK don't let me apply for assylum/Fwd: Problems with UK Border Agency


hide details May 26 (1 day ago)


Follow up message


I can't see that I've recieved a reply to this e-mail yet, so I'm trying to send it again.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, May 12, 2009 at 8:10 AM
Subject: Complaint about that the UK don't let me apply for assylum/Fwd: Problems with UK Border Agency


I've overheard that I'm being followed by the mafia, which seems to be an organisation set up by Jens Chr.

Hauge, in Norway, after the war, and who persectued my grandfather Johannes Ribsskog, since he appearantly
had insulted the elite in the Norwegian labour-party after the war, the Gerhardsen and Stoltenberg-families,

an American P.I. in London wrote about to me, telling me, earlier this year.

I was chased by someone that seemed like a hunting-team, in Norway in 2005, but got away, and went to

I contacted the Merseyside Police, but then they didn't want to give any help.

I then got a job for Bertelsmann, working for their Scandinavian Microsoft-activation.

I was bullyied and I think I have to say persecuted at work, which I again contacted the Merseyside Police about
in 2006, but again they didn't give any help, even if I had documents from work, showing this.

I then complained, to the IPCC, but they haven't really done anything, neighter have the Home Office, which I complained
about the IPCC to, since the Home office found them.

The Home Office haven't done anything, so I've contated Downing Street, but the have now twice just sent it back to the

Home Office, even if The Office are really just messing with me, one have to say.

I didn't know where to go, being a refugee, in 2005.

But now, I've got the files from the American P.I in London, and it seems like this is political.

So I went to the Home Office, to apply for assylum.

But the woman on the assylum-meeting, just told me I wasn't allowed to apply for assylum, to the

UK, since I was from a European country.

But, I think that international law, gives me the right to apply for assulym, since I'm being persecuted in Norway.

So I sent an e-mail to the Home Office, (which I'm forwarding with this e-mail), but they haven't replied.

So I thought I could try to contact the UN, and assure me that I'm right, that I have the right to apply
for assylum when I'm being persecuted in another country, like i even can document about now.

Hope you have the chance to help me with answering this e-mail, sorry if I sent it a bit wrong, but I have

a blog, since I'm being persecuted, and then I can publish the e-mails, if I send them to a valid e-mail

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Subject: Problems with UK Border Agency


I was at the Border Agency in Liverpool today, since I'm being persecuted by the Norwegian
Government, by some mafia or gladio that's under their control, due to that my grandfather,

Johannes Ribsskog, offended someone in the Gerhardsen and Stoltenberg-families, in the
Norwegian Arbeiderpartiet-party, it seems, from what I've been told.

I've also been persecuted in Britain, I was harassed when I worked for Bertelsmann/Microsoft,
and the Police and the IPCC and you at the Home Office, have been 'messing' with me, in

a case that's now at the Prime Ministers Office.

I've also been recieved funny letters, threat-letters, this year, from Germany and Liverpool,

while I have been staying in Liverpool, with strange drawings, and the German one had
a strange pyramide, so this could be some Illuminati-stuff etc.

I had an agreement to claim asylum in the UK, today, at 9 am.

But, I was told, that one couldn't get asylum, if one were from a European country.

But I think they must have meant the EU.

But Norway aren't in the EU, and I tried to explain this, because, Norway and the UK, aren't

the same country, since Norway aren't in the EU.

So then it should be possible for me, to claim asylum, to the UK, in accordance to normal

international principles and laws, I reckon.

So I would please like to complain about your representative, and I hope you can sort this out,

so that I can get asylum, since I'm being persecuted.

(Why would they give me an appointment, if people from Norway can't claim asylum?

I doesn't make any sense to me, I'm afraid).

I hope you can sort this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

So I think this is about my human rights, but the employment-case is also about discrimination

due to gender, by a woman manager there against me, and it seems that young women where
exploited in the company, so this case could also help uncover about that.

It was also one case of harassment against me from a manager because of age.

So mainly a case about human rights, but also about discrimination about gender and age, and
possbly due to race, since Norwegians were treated poorly there.

Norwegians had to answer phone-calls in three languages, so Norwegians had to do much more

work, without getting more pay.

The Freemason-stuff could be linked with sionist/kabbalistic thinking that I read is about Jew
supprimacy, over the blond/Nordic people.

And I've read on the net that Bertelsmann sponsor sionist spy-organisastions, so this could

be that the company is run according to Moses Hess' idology of sionism, that said that Jews
are supperior to Nordic/blond people, because it was only the blond women who was crying
there, and the people using the kabbalistic manipulation were dark-haired.

And I'm also Norse, and I was bullied almost to death there, with that I had to take so meny
Danish calls, and work so much overtime.

So I'm sure really, that it was discrimination against the Norse race there at Bertelsmann.

So this case is about human rights, and discrimination to do with gender, age and race, is
clear to me.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

E-post fra (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation


Wed, May 27, 2009 at 3:26 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

englandhelplinereplies <>

Good Afternoon

Thank you for your email enquiry. The Equality and Human Rights Commission Helpline provides information and advice to individuals who feel they have been discriminated against. We currently cover six strands of discrimination: gender,
race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. The commission also has a mandate to promote understanding of the Human Rights Act. It is not clear from your email which strand your issue relates to so please provide further information.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against on one of the above strands, please email us at or call our helpline on 0845 604 6610

Kind Regards,

Equality and Human Rights Commission

0845 604 6610 - England telephone

0845 604 6620 - England textphone

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 May 2009 02:15

To: englandhelpline

Subject: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

[Quoted text hidden]

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E-post til Solvit. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Henvendelse om brudd på EØS-avtalen

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Henvendelse om brudd på EØS-avtalen

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:14 PM

Solvit Norway <>


men skal jeg sende det til EU da, jeg er jo fra et EFTA-land?

Vennligst forklar.

Og hvorfor svarer ikke Nærings- og handelsdepartementet?

Igjen på forhånd takk for forklaring.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

2009/5/27 Solvit Norway <>

Det vises til henvendelser per e-post 5. og 26. mai om mulig
brudd på EØS-avtalen. Dersom du mener at britiske myndigheter har brutt
EØS-avtalen, kan du sende en henvendelse til EU-kommisjonen.

Vennlig hilsen

Jostein Røynesdal


og handelsdepartementet

oss på


Denne e-posten er beregnet for den institusjon eller
person den er rettet til og kan være belagt med lovbestemt taushetsplikt.
Dersom e-posten er feilsendt, vennligst slett den og kontakt Nærings- og

This email is confidential and may also be
privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the Ministry of
Trade and Industry, Norway, immediately.

Jeg har hatt det i bakhue at hu dama på the Jobcenter oppførte seg så rart, på et møte i forrige uke, så jeg sendte en klage om det. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Complaint about Mrs. Henderson at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter in Liverpool

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Mrs. Henderson at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter in Liverpool

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:39 AM



I was at 26 week review meeting, at the Williamsons Sq. jobcenter, in Liverpool,
on Thursday last week.

This incident has been runing a bit in the back of my head, since then.

Now I think that I should send a complaint about what happened in the meeting,
since I was a bit intimidated, by Mrs. Henderson.

I thought that the meeting had ended a couple of times, because there were

several things that was being gone through, in the meeting, in several

There were several things on the agenda in the meeting, but I didn't have the
agenda, so I a couple of times, thought that the meeting was over.

But then Mrs. Henderson said that, if I did that again she was going to show
me what she did to men, who didn't do like she said.

I've been having this in the back of my head.

And Mrs. Henderson also found jobs that where low paid, for me, and that weren't
full-time, and that were in Southport, and places like that, even if I have a good
education and am an experienced manager.

So I also think this seemed aquard.

But the main complaint is that Mrs. Henderson intimidated me, and threatened me,
and told me that I had to sit down, or else she was going to tell me what she

did with men that didn't do like she said.

I think Mrs. Henderson went to far with this comment.

Both of us in the meeting were adult, and even if I'm unemployed at the moment,

I don't think I should accept being threated condesending, or patronised.

So I think there are some under-laying feelings or something, that makes Mrs.
Henderson not threat me objective, in the meetings.

Or at least that's how it seems to me.

So I think that I should send a complaint about this, since now I'm not looking forward
to meeting Mrs. Henderson again, since she acted out of line, I have to say, in the

meeting, for some reason.

So I hope you can check out what this was about, because I don't people should
accept to be threated poorly, just because they are unemployed at a specific


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Arvato Irland er også ivrige lesere av johncons-blogg. (In Norwegian)

irland 1

irland 2

Jeg holder fortsatt på med den Arvato-saken, innimellom alt det andre. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:14 AM



I searched on the LSC database, for lawyers that one could apply for legal aid founding through,
and your organisation showed up.

I worked at Bertelsmanns Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, and

since then I've been trying to get an employment-case through the legal-system, but I haven't
found any lawyers who have wanted to help, even if I've been in meetings with many solicitior-


This could be because of that big companies like Bertelsmann and Microsoft are involved,
and the case is about illigal management-methods being used reinforcement/punishment,

and a lot of bullying from Arvato-managers in Liverpool.

(I suspect women were manipulated there by some freemasons as well, by using some
kabbalish methods etc., but this is just something I mention by the way).

I have a lot of documentation about the problems there, it was horrible, we were threated
like slaves almost, I think I have to say.

With team-leaders bullying us all the time, and we were asked to do impossilbe work-tasks,

like I was asked to take Danish call, just as fine as I did Norwegian calls, even if I'm from
Norway, and the Danish language has a quite unclear pronounsiation, which is commonly
known in all of Scandinavia, making it difficult to understand, and to speak.

Neverheless, I had to sit all day taking Danish calls, for months, (on top of the Norwegian
and Swedish calls), which for a Norwegian is tirering, so it was like they didn't hire Danish

speakers to tire me, so that I had to quit.

The things I mention here, and more, should be well documented in a group I have at a
web-publishing site called Scribd:

I hope that you have a chance to help me with this case, since I suspect that these are problems,
that still goes on, today, in the Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft product-activations around the world.

These campaigns lacked a main goal, and one could almost speculate, from what I heard, behind
my back, that I was there to get the young women to calm down, to stay there longer.

Probably said by some Freemasons/Illuminati, in a big open office-landscape, in the Cunard

Building, in Liverpool, with many hundred people working, so I didn't see who said this, but
this is what I overheard, that my real job was to calm the women down, so that the masons
could exploit them for a longer periode of time.

So, since there is no main-goal, (at least that we got to hear, I worked there for more than a year),
due to this, one could suspect, that all Bertelsmann Microsoft Product-activations, are just

phoney, there wasn't much empasis put on the actual calls, but most calls where activated,
without much fuss, some women their told me they just let everything through, which seemed
to me, to be the case with most of the people, (mostly young, scandinavian woman), who

worked there.

So if the (real) purpose of these activations are to gather a number of pretty, young women,
in a big office building-envoronment, so that these girls could be exploitet, in other offices

in the buidling etc.

This was how it seemed to me.

I think this should be looked closer at, so I'm trying to get a lawyer to help me with this
case, so I hope you have the chance to have a look at this!

Yours sincererly,

Erik Ribsskog

StatCounter: Noen søker på 'fikk 10000 kroner av stoltenberg for å skrive på spillegal forumet', på Google. Hm. (In Norwegian)

hamar 1

hamar 2å%20skrive%20på%20spillegal%20forumet&btnG=Søk&meta=

Fler bilder fra Liverpool. (In Norwegian)


Han på bildet over, med olabukse vel, og ganske skalla hår, han bor i en av etasjene over meg da.

Men det som var, når jeg gikk ut, så var han i trappa da, rett nedenfor døra mi.

Så han måtte ha hørt at jeg åpna døra.

Men han så ikke mot meg, for å si hei.

Han bare lata som at han var aleine der, og løfta ikke blikket i trappa, men gikk videre.

Så jeg lurte på om det var noe med han, for folk i England pleier alltid å hilse da, men han der bare unngikk å møte blikket mitt, virka det som for meg, enda han så ut som at han var godt oppe i åra, så han burde vite å oppføre seg.

Så det syntes jeg var litt rart, så jeg bare tok noe bilde, bare for moro skyld, så og si.

Det er han som har bilen på de to neste bildene og, han parkerte ovenfor Moorfields der, heter det vel.

Jeg så ikke om det var fler i bilen.

Men men.

Samme det.

Bare noe jeg syntes var litt raritet, at det kunne være noe galt, for jeg har ikke sett han fyren før, enda jeg har bodd her i tre år, og han løfta ikke blikket, i trappa, enda han måtte ha hørt at jeg var der.

Ville han ikke bli sett eller?

Noe var det nok.

Så sånn var det.




Jeg huska ikke hvilken buss som gikk til Matalan.

Jeg prøvde å spørre tre bussjåfører, men ingen ville si det.

Så da ble jeg litt irritert.

Den endte med at jeg tok Walton-bussen, (21-bussen), til London Rd.




Da måtte jeg gå noen hundre meter til Weavertree Rd., eller noe sånt vel(?)

Hun her fortalte meg at det var 79-bussen som gikk til Matalan, så hun skylder jeg nesten en tjeneste, det var høflig gjort:




På det bildet her, fra 79-bussen, så er det et sånt 'bridewell', eller noe.

Av samme slaget som er på Evertons klubbmerke.

Men dette er ikke det som er på Evertons emblem, dette er et annet et som står i Weavertree, eller noe.

Everton er en kilometer eller to unna vel.

Hvis jeg ikke hadde gått av 21-bussen, så hadde jeg nok kommet til det tårnet som står i Everton.

Jeg leste om det her på Wikipedia.

Jeg tror disse to er de to viktigste sånne gamle 'round-houses' da, som er bevart, i Liverpool-området da.

Noe sånt.

Jeg tok bilder av det i Everton og, da jeg skulle til tannlegen, og bestille time, for noen uker siden.

Så sånn er det.












Jeg hadde ikke noe koffert, for da jeg dro til England, så var jeg på flukt fra Norge, noen jagde meg fra gården til onkelen min, i Larvik.

Så da jeg kom til England, i 2005, så hadde jeg bare en sportbag jeg hadde kjøpt på flyplassen i Amsterdam.

Men nå, så tenkte jeg, at jeg burde jo ha en koffert og, i 'tilfelle rottefelle'.

Så da kjøpte jeg med en koffert i samme slengen, mens jeg kjøpte klær der.

Så kunne jeg ta klærna i kofferten på bussen, om ikke annet.

Så sånn var det.








På Netto, så satt det ei svensk dame i kassa, som het Amanda.

Hun hørte det på aksenten min, at jeg var fra Norge.

Det var hyggelig å treffe noen felles skandinaver, når man er i butikken osv.

Hun Amanda, var ikke student, eller noe, men jobba bare, sa hu.

Hu bodde visst oppe i Weavertree-området der.

Hu skulle visst tilbake til Sverige, om et par uker.

Men men.

Jeg ga henne adressen til bloggen her, så kunne hu eventuelt lese hvis hu hadde tid og skjønte skriften min.

Vi får se.


Nesten alle klærna mine ble sånn, når jeg skulle vaske dem selv, for hånd, så jeg måtte kjøpe nye klær idag:




Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
