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tirsdag 21. september 2010

Noen i Spania søker på 'Ribsskog konspirasjon'. Det var spesielt. Hm

noen i spania søker

Jeg tror det her må være halv-søsteren, til min kusine Rahel Savoldelli, (og datteren til Reto Savoldelli), som plutselig kontaktet meg på Facebook

solveig savoldelli


Her er mer om henne.

Jeg mener det stod at Rahel var søstera hennes der, istad.

Men men.

Her er mer om dette:

det stod at rahel var søstera istad

Jeg synes forresten at noen av detaljene på Berger kirke, kanskje minner litt om en stavkirke?

Jeg skal se om jeg klarer å få lastet opp de skjermbildene, som jeg lagret om dette.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:

minner litt om stavkirke

ligner på stavkirke 2

PS 2.

Da jeg ble konfirmert, i Berger kirke, i 1985 vel.

Så ville ikke faren min kjøre meg helt fram til kirken, (i sin ganske nye Mercedes E230 vel, som han hadde importert, (og hentet), selv, fra Tyskland).

Kanskje det var fordi at den kirken har et sånt stavkirke-aktig design?

Og at faren min ikke liker norske ting?

Men at han er f.eks. en illuminist, og bare liker tyske ting, osv?

Hvem vet.

Vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

PS 3.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post, om disse tingene, til Svelvik Menighet:

Gmail - Attest for konfirmasjon mm.


Erik Ribsskog

Attest for konfirmasjon mm.

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:00 PM



jeg har overhørt at jeg er forfulgt i Oslo, av noe som kalles 'mafian', i 2003.

Og jeg ble forsøkt drept, i Larvik, i 2005.

Men jeg får ingen av mine rettigheter, fra myndighene.

Så jeg bor som en flykning, i England, (men jeg får ikke lov å være flyktning, av myndighetene her).

Men men.

Jeg driver å skriver noe memoarer, om alt jeg har gjort, hele livet.

Jeg lurte på, er det mulig å få en attest, på at jeg ble konfirmert, i Berger kirke, våren 1985?

(Jeg vet at jeg allerede har fått en dåpsattest av dere, og at jeg nok maser fælt).

Men men.

Min fars foreldre, Ågot Mogan Olsen og Øivind Olsen, de ville heller bli begravet i Svelvik kirke, enn i Berger kirke.

Enda de bodde på Sand, som hører til Berger, på den måten, at de som bor på Sand, de må gå på Berger skole, osv.

Og enda begge mine fars foreldre, hadde bodd i mange år på Berger, og jobba for Jebsen.

Min farfar som snekker, (som senere startet eget verksted, på Sand da), og min farmor som tjenestepike, på Berger gård da, var det vel, (ihverfall for Jebsen).

Men, vet dere i kirken i Svelvik, hva det kom av, at de heller ville begraves i Svelvik kirke?

Min far, Arne Mogan Olsen, han ville ikke kjøre meg helt fram til Berger kirke, da jeg skulle konfirmeres.

Og han ville ikke være med i konfirmasjonsmiddagen, som bestemor Ågot stelte til, i huset sitt på Sand.

Var dette fordi at Berger kirke har noe lignende av stavkirke-design?

Stemmer dette, at arkitekturen, på Berger kirke, minner om stavkirkene, i designen, synes dere?

Vet dere noe om hvordan dette hang sammen?

Jeg har kuttet kontakten med min far, og hans familie, etter at han lot meg bo alene fra jeg var ni år, og også har seksuelt misbrukt min søster, Pia Ribsskog, sa hun, i 1989, og etter at min far 'bølleringte' mye, til meg her i Liverpool, og ringte til alle døgnets tider, i fjor, var det vel.

Så derfor spør jeg dere om disse tingene.

Håper dette er i orden.

Jeg fikk faktisk 'S' i kristendom et år, (selv om jeg meldte meg ut av statskirken ifjor, var det vel, siden jeg har noen innpåslitne vel, Jehovas Vitner i slekta, Inger Olsen fra Sande osv., er min filletante, gift med min fars yngste bror, Runar Mogan Olsen.

Og min fars stedatter, Christell Humblen, har en halvbror, på Vestlandet, Bjørn Humblen, som er ny-utmeldt, av Johanitterordenen.

Men de har ikke engang fortalt meg, at noen i deres slekt, hadde forbindelse til den ordenen.

Så da fikk jeg litt noia her, da jeg leste om det i Aftenpostens arkiv, tilfeldigvis, gitt.

Men men.

Så sånn er det.

På forhånd takk for eventuelt svar!


Erik Ribsskog

I dag var jeg på Employment Zones-møte, hos Sencia. Det virka ganske bra, kanskje jeg kan få noe ut av det. Vi får se



Jeg tenkte, at kanskje jeg kan få hjelp av Sencia, til de tingene, som f.eks. JET og NITO, ikke vil hjelpe meg med.

Som hjelp med å få CV-en bra, og kanskje til å eventuelt komme meg på noe kurs i Web-design, eller lignende.

(Siden samarbeidet mitt med JET og Liverpool Community College, ikke går så bra.

Jeg har jo egentlig meldt meg på et kurs i web-design, neste måned, hos Liverpool Community College.

Men de har ikke kontaktet meg tilbake.

Og hun som er min kontaktperson hos JET, hun svarer meg ikke på e-poster lenger, etter at jeg klagde på CV-en som hun lagde for meg.

Og jeg har jo klagd på JET til the Council.

Og jeg synes det virker så useriøst.

Så tror kanskje det er bedre å ta sånne kurs-ting, gjennom Sencia da eventuelt.

Siden min kontaktperson hos JET, (Gillian et eller annet), ikke svarer meg, når jeg sender henne e-poster.

Det blir jo bare helt lavmål, må jeg vel nesten si.

Men men).

Og kanskje eventuelt få hjelp til å få en erklæring fra Naric, her i England, om at jeg egentlig har IT-kunnskaper som er tilsvarende en Bachelor-grad.

Vi får se om det er mulig.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Men det som var dumt, med det møtet, når jeg tenker på dette mer, i ettertid.

(Det som jeg skrev ovenfor, det var jo min umiddelbare reaksjon, da jeg nettopp hadde kommet tilbake fra dette møtet, hos Sencia).

Men det var jo sånn.

At jeg kom meg dit, akkurat presis vel, (vil jeg si), klokka 13.30.

Pluss minus et par minutter.

Og da var jeg sistemann, som dukka opp der, før kurset, eller 'the induction', som det kalles, begynte.

Det betyr vel innføringskurs da, eller opplysningsmøte, om hva Employment Zones er.

Og da fikk jeg en hel haug med skjemaer, (som er vanlig i England, uansett hva man prøver å ordne, nesten).

Og jeg ble bedt å fylle ut dem da.

Så fikk jeg akkurat begynt.

Og så begynte møtet.

Så jeg ble jo sittende der og fylle ut skjemaer, samtidig som møtet pågikk da.

For jeg trodde at de trengte de skjemaene raskt.

For alle de andre der var ferdige med skjemaene vel.

Så de hadde kanskje sittet der en stund, før jeg dukket opp.

Men men.

Så det var litt dumt, syntes jeg.

Men som man ser ovenfor, så tok jeg en pause, fra skjema-utfyllingen, innimellom.

Og skrev opp hva han karen, som holdt møtet, sa da.

I kalender-boka, eller i syvende sansen min, heter det vel kanskje, (ihvertfall het vel en sånn bok det, i gamle dager).

På 80-tallet het det filofax, eller 'filofax', eller skoledagbok.

Hva det heter på 10-tallet, det vet jeg ikke helt, skal jeg være ærlig.

(Hvis det heter 10-tallet.

Eller kanskje 2010-tallet?

Hvem vet).

Det var bare noe jeg kom på nå, noen timer etter at jeg var på det kurset.

Så da fikk jeg kanskje skrive om det og da, tenkte jeg.

Men det kan jo også ha vært sånn, at jeg det var jeg som misforstod.

Og at det egentlig ikke hasta med de skjemaene.

Det er mulig.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Local Government Ombudsman

Gmail - Complaint to LGO - case reference 10010684 email to complainant dated 21st September 2010 13:18


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint to LGO - case reference 10010684 email to complainant dated 21st September 2010 13:18

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:20 PM



thank you for your e-mail!

The reason that I contacted the Council, was regarding poor service from JET.

My address is:

Flat 3

5 Leather Lane
L2 2AE

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:18 PM, <> wrote:


Your ref:

Our ref: 10 010 684

(Please quote our reference when contacting us)

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Many thanks for your email and to action your complaint we need your address details.

Could you please advise why you made a complaint to Liverpool City Council in the first place.

Yours sincerely

Scott Hazell

NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.

Jeg sendte en klage til the Local Government Ombudsman

Gmail - Complaint about Liverpool City Council/Fwd: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV <<#22175-69051#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about Liverpool City Council/Fwd: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV <<#22175-69051#>>

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 6:27 AM



I wanted to please complain about, that one can't just send a complaint by e-mail, to the Liverpool City Council.

One have to write it on a special web-form.

I think that's strange, because an e-mail should be formal, in the way, that it has everything, that one need in a message, like I've learned in the army, in Norway.

It has date and time, and who the e-mails from, and who it's to.

So if I then add, 'I want to complaint', then I think it should be a formal complaint.

Why all this fuzz with the forms?

It's unpractical, I think.

And, with e-mails, one get to keep a copy of ones complaint.

So it's therefore easier, for the citizen, to keep track of the complaint.

And it's practical, if one have the information from before, in an e-mail.

So I can't see any good reasons for why a complaint sent by e-mail isn't formal.

So I wanted to please complain about this, that the Council don't accept complaints, other than if they are on 'funny' forms, (I think I have to call them, since one don't get a copy of what one have written etc).

Also, when I complained to you, in 2007, about Lifestyles Gym, then I wasn't asked to use a form.

Then the Council, (and you at the LGO), accepted my e-mail as a formal complaint.

I don't understand why the Council don't want to accept my complaint if it's in an e-mail.

So I wanted to please complain about this.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 6:18 AM
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV <<#22175-69051#>>
To: Liverpool Direct <>


this wasn't to Jet.

This was a complaint about Jet.

I now going to send this to the Local Government Ombudsman.

Hopefully they can look at this.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr Ribsskog

I have forwarded your enquiry to the JET service for them to respond to you. They will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you wish to make a complaint about the service you would need to fill out a form at the following link;

this can be done via email, as once the on-line form is filled in you can send it to us electronically.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 20/09/10 22:50:09 o'clock BST

To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


I'm sorry I don't mean to argue with you.

But, this is a formal complaint.

I shouldn't need to put it in a form, to make it formal.

I've sent complaints to the Council, by e-mail earlier.

So this make any sense to me.

Please tell me why you don't consider complaints sent in e-mails to be formal.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail about a complaint you wish to submit.

If you wish to make a formal complaint about JET please fill in the have your say form using the link that have been previously provided. Alternatively you can we are able to send you a Have Your say form through the post or you can pick one up at any one stop shop.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Received: 20/09/10 21:28:02 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


ok, I prefer to send a complaint by e-mail.

Since then I get to keep a copy of the complaint.

And also for practical reasons.

So I consider this my complaint, since I write 'I want to please complaint'.

Hope you understand what I mean.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about your complaint about JET.

I do not know the exact name of the person who will be dealing with your complaint but a formal complaint will be answered by the head of department. Any email addresses to belong to Liverpool City Council. I would advise you to complete your formal complaint online where a response will be provided within 2 weeks.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Received: 20/09/10 20:48:34 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


thank you for your e-mail!

So who within the Council, will answer my complaint about Jet.

(Within two weeks, like it says in your Complaint Procedure)?

I think it's a bit confusing, that the Council runs Jet.

Because then JET is both the Council and Jet.

It would have been easier to keep the overview if Jet was an independant organisation I think.

But now it's not clear for me what's going to happen.

Is someone employed by the Council going to look at my complaint against Jet?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about your complaint about JET.

Liverpool City Council provides the JET service so you can use the council's complaints procedure.

Details of our official complaints procedure can be found HERE - you can also submit your formal complaint online via the Have Your Say form.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 20/09/10 18:46:57 o'clock BST

Subject: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


I wanted to please complain about JET.

It seems they only accept complaints, that has to do with rasism.

Other than that, one can only send evaluation-forms.

I think they're then ignorant, as an organisation, and that they are degrading their clients.

I think Jet should have a proper complaint-procedure, like I know the Liverpool City Council and the Local Government Ombudsman has.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: CV

Hi again,

I read the e-mail from your collegue Mr. Birch again now, from 17/8, the one you refered to.

I think, that if you only accept complaints, in the form of evaluation-forms.

Then I think you really don't accept complaints.

So then I don't see any use, to go on with this.

You accept complaints that has to do with rasism, it seem to me.

So I think you are ignorant, as an organisation, if I can say my opinion.

So I don't think there's any use for me to go on with this.

I have already given you my feedback, in e-mails.

And if I'm only alowed to give feedback, but not to complain, then I think that sounds a bit strange.

It's like I'm being ridiculed then, I think.

I think you should have a complaint-process, like most organisations, like I know the Local Government Ombudsman has.

I see you are part of Liverpool City Council, so I think I can use their complaint procedure.

I'll have a think about this.

Sorry that I'm writing many e-mails.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: CV
To: "Elliott, Lorraine" <>


your college said she was going to send me an application-form.

And then I receieved the evaluation-form.

So it wasn't obvious what the evaluation-form was about.

But I reacon now, that it was regarding my meeting, with the Employability Team.

Anyway, it was after my contact with Naric, that I thought I had to complain, and not after the meeting there.

So this with that one only can complain, when one reseve your form, that doesn't really make any sense to me.

It didn't say, when I received the form, what it was regarding.

I think you should have sent a letter with it, to explain.

Since I was in continuous contact with JET, so it really didn't make any sense to me, at the time, unfortunately.

But thank you very much for informing me about this.

I'm going to Employment Zones now, so I can try to bring these issues up with them.

But I'll have a look at the e-mail from your collegue, from 17/8 again, and see what it says.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Elliott, Lorraine <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email.

Please be directed to the email sent to you by my colleague, Gary Birch, dated 17th August. I understand that you were sent an evaluation form to complete and return in the pre-paid envelope as your opportunity to comment on the standard of service you feel you have received. Gary’s e-mail also made clear what you should do if you believe you have been treated unfairly in any of your contacts with JET or more specifically the BME Employability Team.

Given the above actions undertaken by my colleagues, I am now no longer in a position to enter into written correspondence with you concerning the issues you raise.

Yours sincerely


Lorraine Elliott (Nee Hammond)

JET Manager

Liverpool East JET Service

Neighbourhood Employment Services

Job Bank

4 Tunnel Road


L7 6QD

0151 233 6177

0151 233 6117

07834 843648

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 10 September 2010 15:47
To: Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre)
Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: CV


thank you very much for your e-mail!

As I explained in one of the e-mails I sent yesterday.

Now, it's with the University of Sunderland.

I just got an e-mail from the University of Sunderland Alumni, telling me that they have passed my CV on to the right department, (the department who gives advice on careers etc).

So maybe we should wait untill I've heard from the University of Sunderland, about the assessing of my IT-skills.

Because I'm not that good at that myself.

You write that you haven't got founds for clients.

But when Working Links sent me to Jet, (last year, I think it was).

Then it was because you said you could found my course.

And I haven't received a statement from Naric.

That was just what it said on their website, that my Norwegian degree, was comparable with, in the UK.

But that was just about my degree.

I've also studied for two years, on a second 'home university', in Norway.

(And also in Sunderland).

So I've studied at three universities.

So that's why it's complicated, regarding if I'm at level 5 or 6.

I think I'm at level 6 really.

But my degree is only level 5.

This is a big differnce when one apply for work.

Because level 6-degrees, (Bachelor Degrees), are much more well known by employers, I think.

Therefore, I would have wanted a statement form Naric, telling me I'm at Bacehlor degree-level.

Because then I would easier get a job, I think.

Gillian told me, that you could found my course in Web-design, with Liverpool Community College.

But you write now, that '
do not have any funding available to offer clients'.

I suspect that you are lieing.

So I send this complaint to the manager for Jet, which I think is Lorraine Elliott.

I also want Jet to call Liverpool Community College, and ask why they haven't contacted me about the course that starts in October.

Is this some mob-activity?

I hope Lorraine Elliot cleans this up.

You others at Jet should be ashamed!

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre) <> wrote:

Hi Erik

In reply to the previous emails you have sent to my Guidance Officer (Gillian Hartley) regarding your CV, I would like to invite you in to the Jet office on Breck Road in order to go through your CV and to ensure that you are happy with the finished product.

It is my understanding that we do have a statement from Naric explaining that your qualification is equivalent to a Higher National Diploma. Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for any further services from Naric as at present as we do not have any funding available to offer clients.

If you can come in and see me, I will happily go through the CV with you and discuss how we can move forward and if we are able to offer you any further assistance.

I am available on Monday or Tuesday next week at the Breck Road Office. Please let me know when you are available to come and see me and what time?


Claire Walsh

Guidance Team Coordinator

Liverpool Jet Service

Neighbourhood Employment Services

49b County Road


L4 3QA

Tel: 0151 233 4027

Fax: 0151 233 4025

Mob: 07736883823



2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing


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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool Direct

Gmail - Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV <<#22175-69051#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV <<#22175-69051#>>

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 6:18 AM

Liverpool Direct <>


this wasn't to Jet.

This was a complaint about Jet.

I now going to send this to the Local Government Ombudsman.

Hopefully they can look at this.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr Ribsskog

I have forwarded your enquiry to the JET service for them to respond to you. They will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you wish to make a complaint about the service you would need to fill out a form at the following link;

this can be done via email, as once the on-line form is filled in you can send it to us electronically.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

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--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 20/09/10 22:50:09 o'clock BST

To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


I'm sorry I don't mean to argue with you.

But, this is a formal complaint.

I shouldn't need to put it in a form, to make it formal.

I've sent complaints to the Council, by e-mail earlier.

So this make any sense to me.

Please tell me why you don't consider complaints sent in e-mails to be formal.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your e-mail about a complaint you wish to submit.

If you wish to make a formal complaint about JET please fill in the have your say form using the link that have been previously provided. Alternatively you can we are able to send you a Have Your say form through the post or you can pick one up at any one stop shop.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

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--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Received: 20/09/10 21:28:02 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


ok, I prefer to send a complaint by e-mail.

Since then I get to keep a copy of the complaint.

And also for practical reasons.

So I consider this my complaint, since I write 'I want to please complaint'.

Hope you understand what I mean.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about your complaint about JET.

I do not know the exact name of the person who will be dealing with your complaint but a formal complaint will be answered by the head of department. Any email addresses to belong to Liverpool City Council. I would advise you to complete your formal complaint online where a response will be provided within 2 weeks.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

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--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Received: 20/09/10 20:48:34 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Subject: Re: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


thank you for your e-mail!

So who within the Council, will answer my complaint about Jet.

(Within two weeks, like it says in your Complaint Procedure)?

I think it's a bit confusing, that the Council runs Jet.

Because then JET is both the Council and Jet.

It would have been easier to keep the overview if Jet was an independant organisation I think.

But now it's not clear for me what's going to happen.

Is someone employed by the Council going to look at my complaint against Jet?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Liverpool Direct <> wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 69051

Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail about your complaint about JET.

Liverpool City Council provides the JET service so you can use the council's complaints procedure.

Details of our official complaints procedure can be found HERE - you can also submit your formal complaint online via the Have Your Say form.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Received: 20/09/10 18:46:57 o'clock BST

Subject: Complaint about JET/Fwd: CV


I wanted to please complain about JET.

It seems they only accept complaints, that has to do with rasism.

Other than that, one can only send evaluation-forms.

I think they're then ignorant, as an organisation, and that they are degrading their clients.

I think Jet should have a proper complaint-procedure, like I know the Liverpool City Council and the Local Government Ombudsman has.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: CV

Hi again,

I read the e-mail from your collegue Mr. Birch again now, from 17/8, the one you refered to.

I think, that if you only accept complaints, in the form of evaluation-forms.

Then I think you really don't accept complaints.

So then I don't see any use, to go on with this.

You accept complaints that has to do with rasism, it seem to me.

So I think you are ignorant, as an organisation, if I can say my opinion.

So I don't think there's any use for me to go on with this.

I have already given you my feedback, in e-mails.

And if I'm only alowed to give feedback, but not to complain, then I think that sounds a bit strange.

It's like I'm being ridiculed then, I think.

I think you should have a complaint-process, like most organisations, like I know the Local Government Ombudsman has.

I see you are part of Liverpool City Council, so I think I can use their complaint procedure.

I'll have a think about this.

Sorry that I'm writing many e-mails.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: CV
To: "Elliott, Lorraine" <>


your college said she was going to send me an application-form.

And then I receieved the evaluation-form.

So it wasn't obvious what the evaluation-form was about.

But I reacon now, that it was regarding my meeting, with the Employability Team.

Anyway, it was after my contact with Naric, that I thought I had to complain, and not after the meeting there.

So this with that one only can complain, when one reseve your form, that doesn't really make any sense to me.

It didn't say, when I received the form, what it was regarding.

I think you should have sent a letter with it, to explain.

Since I was in continuous contact with JET, so it really didn't make any sense to me, at the time, unfortunately.

But thank you very much for informing me about this.

I'm going to Employment Zones now, so I can try to bring these issues up with them.

But I'll have a look at the e-mail from your collegue, from 17/8 again, and see what it says.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Elliott, Lorraine <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email.

Please be directed to the email sent to you by my colleague, Gary Birch, dated 17th August. I understand that you were sent an evaluation form to complete and return in the pre-paid envelope as your opportunity to comment on the standard of service you feel you have received. Gary’s e-mail also made clear what you should do if you believe you have been treated unfairly in any of your contacts with JET or more specifically the BME Employability Team.

Given the above actions undertaken by my colleagues, I am now no longer in a position to enter into written correspondence with you concerning the issues you raise.

Yours sincerely


Lorraine Elliott (Nee Hammond)

JET Manager

Liverpool East JET Service

Neighbourhood Employment Services

Job Bank

4 Tunnel Road


L7 6QD

0151 233 6177

0151 233 6117

07834 843648

2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 10 September 2010 15:47
To: Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre)
Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: CV


thank you very much for your e-mail!

As I explained in one of the e-mails I sent yesterday.

Now, it's with the University of Sunderland.

I just got an e-mail from the University of Sunderland Alumni, telling me that they have passed my CV on to the right department, (the department who gives advice on careers etc).

So maybe we should wait untill I've heard from the University of Sunderland, about the assessing of my IT-skills.

Because I'm not that good at that myself.

You write that you haven't got founds for clients.

But when Working Links sent me to Jet, (last year, I think it was).

Then it was because you said you could found my course.

And I haven't received a statement from Naric.

That was just what it said on their website, that my Norwegian degree, was comparable with, in the UK.

But that was just about my degree.

I've also studied for two years, on a second 'home university', in Norway.

(And also in Sunderland).

So I've studied at three universities.

So that's why it's complicated, regarding if I'm at level 5 or 6.

I think I'm at level 6 really.

But my degree is only level 5.

This is a big differnce when one apply for work.

Because level 6-degrees, (Bachelor Degrees), are much more well known by employers, I think.

Therefore, I would have wanted a statement form Naric, telling me I'm at Bacehlor degree-level.

Because then I would easier get a job, I think.

Gillian told me, that you could found my course in Web-design, with Liverpool Community College.

But you write now, that '
do not have any funding available to offer clients'.

I suspect that you are lieing.

So I send this complaint to the manager for Jet, which I think is Lorraine Elliott.

I also want Jet to call Liverpool Community College, and ask why they haven't contacted me about the course that starts in October.

Is this some mob-activity?

I hope Lorraine Elliot cleans this up.

You others at Jet should be ashamed!

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Walsh, Claire (Jet Centre) <> wrote:

Hi Erik

In reply to the previous emails you have sent to my Guidance Officer (Gillian Hartley) regarding your CV, I would like to invite you in to the Jet office on Breck Road in order to go through your CV and to ensure that you are happy with the finished product.

It is my understanding that we do have a statement from Naric explaining that your qualification is equivalent to a Higher National Diploma. Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for any further services from Naric as at present as we do not have any funding available to offer clients.

If you can come in and see me, I will happily go through the CV with you and discuss how we can move forward and if we are able to offer you any further assistance.

I am available on Monday or Tuesday next week at the Breck Road Office. Please let me know when you are available to come and see me and what time?


Claire Walsh

Guidance Team Coordinator

Liverpool Jet Service

Neighbourhood Employment Services

49b County Road


L4 3QA

Tel: 0151 233 4027

Fax: 0151 233 4025

Mob: 07736883823



2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing


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